Social Action Activity 1

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What do you think a Social Action is?

Social Action is an action aimed to bring about local, national or global

social change.

What do you think a Social Action video is?

A Social Action video is a method of raising awareness and to inform
people of local, national or global issues that they may otherwise have no
knowledge of.

List as many global social issues that you can think of

Modern day slave trade
Mental health issues
Child abuse
Child brides
Racial hatred
Educating girls

List as many national social issues as you can think of

Mental health issues
Modern day slave trade
Child abuse
Racial hatred
Political issues

List as many local social issues as you can think of.

Mental health issues
Caring for carers in Maidenhead
Adult social care
Behavioral, emotional, social difficulties for Pakistani families

What Social Action documentaries have you seen?

Kony 2012
Louis Theroux Miami Mega Jail
The Climate Changes
The Mad World of Donald Trump
9/11 Decade of Deception

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