Adjective Comparative Superlative Thin Expensive Good Bad Funny Far

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1) Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

Use the Present Simple or Present

________ many artists ___________ (perform) in the market at the weekends?
Martha and James ____________________ (have) dinner at the moment.
David ___________________ (not like) card tricks.
He ______________________ (show) people card tricks at the moment.
On Wednesdays, my cousin ________________ (study) magic.
Janet _____________________ (study) now?
Mary and I ________________________ (not listen) to music right now.

2) Complete the chart below.

Adjective Comparative Superlative


3) Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the

adjectives in the brackets using the comparative or superlative
Max is ______________________ (small) Butch
Jumbo is ______________________ (light) Butch
Butch is ____________________ (big) Jumbo
Jumbos tail is ___________________ (curly) Butchs tail
Max is _____________________ (talented) dog.
Butch ears are ___________________ (long) ears.

4) Circle the correct answer

I cant read my book. Its too dark / not dark enough in this room.
The water is cold! Its not hot enough / too hot for bath.
Williams hat is not big enough / too big. He needs a smaller hat.

5) Complete the sentences with when or while

Alison was talking to her mum at home ________ Sue called.
________ we were sleeping, there was a bad snowstorm.
I was studying ________ the fire started.
__________ the dog started barking, Tom was watching TV
__________ I was running, my friend was rollerblading

6) Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past
Someone _____________ (take) my wallet while I ____________________
(wait) at the supermarket.
While Sarah _______________ (ride) her bike in the park, she ____________
(lose) her sunglasses.
I __________________ (find) this beautiful ring while I ________________
(work) in the garden.
Last night, we _________________ (sleep) in our beds when suddenly we
______________ (hear) a strange noise.
While Lisa ____________________ (study) for her exams, someone
__________________ (play) very loud music.

7) Circle the correct answer

I havent got many / much money in my wallet
Ron has got a lot of / much belts
There isnt many / much bracelets
Ive got many / much bracelets
I want some / any designer jeans
You havent got some / any hats
Have you got some / any scarves?
Sara likes wearing any / much / a lot of rings and necklaces.
This shoe shop hasnt got any / much / some platform boots
I saw much / many / any nice handbags at the street market.
Much / some / any of my friends are going to the show tonight.
There isnt many / some / much nail varnish in the bottle.

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