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August 8, 2015

Period 6
Title: Dot Lab

Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to see which hand is more

dominate/faster/stronger (right or left hand).

Question: Which of my hands (left or right) is fastest and strongest?

Hypothesis: I predict my right hand will be faster and stronger because it

is my dominate hand; mostly because I use it more than my left and I also use it
to write with.

8 11 piece of white printer paper
Data Table
Right Hand Left Hand

6 seconds

10 seconds

20 seconds

30 seconds

1. First, Fold 8 11 piece of paper in half hamburger ways 3 times.
2. Second, open paper long ways; the fold shouldve made two
columns and 4 rows. Example:

3. Third, label the left hand column with an L (for the left hand) for
each row underneath each other on the left and on the right side
label an R (for right hand) on each row underneath the right hand
column. Example:

4. Fourth, now in the first row right next to the L and the R symbols
write 6 seconds, but not that big so you can still mark dots in a
crazy order.
5. Fifth, then just like you wrote 6 seconds next to your L and R in
the first row; in the second row write 10 seconds next to the L and
R, 20 seconds in the third row next to the L and R and last but
not least, 30 seconds in the last row next to your L and R.

6. Sixth, start your timer to 6, 10, 20, and 30 seconds depending on

what row you are on (preferably starting on the top row and
moving down in order) and click/open your pen put in your left
hand, start the time and mark as many dots as you can in 6, 10, 20

and 30 seconds. Example:

7. Seventh, make sure you have dots marked in each row and column;
after, count the dots and write how many dots are in each box at
the top of the box. Read step 8 for an easy way to count the dots.
8. Eighth, a way to count the dots is to start with a dot and connect
them together while counting each line you use to connect the
dots. After all dots are connected, count number of straight lines
you have and that is the number of dots you have. This should be
like connect the dots.
9. Ninth, after completion of the previous step, get your data table
and fill out accordingly to your results. Example:
Right Hand Left Hand

6 seconds 23 dots(ex.) 46 dots (ex.)

10 seconds 55 dots (ex.)

20 seconds

30 seconds

10. Tenth, after completion of the previous step, you are done!

Data Table 1:
Right Hand Left Hand

6 seconds 47 dots 33 dots

10 seconds 71 dots 68 dots

20 seconds 125 dots 138 dots

30 seconds 194 dots 167 dots

Graph 1:
1. The two variables plotted in this experiment were time and number of
dots because the independent variable and dependent variable graphed
on my graph was the time and number of dots refer to graph for visual.
2. The variable of the two that is the independent variable is the time
because you cant make any dots without any time whereas it would be
logically impossible to do something without any time and the number of
dots depend on the time therefore making time the independent
variable. Basically, the dependent variable depends on the independent
variable and the dependent variable is the number of dots and the
independent variable is the time.
Controlled Variables:
Type of paper
Which hand (L or R)
Space for dots to be
Surface (the table)
Amount of time

Controlled Variables Held Controlled Variables Not Held

Constant: Constant:
(and why it was held constant) (and why it was not held constant)
Surface ~ all the tables Pen ~ May have lost ink or the
were the exact same, tip may have got stuck during
keeping constant. lab.
Type of paper ~ all the Which hand ~ Hands got tired
paper was made the not giving a constant rate.
same, same size and same Space for dots to be made ~
color, keeping constant. the time and hand might have
been written in different sizes
limiting the amount of space
and boxes might have not
been folded to perfection
having the box sizes differ in
Amount of time ~ the amount
of time might have not been
the same because of
distractions (like talking to
others during the time), pen
difficulties, and going over
time (still making dots after
end of time to do that).
4. Interpolation:

5. Extrapolation:

The purpose of this lab was to see which hand; left or right was stronger
and faster than the other. The hypothesis of this lab was my right hand will be
faster and stronger (it will make more dots over the time given than left hand)
because it is my ominate hand; mostly because I use it more than my left and I
also use it to write with therefore my right hand should be faster and stronger
(should make more dots). The results show that when I used my left and right
hands to make as many dots in the given amount of time, my right hand clearly
made more dots than my left because my right hand is my more dominate
hand. According to my data, (see Data Table 1 and Graph 1) my right hand made
more dots in total in comparison to my left hand total number of dots. For
example: in 6 seconds, my right hand made 47 dots whereas my left hand only
made 33 dots in 6 seconds (47>33!). Also, in 30 seconds, my right hand made 194
dots when my left hand only made 167. Lastly, when extrapolating, in 46 seconds
my right hand made 282 dots where my left hand only made 250 dots. The
hypothesis is supported by the results because the data proves that my right
hand made more dots showing it is faster and stronger.
Experimental errors that might have influenced my data would be due to
pressure placed on my pen, my techniques and hand exhaustion. First, when I
was making my dots, I realized that the ballpoint on my pen/tip would get stuck
caused by the pressure I put on my pen when I was making dots therefore
impacting my results/data. To get better results, I could have probably used a
twist pen, not a click pen so the tip could not get stuck. Second, have I realized
during the lab, my techniques were not constant because I would shake my
hand, stab and beat my pen, always trying something new, therefore impacting
my data. If I were to maybe try one consistent technique then maybe I would get
a more constant set of data. Lastly, due to my hand getting weaker and
exhausted, my data was impacted because I could not keep my hand to make a
consistent rate of dots over the time. These were the experimental errors.
If I were to repeat the experiment to get better results, something I would
do differently would be to use a ballpoint twist pen so my tip couldnt get stuck
therefore impacting my data. Second, I would find o ne technique to use to
make my dots so the rate my dots are made at would be more constant. Last,
instead of doing time intervals, I would do 3 trials of 10 seconds to make dots
and find the average and just use that to extrapolate because it would be more
constant because your hand would get too tired therefore impacting your data.
That is what I would do differently if I were to repeat this experiment.

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