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NCC MERP definedmedication error as any preventable event that may cause or
lead to inappropiate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the
control of healt care professional, patient, or consumer. This is one of serious medical
error that can lead an irreversible damage to the patient health status.
Medication error presumed cause almost 7000 deaths every year. There are a wide
variety of error rates reported in the literature. In one study of 36 facilities, the
medication error rate was reported as 14.6%. Another study repported , in Indonesia
there were 1,563 medication errors of 7,662 drug doses reviewed.
There are variety of category where medication errors can occur, one of them divided
into 3 big phase; 1)Input; 2) Process, that are consist of prescribing stage, transcribing
or preparation stage, Dispending stage and Administration stage; and 3) Output

Figure 1. Indicator framework of the medication error (Nerich et al.,


( nah ya ini
yang ME di
datanya tuh
aku ambil
yang terjadi

II. Methods
The methods used in this study are literature Review by analyzed and summarize
datas from resources such as articles and journals.
III. Results and Discussion
(untuk result aku gak ambil semuanya, aku cuma ngambil yang sama, sumbernya
cuam dari 2 jurnal kita)
The following are the recommendations collected from all the included studies which
would be of use to prevent and reduce the incidence of medication error.
1.Computerize Provider Order-Entry System (CPOE)
CPOE system could prevent the error resulting from handwritten and
miscommunication by having the providers to enter the medication error into the
computer system. Another advantage of CPOE with clinical decision-support systems
(CDSSs) aid to incorporate drug-allergy checking, medicine guidance and drugs
interaction that help patient to be more careful on consume drugs.
Study included repport that CPOE help to reduce medication error by 20, while the
use of CPOE with CDSSs decrease medication error up to 50%. This system very
help on reduce medication error in adminastration phase. But this technology
repported may cause an error on prescribing phase so that all the clinicals have to tae
role of making this system success.

2.Bar code System

Bar code system work by put some uniqe code in the medicine to identify the specific
medicine for the specific patient. This system help to reduce the medication error
resulting from mislabelling medication, wrong dossage or wrong medicine
distribution by scanning the code of patient automatically. Bar code system repported
reducing medication error by 65% to 85%. Due to these significant benefits in patient
safety, the US Food and Drug Administration issued a rule requiring bar-code labeling
in early 2004 for prescription drugs, biological products, and over-the-counter drugs
that are commonly used in hospitals.
But this system little bit hard since not all the medicine package with bar code and the
integration of this technology must be facilitated with the understanding of the
institution specific workflow.

a. Medical Proffesionals
Preventing medication errors and improving patient safety are important goals,
which require a better understanding of the complex personal and systems factors
involved in generating errors. Repported in US Over a total of 1,000 hours of
recorded time and 16,446 patients seen, medical professional intercepted 364
medication errors. Many of medical professional doesnt familiar of the medication
uses that they give to the patient. In an analysis of medication errors, included study
identified dissemination of drug knowledge as the most common cause of error
accounting for 29% of the 334 errors . Drug information should be readily accessible
to clinicians. Sources of information include, but are not limited to, tertiary
references, online sources of information, newsletters, and/or inclusion of pharmacists
on patient care rounds.

B. Stake Holder and Government

C. Patient-Provider Relationship
In a study of 659 public hospital patients, patients with poor health literacy skills were
five times more likely to misinterpret their prescriptions than those with adequate
skills. It proved that giving patients guidance about their medication help preventable
adverse drug events. Increasing patient attitudes and beliefs toward medications
impact their obedience on medication process. The use of medication in vulnerable
populations should also be addressed. Identification of potentially inappropriate
medication use in the elderly can minimize potential unwanted drug toxicity.

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