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1. Jobs arriving at an M/M/1 system according to a Poisson process with an average rate of 8 jobs
per second. The service rate is =10 jobs per second. Find:
(a) The offered load
(b) The probability that the system is idle (no job in the system)
(c) The probability that there are exactly two customers in the system.
(d) Average number of customers (jobs) in the system.

2. At Joe veterinary clinic, every pets arrive will be treat as M/M/1 system according to a Poisson
process with an average rate of 2 pets per hour. There are served on first-in first-out basis. The
doctor is able to treat pets at average rate of 3 per hour or about 1 every 20 minutes, according
to a negative exponential distribution. Find the following:
(a) The average number of pets in the system.
(b) The average time a pet spends waiting in queue.
(c) The probability that there are exact TWO (2) pets in the system.
(d) Average number of customers (pets) in the system.
(e) The probability that no pets are being served.

3. The purpose of mathematical queues model is to obtain closed-form or recursive formula that
allow the system designer to calculate the performance of the system in terms of average queue,
average waiting time and the percentage of customer turned away. Your team has been
assigned to design new queue management system which can further reduce the delay during
the check-in at the counter. Assumed now at the small airport, there is one counter for only
three passengers to check-in at one time. On average it takes a passenger 4 minutes to settle
the check-in services. Passenger arrive at an average of 1 per 5 minutes. If a passenger finds
the counter is full, he or she will go away immediately. Using the M/M/1/K model, find the
(a) The probability that the service attendance will be alone.
(b) What is the mean number of passengers at the counter?
(c) The probability of passengers is turned away per hour.
(d) What is the expected total waiting time for a passenger?

4. Patients at the dentist clinic require dentist service arrive randomly at a mean rate of 30 per hour.
Patients wait in a single line and are served by the next dentist when they reach the front of the
line. Each service takes a variable amount of time (assume an exponential distribution), but on
average can be completed in 3 minutes. Assume that this is M/M/s model and two dentists
providing the service:
(a) What will be the average waiting time for a patient before reaching a dentist room?
(b) On average, how many customers will be in the clinic, including those currently being served?
(c) Clinics policy is to have no more than ten percent (10%) chance that a patient will need to
wait more than 5 minutes before reaching a dentist room. How many dentists need to be
available in order to meet this requirement?

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