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Detailed Job Description

Job title: (insert job title)

Reporting to: (insert supervisors title)

Salary: (insert salary per hour, per annum or total package including base salary,
superannuation, commissions or benefits)

Hours: (insert average number of hours per week or type of employment such as casual,

Location: (insert the location of the position and any travel required)

Responsibilities & duties

Responsibility 1 (insert responsibility or duty of the position including frequency or

duration of work, effort and skill required, complexity of tasks and equipment required)

Responsibility 2 for example, to manage the daily research of news articles including
online papers, magazines and online news agencies.

Work standard for example, at the end of each working week, all articles for the
following week must be finalised.

Responsibility 3 (insert additional items as needed)

Duties or tasks undertaken that are not listed:

(identify any extra tasks that you undertake other than those formally listed in your job

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Do you have any constructive suggestions/recommendations for improving the way
that your job role is undertaken?

Personal qualities & behavioural traits

(insert list of qualities or behaviours that you contribute to your role, for example,
written and verbal communication skills, attention to detail, work well independently,
can sometimes be stressed near deadlines.

Professional Development

1. List any training undertaken for professional development in the last 12 months.
2. What courses or professional development would you like to endeavour to
undertake in the next 12 months?
3. How do you maintain your industry knowledge?
(list any sources of information or events attended recently)
4. Considering your job role and the industry that you are employed, can you identify
any relevant developments or changes in the last 12 months?
5. How do you maintain a good working relationship with your colleagues? How do
you deal with conflict?
6. List down any relevant code of conduct policies, work procedures, protocols,
guidelines or other policies that relate to your job role.
(this could be WHS, protocols for publications, phone conduct, privacy, etc)

Employee signature:

Managers signature:

Next review date:

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