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Teacher's Resource Book

2 Complete the sentences with mustnt or
Modalverbs:mustandhaveto dont have to / doesnt have to.
We use must to talk about a personal feeling of 1 You bring an umbrella. It
obligation to do something. isnt raining.
I must remember to post the letter today.
2 Rachel forget to water the
You must phone your grandmother tonight.
plants while her parents are on holiday.
We use have to to talk about an obligation that
is a fact, or a rule or law. 3 We go to school tomorrow.
You have to be sixteen before you can leave Its a national holiday.
school. 4 He bring his CD player to the
We have to revise for our exams next week. party. Weve already got one.
We use dont have to/doesnt have to to talk about 5 You ride a motorbike without
something that is not an obligation. wearing a helmet.
You dont have to do any homework tonight. 6 Im flying to Seville tomorrow.
We use mustnt to say that something You forget your passport
is prohibited. this time!
You mustnt smoke in this area.
We use had to to talk about a past obligation. 7 They meet us at the airport.
We had to get up at five oclock this morning. Were going to get a taxi into town.
8 You talk during the exam.
must / mustnt + infinitive 3 Choose the correct words.
I must phone Sarah tonight.
have to / dont have to / doesnt have to When The Face Model Agency offered fifteen-
+ infinitive year-old Julie Willis a job, it was a dream
We dont have to get up early tomorrow. come true. However, once she started work,
had to + infinitive Julie found she had no time for school. Finally
John had to help his mother yesterday. she decided she 1 had to / mustnt leave.
Many people criticized her decision.
1 Complete the sentences with must or have
to/has to. It was a difficult thing to do, says Julie.
And I miss all my friends. But I 2 had to /
I must remember to buy some new
must make a choice. Although I 3 dont have
shampoo tomorrow.
to / mustnt go to school, I still 4 have to /
We have to arrive at school before 8.30
mustnt study. I have a private tutor now. My
every morning.
parents told me I 5 dont have to / have to
1 In my country you be sixteen take some exams.
before you can get married. Its the law.
2 I send an email to Cathy Most models retire young, adds Julies
tonight. I havent been in touch with her for mother. So Julie 6 mustnt / doesnt have to
ages. forget that she needs qualifications for her
3 You help your brother with his next job.
homework. Hes having real problems.
4 All the students at my friends school But at the moment Julie isnt worried about
wear a uniform. the future. Next week I 7 have to / mustnt
5 In Britain, everybody drive on go to New York for a photoshoot, she says.
the right-hand side of the road. I still cant believe my luck!
6 We buy a present for Dad. Its
his birthday next week.

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