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Appendix B: Surface Water Runoff Calculations

Appendix B: Surface Water Runoff


45 of 53
Appendix B: Surface Water Runoff Calculations

Runoff from Greenfield Areas
The runoff rates from the permeable (Greenfield) areas of the site have been calculated using the Institute of
Hydrology Report 124 Flood Estimation for Small Catchments (1994), FSR 3 parameter equation. The publication
provides the essential design elements for determining the estimated Greenfield runoff rate which is based on the
site area, soil type, and average annual rainfall, which is influenced by the location of the site within the United
Kingdom. This methodology is recommended within Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Interim Code of
Practice OPDM (2004).
The IOH 124 equation to calculate runoff is:
Qbar = 0.00108.0.89.SAAR1.17.SOIL2.17
Qbar = Mean Annual Flood (m3/s)
SAAR = Average Annual Rainfall (mm)
A = Area (ha)
SOIL = Value obtained from Soil Maps
The SAAR value for the site was extracted from the FEH CD-ROM. The SOIL value was obtained using the
Winter Rain Potential Map (WRAP Map).
The analysis for determining the peak Greenfield discharge rate uses 50 ha in the formula and linearly
interpolates the flow rate value based on the ratio of the development to 50ha (Interim Code of Practice for
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, ODPM, 2004).
Runoff from Impermeable Areas
The estimated runoff rate and volume from the proposed layout has been calculated using the Modified Rational
(Wallingford) Method. This method allows estimation of the amount of runoff that is likely to be generated from an
urban area. Rainfall depths for the various return periods were produced using the FEH CD-ROM DDF (Depth-
duration-frequency) modelling function have been used to calculate rainfall intensities for specified return periods.
The Modified Rational method uses the following equation to calculate peak runoff rate from an area:
Qo = 2.78 Cv CR i A
CV = Volumetric Runoff Coefficient
CR = 1.3 (Routing Coefficient)
i = Rainfall Intensity (mm/h)
A = Area (ha)
2.78 = Coefficient which accounts for the differences in units used for the inputs and the outputs of the
The variable Cv is a co-efficient that describes the proportion of rainfall appearing in the surface water drainage
system. CR is a routing co-efficient added to the Rational Method to represent runoff characteristics of a particular
site or area in a more accurate manner.
The following spreadsheets have been used to calculate runoff rates and volumes using the above
methodologies, as reported in Section 6 of this report.

46 of 53
Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 1

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by JR Date 14/10/2011

Rainfall Data NGR 500300, 273800

Return Period 1 2 30 50 100 100 + CC

Duration Duration 30%
(mins) (hrs) increase
15 0.25 5.41 8.34 23.91 28.64 36.54 47.502
30 0.5 7.07 10.66 28.93 34.34 43.26 56.238
60 1 9.21 13.58 34.91 41.05 51.07 66.391
120 2 11.97 17.26 42.03 48.96 60.15 78.195
240 4 15.54 21.9 50.51 58.29 70.72 91.936
360 6 18.08 25.16 56.21 64.51 77.7 101.01
480 8 20.13 27.76 60.62 69.31 83.04 107.952
600 10 21.88 29.95 64.27 73.27 87.42 113.646
840 14 24.48 33.14 69.27 78.6 93.22 121.186
1440 24 28.55 38 76.12 85.76 100.71 130.923
2880 48 34.79 45.27 85.89 95.87 111.18 144.534


Rainfall data sourced from FEH CD ROM using depth duration frequency (DDF)
model. Should be in millimetres (mm).

Rainfall data at return periods less than 1 in 2 years are not considered reliable
and should not be used in detailed design calculations.

Climate change rainfall intensities are based on Table B.2 of PPS 25 and
assume a development design life of 50 year (i.e. rainfall increase of 20%). It
may be necessary to increase/decrease the climate change allowance
depending upon the development design life.

Catchment 1 October 2011.xls FEH Rainfall data

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 1

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by JR Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of Greenfield Runoff Rates - Institute of Hydrology Report 124 FSR 3-parameter equation


Site name SOIL
(km) (%) (mm) (m^3/s)
Raunds 0.50 39.6 603 0.4 0.14287245

For Small Catchments

QBAR(rural) = 0.00108*AREA0.89*SAAR1.17*SOIL2.17

Return Period
Greenfield runoff in m3/s QBAR 1 2 10 30 100 100 + CC
0.14 0.13 0.13 0.24 0.37 0.51
5 0.00 0.88 0.89 1.65 2.62 3.56

Greenfield runoff in l/s Return Period

for 50 ha Area QBAR 1 2 10 30 100 100 + CC
142.87 125.73 127.16 235.74 374.33 508.63 661.21

Greenfield runoff in l/s/ha Return Period

QBAR 1 2 10 30 100 100 + CC
2.85745 2.51 2.54 4.71 7.49 10.17 13.22

Actual Site Area (Existing) 6.21 ha

Return Period
QBAR 1 2 10 30 100 100 + CC
Existing total discharge from site (l/s) 17.76 15.63 15.81 29.30 46.53 63.22 82.19



Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage Systems (2004) National SUDS Working Group. This document
provides guidelines for the calculation of Greenfield runoff. Pg 49 and Table 6.1. Based on guidance from the National SUDS
Working Group (2004) the IOH 124 method only applies to catchments of 50ha and above and for smaller catchment should
be linearly interpolated from a 50ha area. (Table 6.1 Interim code of practice on sustainable drainage systems).

Technical Report W5-07A/TR1 Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments The 1 in 1 year return period
event is defined as the highest probability event to be specifically considered to ensure that flows to the watercourse are tighly
contolled for thes more frequent events.

For SOIL Index: Flood Studies Report (FSR) Vol. 1 Pg 303 and 312.

For small catchments: IoH Report No. 124, Institute of Hydrology, 1994.

For Growth Curve Factors: Flood Studies Supplementary Report (FSSR) 14, UK Hydrological Growth Curve Regions


Where S1........ S5 are classifications from the Winter Rain Soil Acceptance (WRAP) map.

It is also recognised in Report 124 (1994) pg29 that ' It is possible that, for small catchments in particular, the generalised
nature of the soil map could lead to misleading data being assigned to the catchment'.

SOIL values can be verified using Soil survey Maps of England and Wales for reference. Site investigation results (borehole
data) can also be used for reference where available.

Catchment 1 October 2011.xls Greenfield Runoff IoH124

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 1

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by JR Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Road 1.26 0.9 0.348387097
Residential 1.995 0.9 0.551612903
Other 0 0 0
Total 3.26 0.9

Return Period 1 in 1 Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 5.41 21.64 0.229 158
30 7.07 14.14 0.150 207
60 9.21 9.21 0.098 270
120 11.97 5.99 0.063 351
240 15.54 3.89 0.041 455
360 18.08 3.01 0.032 530
480 20.13 2.52 0.027 590
600 21.88 2.19 0.023 641
840 24.48 1.75 0.019 717
1440 28.55 1.19 0.013 836
2880 34.79 0.72 0.008 1019

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 2.96 ha
QBAR Return Period
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 2.51
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 8.46 7.44 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method

This worksheet considers the following scenario:

The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.

The post development scenario will include an increase in impermeable surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only. Refer the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes
taking into consideration the post-development greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable

Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.

Ref. Technical Report W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for
Developments (2004) Rev B.
Cv = Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford

The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment 1 October 2011.xls 1 Yr Post Dev Runoff

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 1

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by JR Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 1 Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s m3/s m3 m3 m3
15 0.0156 0.237 14.06 165 151
30 0.0156 0.157 28.13 221 192
60 0.0156 0.105 56.26 297 240
120 0.0156 0.071 112.52 404 292
240 0.0156 0.049 225.04 562 337
360 0.0156 0.039 337.55 690 353
480 0.0156 0.034 450.07 804 354
600 0.0156 0.031 562.59 909 346
840 0.0156 0.026 787.62 1092 305
1440 0.0156 0.020 1350.21 1479 129
2880 0.0156 0.015 2700.42 2305 -395

Required Storage 354 m

Required Volume of Storage

300 Required
Volume of
200 Storage

Volume (m3)

-500 Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment 1 October 2011.xls 1 Yr Post Dev Storage

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 1

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by JR Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Macadam 1.26 0.9 0.348387097
Hardstanding 1.995 0.9 0.551612903
Other 0 0 0
Total 3.26 0.9

Return Period 1 in 2 Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 8.34 33.36 0.353 244
30 10.66 21.32 0.226 312
60 13.58 13.58 0.144 398
120 17.26 8.63 0.091 506
240 21.9 5.48 0.058 642
360 25.16 4.19 0.044 737
480 27.76 3.47 0.037 813
600 29.95 3.00 0.032 877
840 33.14 2.37 0.025 971
1440 38 1.58 0.017 1113
2880 45.27 0.94 0.010 1326

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 2.9598 ha
QBAR Return Period
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 2.54
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 8.46 7.53 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method - The Wallingford Procedure Vol. 4 'The Modified Rational Method'
This worksheet
Water Research considers
Council the
following scenario:

This site
The worksheet
in question
is currently
the following
greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.
The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield runoff rates
The post
have beendevelopment
used to determine
will include
an increase
on theinprevious
surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only.
The post development Refer the
scenario willfollow
includeworksheet for the
an increase total peak runoff
in impermeable ratesdue
surfaces andtovolumes
the proposed
taking into consideration
development. the post-development
This worksheet determines the runoffgreenfield areas
from the in addition to the
post-development impermeable
impermeable areas only. Refer
the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes taking into consideration the post-development
greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable areas.
Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.
Ref. Technical
Reference Report
is made W5-07A/TR1Preliminary
to Preliminary RainfallRunoff
Managment of Rainfall Runoff forManagement
Developments. for
Developments (2004) Rev
Ref. Technical Report B.
W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments (2004)
Rev=B.Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage
Cv = Example of(Butler and for
Reference Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment 1 October 2011.xls 2 Yr Post Dev Runoff

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 1

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by JR Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 2 Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s m3/s m3 m3 m3
15 0.0158 0.361 14 251 237
30 0.0158 0.233 28 326 297
60 0.0158 0.151 57 425 368
120 0.0158 0.099 114 560 446
240 0.0158 0.065 228 750 522
360 0.0158 0.052 341 900 558
480 0.0158 0.044 455 1030 575
600 0.0158 0.039 569 1148 579
840 0.0158 0.033 797 1350 554
1440 0.0158 0.024 1366 1764 398
2880 0.0158 0.018 2731 2627 -104

Required Storage 579 m

Required Volume of Storage

600 Required
Volume of
500 Storage

Volume (m3)

-200 Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment 1 October 2011.xls 2 Yr Post Dev Storage

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 1

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by JR Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Macadam 1.26 0.9 0.348387097
Hardstanding 1.995 0.9 0.551612903
Other 0 0 0
Total 3.26 0.9

Return Period 1 in 30 Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 23.91 95.64 1.013 700
30 28.93 57.86 0.613 848
60 34.91 34.91 0.370 1023
120 42.03 21.02 0.222 1231
240 50.51 12.63 0.134 1480
360 56.21 9.37 0.099 1647
480 60.62 7.58 0.080 1776
600 64.27 6.43 0.068 1883
840 69.27 4.95 0.052 2029
1440 76.12 3.17 0.034 2230
2880 85.89 1.79 0.019 2516

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 2.9598 ha
QBAR Return Period
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 7.49
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 8.46 22.16 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method - The Wallingford Procedure Vol. 4 'The Modified Rational Method'
This worksheet
Water Research considers
Council the
following scenario:

This site
The worksheet
in question
is currently
the following
greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.
The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield runoff rates
The post
have beendevelopment
used to determine
will include
an increase
on theinprevious
surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only.
The post development Refer the
scenario willfollow
includeworksheet for the
an increase total peak runoff
in impermeable ratesdue
surfaces andtovolumes
the proposed
taking into consideration
development. the post-development
This worksheet determines the runoffgreenfield areas
from the in addition to the
post-development impermeable
impermeable areas only. Refer
the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes taking into consideration the post-development
greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable areas.
Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.
Ref. Technical
Reference Report
is made W5-07A/TR1Preliminary
to Preliminary RainfallRunoff
Managment of Rainfall Runoff forManagement
Developments. for
Developments (2004) Rev
Ref. Technical Report B.
W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments (2004)
Rev=B.Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage
Cv = Example of(Butler and for
Reference Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment 1 October 2011.xls 30 Yr Post Dev Runoff

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 1

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by JR Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 30 Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s m3/s m3 m3 m3
15 0.0465 1.035 42 720 679
30 0.0465 0.635 84 887 804
60 0.0465 0.392 167 1102 935
120 0.0465 0.245 335 1391 1056
240 0.0465 0.156 670 1799 1129
360 0.0465 0.121 1005 2125 1120
480 0.0465 0.102 1340 2414 1074
600 0.0465 0.090 1675 2680 1006
840 0.0465 0.075 2345 3146 801
1440 0.0465 0.056 4020 4144 124
2880 0.0465 0.041 8040 6345 -1695

Required Storage 1129 m

Required Volume of Storage

1000 Required
Volume of
Volume (m3)

-2000 Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment 1 October 2011.xls 30 Yr Post Dev Storage

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 1

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by JR Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Macadam 1.26 0.9 0.348387097
Hardstanding 1.995 0.9 0.551612903
Other 0 0 0
Total 3.26 0.9

Return Period 1 in 100 Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 36.54 146.16 1.547 1070
30 43.26 86.52 0.916 1267
60 51.07 51.07 0.541 1496
120 60.15 30.08 0.318 1762
240 70.72 17.68 0.187 2072
360 77.7 12.95 0.137 2276
480 83.04 10.38 0.110 2433
600 87.42 8.74 0.093 2561
840 93.22 6.66 0.070 2731
1440 100.71 4.20 0.044 2950
2880 111.18 2.32 0.025 3257

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 2.9598 ha
QBAR Return Period
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 10.17
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 8.46 30.11 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method - The Wallingford Procedure Vol. 4 'The Modified Rational Method'
This worksheet
Water Research considers
Council the
following scenario:

This site
The worksheet
in question
is currently
the following
greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.
The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield runoff rates
The post
have beendevelopment
used to determine
will include
an increase
on theinprevious
surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only.
The post development Refer the
scenario willfollow
includeworksheet for the
an increase total peak runoff
in impermeable ratesdue
surfaces andtovolumes
the proposed
taking into consideration
development. the post-development
This worksheet determines the runoffgreenfield areas
from the in addition to the
post-development impermeable
impermeable areas only. Refer
the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes taking into consideration the post-development
greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable areas.
Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.
Ref. Technical
Reference Report
is made W5-07A/TR1Preliminary
to Preliminary RainfallRunoff
Managment of Rainfall Runoff forManagement
Developments. for
Developments (2004) Rev
Ref. Technical Report B.
W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments (2004)
Rev=B.Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage
Cv = Example of(Butler and for
Reference Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment 1 October 2011.xls 100 Yr Post Dev Runoff

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 1

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by JR Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Macadam 1.26 0.9 0.348387097
Hardstanding 1.995 0.9 0.551612903
Other 0 0 0
Total 3.26 0.9

Return Period 1 in 100 + CC Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 47.502 190.01 2.012 1392
30 56.238 112.48 1.191 1647
60 66.391 66.39 0.703 1945
120 78.195 39.10 0.414 2291
240 91.936 22.98 0.243 2693
360 101.01 16.84 0.178 2959
480 107.952 13.49 0.143 3162
600 113.646 11.36 0.120 3329
840 121.186 8.66 0.092 3550
1440 130.923 5.46 0.058 3835
2880 144.534 3.01 0.032 4234

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 2.9598 ha
QBAR Return Period
100 + CC
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 13.22
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 8.46 39.14 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method - The Wallingford Procedure Vol. 4 'The Modified Rational Method'
This worksheet
Water Research considers
Council the
following scenario:

This site
The worksheet
in question
is currently
the following
greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.
The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield runoff rates
The post
have beendevelopment
used to determine
will include
an increase
on theinprevious
surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only.
The post development Refer the
scenario willfollow
includeworksheet for the
an increase total peak runoff
in impermeable ratesdue
surfaces andtovolumes
the proposed
taking into consideration
development. the post-development
This worksheet determines the runoffgreenfield areas
from the in addition to the
post-development impermeable
impermeable areas only. Refer
the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes taking into consideration the post-development
greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable areas.
Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.
Ref. Technical
Reference Report
is made W5-07A/TR1Preliminary
to Preliminary RainfallRunoff
Managment of Rainfall Runoff forManagement
Developments. for
Developments (2004) Rev
Ref. Technical Report B.
W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments (2004)
Rev=B.Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage
Cv = Example of(Butler and for
Reference Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment 1 October 2011.xls 100 Yr CC Post Dev Runoff

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 1

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by JR Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 100 Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s m3/s m3 m3 m3
15 0.0632 1.578 57 1098 1041
30 0.0632 0.946 114 1321 1208
60 0.0632 0.571 228 1604 1377
120 0.0632 0.349 455 1979 1524
240 0.0632 0.217 910 2505 1595
360 0.0632 0.167 1366 2927 1561
480 0.0632 0.140 1821 3300 1479
600 0.0632 0.123 2276 3645 1369
840 0.0632 0.101 3186 4248 1062
1440 0.0632 0.075 5462 5552 89
2880 0.0632 0.055 10924 8460 -2465

Required Storage 1595 m

Required Volume of Storage

1500 Required
1000 Volume of
Volume (m3)

-3000 Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment 1 October 2011.xls 100 Yr Post Dev Storage

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 1

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by JR Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 100 + CC Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s 3
m /s m 3
m3 m3
15 0.0632 2.051 57 1427 1370
30 0.0632 1.230 114 1718 1604
60 0.0632 0.742 228 2086 1858
120 0.0632 0.453 455 2573 2117
240 0.0632 0.282 910 3257 2347
360 0.0632 0.217 1366 3805 2439
480 0.0632 0.182 1821 4290 2469
600 0.0632 0.159 2276 4738 2462
840 0.0632 0.131 3186 5523 2337
1440 0.0632 0.097 5462 7217 1755
2880 0.0632 0.071 10924 10998 73

Required Storage 2469 m

Required Volume of Storage

2500 Volume of
Volume (m3)


Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment 1 October 2011.xls 100 Yr CC Post Dev Storage

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 2

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by PH Date 14/10/2011

Rainfall Data NGR 500300, 273800

Return Period 1 2 30 50 100 100 + CC

Duration Duration 30%
(mins) (hrs) increase
15 0.25 5.41 8.34 23.91 28.64 36.54 47.502
30 0.5 7.07 10.66 28.93 34.34 43.26 56.238
60 1 9.21 13.58 34.91 41.05 51.07 66.391
120 2 11.97 17.26 42.03 48.96 60.15 78.195
240 4 15.54 21.9 50.51 58.29 70.72 91.936
360 6 18.08 25.16 56.21 64.51 77.7 101.01
480 8 20.13 27.76 60.62 69.31 83.04 107.952
600 10 21.88 29.95 64.27 73.27 87.42 113.646
840 14 24.48 33.14 69.27 78.6 93.22 121.186
1440 24 28.55 38 76.12 85.76 100.71 130.923
2880 48 34.79 45.27 85.89 95.87 111.18 144.534


Rainfall data sourced from FEH CD ROM using depth duration frequency
(DDF) model. Should be in millimetres (mm).

Rainfall data at return periods less than 1 in 2 years are not considered
reliable and should not be used in detailed design calculations.

Climate change rainfall intensities are based on Table B.2 of PPS 25 and
assume a development design life of 50 year (i.e. rainfall increase of 20%).
It may be necessary to increase/decrease the climate change allowance
depending upon the development design life.

Catchment 2 October 2011.xls FEH Rainfall data

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 2

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by PH Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of Greenfield Runoff Rates - Institute of Hydrology Report 124 FSR 3-parameter equation


Site name SOIL
(km) (%) (mm) (m^3/s)
Raunds 0.50 39.6 603 0.4 0.14287245

For Small Catchments

QBAR(rural) = 0.00108*AREA0.89*SAAR1.17*SOIL2.17

Return Period
Greenfield runoff in m3/s QBAR 1 2 10 30 100 100 + CC
0.14 0.13 0.13 0.24 0.37 0.51
5 0.00 0.88 0.89 1.65 2.62 3.56

Greenfield runoff in l/s Return Period

for 50 ha Area QBAR 1 2 10 30 100 100 + CC
142.87 125.73 127.16 235.74 374.33 508.63 661.21

Greenfield runoff in l/s/ha Return Period

QBAR 1 2 10 30 100 100 + CC
2.85745 2.51 2.54 4.71 7.49 10.17 13.22

Actual Site Area (Existing) 2.07 ha

Return Period
QBAR 1 2 10 30 100 100 + CC
Existing total discharge from site (l/s) 5.91 0.01 5.26 9.76 15.50 21.06 27.37



Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage Systems (2004) National SUDS Working Group. This document
provides guidelines for the calculation of Greenfield runoff. Pg 49 and Table 6.1. Based on guidance from the National SUDS
Working Group (2004) the IOH 124 method only applies to catchments of 50ha and above and for smaller catchment should
be linearly interpolated from a 50ha area. (Table 6.1 Interim code of practice on sustainable drainage systems).

Technical Report W5-07A/TR1 Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments The 1 in 1 year return period
event is defined as the highest probability event to be specifically considered to ensure that flows to the watercourse are tighly
contolled for thes more frequent events.

For SOIL Index: Flood Studies Report (FSR) Vol. 1 Pg 303 and 312.

For small catchments: IoH Report No. 124, Institute of Hydrology, 1994.

For Growth Curve Factors: Flood Studies Supplementary Report (FSSR) 14, UK Hydrological Growth Curve Regions


Where S1........ S5 are classifications from the Winter Rain Soil Acceptance (WRAP) map.

It is also recognised in Report 124 (1994) pg29 that ' It is possible that, for small catchments in particular, the generalised
nature of the soil map could lead to misleading data being assigned to the catchment'.

SOIL values can be verified using Soil survey Maps of England and Wales for reference. Site investigation results (borehole
data) can also be used for reference where available.

Catchment 2 October 2011.xls Greenfield Runoff IoH124

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 2

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by PH Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Road 0.37 0.9 0.302177858
Residential 0.73 0.9 0.597822142
Other 0 0 0
Total 1.10 0.9

Return Period 1 in 1 Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 5.41 21.64 0.078 54
30 7.07 14.14 0.051 70
60 9.21 9.21 0.033 91
120 11.97 5.99 0.021 119
240 15.54 3.89 0.014 154
360 18.08 3.01 0.011 179
480 20.13 2.52 0.009 200
600 21.88 2.19 0.008 217
840 24.48 1.75 0.006 243
1440 28.55 1.19 0.004 283
2880 34.79 0.72 0.003 345

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 0.97 ha
QBAR Return Period
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 2.51
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 2.77 2.43 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method

This worksheet considers the following scenario:

The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.

The post development scenario will include an increase in impermeable surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only. Refer the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes
taking into consideration the post-development greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable

Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.

Ref. Technical Report W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for
Developments (2004) Rev B.
Cv = Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford

The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment 2 October 2011.xls 1 Yr Post Dev Runoff

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 2

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by PH Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Macadam 0.37 0.9 0.302177858
Hardstanding 0.732 0.9 0.597822142
Other 0 0 0
Total 1.10 0.9

Return Period 1 in 2 Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 8.34 33.36 0.120 83
30 10.66 21.32 0.076 106
60 13.58 13.58 0.049 135
120 17.26 8.63 0.031 171
240 21.9 5.48 0.020 217
360 25.16 4.19 0.015 250
480 27.76 3.47 0.012 275
600 29.95 3.00 0.011 297
840 33.14 2.37 0.008 329
1440 38 1.58 0.006 377
2880 45.27 0.94 0.003 449

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 0.968 ha
QBAR Return Period
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 2.54
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 2.77 2.46 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method - The Wallingford Procedure Vol. 4 'The Modified Rational Method'
This worksheet
Water Research considers
Council the
following scenario:

This site
The worksheet
in question
is currently
the following
greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.
The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield runoff rates
The post
have beendevelopment
used to determine
will include
an increase
on theinprevious
surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only.
The post development Refer the
scenario willfollow
includeworksheet for the
an increase total peak runoff
in impermeable ratesdue
surfaces andtovolumes
the proposed
taking into consideration
development. the post-development
This worksheet determines the runoffgreenfield areas
from the in addition to the
post-development impermeable
impermeable areas only. Refer
the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes taking into consideration the post-development
greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable areas.
Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.
Ref. Technical
Reference Report
is made W5-07A/TR1Preliminary
to Preliminary RainfallRunoff
Managment of Rainfall Runoff forManagement
Developments. for
Developments (2004) Rev
Ref. Technical Report B.
W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments (2004)
Rev=B.Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage
Cv = Example of(Butler and for
Reference Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment 2 October 2011.xls 2 Yr Post Dev Runoff

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 2

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by PH Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 1 Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s m3/s m3 m3 m3
15 0.0000 0.080 0.00 56 56
30 0.0000 0.053 0.01 75 74
60 0.0000 0.035 0.02 100 100
120 0.0000 0.024 0.04 136 136
240 0.0000 0.016 0.07 189 189
360 0.0000 0.013 0.11 232 232
480 0.0000 0.011 0.15 270 270
600 0.0000 0.010 0.19 305 304
840 0.0000 0.009 0.26 365 365
1440 0.0000 0.007 0.45 493 493
2880 0.0000 0.005 0.90 766 765

Required Storage 765 m

Required Volume of Storage

800 Required
Volume of
700 Storage

Volume (m3)

0 Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment 2 October 2011.xls 1 Yr Post Dev Storage

Project: XXXX

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 2

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by PH Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 2 Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s m3/s m3 m3 m3
15 0.0053 0.122 5 85 80
30 0.0053 0.079 9 110 101
60 0.0053 0.051 19 144 125
120 0.0053 0.033 38 189 151
240 0.0053 0.022 76 253 177
360 0.0053 0.017 114 303 189
480 0.0053 0.015 152 346 195
600 0.0053 0.013 190 386 196
840 0.0053 0.011 265 453 187
1440 0.0053 0.008 455 590 135
2880 0.0053 0.006 910 874 -35

Required Storage 196 m

Required Volume of Storage

200 Volume of
Volume (m3)



-50 Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment 2 October 2011.xls 2 Yr Post Dev Storage

Project: XXXXX

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 2

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by PH Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Macadam 0.37 0.9 0.302177858
Hardstanding 0.732 0.9 0.597822142
Other 0 0 0
Total 1.10 0.9

Return Period 1 in 30 Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 23.91 95.64 0.343 237
30 28.93 57.86 0.207 287
60 34.91 34.91 0.125 346
120 42.03 21.02 0.075 417
240 50.51 12.63 0.045 501
360 56.21 9.37 0.034 557
480 60.62 7.58 0.027 601
600 64.27 6.43 0.023 637
840 69.27 4.95 0.018 687
1440 76.12 3.17 0.011 755
2880 85.89 1.79 0.006 852

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 0.968 ha
QBAR Return Period
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 7.49
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 2.77 7.25 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method - The Wallingford Procedure Vol. 4 'The Modified Rational Method'
This worksheet
Water Research considers
Council the
following scenario:

This site
The worksheet
in question
is currently
the following
greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.
The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield runoff rates
The post
have beendevelopment
used to determine
will include
an increase
on theinprevious
surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only.
The post development Refer the
scenario willfollow
includeworksheet for the
an increase total peak runoff
in impermeable ratesdue
surfaces andtovolumes
the proposed
taking into consideration
development. the post-development
This worksheet determines the runoffgreenfield areas
from the in addition to the
post-development impermeable
impermeable areas only. Refer
the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes taking into consideration the post-development
greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable areas.
Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.
Ref. Technical
Reference Report
is made W5-07A/TR1Preliminary
to Preliminary RainfallRunoff
Managment of Rainfall Runoff forManagement
Developments. for
Developments (2004) Rev
Ref. Technical Report B.
W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments (2004)
Rev=B.Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage
Cv = Example of(Butler and for
Reference Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment 2 October 2011.xls 30 Yr Post Dev Runoff

Project: XXXXX

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 2

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by PH Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 30 Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s m3/s m3 m3 m3
15 0.0155 0.350 14 244 230
30 0.0155 0.215 28 300 272
60 0.0155 0.132 56 372 317
120 0.0155 0.083 112 469 357
240 0.0155 0.053 223 605 382
360 0.0155 0.041 335 714 379
480 0.0155 0.034 446 810 364
600 0.0155 0.030 558 898 340
840 0.0155 0.025 781 1052 271
1440 0.0155 0.019 1339 1381 42
2880 0.0155 0.014 2678 2104 -574

Required Storage 382 m

Required Volume of Storage

400 Required
Volume of
Volume (m3)

-800 Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment 2 October 2011.xls 30 Yr Post Dev Storage

Project: XXXXXXX

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 2

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by PH Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Macadam 0.37 0.9 0.302177858
Hardstanding 0.732 0.9 0.597822142
Other 0 0 0
Total 1.10 0.9

Return Period 1 in 100 Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 36.54 146.16 0.524 362
30 43.26 86.52 0.310 429
60 51.07 51.07 0.183 507
120 60.15 30.08 0.108 597
240 70.72 17.68 0.063 701
360 77.7 12.95 0.046 771
480 83.04 10.38 0.037 824
600 87.42 8.74 0.031 867
840 93.22 6.66 0.024 925
1440 100.71 4.20 0.015 999
2880 111.18 2.32 0.008 1103

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 0.968 ha
QBAR Return Period
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 10.17
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 2.77 9.85 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method - The Wallingford Procedure Vol. 4 'The Modified Rational Method'
This worksheet
Water Research considers
Council the
following scenario:

This site
The worksheet
in question
is currently
the following
greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.
The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield runoff rates
The post
have beendevelopment
used to determine
will include
an increase
on theinprevious
surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only.
The post development Refer the
scenario willfollow
includeworksheet for the
an increase total peak runoff
in impermeable ratesdue
surfaces andtovolumes
the proposed
taking into consideration
development. the post-development
This worksheet determines the runoffgreenfield areas
from the in addition to the
post-development impermeable
impermeable areas only. Refer
the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes taking into consideration the post-development
greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable areas.
Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.
Ref. Technical
Reference Report
is made W5-07A/TR1Preliminary
to Preliminary RainfallRunoff
Managment of Rainfall Runoff forManagement
Developments. for
Developments (2004) Rev
Ref. Technical Report B.
W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments (2004)
Rev=B.Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage
Cv = Example of(Butler and for
Reference Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment 2 October 2011.xls 100 Yr Post Dev Runoff

Project: XXXXX

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 2

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by PH Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 100 Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s m3/s m3 m3 m3
15 0.0211 0.534 19 371 352
30 0.0211 0.320 38 447 409
60 0.0211 0.193 76 542 466
120 0.0211 0.118 152 667 516
240 0.0211 0.073 303 843 540
360 0.0211 0.056 455 983 528
480 0.0211 0.047 606 1107 501
600 0.0211 0.041 758 1222 463
840 0.0211 0.034 1061 1421 360
1440 0.0211 0.025 1819 1850 30
2880 0.0211 0.018 3639 2804 -834

Required Storage 540 m

Required Volume of Storage

600 Required
Volume of
400 Storage

Volume (m3)

-1000 Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment 2 October 2011.xls 100 Yr Post Dev Storage

Project: XXXXX

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 2

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by PH Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Macadam 0.37 0.9 0.302177858
Hardstanding 0.732 0.9 0.597822142
Other 0 0 0
Total 1.10 0.9

Return Period 1 in 100 + CC Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 47.502 190.01 0.681 471
30 56.238 112.48 0.403 558
60 66.391 66.39 0.238 658
120 78.195 39.10 0.140 776
240 91.936 22.98 0.082 912
360 101.01 16.84 0.060 1002
480 107.952 13.49 0.048 1071
600 113.646 11.36 0.041 1127
840 121.186 8.66 0.031 1202
1440 130.923 5.46 0.020 1298
2880 144.534 3.01 0.011 1433

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 0.968 ha
QBAR Return Period
100 + CC
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 13.22
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 2.77 12.80 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method - The Wallingford Procedure Vol. 4 'The Modified Rational Method'
This worksheet
Water Research considers
Council the
following scenario:

This site
The worksheet
in question
is currently
the following
greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.
The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield runoff rates
The post
have beendevelopment
used to determine
will include
an increase
on theinprevious
surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only.
The post development Refer the
scenario willfollow
includeworksheet for the
an increase total peak runoff
in impermeable ratesdue
surfaces andtovolumes
the proposed
taking into consideration
development. the post-development
This worksheet determines the runoffgreenfield areas
from the in addition to the
post-development impermeable
impermeable areas only. Refer
the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes taking into consideration the post-development
greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable areas.
Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.
Ref. Technical
Reference Report
is made W5-07A/TR1Preliminary
to Preliminary RainfallRunoff
Managment of Rainfall Runoff forManagement
Developments. for
Developments (2004) Rev
Ref. Technical Report B.
W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments (2004)
Rev=B.Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage
Cv = Example of(Butler and for
Reference Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment 2 October 2011.xls 100 Yr CC Post Dev Runoff

Project: XXXX

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS051934 Catchment 2

Version Final V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 14/10/2011

Checked by PH Date 14/10/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 100 + CC Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s 3
m /s m 3
m3 m3
15 0.0211 0.694 19 483 464
30 0.0211 0.416 38 581 543
60 0.0211 0.251 76 705 629
120 0.0211 0.153 152 868 716
240 0.0211 0.095 303 1096 793
360 0.0211 0.073 455 1278 823
480 0.0211 0.061 606 1439 833
600 0.0211 0.054 758 1588 830
840 0.0211 0.044 1061 1847 786
1440 0.0211 0.032 1819 2405 585
2880 0.0211 0.024 3639 3646 7

Required Storage 833 m

Required Volume of Storage

800 Required
Volume of
700 Storage

Volume (m3)

Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment 2 October 2011.xls 100 Yr CC Post Dev Storage

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS/027092 Catchment EMP

Version Draft V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 24/08/2011

Checked by PH Date 24/08/2011

Rainfall Data NGR 500300, 273800

Return Period 1 2 30 50 100 100 + CC

Duration Duration 30%
(mins) (hrs) increase
15 0.25 5.41 8.34 23.91 28.64 36.54 47.502
30 0.5 7.07 10.66 28.93 34.34 43.26 56.238
60 1 9.21 13.58 34.91 41.05 51.07 66.391
120 2 11.97 17.26 42.03 48.96 60.15 78.195
240 4 15.54 21.9 50.51 58.29 70.72 91.936
360 6 18.08 25.16 56.21 64.51 77.7 101.01
480 8 20.13 27.76 60.62 69.31 83.04 107.952
600 10 21.88 29.95 64.27 73.27 87.42 113.646
840 14 24.48 33.14 69.27 78.6 93.22 121.186
1440 24 28.55 38 76.12 85.76 100.71 130.923
2880 48 34.79 45.27 85.89 95.87 111.18 144.534


Rainfall data sourced from FEH CD ROM using depth duration frequency
(DDF) model. Should be in millimetres (mm).

Rainfall data at return periods less than 1 in 2 years are not considered
reliable and should not be used in detailed design calculations.

Climate change rainfall intensities are based on Table B.2 of PPS 25 and
assume a development design life of 50 year (i.e. rainfall increase of 20%).
It may be necessary to increase/decrease the climate change allowance
depending upon the development design life.

Catchment Emp October 2011.xls FEH Rainfall data

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS/027092 Catchment EMP

Version Draft V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 24/08/2011

Checked by PH Date 24/08/2011

Calculation of Greenfield Runoff Rates - Institute of Hydrology Report 124 FSR 3-parameter equation


Site name SOIL
(km) (%) (mm) (m^3/s)
Raunds 0.50 39.6 603 0.4 0.14287245

For Small Catchments

QBAR(rural) = 0.00108*AREA0.89*SAAR1.17*SOIL2.17

Return Period
Greenfield runoff in m3/s QBAR 1 2 10 30 100 100 + CC
0.14 0.13 0.13 0.24 0.37 0.51
5 0.00 0.88 0.89 1.65 2.62 3.56

Greenfield runoff in l/s Return Period

for 50 ha Area QBAR 1 2 10 30 100 100 + CC
142.87 125.73 127.16 235.74 374.33 508.63 661.21

Greenfield runoff in l/s/ha Return Period

QBAR 1 2 10 30 100 100 + CC
2.85745 2.51 2.54 4.71 7.49 10.17 13.22

Actual Site Area (Existing) 7.71 ha

Return Period
QBAR 1 2 10 30 100 100 + CC
Existing total discharge from site (l/s) 22.03 19.39 19.61 36.35 57.72 78.43 101.96



Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage Systems (2004) National SUDS Working Group. This document
provides guidelines for the calculation of Greenfield runoff. Pg 49 and Table 6.1. Based on guidance from the National SUDS
Working Group (2004) the IOH 124 method only applies to catchments of 50ha and above and for smaller catchment should
be linearly interpolated from a 50ha area. (Table 6.1 Interim code of practice on sustainable drainage systems).

Technical Report W5-07A/TR1 Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments The 1 in 1 year return period
event is defined as the highest probability event to be specifically considered to ensure that flows to the watercourse are tighly
contolled for thes more frequent events.

For SOIL Index: Flood Studies Report (FSR) Vol. 1 Pg 303 and 312.

For small catchments: IoH Report No. 124, Institute of Hydrology, 1994.

For Growth Curve Factors: Flood Studies Supplementary Report (FSSR) 14, UK Hydrological Growth Curve Regions


Where S1........ S5 are classifications from the Winter Rain Soil Acceptance (WRAP) map.

It is also recognised in Report 124 (1994) pg29 that ' It is possible that, for small catchments in particular, the generalised
nature of the soil map could lead to misleading data being assigned to the catchment'.

SOIL values can be verified using Soil survey Maps of England and Wales for reference. Site investigation results (borehole
data) can also be used for reference where available.

Catchment Emp October 2011.xls Greenfield Runoff IoH124

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS/027092 Catchment EMP

Version Draft V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 24/08/2011

Checked by PH Date 24/08/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Roof Area 2.84 0.9 0.50
Ground Level Impervious 2.33 0.9 0.40
Other 0 0 0
Total 5.17 0.9

Return Period 1 in 1 Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 5.41 21.64 0.364 252
30 7.07 14.14 0.238 329
60 9.21 9.21 0.155 429
120 11.97 5.99 0.101 557
240 15.54 3.89 0.065 723
360 18.08 3.01 0.051 841
480 20.13 2.52 0.042 937
600 21.88 2.19 0.037 1018
840 24.48 1.75 0.029 1139
1440 28.55 1.19 0.020 1328
2880 34.79 0.72 0.012 1619

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 2.54 ha
QBAR Return Period
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 2.51
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 7.26 6.39 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method

This worksheet considers the following scenario:

The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.

The post development scenario will include an increase in impermeable surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only. Refer the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes
taking into consideration the post-development greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable

Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.

Ref. Technical Report W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for
Developments (2004) Rev B.
Cv = Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford

The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment Emp October 2011.xls 1 Yr Post Dev Runoff

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS/027092 Catchment EMP

Version Draft V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 24/08/2011

Checked by PH Date 24/08/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 1 Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s m3/s m3 m3 m3
15 0.0194 0.370 17.45 257 240
30 0.0194 0.244 34.90 340 306
60 0.0194 0.161 69.79 452 382
120 0.0194 0.107 139.59 603 463
240 0.0194 0.072 279.18 815 536
360 0.0194 0.057 418.76 979 560
480 0.0194 0.049 558.35 1121 562
600 0.0194 0.043 697.94 1248 550
840 0.0194 0.036 977.12 1461 484
1440 0.0194 0.026 1675.06 1880 205
2880 0.0194 0.019 3350.11 2722 -628

Required Storage 562 m

Required Volume of Storage

600 Required
Volume of
400 Storage

Volume (m3)

-800 Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment Emp October 2011.xls 1 Yr Post Dev Storage

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS/027092 Catchment EMP

Version Draft V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 24/08/2011

Checked by PH Date 24/08/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Roof Area 2.8445 0.9 0.495212396
Ground Level Impervious 2.3251 0.9 0.404787604
Other 0 0 0
Total 5.17 0.9

Return Period 1 in 2 Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 8.34 33.36 0.561 388
30 10.66 21.32 0.358 496
60 13.58 13.58 0.228 632
120 17.26 8.63 0.145 803
240 21.9 5.48 0.092 1019
360 25.16 4.19 0.071 1171
480 27.76 3.47 0.058 1292
600 29.95 3.00 0.050 1393
840 33.14 2.37 0.040 1542
1440 38 1.58 0.027 1768
2880 45.27 0.94 0.016 2106

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 2.5404 ha
QBAR Return Period
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 2.54
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 7.26 6.46 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method - The Wallingford Procedure Vol. 4 'The Modified Rational Method'
This worksheet
Water Research considers
Council the
following scenario:

This site
The worksheet
in question
is currently
the following
greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.
The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield runoff rates
The post
have beendevelopment
used to determine
will include
an increase
on theinprevious
surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only.
The post development Refer the
scenario willfollow
includeworksheet for the
an increase total peak runoff
in impermeable ratesdue
surfaces andtovolumes
the proposed
taking into consideration
development. the post-development
This worksheet determines the runoffgreenfield areas
from the in addition to the
post-development impermeable
impermeable areas only. Refer
the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes taking into consideration the post-development
greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable areas.
Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.
Ref. Technical
Reference Report
is made W5-07A/TR1Preliminary
to Preliminary RainfallRunoff
Managment of Rainfall Runoff forManagement
Developments. for
Developments (2004) Rev
Ref. Technical Report B.
W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments (2004)
Rev=B.Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage
Cv = Example of(Butler and for
Reference Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment Emp October 2011.xls 2 Yr Post Dev Runoff

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS/027092 Catchment EMP

Version Draft V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 24/08/2011

Checked by PH Date 24/08/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 2 Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s m3/s m3 m3 m3
15 0.0196 0.567 18 394 376
30 0.0196 0.365 35 508 472
60 0.0196 0.235 71 655 584
120 0.0196 0.152 141 850 708
240 0.0196 0.099 282 1112 830
360 0.0196 0.077 424 1310 887
480 0.0196 0.065 565 1478 913
600 0.0196 0.057 706 1626 920
840 0.0196 0.046 988 1867 879
1440 0.0196 0.033 1694 2326 632
2880 0.0196 0.022 3388 3223 -166

Required Storage 920 m

Required Volume of Storage

800 Required
Volume of
Volume (m3)

-400 Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment Emp October 2011.xls 2 Yr Post Dev Storage

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS/027092 Catchment EMP

Version Draft V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 24/08/2011

Checked by PH Date 24/08/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Roof Area 2.8445 0.9 0.495212396
Ground Level Impervious 2.3251 0.9 0.404787604
Other 0 0 0
Total 5.17 0.9

Return Period 1 in 30 Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 23.91 95.64 1.608 1112
30 28.93 57.86 0.973 1346
60 34.91 34.91 0.587 1624
120 42.03 21.02 0.353 1956
240 50.51 12.63 0.212 2350
360 56.21 9.37 0.158 2615
480 60.62 7.58 0.127 2820
600 64.27 6.43 0.108 2990
840 69.27 4.95 0.083 3223
1440 76.12 3.17 0.053 3542
2880 85.89 1.79 0.030 3996

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 2.5404 ha
QBAR Return Period
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 7.49
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 7.26 19.02 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method - The Wallingford Procedure Vol. 4 'The Modified Rational Method'
This worksheet
Water Research considers
Council the
following scenario:

This site
The worksheet
in question
is currently
the following
greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.
The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield runoff rates
The post
have beendevelopment
used to determine
will include
an increase
on theinprevious
surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only.
The post development Refer the
scenario willfollow
includeworksheet for the
an increase total peak runoff
in impermeable ratesdue
surfaces andtovolumes
the proposed
taking into consideration
development. the post-development
This worksheet determines the runoffgreenfield areas
from the in addition to the
post-development impermeable
impermeable areas only. Refer
the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes taking into consideration the post-development
greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable areas.
Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.
Ref. Technical
Reference Report
is made W5-07A/TR1Preliminary
to Preliminary RainfallRunoff
Managment of Rainfall Runoff forManagement
Developments. for
Developments (2004) Rev
Ref. Technical Report B.
W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments (2004)
Rev=B.Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage
Cv = Example of(Butler and for
Reference Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment Emp October 2011.xls 30 Yr Post Dev Runoff

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS/027092 Catchment EMP

Version Draft V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 24/08/2011

Checked by PH Date 24/08/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 30 Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s m3/s m3 m3 m3
15 0.0577 1.627 52 1130 1078
30 0.0577 0.992 104 1380 1276
60 0.0577 0.606 208 1693 1485
120 0.0577 0.372 416 2092 1677
240 0.0577 0.231 831 2624 1793
360 0.0577 0.177 1247 3026 1779
480 0.0577 0.146 1662 3368 1706
600 0.0577 0.127 2078 3675 1597
840 0.0577 0.102 2909 4181 1272
1440 0.0577 0.072 4987 5185 198
2880 0.0577 0.049 9974 7283 -2692

Required Storage 1793 m

Required Volume of Storage

2000 Required
1500 Volume of
Volume (m3)

-3000 Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment Emp October 2011.xls 30 Yr Post Dev Storage

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS/027092 Catchment EMP

Version Draft V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 24/08/2011

Checked by PH Date 24/08/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Roof Area 2.8445 0.9 0.495212396
Ground Level Impervious 2.3251 0.9 0.404787604
Other 0 0 0
Total 5.17 0.9

Return Period 1 in 100 Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 36.54 146.16 2.458 1700
30 43.26 86.52 1.455 2013
60 51.07 51.07 0.859 2376
120 60.15 30.08 0.506 2799
240 70.72 17.68 0.297 3290
360 77.7 12.95 0.218 3615
480 83.04 10.38 0.175 3864
600 87.42 8.74 0.147 4067
840 93.22 6.66 0.112 4337
1440 100.71 4.20 0.071 4686
2880 111.18 2.32 0.039 5173

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 2.5404 ha
QBAR Return Period
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 10.17
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 7.26 25.84 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method - The Wallingford Procedure Vol. 4 'The Modified Rational Method'
This worksheet
Water Research considers
Council the
following scenario:

This site
The worksheet
in question
is currently
the following
greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.
The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield runoff rates
The post
have beendevelopment
used to determine
will include
an increase
on theinprevious
surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only.
The post development Refer the
scenario willfollow
includeworksheet for the
an increase total peak runoff
in impermeable ratesdue
surfaces andtovolumes
the proposed
taking into consideration
development. the post-development
This worksheet determines the runoffgreenfield areas
from the in addition to the
post-development impermeable
impermeable areas only. Refer
the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes taking into consideration the post-development
greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable areas.
Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.
Ref. Technical
Reference Report
is made W5-07A/TR1Preliminary
to Preliminary RainfallRunoff
Managment of Rainfall Runoff forManagement
Developments. for
Developments (2004) Rev
Ref. Technical Report B.
W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments (2004)
Rev=B.Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage
Cv = Example of(Butler and for
Reference Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment Emp October 2011.xls 100 Yr Post Dev Runoff

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS/027092 Catchment EMP

Version Draft V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 24/08/2011

Checked by PH Date 24/08/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 100 Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s m3/s m3 m3 m3
15 0.0784 2.483 71 1723 1653
30 0.0784 1.481 141 2059 1918
60 0.0784 0.885 282 2469 2187
120 0.0784 0.532 565 2985 2420
240 0.0784 0.323 1129 3662 2533
360 0.0784 0.244 1694 4173 2479
480 0.0784 0.200 2259 4608 2349
600 0.0784 0.173 2823 4998 2174
840 0.0784 0.138 3953 5640 1687
1440 0.0784 0.096 6776 6918 142
2880 0.0784 0.065 13553 9638 -3914

Required Storage 2533 m

Required Volume of Storage

2000 Required
Volume of
1000 Storage

Volume (m3)

-5000 Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment Emp October 2011.xls 100 Yr Post Dev Storage

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS/027092 Catchment EMP

Version Draft V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 24/08/2011

Checked by PH Date 24/08/2011

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Impermeable Areas ONLY

Modified Rational Method: Peak Flow for Impermeable Areas

Q = 2.78 Cv* Cr*I*A/1000
Cr = Routing Coefficient (1.3 for Urban areas)
Cv = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)
A = Area (ha)

Calculation of Runoff Coefficient (Cv)

Surface Area (ha) Cv Weighted Cv

Greenfield Open Space N/A N/A N/A
Roof Area 2.8445 0.9 0.495212396
Ground Level Impervious 2.3251 0.9 0.404787604
Other 0 0 0
Total 5.17 0.9

Return Period 1 in 100 + CC Year

Duration FEH rainfall Depth Intensity Peak Flow Rate Volume of Runoff
(mins) (mm) (mm/hr) (m3/s) (m3)
15 47.502 190.01 3.195 2210
30 56.238 112.48 1.891 2617
60 66.391 66.39 1.116 3089
120 78.195 39.10 0.657 3638
240 91.936 22.98 0.386 4277
360 101.01 16.84 0.283 4700
480 107.952 13.49 0.227 5023
600 113.646 11.36 0.191 5288
840 121.186 8.66 0.146 5638
1440 130.923 5.46 0.092 6091
2880 144.534 3.01 0.051 6725

Calculation of Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes from Greenfield Areas ONLY

Post Development
Greenfield Area 2.5404 ha
QBAR Return Period
100 + CC
Greenfield Runoff Rate
(l/s/ha) 2.86 13.22
Greenfield Runoff from
Open Space (l/s) 7.26 33.59 Refer greenfield runoff calcs

Wnere necessary interpolate between the duration values once Tc has been calculated.

Reference Modified Rational Method - The Wallingford Procedure Vol. 4 'The Modified Rational Method'
This worksheet
Water Research considers
Council the
following scenario:

This site
The worksheet
in question
is currently
the following
greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield
rnuoff rates have been used to determine allowable discharge on the previous worksheets.
The site in question is currently considered greenfield i.e. undeveloped in its entirety. Greenfield runoff rates
The post
have beendevelopment
used to determine
will include
an increase
on theinprevious
surfaces due to the
proposed development. This worksheet determines the runoff from the post-development
impermeable areas only.
The post development Refer the
scenario willfollow
includeworksheet for the
an increase total peak runoff
in impermeable ratesdue
surfaces andtovolumes
the proposed
taking into consideration
development. the post-development
This worksheet determines the runoffgreenfield areas
from the in addition to the
post-development impermeable
impermeable areas only. Refer
the follow worksheet for the total peak runoff rates and volumes taking into consideration the post-development
greenfield areas in addition to the impermeable areas.
Reference is made to Preliminary Managment of Rainfall Runoff for Developments.
Ref. Technical
Reference Report
is made W5-07A/TR1Preliminary
to Preliminary RainfallRunoff
Managment of Rainfall Runoff forManagement
Developments. for
Developments (2004) Rev
Ref. Technical Report B.
W5-07A/TR1Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for Developments (2004)
Rev=B.Example of Reference for Cv Values
Urban Drainage
Cv = Example of(Butler and for
Reference Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
Cv Values
Urban Drainage (Butler and Davis) 2005, Spon Press, Oxford
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.
The documents referenced here are available on the internet.

Catchment Emp October 2011.xls 100 Yr CC Post Dev Runoff

Project Title
Raunds West End

Job Number CS/027092 Catchment EMP

Version Draft V1.1

File Path I/ENV/ZWET/CS027092/Hydrology/Surface Water

Produced by PH Date 24/08/2011

Checked by PH Date 24/08/2011

Calculation of TOTAL Post Development Peak Runoffs and Volumes and Required Storage

Return Period 1 in 100 + CC Year

Existing or
Permitted Existing or Permitted Storage,
Discharge Runoff Outflow Volume Post-Development Inflow -
Storm Duration Rate Post-Development Runoff Rate (Greenfield) Runoff Volume Outflow
(minutes) m3/s 3
m /s m 3
m3 m3
15 0.0784 3.229 71 2240 2170
30 0.0784 1.925 141 2677 2536
60 0.0784 1.150 282 3210 2928
120 0.0784 0.691 565 3880 3315
240 0.0784 0.420 1129 4761 3632
360 0.0784 0.317 1694 5425 3731
480 0.0784 0.260 2259 5990 3731
600 0.0784 0.225 2823 6497 3673
840 0.0784 0.179 3953 7332 3379
1440 0.0784 0.125 6776 8994 2218
2880 0.0784 0.084 13553 12530 -1023

Required Storage 3731 m

Required Volume of Storage

3000 Volume of

Volume (m3)



-2000 Duration (mins)


Post-Development runoff volumes are a combination of runoff volumes from impermeable areas and
runoff volumes from greenfield areas.

Greenfield runoff rates are not duration dependent using the IoH124 method, however greenfield runoff
volumes have been calculated for the storm durations above and added to the duration dependent
volumes from the impermeable areas (which use the Modified Rational Method)

Catchment Emp October 2011.xls 100 Yr CC Post Dev Storage

Appendix C: Correspondence

Appendix C: Correspondence

47 of 53
Capita Symonds Our ref: AN/2011/112829/01-L02
Level Seven Your ref:
52 Grosvenor Gardens
Belgravia Date: 14 October 2011

FAO Paul Hlinovsky

Dear Sir

Raunds West End Development

Thank you for referring the above enquiry, which was received on 08 September

We have reviewed the information contained within your e-mail and can confirm that
the approach to surface water drainage, in terms of allowable discharge rates and
attenuation requirements is acceptable.

Please be informed that East Northamptonshire District Council has completed an

updated Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS25) compliant Strategic Flood Risk
Assessment (SFRA), which promotes a 1% design standard including an allowance
for climate change.

Any Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must demonstrate that surface water run-off can
be managed and the proposed surface water drainage system can cope with 1 in
100 probability plus climate change rainfall event without increasing flood risk to the
site, surrounding area and third parties. The FRA must also demonstrate that post
development run-off does not exceed pre-development run-off and surface water
run-off rates for the existing and developed site for the 1 in 1 probability rainfall
event, the 1 in 30 probability rainfall event and the 1 in 100 probability rainfall event
should be stated. The allowable discharge rates from the site should be based on
the developed impermeable area rather than the site area as a whole. In addition,
any FRA must confirm whether the site run-off will be restricted to the Qbar rate for
all events or the Q1 for the 1 in 1 probability rainfall event, Q30 for the 1 in
30 probability rainfall event and Q100 for the 1 in 100 probability rainfall event using
a complex control. Any attenuation required should be provided in line with the
requirements of PPS25 and Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for New
Development Revision D and must include climate change. The maintenance and/or
adoption proposals for every element of the surface water drainage system proposed
on the site should be considered for the lifetime of the development and the residual
Environment Agency
Customer services line: 03708 506 506
Nene House (Pytchley Lodge Industrial Estate),
Weekday daytime calls to 0370 numbers cost 8p plus up to
Pytchley Lodge Road, Kettering, Northants, NN15 6JQ
6p per minute from BT Weekend Unlimited.
Mobile and other providers charges may vary.
risk of flooding addressed such as system blockage and submerged
outfall. Overland floodwater flood water should be routed away from vulnerable
areas. For acceptable depths and rates of flow, please refer to Environment Agency
and Defra document Flood risk to people phase 2 FD2321. Further consideration
should be given to safe access and egress for emergency services when site is

Any drainage scheme proposed should provide a sustainable drainage strategy to

include SUDS elements with attenuation, storage and treatment capacities
incorporated as detailed in the CIRIA SUDS Manual (C697). Even if infiltration is not
possible on the site, SUDS can still be utilised to convey and store surface water
run-off. Areas of open space on the site could be utilised and SUDS features such
as swales and ponds may added to the amenity and ecologic value of the
site. Inclusion of other above ground SUDS should be considered as part of the

For further information on the surface water requirements, please refer to R & D
Technical Report W5-074/A/TR/1 - Preliminary Rainfall Runoff Management for
Developments (Revision D) and for further information on the requirements of a PPS
25 compliant FRA, please refer to PPS25, specifically Annex E, and the PPS25
Practice Guide.

Flood Defence Consent

Notwithstanding the planning permission(s) that may be granted or extant on the
site, any proposed works affecting ordinary watercourses, statutory main rivers,
within the indicative floodplain or within the byelaw distance requires the prior written
consent of the Environment Agency under the relevant statutory legislation and
current land drainage byelaws.

It should not be assumed that such consent will automatically be forthcoming, and
the applicant should consult with the Environment Agency at the earliest opportunity
in order to determine and secure formal flood defence consent for the proposed
works as appropriate.

We have not yet received a copy of the masterplan as referred to within the e-mail.
We are able to provide the above comments as the proposal relates to the allowable
discharge rates and the design standard of attenuation.

Should you require any additional information, or wish to discuss these matters
further, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below.

Yours faithfully

Kerrie Ginns
Planning Liaison Officer
Direct dial 01536 385159
Direct e-mail
Awarded to the Planning and Corporate Services
Department of Anglian Region, Northern Area

End 2
Hlinovsky, Paul (Capita Symonds)
Sent: 23 February 2011 14:18
To: Lennon, Mark (Capita Symonds)
Subject: 1103/SP33(013A) Capita Symonds, Brick Kiln Road , RAUNDS

Dear Mr Lennon

Brick Kiln Road Raunds - Reference 1103/SP33(013A)

Further to our letter dated 10 February 2010 I am now able to provide updated information.

Anglian Water have implemented a planned preventative maintenance programme to ensure that we comply with our
duties under Section 94 of the Water Industry Act 1991.

Under the programme, we are jetting the system as necessary in order to prevent blockages, as a result of these
works and our continued efforts to remove surface water from the foul system; we are able to confirm that we can
allow foul flows from an initial 12 properties to connect into the existing foul water system at manhole 0301 in North
Street without the need for further modelling studies.

We appreciate that this number is likely to be insufficient given the size of the proposed development, but we feel it is
our duty to advise you of any changes within the Raunds catchment which may affect your proposals.

If you have any queries, please contact me on 01733 414607 or alternatively you can contact the Planning & Equivalence Team
on 01733 414690.


Denise Harding

Planning & Equivalence Team

The information contained in this message is likely to be confidential
and may be
legally privileged. The dissemination, distribution, copying or
disclosure of this
message, or its contents, is strictly prohibited unless authorised by
Anglian Water.
It is intended only for the person named as addressee.

Anglian Water cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy or
completeness of
this message, and does not authorise any contract to be made using the

If you have received this message in error, please immediately return it

to the
sender at the above address and delete it from your computer.

Anglian Water Services Limited

Registered Office: Anglian House, Ambury Road, Huntingdon,
Cambridgeshire, PE29 3NZ
Registered in England No 2366656

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Barwood LaSalle Land Limited

West End: A New Sustainable Gateway to Raunds

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