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The scene starts off with Jay (17) leaving the football pitch after
playing a game with his friends. Jay is on his way home, he suddenly
is stopped by a hooded person and is given a duffel bag and told to
go home and not open the bag. The hooded person runs off, jay
tries to stop him but the guy gets away.

Jay speed walks home and drops the duffel on his living room table.
Jay sits down of the sofa and stares at the bag wondering what are
the contents inside the bag. Jay could no longer hold his curiosity
and opens the bag.

Jay sees a brick of cocaine and steps back in shock, all of a sudden a
phone rings and it was coming from the duffel bag. Jay walks
towards the bag and takes the phone out and answers it.

He answers it and is told to deliver the package to barely lane but

refuses to but jay is then threatened and shouted at if he didnt
deliver the drugs and the anonymous person hangs up. Jay gets
ready to deliver the bag but hears police sirens getting louder and

Jay drops the bag and takes out the cocaine and tries to get rid of it.
Jay goes to the living room and tries to stuff it in the oven and takes
it out then tries chuck it in the microwave. He then takes it out in a
panic and runs to the bathroom and tries to flush it down the toilet.

Jay all of a sudden hears knocking on his door, he assumes its the
police so he walks towards the door to open it. He opens the door
and its his neighbour delivering him mail. He face drops as his
phone starts too ring again as he realises what hes done.

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