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Your name: Kaitlyn Thomas

Grade level for the activity: 3rd grade

Content area (math, ELA, science, etc.): ELA

Integration model (TPACK or SAMR): SAMR

Technologies integrated:
For this activity I plan incorporate the SAMR model and have the children use Google
docs, kahoot (a voting/questioning app), and (the world wide web).

Activity title: What goes into comprehension?

Class demographics (describe your students):

I have a classroom with 20 children ranging in ages from 8 to 10. 80% of the class is at
grade level for reading, 5% is above, and 5% is below. The majority of the class is white
and low to middle class. The class is working on comprehending what they read.

Activity overview (describe the activity):

For this activity I am going to have children first work as a group on a Google docs to
define the different parts of a story and have them decide what parts they think they
need to understand to comprehend a text. They will use for definitions
they need help explaining. Then they will be divided up in to groups of 5 where as a
group they will write a story on Google docs that flows each being responsible for 1
paragraph. After they will use Kahoot to compose comprehension questions on their
story. They will then each read their stories to the class then give them the Kahoot quiz
to answer after. They will send their stories and questions to the a 3rd grade classroom
across town also to see if they were appropriate.
Activity goal (describe what the activity will accomplish):
In this activity students will discover what goes into to writing a story, the parts and the
their definitions. The students will work together to write a story and develop questions
to test students comprehension of their story; doing all of this through technology.

Standards covered (pick from State, CCSS, NGSS, etc): In Michigan we use the
common core state standards for English language arts.
Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to
the text as the basis for the answers.

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective
technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.

Procedure (describe the steps students will follow):

1. First the students will log onto to the Google doc and shared with them. We will
make a list of terms needed while writing and then they will be set free to define
2. Next, the students will then be divided into groups and using that list we just
created write a story. Each child is responsible for one paragraph.
3. Then, the students will make a kahoot quiz to test the comprehension of the
people who read their story. Each child is responsible for one question.
4. After, I will have each group read their story to the class and then give their quiz.
5. Lastly, the students will share their story documents with the kahoot link on the
bottom with a 3rd grade teacher at a different building and that class will leave
comments on how they thought the stories accomplished what they were
supposed to.

Assessment (describe how you will assess student understanding): I will assess
understanding in two ways. First I will look at their stories and see if they were able to
use and incorporate all of the writing techniques we discussed prior to writing. Secondly,
I will look at the questions they come up with to see if they understand what does into
comprehension in general.

Personal reflection (discuss how the activity you designed covers TPACK/SAMR
principles): Through this lesson students are implementing technology into a lesson that
in a typical school setting would not. The students are using all four substitution,
augmentation, modification, and redefinition while writing a story together and sharing
them with a class across town. They use substitution when they use the Google doc
instead of paper and pencil to write the story. Then, they use augmentation when they
augmentation by making it so all of the students can work on the same task at the same
time making the task more functional. The modification portion is complete when they
are able to add comments and edit from anywhere at anytime. Then the redefinition is
complete when they send it to a class across town to add comments and assess their
projects a task that couldnt be done as efficiently without technology.

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