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Planning Brief

Project name Escape

Genre and length Horror
Between 2 - 3mins
Deadline February 2017
Group members Director: Abubakar Akbari
Cinematographer: Priyais Ariyaratnam
Editor: Hamidah Duffus
Sound: Everyone
Genre Our genre is horror and our cross-
genre is thriller. We chose this genre
because as a group we thought we
could get very creative with it and as
we are very familiar with the genre it
makes it easier for us to come up with
ideas. Also, the horror genre has a
large audience and many subgenres
to it, which means we can add a lot of
different categories as we wish.
Brief overview The protagonist (John Royce) is
suddenly awoken, where he finds
himself on the street. He then
proceeds to enter a warehouse where
he is approached by a mob of villains
with masks on to where they battle it
out. The final scene is when the
protagonist is then in a position where
he is caught again, but this time there
is no escape for him and the scene
ends of in a cliff hanger.
Target audience and gender Our target audience is 15-30yrs, also
their socio-economic groups being C1-
E. Both genders being male and
female are included as both of them
can watch horror films as equally as
each other.
Codes and convections Codes and convections are present in
our film production as there will be
many codes to show this such as
when the protagonist is trapped and
instead of running outside he decides
to explore a warehouse. This lets the
audience understand that the film is
of the horror genre.
What representation are present in John Royce is presented as a
this production character that is in a vulnerable
position. The character will have poor
clothing, which shows he is from a
working class and also he is shown to
have many scars on his face
indicating previous history with the
antagonist. The gang of antagonists
are represented as psychopaths as
the masks they wear are shown to be
scary and malicious. Also, the
weapons they carry show them to be
violent and stronger, which is a typical
stereotype of men as being more
How will you verify whether the A post questionnaire which we will
product is successful and meets the distribute will provide us with key
expectation information about how our target
audience thought of our finished
product and if it met the expectations.
Another way in which we will obtain
feedback is through YouTube
comments/stats and our social media
pages, which will all have feedback on
letting us know if our product was
successful or not, such as if our video
has many likes it means people had
liked it, whereas if there were many
dislikes it means that people did not
like it.

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