Weebly 7 Activity Sheet

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Student Name: Amanda Martino Date: February 3, 2017 Age
Group: Infants

Purpose: Purpose:

Reason for developing Curriculum Objective:

learning experience.
Todays activity will work a number of skills within
This could be in
the categories of communication/language,
response to an
cognition, and physical development- specifically
adapting to fine motor and visual sense.
discussion with the
site supervisor, This will be done through the process of learning
Ontario Curriculum about simple colours. The activity calls for infants
Objective, etc. to look through the colour book provided and
notice how each page presents a shade that is
different from the last. The children may make the
- Document what you connection to the picture examples shown in the
saw and heard book also and work to become aware of how
- Document non-verbal certain objects possess a specific colour. I also
communication (i.e.,
include over-sized lego building blocks that come
body language,
facial expressions in the colours shown within the book for children
and voice tone) to use their fingers in piecing the blocks together
- Document in detail: and in time, work up to sorting by colour.
who, what, where,
and when
- Documentation should
be written in past
tense, objective,
and in anecdotal


Document the
discussion between
you and your site
supervisor that led to
the planning



Describe the
curriculum objective
youre aiming to
through this

Learning Learning Experience: Colour Learning with

Experience Lego
What are you planning Objective 1: Non-verbal communication skills-
in response to your Referencing, Joint attention and Intentional
purpose? communication (ELECT, 3.1, 2007).
- Label your o As infant plays with the lego, they look
experience (e.g. towards the adult using eye contact for you
Painting with cars).
to check in and make comment on what/how
- What are your 3
objectives for this they are doing.
experience? (i.e. o Looking at the same page as the adult in the
What interests are book and the colour/example picture
you extending? included on each page.
What strengths and o Using simple gestures while reading the book
opportunities for and/or playing with lego to show if they are
growth are you meeting the goals of the activity/ enjoying it.
g?) Objective 2: Receptive language skills (ELECT, 3.2,
Please Note: You
should refer to 2007).
o Child may respond to a verbal request if
pedagogy to
support your asked what colour the book or block is
discussion around representing
o They learn to recognize named
strengths and
objects/examples and or colours shown and
opportunities for
point to them
growth (e.g. ELECT,
How Does Learning Objective 3: Sorting (ELECT, 4.9, 2007).
Happen, Ontario
FDK Curriculum, o Work towards grouping the like coloured
etc). blocks together with the lego; this will see
that the infant can discriminate same from
Describe the different
Objective 4: Fine motor- Palmar/Pincer grasp and
- Who will be involved Coordination (ELECT, 5.1, 2007).
in the experience?
- Where will the o Holding the book and lego blocks using the
experience take whole palm; using forefinger and thumb to
place? (e.g. Indoors
flip pages of book and also attach the
or outdoors? In the
dramatic centre, the building pieces together.
creative table, etc). o Holding the blocks and transferring them
- List the materials and between hands and perhaps manipulating
resources you will them in their own way different from main
use requirement
- Describe the
implementation of Objective 5: Pattern perception and Visual
the experience, with discrimination (ELECT, 5.3, 2007).
a step by step
description o Infant may show a preference to a specific
- List and describe 2 colour by the continuous play with it or
teaching strategies. identifying it sooner than other colours
How will you use o Manipulating blocks to create a pattern with
them? Why have
you chosen these the colours
strategies? o Scanning all the colours and blocks, working
towards identifying them based on their

Describe the Experience:

Who- All present infants, ECEs in room to watch
and/or facilitate
Where- Indoors, infant room, on the main carpet
Materials- Colour learning book, coloured lego


1. Bring the activity out in the morning

2. Receive childrens attention through vocal
and physical gestures
3. Gather children onto the main carpet and
proceed by first reading/ going through the
colour book ensuring all children can view
each picture; then place the lego pieces onto
the ground and allow children to explore
4. Help to facilitate when viewing the book by
naming each colour and the picture shown,
you may also point to other examples in the
classroom that represent the specific colour.
With the building blocks, categorize each by
shade to show their difference, then give
time for children to self-direct their learning.


1. Environmental Ques- children learn from

observing the environment; signaling to
specific articles within the room of colours, it
will benefit them by seeing real life
examples to make/ strengthen this
connection. You may also use this non-
verbally when demonstrating the
expectations of the task to support objective
related to independence and cooperation.

2. Scaffolding- to aid based on the specific

childs needs in order to further their
development; the tasks will be modified/
manipulated by educator or child when they
self-direct their learning through exploration.
The adult will passively provide fewer cues
as the individual works up the confidence to
continue on their own independently.

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