Board Meeting Intimation For Results (Board Meeting)

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Date: .. 03.02.2017
Ref: - SI L/2016 -1 7/S EC/85


Genera l Manager
Bomb ay Stock Exchang e Lim ited
Phiroze Jecj eobhoy To wers
Dalal Street
Mumbai-40000 1
Sub: _ Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on Tuesday 14 February 2017.

Dear Sir,

This is to info rm you t hat t he 9th meeting of the Board of Directors for th e fi nancia l year
2016 -17 is schedu led to be held on Tue sday 14th Feb ruary 2017., in ter alia,

1. To consid er and approve the Unaud ite d Fi nancial results for the quarter ended on 31st
December, 201 6 and subm it to auditor of the compa ny fo r lim ited review as per
reg ulat io n 33 of t he SEBI (List ing Ob liga tio ns and Disclosur e Req ui re men ts) Regulation s,
2015 .

2. A ny othe r business wi th the pe rm ission of the chair which is incidental and ancillary to
the busi ness.

Thi s is fOI you r il orrn. t on one! I ( ~ ( , ; 1. 1

Thanking You

Yours Fait hfully,


CS Meg ha Gand hi

P.O. Rarndaspura, JALANDHAR.144003. PUNJAB. (INDIA)

Tel. : 0091-181-2271 556/7/8 Fax'. 009 ' - r 81-2277557 E-mal., . exports

P.S.T/C.S.T. No. 32878719 TIN : 03091092466 CIN : L191 13PB I979PLC00<40 14

2/4/2017 Notice (Sarup Industries).j pg

Pursuant to egulation 29 read with (

Reg ul a ion 47 of SEBI (Listing

Obligations & D isc l osu re
Requirem ent ) Re gulation , 2015 ,
notice is hereby given that 9th meeting
of the Board of Directors of the company
for the financial year 2016-17 will be
held onTuesday, 14th February, 2017 at
registered office of the Compan y at
02:00 .M., inter alia, to consider and
app ovethe Unaudited Financial result
of the company for the quarter ended
31 st December, 2016. The said notice
will be available on the website of he
Company i.e.
and also on the website of SSE Limited
( where th e
Company's sharesarelisted.
y rd er of the Board of Dire t r
For arup Indu rie Ltd
Place: Jalandhar Simarjit ingh Ba a com~~s;b.,tary
Da e: 03 . 2.2017 Managi ng irector

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