Eb 2015 00017 US HoD Report Instructions 2015

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InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)

Secretariat: Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)

1101 K Street NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC 20005


Replaces: eb-2014-00727

Document Date: January 12, 2015

US TAG Administrators, TAG Chairmen and TAG International Representatives - for Distribution to
To: US HoDs to JTC 1 Subcommittee (SC), Special Working Group (SWG) and ISO Technical
Committee (TC) Plenary Meetings

Reply To: Jennifer Garner

Instructions for US Head of Delegation (HoD) Reports for JTC 1 Subcommittee (SC), Special
Subject: Working Group (SWG) and ISO Technical Committee (TC) Plenary Meetings

Action: US Heads of Delegation (HoDs) are requested to submit their HoD reports to the INCITS Secretariat
(jgarner@itic.org) within one month of international meetings. The INCITS Secretariat will review the
report, record future meeting and US officer terms, contact the US HoD if additional information is
required and submit the US HoD report to ANSI ISO Team.

US Head of Delegation (HoD) Reports

HoD reports are required for JTC 1, JTC 1/SWG, JTC 1/SC and ISO/TC Plenary meetings.

HoD reports are not required for JTC 1/WG, JTC 1/SC/WG, ISO/TC/SC or lower level meetings.

Use the new ANSI HoD report template (attached).

Attach meeting resolutions/recommendations (or meeting report) and attendance list.

US HoD reports should not contain US delegates' instructions or meeting notes.

Submit HoD reports to INCITS Secretariat staff (Jennifer Garner - jgarner@itic.org) within one month of the
international meeting - do not submit HoD reports directly to ANSI ISO Team.

The INCITS Secretariat will review the HoD report, assign an EB document number so the report can be
discussed at the next EB meeting and submit the report to ANSI ISO Team.

The INCITS Secretariat will contact the US HoD if additional information is required.

Information on future meetings is incorporated into the Plenary Hosting Calendar prepared by the INCITS
Secretariat in advance of each EB meeting.

Information on US officers is incorporated into the INCITS Secretariat's spreadsheet of US officers of JTC 1 and
ISO/TC 211 committees to track terms of office.

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