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The Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines would like to
express its concerns on the expanding reclamations works being done in the South
China Sea. The following concerns are addressed: The Nine Dash Line which covers
the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Philippines as claimed by the Peoples Republic
of China. The blockade of Chinas navy to our fisher folk which has prevented them
to fish in our waters has raised a concern for the Philippines. As well as the alleged
claims of the Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands has also been given

The Republic of Philippines requests that these claims of the Peoples Republic of
China be dismissed immediately as we, the Republic of the Philippines will not stand
for this and if any other matters are to be settled, it will be all brought to the
International Court of Justice in Hague, Netherlands.

Pasay City, 30 May 2016

The Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines

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