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Code No: V3110/R07 Set No.

III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is the method of images? How can it be used to take into account the
presence of ground in calculating the capacitance of a single phase line?
(b) Two conductors of a single phase line, each of 2cm diameter, are arranged in
a vertical plane with one conductor mounted 2m above the other. A second
identical line is mounted at the same height as the first and space horizontally
0.5m apart from it. The two upper and the lower conductors are connected
in parallel. Determine the inductance per km of the resulting double circuit
line. [8+8]

2. (a) Discuss the terms voltage regulation and transmission efficiency as applied to
transmission line.
(b) A balanced 3-phase load of 30 MW is supplied at 132 kV, 50Hz and 0.85 p.f lag
by means of a transmission line. The series impedance of a single conductor
is (20+j40) ohms and the total phase-neutral admittance is 315 × 10−6 mhos.
Use nominal - T to determine
i. A, B, C, D constants of the line,
ii. Vs and
iii. regulation of the line. [6+10]

3. (a) Derive the expressions for voltage and current distribution over a long line.
Explain the significance of characteristic impedance loading in connection with
the long lines. Deduce the above voltage and current relations in the hyper-
bolic form and obtain the element values of an equivalent to represent the long
(b) Determine the auxiliary constants of a 3-phase, 50Hz. 200km long transmis-
sion line having resistance, inductance and capacitance per phase per km of
0.15 ohm, 3.5mH and 0.009µF respectively. [8+8]

4. (a) Draw equivalent circuit for finding the transmitted voltage and current surges
on a forked line. Derive expressions for the transmitted voltage and currents.
(b) A transmission line has an inductance of 0.93 H/km and a capacitance of
0.0078 µF/km. This overhead line is connected to an underground cable hav-
ing an inductance of 0.155 mH/km and a capacitance of 0.187 µF/km. If a
surge of crest 100 kV travels in the cable towards its junction with the line,
find the surge transmitted along the line. [8+8]

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5. (a) Derive an equation for calculating the maximum electric intensity on the con-
ductor surface of a 3-phase single circuit horizontal configuration line with two
sub-conductors per phase.
(b) In a 3-phase overhead line, the conductors have an overall diameter of 3.0
cm each and are arranged in delta formation. Assuming a critical disruptive
voltage of 250 kV between lines and an air density factor of 0.90 and m0 =
0.95, find the minimum spacing between conductors allowable, assume fair
weather conditions. [8+8]

6. (a) What is guard ring which is being used in the suspension string type insulator?
Deduce the relation for determining the capacitance formed by the ring.
(b) A three phase over head line is being supported by tree discs suspension in-
sulators, the potential across the first and second insulators are 12 and 18 kV
respectively. Calculate
i. the line voltage,
ii. the ratio of capacitance between pin and earth to self-capacitance of each
iii. the string efficiency. [8+8]

7. (a) Is sag desirable or an evil for a transmission line? Discuss the various conduc-
tor material used for overhead lines.
(b) An overhead line has a conductor of cross-section 2.5 cm2 and a span length
of 150 meters. Determine the sag which must be allowed if the tension is not
to exceed one-fifth of the ultimate strength of 4,175 kg/cm2
i. In still air,
ii. With a wind pressure of 1.3 kg/meter and an ice coating of 1.25 kg/m.
iii. Determine also the vertical sag in the latter case. [6+10]

8. (a) Show that for the same dimensions of a cable with an intersheath can with-
stand a working voltage of 33% higher than a non-intersheath cable. Assume
same homogeneous dielectric and most economical designs for both cables.
(b) A 3-phase, single core 66 kV cable has a conductor diameter of 3 cm and a
sheath of inside diameter 6 cm. If two intersheaths are introduced in such a
way that the stress varies between the same maximum and minimum in the
three layers. Find
i. Positions of intersheaths
ii. voltage on the intersheaths
iii. Maximum and minimum stress. [8+8]


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Code No: V3110/R07 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What are bundled conductors? Discuss the advantages of bundled conductors,
when used for overhead lines.
(b) Calculate the capacitance (phase-to-neutral) of a three-phase 100 km long
double circuit line shown in Figure 1b, with conductors of diameter 2.0 cm
each arranged at the corners of an hexagon with sides measuring 2.1 m. [8+8]

Figure 1b
2. (a) Define regulation of a short 3-phase transmission system and develop an ex-
pression for approximate voltage regulation.
(b) A balanced 3-phase load of 30MW is supplied at 132kV, 50Hz and 0.85 p.f.
lagging by means of a transmission line. The series impedance of a single
conductor is (20 + j52) ohms and the total phase-neutral admittance is 315
× 10−6 mho. Using nominal-T method, determine:
i. The A, B, C and D constants of the line,
ii. Sending end voltage,
iii. Regulation of the line. [16]
3. (a) Derive the equivalent ABCD constants of a transmission line connected in
series with an impedances at both ends.
(b) The per-unit-length parameters of a 215kV, 400km, 60Hz, three phase long
transmission line are y = j3.2 × 10−6 mhos per km per phase and z = (0.1
+ j 0.5) ohm/km. The line supplies a 150 MW load at unity power factor.
i. the voltage regulation
ii. the sending-end power and

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Code No: V3110/R07 Set No. 2
iii. the efficiency of transmission. [8+8]

4. (a) Derive the travelling wave equations in a lossless transmission line.

(b) The ends of two long transmission lines, A and C are connected by a cable
B, 1km long. The surge impedances of A, B, C are 400, 50 and 500 ohms
respectively. A rectangular voltage wave of 25 kV magnitude and of infinite
length is initiated in A and travels to C, determine the first and second voltages
impressed on C. [6+10]

5. (a) Write a short notes on radio interference due to corona.

(b) Determine the disruptive critical voltage and the visual critical voltages for
local and general corona on a 3-phase overhead transmission line consisting of
three stranded copper conductors spaced at 2.5 meters apart at the corners
of an equilateral triangle. Air temperature and pressure are 210 C and 73.5
cm of Hg respectively. Conductor diameter is 1.8 cm, irregularity factor (m0 )
0.85, and surface factors (mv ) 0.7 for local and general corona 0.7 and 0.8
respectively. Breakdown strength of air is 21.1 kV (r.m.s) / cm. [6+10]

6. (a) Explain why suspension type of insulators are preferred for high voltage over-
head lines. Sketch a sectional view of one unit of the suspension type insulator
and describe the construction.
(b) An insulator string containing five units has equal voltage across each unit by
using disc of different capacitances. If the top unit has a capacitance of C and
pin to tower capacitance of all units is 20 percent of the mutual capacitance
of top unit. Calculate mutual capacitance of each disc in a string. [8+8]

7. (a) Discuss in brief, the factors on which sag of the overhead line depends. Write
the expression of sag and explain the terms with units.
(b) An overhead transmission line has span of 220 metres, the conductor weighing
604kg/km.Calculate the maximum sag if the ultimate tensile strength of the
conductor is 5758kg. Assume a factor of safety of 2. [8+8]

8. (a) What are all the insulating materials used in underground cables? Explain in
detail about different kinds of insulating materials.
(b) A single core 66 kV cable working on 3-phase system has a conductor diameter
of 2 cm and a sheath of inside diameter 5.5 cm. If the two inter sheaths are
introduced in such a way that the variation of stress is in between the same
maximum and minimum in the three layers. Determine the following:
i. Positions of intersheath
ii. Voltage on the intersheath
iii. Maximum and minimum stresses. [8+8]


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Code No: V3110/R07 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is the method of images? How can it be used to take into account the
presence of ground in calculating the capacitance of a single phase line?
(b) Two conductors of a single phase line, each of 2cm diameter, are arranged in
a vertical plane with one conductor mounted 2m above the other. A second
identical line is mounted at the same height as the first and space horizontally
0.5m apart from it. The two upper and the lower conductors are connected
in parallel. Determine the inductance per km of the resulting double circuit
line. [8+8]
2. A 3-phase, 50Hz overhead transmission line 100km long has the following constants:
Resistance/km/phase = 0.1 ohm
Inductive reactance/km/phase = 0.2 ohm
Capacitive susceptance /km/phase = 0.04 × 10−4 mho
(a) the sending end current
(b) sending end voltage
(c) transmission efficiency when supplying a balanced load of 10000 kW at 66kV,
p.f. 0.8 lagging. Use nominal-T method. Draw the phasor diagram to illus-
trate your calculations. [16]
3. (a) Deduce expression for the magnitude of incident and reflected voltages at any
point on a transmission line interms of voltage and current at receiving end,
characteristic impedance and propagation constant of the line.
(b) A three-phase transmission line is 300km long and delivers a load of 150MVA,
0.8p.f lag at 220kV. The ABCD constants of the line are A=D=0.86 1.80 ;
B=1506 880 ; C =0.0026 900 mhos. Determine the following under full load and
no load conditions [8+8]
i. Sending-end line to neutral voltage,
ii. The sending-end current, and
iii. The percent voltage regulation.
4. (a) When the transmission line is terminated by the inductive load, how do you
find out the expressions of reflected voltage and current wave.
(b) A battery with an emf E and a resistance R is connected at t = 0 to the
sending end of a lossless transmission line which is open circuited at the far
end. Plot the sending end current as a function of time for R=Z0 /3. The time
required for a wave to travel the full length of the line is T0 . [8+8]

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Code No: V3110/R07 Set No. 3
5. (a) Explain the methods of reducing corona loss.
(b) Find the disruptive critical voltage and critical voltages for visual corona of
a 3-phase, 200 km long line consisting of three stranded copper conductors
(7/4.75) mm, area 120 mm2 spaced in a 4 metre delta arrangement, tempera-
ture 32 o C and barometric pressure 73 cm. If this line operates on 200kV at 50
Hz. Calculate fair weather and storm loss for the line. Assume any additional
data, if required. [8+8]

6. (a) Explain why suspension type of insulators are preferred for high voltage over-
head lines. Sketch a sectional view of one unit of the suspension type insulator
and describe the construction.
(b) An insulator string containing five units has equal voltage across each unit by
using disc of different capacitances. If the top unit has a capacitance of C and
pin to tower capacitance of all units is 20 percent of the mutual capacitance
of top unit. Calculate mutual capacitance of each disc in a string. [8+8]

7. (a) Explain the factors affecting the mechanical design.

(b) An over head line with stranded copper conductor is supported on two poles
200 meters apart having a difference in level of 10 m the conductor diameter is
2 cm and weighs 2.30 kg/m square meter of the projected area and the factor
of safety is 4. The maximum tensile strength of the copper is 4220 kg/square
meter. [6+10]

8. (a) Derive a formula for the electric stress in a single core cable. Where is the
stress maximum? Where it is minimum?
(b) The inner and outer diameters of a cable are 3 cm and 8cm. The cable is insu-
lated with two materials having permittivity of 5 and 3.5 with corresponding
stresses of 38kV/cm and 30 kV/cm. Calculate the radial thickness of each
insulating layer and the safe working voltage of the cable. [8+8]


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Code No: V3110/R07 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What are bundled conductors? Discuss the advantages of bundled conductors,
when used for overhead lines.
(b) Calculate the capacitance (phase-to-neutral) of a three-phase 100 km long
double circuit line shown in Figure 1b, with conductors of diameter 2.0 cm
each arranged at the corners of an hexagon with sides measuring 2.1 m. [8+8]

Figure 1b
2. A (medium) single phase transmission line 100km long has the following constants:
Resistance/km = 0.25 ohm
Reactance/km = 0.8 ohm
Susceptance/km = 14 × 10−6 mho
Receiving end line voltage = 66,000 V
Assume that the total capacitance of the line is localized at the receiving end alone;

(a) the sending end current

(b) the sending end voltage
(c) regulation and
(d) supply power factor. The line is delivering 15000kW at 0.8 power factor lag-
ging. Draw the vector diagram to illustrate your calculations. [4+4+4+4]

3. (a) Starting from the first principles, deduce expressions for ABCD constants of
a long line in terms of its parameters.
(b) A three-phase, 50 Hz, 150 km long transmission line has three conductors each
of 0.7 cm radius spaced at the corners of triangle of sides 2 m, 3.5m and 4.5m.

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Code No: V3110/R07 Set No. 4
The resistance of each conductor is 0.4 ohms per km and the line delivers 50
MVA at 132 kV and at a lagging p.f. of 0.85. Determine ABCD constants as
long line (both real and complex angle methods) [8+8]

4. (a) Draw equivalent circuit for finding the transmitted voltage and current surges
on a forked line. Derive expressions for the transmitted voltage and currents.
(b) A transmission line has an inductance of 0.93 H/km and a capacitance of
0.0078 µF/km. This overhead line is connected to an underground cable hav-
ing an inductance of 0.155 mH/km and a capacitance of 0.187 µF/km. If a
surge of crest 100 kV travels in the cable towards its junction with the line,
find the surge transmitted along the line. [8+8]

5. (a) Explain the methods of reducing corona loss.

(b) Find the disruptive critical voltage and critical voltages for visual corona of
a 3-phase, 200 km long line consisting of three stranded copper conductors
(7/4.75) mm, area 120 mm2 spaced in a 4 metre delta arrangement, tempera-
ture 32 o C and barometric pressure 73 cm. If this line operates on 200kV at 50
Hz. Calculate fair weather and storm loss for the line. Assume any additional
data, if required. [8+8]

6. (a) Explain why suspension type of insulators are preferred for high voltage over-
head lines. Sketch a sectional view of one unit of the suspension type insulator
and describe the construction.
(b) An insulator string containing five units has equal voltage across each unit by
using disc of different capacitances. If the top unit has a capacitance of C and
pin to tower capacitance of all units is 20 percent of the mutual capacitance
of top unit. Calculate mutual capacitance of each disc in a string. [8+8]

7. (a) Is sag desirable or an evil for a transmission line? Discuss the various conduc-
tor material used for overhead lines.
(b) An overhead line has a conductor of cross-section 2.5 cm2 and a span length
of 150 meters. Determine the sag which must be allowed if the tension is not
to exceed one-fifth of the ultimate strength of 4,175 kg/cm2
i. In still air,
ii. With a wind pressure of 1.3 kg/meter and an ice coating of 1.25 kg/m.
iii. Determine also the vertical sag in the latter case. [6+10]

8. (a) Find expressions for capacitance, insulation resistance and dielectric stress of
a single core cable.
(b) An H-type cable, 30km long has a capacitance per km between any two con-
ductors of 0.45µF. The supply voltage is 3-phase, 33kV, and 50Hz. Determine
the charging current. [8+8]


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Code No: V3116/R07 Set No. 1
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is meant by piston effort and crank effort?

(b) A horizontal axle AB 80cms long is pivoted at its centre. It carries a weight
of 35N at B & a rotor weighing 60N at A. The rotor rotates at 800 rpm in
clockwise direction looking from the front. Calculate the angular velocity of
precision taking the radius of gyration of the rotor to be 35cms. [4+12]

2. (a) What do you mean by angle of repose?

(b) A turn buckle, with right and left hand single head start threads, is used to
couple two wagons. Its thread pitch is 12 mm and the mean diameter 40
mm.The coefficient of friction between the nut and the screw is 0.16.
i. Determine the work done in drawing the wagons together a distance of
240 mm, against a steady load of 2500 N.
ii. If the load increases from 2500 N to 6000 N over a distance of 240
mm.What is the work to be done? [4+12]

3. (a) Describe with neat sketch the prony brake dynamometer.

(b) A single block brake is shown in figure 3 the diameter of drum is 250mm and
the angle of contact is 120 degrees. If the operating force of 900N is applied
at the end of a lever and the coefficient of friction between the drum and
the lining is 0.45 determine the torque that may be transmitted by the block
brake. [6+10]

Figure 3
4. (a) State how the size of the flywheel calculated.
(b) A single cylinder four stroke oil engine develops 15kW at a speed of 400 rpm
and drives a machine at 750 rpm. the engine shaft carries a flywheel with
a moment of inertia of 114 kg-m2 .The machine shaft also carries a flywheel

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Code No: V3116/R07 Set No. 1
with the moment of inertia of 8 kg-m2 . If the fluctuation of energy is 80If the
coefficient of fluctuation of speed is required to be lowered to a total value of
1%, what is the moment of inertia of the additional rotating mass to be fitted
to the machine shaft? [6+10]
5. A governor of the Proell type has each arm 250 mm long. The pivots of the upper
and lower arms are 25 mm, from the axis. The central load acting on the sleeve has
a mass of 25 kg and each rotating ball has a mass of 3.2 kg when the governor sleeve
is in mid position, the extension link of the lower arm is vertical and the radius of
path of rotation of the masses is 175 mm. the vertical height of the governor is 200
mm. if the speed of governor is 160 rpm, when in mid position, find:
(a) Length of the extension link and
(b) Tension in the upper arm. [16]
6. Four masses m1 , m2 , m3 and m4 having 100, 175, 200 and 25 kg are fixed to cranks
of 20 cm radius and revolve in places 1, 2, 3 and 4. The angular position of the
cranks in planes 2, 3 and 4 with respect to the crank in plane 1 are 750 , 1350 and
2000 taken in the same sense. The distance of planes 2, 3 and 4 from plane 1 are
60 cm, 186 cm and 240 cm respectively. Determine the position and magnitude of
the balance mass at a radius of 60 cm in plane L and M located at middle of the
plane 1 and 2 and the middle of the planes 3 and 4 respectively. [16]
7. A 2-Cylinder uncoupled locomotive with cranks at 900 has a crank radius of 32.5
cms. The distance between centers of driving wheel is 150 cms. The pitch of
cylinders is 60 cms. The diameter of Freads of driving wheels is 180 cms. The
radius of center of gravity of balance weights is 65 cms. The pressure due to dead
load on each wheel is 4 tones. The weight of reciprocating and rotating parts per
cylinder are 330 kg respectively. The speed of locomotive is 60kmph. Find:
(a) The balancing weights both in magnitude and position required to be placed
in the planes of driving wheels to balance whole of the revolving and 2/3 of
reciprocating masses.
(b) Swaying couple.
(c) The variation of tractive force.
(d) The maximum and minimum pressure in rails. What is the maximum speed
at which it is possible to run the locomotive, in order that the wheels are not
lifted from the rail? [16]
8. A 1200 kg machine mounted on four identical springs of total spring constant K
and having negligible damping. The machine is subjected to a harmonic external
force of amplitude F0 = 490 N and frequency 180 rpm. Determine the amplitude if
motion of the machine and maximum force transmitted to the foundation because
of the unbalanced force when K = 1.96×106 /m. [16]


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Code No: V3116/R07 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What are the conditions for a body to be in equilibrium under the action of
two forces and a torque?
(b) In four link mechanism ABCD, The link AB revolves with an angular veloc-
ity of 10 Rad/s and angular acceleration of 25 Rad S2 at the instant when
it makes an angle of 450 with AD, the fixed link.The lengths of links are
AB=CD=800mm, BC=1000mm, AD=1500mm. The mass of the links is
4kg/m length. Determine the torque required to overcome the inertia forces,
neglecting the gravitational effects. Assume all links to be uniform cross sec-
tions. [4+12]

2. (a) Explain that the coefficient of friction for film or viscous friction depends upon
the square root of velocity of body and inversely proportional to the intensity
of bearing pressure.
(b) A screw jack has a screw thread, 7.5 cm mean diameter and 1.5 cm pitch.
The load on the jack revolves with the screw. The coefficient of friction at the
screw threads is 0.05.
i. Find the tangential force to be applied to the jack at 36 cm radius so as
to lift a load of 600 N.
ii. State whether the jack is self-locking.If it is, find the torque necessary to
lower the load.If not, find the torque which must be applied to keep the
load from descending. [6+10]

3. (a) What do you mean by an absorption dynamometer.

(b) A differential band brake acting on the 3/4th of the circumference of a drum
of 450mm diameter is to provide a braking torque of 250Nm. One end of the
band is attached to a pin 100mm from the fulcrum of the lever and the other
end to another pin 25mm from the fulcrum on the other side of it where the
operating force is also acting. If the operating force is applied at 500mm from
the fulcrum and the coefficient of friction is 0.2 find the two values of the
operating force corresponding to the two directions of rotation of the drum.

4. A gas engine is provided with 2 flywheels of 5kN each and the radius of gyration
of each is 60 cm. Cylinder diameter is 20 cm. stroke 25 cm. and the mean rpm
is 200 the mean pressure above the atmospheric during the firing stroke is 0.6 M
Pa during the compression stroke is 0.11 MPa. During the exhaust stroke is 0.03
MPa. During the suction stroke is 0.016 MPa below atmospheric. If the engine has

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one working stroke during four strokes and if the resistance is constant determine
the % fluctuation of speed. [16]

5. A governor of the Proell type has each arm 250 mm long. The pivots of the upper
and lower arms are 25 mm, from the axis. The central load acting on the sleeve has
a mass of 25 kg and each rotating ball has a mass of 3.2 kg when the governor sleeve
is in mid position, the extension link of the lower arm is vertical and the radius of
path of rotation of the masses is 175 mm. the vertical height of the governor is 200
mm. if the speed of governor is 160 rpm, when in mid position, find:

(a) Length of the extension link and

(b) Tension in the upper arm. [16]

6. A, B, C and D are four masses carried by a rotating shaft at radii of 10 cm, 12.5
cm, 20 cm and 15 cm respectively. The planes in which the masses revolve are 60
cm apart and the mass of B, C and D are 10 kg, 5 kg and 4 kg respectively. Find
the required mass A and the relative angular setting of the four masses so that the
shaft is in complete balance. (Assuming the plane of mass as the reference plane.)

7. A four coupled-wheel locomotive with two inside cylinders has reciprocating and
revolving parts per cylinder as 300 kgf and 250 kgf respectively. The distance
between planes of driving wheels is 150 cms. The pitch of cylinders is 60cms. The
diameter of tread and driving wheels is 190 cms and the distance between planes
of coupling rod cranks in 190 cms. The revolving parts for each coupling rod crank
are 125 kgf. The angle between engine cranks is 900 and the length of coupling
rod crank 22 cms. The angle made by coupling rod crank with adjustment crank
is 180. The distance of center of gravity of balance weights in planes of driving
wheels from a scale center is 75 cms. Crank radius is 32 cms. Determine:

(a) The magnitude and position of balance weights required in leading and trailing
wheels to balance 2/3 of reciprocating and whole of revolving parts if half of
the required reciprocating parts are to be balanced in each pair of coupled
(b) The maximum variation of tractive force and hammer blow when locomotive
speed is 100kmph. [16]

8. (a) Determine natural frequency of the pendulum system.

(b) Define:
i. Free vibrations
ii. Forced vibrations
iii. Damping. [16]


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Code No: V3116/R07 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Define and explain the super position theorem as applicable to a system of
forces acting on a mechanism.
(b) A horizontal axle AB 150cms long is pivoted at its centre. It carries a weight
of 50N at B & a rotor weighing 80N at A. The rotor rotates at 1500 rpm in
clockwise direction looking from the front. Calculate the angular velocity of
precision taking the radius of gyration of the rotor to be 45cms. [4+12]

2. (a) Derive the expression for the friction torque in flat collar bearing considering
uniform wear.
(b) The spindle of a screw jack has single start square threads with an outside
diameter of 45 mm and pitch of 10 mm. The spindle moves in a fixed nut. The
load is carried on a swivel head but is not free to rotate. The bearing surface
of the swivel head has a mean diameter of 60 mm.The coefficient of friction
between the nut and the screw is 0.12 and that between the swivel head and
the spindle is 0.10.Calculate the load which can be raised by efforts of 100 N
each applied at the end of two levers each of effective length of 350mm. also
determine the velocity ratio and the efficiency of the lifting arrangement.
3. (a) Describe with neat sketch the fottinger torsion dynamometer.
(b) A simple band brake is operated by a lever of length 500mm. The brake
drum has a diameter of 500mm and the brake band embraces 5/8th of the
circumference. One end of the band is attached to the fulcrum of the lever
while the other is attached to a pin on the lever 100mm from the fulcrum. If
the effort applied to the end of the lever is 3kN and the coefficient of friction
is 0.25, find the maximum braking torque on the drum. [6+10]
4. The following data refer to a steam engine:
Diameter of the piston= 24 cm
Stroke= 48 cm
Length of connecting rod= 90 cm
Weight of the reciprocating parts= 1500N
Weight of connecting rod= 1000N
Speed = 150 rpm
Center of gravity of the connecting rod from the crank pin= 32cm
Radius of gyration of connecting rod about the center of gravity=40 cm
Determine the magnitude and direction of the inertia torque on the crank shaft
when the crank has turned through 45 degrees from the inner dead center. [16]

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Code No: V3116/R07 Set No. 3
5. A governor of the Proell type has each arm 250 mm long. The pivots of the upper
and lower arms are 25 mm, from the axis. The central load acting on the sleeve has
a mass of 25 kg and each rotating ball has a mass of 3.2 kg when the governor sleeve
is in mid position, the extension link of the lower arm is vertical and the radius of
path of rotation of the masses is 175 mm. the vertical height of the governor is 200
mm. if the speed of governor is 160 rpm, when in mid position, find:

(a) Length of the extension link and

(b) Tension in the upper arm. [16]

6. Two weights of 8 kg and 16 kg rotate in the same plane at radii of 1.5 and 2.25
m respectively. The radii of these weights are 600 apart. Find the position of the
third weight of the magnitude of 12 kg in the same plane which can produce static
balance of the system. [16]

7. The following data relate to a single cylinder reciprocating engine.

Mass of reciprocating parts = 40 kg
Mass of revolving parts = 30 kg at 180mm radius.
Speed = 150 rpm
Stroke length = 350 mm
If 60% of the reciprocating parts and all the revolving parts to be balanced, deter-
mine the

(a) Balanced mass required at a radius of 320 mm.

(b) The unbalanced force when the crank has turned 450 from the top dead center.

8. A mass weighing 85 kgf is supported on springs which deflects 1.8 cm under the
weight of the mass. The vibration of the mass are constrained to be linear and
vertical and are damped by a dashpot which reduces the amplitude to one-quarter
of its initial value in two complete oscillations, find:

(a) The magnitude of the damping force at unit speed and

(b) Periodic time of damped vibrations. [16]


2 of 2
Code No: V3116/R07 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Discuss the equilibrium of two and three force members.

(b) In a four link mechanism the dimensions of the links are given below.
Fixed link AD=60mm, driving link AB=50mm, coupler BC=100mm, driven
link DC=80mm, and DE=40mm. The driving link is making an angle 1200
with AD. The driven link is acted upon by a force of 80 6 1500 N on link DC
at E. Determine the input torque T on the link AB. [4+12]
2. (a) What is meant by the following? Friction, friction force, coefficient of friction,
limiting friction, angle of friction and angle of repose.
(b) The thrust on the propeller shaft of a marine engine is taken up by 8 collars
whose external and internal diameters are 660 mm and 420 mm respectively.
The thrust pressure is 0.4 MN/mm2 and may be assumed uniform. The coef-
ficient of friction between the shaft and collars is 0.04. If the shaft rotates at
90 r.p.m.: find
i. total thrust on the collars: and
ii. power absorbed by friction on the bearing. [6+10]
3. A sample band brake is applied to a drum of 560mm diameter, which rotates at
240 rpm. Angle of contact of band is 270 degrees. One end of the band is fastened
to a fixed pin and the other end of the brake lever 140mm from the fixed pin. The
brake lever is 800mm long and is placed perpendicular to the diameter that bisects
the angle of contact. The coefficient of friction is 0.3; determine the necessary pull
at the end of the lever to stop the drum if 40 kW of power is being absorbed. Also
find the width of the band if its thickness is 3mm and the maximum tensile stress
is limited to 40N/mm2 . [16]
4. A high speed has connecting rod length 5 times the crank which is 6 cm. It weighs
30 N has a center of gravity 10 cm from the big end bearing. When suspended in
bearing it makes 50 complete oscillations in 52 seconds. The reciprocating parts
weigh 15 N. Determine the torque exerted on the crank shaft due to the inertia of
the moving parts when the crank makes an angle of 135 degrees with the top dead
center when the speed of rotation is 1200 rpm. [16]
5. A governor of the Proell type has each arm 250 mm long. The pivots of the upper
and lower arms are 25 mm, from the axis. The central load acting on the sleeve has
a mass of 25 kg and each rotating ball has a mass of 3.2 kg when the governor sleeve
is in mid position, the extension link of the lower arm is vertical and the radius of
path of rotation of the masses is 175 mm. the vertical height of the governor is 200
mm. if the speed of governor is 160 rpm, when in mid position, find:

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Code No: V3116/R07 Set No. 4
(a) Length of the extension link and
(b) Tension in the upper arm. [16]

6. Four masses m1 , m2 , m3 and m4 having 100, 175, 200 and 25 kg are fixed to cranks
of 20 cm radius and revolve in places 1, 2, 3 and 4. The angular position of the
cranks in planes 2, 3 and 4 with respect to the crank in plane 1 are 750 , 1350 and
2000 taken in the same sense. The distance of planes 2, 3 and 4 from plane 1 are
60 cm, 186 cm and 240 cm respectively. Determine the position and magnitude of
the balance mass at a radius of 60 cm in plane L and M located at middle of the
plane 1 and 2 and the middle of the planes 3 and 4 respectively. [16]

7. The following data relate to a single cylinder reciprocating engine.

Mass of reciprocating parts = 40 kg
Mass of revolving parts = 30 kg at 180mm radius.
Speed = 150 rpm
Stroke length = 350 mm
If 60% of the reciprocating parts and all the revolving parts to be balanced, deter-
mine the

(a) Balanced mass required at a radius of 320 mm.

(b) The unbalanced force when the crank has turned 450 from the top dead center.

8. (a) Determine natural frequency of the pendulum system.

(b) Define:
i. Free vibrations
ii. Forced vibrations
iii. Damping. [16]


2 of 2
Code No: V3120/R07 Set No. 1
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) For the given differential amplifier using ideal op-amp. Find the output voltage
Vo .

Figure 1:

(b) For the given circuit in the above figure1 show that the output corresponding
to common-mode voltage Vc = V1 +V 2
is zero if RR = R2
. Find Vo in that case.

2. (a) Explain with a neat circuit diagram the working of voltage to current converter
with floating load.
(b) Design a circuit to convert a 4 mA-to 20mA input current to 0V-to-10V output
voltage. The circuit is powered from ±15V regulated supplies. [8+8]

3. (a) In the differentiator circuit the input is a sine wave with a peak-to-peak am-
plitude of 3V at 200 Hz. Sketch the output waveform.
(b) Determine the output voltage produced by the cascaded integrator. At t =
0.5 sec. [8+8]

4. (a) Design a first order band pass filter with lower cutoff frequency of 100Hz and
a higher cutoff frequency of 1KHz. The pass band gain should be 4. Calculate
the ‘Q’ of the filter.
(b) Determine f1 and f2 for a second order band pass filter with a centre frequency
of 1 KHz and band width = 200Hz. [8+8]

5. (a) List the conditions for oscillation in all the three types of oscillators, namely,
RC phase shift, wien- bridge and quadrature oscillators.
(b) Explain the difference between a signal generator and a function generator.

1 of 2
Code No: V3120/R07 Set No. 1
(c) Justify the name for quadrature oscillator. [8+8+4]

6. (a) Draw the dc voltage versus phase difference characteristic of balanced modu-
lator phase detector of a PLL indicating all important regions.
(b) Draw the dc out put voltage of VCO versus frequency characteristic of a PLL
indicating the capture and lock range clearly.
(c) State the relationship between lock range and capture range through a math-
ematical expression. [6+6+4]

7. (a) Explain the operation of a multiplying DAC and mention its applications.
(b) A 12-bit D to A converter has a full-scale range of 15 volts. Its maximum
differential linearity error is ± 1/2 LSB.
i. What is the percentage resolution?
ii. What are the minimum and maximum possible values of the increment in
its output voltage? [8+8]

8. (a) What are the basic blocks preceding an Analog to Digital converter in a typical
application like digital audio recording?
(b) Explain the functioning of a sample & hold circuit.
(c) Suggest improvement in basic sample & hold circuit. [6+6+4]


2 of 2
Code No: V3120/R07 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) For the given differential amplifier using ideal op-amp. Find the output voltage
Vo .

Figure 1:

(b) For the given circuit in the above figure1 show that the output corresponding
to common-mode voltage Vc = V1 +V 2
is zero if RR = R2
. Find Vo in that case.
2. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of a practical log amplifier and obtain an expression
for its output voltage.
(b) Explain how to range the input Vi to an arbitrary power by cascading log and
antilog amplifiers. [8+8]
3. (a) Design a non-inverting comparator with output levels stabilizes at ±5V and
VT L = 0 and VT H = 2.5V (TL: Lower threshold, TH: upper threshold) as shown
in the figure2
(b) For the given inverting Schmitt trigger, calculate its higher and lower trigger
levels. [8+8]
4. Design a wide band-reject filter using first-order high pass and low pass filters
having fL = 2KHz and fH = 400Hz respectively. [16]
5. (a) Describe operation of a quadrature oscillator.
(b) Design a quadrature oscillator, oscillating at 318 Hz using Mc1458/µA741 IC.
6. (a) Draw the dc voltage versus phase difference characteristic of balanced modu-
lator phase detector of a PLL indicating all important regions.

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Code No: V3120/R07 Set No. 2

Figure 2:

(b) Draw the dc out put voltage of VCO versus frequency characteristic of a PLL
indicating the capture and lock range clearly.
(c) State the relationship between lock range and capture range through a math-
ematical expression. [6+6+4]

7. (a) Explain the operation of a multiplying DAC and mention its applications.
(b) A 12-bit D to A converter has a full-scale range of 15 volts. Its maximum
differential linearity error is ± 1/2 LSB.
i. What is the percentage resolution?
ii. What are the minimum and maximum possible values of the increment in
its output voltage? [8+8]

8. Describe in detail the functioning of various integrating type Analog to Digital

converters and compare them in all aspects. [16]


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Code No: V3120/R07 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) List and explain the characteristics of an ideal op-amp.

(b) Calculate the exact closed loop gain of the inverting amplifier of the figure1
shown, if AOL = 2,00,000, Ri = 2MΩ and Ro = 75Ω.

Figure 1:

(c) Draw the pin diagram of µA741 op-amp. [8+4+4]

2. (a) What is the principle used in the design of an antilog amplifier explain?
(b) Draw the basic logarithmic multiplier circuit and explain how it multiplies two
voltages. [8+8]

3. (a) Design a non-inverting comparator with output levels stabilizes at ±5V and
VT L = 0 and VT H = 2.5V (TL: Lower threshold, TH: upper threshold) as shown
in the figure2
(b) For the given inverting Schmitt trigger, calculate its higher and lower trigger
levels. [8+8]

Figure 2:

4. Draw and explain the working principle of first order high pass filter. Derive the
expressions for gain and phase angle of the above filter. [16]

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Code No: V3120/R07 Set No. 3
5. (a) Derive the expression for frequency of oscillation of a square wave generator.
(b) Design a square wave oscillator for an oscillator frequency of 2KHz. Assume
suitable values stating the necessary assumptions. Use op.Amp µA 741 oper-
ating with ±15Volt power supplies. [8+8]

6. (a) Draw the dc voltage versus phase difference characteristic of balanced modu-
lator phase detector of a PLL indicating all important regions.
(b) Draw the dc out put voltage of VCO versus frequency characteristic of a PLL
indicating the capture and lock range clearly.
(c) State the relationship between lock range and capture range through a math-
ematical expression. [6+6+4]

7. (a) With a suitable circuit diagram using NE 565 PLL IC, explain implementation
of a FSK demodulation.
(b) What are the standard frequencies used for mark and space to originate and
answer in FSK teletypewriter signal transmission. [12+4]

8. Write short notes on

(a) Noise rejection in dual slope type Analog to Digital converter.

(b) Operation of Flash type Analog to Digital converter. [8+8]


2 of 2
Code No: V3120/R07 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) An op-amp has a slew rate of 2V/µs. What is the maximum frequency of an
output sinusoid of peak value 5V at which the distortion sets in due to the
slew rate limitation.
(b) If the sinusoid of 10V peak is specified, what is the full power band width?

2. In some measurements it is necessary to sense current from a transducer and convert

it into voltage. For a three op-amp realization of a current input instrumentation
amplifier, derive the expression for Vo. [16]

3. (a) Determine VT H and VT L and hysteresis of the inverting comparator shown in

the below figure1.

Figure 1:

(b) Distinguish between astable, bistable and monostable multivibrators. [8+8]

4. (a) Design a wide band-pass filter with fL = 200Hz, fH = 1KHz and the pass band
gain = 4; also calculate the value of Q of the filter.
(b) Draw the frequency response plot of the above filter. [10+6]

5. Write short notes on:

(a) Sawtooth waveform generator

(b) Voltage-to-Frequency converter. [8+8]

6. Draw the functional diagram of a 555 time IC and explain the function of each
internal block to obtain astable multivibrator operation. [16]

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Code No: V3120/R07 Set No. 4
7. (a) With a neat circuit diagram explain the functioning of an inverted R-2R ladder
type Digital to Analog converter.
(b) The LSB of a 10-bit DAC is 20 m volts.
i. What is its percentage resolution?
ii. What is its full-scale range?
iii. What is the output voltage for an input, 10110 01101? [8+8]

8. (a) Define the terms ‘Accuracy’ and ‘settling time’ of an Analog to Digital con-
(b) Explain in detail with a neat circuit diagram the operation of a parallel com-
parator type Analog to Digital converter. [6+10]


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Code No: V3126/R07 Set No. 1
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Information
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Discuss how software testing will ensure the quality of a developed software.
(b) Discuss the trade - off between quality assurance costs and manufaturing costs.

2. (a) Discuss about “Traversal marker” form of path instrumentation.

(b) What is meant by coincidental correctness? Give an example. [8+8]

3. (a) Discuss the following strategies of data flow testing with suitable examples:
i. All-predicate-uses(APU) strategy
ii. All-computational (ACU) strategy
(b) Compare the path flow and data-flow testing strategies. [8+8]

4. Discuss in detail the Domains and Interface testing. [16]

5. Explain the procedure to find the maximum number of different paths possible and
fewest number of paths possible with an illustration. [16]

6. What is decision table and how is a decision table useful in testing? Also explain
with the help of an example. [16]

7. (a) Write designers comments about state graphs.

(b) Write Testers comments about state graphs. [8+8]

8. (a) Write Partitioning Algorithm.

(b) Write an algorithm for All Pairs Paths using Matrix Operations. [8+8]


1 of 1
Code No: V3126/R07 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Information
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Distinguish between functional testing and structural testing.

(b) State whether the designer and tester are same? If not in what phases of
testing the designer and tester will be different? Why? [6+10]

2. Consider the following flow graph Figure 2

Figure 2
Select optimal number of paths to achieve C1+C2 (statement coverage + branch
coverage). [16]

3. (a) Discuss the following strategies of data flow testing with suitable examples:
i. All-predicate-uses(APU) strategy
ii. All-computational (ACU) strategy
(b) Compare the path flow and data-flow testing strategies. [8+8]

4. (a) What is meant by a nice domain? Give an example for nice two-dimensional
(b) Discuss the following terms: [8+8]
i. Linear domain boundarees
ii. Non linear domain boundaries
iii. Complete domain boundaries
iv. Incomplete domain boundaries

5. Explain applications of Paths, Path Products and Regular Expressions. [16]

6. (a) How set of paths can be characterized in the flow graph through the set of
test cases? Explain each of them.

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Code No: V3126/R07 Set No. 2
(b) How can we obtain Boolean equations from the flow graph with loops? [8+8]

7. Explain:

(a) Finite state machine

(b) State graph inputs and outputs
(c) Transitions and state tables. [16]

8. (a) Define maximum element and minimum element of a graph?

(b) Explain parallel reduction and loop reduction? [8+8]


2 of 2
Code No: V3126/R07 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Information
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Why is it impossble for a tester to find all the bugs in a system? Why might
it not be necessary for a program to be completely free of defects before it is
delivered to its customers?
(b) To what extent can testing be used to validate that the program is fit for its
purpose? Discuss. [10+6]

2. (a) State and explain various kinds of predicate blindness with suitable examples.
(b) What are link counters? Discuss their use in path testing. [8+8]

3. (a) What are the transaction flows? Discuss their complications.

(b) What is meant by Data-flow testing? Discuss its significance. [8+8]

4. (a) Discuss the procedure for rectifying boundary closures of ugly domains.[8+8]
(b) Explain the domain testing strategy.

5. (a) Flow graph are abstract representation of programs. Justify?

i. Distributive laws
ii. Absorption Rule. [8+8]

6. (a) How set of paths can be characterized in the flow graph through the set of
test cases? Explain each of them.
(b) How the Boolean expressions can be used in the test case design? [8+8]

7. The behavior of a finite-state machine is invariant under all encodings. Justify.


8. (a) What operations does a toolkit consist for the representation of graphs?
(b) How can a relation matrix be represented and what are the properties of
relations? [8+8]


1 of 1
Code No: V3126/R07 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Information
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Why is it impossble for a tester to find all the bugs in a system? Why might
it not be necessary for a program to be completely free of defects before it is
delivered to its customers?
(b) To what extent can testing be used to validate that the program is fit for its
purpose? Discuss. [10+6]

2. Discuss the following terms in detail

(a) Predicates
(b) Path predicates
(c) Achievable paths [5+5+6]

3. (a) Discuss the following strategies of data flow testing with suitable examples:
i. All-predicate-uses(APU) strategy
ii. All-computational (ACU) strategy
(b) Compare the path flow and data-flow testing strategies. [8+8]

4. (a) What is meant by a nice domain? Give an example for nice two-dimensional
(b) Discuss the following terms: [8+8]
i. Linear domain boundarees
ii. Non linear domain boundaries
iii. Complete domain boundaries
iv. Incomplete domain boundaries

5. Discuss all the rules in path representation of graphs. [16]

6. (a) Explain knowledge-based systems and decision tables?

(b) What are the rules of Boolean algebra? [8+8]

7. (a) Mention design guidelines for building finite state machines into code.
(b) Write short notes on:
i. Switches, Flags and unachievable paths.
ii. Essential and Inessential finite state behavior. [6+5+5]

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Code No: V3126/R07 Set No. 4
8. (a) Write an algorithm for Node Reduction.
(b) Illustrate the applications of Node Reduction algorithm. [8+8]


2 of 2
Code No: V3145/R07 Set No. 1
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Bio-Medical Engineering and Electronics & Computer
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Draw the pin diagram and schematic symbol of a typical Op-amp IC741 and
explain the function of each pin. [6+6+4]
(b) Discuss the three basic types of linear IC packages and briefly explain the
characteristics of each.
(c) State the two types of integrated circuits classified according to their mode of
operation and briefly explain the significance of each.
2. (a) Write short notes on non inverting comparator.
(b) For the given (figure 2b) inverting Schmitt trigger, calculate its higher and
lower trigger levels. [8+8]

Figure 2b
3. (a) What are the conditions to be satisfied by a circuit to produce oscillations?
(b) Give the classification of filters. Explain the frequency response of all filters.
4. (a) Write short notes on :
i. Balanced Modulator.
ii. Voltage Controlled Oscillator.
iii. Digital Phase Detector.
(b) Give any one applications of PLL and explain it in detail. [4+4+4+4]
5. (a) Draw and compare the conversion times for tracking and successive approxi-
mation ADC devices.
(b) A dual slope ADC uses a 12bit counter and a 8 MHz clock rate. The max
input voltage is +10V. The maximum integrator o/p voltage should be -8V,
when the counter has cycled through 2n counts. The capacitor used in the
integrator is 0.1µF. Find the value of the resistor of the integrator. [8+8]

1 of 2
Code No: V3145/R07 Set No. 1
6. List out standard TTL Characteristics and explain them briefly with necessary
diagrams. [16]

7. (a) Implement the following Boolean function using 8:1 multiplexer

(b) Design a 32 to 1 multiplexer using four 74×151 multiplexers and 74×139
decoder? [8+8]

8. (a) Design a modulo-100 counter using two 74×163 binary counters?

(b) Design an 8-bit parallel-in and serial-out shift register? Explain the operation
of the above shift register with the help of timing waveforms? [8+8]


2 of 2
Code No: V3145/R07 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Bio-Medical Engineering and Electronics & Computer
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What are the three factors that affect the electrical parameters of an Op-amp.
(b) Derive the expression for CMRR for the first stage differential amplifier.

2. (a) What is Gyrator circuit? Explain its operation with a neat circuit diagram.
(b) What is a sample and hold circuit? Why is it needed? With neat circuit
diagram, describe the operation of an Op-amp based sample and hold circuit.

3. (a) Design a II order Butterworth Low-pass filter for a cut off frequency of 1KHz
and for a given normalized polynomial of S 2 +1.414S+1. Assume necessary
(b) In the above circuit given (figure 3(b)ii) if the integrator components are
R1 =120 KΩ and C1 = 0.01µF,R3 = 6.8 KΩ R2 = 1.2KΩ, determine
i. Peak-to-peak triangular output amplitude.
ii. The frequency of triangular wave. [8+8]

Figure 3(b)ii
4. (a) Design a 555 Astable multivibrator to operate at 10 KHz with 40% duty cycle.
(b) Explain in which the 555 timer can be used as Astable multivibrator. [8+8]

5. (a) In which type of Analog to Digital converter, a Digital to Analog converter is

used? Explain its operation in detail.
(b) List important specifications of Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog con-
verters indicating their typical values. [8+8]

1 of 2
Code No: V3145/R07 Set No. 2
6. (a) Explain how to estimate sinking current for low output and sourcing current
for high output of CMOS gate?
(b) Analyze the fall time of CMOS inverter output with RL = 1KΩ VL = 2.5V
and CL = 100PF. Assume VL as stable state voltage. [8+8]

7. (a) Design a full subtractor with logic gates.

(b) Design a 4 bit parallel adder using full adder? [8+8]

8. (a) Draw the logic diagram of binary counter and explain its operation?
(b) Draw the internal structure of synchronous SRAM and explain the operation?


2 of 2
Code No: V3145/R07 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Bio-Medical Engineering and Electronics & Computer
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What are the three factors that affect the electrical parameters of an Op-amp.
(b) Derive the expression for CMRR for the first stage differential amplifier.

2. (a) What is Gyrator circuit? Explain its operation with a neat circuit diagram.
(b) What is a sample and hold circuit? Why is it needed? With neat circuit
diagram, describe the operation of an Op-amp based sample and hold circuit.

3. (a) For the all-pass filter, determine the phase shift between the input and output
at f = 2KHz. To obtain a positive phase shift, what modifications are necessary
in the circuit?
(b) How are filters classified? What is pass band and stop band for a filter?[8+8]

4. (a) Describe the operation of an analog phase detector.

(b) Analyze the behavior of an analog phase detector through necessary circuit
diagram, waveforms, mathematical expressions and characteristic curves.[8+8]

5. (a) Explain the operation of a multiplying DAC and mention its applications.
(b) A 12-bit D to A converter has a full-scale range of 15 volts. Its maximum
differential linearity error is ± 1/2 LSB.
i. What is the percentage resolution?
ii. What are the minimum and maximum possible values of the increment in
its output voltage? [8+8]

6. (a) Draw the circuit of two input NAND gate with totem-pole output and do the
static analysis when output is HIGH & Output is low.
(b) Explain why two totem pole outputs can’t be tied together.
(c) With neat circuit explain the concept of open collector O/P with pull-up.
resistor. [6+6+4]

7. (a) Write short notes on look ahead carry generator.

(b) Design a full adder with minimum number of NAND gates. [8+8]

8. (a) Write short notes on synchronous up counter.

1 of 2
Code No: V3145/R07 Set No. 3
(b) Explain the operation of Synchronous SRAM with the help of its internal
Architecture. [8+8]


2 of 2
Code No: V3145/R07 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Bio-Medical Engineering and Electronics & Computer
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What are the three differential amplifier configurations? Compare and con-
trast these configurations.
(b) What is a level translator circuit? Why is it used with the cascaded differential
amplifier used in Op-amps?
(c) Explain the term“Slew Rate” and how it affects the frequency response of an
Op-amp? [10+3+3]

2. (a) Explain with a neat circuit diagram the working of voltage to current converter
with floating load and grounded.
(b) Design a circuit to convert a 4 mA to 20mA input current to 0V to 10V output
voltage. The circuit is powered from ±15V regulated supplies. (Assume
necessary data) [10+6]

3. Write short notes on the operation of any two:

(a) Quadrature oscillator.

(b) Voltage controlled oscillator.
(c) Wien - bridge oscillator. [16]

4. (a) Explain the operation of Astable multivibrator using 555 timer.

(b) Design a Monostable multivibrator using 555 timer to produce a pulse width
of 200 ms. [10+6]

5. (a) Explain the operation of a dual slope type Analog to Digital converter.
(b) A dual slope Analog to Digital converter uses a 16-bit counter and operates
at 4 MHz clock rate. The maximum input voltage is +8volts. Find the value
of integrator resistor ‘R’ if the maximum output voltage of the integrator is
-6V after 2n counts for an integrator capacitor of 0.1µF. [8+8]

6. (a) Compare different logic families and mention their advantages and disadvan-
(b) Which is the fastest non-saturated logic gate? Draw the circuit and explain
its functions. [8+8]

7. (a) Design the 32 input to 5 output priority encoder using four 74LS148 and gates?

1 of 2
Code No: V3145/R07 Set No. 4
(b) Design a CMOS transistor circuit with the functional behavior [8+8]
F(X) = (A + B)(B + D)(A + D).

8. (a) Design a conversion circuit to convert a T flip-flop to D flip-flop?

(b) Explain the operation of parallel in parallel out shift register? [8+8]


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