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Maheen Hashmi

Analysis of credits used

The Common Core Controversy: Documentary on
the Nation's Biggest Education Reform Ever

When the first interviewer is represented to the audience is had the

cries beside him
with his name with
the biggest font
size alongside job title.

The second interviewer is then

represented with the
same font
size or the name and the
same font size for the job title, but positioned in the
opposite direction on the screen. In the credits is
mentions the date of when Sandra (1999 -2003).
This extra detail shown in the credits is gives the
documentary a professional approach by the audience.

This shot is a cutaway of an event that had taken

place in relation to the documentaries topic. The font
used for this shot looks professional as they have used
credits for a cutaway with the date and the event title.

This is a
cutaway shot
to take the
attention if
with a voice
over. The
location is used with
a credit of the locations name I regards to the topic of the
Maheen Hashmi

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