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MERBAL oNooRamis gspot'com 2 eaimogsdowreaesel? WAV We set te eh, Di and Flower Unproven Uses: The herb is usod internally for catach ofthe Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the oil extracted its, chron sass end Thovging come, _Exemals, ine irre fos ht ed ne tel oe a tent Sane eaves; and the fiesh aerial part ofthe lowering csrcrnally for tonslitis and poorly hesling wounds 1 eH a the base Mode of Adminstration: Thyme is available as a comminut- Leaves, Siem and Root: The plant is a dwarf shrub that ed drug, powder, liquid extract or dey extract for infusions No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction with the proper administation of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug possesses & low potential for sensitization, £ Under smface rents of standardized preparations of antiussive aud cough remo Characteristics: The odor is aromatic and the taste tangy, Yeas somewhat bitter and camphorlik. How Supplied Habitat: The plat is indigenous to the Meditesanean cegion gio snd neighboring countries, northem A\tica and pats of Asa 11 is extensively culate. Liguid — 1, 15 Production: Thyme consists ofthe stripped and dred leaves Prepaation: To prepare a tea, use 1S to 2 gm drug with and flowers of Thymus vulgaris, Thymus zygis, or both oiling water, steep for 10 minutes, then strain. (I teaspoon- species fil is equivalent o 14 gm drug) To prepare an infsion, ada 1 to 2 gm drug to 150 ml of wate, For a bath, add a minimum of 0.004 gan thyme oil to 1 liter of wate, filler, Volatile oi (L0-2.5%) chief components thymot (20-55%), then a to bath water drawn ata temperature of 35-38° C. p-cymene (14-459), carvacol (1-10%), gamma-erpinene Allematively, add 500 gm of drug o4 lites ofboiling water, (5-10%), borneol (up 10 89%), Hnalool (up to 8%) filer, then add to bath water. fic acid derivatives: rosmarinc acid (0.15-1.38%) Daily Dosage: The recommended dhily dosage is 10. gm lavonoide" including among other, Iweoie, apigenin, 08 "i 0.08% phono, calculated as thymol. When using @ eh Z < * single dose forthe infusion is 15 gm drug, or 1 to 2 gm drug 4& — thymonine, thymusine, partially present as glycosides patup of water akensovel tes aduy, The doce fr he Titerpenes"; including among others, solic acid (1.9%), powder is 1 to 4 gm drag twice daily leaalie aid (06%) COMPOUNDS ‘The tea can be taken several times a day as neoded. A SY EERLCTS infusion can be used for compresses. Baths should be taken ‘Thyme is a bronchial antispasmodic, an expectorant, and an fy 10 ty 20 minutes, antibacterial agent, In animal experiments, a spasmolytic effect was demonstrated for the flavone faction and an Storage: Keep the hetb in a tightly sealed container, and cexpectorant effect on ciliary activity for the terpenes. protect from light and moisture, (Caygan FC, Hansel R. Thymian und Quendel ~ ranreciealle case WW Weer yeuische Rewvering ausgevabler Teedrogen, Ins DAZ 135(16): 25-1440. 1995, Kreis P, Juchelka D, Motz C, Mosand! A, Chirale Inhale tuhertcher Ole. In: DAZ 15 Messerschmide W, PM Miguel JD. (1976) Agric Food Chem 24833, (0981) An Real Acad Farm 47(3):285 Montes GM et al Setratz B, Honter H PM 19160. 1970, Sourgens H et al, (1982) Plana Md 45:78, Svendsen AB, Karlsen J, (1966) Planta Med 14376 Vampa G etal. Plantes Med Phytotber22:198. 1988 Van den Broucke CO et al, (1983) Pharm Weekbl 5(1). Weiss B. Flick H, Phan Acta Helv 45:169, 1970, urher information in Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schncider G (Hes), Hages Handboet der Pharmazeuischen Praxis. 5 Aufl, Bde 46 (Drogen): Springer Verlag Bevin. Heidelberg, New York. 1992 1994, Leung AY. Eneyslopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used sn Food Drugs, Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischon Arzmsimitel, Bde 13, ‘Nachdruck, Georg Olms Vetlag Hildesheim 1979, Steinegger F, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie 5. Aufl. Springer Verlag Honelberg 1992, Teuschor F, Biogene Armeimita, 5, Auf, Wiss, Velagses Sutteact 1997 ‘Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gite - Biologic, Chem, Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl, Ficher Verlag Stagart 1994 Wichll M (Hrsg), Teedrogen, 4 Aufl, Wiss. Veeagsges Stuitgat 1997 Thymus serpyllum See Wild Thyme Thymus vulgaris See Thyme rm a ORO doultitaygeruaiaasP° Tilia species ‘See Linden Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum Medicina! Parts: ‘The medi parts are the dried le Flower and Fruit; The numerous flowers ate in many- branched panicles. The sepals ate 12 t0 25 mm Jong and tubular to tubular-campanulate. The sips are. triangular, pointed and unequal, The copolla is 30 to 5S mm long, unnel-shaped, pale greenish-eveam and often pinkish distal Jy, The limb is 10 to 15 mm with pointed lobes, which are sometimes subentire. The four stamens are unequal and sometimes slightly exerted. The capsule ie 15 to 20 mm long, ellipsoid 10 globose eaves, Stem and Root Tobacco is a9 annual ot bienais plant, 1 to 3 m in height. The plant has a long fibrous root and an upright, cound, pubescent and stick stem, which is heavily branched at the top. The leaves are up to 50 em in length. ‘They are ovate to elliptical or lanceolate, pointed, alternate and sessile. They sometimes have a short, winged petiole Habicat: The plant originates fiom topical America and is culivated worldwide, in particular in the U.S., China, ‘Turkey, Greece, Holland, France, Germany and most sub- tropical counties, Production: Tobacco leaves are the cukivated, unfermented leaves of Nicotiana tabacum, Pyridine altoids (05-80%, among selet cultivars 1.5%) chief alkaloid nicotine (30-60% share of the alkaloid mixture) including among others N-formyl noe-nicotine, cotinine, myosmine, nieotyrine, anabasine, nicotelline In small doses, Tobacco increases blood pressure and the activity ofthe gostric mucous membrane. In lerger doses, #t reduces blood pressure and lowers muscle tone of the

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