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Assessment of the end-of-study project

1. Global assessment of the end-of-study project

The global assessment end-of-study project of the will be done by:
The in-company mentor through a In-company mentor assessment form
o Work accomplished
o Personal contribution
o Approach
A jury (the ISAE supervisor and one or two other people) who will assess the written report
and the defense through a Jury assessment form
o Written report
o Oral presentation

To validate the end-of-study project, the student must get one of the following global grade:
exceptional, excellent, very good, good, pass.
If the student gets one of the following global grade, the end-of-study project will not be validated:
poor, insufficient, incomplete.

2. Written report
The student must write a report at the end of the end-of-study project.
For equity concerns, if the master or advanced master is taught in English, this report must be
written in English (including for French students).

After completing the end-of-study project, the student must write a report. It is not a mere summary
of activity. This report should therefore cover the subject and the objective set, the work context
(team, autonomy, resources, contacts...), the main problems, a synthesis of the work done
highlighting the student personal contribution and a general conclusion. The details are shown in the
appendix, especially if the end-of-study project is confidential.

2.1 Objectives of the written report

The end-of-study project report should provide an opportunity for students to take a step back to
work, to highlight the technical choices that have been brought to the realization of his/her work to
analyze situations which he/she was confronted to.

2.2 Content of the written report

The usual length of the report is 40-50 pages, possibly supplemented by appendices.

The content has to fit with the requirements of the work done and the student has to follow any
instructions given by the in-company mentor and the ISAE supervisor.

Here the standard content:

Table of contents
Short presentation of the company or of the laboratory and its organization, the organization
of the team and its missions, the place of the student in this team, his(her) autonomy,
means, contacts
Presentation of the objectives of the end-of-study project, of the scientific context
Chosen methodology and its justification
Breakdown of the work, tasks done to reach the objective
Results and encountered difficulties
Overview of the work with the highlight of the personal student contribution
General conclusion with perspectives
Bibliography (references must be cited and complete)

2.3 Confidentiality
If the end-of-study project report is confidential, the company should provide a confidentiality form
which will be signed by the head of program (an example of non-disclosure form is also available on

In any case, a written report will have to be given to ISAE (if not, the end-of-study project wont be

2.4 Deadline for submission of the written report

If the written report is NOT confidential, students must send their report (pdf format) to the ISAE
supervisor and head of master program by email within one week before the defense date.

If the written report is confidential, students must give by hand their paper report to the ISAE
supervisor and head of master program within one week before the defense date.

3. Defense
3.1 Objectives and assessments
The objective is to do an oral presentation of the work done during the end-of-study project.
Will be assessed: scientific contribution, ability to summarize, communication skills.

3.2 Duration
The defense will last 40 minutes (20 minutes of defense and 20 minutes).

3.3 Language
For equity concerns, if the master or advanced master is taught in English, the defense (both video
presentation and oral presentation) must be in English (including for French students).

3.4 Dates
If your end of study project ends on the 7th of October 2016 at the latest, the defense will be
organized between Thursday 15th of September and Wednesday 21st of September, 2016.
If your end of study project ends from 10th of October 2016, the defense will be organized depending
on the end of your project, ideally the week before the end of your end of study project and in any
case more than 2 weeks before its end.

In any case, the defense date must be set with your ISAE supervisor and your in-company tutor if
he/she attends your defense.

3.5 Costs related to the defense

Costs incurred by the student and his/her in-company tutor to attend the defense cannot be borne

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