Tanya11 03

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Tanya 11-03

December 7, 2016

Janes High School Life

This has been my really huge problem, if everyone didnt fall asleep yet, can you

guys listen for my story?, Me sitting in front of the computer at the middle of the night.

My name is Jane, I am 17 years old and Im just a normal Highschool girl who

wake up in the morning, go to school, go home, do my homework and fall asleep. It is

very bored. My problem is in my whole life, I dont have any friend.

Why dont you tried to change yourself, what do you think why you cant make

any friend? someone in the internet replied.

I think maybe it is because I am fat and quite, I replied back.

Thats why, why dont you try to change your diet and exercise more and then

change your personality, like smile and talk more.

Thats a good idea, I will try it!

I try to do everything that I can do and finally, I already success her plan before

school open. On the first day of school, I gathered the courage to have a conversation

with my classmate.

Hey, I speak with a nervous face. When the girl look up and I can really sees

her face, I was stunned because this girl is very beautiful.

The girl doesnt answer anything except staring at my face before open her


Im Emily,and you? she answer.

Im Jane, if you dont mind, can I sit next to you? I was very nervous because

she may be ignore me like other people do.

Sure, Emily accept quickly.

I keep thinking that Emily is very beautiful, and she is a very popular girl,

everyone knows her and many boys try to flirt with her but it doesnt work everytime.

She is a nice and sweet person, she is too perfect so she doesnt has many friends but

she told me that she is very happy that I talked to her first because she very afraid of

talking with other people.

When we finished our class, we go to eat lunch at the canteen together. While

we eating their food, there was a most popular boy in the school named Zack come to

talk with Emily but she denied him.

Why dont you talk with him, I was very curious, he is the most popular boy in

the school, why doesnt she talk with him.

I already have a boyfriend, Emily replied.

Really!? Who? I was shocked because she doesnt act like she already has a

boyfriend, she doesnt touch her phone at all.

The boy from school next to us, Emily replied and smile, I will introduce him


Thats great!

It is already 1.50 pm, I starts staring at the clock, waiting for the class to finish, I

want to be finish because Emily asked me to shopping with her at xxx mall and I am

very excited. I called my mom to ask for the permission, even though she doesnt want
me to go but she already accept it, she told me that it is the time I need to open the


Jane, is it okay if my boyfriend wants to come with us? Emily asked me.


It is the same shopping mall that my mother bring me since I was young but it is

not the same feeling, this time I am very excited.

Hey, Cody! Hannah speak. I can know that Emily was very happy because her

voice change into a very cheerful sound and her face turn red.

Jane, this is my boyfriend, Cody, Emily introduced her boyfriend to me after

they finish their conversation, Cody, this is Jane, my first friend in this year.

Hi, I started to speak first.

Hi, thank you for being friends with Emily, Cody said gladly.

We watching movie and shopping together, I am really happy now, she cant

think of any moment than this time anymore.

Today was fun, can we hangout again next time? I really want to go like this


Sure! Emily and Cody answer on the same time, they look at each other face

and laugh.

When I arrived at home, I told about how fun it was to my mom. Me and my mom

are very close together, when I worried of something, my mom will give an advice.

When they finish talking, Jane was very tired, so she went up to her room, take a bath

quickly and then go to sleep, wishing that tomorrow will be another fun day.
It is 7.30, while I walk to school, she saw Emily walking with another friend, her

name was Bam, Bam is an asian girl who also very beautiful and she can gets along

with me. Now, we are really best friend.

One day, while they are walking back to school bus together.

Hey, Jane, one mysterious boy come to talk with Jane.

Jane doesnt answer anything except act confusion.

Me? Jane thinks.

Why your face look so shock? that boy giggled, I just want to have your phone

number, can I?

S..sure, Jane gave her phone number to him.

Thanks! By the way, my name is Mark, I hope you answer my text, see ya!

Mark said before he went back to his group.

Jane thinks that he wants her phone number to know Emily or Bam because this

happens all the time, she already lost her confident.

Wait for me, I want to go to toilet, I said to Emily and Bam.

OK, they replied.

I walk straight forward the toilet at the shop beside me. Then, someone came

into the toilet.

Hey, do you know Emily? one girl asked.

Sure, everybody knows her, she is beautiful, I was jealous her so much another

girl replied.

Yeah, me too,
Bam, Emilys friend is also cute, do you know her?

Yep, she is in the same accounting class with me, she is so nice, I always asked

her for help and she is willing to help me all the time, I like her,

But who is another girl that always walk with them?

Oh, Im not sure but everyone said that she shouldnt be there because

everyone calls her the duff,

Really!? Thats bad, if I was her, I will feel really bad, but I think that she also

cute if she didnt be around with very beautiful girl.

Yeah, I think so,

When two mysterious girl already out from the toilet but I heard everything that

they said.

Really? Everyone look at me like this? I feel really really bad about it, and I dont

want to be with them anymore. I walked out from the toilet and went to see them again.

Why so long, do you feel bad? Bam asked.

Yeah, a little bit, can I go home right now? I really feel sick today,

While I walking back home, I keep thinking and thinking Is that true? and then

my memory replayed back, for the last two weeks, i saw that everyone is looking at me

when Im with Emily and Bam but I didnt care about it.


I turn back and see the same boy that asked for my phone number today

Hi, I replied back but in my mind I keep thinking that Is he a stalker? I should

Do you think that Im a stalker? Hahahaha, the boy named Mark laugh so hard,

Im not a stalker, I just saw you again around the road and your face looks really sad

and I just want to know that you go home safety.

Why did he knows that I think that he is a stalker?

Sorry for that and thank you,

Do you wanna tell me, I am a good listener, Mark said proudly.

I just heard someone talked to her friend that I was the duff, I feel really bad

because I didnt think of things like this before, I try not to speak much but i couldnt

refuse that talking with him makes me feel preasure.

He walked me home and while we are walking we talked about many things, like

our birthday, what we like to eat, favourite movies etc. I feel like he makes me feel much

better. He say good bye to me and walked back at the same way we walked.

Why you didnt tell me that this way is not the same way to your house? I text

him really fast, Sorry, do you need to walk back far?

Thats okay, I just want to make you smile, dont worry about it, ok?

Ok, and thank you, you make me feel better now.

No problem :)

Its already been seven months that Mark and I talking together and he told me

that dont worry about how other people look at me, just be myself, the most important

thing is if your friend good to you, you didnt need to feel bad with it. His advice makes

me didnt care of how people looking at me anymore. We both have a good time
together, we usually date together with Cody and Emily. Then, he asked me to be his

girlfriend and I accept him.

Rrrrrrrrr Emilys name pop up on Janes phone and I accept it quickly as I

usually do.

Whats up Emily,

............, Emily doesnt speak anything.


I didnt heard anything but except someone is crying.

What happened Emily?

Cody left me, Emily cried hardly.

Huh? Seriously!? Why he does that?

I think he found another girl.

Im sorry to hear that.

Thats okay.

Dont think too much Emily, I know you can moving on without him, I tried to

cheer her up, Let me know if you need anything.

Thank you, Jane.

Three months later, Emily looks better than before, she can accept the truth

already. Cody is doing great with his new girlfriend and I was curious that Emily also

has a new one too. I also doing great with Mark but we saw each other lesser than

before. Bam is not as close as before because she needs to focus more on studying,
she just failed her last quiz, so she want to increase her grade and thats why she

doesnt hang out with us

Emily, I called her.


Emily, second time I called her.




Who did you talk to right now? I asked teasly.

Someone, Emily said and smiling shyly.

Hehhhhhh, whos that? I love teasing her because she is very cute, I didnt be

surprise why every boy likes her.

Emily didnt tell anything except smiling and laughing.

Hey, Emily, Mark and I will go to see movie together, do you want to join? I

asked her because its been a long time that three of us didnt hang out together since

Emily and Cody break up with each other.

I cant go today, I already have a plan,

Okay, but promise me you will go with us next time, okay?

Okay, I promise, Emily replied.

I walk to the cinema and wait for Mark.

Jane, I cant go today, I need to do my group final project at Jacks house, Im

sorry, Mark said to Jane with guilty sound.

Thats okay, hurry finish your project we can go next week, even though I feel

really bad but I will try to understand him. It is the first time that he ditched me.

Its 7 am already, Im not sure when I fell asleep. I go to school normally and see

Emily sitting on her desk.

Hows yesterday? Is it good? I asked her.

Sure, it was very fun, what about you?

He didnt come yesterday.

Maybe he has a work to do,

Yeah, he already told me.

I see something wrong about Emily, why she always keep chatting all day and

when I show up myself, she acts like she doesnt want me to do something and at the

same time Mark doesnt answer me like he was before and it makes me think that they

may be dating each other but every time I think about it, I try to deny it. So, I talked to

Bam and she said that dont worry, it will be fine.

Today Bam and I walk to the bus together and I feel like something wants me to

see something, I look at the cafe across the street and I saw Emily and Mark in the cafe.

Jane., Bam call me quietly Are you okay?

No, Im not okay, why they do this to me, what did I do to them!? I cant control

myself anything, one thing that I feel is I am very mad.

Where are you going, Jane, wait for me, I heard Bam try to stop me but it

doesnt matter anymore, I just want to talk with them, thats all I want.

Im push the door hardly, their face was shocked.

Jane, I can explain, Mark started to speak first.

What? Do you need to explain? Why did you guys do this to me!!?? Bam still try

to stop me.

Mark and I just decided to go out, Emily said with no emotion.

I think we are friend, Emily,

At the first time, yes, Emily explained but when I break up with Cody, Mark

makes me feel much better and I started to hate you

Mark, if you want a girl like this, then go! I shouted to Mark before I walk out

from the cafe.

Jane., Bam walk behind me everything is going to be alright, dont give up.

When I heard Bam said to me, my tears started to fall and Bam console me for

an hour. I went back home, hug my mom and go to sleep, wishing that everything is

going to be alright like Bam said.

5months later

Jane, the same sound that I used to hear everyday called behind me.


Im sorry about everything, I already know that Emily is not a good person, he

judge me to do everything that she wants and she also talk with many boys, Mark

Sorry, it is too late.

I dont want to hear about it anymore, I walk out from Mark and start my new life.

He taught me that no one will love me as much as I do and I wont trust anyone easily


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