The Best of Both Worlds'

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The best of both worlds

Meaning: You can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time.

Example:By working part-time and looking after her kids two days a
week she managed to get the best of both worlds.

2. Speak of the devil

Meaning: The person youre just talking about actually turns up at that

Example:Hi Tom, speak of the devil, I was just telling Sara about
your new car.

3. See eye to eye

Meaning: Agreeing with someone.

Example:They finally saw eye to eye on the business deal.

4. Once in a blue moon

Meaning: An event that happens infrequently.

Example:I only go to the cinema once in a blue moon.

5. When pigs fly

Meaning: Something that will never happen.

Example:When pigs fly shell tidy up her room.

6. To cost an arm and a leg

Meaning: Something is very expensive.

Example:Fuel these days costs and arm and a leg.

7. A piece of cake

Meaning: Something is very easy.

Example:The English test was a piece of cake.

8. Let the cat out of the bag

Meaning: To accidentally reveal a secret.

Example:I let the cat out of the bag about their wedding plans.

9. To feel under the weather

Meaning: Not feel well.

Example:Im really feeling under the weather today; I have a terrible

10. To kill two birds with one stone

Meaning: To solve two problems at once.

Example:By taking my dad on holiday, I killed two birds with one

stone. I got to go away but also spend time with him.

11. To cut corners

Meaning: To do something badly or cheaply.

Example:They really cut corners when they built this bathroom; the
shower is leaking.

12. To add insult to injury

Meaning: To make a situation worse.

Example:To add insult to injury the car drove off without stopping
after knocking me off my bike.

13. You cant judge a book by its cover

Meaning: To not judge someone or something based solely on


Example:I thought this no-brand bread would be horrible; turns out

you cant judge a book by its cover.

14. Break a leg

Meaning: Good luck (often said to actors before they go on stage).

Example:Break a leg Sam, Im sure your performance will be great.

15. To hit the nail on the head

Meaning: To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.

Example:He hit the nail on the head when he said this company
needs more HR support.

16. Acid Test:

Meaning - Acid test proves the effectiveness of something.

Example - I practiced hard at the dance sessions but the acid test will
come when the master will assess our solo performances.

17. Cut the ground from under feet :

Meaning - When you cut the ground from under someone's feet, you
do something which weakens their position.

Example - When team India hit more than 350 runs in the ODI, they
cut the ground from under the opponent's feet.
18. Chase your tail:

Meaning - Spending a lot of time and energy doing a lot of things but
actually achieving too little.

Example - He's been chasing his tail all week collecting data but the
report is still not ready

19. Whole bag of tricks -

Meaning - Means trying all the clever means to achieve something.

Example - It was really difficult to find the information even after

applying the whole bag of tricks.

20. Deliver the goods -

Meaning - Do what is expected or promised.

Example - I have given my car to a new mechanic for repair, hope he

delivers the goods.

21. Fine-tooth comb -

Meaning - Examining something carefully to not miss out any details.

Example - The boss examined my report with a fine tooth comb

before submitting it to the senior management.

22. Explore all avenues

Meaning - Trying out every possibility to get a result.

Example - It is a difficult thing to do but if we really want it done, we

must explore all avenues.

23. Fast track something -

Meaning - Rating something higher on your priority list to achieve the

desired result.

Example - In view of the seriousness of the crime, the civil society is

pressing up on a fast track decision from the court.

24. Get ducks in a row -

Meaning - Getting your things well organized.

Example - To ensure a successful product launch, we must get our

ducks in a row.

25. Get the show on the road -

Meaning - Putting up a plan or idea into action.

Example - Now that we have compeleted all the legal formalities, let's
get the show on the road.

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