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Flat slabs

Lheb]ZmleZ[ Lheb]ZmleZ[pbma]khil Lheb]ZmleZ[pbma\henfg PZ_^leZ[ ;b&ZqbZeohb]^]leZ[

One-way slabs

Lheb]hg^&pZrleZ[pbma Lheb]ZmleZ[pbma[Zg] Kb[[^]leZ[pbma[^Zfl Kb[[^]leZ[pbmabgm^`kZe Mngg^e_hkf!Hg^&pZr

[^Zfl [^Zfl [Zg][^Zfl leZ[hgpZeel"

<hfihlbm^eZmmb\^`bk]^k Ik^\Zlmaheehp\hk^leZ[ <hfihlbm^ik^\ZlmleZ[ Ik^\Zlm]hn[e^Mngbml Ik^\Zlm\khllpZeeZg]lheb]

lh_mleZ[ ik^lmk^ll^]leZ[
Two-way slabs

Lheb]mph&pZrleZ[ Mph&pZrpZ_^leZ[pbma PZ_^leZ[pbmabgm^`kZe

pbma[^Zfl [^Zfl [^Zfl
Hybrid concrete construction (Combination of in-situ and precast concrete)

Ik^\ZlmmpbgpZeeZg]eZmmb\^ Ik^\Zlm\henfglZg] Ik^\Zlm\henfglZg]hhk Bg&lbmn\henfglZg][^Zfl Bg&lbmn\henfglZg]hhk

`bk]^klh_mleZ[pbmabg&lbmn ^]`^[^Zflpbmabg&lbmn ngbmlpbmabg&lbmn[^Zfl pbmaik^\Zlmhhkngbml mhiibg`pbmaik^\Zlm
bgeeZg]mhiibg` hhkleZ[ [^ZflZg]hhkngbml

Figure 2.5
Schematic diagrams for the concrete options in Table 2.1

584 / Chapter 14 Sitecast Concrete Framing Systems

Figure 14.43
The one-way sitecast concrete framing
systems. (a) One-way solid slab with beams
and girders. (b) One-way solid slab with slab
bands. (c) One-way concrete joist system
(rib slab) with joist bands. (d) Wide-module
joist system with joist bands. (Drawings by
Edward Allen)




Innovations in Sitecast Concrete Construction / 585

Figure 14.44
The two-way sitecast concrete framing
systems. (a) Two-way solid slab. (b) Two-
way at slab with drop panels and mush-
room capitals. (c) Two-way at plate. (d)
Two-way concrete joist system (wafe
slab). (Drawings by Edward Allen)





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