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wwe Daily Dos digalmeaasc? Anonyra, Abwehr von Arzneimitalrisken, Stfe Il. In: DAZ 136(38)3253.2354, 1996, BGA, Areacimitelsiken: Anthranoide, In: DAZ 182(21) 166. 1992. Balbaa $ etal, (1973) Plann Med 24:33, Benoit PS et a, (1976) Lloyaia 39:60, Kawabata S, Deki M, (1977) Kanzei Chuo Bunsek 17, Miller K, Wieprebe W, Psoriasis und Antipsoratika, Ins DAZ 137122) 1893-1902, 1997, [Noldeon U, Disserton Univenitat Bo. 1989, Proliae A, Blane M, (1976) Helv Chem Acts 582503, Wagner, H, In "The Biology and Chemisty ofthe Composite,” Fas V.N. Heywood etal. Academic Press, London 1977, Farther information in: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hse). Hages Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl, Bde 46 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Betin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992. 1996, Hausen B, AllergepManzen, Panzenallegene, esomed Veagsgeselisch. mbH, Landsberg 1988 Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzmeimitel, Bée 13. [Nachdruck, Goorg Olns Verlsg Thidesteim 1979 Ghimaphila umbellata See Pipsissewa Chinese Cinnamon Cinnamomum aromaticum Medicinal Parts: The medivinal parts are the flowers collected and dried after they have finshed blossoming, and the whole or parly pected, dried berk of thin and young branches, as well the oil extracted from them, Flower and Fruit: The flowers are small on short, slender, silky pedicles, They ste amanged in throes in eymous panicles in the leaf axils and in larger panicles atthe end of the branches. The perianth is slightly silky, about 3 mm long, With oblong-lanceolate petals. The fit isa juicy, pes-sized, elliptoid, smooth drupe wnioad blQgsponn. Leaves, Stem and Root: This evergreen tree grows up to 7 m tall with aromatic bark and angular branches. The bark is brown, in qulled pieces, sometimes with the remains of the The 7S to 10 cm long leaves are m8 6 to 8 cm long petioles, more outer layer present. oblanceolate and pubescen or less tapered toward the base akomate and brown underneath They are coriaceous, Habitat: Indigenous and cultivated in southern China, Vietnam, Laos and Burma Production: Chinese Cinnamon consists of the completely of perlly peeled, dried stem bark from the sboveground or thin branched axis of Cianamomum aromaticum. The drug, fom branches 2 to 3 cm thick, is peeled with hom knives, freed fiom cork and outer rind, and dried jn the sux for 24 hours Not to be Confed With: Chinese Cinnamon should not be confused with waste products from the production process of other barks and materials, nor with the skins of horse ‘chestaut seeds, Other Names: Cassia, False Cinnamon, Bastard Cinnamon, Cassia Lignea, Cassia Bark, Cassia eromaticum, Canton Cassia COMPOUNDS Volatile oil: chicf components ate cinnamaldehyde, weite hin cinnamylacetate, cianamyl alcobol, o-methoxycinnamai- dehyde, eianamic acid, coumarin Diterpenes: cinnzeylanoles, cinneassioles A to E Tunnine: catechin tannins Otigomere —prosnthoeyxniins Macilages eEFECTS, ‘The estential oil and its main constituent cinnamaldehyde are antibacterial, fungstatic, improve immune resistance in animal tests (inbibiting allergic reactions Type { and 1D, promote motility, inbibit uleers and act on the digestive tract sanin content). Approwd by Commission E + Loss of eppetite + Dyspeptic complaints Unproven Uses: Folk medicine uses include symptomatic treatment of gastrointestinal disorders (mild, colicky upsets fof the gastrointestinal tract, bloating, fMatulence and diar- rhea), as well as for temporary states of exhaustion and to increase weight. Eificacy has been sufficiently proven for plogspotco™ ‘Materials Research, World Scisnific Pub. Co. Sinzpare 19S. ct eit a i i dt YAEL hemia, menopause syndrome, amenorrhea, abortion and to stabilize immunity Indian Medicine: Digestive complaints, vomiting and diar- thea are the most common uses in Indian medicine. Use of medicinal preparations of Chinese Cinnamon is contraindicated during. pregnancy. General: No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug possesses a medium potential {or sensitization, primarily due to the cinnamaldchyde. Pregnancy: The drug, is not to be administered in time of pregnancy. Dosage ‘Mode of Administration: Comminsted bark for infusions, essential oil, as well as other galenic preparations for intemal Preparation: To prepare a tincture of Chinese Cinnamon, ‘moisten 200 parts cinnamon bark evenly with ethanol and percolate to produce 1000 parts tincture, Daily Dosage: 2 to 4 g drug; 0.05 to 02 g essential oil. The average single dose is Ig Storage: Chinese Cinnamon should be stored in a cool, dry environment in tightly sealed containers. TeRATURE Hikino 1, Economic and Medina Plat Research, Vol L, ‘Academic Press UK 1985, Lockwood GB, Die Haypthsstndvile des aherschen Ols von (Ciapamomum cassia BLUME Is: PM 36(4)380-381, 1979. [Nagai Ht etal, (1982) Jon J Phamnacol 32(5)813. Nohara T et a, (1982) Phytochemistry 21(8)2130, Nohara T etal, (1985) Phytocbemisty 248): 1849 [Nohara T etal, Cinneassiol E, a dterpene fom the berk of CGinsamoesum cassia, Tn: PIT 241849. 198, Nohara Tet al, PH 21-2130-2132, 1982 ‘Otsuka Het a, (1982) Yaga Zasshi 102162 ‘Sagara K etal, J Chromatogr 409:365-570, 1987, Senayake UM etal, (1978) J Agric Food Chem 20:822 Stuctue of potent anlcerogenic compounds fam (Cimamomnam casi, Tethedron 44:4703, 1988, Harel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneier G (isp). Hagers Handbuch der Phamazeutschen Praxis. 5. Aull, Bde 46 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg. New York, 1991 1994, ‘Tang W, Fisesirind G, Chinese Drags of Plant Origin, Springer Vetiag Heidelberg 1992. Chinese Motherwort Leonurus japonicus ‘Medicina! Parts: properties, The fruit is stid to have medicinal Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is long with whorls of a few flowers at some distance fom each other. The bracts are short and usually have © thomlike awn, The flowers are sessile and dorsiventral, The calyx is narrow clavate approximately 8 mm long, short-haired. The ealyx teeth are upright, the lower 2 are longer than the 3 upper ones. The corolla is bilabiate, made up of fused petals, approximately 10 mm long, lilac to pink. The upper ip has a purple mide lobe and the lower lip is divided into 3. There are 2 Jong and 2 short stamens. The ovary is superior, 2-carpled and 4- chambered. The fiuit breaks up into 4 black 3-edged approximately 2 mm long, I-seeded mericarps. Leaves, Stem and Root: This herbaccous perennial grows to ‘a height of up to 1m. The leaves are petiolate, § to 10 em long, ovate to cordate, narrowing cuncifommly at the base The lower leaves are palmately divided to the middle: the sections are pianatfid with linear-acuminate lobes. The upper leaves are decussate opposite, simple, lanceolate entire and pubescent on both surfaces. The stem is gray ‘ereen, upright, branched and square; the surface is grooved, and the ribs are pubescent, Habitat: Leonurus japonicus is found in China, North and South Korea, and Japan, Production: Chinese Motherwort fut is the dried fruit of Leonurus japonicus. ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY Diterpenes: including leonurine Fatty oil: chief fity acids oleic acid and linolenic acid

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