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MiKe C1 EOI Lorca 2016-2017

I always try to let fate decide. So lets say there was a popular show I
wanted to see but the tickets were really expensive. Id wait a couple of
days and then ring up to buy the tickets. If they were sold out, fate would
have decided for me

When it comes to difficult decisions, I find I often have to go with my gut

feelings. If I try to use reason, sometimes I go round and round in circles,
because there are just too many factors to consider

Feelings can be very deceptive. I try to make decisions in a completely

rational way and ignore what my emotions are trying to tell me

I find the easiest way to make a difficult decision is to make a points

system. If I had to decide whether to take a new job, for example, Id score
each advantage of the job with a positive number and each disadvantage
with a negative number. Then Id add them up and see if the total is positive
or negative

1. The example of changing your job shows you how complicated many of the
decisions we have to take are.
2. We often deceive ourselves about how we have arrived at a particular decision.
3. It is better to ignore your feelings when making a decision.
4. Leaders make good decisions because they have strong ideas.
5. We each need to work out a decision-making strategy for all problems and
stick to it
6. For complex problems, we are better off following our feelings.

1. to think things __________ means to consider things carefully
2. to suffer from __________ means to wonder if you have done the right thing
3. to base a decision on __________ facts means to decide using independent
4. to __________ reality means to alter what is real
5. to take our feelings into a __________ means to consider our feelings
6. to __________a decision means to argue that a decision is right

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