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InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)

Secretariat: Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)

1101 K Street NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC 20005


March 1, 2015

Dear INCITS Member

The INCITS Executive Board (EB) has approved the new INCITS Membership Agreement. Approval of the
agreement concluded a 2-year process with multiple rounds of review, comment by the INCITS community on drafts
of the Agreement. A copy of the finalized Agreement is attached. All INCITS member organizations will be required
to sign the Agreement. Once signed, it will be applicable to all INCITS engagements by representatives from that
member organization (including for example all TC/TG activities).

INCITS has been one of the very few standards organizations without a Membership Agreement. The Membership
Agreement will provide more protection and certainty to INCITS stakeholders. Having this Agreement allows INCITS
to: (1) document and formalize rules that INCITS has been following operationally for many years; (2) clarify and
update other rules; and (3) legally bind Members to these rules in order to bring more consistency, transparency, and
efficiency to the INCITS standards development process.

Please note that this email is being sent to you because you have been identified as a primary contact for your
organization to INCITS. We request that you forward this information to an authorized individual or legal
counsel within your organization for review and signature.

An authorized individual, on behalf of the member organization is requested to forward the signed INCITS
Membership Agreement to the INCITS Secretariat at not later than Tuesday, June
30, 2015.

For reference, the INCITS Organization, Policies and Procedures can be downloaded from

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Lynn Barra

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