Iten Hruv: Personal Data

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Ahmedabad, India

Email: ,

Mobile: +91-9825873999

A Software Quality Professional with 3.5 years of experience into Quality Assurance / Software Testing
with exposure in Manual/Automated Testing for different types of Web/Windows based applications for
offshore clients.

Personal Data
Latest update of this resume : August 2009
Date of Birth : 17th June, 1980
Public Profile :

Professional Experience
Years of experience in IT : 56 months (Full Time)
Possible Work Area : Function: Sr. QA Engineer / QA Analyst

Tools/Languages/Environment Exposure:
.NET/SQL Server, LAMP, Flash/Flex, MOSS, CRM,
Manual/Automated testing, Familiar with Open STA,
Test Link, , Microsoft ACT, WAPT 3.0, QTP 8.1,
ANTS Load, WAPT, WSOP, VSTS, Windows 98/95,
Windows NT/2000/XP/2003,ASP.NET, PHP

Generic Skills : Analytical/Problem solving, Flexibility/Versatility,

Interpersonal, Oral/Written communication,
Organization/planning, Time Management,
Motivation, Leadership, Self-Starter/Initiative, Team

General : An expert at testing methodologies and practices
possessing sound understanding of test
development lifecycle, types of testing, manual
testing, test automation and performance testing.
Working experience on platform such as .NET/SQL
Server, PHP/My SQL, CRM, MOSS, Multimedia and
RIA based projects using Flash/Flex3. Have done
multiple projects purely on performance testing.
Office Software : MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint, Open Office
Operating Systems : MS-DOS, Windows 95/ 98/2000/2003, Windows
Development Tools/ Programming : C/C++, VB/ASP.NET, LAMP VB Script, Java Script,
Languages/Scripting Flash , Adobe Flex 3, CRM, MOSS etc.
Databases : Fox Pro, MS Access 2000, Oracle 9i, SQL Server
2000/2005, MySQL
Web Server : Internet Information System (IIS), Apache
Developing methods : Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Object
Oriented, Testing Lifecycle, Agile methodology
Testing Tools : WAPT (V 5.0, V 4.0, V 3.0) , WSOP V 2.0, Open
STA V 1.4.4, Microsoft ACT, VSTS 2005, Mercury
Quick Test Professional (QTP) 8.1, ANTS Load,
Selenium IDE, Test Link (Test management tool)

Testing Types : Manual Functional Testing, Performance Testing,

Agile Testing, Regression Testing, Compatibility
Testing, Database Testing, System Testing, Security
Testing, Usability Testing, Exploratory Testing,
Integration Testing, Volume Testing
Configuration mgmt. : Visual Source Safe (VSS), Concurrent Versions
System (CVS)
Bug Tracking Tool : Mantis, Team System, Bugzilla, JIRA, Clear Quest,
Communication : Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook
Express, MSN Messenger, Skype
Application / Domain Exposure : Application exposure to Podcasting, Real Estate
portal with payment gateway integration, Video
Email type of extensive application, Digital Pen &
Paper based handheld desktop application, Human
Resource Management System, Content
Management System (CMS), Database integration,
Data layer migration, E-commerce, Garage
Management System, Image capture Mobile/PDA
application, RIA (Rich Internet Application) based
multimedia applications etc.

Working Experience
Period Company/ Function Description / Experience
May 2009 Quickstart Global Quickstart Global is a leading provider of multinational
to Aug business services to establish direct offices and employees
2009 around the world. Numerous small-to-medium sized
businesses use Quickstart Global’s In-House Anywhere™
offering to expand their in-house capabilities worldwide,
without the risk, investment, and complexity conventionally
involved with a setting up and sustaining a direct presence
in another country. With client centers spread out over four
continents, and a proven model for numerous industries,
Quickstart Global is committed to enabling global growth
for organizations of all sizes.

Working as ‘QA Analyst’, responsible for Quality Assurance

/ Testing tasks including:

 Set-up Test Management by implementing QA

Processes, standards, tools and documents
 Responsible for System Testing in test
environment and value-added services from
Quality Assurance perspective
 Track Bugs on web based software and maintain
bug life cycle by keeping constant interaction with
developer team
 Prepare functional Test-suites, Test cases to
implement coverage based testing, system testing
 Assist in preparing comprehensive test plans
derived from the analysis and functional
requirement specification documents
 Maintain, improve Quality Assurance standards
for test plans, test execution in compliance to
ensure and meet industry standards
 Implement and research for Automated testing
tools for the organisation
 Understand client’s actual requirement by
interactive communication to implement best
testing approach for the project/product
 Participate in implementing and improving various
latest technology, testing tools as per the
requirement from an organisation
Jan 2006 Gateway TechnoLabs Gateway TechnoLabs Pvt. Ltd. Is a sister concern of
to April Pvt. Ltd. Gateway Group of Companies. Gateway TechnoLabs is a
2009 software development firm providing Internet based e-com
solutions, using advanced technologies like Oracle 9i AS,
Oracle 8i Database servers, Java based enterprise and
mobile environments, Adobe Flex 3, RIA, CRM, MS .NET &
PHP platform (including ASP.NET and VC#) for enterprise
and PDA.

Working as a ‘SQA Engineer’ and primary responsibilities

are as follows:
 Responsible for test execution and verification
and peer review of Gateway’s software
 Assist in writing comprehensive test plans derived
from the analysis of functional specifications and
customer requirement's documentation.
 Assist in the test execution and verification of
Gateway’s software products/projects.
 Assist in the creation of automated test scripts to
be used in conjunction with release, regression,
system and load testing.
 Maintain Quality Assurance Standards for test
plans, test execution and other QA processes and
 Review and provide feedback on online help and
user documentation.
 Improve and encourage all defined policies and
 Perform other tasks required by management to
improve QA processes.

Training / Education / Certifications
Period Board/University Course/Degree Class/Grade/Percentage
2005 DOEACC M.C.A (Master in Computer 55-64% (aggregated)
2004 DOEACC Advance Diploma in C Grade (55% - 64%)
Computer Application (A’
2001 Saurashtra P.G.D.C.A 55%
2000 Saurashtra B.Com (Bachelors in 60%
University Commerce)
1997 G.S.E.B H.S.C (12th) 62%
1995 G.S.E.B S.S.C (10th) 65%

Awards & Achievements

 Received an award of appreciation for (Gateway TechnoLabs Pvt. Ltd)
“Outstanding Tech. Team” for the
best performance in offshore software
project submission successfully.
 Visited UK for on-sight project Year - July 2009
understanding & maintenance.

Project Details
Project Name: “Energy Management Portal”
The Energy Web application Project would be a corporate portal with main
focus on integration with Microsoft SharePoint Portal server2003, Microsoft
CRM3.0, Energy Cap and a customized web solution to produce audits
and financial reports.
Application’s objective is to develop a web environment to allow a single
point of entry for all the deliverables to external customers and all the
internal business functional areas like Rate optimization, Energy
Information Management, CRM and other identified business

Tools & Technologies: VS2005, ASP.NET 2.0, SPS 2003, MSCRM 3.0,
SQL Server 2005, C#
Duration 14 months

My Role SQA Engineer

Responsibilities  Project Initiation Meeting, Define Test scope, Test plan, Test case
 Knowledge transfer from senior team member regarding CRM and
SharePoint concept and judge testing life cycle based on SRS doc
 End-to-End Functional testing on local and deployment server
 Exploratory Testing, Integration Testing, Regression testing
 Bug Logging into web based bug tracking system
 Interactive communication with development team and project
manager for knowledge transfer and quality improvement.
 DB Review
 Release product

Project Name: “ADOBE Indesign server”
Indesign is the third party tool using which we can design .indd templates
and generate the PDF/EPS files based on the .indd templates.

Tools & Technologies: ASP.NET 2.0, MS SQL Server 2005, Ektron Text
Editor, Indesign Server 3.0, Infragistics
Duration 3 months

My Role QA Engineer (Dedicated resource)

Responsibilities  Define Test scope, Test plan, Test case preparation

 End-to-End Functional testing on local and deployment server
 Exploratory Testing, Integration Testing, Regression testing
 Interactive communication with development team for knowledge
transfer and quality improvement.
 Bug Tracking, Release product

Project Name: “Garage Management system”

A web based system facilitates its customer to search for garage near by
its vicinity and helps to repair, contract for its vehicles with them.
Tools & Technologies: ASP.NET, SQL Server 2000, Web Services
Automated Load Testing Tool : WAPT 3.0
Duration 2 years
My Role QA Engineer (Dedicated resource)
Responsibilities  Test plan & Test case preparation
 Test execution using White-Box testing, Exploratory testing,
Integration Testing, Regression Testing
 Bug Reporting, DB Review
 Performance/Load Testing using tool WAPT 3.0,
 Constant interactive communication with development team for
quality improvement
 Release product’s versions

Project Name: “Digital Pen & Paper based Desktop Application”

A Windows/Desktop Digital Pen & Paper based handheld application to
develop and facilitate its users, schools, organizations to record their own
work electronically on Digital Paper through docking the Digital Pen.

Tools & Technologies: .NET, SQL Server 2000

Duration 2 months
My Role QA Engineer (Dedicated resource)
Responsibilities  Test Plan, Test case preparation & Test execution using end-to
end functional testing, Integration testing, Regression testing
 Bug Reporting & DB Review
 Communication with development team
 Release product

Project Name: “Image Capture Mobile Application”
A Java/J2ME based mobile application developed to capture image from
mobile and can be uploaded/stored using mobile device on server.
Tools & Technologies : J2ME, .NET
Duration 1.5 months
My Role QA Engineer
Responsibilities  Test plan, Test case preparation
 Test execution on local and deployment web server using Pilot
testing, Stress testing, Integration testing
 Bug Reporting
 Testing on handheld mobile device for compatibility
 Interactive communication with development team to maintain
quality , Release product

Project Name: “Video Email”

A web based system to develop online video recording and send that video
by email called 'Video Email' functionality. System was challenging to test
with every core validation part and integration testing part.

Tools & Technologies: .NET 1.1, Flash, .NET Web Services, SQL Server
Duration 2 months
My Role QA Engineer (Dedicated resource)
Responsibilities  Define Test scope
 Test plan, Test case preparation
 Manage Testing activities like End-to-End Functional Testing
 Exploratory Testing , Integration testing
 Client communication, Bug Reporting
 Interactive communication with development team to maintain
 Release product

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