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Behind an able man there were always other men- chinese proverb
Heart of great achievement.

Teamwork Truths
1. Teamwork divides the effort and multiplies the effect.
2. Talent win games, but teamwork wins championship.
3. Great teams create community.
4. Synergy

Teamwork is founded by solid relationship

Relationships are the glue that holds team members together- the more solid the
relationships, the more cohesive is the team.

Five Characteristics of Relationship

1. Respect
-when it comes to relationships, everything begins with respect, with the
desire to place value on other people.

2. Shared Experiences
-You cant be relational with someone you dont know. It requires
experience overtime.

3. Trust
-when you respect people and you spend enough time with them to
develop shared experiences, you are in a position to develop trust.

4. Reciprocity
-for people to improve relationally, there has to be give and take so that
everyone benefits as well as gives.

5. Mutual Enjoyment
-when relationship grow and start to get solid, the people involved begin to
enjoy each other.
Matthew 20-26-28 - Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great
among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your
slavejust as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to
give his life as ransom for many

Why do we stand alone? Because we fail to understand others.

Understanding people certainly impacts your ability to communicate with others. If you
can learn to understand people-how they think, what they feel, what inspires them, how
theyre likely to act and react in a given situation-then you can motivate and influence
them in a positive way.

Reasons we fail to understand others:

1. Fear

Fear is evident in the workplace when it comes to employees reaction toward their
leaders. Yet in healthy work environment, if you give others the benefit of the doubt and
replace fear with understanding, everyone can work together positively.

2. Self-centeredness

When fear isnt a stumbling block, self-centeredness often is. People are not self-
centered on purpose; its just in the nature of humans to think of their own interest first.
One way to overcome our natural self-centeredness is to try to see things from other
peoples perspective.

Short course in Human Relations

The least important word: I

The most important word: We
The two most important words: Thank you
The three most important words: All is forgiven
The four most important words: What is your opinion?
The five most important words: You did a good job.
The six most important words: I want to understand you better.

3. Failure to appreciate differences

The next logical step after leaving behind self-centeredness is learning to recognize and
respect everyone elses unique qualities. Instead of trying to cast others on your image,
learn to appreciate their difference.

4. Failure to acknowledge similarities

We all have emotional reactions to whats happening around us. To foster
understanding, think of what your emotions would be if you were in the same position as
the person youre interacting with. You know what you would want to happen in a given
situation. Chances are that person youre working with has many of the same feelings.

Choose to understand others by way of grace

Grace is the currency of all relationship

John 1:16-17 -From the fullness of his grace we have received one blessing after
another. For the law was given the law was given through Moses: grace and truth came
though Jesus Christ.

Grace is at work in relationships when we are fully present to one another, accept our
mutual limitations and exchange mutual efforts to enhance one anothers well-being. It
is only in intimacy that grace abound.

Grace can be thought of as composed of three independent elements:

1. Presence- to extend grace with someone is to first fully present in the moment with

a. Nobody cares how much you know until he knows how much you care

The moment that people know that you care about them, the way they feel about
you changes. Showing others that your care isnt always easy. Your greatest and
fondest memories will come because of people, but so will youre most difficult,
hurting and tragic times. People are your greatest assets and your greatest
liabilities. The challenge is to keep caring about them no matter what.

2. Acceptance- grace is acceptance of the mutual limitations of the moment and the
people involved.

a. Everybody needs to be understood and believed

Everyone you know and all the people you meet have the potential to be
someone important in the lives of others. All they need is encouragement and
motivation from you to help them reach their potential.

3. Community- grace is seeking to serve the highest common purpose in both the
results and relationship-to serve rather than be served, to do the work that
God has set out for you to do together, to love one another as you have
been loved, to salt and light, to awaken a sense of God in the lives of others,
and to glorify God.
a. Anybody who helps somebody influences a lot of bodies

The final thing you need to understand about people is that when you help one
person, youre impacting a lot of other people. What you give to one person
overflows into the lives of all people that person impacts. It even impacts you
because you help others and your motives are good, you always receive more
than you can ever give. Most people are so genuinely grateful when another
person makes them feel special that they never tire of showing their gratitude.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7- Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it
is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no
records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always
protects, always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres.

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