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Internship Report

Muhammad Babar Khan


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Name: Muhamamd Babar Khan ID No. 20142-16577

Control No. Major Field: BBA (Marketing)

1.1. Organization where internship was served: Primus Investment

Management Limited

Duration: From 18th May 2016 to 17th August 2016 (3 months)

1.2. Report based on:


1.3. Due date of the report: 2nd September 2016

(2 weeks after the successful completion of internship)

1.4. Report submitted on: 31st August 2016

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DEPARTMENT I WAS ATTACHED TO: Business Development Unit................................................4
Primus Business Development Unit.........................................................................................................5
Investor Services:............................................................................................................................5
Business Intelligence:......................................................................................................................6
Sales Department:............................................................................................................................6
Marketing Department:....................................................................................................................7
Call Centre:......................................................................................................................................7
Task Performed by Me: .9
Call Centre:....9
Business Intelligence: .10
Marketing Department: ...10
Application of Theories Learned In Academic Education....................................................................12
New Concepts/ Techniques:.................................................................................................................15
Conclusion: ....17

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Development Unit

Supervisors Name: Syed Hassaan Iqbal

Designation: Senior Marketing Executive

Duration: 18th May 2016 - 17th August 2016

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Primus Investment Management Limited Business
Development Unit

The Primus Investment Management Limited Business Development Unit was

recently established and has been combined of five small departments that are
Marketing, Sales, Investor Services, Business Intelligence and Call Centre to make
it one big department. As the new paradigm shift in Pakistan is towards mutual
funds, PIML has launched its website, Facebook page and Call Centre Services.
The idea behind the website, Call Centre Services and Facebook page is to provide
ease to clients while they choose the best suitable mutual funds according to their
need and desire depending on short term or long term investment objectives and
reaching out to a broader audience by creating awareness among people. The
mutual funds are available for retail clients, corporate clients and high net worth
individuals. The entire Business Development Unit comes under the supervision of
the Chief Strategy Officer, who looks into all the affairs of all sub departments.
The Business Development Unit consists of a large team from five different
departments as a merger and each member has a different function to perform
though each function aligns itself with the objectives of the Business Development
Unit. The department can be divided into its core functions which are:

Investor Services:

The core function of the business development unit is investor service. This is
basically the link between the investor and the company. The flow of information
is a two channel between the investor and the company through the investor
service. The major function of investor services was to entertain the investors and
they were responsible to answer customer queries regarding mutual funds or
product specifications the investor to know. All the inbound calls of customers
were answered through this section of the Business Development Unit.
The investor services section was responsible for the process of investors
registration. The investment form and account opening forms are submitted by the

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client and the investor services department keeps records of all the client details.
The check issued by the investor goes to investor services department and after
thorough process deposits it in the bank account.
The investor services department handles all the day to day queries of the sales
team and works hand in hand with the sales team on the issues of account opening,
investments, dividends issuance, sending letters to clients, check and bank issues,
investor details and required documents issued. The investor services is also
responsible for sending letters related to dividends or any other new policy issued
by the company.

Business Intelligence Department:

Business Intelligence is a small department and was a subpart of Business

Development Unit. The main function of this department was to do analysis on
fund managers reports of different investment companies on monthly, quarterly
and yearly basis. The research and the analysis is done by Business Intelligence
departments on the basis of different asset management companies ratings by
credible rating agencies, on different companies returns, on fund statistics, on
monetary policy, according to fund type, fund categories. The Business
Intelligence deals with the statistics related to portfolio allocation and fund
performances according to its benchmark rate on monthly, quarterly and yearly.
The complete research related to statistics, figures and data entry is done by the
Business Intelligence Department for the analysis through graphs to represent the
market trends of the investment and mutual funds industry and comparing Primuss
each funds performance with different asset management companies. The
Business Intelligence Department was responsible for preparing Daily
Performance sheet of all the funds of Primus Investments Management Limited.

Sales Department:

The Sales department is divided between two sub departments and is being
managed by two different sales managers for both type of investors like retail and
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corporate clients. Under these sales managers is team leaders who manages and
runs the team and the whole sales team consisting of all investment executives
have to report Team Leader on daily basis. The sales executives are responsible for
bringing investments from retail, corporate and even high net worth individuals.
The sales team has to maintain their daily call log and their meeting schedules that
are being monitored by the sales team leader who is reporting directly to the Sales
Manager. The sales department is also responsible for the redemption of any client
and also resolves the issue any investor wants to change its fund category.

Marketing Department:

The marketing department primarily focuses on digital marketing while reaching

out to its online customer base. The digital platforms that Primus currently uses are
Facebook, Primus Website, Broachers, and Print and Radio forums from time to
time. The major focus is on Facebook where customized posts are made related to
funds or schemes of Primus. The pages on Facebook are maintained to reinforce
Primus brand identity while reaching out to investors on a personal level. Being on
Facebook makes Primus more approachable and easy to reach a larger audience.
The social media management section of the Primus is also responsible for
answering customer queries on Facebook as well as filtering out spam on its pages.
The website is also being used daily as it is being updated on daily basis by the
marketing department. The marketing department of Primus is also responsible for
writing blogs and providing content for the web page and website and for
preparing corporate presentations. The marketing departments also works on
different advertising and marketing campaigns of different mutual funds and is
responsible for holding any promotional event for the Primus and deals with
different organizations related sponsorship issues.

Call Centre:

This section of the Primus is responsible to answer any queries related any mutual
fund or investment related issues. The call centre is also responsible for making

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cold calling to different leads that are being generated by the updating of CRM on
every quarterly basis. The CRM database is also updated by the call centre
department in order to help the sales team to increase the number of accounts and
investments. The call centre was also responsible to handle the complaints of the
investor and forward them to the specified department.

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Tasks Performed by Me:
During the 3 months internship in Primus Investment Management Limiteds
Business Development Unit, my responsibilities were increased with each passing
week. Initially for the first few days I was briefed about the department and the
tasks that will be assigned to me. To begin with I was first assigned the duties in
call centre section of Business Development Unit.

Call Centre:
Utmost priority of the Primus Investments is to maintain the client relationship
with customers via email or inbound calls or even through letters. The call centre is
trained in such a dynamic manner that it is able to handle dissatisfied clientss in
such a way which upholds Primus Investments image.
Started updating the CRM database of the Primus Investment Management
Limited and completed the task by generating leads for the sales team.

To decrease the lead time to answer customer queries thus ensuring superior
customer service and maintaining the brand image of Primus Investment
Management Limited.

Sole responsibility to handle Primus Investments call centre while replying to

customers in a professional tone.

Responsible to handle inbound customer calls and answering their queries in

such a manner which ensures customer satisfaction.

Handled inbound calls and guided the customer regarding the reason for their
transactions and redemptions are being declined or delayed by Primus
Investments system and how can they ensure that it doesnt happen in the

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Inform my supervisor if customer sent the required documents for processing
their investment or redemption so that the process can be forwarded to investor
services department.

Correspondence with the rider boys if delivery of investment draft or any

documents required.

Guiding customers on how they can get their investment or redemption

processed and promising them better online experience the next time they visit
us or call us.

Business Intelligence:

Then after the successful completion of my projects in the Call Centre section, I
was transferred to Business Intelligence Department. My tenure in Business
Intelligence Department was short but it was a worth learning experience for me.
As in this department on daily basis, I was assigned to make one research report on
any financial crisis like Brexit, Financial Literacy, Mutual Funds industry in South
Asia and many others. The research was conducted so I could help my supervisor
in preparing the analysis report on mutual fund industry. My reports were also
helpful in preparing the Daily Performance Sheet of Primus Investments all
mutual funds comparing them with other funds in the industry.

Marketing Department:

After spending some time in the Business Intelligence section, I was transferred to
the Marketing Department. In marketing department, I spent the most of my
internships tenure. The tasks that I performed in marketing department are as

I was asked to prepare corporate presentations on mutual funds, its

advantages, issues, procedures and policies for the sales team, so they can
brief the client.

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I was also given the task to deal with the advertising agency as Primus was
about to launch its new Capital Protected Fund Voluntary Pension Scheme
and I was responsible for dealing with the agency on the matter of print
advertisement and radio commercial.
I was responsible for printing of Eid cards and various other complimentary
things for the clients.
I was responsible to send E-flyers to clients and was even responsible for
dealing with different events for the sponsorship on the Independence
I was at times asked to manage the Facebook page or even was responsible
for posting material on Facebook.
I was also responsible for drafting of marketing plan of various promos that
is to be run on its various radio channels. It includes daily plan and
frequency of how many times this promo is going to be played for how
many days and at what time.
I was also responsible for sending its clients and is entrusted with the
responsibility of drafting and sending e flyers of their upcoming mutual
funds and schemes of investments.
During my internship alongside I was asked to prepare presentations as to
provide recommendations as to how can upcoming funds can be launched.
I also assisted the graphic designer in the marketing department in creating
and posting the content on social media.
I was also asked to prepare a report on different AMCs Social media
platform that what campaigns they are using and how they are performing
and what we are not having on our social media platforms.

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Application of Theories Learned In Academic Education


Helped me provide hands-on experience related to corporate world that

upgraded my learning and comprehension of issues significant to topics of
my study.
This internship helped to align the academic learning process and the
practical learning experience.
I have effectively honed personal skills such as ability to prioritize tasks,
communication skills, teamwork, time management and client servicing.
This opportunity provided an in-depth knowledge of Primus Investments
Management Limiteds operations.

Microsoft Word & Excel:

MS Word and Excel was an integral tool for analyzing and arranging data such as
information and graphs specification related to different mutual funds. Primus
Investment uses both of these tools to manage customer database regarding their
orders. My academic learning from courses such as computer concept and
computer application was helpful for managing the customer data.
Course: Computer Concepts /Computer Applications-1

Media Plan:
Another theory that I saw being applied was the development of marketing plan of
an advertisement which were Capital Protected Funds and Voluntary Pension
Schemes promo as to when it is going to run an at what frequency on daily basis
and how to cut down the cost. It is what we already covered in our advertising
Course: Advertising

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Preparing Research Reports:
Another theory that I applied in Primus Investment was the research theory that I
have learned in Methods of Business Research course. I was asked to do both
qualitative and quantitative research in Primus.
Course: Methods of Business Research

Customer Relationship Management:

Basically refers to strategies employed to manage and analyze customer
interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. This helps in improving
customer relationship and arranging customer data in an understandable way. At
Primus CRM database was really useful to arrange this data in a way which would
help to engage with the customer at a particular stage of their lifecycle.
Course: Principles of Marketing

Consumer Segmentation:
By effectively segmenting its target audience, Primus was able to create funds and
medium to communicate to the particular segments. This segmentation helped in
creating customized products and means of communication towards the segmented
target. Primus Investment has launched separate funds for their different segments
of target audiences.
Course: Principles of Marketing

Call to Action:
Digital and Direct marketing techniques like Telemarketing, flyers and print media
was used for direct marketing even direct emails were used and applied by the
company to market their products. The digital marketing tools used by the Primus
Investment were mainly Facebook that is through the paid content and the website
that is the owned content.
Course: Direct & Digital Marketing
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Selling Process:
When a new customer wanted to know how to place an order, I guide them through
the steps by which they can invest in Primus Investment Management Limited.
Course: Sales Management

Marketing Funnel:
Primus utilizes social media websites such as Facebook and Website to launch its
new fund campaign to promote its new funds or schemes. My course of Direct and
Digital Marketing was useful in understanding how to engage audience online and
engage them so that they can be converted into a consumer.
Course: Direct and Digital Marketing

Preparing Letters, E-Mails and Reports:

It helped me in drafting MOU for the events and in email. Moreover the guidance
as to how to make an effective presentation also helped me while preparing PPT
for my tasks. It also helped me in preparing my reports and letters.
Course: Business Communication-I / Business Communication-II

Calculating NAV and different other Financial Applications:

The calculation of NAV and different financial calculations were done on daily
basis and were very helpful in applying the techniques that I have learned in
Financial Management and Financial Institutions Course.
Course: Financial Management/Financial Institutions

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New Concepts/ Techniques:

Digital Marketing Exposure:

Being exposed to the digital marketing structure in Primus has provided an
elaborate understanding of its mechanism in Pakistan and investment industry.
This experience will be fruitful for my future endeavors as digital is the new
mode of marketing yourself to a wider audience.

I was trained on how to converse with the customer while maintaining
companys standards. This training further polished my communicational skills
while maintaining professionalism.

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Growth in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing has taken the Pakistani online realm by storm and companies
such Rocket Internet are reaping the full benefits by tapping into the Pakistani
market. It seems Primus Investments Management Limited still lags behind
innovation in this department as management seems reluctant to embrace digital

Aligning Departments
Aligning the marketing department and sub dividing it into sub sections like
Digital and direct sections separately, the company can reach a wider audience
through promotional campaign of the marketing department.

Goals Based on Growth

Creating targets based on growth and not just being limited to sales target as
currently goals are based on investment volume.

Employee Development
Investing on employees personal growth and embracing their ideas for growth as
Primus Investment Management Limited needs to invest more in employees to
enhance the departments performance by giving special training programs.

Hierarchy Issues
They do not have a proper structure as far as marketing department is concerned.
For this reason the work seems to be confusing as there are only five persons in the
department and some time due to lack of proper hierarchy here is a lot of

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confusion. Therefore they should hire more personnels and should assigned them
their task clearly so as the work can run in a smooth flow.

During my 3 months of internship at Primus Investment Management Limited, I
was able to bridge the gap between my academic learning and practical learning
experience. During the internship I was able to implement and observe the theories
and concepts that I learnt during my academic training within the work place was
an amazing experience for me. This knowledge has fortified my belief that how
important practical exposure in the corporate world is for understanding the
concepts learned during our educational phase. This internship has not only
improved my personal skills set but also my professional skills while allowing me
to implement the concepts I learned during my educational tenure.
My experience within the different sections of Primus Investment Management
Limiteds Business Development Unit has given me the knowledge regarding the
internal mechanism of its operations. Thus allowing me a deeper knowledge and
understanding through which I was able to suggest recommendations to improve
the growth of Primus Investment Management Limited Business Development

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