The Goshorns Step by Step: February 2017

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The Goshorns Step by Step

February 2017

We have a lot going on at the moment:) We

started our extended feeding programs for the kids
while theyre off school. This will continue until school
starts up in March. Jennifer also started teaching
English during this time with the kids. While school is
out I was also given permission to start the first ever
Bible study at the orphanage. The director said the
study can only continue until school starts because itll
conflict with their school schedule. Half the kids go to
school in the morning and the others in the evening.
Theyre very strict with schedules. The kids enjoy it so
much and participate, we just pray that we can work
something out.
Katherine was asked to be the maid of honor in
the wedding of Rut. We met Rut in 2007 when she was
12 years old and now Katherine is going to be the arrows. The police handled it very well and stood
maid of honor in her wedding, crazy:) This will happen by making sure nothing got out of control. About 4
the first week of May. 1/2 hours later we were able to pass. I cant even
Louise, who was a missionary in Peru for years begin to explain how hot it was. Once we got into
visited for a couple weeks. It was great catching up the interior part of the jungle the roads were very
with her and spending time together. While she was muddy. I have to admit, this part was a lot of fun.
here we celebrated the 1st birthday of Sophia Nicole, Were heading to the states the beginning
our Goddaughter. I dont know if theres a celebration of March. We have a week of meetings with our
in Peru that they dont have clowns. agency and several big mission dinners planned.
I drove to the jungle a couple weeks ago to The first dinner is at Henderson UMC in Henderson
check on some things. This trip was longer than Ky. on the 18th of March. The 2nd is at Crestwood
normal. About 5 hours into the trip, we were stopped UMC in Crestwood Ky. on 25th of March and the
because the native Ashaninka people were upset 3rd is at Immanuel UMC in Lakeside Park Ky. on
about the Government taking some land. They the 1st of April. We have many other engagements
blocked the road and stood guard with their bows and also. If you would like to meet up let us know.

We humbly thank you for your continued

prayers and financial support. If you havent
yet, we ask that you would prayerfully
consider financially supporting this ministry
in Peru. Without more financial partners this
ministry can not continue to grow. We love
you all and thank you for being part of Gods
work in Peru.
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Some of you have heard us talk about Estrella. She just recently showed up at one of our programs.
She was very shy and very hungry. She came in late and so we were down to the very last of our food. We
served her a plate and she ate it. I asked if she would like more and she very shyly shook her head yes. We
didnt have much left, but we gave it to her, she ate it and when I looked back she was eating the scraps
from the other kids plates. When she noticed me she lowered her head and said Im still hungry. You
would think I would be used to this by now, but Im not. We found out that Estrella is 4 years old and
doesn't live very close. When she left that day I
asked if she would return and she said yes. I
didnt think she would, especially since she didnt
live near. I was wrong, shes been there for every
program since. She came because she heard we
would help her. Weve seen a transformation
from a scared, quiet hungry little girl to a happy
talkative girl that sees hope. She now participates
in the program and listens to very intensively to
the Bible stories.

Mahatma Gandhi said There are people in the

world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them
except in the form of bread. When we offer to help
take away the pain of hunger, the doors open to fill them with the Holy Spirit. In English Estrella means
star, and we now see the light in her eyes.

1 John 3:17-18
If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on
them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words
or speech but with actions and in truth.
Page 3 The Goshorns Step by Step

P raye r R e q u e s t s a n d P ra i s e s
Continued physical, emotional and Prayers for the Bible study/ feeding
spiritual protection. programs
Continued financial and prayer Prayers for the Bible study with the
support, as well as new financial and teenage boys at the orphanage.
prayer partners. Prayers for the new discipleship
Discernment as we continue to group in Palian.
explore ministry opportunities. Prayers for prison ministries
Travel mercies as we travel in Peru. Prayers for kids programs.
Praises for our Peruvian team.
For Jennifers mom, Joan.
We are thankful for the body of
Prayers for the children that lost Christ.
their mother. We are thankful for our health.
Prayers for Daniel, Matthew and We are thankful that the Lord
Audrey while they live in the U.S. continues to provide. Luke 19:10

For the Son of Man came to
Pa r t n e r w i t h u s seek and to save the lost.
God has been very clear that we cannot do anything alone. First we
need Him, second we need the Body of Christ. We will never be
effective ministers of Gods word without your prayers and financial
support. Please consider partnering with us to further Gods
Kingdom in Peru.
All tax deductible donations may be made to:
The Mission Society
PO Box 922637
Norcross Georgia 30010-2637 USA
Designate gifts to: Goshorn Support 5/540
Or online at: and go to give to a missionary and
use our name.
Or visit our website at:
Skype: tim.jen.goshorn
US Phone (works wherever we have internet): 859-474-2494

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