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Lesson: Proteins

Materials: Handouts/Transparencies:

Class set of electronic devices Amino Acids Table - Hook

Laptop, Tablet, etc Lab Report Info Sheet
Molecular Model Kit Macromolecules Lab
Pipe cleaners Lab Report Rubric
Different beads

Reserve (A/V, field trips, etc.): HWK:

Projector Proteins homework

Complete pre-lab report

What are students to learn?

Basic structure of amino acids
Properties of amino acids
How proteins are formed via dehydration synthesis
How proteins are folded
Different levels of protein folding
Functions of proteins

What should students already know?

Chemistry concepts required to understand concepts in biochemistry
Intermolecular interactions
Properties of water
What a polymer and monomer are
The basic building blocks of life (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids)
Functional groups

Enduring Understanding(s):
Biochemical compounds play important structural and functional roles in cells of all
living organisms.

Overall Expectation(s):
B2. investigate the chemical structures, functions, and chemical properties of
biological molecules involved in some common cellular processes and biochemical
B3. demonstrate an understanding of the structures and functions of biological
molecules, and the biochemical reactions required to maintain normal cellular
Lesson: Proteins

Specific Expectation(s):
B2.1 use appropriate terminology related to biochemistry, including, but not limited
to: active and passive transport, covalent and ionic bond, allosteric site, substrate,
substrate-enzyme complex, and inhibition
B2.3 construct and draw three-dimensional molecular models of important
biochemical compounds, including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic
B3.2 describe the structure of important biochemical compounds, including
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, and explain their function within

Lesson: Strategies

SET-UP Before Class (if possible) TEACHER SET UP

- Print out the amino acid hook activity sheet and cut out
each amino acid (may need a few sheets depending on
number of students)
- Can also instruct them to use a page in their text book
- Put one cut-out of an amino acid on each desk along with a
molecular model kit for every two students
- Present the instructions on the screen (Slide one of

(5 min) Amino Acid Hook Modeling

Students will use the molecular kits to build the amino acid
that was assigned to them
- The students will use these models throughout the lesson
for various activities

(50 min) Lecture: PowerPoint PPT

The PowerPoint has activities built into it that use the amino
acid model that the students have built
- Activities: Modeling
- Determine what amino acid you have made based on
the R group
- Determine the property of your amino acid
- Create a dipeptide, oligopeptide and polypeptide
- Students write notes following along with the PowerPoint
- Introduce students to fold it

(15 min) Explore Fold It DVG

Students will use laptops to explore fold it
The will complete as much of the walk through as possible
Lesson: Proteins

(5 min) Assign Homework

- Students will research the structure and function of a Research
protein found on
- Students must also complete pre-lab questions for the lab
on the following day

Day 2: Biochemical Tests Lab

- Students will complete the procedures as listed on the
Macromolecules lab handout
- Review what is required in a lab report (using lab report
- Give students time to start their lab report


Diagnostic Formative Summative

PowerPoint Protein Functions Lab Report
Activities/Questions Homework

Types of Learners

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic

PowerPoint Directions Making models of amino
acids and proteins
Fold it Activity Homework activity


What Worked Improvement/Replacement

To do After Lesson:

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