Sample Tender Evaluation Procedure

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TITLE: Generic Sample Tender Evaluation Procedure


1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................... 4
1.1 PURPOSE................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 REVISIONS................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 SCOPE...................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 BIDDERS.................................................................................................................................................... 4
2 EVALUATION SCHEDULE AND SUMMARY................................................................5
2.1 SCHEDULE................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 EVALUATION SUMMARY............................................................................................................................... 5
3 CONFIDENTIALITY............................................................................................... 6
3.1 TEAM AWARENESS OF NEED FOR CARE........................................................................................................ 6
3.2 TEAM AWARENESS AND INDUCTION.............................................................................................................. 6
3.3 CONFIDENTIALITY BY PERSONS.................................................................................................................... 6
4 SECURITY OF BID DOCUMENTS.............................................................................7
4.1 DESIGNATED SECURE AREA......................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 ON RECEIPT.............................................................................................................................................. 7
4.3 DURING EVALUATION................................................................................................................................... 7
4.4 CONTROL OF PHOTOCOPIES AND PRINTED DOCUMENTS..................................................................................7
4.5 ELECTRONIC COPIES OF TENDERS AND EVALUATION DATA.............................................................................8
5 EVALUATION TEAM.............................................................................................. 9
5.1 OVERALL RESPONSIBLE PERSON................................................................................................................. 9
5.2 SELECTION................................................................................................................................................ 9
5.3 EVALUATION TEAM...................................................................................................................................... 9
5.4 TASKS, FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................................... 9
5.5 TENDER OPENING TEAM............................................................................................................................ 11
6 TENDER EVALUATION PREPARATION....................................................................11

7 COMMUNICATION WITH BIDDERS........................................................................11

8 COMPLIANCE WITH EVALUATION PROCEDURE......................................................12

9 TENDER RECEIPT AND DISTRIBUTION..................................................................12

9.1 RECEIPT.................................................................................................................................................. 12
9.2 TENDER OPENING AND VALIDITY................................................................................................................ 12
9.3 DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED........................................................................................................................... 12
9.4 DISTRIBUTION........................................................................................................................................... 13
10 SHORT LIST EVALUATION PROCESS.....................................................................13
10.1 PRELIMINARY EVALUATION..................................................................................................................... 14
10.2 FINAL SHORT LIST EVALUATION.............................................................................................................. 15
10.3 TENDERERS PRESENTATIONS................................................................................................................ 16
10.4 FINALISE SCORES AND SHORTLIST SELECTION........................................................................................ 16
10.5 STEERING GROUP SHORT LIST REVIEW.................................................................................................. 16
11 EVALUATION SCORING.......................................................................................17
11.1 EVALUATION SCORING........................................................................................................................... 17
11.2 SCORING HSE AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION.....................................................................................17
11.3 COST SCORING.................................................................................................................................... 18
12 DEVELOPMENT OF SHORT LISTED TENDERS.........................................................19

12.1 SITE VISIT............................................................................................................................................ 19

12.2 FINALISE TECHNICAL SCOPE.................................................................................................................. 19
12.3 FINALISE COMMERCIAL ELEMENTS OF CONTRACT....................................................................................19
13 CONTRACT COMMITTEE APPROVAL.....................................................................20
13.1 RECOMMENDATION TO AWARD............................................................................................................... 20
14 FINALISE CONTRACT.........................................................................................20
14.1 HSE WORKSHOP................................................................................................................................. 20
14.2 BACKDRAFT AND AGREE CONTRACT....................................................................................................... 20
15 CONTRACT AWARD............................................................................................ 20
15.1 INTERIM ARRANGEMENT........................................................................................................................ 20
15.2 CONTRACT AWARD............................................................................................................................... 20
16 CLOSE OUT....................................................................................................... 20
16.1 BID EVALUATION CLOSE OUT.................................................................................................................. 20
16.2 ARCHIVING........................................................................................................................................... 21





1.1 Purpose

This procedure sets out the objectives, processes and controls for performing the evaluation of
the submitted tenders for the Pipelines Project - Pipeline Installation Contracts.

1.2 Revisions

Any changes to this procedure require endorsement by the BP Compliance Manager and BP
Services Manager and approval by the BP Project Director.

1.3 Scope

Scope Of Tender

1.4 Bidders

1.4.1 Enquiry Bid List

On (Date), the following Tenderers were invited to submit Tenders on a BOQ/Schedule of rates/
Target Cost/ lumpsum basis as appropriate and included in Enquiry Documents

1. Bidder 1
2. Bidder 2
3. Bidder 3
4. Bidder 4
5. Bidder 5
6. Bidder 6


2.1 Schedule

The schedule for the Evaluation Process is presented in Appendix I.

Key dates:

Invitation to Tender (ITT) Issued: Date

ITT requested return date: Date

Extended return date: Date

Recommendation Paper Date


Contract Award: Date

2.2 Evaluation Summary

Technical and Commercial Evaluation will be carried out in parallel. The reviewers will complete
a first pass review and score the Tenders based on the Tender submissions.


3.1 Team Awareness of Need for Care

It is recognised that the bids have been developed in a competitive environment and it is
essential that confidentiality be maintained during and after the evaluation period. All personnel
involved in the evaluation shall be committed to the confidentiality and document security
procedures. They are reminded that all information is to be treated as strictly confidential and is
not to be released to parties outside of the Evaluation Team without the written approval of the
Overall Team Leader.

Advice may be sought from personnel outside of the evaluation team with approval of the
Overall Team Leader. These discussions should deal with a specific issue where the evaluator
requires advice from a specialist. The discussions should also not involve the relative merits or
failings of one tender verse another. No Tender material is to leave the secure area without
approval of the Overall Team Leader.

The evaluation team members shall not discuss the results of the evaluations with any one
outside the evaluation team without the written approval of the Overall Team Leader.

3.2 Team Awareness and Induction

All team members will be issued a copy of this procedure. An Induction meeting will be held
before the Tenders are received to ensure all team members understand their responsibilities
and the confidentiality requirements. The Induction meeting will be formalised, with a register of
attendance and confidentiality agreement signed by each attendee. No person shall be
permitted to undertake any evaluation unless they have attended an Induction meeting and
signed the confidentiality agreement.

3.3 Confidentiality by Persons

Team members with full commercial clearance are:

Overall Team Leader
Commercial Team Leader
Commercial Team
Commercial Administrator

To ensure that the Technical Evaluation is not biased by cost, the Technical Team will not initially
have access to the priced section of the Tenders or overall scoring.

It might be necessary to give Some Technical reviewers access to cost after the first pass
evaluation if this is the case then their names should be stated here.

These members will be involved in accessing the adequacy of prices relative to the complexity
of scope and qualifications.


4.1 Designated Secure Area

A designated secure area in the Paddington offices of (Name of Office) shall be made available
for the Evaluation period. Access to this area shall be controlled by access code available only
to the Evaluation Team members. The secure area shall contain telephones, PC, printer,
photocopier, shredder and document scanner if required.

A Commercial Office with security coded entry key system will be located within the secure area.
The Commercial Office shall contain telephones, PCs, printer, dedicated fax and shredder.

It should be noted that access to the Commercial Office by service staff and cleaners shall be
permitted only when at least one of the evaluation team is present. All scrap paper related to the
evaluation procedure shall be shredded before removal from a secure office.

4.2 On Receipt

Tenders will be delivered to the Paddington offices of John Brown Hydrocarbons. The Overall
Team Leader shall be responsible for the safe care of the documents at all times. The Tenders
will be locked in the Tender Evaluation Commercial Office, unopened, until the bid opening

4.3 During Evaluation

The Overall Tender Evaluation will be carried out in the designated secure area.

Technical information may only be taken outside the secure office under the following conditions:
The removal of the data will be registered and signed out by Overall Team Leader
Data shall be locked away when the evaluator is away from his desk.
Return of data must be registered and signed in by Overall Team Leader
All scrap paper related to the discussions shall be returned to the secure area or shredded
before disposal.

The Commercial Evaluation shall be carried out in a secure office within the secure area. No
pricing information shall leave this secure office without prior written permission by the Overall
Team Leader. All documents related to commercial or overall scoring shall remain in the
Commercial Office at all times.

Any superfluous copies or superfluous related documents shall be shredded before disposal.

4.4 Control of photocopies and printed documents

All evaluators shall be responsible within the confidentiality requirements to limit the number of
copies of the documents developed during the evaluation process. Any photocopying of
documents is to be agreed with the Overall Team Leader. Care must be taken to ensure that
copies are not left unattended on printers or photo-copy machines. Superfluous copies shall be
shredded before disposal.

4.5 Electronic Copies of Tenders and Evaluation Data

All electronic scores and priced data shall be stored only in the dedicated desk top computers
and associated equipment. A member of the evaluation team shall be responsible for the
equipment and the data stored within it. This equipment shall be contained within the Secure

It should be noted that:

Tender documents and evaluation data shall not be stored in Any Shared Access computer
No evaluation documentation is to be stored on servers.
No evaluation information shall be stored in laptop or notebook computers to prevent
inadvertent removal of confidential data from the secure offices.
Copies shall not be made on to any other computer without the written approval of the
Overall Team Leader.

At the close of each working day, the responsible person shall make a back-up copy of all data
and place this copy in a separate isolated and secure location.


5.1 Overall Responsible Person

The overall responsible person for the evaluation is:

Overall Team Leader - Name

5.2 Selection

The Evaluation Team has been selected by the Overall Team Leader. The following criteria was


5.3 Evaluation Team

The proposed Evaluation Team members are listed in Appendix XXX

5.4 Tasks, Functions and Responsibilities

Overall Team Leader:

i) Overall responsible for the Evaluation


ii) Single point contact for all incoming/outgoing correspondence relevant to the Tender
Evaluation. Incoming / outgoing correspondence to Tenderers will be delegated as
defined in XXXX, but will be initialled by the Overall Team Leader before release.
iii) Ensure evaluation process conforms to approved procedure providing the appropriate audit
iv) Develop schedule and monitor progress against schedule
v) Identify anomalies in scoring across elements and Tenderers
vi) Arrange management review as necessary
vii) Chair clarification meetings
viii) Co-ordinate commercial/technical queries and clarifications

Technical Team Leader

i) Overall responsible for the Technical Evaluation

ii) Overviews of scores to ensure consistency across elements of Tender and Tenderers
iii) Co-ordinate technical queries and clarifications
iv) Liase with commercial team to eradicate any anomalies and qualifications
v) Assess technical implications of commercial issues
vi) Assess qualifications
vii) Review proposed alternatives
viii) Other responsibilities as per Technical Team Members

Technical Group Leaders

i) Co-ordinate Group review and scoring.

ii) Ensure that scoring is adequately supported by narrative explanation where required
iii) Co-ordinate clarifications from Group
iv) Represent Group in score normalisation where required
ix) Develop list of qualifications
x) Other responsibilities as per Technical Team Members

Technical Team Members

i) Ensure Tenderers understanding of the Scope of Work or Schedule requirements

ii) Review appropriateness of methods proposed to perform the work
iii) Score Tender submission in context of ITT requirements as per review matrix
iv) Provide an auditable narrative to support scoring where required
v) Identify qualifications
vi) Prepare clarification queries where it is not possible to effectively score submission due to
errors, omissions, or where ambiguous.

Commercial Group Leader

i) Overall responsible for the Commercial Team

ii) Overview to ensure consistent pricing and commercial analysis
iii) Overview qualifications
iv) Determine short list value of unresolved qualifications and other commercial issues
v) Identify areas of strategic pricing
vi) Develop recommendations for contract award

Commercial Co-ordinator

i) Delegated single point of contact

ii) Distribute bids to team members and co-ordinate timely responses
iii) Liase with Technical Team
iv) Co-ordinate commercial queries and clarifications
v) Normalise the bids
vi) Assess commercial implications of technical issues
vii) Highlight areas of strategic pricing
viii) Analyse commercial implications of qualifications and proposed alternatives
ix) Prepare list for clarifications of sums, rates, qualifications, etc
x) Rationalise cost implications of responses to ix)
xi) Assess commercial implications of technical issues

Commercial Team Members

i) Arithmetic check of Lump Sums/ Bills of Quantities/ Schedules of Rates/ Target Prices Etc
ii) Ensure all items requiring pricing have been completed
iii) Check rates against norms
iv) Score Tender submission in context of ITT requirements as per agreed criteria
v) Provide an auditable narrative to support scoring where required
vi) Review Qualifications and proposed Alternatives
vii) Prepare clarification queries where it is not possible to effectively score submission due to
errors, omissions, or where ambiguous.

5.5 Tender Opening Team

The Bid Opening Team will consist of three members nominated prior to the opening of the bids.
Only team members with full Commercial Clearance may be nominated.

Tender Opening 1
Tender Opening 2
Tender Opening 3

Alternate 1
Alternate 2


Before receipt of the Tenders the following are required to be complete:

Tender Evaluation Procedure
Tender Evaluation Team nominations
Tender Evaluation Score Sheets
Score weighting
Evaluation schedule
Tender Opening Report pro forma
Tender Tabulation pro forma
Tender communications pro forma
Secured Area

Team Induction
PC / Printer set-up


During the tender period and evaluation process period, all communications with Tenderers will
only be with the individual nominated by Company. Single point contact communication will only
be by fax, email or letter (where attachments are issued) with no contact by telephone or any
other means, other than for co-ordination of meetings.

This single point contact is:

Name and Contact address

All queries whether incoming or outgoing shall be made and officially recorded by this single
point contact to avoid possible duplication of queries/responses. All communications will be
logged with an individual reference, and thus provide an audit trail to support final selections.
Any e-mail correspondence must be confirmed by fax or letter.


The evaluation process may be subjected to a compliance review. The purpose shall be to:
Determine compliance with the evaluation procedure
Confirm that confidentiality and document security was maintained
Confirm information security

The timing of the review will be agreed by the Overall team Leader and the Compliance


9.1 Receipt

Tenders will be received at (Office Address) 12.00hrs GMT Day/ Month/ 2004. Time and date of
actual receipt will be logged.

The documents will be stored in the Commercial Office until the bid opening.

9.2 Tender Opening and Validity

At the specified time the Tenders will be opened by the nominated three Tender Opening Team
members who will ensure that the documentation is complete. Any irregularities in the Tenders,
any price or wording alterations, any Tenderers who have declined to bid or whose bid arrived
after the closing date will be noted on the Tender Opening Form (Appendix VIII).

All three nominated members of the Bid Opening Team will:

Sign, date and stamp Covering Letter
Sign, date and stamp Form of Tender
Initial pricing pages of Original and Copy 1.

The Bid Opening Team must not divulge any of the information gleaned from the Tenders to any
party whatsoever.

9.3 Documents Submitted

Tenderers will submit:

Commercial Volume of the Tender
1 priced original
2 priced copies
2 unpriced copies
Technical Volume of the Tender
1 original
3 copies
1 Invoicing and Remuneration CD

9.4 Distribution

The documents will be distributed as follows:

Priced Commercial Volume - Original

The Original of priced Commercial Volume becomes the Master Copy, which is retained by
the Commercial Group Leader as a complete reference set during the evaluation period.
This original will be kept secure at all times with access only by the Overall Team Leader
and Commercial Leader.

Priced Commercial Volume - 2 Copies

The priced copies will go to the Commercial Team Leader

Unpriced Commercial Volume - Copy 1

Copy 1 will go to the Commercial Group Co-ordinator

Unpriced Commercial Volume Copy 2

Copy 2 will go to the Technical Evaluation Team Leader (Not for distribution)

Technical Volume - Original

The Original of Technical Volume becomes the Master Copy, which is retained by the
Commercial Leader as a complete reference set during the evaluation period. This original
will be kept secure at all times with access only by the Overall Team Leader, Commercial
Leader and Technical Leader

Technical Volume Copy 1 & 2

Two copies of will go to the Technical Team Leader

Technical Volume Copy 3

One copy will go to the Commercial Group Team Leader

Invoicing and Remuneration CD

The data on the CD containing the Invoicing and Remuneration section will be downloaded
onto the Commercial team PC by the Commercial Team Leader. The CD will then be kept
secure with the Priced Commercial Volume.

No additional copies of the Tenders, or sections of the Tenders, are to be made without the
approval of the Overall Team Leader.


10.1 Preliminary Evaluation

On receipt of the Tenders a high level review of the documents will be carried out to ensure that
there are no obvious areas of missing information. A request for missing information will be
issued with response required within one week.

10.1.1 Technical

The Preliminary Technical Evaluation involves reviewing each section of the Tender to:
Develop an understanding of their content
Appraise apparent strengths and weaknesses
Determine technical acceptability
Develop tender clarification requests
Develop preliminary scores
Determine qualifications

The reviewers of each section are defined in the review Matrix presented in Appendix XXX.
Each reviewer will review the specific sections of the Tender in isolation and provide a
preliminary score. The scoring methodology is described in Section XXXX

The reviewer will also develop clarification questions where the reviewer considers the
Tenderers information is unacceptable or of insufficient quality to determine technical
acceptability. These clarification questions shall be passed on to the Group Team Leader to
assess and collate questions. These questions shall be reviewed and approved by the
Technical Team Leader before issue to the Tenderers. Questions raised will be issued weekly,
or as required, to the Tenderers with responses required within one week.

The Group Team Leader will list all qualifications associated with the section of work. These will
be reviewed with the Technical Team Leader and the Overall Team Leader to determine whether
acceptable. Where not acceptable the tender will be asked to provide the cost impact for
rejection of the qualification.

During Preliminary Evaluation the reviewers will sequence the work such that each reviewer
completes all the Tenders developing clarification questions as required. At the end of the
preliminary evaluation all tenders will have been reviewed with preliminary scoring and all
clarification questions issued. Responses to clarification requests will be assessed during the
Final Evaluation.

The acceptability of those parts of the tenders intended to become part of the Contract and any
contractual qualifications / alternatives will be analysed and their financial implications, if any,

10.1.2 Commercial

The Commercial Evaluation Team shall evaluate those parts of the Tender which relate to
commercial or contractual details. The Preliminary Commercial Evaluation involves reviewing
the Commercial section of the Tender to determine Commercial acceptability. This will include
tabulating the prices and undertaking a review of any commercial / contractual qualifications.

The commercial evaluation will also address the commercial terms associated with the pricing of
the contract and the contractual terms and conditions under which the contract is to be
performed. The review will highlight any significant cost discrepancies or qualifications that
would have a major cost impact if removed.

The Commercial Evaluation Team will also, for each Tender:

i) Preparation of summary matrix of major qualifications.

ii) Identify any missing commercial data.

The Commercial Team will generate commercial, contractual and financial questions in order to
undertake a commercial normalisation of the tenders. Tenderers will be requested to provide
any missing commercial data and if considered necessary to review certain rates. These
questions shall be reviewed and approved by the Overall Team Leader before sending to the

At the same time the commercial implications of any of the Tenderers' technical qualifications /
alternatives which are acceptable to the technical team and any purely commercial qualifications
/ alternatives will be assessed. The acceptability of those parts of the tenders intended to
become part of the Contract and any contractual qualifications / alternatives will be analysed
and there commercial implications, if any, assessed. Tenderers will be asked for the commercial
impact of withdrawing all unacceptable qualifications.

During Preliminary Evaluation the evaluators will sequence the work such that each evaluator
completes all the Tenders developing clarification questions as required. At the end of the
preliminary evaluation all tenders will have been evaluated with preliminary scoring and all
clarification questions issued. Responses to clarification requests will be assessed during the
Final Evaluation.

On completion of the Preliminary Commercial evaluation a Preliminary Score will be developed

for all Tenders. (As per the Appropriate Evaluation Critera)

10.2 Detailed Evaluation

10.2.1 Technical Detailed Evaluation

The Technical Detailed Evaluation involves finalising the Tender scores and comments based on
the clarification answers received. Should there be a cost / schedule impact resulting, this will be
passed to the Commercial Evaluation Team for review. Any differing technical options between
the Tenderers shall be identified. These evaluations shall be recorded for input into the
Presentation meetings.

The Group Leader will then compile a composite score sheet for each Tender by collating the
scores from each member. The Overall Leader and Technical Leader will agree the final score
for each section.

During the later stages of the evaluation activity it will be appropriate for Technical and HSE
Leader and commercial team to review the priced documents to assess the cost implications of
technical issues such as proposed alternatives. The Overall Team Leader will ensure that the
confidentiality of cost data is maintained.

10.2.2 Commercial Detailed Evaluation

The Commercial Detailed Evaluation involves finalising the price analysis and comments based
on the clarifications answers received. During the commercial evaluation, any pricing changes
submitted by the Tenderers as a result of the clarification process will be logged and necessary
adjustments made to the tendered Contract Price.

Analysis will be carried out to determine the normalised tendered Contract Award Price based
on the Tender Documents (i.e. before issue of any additional data.). This includes an
assessment of the price impact of any remaining qualifications.

10.3 Tenderers Presentations

10.3.1 Purpose

Each Tenderer will be given the opportunity to present the Tender to the Evaluation Team.
The purpose of the Tender Presentation Meetings with Tenderers is to satisfy the evaluation
team of the capabilities of the Tenderers including:
i) Overall Presentation
ii) Discussing the Execution Statement.
iii) Queries relating to and unclear or unacceptable responses to the clarification questions
previously sent to the Tenderers.
iv) Verifying particular strengths/weaknesses
v) Clarifying as necessary any proposed alternatives.
vi) Discussing remaining major technical and commercial qualifications with cost implications.
vii) Assess key personnel

Note This is also a good way of verifying statements in Contractors Tenders

10.3.2 Agenda and Structure

A formal agenda and a detailed list of clarification questions for each meeting will be developed
by the Commercial Team Leader in conjunction with the Technical Team Leader and agreed by
the Overall Team Leader in advance of each meeting.

10.3.3 Attendees

The Attendees for the presentation are presented in Appendix XXX. (Follow-on detailed
Commercial discussions may be held with a reduced number of attendees).

10.3.4 Minutes of Meetings

No minutes will be taken. An action list will be prepared by the chairman of the meeting, or his
delegated nominee, and be signed by the Tenderer before closure of the meeting. All
agreements and responses to actions will be formalised in writing by the Tenderer.

10.4 Finalise Scores and Selection

On completion of the Tenderers presentations the Tender Evaluation Scores (if Used,
depending upon evaluation criteria) will be reviewed and finalised, in consultation with others as
required, by:
Overall Team Leader
Technical Team Leader
HSE Team Leader

Commercial Team Leader

This is dependent upon Evaluation Criteria and could be subject to a review by a tender
Committee if there is one.


11.1 Evaluation Scoring

Depends upon Criteria

11.2 Scoring HSE and Technical Information

Tender information relating to each item listed in the Evaluation Score Summary Sheet will be
reviewed and scored by the reviewers nominated for that Item. Scores and comments will be
recorded on the Evaluation Score Sheet

Score Allocation (Typical)

A Not Addressed 0 Item not addressed;

Information superficial with no attempt made to meet the project
No confidence.
B Unacceptable 2 Addressed but unacceptable;
Addressed but insufficient information to give confidence that the
requirements can be met
Low confidence.
C Acceptable 6 Acceptable in all major areas;
May be missing minor information of low significance;
Normal Confidence
D Excellent 9 Excellent response meeting or exceeding the project specific
Very good appreciation of, and application to the challenges
Industry leading;
High confidence

Scoring Guidelines:

Detailed criteria for each specific item will be developed before the Tenders are opened. A
typical example is presented in Appendix IV. Overall guidelines are presented below:

The objective of the technical evaluation is to analyse the Tenderers' proposals and to judge
their acceptability against the technical requirements of the ITT.
It is important that the remarks section against each score is completed with an explanation
as to the basis on which that level of score has been awarded where the score is not 6 (i.e.:
acceptable). This explanation provides a substantiation of the scoring which could be
significant in any subsequent audit process.
Each reviewer will score in isolation
Submissions are expected to be project specific and not standard off the shelf-documents

Proposals and examples of how the Tenderers approach to the work creates a culture of
safety on the project.
Tenderers approach to the work minimises HSE risk in all areas
Tenderers approach to the work minimises risk to the project schedule
Tenders approach to the work minimises risk to the lump sum price
Reviewers are encouraged to use the score of 9 where, in addition to compliance, the
Tenderer shows good insight into the challenges and risks associated with the project and
identifies procedures that address and reduce the risks.
Demonstration of a commitment to a full implementation of HSE requirements
An excellent score is encouraged where, in addition to compliance, Tenderer commits to
significant use of local resources (labour, subcontractors, material and equipment) AND
demonstrates how management, training and investment will ensure HSE, quality, schedule
and control.

11.3 Cost Scoring

Depends Upon Evaluation Criteria

The tender price analysis for the Lump Sum will include necessary adjustments for any
Items resulting from like for like analysis.

Sample Only:-This will culminate in a normalised Price which will be used for scoring.


12.1 Site Visit

May be necessary to see how contractor actually performs.

12.2 Finalise Technical Scope

Technical documentation finalised or changed since the issue of the ITT and bid bulletins will be
issued to the Tenderers to determine impact on cost and schedule. This is expected to include:

(List of Items, If any)

Further technical clarifications will be issued to finalise any outstanding areas before contract
award. Final Tender clarification meetings will be held with all/ Short listed Tenderers as

12.3 Finalise Commercial Elements of Contract

Finalising the Commercial elements will involve:

Finalising the pricing elements of work which have been changed since the issue of the ITT.
Finalise qualifications
Discuss start up plan subsequent to award.

The intention is to maintain X Number of viable Tenderers during the Final Negotiations and up
to Contract award. Clarification meetings will however only be held with All/Shortlisted Tenderers
(As appropriate). At clarification meetings technical aspects shall be discussed first, followed by
contract conditions and finally contract pricing.


13.1 Recommendation to Award

A detailed recommendation will be prepared comprising a record of the process from initial
Tender submission, selection through to final selection, (including if appropriate justification for
any short listing) (providing all appropriate back up to support the recommendation. The
recommendation could be reviewed initially by a tender Committee if there is one, before being
presented to the Client and or Contracts Committee(s) for formal approval.


14.1 HSE Workshop

If appropriate.

14.2 Backdraft and Agree Contract

The Contract will be backdrafted with all agreed clarifications, changes and amendments. The
backdrafted Contract Documents will be agreed by the Client and the proposed Contractor
(each page initialled) before Contract Award.


15.1 Interim Arrangement

Should the issue of a Interim Agreement be necessary due to schedule requirements it shall
only be issued after award action by the applicable Client Authority/Contracts Committee(s).

15.2 Contract Award

Final contract award will be issued on completion of all backdrafting.


16.1 Bid evaluation Close out

The evaluation procedure shall be closed formally. The actions required for this shall include:

Inform Bidders of their individual result of the evaluation process.

Undertake Lessons Learned review by the evaluation team and record findings.
Release, formally, Team from their duties, but remind them of continued confidentiality.
Review the formal documents produced as part of the evaluation process and ensure that these
have been registered and filed in the electronic document files. Consolidate the document index.
Review the electronic document files to ensure that only those documents retained are
informative and relevant. Remove superfluous documents
Ensure that all paper copy is relevant and filed in a systematic manner, Shred unwanted

Clear secure offices of sensitive materials and documents, by either removal to the archives or
by shredding.
Make electronic copy of data to be archived.
Remove sensitive data from the dedicated computer hard drives.

16.2 Archiving

The Overall Team Leader and Services Manager shall prepare a list of the documents to be
archived. The archive shall be in hard copy and electronic form. It shall be retained for safe

The archive shall include:

The original tender document of the successful bidder
The evaluation score sheets and price analysis for all Bidders
Reports of any supporting activity such as QA and HSE reviews.

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