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The Journal of the Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering

La Revue de la Societe Canadienne du Genie Rural

CAE 29(2) 99-230 (1987)

CN ISSN 0045-432X

Edward McKyes Inside front cover

Soil and Water


S.E Barrington, P.J. Jutras, and R.S. Broughton 99
S.F. Barrington, P.J. Jutras, and R.S. Broughton 105
L.M. Edwards and J.R. Burney '09
G.J. Bryant, R.W. Irwin, and J.A. Stone "7
S. Natho-Jina, S.O. Prasher, C.A. Madramootoo, and R.S. Broughton 123
T.G. Sommerfeldt, C. Chang, T. Entz, and B.J. Lamond 131
N.A. Nemon, B. von Hoyningcn Huene, J. Gallichand, and R.S. Broughton 137
K.P. Thooyamani and D.I. Norum 143
K.P. Thooyamani, D.I. Norum, and S. Dubetz '49
R.W. Tossell, W.T. Dickinson, R.P. Rudra, and G.J. Wall 155
A. Rousseau, W.T. Dickinson, and R.P. Rudra '63

Power and Machinery


G.C. Misener and CD. McLeod 169
Continued on back cover

Volume 29 Number 2 July 1987



ENGINEERING Editor, Canadian Agricultural Engineering
JULY 1987 Two years ago John Ogilvie, then President of theCanadian Society of Agricultural Engineer
VOLUME 29, NO 2 ing,asked members what our Society should doto help inthecataloguing and transfer of technical
informationto all of our members. There is a great deal of information in this country and in others
EDITOR which could be of assistance in our endeavours, and discussions are underway in various commit
Department of Agricultural Engineering. tees now asto how much collectinganddistributing can be accomplishedconsideringour available
McGill University,
Box 950, Macdonald College,
resources. Canadian Agricultural Engineering can help in some ways in this respect without any
Stc. Anne dc Bcllcvuc. Quebec H9X ICO changes to its mandate or regulations. The Notes to Contributors on the inside back cover state
ASSOCIATE EDITORS clearly that papers for our Journal are welcomed in both research and technical fields, among
F. DESIR (Power & Machinery)
Department of Agricultural Engineering, others. While most of the papers published have been of a research nature, there is no reason why
Nova Scotia Agricultural College, the number of submissions treating the development, design and evaluation of new devices or
Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 5E3
J.C. JOFRIET (Structures & Environment)
systemscannot be increased. Suchinformation wouldbeof great interest anduseto researchers and
School of Engineering, designor supervising engineers alike, andwouldnotdetract atall from the quality orquantity of the
University of Guclph,
Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1 pure research works.
K.V. LO (Electric Power & Processing) Not only would information on Canadian agricultural engineering design technology or evalua
Department of Bio-Resource Engineering, tion be interesting for members to read, whether in machinery, soil and water, structures and
University of British Columbia,
2357 Main Mall, environment, energy, processing or foods, but the international experience of Canadianor foreign
Vancouver, B.C. V6T IW5
engineers would also be of value for those who also give technical assistance overseas, or those
K. POHJAKAS (Soil & Water)
Resource Planning Division, who could adapt foreign experiences to localconditions. Inorderto increasethe input of design and
Land Classification Branch, evaluation engineers to our Journal, all such readers are encouraged to contemplate submitting
Alberta Agriculture,
Agriculture Centre, technical manuscripts. And allCSAE members could discuss the question with acquaintanceswho
Bag 3014, Lcthbridgc, Alberta TIJ 4C7 are involved in the design andtesting fieldsof activity. The message should be that technical papers
R. KOK (Food Engineering)
Department of Agricultural Engineering,
have always been welcomed in our Journal, as have research papers, and that the Editorial Office
McGill University, (i.e. the Editor) is more than willing to give advice on the suitability or layout of such articles even
Box 950, Macdonald College,
Stc. Anne dc Bcllcvuc, Quebec H9X ICO before they are in fact written. It would be encouraging to see increased cooperation among
CSAE COUNCIL 1987-88 researchersand designers in agricultural engineering, and the mere fact of seeing published articles
Department of Agricultural Engineering,
in both of these fields side by side in our Journal could well be one step in promoting such
University of Manitoba, collaboration.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2
D.A. ALLEN Past President
Department of Agricultural Engineering
Nova Scotia Agricultural College,
Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 5E3
G.C. MISENER President Elect
Agriculture Canada Research Station,
P.O. Box 20280,
Frcdericton, New Brunswick E3B 4Z7
P. SAVOIE Vice-President
Dcpartcmcnt dc Genie Rural, (Technical)
Univcrsite Laval,
Stc-Foy, Quebec GIK7P4
KG. BOYD Vice President
Guclph Agriculture Centre, (Regional)
Box 1030,
Guclph, Ontario N1H6NI
G.M. OMICHINSKI Secretary-Treasurer
P.O. Box 1060,
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba R1N3C5
S.T. CHIENG British Columbia
Department of Bio-Resource Engineering,
University of British Columbia,
2357 Main Mall,
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1W5
Department of Agricultural Engineering,
University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta T6G2HI
R.B. ROGERS Saskatchewan
Rogers Engineering Inc.,
1510 Hilliard Street East.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J 0G4
223 Glcnbush Street,
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3R 0N9 Canadian Agricultural Engineering publishes papers covering the general field of Agricultural Engineering that fit into
M.POTTER one of the following classifications: (1) a scientific paper based on original research; (2) a technical paper based on design,
Masscy Ferguson Research Ltd., development, testing, or analysis of machines, equipment, structures, processes, or practice; (3) a general paper on education
C.E.Q. 5735 McAdam Road, relative to curricula and philosophy or trends in science, on a survey or investigation of some phase of research or research
Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1N9 methods, or on extension or extension methods. The Editorial Board may also publish abstracts published elsewhere and
D. MILLETTE Quebec interesting news items from members of Agricultural Engineering.
U. Del isle and Associates,
P.O. Box 60,
Manuscripts for publication should be submitted to the Editor. The papers must be original and must have not been
St. Charles dc Richelieu, published elsewhere or copyrighted. The author, not the CSAE, is responsible for opinions expressed. Information published in
Quebec J0H 2G0 Canadian Agricultural Engineering may be quoted in whole or in part provided that credit is given to the author and to the
K.C. WATTS journal. Publication chargesare $40/pagepluscostof illustrations etc. and reprintchargesare [$10.00 + (numberof setsof 100
Department of Agricultural Engineering, reprints ordered x $3.00/100 reprints)] x (number of pages per reprint).
Technical University of Nova Scotia,
Box 1000,
Central Office Address: Suite 907, 151 Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P5H4
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4
Published Semi-Annually (January and July)
Subscription rate: $30.00 per annum, single issue $17.00

S. F. Barrington1, P. J. Jutras2, and R. S. Broughton1

'Department of Agricultural Engineering, McGill University, P. O. Box 950, Macdonald College, Ste.
Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO; and 2USAID, do Embassade des Etats-Unis, Dakar, Senegal.
Received 2 May 1986, accepted 15 October 1986

Barrington, S. F., P. J. Jutras, and R. S. Broughton. 1987. The sealing of soils by manure. I. Preliminary inves-
tigations. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 99-103.

Infiltration rates, groundwater contamination and changes in soil profile nutrient composition were observed for four
experimental field reservoirs filled with 10% total solids (TS) dairy manure. The results indicated poor correlation between
manure soil infiltration and soil saturated hydraulic conductivity with water. These findings were confirmed in the
laboratory using nine columns of four different soil textures exposed to 6% dairy manure.


The intensification of Quebec's agri Infiltration rate Manure
culture during the 1960s contributed to the Initial Final Head Type Soil Experimental
deterioration of the quality of surface Author (10-5 m/s) (10-" m/s) (m) texture conditions

waters of the southern part of the Province. California, U.S.A.

Faced with this problem, the Quebec Gov Hart et al. 0.9 620-30 2.2 Poultry, Sand Laboratory
ernment introduced, from 1972 to 1981, (1965) dairy, hog cores kept
laws and bylaws aimed at curtailing this
Meyer et al.
deterioration. Among other measures,
livestock enterprises in the process of and
establishment or expansion, along with Oliver et al. 0.7 - 2.48 12 3.0 Screened Sand, Lagoon
those located within heavily polluted river (1974) dairy clay loam
basins, were required to store their Davis et al. 15 60 3.0 Screened Clay loam, Lagoon
(1973) dairy sand
manures in concrete structures. Other
materials were accepted as long as their
(1973) 1.3 35 1.0 Beef Clay loam, Lagoon
permeability was of the order of that of silty clay
concrete structures. Soils for example, had Chang et al. 120 - 0.3 486-11 Dairy Sand, loam, Laboratory
to demonstrate a saturated hydraulic con (1974) (k)t (lOt Silty clay
ductivity not exceeding 8.64 x 10~5m/d New Zealand
(10~7 cm/s). Concrete manure storage Hills

facilities being expensive, government (1976) 0.4 - 0.8 10 2.5 Dairy Sand to Laboratory
schemes to improve manure storage pro
Nova Scotia Canada
gressed at a slow pace. Priority was there Lo
fore given to the development of (1977) 1.16 - 0.06 3.5-7.75 2.4 Diluted Sand to Laboratory
construction guidelines for environmen dairy clay
tally acceptable low-cost manure storage tk refers to hydraulic conductivity value rather than an infiltration rate.
facilities, such as earthen reservoirs. Such
development would provide a more favor
able economic climate in which to acceler growth factor, Q'. Chemical mechanisms rates, as well as groundwater contam
ate environmental schemes improving require temperatures above 15C during ination, provided no bases for definite
surface water quality, by reducing pollu the soil reduction process (Mirtskhulara guidelines for the construction of earthen
tion from manure. et al. 1972). storage facilities as of 1980. At that time,
The authors summarized in Table 1 have Nordstedt et al. (1971), Collins et al. authorities based their bylaws on soil
suggested three possible sealing mecha (1975), Sewell (1978), Ciravolo et al. hydraulic conductivity values. In Ontario,
nisms: (1) physical mechanisms by which (1979) and Patni et al. (1981) investigated a value of 8.64 x 10~2 m/d (10"4 cm/s)
soil pores become clogged, (2) biological groundwater contamination from earthen was required for the soil on site. Quebec
mechanismsthrough bacterial activity, (3) reservoirs via seepage losses. They identi increased its 1975 value of 8.64 x 10-5
chemical mechanisms where soil clay par fied bacteria (total and fecal coliforms, m/d (10 "7 cm/s) to 8.64 x 10~4 m/d
ticles deflocculate and soil structure is fecal streptococci), ammonia, nitrates and (10-6 cm/s) in 1981. The U.S. state of
destroyed through reductive processes. chlorides as major contaminants. But they Pennsylvania required a permeability
The last two mechanisms were identi also observed that the concentration of value of 8.64 x 10'4 m/d (lO"6 cm/s)
fied as temperature dependent. Biological groundwater contaminants varied widely after sealing had taken place.
mechanisms rely on bacterial enzyme with time and location for any given reser A research project was initiated in 1981
activity which follow the general tem voir. to determine the extent of the sealing of
perature rate relationship expressed by the The various levels of manure infiltration soils by manure under Quebec conditions.


Ground Level

7 ) t /
/ *
-N '///>}

^200 H 450 cm ->lO0 H /Water 7ab/c?

Perforated Well

Figure 1. Profile of experimental reservoirs.

The results of this project wereto verify the water table maintained naturally some samples were tested for bacteria(total and
Quebec norm requiring a soil hydraulic 0.60 m below the reservoir floor. fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci),
conductivity under 8.64 x 10~4 m/d These four reservoirs were filled in ammonium, nitrate, phosphorous and
(10"6 cm/s). October 1981 to a depth of 2.4 m with 10% potassium. In November 1982, the reser
total solids (TS) liquid dairy manure. They voirs were emptied and their soil profiles
PROCEDURE were observed for infiltration rates and were analyzed for pH, phosphorous,
To investigate sealing efficiency under groundwater contamination until No potassium and total Kjeldahl nitrogen.
natural conditions, four small manure res vember 1982. Reservoir no. 4 had to be re Core samples were taken for this purpose
ervoirs were built on sites of various soil plenished in May 1982. at two places per site on the reservoir side
textures (Site no. 1 of clay, Site no. 2 of Infiltration rates were monitored reg walls, 100 cm above their floor. These
loam, Site no. 3 of coarse sand and Site no. ularly by measuring the levelof the surface cores were taken perpendicular to the res
4 of 1.2 m of coarse sand over a grey crust of each reservoir, using an engineer's ervoir surface, at 10-cm intervals to a depth
structureless clay). These reservoirs were level and a bench mark established within of 90 cm.
built of minimum dimension to reduce 5 m of each site. Evaporation rates and In September 1982, nine dairy manure
costs, thus a floor dimension of 1.0 m x rainfall data were obtained from weather columns (three of clay, three of loam, two
1.0 m, but of typical hydrauliccharge, thus stations located 2 km away (sites nos. 2, 3 of sand and one of gravelly silty clay) were
of 3.0 m depth (Fig. 1). Their side had a and 4) and 10 km away (site no. 1). This set up in an unheated laboratory (Fig. 2)
slope of 1.5:1.0 for stability, considering experimental method was based on pro This second project was conducted to
especiallythe sandy sites. At the firstthree cedures used by Meyer et al. (1972), Davis obtain more accurate readings on infiltra
sites, the groundwater table wascontrolled et al. (1973) and Robinson (1973). Infiltra tion rates and groundwater pollutioi haz
below the bottom of the reservoir, while at tion data were compared statistically using ards. Each column held a 10-cm bigh by
the fourth site, no such control was under the method of analysis of variance. 10-cm diameter undisturbed B Horizon
taken. This allowed the observation of Groundwater quality was monitored soil sample (sample dimension recom
groundwaterlevel effects. Twoof the con through the sampling of water from a well mended for soil hydraulic conductivity
trolled reservoirs required a peripheral 2.8 m deep within 3 m of each reservoir measurements), exposed to a head of 1.80
drain 0.30 m below the floor levels (sites and from a control unaffected by the reser m of 6% TS dairy slurry. The seepages
no. 1 and no. 2), emptying into a nearby voir seepages if any, thus located more (exfiltrates) recuperated under each soil
ditch. Site no. 3 demonstrated a ground than 200 m upgrade from each site. Water column were used to measure infiltrat/on

rates. These exfiltrates were collected dur
ing the second month for nutrient and min
eral analyses. The columns were observed
for 3 mo, October through December


The four experimental reservoirs were
monitored for infiltration rates throughout
a 12-mo period (Table II). The rates of
infiltration were not significantly different
among sites (confidence level exceeding
95%) despite the wide variation in hy
draulic conductivity values between the
different soil textures. However, infiltra
tion rates were significantly lower (95%
confidence level) for all sites during the
period from 52 to 54 wk as compared to
the initial 0- to 2-wk period. Variations in
reported rates of 21.6 x 10"4 m/d
( 2.5 x 10~7 cm/s) are due to experi
mental error in measuring such low infil Pfox/g/<3s Column
trations. 45mm0 x 1800 mm
Only the reservoir with no groundwater
control, site no. 4, had to be partially
refilled in May 1982because of its substan
tial infiltration rates during the Winter of
1981-1982. The reservoir being half full of
water when filled in October 1981, it was
presumed that subsequent manure and
water separation during the winter resulted 3 Soil Corp lOOmmOf
in increased seepage from the separated x 100mm
low solids layer.
The substantial difference in infiltration Seeled Cas/ng
rates obtained with manure as compared to
water demonstrated that the sealing mech
anisms were effective, even under cool F/ask
November temperatures (less than 10C).
Because biological and chemical mecha
nisms are known to be temperature-depen
dent, physical mechanisms were pre
sumed to dominate the sealing processes
which had occured at all four reservoirs.
Groundwater sampling could not
provide any definite conclusions pertain
ing to the level of contamination produced
by each reservoir,as only the 1981 October
and November as well as the 1982 April,
May and June samples were taken. Frozen
conditions from November 1981 to April Figure 2. Laboratoryinfiltration columns using 6% total solids dairy slurry and varioussoil types.
1982 inclusive, and very low groundwater
levels from July 1982 to October 1982 did
not allow for further sampling. For the five
samples analyzed, no significant dif
ference (95% confidence level) was found EXPERIMENTAL RESERVOIRS
between the observation wells near the res
ervoirs and the control wells. Accumula Hydraulic Manure infiltration rate
Soil textural conductivity (k) 0-2 wk 52-54 wk
tion of some odorless black matter within
Site class (10"6 m/s) (10~9 m/s) (10~9 m/s)
thereservoirwell wasobservedfor the clay
(no. 1) and the coarse sand (no. 3) sites. 1 Clay 9.25 0-14
2 Loam 3.00 10-24 (Too low to
The analysis of the soil profiles for all be observed)
four reservoirs demonstrated some ac 3 Coarse sand 30-60 24-29 0-18
cumulation of phosphorous, potassium 4 Sand over clay 15 (sand) 24-29 7-23t
and nitrogen (N-Kjeldahl, ammonium and tMeasurements subjectto error broughtabout by rainfall interference.


TABLE III. EXPERIMENTAL RESERVOIR SOIL PROFILE ANALYSIS have acquired a greycolor, indicating some
Concentrations (ppm)
The laboratory trial provided data
Site 4

Site 3 (sand over

which could be related to those of field
Depth Site 1 Site 2
(loam) (sand) clay) work. The measured infiltration rates are
Analysis (cm) 0clay)
272 600 600 315 115
summarized in Table IV, while Table V
P,Os 0-5 400 168 390
10-20 270 162 148 126 150 115
102 illustrates the quality of the exfiltrates col
30-40 280

148 135 132 110 135 82 lected. Again, the sealing of soils by
50-60 275
105 97 145 212 67 manure was successful in reducing infiltra
90 116 130 201 114 93 71

tion rates to less than 8.64 x 10~4 m/d

K70 0-5 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 (10~ 6cm/s). This was true even for soilsof
600 600 590 575 600 600
10-20 590 515
500 600 310
saturated hydraulic conductivity (k) as
30-40 309 28 206 460
50-60 188
504 485 144 41 high as 8.64 m/d (10"2 cm/s). A low cor
24 27 328 35 41 22 relation coefficient of 0.32 was established
49 42 21
between the soil sample saturated
NH4 + 0-5

10-20 32 32 10 10 hydraulic conductivity values and their

30-40 8 21 5 7 manure infiltration rates after 5 wk. The
50-60 5 10 8
presence of cool ambient temperatures
90 8 8 10 Trace
(less than 10C) during this trial indicated
N-K 0-5 176 81 95 78 75 93
that physical sealingmechanisms played a
61 42 47 64 16 10 25
8 33 5 8 22

major role; biologicaland chemical mech
30-40 22

50-60 22
5 11 8 5 Trace anisms were secondary, as their activity is
8 8 14 0 8 2 only significant at temperatures above
Laboratory column exfiltrate analysis
showed poor correlation between soilclay
content and sample contaminant con
Manure infiltration
centration. The color of the exfiltrate
Hydraulic clearly indicated that the amount of
Column conductivity 48 h 840 d Exfiltrate
(10-6m/s) (10-8m/s) (10-9 m/s) turbidity t organic matter being carried through the
no. Soil
soil was a function of soil clay content.
1 Sand 2.35 6.7 5.0 Heavy
2.27 1.3 6.0 Light Furthermore, comparison of concen
2 Loam
3 Clay 0.06 0.01 2.2 Clear trations among all three clay soil assays
4 Sand 2.11 2.56 6.6 Heavy leads to the probable link of soil structures
5 Loam 3.58 1.50 7.0 Light or permeability to the quantities of exfil
6 Gravelly 1.74 6.6 Light

trated elements. Columns 9, 3 and 8, in

silty clay
7 Loam 23.0 2.55 6.5 Light order of permeability, show a progres
8 Clay 0.00015 0.01 2.5 Clear sively higher cation exfiltration. By con
9 Clay 2.12 0.0036 6.5 Light trast, total organic carbon showed no
tVisual evaluation. relation to hydraulic conductivity.


The four experimental reservoirs along
Element concentration (ppm)
Column Soil with the nine laboratory columns demon
no. texture TOCt Ca2 + Mg2+ K + N-K P CI
strated the lack of correlation between ini
1 Sand 400 59 567 1360 430 23 167 tial soil hydraulic conductivity (k) and
412 6 25 49 233
2 Loam 62 970 final manure soil infiltration rates. Further
Clay 87 150 156 5 10 1 100
524 1260 300 46 180
more, excellent surface sealing leading to
4 Sand 350 126
Loam 74 472 418 3 17 2 225 infiltration rates lower than 8.64 x 10~4
6 Gravelly silty clay 54 391 272 2 12 2 165 m/d (10~6 cm/s) were obtained with soils
7 Loam 56 701 503 3 24 3 295 exhibiting initial k values in excess of
6 6 3 1 10
8 Clay 26 15
4 185
0.864 m/d (10~ 3 cm/s), values far exceed
Clay 66 384 495 12 24
ing those specified by the Ontario and
tTOC = total organic carbon. Quebec environmental authorities as being
safe for earthen manure reservoirs.
nitrates), resulting from manure infiltra and site clay contents. For site no. 4, with Physical mechanisms seemed to playa
tion. The quantities accumulated varied out groundwater control, elements had major role in the sealing process. Biolog
among sampling locations as well as accumulated within a band some 30- ical and chemical mechanisms tended to
amongsites (Table III). For sites no. 1, no. 60 cm deep. This band formation was be secondary in effect.
2 and no. 3, all elements had accumulated attributed to the higher infiltration rates at Soil clay content and structure were
from the soil surface to a depth varying this site, thus creating a displacement of also found to influence, to some extent, the
between 0 and 10 to 60 cm. This depth the cation band deeper into the soil profile. quality of the seepage exfiltrated from the
varied directly with the elementsolubility All soil reservoir profileswere observed to experimental columns.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Effect of anaerobic swine lagoons on IAHES-ISSS Symposium, University of
This research project was made possible ground water quality in high water table Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, pp. 713-721.
with funding from the Quebec Ministry of soils. Rages 303-305, 313, in Managing NORDSTEDT, R. E., L. B. BALDWIN, and
Agriculture and the collaboration of the follow livestock wastes (Proc. Int. Symposium). C. C. HORSTENSTINE. 1975. Multistage
ing farmers: Harold Merson, Gilles Quenne- Publ. PROC-275. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., lagoon systems for treatment of dairy farm
ville, Alain Bergeron and Claude Quesnel. St. Joseph, Mich. waste. Rages 77-80, in Livestock waste
DAVIS, S., W. FAIRBANK, and H. management and Pollution Abatement
WEISHEIT. 1973. Dairy waste ponds effec (Proc. Int. Symposium). Publ. PROC-275.
REFERENCES tively self-sealing. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., St. Joseph, Mich.
BARRINGTON, S. F. 1985. The sealing of Agric. Eng.) 16: 69-71. OLIVER, J. C, W. C. FAIRBANK, J. L.
soilsby manure. Ph.D. Thesis. Agricultural HART, S. A. and M. E. TURNER. 1965. MEYER, and J. M. RIBBE. 1974. Subfloor
Engineering Department, McGill Univer Lagoons for livestock manure. J. Water Pol monitoring of shady grove dairy liquid
sity, Montreal, Que. lut. Control Fed. 37(11): 1578-1596. waste holding pond. California Agric. April
CHANG, A. C, W. P. OLMSTEAD, J. B. HILLS, D. J. 1976. Infiltration characteristics 1974. pp. 6-7.
JOHANSON, andG. YAMASHITS. 1974. from anaerobic lagoons. J. Water Pollut. PATNI, N. K., P. A. PHILLIPS, F. R. HORE,
The sealing mechanism of waste water Control Fed. 48(4): 695-709. and J. L. B. CULLEY. 1981. Groundwater
ponds. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 46(7): LO, K. V. 1977. A study of the infiltration quality near concrete manure tanks and
1715-1721. characteristics of dairy waste storage la under heavily manured cropland. Can.
CIRAVOLO, T. G., D. C. MARTENS, D. L. goons. Can. Soc. Agric. Eng. Paper 77- Agric. Eng. 23(1): 37-43.
HALLOCK, E. R. COLLINS, Jr., E. J. 208. CSAE, Ottawa, Ont. ROBINSON F E. 1973. Changes in seepage
HOMEGAY, and H. R. THOMAS. 1979. MEYER, J. L., E. OLSAN, and D. BAIER. rate from an unlined cattle waste digestion
Pollutant movement to shallow groundwater 1972. Manure holding ponds found self-sea pond. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.
tables from anaerobic swine lagoons. J. ling. California Agric. May 1972. p. 14. 16: 95-97.
Environ. Qual. 8: 126-130. MIRTSKHYLARA, Ts. E., G. B. ABE- SEWELL, J. I. 1978. Dairy lagoon effects on
COLLINS, E. R., Jr., T. G. CIRAVOLO, D. L. LISHVILI, and M. N. TERLETSKAYN. groundwater quality. Trans. ASAE (Am.
HALLOCK, D. C. MARTENS, H. R. 1972. Effects of microbiological processes Soc. Agric. Eng.) 21: 948-952.
THOMAS, and E. J. KORNEGAY. 1975. in percolation of water through soil. Proc.



S. F. Barrington1, P. J. Jutras2, and R. S. Broughton1

Agricultural Engineering Department, McGill University, Box 950, Macdonald College, Ste. Anne de Bellevue,
Quebec H9X ICO; and 2USAID, do Embassade des Etats Unis, Dakar, Senegal
Received 2 May 1986, accepted 15 October 1986

Barrington, S. F., P. J. Jutras, and R. S. Broughton. 1987. The sealing of soils by manure. II. Sealing mecha-
nisms. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 105-108.

The sealing mechanisms for soils being infiltrated by dairy and swine slurries were investigated using laboratory
infiltration columns. Physical mechanisms were found to be predominant especially for dairy slurries. Biological
mechanismsinterveneto strengthen physical seals only where ambienttemperatures exceed 15C. Biological mechanisms
are especially important in the sealing of soils by swine slurries as their physical mechanisms are weaker than those of dairy
slurries. Chemical mechanisms were found to be insignificant.

INTRODUCTION nutrients accumulated within the reservoir TABLE I. PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF
A preliminary project (Barrington et al. profiles. Miller and Robinson (1981) also
1987) established that physical mecha monitored groundwater quality below a
nisms play a primary role in the sealing of beef manure earthen reservoir to observe Particle size

the presence of nitrate and chloride micrometer (%)

soils by manure. Furthermore, dairy
manures of 6% and 10% total solids (TS) seepages. Barrington et al. (1987) report <2 Trace

were successful in sealing soils to infil several other authors having monitored 53-2 Trace

tration rates below 8.64 x 10-4 m/d groundwater quality around earthen 53-75 1
75-150 9
(10~6 cm/s), even on soils with initial per manure storages. Some of the authors 150-250 82
meability values exceeding the limits set observed seepage effects but not under a >250
by the Ontario and Quebec environmental systematic basis.
authorities. This project, following from that of
These findings were in agreement with Barrington et al. (1987), aims at investi by returning to the individual column, the
those of several previous research works. gating the specific mode of action as well liquids collected as seepages (exfiltrates).
DeTar (1977, 1979) demonstrated, using as the relative importance of the physi The second trial pertained to the sealing
manure seeping throughsiltysoils, thatTS cal, biological and chemical sealing effects of chemical mechanisms. Eight
content above 1.8% was far more signifi mechanisms. clay soil samples, 0.048 m in diameter by
cant in controlling final infiltration rates 0.010 m high, were compacted at the bot
than either soil saturated hydraulic con PROCEDURE tom of aluminum tubes (Fig. 2). After
ductivity to water(k) or manure hydraulic The investigation of the three sealing measuring the saturated hydraulic con
head. Lo (1977)found, using dairy lagoon mechanisms was carried out through four ductivity of each clay core, four columns
liquids over columns of various soil tex laboratoryinfiltration trials. Exceptfor the were soaked in tap water and four more
tures, that final infiltration rates were not chemical mechanism investigation, all columns were soaked in swine slurry. All
significantly different despite wide varia assays were performed using plexiglas eight columns were kept under tempera
tions in hydraulic heads. Rowsell (1980) tubing of 0.14 m insidediameter. A coarse tures of 0-5C for minimum bacterial
compared sealing effects of screened beef sand column, 0.15 m high, was placed at activity. Carewastaken as to soaktheclay
manure, formaldehyde-sterilized screened the lower extremity of the tubing and was samples from the bottom of the tubes to
beef manure and two salt solutions on vari subjected to various constant manure prevent any manure solids from infiltrating
ous soil textures. He concluded (1) that the hydraulic heads (Fig. 1). Both dairy and from the surface and thus creating a phys
sealing seemed to reside within theorganic ical seal. The saturated hydraulic con
swine slurries were used for these trials,
mat which accumulated at the soil surface, the former containing 9% total solids (TS) ductivity of each column was measured
(2) that biological sealing mechanisms and latter 6% TS. The particle size analy initially as well as after 1 wk and 2 wk of
were insignificant and (3) that chemical sis for the coarse sand is presented in soaking. These permeability measure
mechanismsresulted perhaps from the soil Table I. ments require the infiltration of a volume
destructuring effect of the manure's neu The first trial compared sealing effi of water, representing four times that of
tral pH. ciency between physical and biological the soil cores. Thus, the cores' per
Miller etal. (1976) sampled four earthen mechanisms. Using the setup described in meabilityto water was expectedto change
manure reservoirs, two in use for 2 yr and Fig. 1, formaldehyde-sterilized slurries between trials and soaking periods. Nev
two others in use for 8 yr. Their sampling (Rowsell 1980) and natural slurries were ertheless, chemical sealing effects should
indicated significant contaminant accumu tested for infiltration rate over coarse sand produce an additional change in per
lation as deep as 150 cm below the reser columns 0.14 m in diameter by 0.15 m in meability among core groups, if signifi
voir soil-manure interface. Sampling only height. The coarse sand was assumed to cant. Analysis of variance was used as
four reservoirs, Miller could not establish demonstrate minimal chemical activity. statistical method to compare the effects of
a correlation between soil clay content or Slurry hydraulic head as well as total the two treatments, water and swine slurry
reservoir age and the quantities of solids content were maintained constant soaking.


Hog slurry Water

soaked cores soaked cores
(d) Mean SD Mean SD

Hydraulic conductivity values (10 5 m/s)

0 6.70 3.49 5.64 3.16
7 3.63 1.43 4.13 1.83
14 1.75 0.38 1.50 0.50

Confidence level of 95% for no significant differ

ences among treatment.



Average infiltration ratet

450 Manure
nyurauuc neau
750 type 125 mm 440 mm 700 mm
Dairy 16 22 24
Rfezometers Hog 65 27 42

t After400 h of infiltration and from two replicates

per manure type hydraulic head combination.

contents of 3, 6 and 9% were investigated

50 Sand Core
as to sealing efficiency, over fine sand
Heat-treated and natural dairy slurries
(both 6% TS) were compared for infiltra
Reducer tion rates over coarse sand columns. The
heat-treated dairy slurry was subjected to
121C for 15 min under 105 kPa of steam
Collation Rrdkrr pressure. This heat-treated slurry was
demonstrating a finer particle size distribu
tion from laboratory analysis using soil
screens and a water washing method. This
last trial was performed using aluminum
tubing 0.048 m in diameter by 0.580 m in
height, and a slurry hydraulic head of
0.45 m.

Figure 1. Experimental infiltration columns with piezometers to measure pressure drops. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
The comparison of sealingperformance
MECHANISMS nismsis presented inTableII. Hogslurries
Infiltration ratef
were observed to ferment heavilyfrom the
(10~9 m/s"1) 12th to 48th h of eachtrial. Thisbiological
Temperature activity was, by far, greater than that of
Assay Dairy slurry Hog slurry (C)
dairy slurry. This superiority probably
Initial (water) 72 000 72 000 0-5 resulted from the better biodegradability
Sterilized slurry or lower fiber content of the hog manure
(physical mechanism) 8.0 400
Nature slurry
solids. The chemical sealing effects were
(physical and found to be insignificant, as no significant
biological mechanisms) 6.5 70 0-5 difference was found between the
7 20-30 hydraulic conductivities of the clay col
tlnfiltration rates are reported for an hydraulic head of 0.700m above thecoarse sand column. umns soaked in hog liquids and those
soaked in water (Table III).
The use of piezometers duringthe dairy
A fourth procedure was used to investi sand columns, with two replicates each for and hog slurry infiltration trials demon
gate various physical sealing mechanisms. dairy and hog manure. Piezometers were strated pressure gradient losses directly
Manure hydraulic heads of 0.125, 0.440 used inside the columns to locate the above and at the soil-manure interface but
and 0.700 m were established over coarse sealed layers (Fig. 1). Also, total solid not below. It was therefore concluded that



Infiltration ratef
Slurry type (10-9 m/s)
Heat-treated 1040 260
Natural 120 44

t Range indicates a 95% confidence interval obtained

with eight replicates for each slurrytype, for infiltra
Aluminum Cylinder tion rates after 10d and, hydraulic head of 0.40 m
48 mm 6 x 580 mm above the coarse sand column.

sealing mechanisms such as gleization

(Barrington 1985).
Recognizing the importance of the
physical sealing mechanisms, their mode
of action was further investigated. The
use of several different hydraulic heads
produced no significant changes on infil
tration rates (Table IV, level of confidence
exceeding 95%). This was probably the re
Chij Core sult of a thicker mat formation with
increased manure head.
Toffon Mexh
Variations in TS of hog slurries over
Soaking Reaker columns of fine sands failed to produce
any conclusive results, as no correlation
/ / / / / ///>/// could be established between infiltration
rates after 400 h and manure TS content.
Nevertheless, this assay demonstrated that
the hog manure mat accumulating at the
soil surface had a tendency to gain per
meability under cool conditions or under
weak biological mechanisms. This
occurred through the leaching out of the
finer organic particles, manure slurries
solids not being uniformly distributed in
particle sizes (Table V). Such leaching
was not noticed for dairy slurries as the
sealprobably forms as a randomly deposi
ted fibrous mat consisting of a more even
particle size distribution (Table IV). This
leaching out process of the hog mat was
observed while the slurry was fermentat-
Figure 2. Clay columns utilized in the evaluation ofchemical sealing mechanisms. ing under warm ambient conditions (over
15C) duringthe second dayof infiltration.
The gas bubbles produced through fer
(Overcash et al. 1983) mentation agitated the mat, settling the
finer particles at the soil surface. Under
Particle size distribution for manure solids (%) warm conditions, these fine particles
<50|xm 50--250 |xm 250 -500 |xm > 7500 |xm would cake in a solid layer at the soil

Hog 45 2.5 2.5 50 interface, produce a second mat and

Dairy 36 10 8 46 strengthen the seal. No such activity was
Poultry 45 10 12.5 32.5 noticed with hog slurry which had been
13 17 40
Beef 30 sterilized or for columns under cool tem
peratures (less than 5C), thus suggesting
the sealing was taking place within the face pores. Soil voidgeometry anddimen the work of biological mechanisms.
organic mat accumulating over the soil sion become more important than soil Infiltration rates for a dairy slurry of
column at the soil-manure interface. This hydraulic conductivity (k) with regard to finer particle size solids (heattreated) and
illustrates the basic screening role of the sealing. It also appears that soil particle of natural, coarser particle size solids,
soil leading to the establishment of the size distribution, rather than soil k, could over coarse sand columns, were signifi
impermeable organic mat. The efficiency better describe a soil's ability to become cantlydifferent (Table VI). Slurry particle
of the sealing depends on the ability of sealed by manure. Soil aggregate size size was found to influence physical seal
the soil to retain the manure solids at its intervenes to a lesser degree as it is ing mechanisms and exfiltrate total
surface and to trap them within its sur believed to be destroyed by biochemical organic carbon content (Table VII).


TABLE VII. EXFILTRATE CATION CONCENTRATION Chemical sealing mechanisms through
NATURAL ANDHEAT-TREATED DAIRY MANURE OVER COARSE SAND their deflocculating effects on clay parti
Exfiltrate quality (ppm)f cles were insignificant. This does notelim
S04 CI
inate the possibility of biochemical soil
Exfiltrate NH4 N03 Ca Fe Mg K Na P
reduction resulting in soil structure
11 43 1230 49 8 90 153
Natural 55 0.1 56 destruction or gleysation.
242 200 890 116 170 120 506
Heat-treated 660 1.6 21
Although the sealing extent of soils in
tExfiltrates collected after 10 d of infiltration. contact with manure is of the order of 8.64
x 10"5 m/d (10_7 cm/s), groundwater
TABLE VIII. EXFILTRATE ANALYSIS FOR COLUMN OF NATURAL DAIRY AND HOG contamination is still probable for soils of
SLURRIES OVER COARSE SAND low CEC especially under conditions of
Ca Mg Mn K Na NH4
long exposure to hog manures.
Exfiltrate (meq/L)t ppm

Dairy$ 60 191 104 3.2 104 55 60 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

The author wishes to thank the Quebec Min
istry of Agriculture for its financial help, and
After 1 wk 224 302 139 4.2 35 168 650
After 2 wk 254 280 252 12.4 846 284 850
Alvin Barrington and Jean Aime Parent for the
After 6 wk 284 163 428 8.0 1560 500 1200 provision of the required manure slurries.

t Values corrected for 700 ppm and 3000ppm of NH4 for dairy and hogexfiltrates, respectively.
tExfiltrates collected after 50 d of infiltration.
BARRINGTON, S. F. 1985. The sealing of
TABLE IX. SOIL SATURATION RATEt (10-7 cm/s). Assuming a groundwater soils by manure. Ph.D. Thesis. Agricultural
table some 60 cm below a hog manure Engineering Department of McGill Univer
Cation saturation rate earthen reservoir, contamination would sity, Montreal, Quebec.
(m/yr) become obvious within 3.3 and 15 yr for BARRINGTON, S. F., P. J. JUTRAS, and
texture CEC* Hog manure Dairy manure sandy and clay soils, respectively. This R. S. BROUGHTON. 1987. The sealing of
soils by manure. Part I. Preliminary inves
analysis indicates a need for further
5 0.18 0.04 tigations. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 99-103.
Clay 25 0.04 0.01 groundwater protection for soils of low DeTAR, W. R. 1977. The concentration of
cation exchange capacity (CEC), even liquid manure effects its infiltration into
tThese rates assume 100% soil saturation.
$CEC, cation exchange capacity. though infiltrations were reduced to 8.64 soils. Annual Meeting, Am. Soc. Agric.
x 10-5 m/d (IO-7 cm/s). Eng., St. Joseph, Michigan. Paper no.
Column assays throughout the project, 77-2060.
Throughout this project, exfiltrate sam indicated a final infiltration rate tending DeTAR, W. R. 1979. Infiltration of liquid dairy
ples were analyzed for nutrient and min towards 8.64 x 10~5 m/d (10~7 cm/s). manure into soil. Trans. Am. Soc. of Agric.
eralcontent. Because most of the samples Perhaps this represents the maximum seal Eng. 22:520-528,531.
were collected from coarse sand columns, ing extent of soils in contact with manure. LO, K. V. 1977. A study of the infiltration
soils of low filtration capacity, the quality characteristics of dairy waste storage
of theseliquids wasassumed equivalent to lagoons. Can. Soc. Agric. Eng. Paper
that seepingtowardsthe groundwaterfrom 77-208. CSAE, Ottawa, Ont.
The investigation of individual sealing MILLER, M. H., J. B. ROBINSON, and
earthen reservoirs. Because of ammonia mechanisms demonstrated the superiority D. W. GALLAGHER. 1976. Accumulation
volatilization during collection, sample of thephysical processes whereby organic of nutrients in soil beneath hog manure
cation concentrations were corrected in solids are trapped within soil pores and at lagoons. J. Environ. Quality5(3): 279-282.
Table VIII to more probable ammonia lev the soil surface. The efficiency of this MILLER, M. H. and I. B. ROBINSON. 1981.
elsof 700 and 3000 ppm fordairy and hog physical process is a direct function of soil Natural sealing of earthen manure storage
exfiltrates, respectively. These new levels void geometry as well as dimension, and ponds. Workshopon swinemanure manage
of ammonia (based upon data from the manure solids particle size distribution. ment technologies, Agriculture Canada,
Quebec Ministry of Environment) gave Biological sealing mechanisms inter Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, pp. 72-90.
final liquid cation concentrations of 60 and OVERCASH, M. R., F. J. HUMENIK, and
vene as a function of manure solids bio-
280 meq/L. Table IX illustrates the rate of J.R. MINER. 1983. Livestock waste man
degradability and ambient temperature. agement. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
cation saturation for the soil of earthen This mechanism binds manure solids to ROWSELL, J. G. 1980. Infiltration of liquid
reservoir profiles subjected to a regular soil particles thus strengthening the phys manure into soil materials. M.Sc. Thesis,
infiltration rate of 8.64 x 10~5 m/d ical sealing process. Guelph University, Guelph, Ont.

Linnell M. Edwards1 and J. R. Burney2
'Research Station, Agriculture Canada, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island CIA 7M8 and
Department ofAgricultural Engineering, Technical University ofNova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2X4

Received 21 May 1986, accepted 15 October 1986

Edwards, Linnell M. and J. R. Burney. 1987. Soil erosion losses under freeze/thaw and winter ground cover using a
laboratory rainfall simulator. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 109-115.

Alaboratory rainfall simulator was used to test three Prince Edward Island agricultural soils (varying in soil texture) for
runoff and splash volume and sediment loss under varying conditions of freeze/thaw, ground cover and erosivity. Wooden
soil boxes and ancillary collection frames (termed cassettes) were designed tofit four atatime under the rainfall simulator.
With bare soil, freeze/thaw significantly increased sediment loss by about 90%: additionally, sediment in runoff varied
significantly with soil type and, for a loam soil, was 15 and 31%, respectively, ofthe amounts for a fine sandy loam and a
sandy loam. Where the soil was seeded to a winter ryecover, sediment loss was reduced by 70-80% with no significant
effect of soil type or freeze/thaw. Where, however, theerosive force was increased by adding overland flow to simulated
rainfall, there was a significant increase insediment loss even with ground cover. Sediment splash was sampled foralltests,
and only ground cover indicated a significant effect.

INTRODUCTION or near saturation during periods of snow- erosion plots on a fine sandy loam soil
In the Atlantic Provinces of Canada, melt. The cool season of PE.I. is charac between 1973 and 1977 inclusive. Yearly
as in many other parts of the world, the terized by frequent showers and occur soil loss on a 12 and 7% slope averaged 411
Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is rences of soil freeze/thaw cycles; and most ha-1 and 19 t ha-1, respectively, under
routinely used to predict soil loss on agri of the soil erosion in P.E.I, seems to occur fallow conditions; 20 t ha-1 and 10 t
cultural land. However, as with any statis during this period under these predispos ha-1, respectively, under potatoes culti
tically fitted regression model, the ing conditions. vated along the slope; and 7 t ha~ *and 41
application accuracy of the USLE is con The effects of frost action on soil sta ha-1, respectively, across the slope. Fur
fined to the range and nature of its data bility have been studied to some extent thermore, erosion during the snow-melt
base. In particular, the data base used for (Logsdail and Webber 1959; Sillanpan and period of March-April contributed sub
the USLE is predominantly continental Webber 1961; Hinman and Bisal 1968; stantially to total annual erosion load, thus
U.S.A. The erosivity factor (R) is a mea Benoit 1973; Richardson 1976), and results strengthening general observations in
sure of the summed product of the kinetic have varied from no effect to an effect in P.E.I, that erosion losses are highest dur
energy (E) and the maximum 30-min either direction, viz. improved aggrega ing the cool season. Stewart (1979) con
intensity (/) within each storm period over tion or degradation depending on soil tex tends, moreover, that the low erosivity
an average year. The data base therefore is ture, initial soil moisture, freezing rate and value (R) of 50-60 projected from rainfall
heavily biased towards high intensity sum temperature. Undercircumstances of slow data alone seems inadequate to account for
mer storm conditions as a causative factor freeze/thaw cycling with high initial annual soil losses in P.E.I, which com
and takes no account of erosion caused by moisture in the soil, as typify PE.I. natu monly exceed 10 t ha_i. It would there
non-precipitation events such as snow- rally and as prevailed in this experiment, fore appear that both increased erosivity
melt runoff or the stress of alternate freez Bryan (1971) found significant soil phys forces and factors which markedly reduce
ing and thawing. ical degradation and thus susceptibility to soil erodibility resistance substantially
The applicability of the USLE under erosion. increase erosion during the cool seasons.
the light rainfall conditions of the Pacific The first documented study on soil ero None of the aforementioned studies on
Northwest of the U.S.A. was examined by sion in PE.I. (Harza of Canada Ltd. 1968) soil erosion in P.E.I, provided definitive
McCool et al. (1982) and Onstad and advocated, among other things, that the information on the quantitative impact of
Young (1982). In general it was found that erosivity factor (R) and erodibility factor cool-season meteorologic processes on
the erosivity value (R) and the cropping (K) in the USLE be independently evalu soil loss or runoff. The present study was,
value (C) required substantial modifica ated in the Atlantic Provinces. Wall et al. therefore, instituted using soil boxes and
tion. In a related sense, Morgan (1979) (1976) computed rainfall erosivity (R) ancillary collection frames (termed cas
presented European data which showed values for Canada east of the Rocky Moun settes) in a laboratory rainfall simulator to
substantial soil loss for low intensity, long tains and Wall and Dickinson (1979) and investigate the effect of freezing/thawing
duration storms on saturated soil. Wall et al. (1983) developed seasonal rain on P.E.I, soils under the influence of a cool
On Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.) soil fall distribution curves. All of these are, season erosive force and ground cover.
erosion is a major concern particularly on however, limited in applicability under the
potato lands where the crop is often culti stochastic erosivity and erodibility condi
vated up and down the slope, and the soil tions which prevail on PE.I.
usually remains bare during the cool-sea The only available soil loss data for General
son after potato harvesting. The cool sea P.E.I, were reported by Himelman and Samples of three agricultural soils of
son is moist and the soils could easily be at Stewart (1979) based on observations of P.E.I. (Table I), taken following a barley

soil boxes during rainfall simulator runs. A
Dunblane Charlottetown fine Dunstaffnage soil box complete with splash frame and
Characteristics loam sandy loam sandy loam runoff collector, termed a soil cassette, is
Organic matter (%) 2.7 3.1 3.7 shown on the left in Fig. 4. Four splash
frames and four runoff collectors were
Textural analysis
Clay (%) 18.0 11.7 5.6 constructed so that four soil cassettes could
37.1 34.0 23.7
Silt (%)
44.4 53.3
be run at once in the rainfall simulator.
Fine and very fine sand (%)t 37.4
Sand (%) 44.9 54.3 70.7 Each splash frame was constructed
Bulk density (Mg rrr3) 1.09 1.18 1.25 from 22-gauge (0.84-mm) galvanized iron
Hydraulic conductivity 26.2 26.2 28.2 and consisted of the following main parts:
(cmrrl) (1)A continuous splash collection
Aggregate stability {%)$ 97.0 86.1 80.1 trough which ran across the top and down
tSand fractions between 250 Ltm and 50 luti. each side; the edge above this trough lying
tKemper (1965). directly above the inside edge of the box,
and the section below the trough fitting
crop, were tested in a laboratory rainfall support along the bottom and side snuggly into the inner edge of the box.
simulator for runoff volume and soil loss. plywood butt joints. The frame was firmly (2) A cover at the lower end to prevent
Two replicates of a factorial arrangement fixed to the plywood by stainless steel raindrops from falling onto the flow con
were used to test the following factors: screws, and evenly spaced 20-mm-diame- centrating section.
three soils (Charlottetown fine sandy ter drain holes were drilled in the bottom of (3) A small perforated pipe across the
loam, Dunstaffnage sandy loam and Dun each box. A sheet of plastic flyscreen over upper end to spray water against the inside
blane loam); two temperature states the inside bottom of each box prevented back edge and from there onto the soil
(frozen and unfrozen); three ground cover soil loss through the drain holes. Two sta surface. Each pipe was designed to deliver
states (bare soil, winter rye early cover ples were welded to each end of the boxes water at an equivalent rate of 150 mm h ~'
seeded 30 Sept. and late cover seeded 31 and a short length of 20-mm rope was evenly across the top end of a soil box,
Oct.); two erosion agents (simulated rain fitted to facilitate handling. effectively extending the plot length.
and simulated rain plus overland flow). The soil boxes were designed to have a The runoff collector was fitted sepa
There were 72 experimental units. 45 bevel on the overflow, lowerend (Fig. rately over the sill of the soil box. For each
1). In order to provide for a sharp raindrop run, the edges between the splash frame
Equipment separation edge for erosion tests, a con and the runoff collector were sealed with a
Seventy-two wooden soil boxes (Fig. 1) centration of runoff for collection at the silicon sealer.
were constructed from 18-mm Douglas fir lower end, collection of splash, and the As shown in Fig. 5, the basic rainfall
select plywood which was pressure-treated provision of overland flow simulation at simulator unit consisted of a 3.05-m-long
with a preservative. A frame of 50 x 50 x the upper end, a specialsplash frame (Fig. x 0.94-m-wide and 0.25-m-high soil
3-mm rust-proofed steel angle provided 2) and a separate runoff collector (Fig. 3) trough suspended beneath a matrix of




Figure 1. Soil box.




2. MATERIAL: 22 gge g.i.


GZ mr
r. 130

Figure 2. Splash frame which fits over a soil box shown in Fig. 1.

box. Drops were formed at the ends of 25-

mm lengths of 0.58-mm i.d. polyethylene
scale: tubing spaced on a 32-mm matrix in the
lower side of each box. Each of the inlet
nozzles was connected to the equivalent
nozzle in each of the other boxes in the 2 x
7 matrix of boxes. Water flow to each of the
four sets of nozzles was controlled by a
N0Tr 1. Al L VALUES IN mm
solenoid valve. By opening combinations
2. MATrKIAL: ?? gge g.i.
of the four controlling solenoid valves,
rainfall could be instantly applied over the
soil trough area at rates from 25 to 187mm
h-1 in 12.5-mmh-1 increments. Rainfall
could also be stopped instantaneously
when the master switch closed all the sup
ply solenoids. The soil trough beneath the
rainfall boxes could be tilted up to a 5%

Soil boxes were filled in the field at
three sites of different soil types. Care was
taken to maintain the original profile orien
tation of the soil. The boxes were taken to a
common outdoor site, cover crop treat
ments seeded to Kodiak winter rye at 4 g
box-' (140 kg ha- *) and left under natu
ral meteorologic conditions until mid-
Figure 3. Runoff collector which fits overthe sill of a soil box shown in Fig. 1. November when they were moved to the
laboratory. All boxes were kept at near
field capacity through regular watering.
drop-former perspex boxes. The entire hollow perspex boxes based on the design Rainfall simulator runs were done in three
apparatus was enclosed in an insulated of Chow and Harbaugh (1965). Four time blocks: first, with bare soil treat
cooling chamber. nozzles in the upper surface of each box ments; second, with early seeded treat
The rainfall drop-formers consisted of a injected water at rates equivalent to 12.5, ments; and third, with late seeded
set of 430-mm-square x 30-mm-deep 25, 50 and 100 mm h ~' over the area of the treatments. For each time block, 12 boxes


Figure 4. Assembled soil cassette in rainfall simulator trough (left) and minus splash frame (right).






Figure 5. Rainfall simulator in insulated and refrigerated enclosure.


were placed at field capacity in cold stor TABLE II. MEANS OF MAIN EFFECTS
age at - 15C for 10 d, and the remaining Mean value
12 were subjected only toa laboratory tem Runoff
perature of about 20C. Splash
Volume Sediment Volume
For practical reasons, the frozen treat Sediment
Cell (mL) (g) (mL) (g)
ments and the non-frozen treatments were Crop
run at opposite ends of each time block at Bare 4191a 60.2a 434a 1.50a
ambient temperatures of 1C and 20C, Early seeded 3917a 10.1/7 390a 0 54/7
Late seeded 4943a 17.0/7 437a O.86/7
respectively. For each subset of four boxes
of any particular soil type within the tem Loam 2226/? 9.4c 407a 0 82a
perature set, two boxes were selected at Fine sandy loam 5888a 47.6a 419a 1 03a
Sandy loam
random to receive rainfall plus overland 4937a 30.3/7 434a 1.05a
(upslope) flow, and the remaining two to Temperature
Normal 3287a 21.2/7
receive rainfall application only. Twelve Frozen 4874a 37.0a
cassettes were then run randomly, four at a Erosion agent
time. All tests were run under a rainfall Rainfall 1402/7 12.2/7 411a 1 1 la
setting of 50 mm h~l for a period of 30 Rainfall + overland flow 7299a 46.0a 430a 0.83a
min. a-c Means followed by the same letter in any column for any treatment are not significantly different at
In total, six rainfall simulator runs were
conducted (four cassettes per run) for the
fall rate was calibrated byusing a tarpaulin
Runoff Splash
under the rainfall boxes for a period of Source of
variation Volume Sediment
5 min. Fourboxes were then placed in the Volume Sediment

soil bin pre-set to a 5% slope. A splash Main effects

Ground cover status (GrC) NS **
NS **
frame was set over each box and a runoff Soil type (S) ** **
concentrator inserted over each sill. An Temperature status (T) NS *
Erosion agent (EA) ** *M=
overland flow applicatorpipe was inserted NS NS
Two-way interactions
in each of the appropriate boxes. Unused GrC x S **
NS NS **

pipes were left on the bottom of the rainfall GrC x T NS NS NS NS

simulator trough where their discharge GrC x EA NS **
S x T #*
NS **
preserved the calibration of the four pipes S x EA ** **
as a unit. Siliconsealer was used along the T x EA NS NS NS NS
joint between the splash frame and the Three-way interactions
runoffcollectorto preventleakage. Splash GrC x S x T NS NS NS NS
GrC x S x EA NS **
was collected from the side troughs of the GrC x T x EA NS NS NS
splash frame and runoff was collected S x T x EA **
from the end of the runoff collector for *,**/> = 0.05and/> = 0.01, respectively; NS == not significant at P = 0.05.
each cassette.
Following each run, the volumes of
runoff and splash from each of the four
cassettes were measured and separately
retained for sediment determination Mean value

together with the wash from the runoff Runoff Splash

collector, splash trough and the collection Volume Sediment Volume Sediment
and measuring vessels. Cell (mL) (g) (mL) (g)
Sediment dry mass for both runoff and Soil
Loam 1673/7 17/7 413a 0.82/7
splash from each soil box was obtained by Fine sandy loam 6179a 110a 424a \.12ab
filtering through a 0.47-u.m filter, then Sandy loam 4721a 54/7 465a 1.97a
oven-drying the retained soil at 105C. Temperature
Data on runoff volume and sediment loss Normal 2767/7 42/7 466a 1.38a
Frozen 5615a 79a 401a
from bothrunoffand splashweresubjected 1.63a
Erosion agent
to analysis of variance and mean separa Rainfall 1797/7 26/7 407a 1.59a
tion. Rainfall 4- overland flow 6585a 94a 461a 1.41a
a,b Means followed by the same letter in any column for any treatment are not significantly different at
P = 0.05. & J
As reflected in Table II, ground cover
significantly decreased runoff sediment sediment loss by 75%. Sediment loss and compared to the sandy loam. When over
loss to 17% of that for bare soil for early runoff volume varied significantly with land flow was added to rainfall (to form a
seeded rye and to 28% for late seeded rye, soil type. The loam soil showed only 20% single erosion agent), runoff sediment loss
and also significantly decreased sediment of the runoff sediment loss and 38% of the increased 277% and runoff volume 420%.
splash to 36% for early-seeded rye and runoff volume as compared to the fine As Table III shows, therefore, all of the
57% for late seeded rye. The freezing pre- sandy loam, and 31% of the runoff sedi main effects, viz. ground cover status, soil
treatment significantly increased runoff ment loss and 45% of the runoff volume as type, temperature status, and erosion agent


TABLE V. MEANS OF MAIN EFFECTS EARLY SEEDED Although the results of this study make
Mean value
it clear that, regardlessof the groundcover
status, there will be significantly increased
sediment loss with an increase in erosive
Sediment Volume Sediment
(mL) (g)
force, there would still be considerable
Cell (mL) (g)
wisdom in establishing a winter ground
Soil cover to minimize such loss. The effect of
1143/7 3a 382a 0.74a
Fine sandy loam 6163a 18a 404a 0.46a/? erosion agent on sediment loss has shown
383a 0.40/7
Sandy loam 4147a 10a
significant interaction with ground cover
368a 0.44a
status; moreover, early- and late-seeded
Normal 3504a 10a
Frozen 4330a 10a 411a 0.63a cover, respectively, showed 18 and 29% of
the bare soil treatment sediment loss under
Erosion agent
Rainfall 1082/7 4/7 409a 0.69/7 the influence of rainfall plus overland flow.
370a 0.39a
Rainfall + overland flow 6753a 17a
This is a significant saving of soil.
a,b Means followed by the same letter in any column for any treatment are not significantly different at The principle findings of this study
P = 0.05.
leave no doubt of the quantitative, bene
ficial impact of winter rye cover on soil
were significant on runoff sediment loss. of maintaining soil profile orientation, and erosion, and its ability to significantly
Soil type and erosion agent significantly in testing four experimental units at once, attenuate the effects of such naturally
affected runoff volume. Ground cover sta thus quadrupling the turn-over rate of the uncontrollable factors as erosion agent,
tus significantly affected sediment splash. original single-trough design. freeze/thaw and soil type on sloping land.
Significant two-way interactions on sedi As indicated previously, Bryan (1971) Cover cropping as a management measure
ment loss occurred between ground cover found significant soil aggregate degrada to minimize soil erosion has long been
status x soil type, ground cover status x tion and thus susceptibility to erosion acknowledged globally, and the benefitsof
erosion agent, and soil type x erosion under conditions of slow freeze/thaw cyc its application in the cool season are well
agent; while significant three-way inter ling with high initial soil moisture content, known in P.E.I., at least, qualitatively.
action on sediment loss occurred between such as typify P.E.I, and as prevailed in Nevertheless, popular adoption has been
groundcoverstatus x soil type x erosion this experiment. Such a finding supports constrained, mainly by the late harvest of
agent. Significanttwo-way interactionson the significant increase in runoff volume potatoes, although there is some adoption
runoff volume occurred between soil type and sediment loss on bare soil observed in
after tobacco, corn and soybeans.
x temperature status, and soil type x this study due to freeze/thaw. The results If, therefore, potato farmers on P.E.I,
erosion agent; while significant three-way of the application of this technique to the are to adopt winter cover cropping and
interaction on runoff volume occurred agricultural soils of P.E.I, point unmis- make it an integral part of annual-crop
between soil type x temperature status x takeably to the importance of ground cover management, they must be prepared to
erosion agent. Significant two-way inter in soil and water conservation. For, trade off the higher profits of late potatoes
action on sediment splash occurred whereas with ground cover, temperature
against the benefits of cool-season soil ero
between ground cover status x soil type, status had no significant effect on sediment
sion control by this means. This will,
and soil type x temperature status. loss when the soil was bare, freeze/thaw
undoubtedly, involve some sacrifice by
Separateanalysis of varianceon data for caused significant increases in sediment farmers in the short term, but can be justi
ground cover status showedthat, with bare loss and runoff volume as previously fied through stewardship in the pursuit of
soil, the freezing pretreatment increased shown. long-term benefits to the farm as well as to
the sensitivity of the tests. Temperature Based on the results of this study, there
the wider resource as a whole.
status had a significant effect on sediment were distinct differences between soil
loss and runoff volume from bare soil, but types in their basicabilityto resisterosion;
had no significant effect on either the but, again with a cover crop, the severity of
The authors gratefully acknowledge the
early- or late-seeded (ground cover) treat erosion was reduced to such an extent that
assistance of Allan MacRae and Paul Frame in
ments. As the treatment means for bare differences in sediment loss were insignifi conducting the field work and the rainfall sim
soil in Table IV show, the freezing pretreat cant. ulator runs, and Jack Vissers and Jim Godwin in
ment significantly increased sediment loss The greater resistance to erosion shown the design and construction of the soil cassettes.
as well as runoff volume by 88% and by the loam soil in this study was based on
103%, respectively. However, as indicated a textural advantage. It showed no advan REFERENCES
in Table V freezing pretreatment had no tage in organic matter content, but had a BENOIT, G. R. 1973. Effect of freeze-thaw
significanteffect on either sediment loss or higher clay content than either of the other cycles on aggregate stability and hydraulic
runoff under ground cover conditions. two soils, which is a highly desirable conductivity of three soil aggregate sizes.
characteristic for good aggregate stability Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 37(1): 3-5.
and, in turn, for successful soil and water BRYAN, R. B. 1971. The influence of frost
DISCUSSION conservation management. It is imprac action on soil aggregate stability. Trans.
tical, however, to manage any soil for Inst. Br. Geogr. 50: 71-88.
This technique was operationally inno
BURNEY, J. R. and L. F. HUGGINS. 1973.
vative, in that it took the basic Chow and increased clay content, although consid Hydraulics of shallow flows over stable
Harbaugh (1965) rainfall simulator design erable improvement in stability can be eroded sand surfaces defined by area spec
as previously used by Burney and Huggins attained through increased soil organic tra. Water Resources Research Center Tech.
(1973) and adapted it for more efficient matter and one of the surest ways to man Rep. No. 36, Purdue University, West
usage. There was an advantage in transpor age for this is to seed a winter cover crop Lafayette, Ind. 137 pp.
tation as well as in handling the samples in and incorporate it as green manuring after CHOW, V. T. and T. E. HARBAUGH. 1965.
the field and laboratory, in the relative ease the winter. Raindrop production for laboratory water-

shed experimentation. J. Geophys. Union Effect of frost action on structure of Haldi- drying cycles on soil aggregation. Can. J.
Res. 70: 6111-6119. mand clay. Can. J. Soil Sci. 39: 103-106. Soil. Sci. 41: 182-187.
HARZA OF CANADA, LTD. 1968. Soil con- McCOOL, D. K., W. H. WISCHMEIER, and STEWART, N. E. 1979. Some problems asso
servation program for the Atlantic L. C. JOHNSON. 1982. Adapting the uni ciated with implementing soil conservation
Provinces. Report for Dept. of Forestry and versal soil loss equation to the Pacific north programs. Paper, Soil Erosion Workshop,
Rural Development of Canada. 60 pp. west. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) NSAC, Truro, N.S. 17-19 April. 14 pp.
HIMELMAN, D. and N. E. STEWART. 1979. 25: 928-934. WALL, G. J. and DICKINSON, W. T. 1979.
Soil erosion studies in Prince Edward MORGAN, R. P. C. 1979. Soil erosion. Aca Soil erosion prediction in Canada. Paper,
Island. Paper, Soil Erosion Workshop, demic Press, Don Mills, Ont. 113 pp. Soil Erosion Workshop, NSAC, Truro, N.S.
NSAC, Truro, N.S. 17-19 April. 9 pp. ONSTAD, C. A. and R. A. YOUNG. 1982. 17-19 April. 25 pp.
H1NMAN, W. C. and F. BISAL. 1968. Altera Erosion characteristics of three north WALL, G. J., L. J. P. VAN VLIET, and W. T.
tions of soil structure upon freezing and western soils. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. DICKINSON. 1976. The universal soil loss
thawing and subsequent drying. Can. J. Soil Agric. Eng.) 25: 367-371. equation a method for predicting soil loss
Sci. 48: 193-197. RICHARDSON, S. J. 1976. Effect of artificial in Canada. Abstract, Annual Meeting, Can.
KEMPER, W. D. 1965. Aggregate stability. weathering cycles on the structural stability Soc. Soil Sci., Halifax, N.S. 4-7 July.
Pages 511-519 in CA. Black ed. Methods of a dispersed silt soil. J. Soil Sci. 27: WALL, G. J., W. T. DICKINSON, and J.
of soil analysis. Part 1. Agronomy 9. Am. 287-294. GREVEL. 1983. Rainfall erosion indices
Soc. of Agron., Madison, Wis. SILLANPAN, M. and L. R. WEBBER. 1961. for Canada east of the Rocky Mountains.
LOGSDAIL, D. E. and L. R. WEBBER. 1959. The effect of freezing-thawing and wetting- Can. J. Soil Sci. 63: 271-280.



G. J. Bryant1, R. W. Irwin1 and J. A. Stone2

'School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2WI; and 2Agriculture Canada Research
Branch, Harrow, Ontario NOR JGO

Received 10 July 1986, accepted 8 December 1986

Bryant, G. J., R. W. Irwin andJ. A. Stone. 1987. Tiledrain discharge under different crops. Can. Agric. Eng. 29:

Tiledrain discharge for a 14-yr period hasbeen examined to determine theeffect of cropcoveron the flow. Discharge
characteristics wereanalyzed from 12 drainage research plots having fertilized andnonfertilized cropsin a 4-yr rotationof
corn-oats-alfalfa-alfalfa, continuous bluegrass andcontinuous corn. Fertilized cropscontributeda greater volumeof drain
flow than unfertilized crops. The majorcontribution to draindischarge occurred in Marchand April. Continuous corn and
bluegrass contributed a largerdrainage volume thanrotation crops.Theeffectof cropcoveron drainagewas the leastfor a
2-yr return period. The analysis indicates that the crop grown and level of fertility have an importanteffect on tile drain
discharge in Brookston clay loam soils.

INTRODUCTION cantly influenced by cropping sequence. results. Field tests range from 0.05 m/day
Discharge from agricultural subsurface Daily flow rates for corn preceded by oats to 5.00 m/day; laboratory tests range from
drains is of concern to many people. Intu was higher than for corn preceded by sec 0.12 m/day to 1.60 m/day, with a median
itively, one feels that the installation of ond year meadow. He attributed this to the value of 0.85 m/day.
subsurface drains must increase the vol greater evapotranspiration of the meadow
which left the soil drier the next season.
Plot Description
ume and rate of flow of water from the land
Overall, there is a lack of knowledge Twelve plots, each 12.2 m by 76.2 m,
thus creating streamflow problems such as were established in 1956. A 100-mm tile
flooding, increased erosion and scour, regarding the influence of crop cover and
fertility level on subsurface drain dis drain, spaced 12.2 m apart, was installed
damage to ecological systems, to list but a in the center of each plot. The plot layout,
few. The downstream effects of subsur charge characteristics. The objective of
this study was to determine the effect of drain gradient (%), corner surface eleva
face drainage have been a concern for tions (m), and tile flow collection system
many years. crop cover and fertility level on tile drain
discharge from a Brookston clay loam soil is shown in Fig. 2. The average depth of
Analysis of Ontario streams by McCub- drains is 70 cm which is existing practice
bin (1938) and Archibald (1939) concluded in southwestern Ontario by analyzing
in the area.
there was little indication of increased long-term tile drainage records.
Each drain discharged into an access
flooding due to agricultural drainage well which contained a flow meter equipped
activity. More recently Eddie (1982) stud EXPERIMENTAL DATA
with a linear head-discharge weir plate.
ied the annual mean, annual maximum, Soil Characteristics
The access wells were heated for year-
and annual minimum streamflows of 10 Data were obtained from an experiment around operation.
rivers in western Ontario but failed to find at the Whelan Experimental Farm (ap
any trend that might be related to agri proximately 4213'N, 8244'W) of the Crop Cover
cultural drainage. Irwin and Whiteley Harrow Research Station, Agriculture Crops grown on the plots were ran
(1982) reviewed 48 papers which dealt Canada, (Fig. 1) on Brookston clay loam. domized duplicate plots of continuous
with the effect of drainage on flow regimes. The Brookston series is a naturally poorly corn (CC), continuous bluegrass sod (B)
The authors concluded that changes were drained lacustrine soil (orthic humic and a 4-yr rotation of corn (C), oats (O),
difficult to separate from other effects and gleysol). It is an important agricultural soil alfalfa (Al) and alfalfa (A2). Superim
in many cases a reduction in flow occurred in Ontario representing 1.1 million ha. The posed on the cropping treatments were two
rather than increased flow. typical surface slope on these soils is levels of fertility, unfertilized (U) and fer
The watershed of the Middle Thames 0.05-0.10%. Physical properties of the tilized (F). Plots 1to 6 received 16.8, 29.6,
river in southern Ontario has undergone a soil are presented in Table I. Crop and and 27.9 kg/ha of N, P and K, respec
substantial increase in drainage intensity. fertility treatment effects on soil structure tively. Corn plots received an additional
Serrano et al. (1985) examined a 30-yr for the experiment described in this study side-dressing of 112kg/ha/yr of N. Plots 7
record of this river and found no evidence are presented by McKeague et al. (1987). to 12 were unfertilized. Each crop was
of appreciable change in volume of runoff This soil often cracks extensively in late grown each year. Figure 3 shows the crop
for individual storms, annual streamflow summer. Hydraulic conductivity is there ping system for the plots during each
volume, or changes in seasonal distribu fore difficult to measure with consistent month of the year.
tion of streamflow.

lyzed the effect of crop cover on drain Girain size {%)

Depth Dry density Organic matter
discharge were conducted in Ohio. The
Horizon (cm) Sand Silt Clay (g cm"3) (%)
Tiffin drainage plots were described by
Goins (1956) and Hoover and Schwab Ap 0-16 25 38 32 1.40 2.5

(1969) and the Sandusky drainage plots by Bgl 16-45 21 34 45 1.58 1.0
Bg2 45-116 21 34 45 1.58 0.4
Schwab et al. (1961). Hoover and Schwab
Ckg 116 + 21 39 40 1.52 0.6
(1969) found tile discharge was signifi


Figure 1. Location of Woodslee drainage research plots.
29.40, ,1^ , ^ /^ ^<X .o. ;x: ^ \ 29.05
29.08 29.02
12 2m +>
O Measurement Well BG Bluegrass
Plot Boundary CC Contimuous Corn
Subsurface Tile Drains
Figure 2. Layout of drainage plots.
The quality of the crop cover varied
SEASON PLANTING GROWING DORMANT with annual variation in climate and with
fertility. For example, Table II gives the
average yield and average plant height for
corn. The yield of fertilized rotation corn
was 64% higher than the unfertilized. The
PLOT DISC CORN PLOWED unfertilized continuous corn was nearly a
crop failure in every year. The yield of
other crops were not measured; however,
the corn yield and plant height data should
be indicative of yearly variation in oat,
alfalfa and bluegrass yields.

Hydrologic Data
PLOT ALFALFA 1 A continuous record of tile flow from
the 12 plots was analyzed for the years
1969 through 1982. Stage-time data from
the strip charts (Fig. 4) were digitized and
stored on a microcomputer hard disk in the
Figure 3. Time distribution of cropping and tillage operations. form of discharge. The discharge was in
millimeters of depth.
Friday The digitized data were used in a com
10 XII 2 4 puter program to develop time-to-peak
flow, total event flow duration, total event
volume, peak flow and maximum flow
volume expressed as an equivalent depth
for 12, 24, 36 and 48 h. These data were
then analyzed on a seasonal and annual
basis (Bryant 1986).
Climatological data were collected at
the site as part of the Environment Canada
meteorological observation network but
were not used in this analysis.
Surface runoff was measured from four
plots for the years 1980-1982. Runoff was
negligible except for one major storm in
this 3-yr period. Water table elevations
were not measured.

Summary of the Data
There were 1927 tile flow events during
the 14-yr period, 1969-1982, of which
1641 were over 12 h in duration. The rec
Figure 4. Tile discharge hydrograph from plot showing time periods analyzed. ord was divided into three seasons. The
Planting season was the months of April,
TABLE II. YIELD OF GRAIN CORN FROM PLOTS May and June. The Growing season was
July, August, September and October. The
Rotation corn Continuous corn
balance of the year was termed a Dormant
Fertilized Unfertilized Fertilized Unfertilized season. Table III shows the distribution of
Plant Plant Plant Plant events by duration and season.
Yield height Yield height Yield height Yield height During the analysis it became apparent
Year (t/ha) (cm) (t/ha) (cm) (t/ha) (cm) (t/ha) (cm)
that maintenance and operation of the
1969 7.76 254 3.61 190 6.66 242 0.42 137 flow-measuring instruments was not con
1970 8.04 244 5.11 222 5.86 221 0.96 165 sistent over the period of record. The
1971 7.70 235 4.76 226 5.75 230 0.87 190 major problem was in defining the actual
1972 7.80 239 6.66 233 5.81 226 1.87 196
end of an event. Due to this uncertainty in
1973 7.03 258 4.93 224 5.50 244 0.42 158
1974 4.22 193 2.64 184 3.16 173 1.13 166
the data it was concluded that the max
1975 6.65 226 4.20 217 6.22 213 2.48 167 imum time period analyzed would be 48 h.
1976 5.82 235 4.01 212 3.71 189 0.81 131 Event volumes over 48 h and seasonal and
1977 8.75 NR 3.71 NRt 6.84 NR 1.41 NR
annual volumes are not reported here due
1978 6.20 NR 2.92 NR 3.86 NR 0.45 NR
to this uncertainty.
Mean 7.00 236 4.26 214 4.72 217 1.08 164
The 24-h discharge volumes and peak
tNR, no record. flows are often used in the design of field


TABLE III. NUMBER OF TILE FLOW Four nonparametric tests were made on ing more continuous biopores due to root
EVENTS, 1969-1982 each of the 24 data sets (six crops x two channels and more cracking due to evapo
36 48
fertility levels x two parameters). The transpiration. In addition, the greater bio-
Duration (h) 12 24
results indicated that the data analyzed were mass produced by the fertilized corn and
Planting season 530 435 343 295 independent, without trend, homogeneous alfalfa crops may have resulted in more
Growing season 233 171 138 116
and random. residue being incorporated, thereby pro
Dormant season 878 765 678 612
moting infiltration.
Total 1641 1371 1159
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The high volumes for the continuous
Table IV shows the seasonal distribu corn plots in Figs. 5 and 6 are not readily
tion of annual discharge maxima. The explained as continuous corn has been
ANNUAL 24-H AND EVENT VOLUMES majority of annual maximaoccurred in the shown to result in the most compact sur
Dormant season due to snowmelt. Ap face soil structure (McKeague et al. 1987).
Season 24-h volumes Event volumes
proximately 50% of the drain discharge However, the continuous corn plots, notably
Planting 29.0ft 24.47c volume occurred in March and April. the unfertilized plot, have been observed to
Growing 18.7ft 8.3ft Figures 5 and 6 show the 1.05-, 2-, 5- be the wettest treatments and to exhibit the
Dormant 5237c 67.3ft and 10-yrreturn period values of 24-h vol most ponding. Longer wet periods and a
March + April 44.57c 53.8ft
umes and event volumes for the different ponding head coupled with a smaller leaf
crops and two fertility levels. Figure 5 area (Table II) therefore less evapotranspi
demonstrates that, except for bluegrass, ration, may result in more water even
drainage systems. A frequency distribu the fertilized crops produced 24-h volumes tually moving to the tile drain.
tion analysis was conducted on the data which were 1.5 times greater than those of It is interesting to note that the
using the annual maximum 24-h tile vol the unfertilized crops. This is supported by 24-h volumes under bluegrass were the
umes and event volumes. An event was Fig. 6, which shows that the fertilized least of all the crops, whereas fertilized
defined as a single peaked, hydrograph crops, except continuous corn and alfalfa-2 bluegrass produced the largest event vol
shaped period of flow (Fig. 4). The three- (second-year), produced tile event vol umes. This suggests that the tile flow
parameter lognormal distribution (Kite umes which were approximately 1.4 times under bluegrass is long, low flow, and that
1977) was chosen to describe the annual greater than those of the unfertilized crops. a 24-h drainage coefficient does not ade
maxima. The Consolidated Frequency It is hypothesized that fertilizer pro quately represent the contribution of tile
Analysis computer program developed by motes the proliferation of roots and there flow to streamflow under bluegrass.
Pilon et al. (1985) was used to fit the three fore evapotranspiration. The greater number Figures 5 and 6 also show that the least
parameters of the distribution to the data. of roots may increase drainage by produc amount of variation among crops occurred

Woodslee, Ontario







ZZI 1-05 yr CSS 2yr E2Z 5yr r^ 10 yr

Figure 5. Annual maximum 24-h volumes for each crop (F, fertilized; U, unfertilized; B, bluegrass; CC, continuous corn; C, rotation corn; O,oats;
Al, first-year alfalfa; A2, second-year alfalfa).


Woodslee, Ontario






ZZI 105 yr ESI 2yr Um 5yr r^ 10 yr

Figure 6. Annual maximum event volume for each crop (F, fertilized; U, unfertilized; B, bluegrass; CC, continuous corn; O, oats; Al, first-year
alfalfa; A2, second-year alfalfa).

TABLE V. COEFFICIENTS OF VARIATION FOR RETURN PERIODS The least variation among crops occurred
24-h volumes Event volumes
at the 2-yr return period. This was
expected since return periods greater than
2-yr are associated with more extreme
1.05 12.5 5.8 0.467 33.3 10.7 0.323 storms. Extremity of storms may also
2 25.5 4.1 0.159 75.5 15.7 0.207 explain the greater differences in the tile
5 34.8 7.3 0.209 121.5 33.0 0.272
discharge among crops.
43.4 12.0 0.277 161.1 50.1 0.311

at the 2-yr return period for both the 24-h channel to the drain thus increasing the REFERENCES
volumes and event volumes. The coeffi volume of water discharged. ARCHIBALD, S. W. 1939. Ontario stream
cients of variation in Table V support this Continuous corn and bluegrass gener control. Can. Eng. Apr. 9: 4.
observation since they are lowest at the ally contributed a greater tile discharge BRYANT, G. J. 1986. The effect of crop cover
2-yr return period. volume than rotation crops. on subsurface tile drain flow. M.Sc. Thesis,
It should be stressed that this study is For the bluegrass plots this may be University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont.
EDDIE, J. D. 1982. Temporal variations of
site specific. Overland runoff at the site attributed to a more favorable soil struc
southwestern Ontario streamflows. Ontario
was negligible, and thus, was neglected. ture, therefore more water storage in the Ministry of Environment, Toronto, Ont.
In areas where overland runoff is signifi surface profile, which results in a long, Water Resources Paper 15.
cant, the combined effects of overland low flow. For the continuous corn plots it GOINS, T. A. 1956. Tile flow characteristics.
runoff and subsurface drainage must be may be associated with a compact soil Agr. Eng. 37: 30-32, 35.
considered. structure which results in longer wet peri HOOVER, J. R. and G. O. SCHWAB. 1969.
ods and ponding. Legumes in a rotation Effect of tile depth, spacing and cropping
CONCLUSIONS increase the number of biopores in the practice in drain discharge. Trans. ASAE
The results indicate fertilized crops surface soil and evapotranspiration from (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 9(2): 150-152.
potentially contribute a greater volume of IRWIN, R. W. and H. R. WHITELEY. 1982.
the crop. Therefore, less water may be
tile discharge to a stream than unfertilized Effects of land drainage on streamflow.
available for drainage.
Conf. on Water-Based Recreation Issues,
crops. Fertilizer appears to promote root The largest contribution of tile dis Conflicts, Strategies, Minett, Ont.
proliferation and therefore more continu charge to a stream occurred in March and KITE, G. W. 1977. Frequency and risk analy
ous biopores and cracking through the sur April, due primarily to snowmelt and a sis in hydrology. Water Resources Publica
face profile which results in a more direct greater depth of rainfall in these months. tions. Littleton Co.


McCUBBIN, G. A. 1938. Agricultural drai- Press). of tile flow. Agr. Eng. 42: 546-549, 555.
nage in southwestern Ontario. Eng. J. 21(2): PILON, P. J., R. CONDIE, and K. D. SERRANO, S. E., H. R. WHITELEY, and
66-70. HARVEY. 1985. Consolidated frequency R. W. IRWIN. 1985. Effects of agricultural
McKEAGUE, J. A., C. A. FOX, J. A. analysis package. User Manual, Water drainage on streamflow in the Middle
STONE, and R. PROTZ. 1987. Effects of Resources Branch, Inland Waters Dir., Thames River, Ontario 1949-1980. Can.
cropping system on structure of Brookston Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ont. J. Civil Eng. 12: 875-885.
clay loam in long-term experimental plots at SCHWAB, G. O., J. L. FOUSS, and A. P.
Woodslee, Ontario. Can. J. Soil Sci. 67: (In LEECH. 1961. Rate, duration and frequency



S. Natho-Jina, S. O. Prasher, C. A. Madramootoo, and R. S. Broughton

Department of Agricultural Engineering, Box 950, Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste. Anne de Bellevue,
Quebec, H9X ICO

Received 26 March 1986, accepted 8 December 1986

Natho-Jina, S., S. O. Prasher, C. A. Madramootoo, and R. S. Broughton. 1987. Measurements and analysis of
runoff from subsurface drained farmlands. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 123-130.

The correlation between agricultural subsurface drainage systems and peak flow rates was investigated by measuring
bothsurfaceand subsurface componentsof runoffon an 11-ha field in Ormstown,Quebec. Depth of runoff, peak flow rate
and time parameters were estimated from measured hydrographs. Longer times to peak were observed on the subsurface
flow hydrographs compared to the surface runoff hydrographs.

INTRODUCTION research site is cropped with continuous Belfort F.W. 1 portable continuous water
Drainage improvements are essential in grain corn. The field is 11 ha with an aver level recorders with a weekly clock and
the humid regions of Canada. Approx age slope of 0.2% towards the Cha chart provided measurements of water
imately, two-thirds of the land in southern teauguay River, and has two open ditches level above the weirs. The recorders were
Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime for removing surface runoff, and subsur fixed to the top of a stand protected by a
Provinces that has soil and climate suitable face drains for subsurface water. wooden shelter. From the records of head
for food production needs drainage on the weir and the calibration curve,
improvement to achieve economic crop Soil Description hydrographs of outflow versus time were
production. It is estimated that as of March Particle size analyses were carried out drawn for selected runoff events.
1981, about 332 583 ha of a total of for a number of soil samples. The distribu
2 534 540 ha in Quebec have been drained tion was found to be 12% clay, 68% silt and Climatological Measurements
by subsurface drainage systems. In 20% sand and the soil was classified as a The hourly rainfall data were measured
1980-1981, 50 404 ha of land in Quebec silt loam. by a tipping bucket rain gauge. Due to
were drained by subsurface drainage sys gauge malfunction during some storm
tems, and large amounts of monies are Drainage System events, some rainfall data were used from
spent on this drainage work every year. Thirty-two laterals, complete with the closest weather station at Ste.
Some of the rivers which receive water envelope materials, were installed in Clothilde. In some cases, the total daily
from drainage ditches have flood and pol October 1983. Observation chambers were precipitation of the Ormstown Station was
lution problems. There is a need for mea installed at the lateral/mainline connection used.
surements and theoretical analysis to of 30 laterals. The observation chambers
determine the quantitative and water allowed measurements of flow rates from Soil Physical Properties
quality effects of various land drainage individual laterals which were spaced 15 m Hydraulic conductivity was measured
practices on the flood flows and the low apart. The average depth below the soil by the single auger hole method (van Beers
flows of the rivers downstream of the drai surface of all laterals ranged from 1.14 to 1976). The saturated hydraulic con
nage works (Hill 1976; Skaggs 1982; 1.62 m. ductivity values, Ksat, ranged from 0.17 to
Madramootoo 1984). 0.29 m/day, with a mean value of 0.23 m/
Irwin and Whiteley (1983) pointed to the FIELD MEASUREMENTS day.
fact that the magnitude of flood volumes Hydrometric Measurements Soil samples were taken at different
from drained and undrained land depended Three 90-degree V-notch weirs were sites at depths of 10, 35 and 65 cm from the
on several factors including antecedent placed in the field in order to measure the soil surface. The soil moisture charac
soil moisture, rainfall intensity and loca subsurface and surface flows. One weir teristic curve was obtained by both the
tion of drainage works. More field work is was installed to collect subsurface runoff sand suction table (Rashid-Noah 1981) and
needed to quantify the effect of subsurface at the outlet of the subsurface drainage the pressure plate apparatus. The soil
drainage on surface and subsurface runoff, system. An adjacent weir measured sur moisture content at saturation (zero suc
on soil properties, drainage intensity and face runoff from the northern half of the tion) and field capacity (1/3 bar) are shown
drainage conditions. field. The third weir was installed at the in Table I.
In this paper, field measurements of southeastern corner of the field to measure Bulk density was measured by drying
some actual runoff and peak flow rates are the surface runoff. The locations of these the soil core samples after the desorption
presented, and hydrographs due to surface weirs are shown in Fig. 1. The discharges
and subsurface runoff are also compared. from the weirs were measured with a vol TABLE I . SOIL MOISTURE CONTENTS
umetric cylinder and a stop watch follow
EXPERIMENTAL FIELD ing the cessation of a precipitation event. Depth Saturation Field
(cm) (ft) capacity (ft)
Site The corresponding heads of water above
The research was done on a farm located the V-notch weir were also measured. A 10 48 43
35 46 40
approximately 3 km west of Ormstown, calibration curve of head versus discharge
65 52 31
Quebec, near the Chateauguay River. The was then plotted.


C Figure 1. Plan of the subsurface drainage system at the research site.

1 1 measurements were completed. The mean
bulk density was found to be 1.70 g/cm3.


Storms producing a significant amount
J P of runoff during the spring and summer of
CC 1984 and 1985 were identified. The hydro-
/ i \ ^ CREST SEGMENT graphs were plotted with the correspond
ing rainfall hyetographs.
The hydrograph parameters under study
TL / ' \ are illustrated in Fig. 2.
Table II summarizes the rainfall-runoff
ratio and the peak flow rate deduced from
different hydrographs.
| T5 Tp / 1 \ Table III summarizes the time param
eters estimated from all of the hydrographs
/ 1 \ ^- RECESSION shown in Figs. 3-10.
x Subsurface Runoff
if) The greatest rainfall did not produce the
greatest surface runoff. The snowmelt may
have contributed to the total runoff giving
greater depth of runoff with less rainfall in
the 15-20 April 1984 event compared to
TIME the 7-11 May 1984 event. In summer,
when the evaporation and transpiration
Figure 2. Hydrograph parameters. from the plants is greater, there is less


12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24^ HOUR
"T" I 0.0

PERIOD: APRIL 15-20, 1984


8.0 2.0



0.0 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 HOUR

Figure 3. Hydrograph for the 15-20 Apr. 1984 event.


TABLE II. RUNOFF AND PEAK FLOW RATES runoff. Peak flows are significantly influ
Runoff Runoff/
enced by the antecedent soil moisture con
(mm ) rainfall (mm/day) dition. When antecedent soil moisture was
Number Rainfall
low, as in summer months, subsurface
Date of days (mm) SSRt SRt SSR SR SSR SR
drainage produced relatively small in
15-20 Apr. 1984 5 36.2 27.4 NA 0.76 NA 6.1 NA
creases in depths of runoff.
7-11 May 1984 4 40.6 9.6 NA 0.24 NA 3.4 NA
In 1985, the maximum peak flow rate
29-31 May 1984 3 31.2 16.4 NA 0.53 NA 4.4 NA
27 Mar.-1 Apr. 1985 6 27.7 17.3 3.7 0.62 0.13 5.5 6.6* observed was 7.79 mm/day during 2-7
2-7 Apr. 1985 6 18.5 26.3 7.5 1.42 0.40 7.8 5.2 April arising from 18.5 mm rainfall. It is
18-25 Apr. 1985 8 16.4 21.8 1.0 1.33 0.06 5.1 2.3 less than the value of 10 mm/day com
17-21 June 1985 5 33.2 3.0 0.1 0.09 0.04 2.2 1.6*
monly used in subsurface drainage design
15-19 July 1985 5 23.4 2.54 0.4 0.11 0.02 2.3 3.2*
as the drainage coefficient. The pipes in
tSSR, subsurface runoff; SR, total surface runoff weir no. 2 and weir no. 3. the experimental field have sufficient
^Surface runoff from weir no. 3.
capacity to allow drainage rates of up to 18
mm/day. The maximum drainage rate
observed to date has been limited by soil
Tlag T
1p hydraulic conductivity and height of the
(h) (h) (h)
water table in the soil rather than by the
Date SSRt SRt SSR SR SSR SR pipe capacity. There may also be resis
15-20 Apr. 1984 7 NA 18 NA 3 NA tance to flow due to the blockage of the
7-11 May 1984 13 NA 12 NA 6 NA filter material around the pipes.
29-31 May 1984 6 NA 6 NA 4 NA
27 Man-1 Apr. 1985 NA NA 12 7 0 0
Surface Runoff and Subsurface Runoff
2-7 Apr. 1985 NA NA 30 15 NA NA
18-25 Apr. 1985 16 8 12 4 6 6 The peak flow rate from surface runoff
17-21 June 1985 12 13 7 1 8 14 was greater than from subsurface flow for
15-19 July 1985 9 3 7 2 4 3 some events. In the 27 March - 1 April
tSSR, subsurface runoff; SR, total surface runoff weir no. 2 and weir no. 3. 1985 event, the runoff may have beer


12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24a() HOUR
1 "T" r


PERIOD: MAY 7-11, 1984




5.0 4.0

4.0 5.0

.3.0 6.0

o 20 7.0


1 i i i i i 1
12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 HOUR

Figure 4. Hydrograph for the 7-11 May 1984 event.


24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 ^4aoHOUR
nrmrn i


PERIOD^ MAY 29-31, 1984

3.0 ?


5.0 5.0

uj 40

co 30


00 L- 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 HOUR

Figure 5. Hydrograph for the 28-31 May 1984 event.


24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 HOUR


80 PERIOD^ MARCH 27 - APRIL Ist, 1985 1.0

70 2.0
18.2 mm
6.0 3.0



2 4.0

Q 3.0



4 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 HOUR

Figure 6. Hydrograph for the 27 Mar.-l Apr. 1985 event.


influenced by the frozen soil in the field for total flow. The subsurface drainage time to peak and recession time of the
which affected the infiltration process. maintained discharges at greater levels for surface runoff hydrograph are relatively
During all storm events, the subsurface longer periods than surface runoff (Figs. short. Surface runoff from the field ditch
flow was the major component responsible 8-10). Due to the small drainage area, the alone caused the peak flows to occur dur
ing and shortly after the rainfall when the
APR. 2 APR. 3 APR. 6 APR. 7 DATE water is removed rapidly from the field.
24 12 12 24 24 12 24 12 24 HOUR
r Subsurface drainage removes excess soil
water more slowly over a longer period of
time. It lowers the water table and
increases the storage volume available in
the soil profile prior to a storm. The hydro-
graphs in Figs. 9 and 10 show the result of
storms starting with a rather dry initial
condition. The storm intensities exceeded
the soil infiltration rate and produced
runoff without raising the water table to the

Time Parameters
Time to peak, 7p, represents the time
interval from the beginning of the runoff
until the peak discharge rate, Qp, occurs.
Time to start, Ts, is the time interval from
the beginning of rainfall to the beginning
of the runoff. Lag time, 7,, is defined as the
time interval from the maximum rainfall
until the peak discharge rate, Qp, occurs.
Time to peak, Tp, occurs later during the
early spring storm runoff than during other
periods. Thegreater Tp values observed in
spring may be due to the water flow altered
by the high soil moisture condition or to
either the gradual release of water from the
snowpack or the remaining snow and
12 12 24 12 12 24 12 24 HOUR
rough plowed ground retarding runoff.
APR. 3 APR. 4 APR. 5 APR. 6 APR. 7 DATE Time to peak, Tp, was also longer for
Figure 7. Hydrograph for the 2-7 Apr. 1985 event

APR. 17 APR. 19 APR. 21 APR. 23 APR. 25 DATE

12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24^ HOUR
n TT 0.0

PERIOD- APRIL 18-25, 1985


4.0 <

UI2 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 HOUR
APR. 17 APR. 19 APR. 21 APR. 23 APR. 25 DATE

Figure 8. Hydrograph for the 18-25 Apr. 1985 event.


24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24_ HOUR


PERIOD= JUNE 17-21 , 1985 - 2.0






3.0" 6.0

,2.0 h 7.0

5 1.0 8.0

0.0 l/V
24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 HOUR

Figure 9. Hydrograph for the 17-21 June 1985 event.


24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 HOUR
Tl r 1ll r T"


PERIOD' JULY 15-19, 1985





r 2.0


24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 12 24 HOUR

Figure 10. Hydrograph for the 15-19 July 1985 event.


subsurface runoff when compared with the due to the crop interception. The corn ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
surface runoff due probably to the longer plants are tall during this period. The research reported in this paper was sup
path of water to flow into the drain and ported by funds provided by the Counseil des
from the drain to the outlet. The longer CONCLUSION Recherches et Services Agricoles du Quebec
The subsurface flow hydrographs and Environment Canada. The authors also
delays associated with subsurface flow are
exhibited flatter and longer recessions acknowledge the support of Mr. Peter Finlayson
also partly due to the increased resistance
for allowing us to use his farm and for his
of flow through the soil matrix. More time compared to the surface runoff hydro- numerous helpful suggestions.
is required for the water to go into the graphs. The subsurface drainage contrib
drainable pore space raising the water table uted the most to the water removed from
and producing the head which causes flow the field. The subsurface drainage peaked REFERENCES
at 7.79 mm/day and decreased as the water HILL, A. R. 1976. The environmental impacts
toward the drains.
of agricultural land drainage. J. Environ.
The surface runoff response to rainfall is table receded. Most flow occurred during
Manage. 4: 251-274.
not always the same as subsurface flow and immediately after the snowmelt IRWIN, R. W. and H. R. WHITELEY. 1983.
response. The greater 7S values for surface period. Subsurface and surface flows of Effects of land drainage on stream flow. Can.
runoff compared to subsurface flow are 26.3 and 7.45 mm, respectively, were Water Res. J. 8(2): 88-103.
due to the fact that more rainfall is needed measured in a spring event and 2.53 and MADRAMOOTOO, C. 1984. An agricultural
to fill the depressional storage. During the 0.38 mm during a summer storm. land drainage simulation model. Ph.D. The
first hours of rainfall, most water infiltrates Hydrograph time parameters were sis. McGill University, Montreal, Que.
into the soil resulting in a longer time for dependent on the storm season, storm RASHID-NOAH, A. B. 1981. Drainage subsur
surface water to flow to the drains. duration and rainfall intensity. The time to face drainage systems to avoid excessive
Large variations of 7, were due to the peak, Tp, was the greatest in April (30 drainage of sands, Ph.D. Thesis. McGill
University, Montreal, Que.
variations in rainfall duration and to the hours), and it was always later for subsur
SKAGGS, R. W. 1982. Predicting effects of
nonuniform distribution of the rainfall over face flow than for surface runoff. The time
drainage runoff. Drainage Contractor 8(2):
the field. Most of the large values of 7, for to start, Ts, ranged from 3 to 8 h for subsur 28, 30-31, 34.
subsurface flow were from the short dura face flow and from 3 to 14 h for surface VAN BEERS, W. F. 1976. The auger hole
tion rainstorms of less than 6 h. flow. The lagtime, 7,, varied from 6 to 16h method. International Institute for Land
The time parameters were found to be for subsurface runoff and from 3 to 8 h Reclamation and Improvement. Wage-
lowest for the month of July. This may be from surface runoff. ningen, the Netherlands.



T. G. Sommerfeldt, C. Chang, T. Entz, and B. J. Lamond

Research Station, Agriculture Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 4B1

Received 22 October 1986, accepted 7 January 1987

Sommerfeldt, T. G., C. Chang, T. Entz, and B. J. Lamond. 1987. Soil characteristics around mole drains installed
at different depths. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 131-135.

A study was carried out to determine the bulk density distribution of soil around mole drains and also the smear and
conditions at the surface of the mole. Drains were installed at 50, 70 and 90 cm depths in a clay loam soil. Three water
treatments were usedon the soil: not flooded (D), flooded 1wk prior(Fl) to installation, and flooded 1day prior (F2) to
installation of the drains. The water treatments affected the conditions of the moles, the fracturing of the soil above the
moles, and the bulk density of the soilaround the moles. Thegreatest amount of smearing around the perimeter of moles
was observed in the F2 treatment and the least was in the D treatment. Visiblefracturing of the soil above the drains was
affected by depth of installation as well as by watertreatment. In 50-cm-deep drains, fracturing started at the side of the
mole and fanned out upward to the surface. In 90-cm drains there was minimal fracturing, starting at about the 50-cm
depth. Most fracturing occurred under the D water treatment, whereasfracturing was least in the F2 treatment. The mean
bulk density of the soil above the moles was smaller than that below the moles, where it was similar to that of the
undisturbed soil. Compaction of the soil around the mole, though significant, shouldnot impededrainage. Drag between
the bullet and the soil should remove segments of the smeared skin, leaving sufficient areas of unsmeared soil through
whichwatercan easilyenter the drains. Thus, waterentry intothe moles shouldnot be restricted by compactionor smear,
regardless of depth of installation or water content of the soil during installation.

INTRODUCTION drain, which affect water entry into the In previous studies (Sommerfeldt
Soil bulk density and pore size distribu drain. 1984), the moles were installed for recla
tion are determining factors for the perco If the mole is installed shallow enough, mation of a waterlogged saline soil with
lation of water through the soil (Wingate- the upward thrust should cause soil frac out regard for the critical depth and
Hill 1978). When mole drains are installed, turing to the surface. The depth at which conditions of the mole. The major concern
soil material is displaced by the bullet, the upward thrust does not fracture the soil was whether the drains functioned or not.
which exerts compressive forces in all to the surface is known as the critical Mole drainage has good potential for
directions. These compressive forces depth. To produce well-formed, stable draining fine-textured soils in southern
should increase the soil bulk density and mole channels, the moles must be installed Alberta (Sommerfeldt 1984; Sommerfeldt
reduce pore size distribution around the deeper than the critical depth (Godwin et and Chang 1986), either by itself or in
drain, which should restrict water entry al. 1981), but installation below the critical combination with subsurface tube drai
into the drain. However, because of the depth may cause soil compaction around nage. If soil compaction around the mole
shape and dip of the bullet, which is the moles, which limits water entry into is critical to water entry (Naarding 1977),
tapered from top to bottom on the leading the drains (Naarding 1977). This compac then drains installed below the critical
end and set on sufficient pitch to cause tion can persist for years. depth may not function well. As indicated
suction, the major thrust is upward (Childs
1942). With a tillage tool, such as a plow TABLE I. WATER CONTENT OF THE SOIL AT EACH DRAIN, TO DRAIN DEPTH, AT TIME
share or cultivator blade, there can be a OF INSTALLING THE MOLE DRAINS

small build-up of soil at the tool point

which exerts forces downward, to cause Water content (%) at mole depth (cm)
Water Sample depth
compaction beneath the tool (Gill and treatment t (cm) 50 70 90
Vanden Berg 1968). Presumably, this
build-up and compaction could also occur 0-20 13.0 16.5
20-40 20.8 20.2 22.4
at the point of the bullet of a mole plow. 40-60 23.1 23.0 25.3
Also, in wet soils smearing can occur 60-80 23.0 22.7
when the mole is pulled through, which 80-100 23.3
can prevent water entry into the moles, but Fl 0-20 20.7 23.1 21.7
friction forces between the bullet and the 20-40 21.6 23.2 23.6
soil can cause cracking of the smeared 40-60 25.3 24.0 23.5
60-80 22.8 24.0
surface of the mole. These cracks or fis
80-100 24.4
sures, created also by the shank to which
F2 0-20 25.3 24.7 25.0
the bullet is attached, are an important
20-40 25.0 24.7 23.9
feature of mole drainage, especially near 40-60 25.6 25.5 26.5
the mole (Leeds-Harrison et al. 1982; 60-80 25.6 26.2
Youngs 1985). Consequently, it appears 80-100 24.0
that there can be undesirable and desirable t D, not flooded priorto installing drains; Fl, flooded 1wkpriorto installing drains; F2, flooded 1day priorto
effects on the soil at the surface of a mole installing drains.


by Gill and Vanden Berg (1968), the
amount of compaction on the bottom of
the mole should probably be small and
insignificant. Also, because of drag, the
soil could be pulled apart, leaving cracks
around the perimeter of the mole for water
entry. Flow of water to a drain is mainly
radial and entry into the drain is mostly
through the bottom, if the drains are
spaced several meters apart and depth to
the impermeable layer is much deeper than
the drain (Kirkham et al. 1974). Thus the
performance of the mole drains should not
be seriously affected by depth of installa
tion, if indeed the bulk density of the soil
beneath the mole is minimally affected. A
study reported here was carried out to
determine the effects of installing mole
drains at different depths and different soil
water contents on the bulk density dis
tribution of the soil around the mole.


Mole drains were installed at three
depths in a clay loam soil under three
water treatments in a split-plot designed
experiment with three replications. The
established grass field had a water table
generally at 1.25 m depth. Characteristics
of the mole plow have been reported
(Sommerfeldt 1984). Depth settings for
the mole plow, in a floating position to
reduce upward thrust (Childs 1942), were
established previously.
Three lines of drain were installed paral
lel to each other 5 m apart. Within each
line there were three depths of drain (50,
70 and 90 cm), each 55 m long, in a
random position. Buffers, 5 m long, were
left between each section to provide space
to establish the new plow depth. Prior to
installing the drains, three water treat
ments were established in the soil within
each depth section, namely: D, no water
applied; Fl, 20 cm water applied 1 wk
before installing the drains; and F2, 20 cm
water applied 1 day before installing the
drains. These were established directly
over the drains. The plots were 15 m long
and 2 m wide with a 5-m buffer between
each. Immediately after the drains were

Figure 1. Surface conditions around the

perimeter of the mole drains installed at 70-cm
depth, as affected by water treatment prior to
installing the drains. Arrow A indicates a
smeared area and arrow B indicates area where
smeared layer has been pulled away. (D, no
flooding (top), Fl, flooded (with 20 cm water)
1wk before installing the drains (center), and
F2, flooded I day before installing the drains


Figure 2. Fracturing of the soil that had not been flooded (Dtreatment) caused while installing themole drains at 50-, 70-and90-cm depth. Arrows
indicate fracture lines on the edge of the fan-shaped area affected.

Depth (cm) depths, with clay contents of 35.0, 35.6

and 35.5% at 50, 70 and 90 cm, respec
1.70- tively.
Soil samples were taken along radial
1.65- lines at 45 intervals around the mole,
except at the vertical (shank) position. The
radial positions were numbered consecu
1.60- tively from 1 to 7 in a clockwise direction
> around the mole, starting at 45 from the
% 1.55- vertical (shank) position. Samples, 14.6
c mm in diameter and 15.0 mm long, were
CD taken simultaneously at 10, 35, 60, 85,
Q 1.50-
110, 135, 160, 185, 210 and 235 mm from
the edge of the mole to the center of the
"5 1.45- sample. A specially made sampler was
m used to take all the samples on one line
1.40- simultaneously, which thereby prevented
disturbance of the soil at the adjacent sam
ple site. A sample at 335 mm was taken to
represent the bulk density of the undis
turbed soil on the assumption that compac
1.30- tion by the mole did not extend to that
i i r
3 4 5
The bulk density data were statistically
Radial Arm analyzed by analysis of variance.
Figure 3. Mean bulk density of the soil as affected by the mole depth and radial position
around the drain. RESULTS
The water treatments affected the condi
installed, soil samples were taken from the around the drains exposed in the pits, on tions of the mole and the fracturing of the
midsection of each plot, at 20-cm depth the side opposite to the direction of travel. soil above the mole. Because of the shal
intervals to 10 cm below drain depth, for Soil disturbance and the amount of smear low water table, water treatment effects on
soil moisture (gravimetric) and particle caused by the plow were examined and the water content of the soil below 60-cm
size distribution (hydrometer, Day 1965) studied on the same side of the pit. Study depth were small (Table I). Above this
determinations. After the drains were of the smear around the perimeter of the depth these treatment effects were greater,
installed, pits were dug across the drains at mole and surface conditions of the mole especially in the 0- to 40-cm depth.
the midsection of each plot to expose the was done primarily on the other side of The greatest amount of smear on the
soil and drains. Soil samples for bulk den the pit. perimeter of the mole was in the moles of
sity determinations were taken from The soil texture was similar at all mole the F2 treatment and the least was in the D


1.70 Radial 1 tion. Because this characteristic was gen

1 Radial 2,6
Radial 3,4,5
eral, the cause is attributed to the mole
plow, which could have become slightly
misaligned over the years. At 70-cm
Radial 7
depth, fracturing began at the top of the
1.60 moles and extended upward to the suface,
fanning out with distance. The angle of the
1.55 fan was smaller than that of the 50-cm-
deep moles. Where lateral fracturing
occurred above the moles at 90-cm depth,
1.50 it started at a depth similar to that of the 70-
cm moles, but the angle of the fan was
1.45 - small or nonexistent, depending on the
water treatment.
The width of fracturing was also indi
cated by the mound of soil deposited at
\ ground level while the drains were being
1.35 installed. The greatest amount of mound
50 cm depth ing was observed when the moles were
installed at 50-cm depth. The mounds,
TI 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I 10-15 cm high, extended laterally 45-60
cm from the shank. After the plow had
c passed through, the soil settled to leave
only a small mound (see surface Fig. 2,
50-cm depth). Mounds for the 70-cm deep
moles were similar to but smaller than
DO those for 50-cm-deep moles. For 90-cm
deep moles, the mound was limited to an
area near the shank. With the F2 treatment
there was essentially no mound.
At the 50- and 70-cm depths the soil
bulk densities in radial positions 1,2,6 and
7, at and above the center line of the
moles, were smaller than those in radial
I I I I I I I I positions 3, 4 and 5 (Fig. 3). The soil in
radial positions 1 and 7 would be in that
1.65 -. location of disturbed soil, above the crit
ical depth, while drains were installed.
Radials 3,4 and 5 were below the center of
1.60 -
the moles and below the soil disturbed
during drain installation, and the densities
1.55 - were not significantly different from the
undistrubed soil. For the 90-cm-deep
1.50 - moles the greatest bulk densities were lat
eral at the depths of the mole, along radials
1.45 - 2 and 6, while the smallest was along
90 cm depth radial position 4, at the bottom of the
1.40 mole. The mean bulk densities of the soil
"1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I in radial positions 1 and 7 were signifi
10 60 110 160 210 260 310
cantly different ( P < 0.05) from each
Distance (mm) other, while those in positions 2 and
6 were not significantly different
Figure 4. Mean bulk density ofthe soil along radial arms, asaffected by mole depth and radial (P < 0.05) and neither were those in posi
position around the drain. tions 3, 4 and 5. The soil density in radial
positions 1 and 7, zone of visible fractur
treatment (Fig. 1). Within each water Soil disturbance caused by the moles at ing (Fig. 2), was significantly less
regime, sections of the smeared perimeter, 50-cm depth started at the sides of the (P < 0.01) than that in positions 2 and 6,
5 to 10 mm deep, had been pulled away by mole and extended upward to the ground and that in positions 2 and 6 was signifi
the bullet, leaving areas of exposed surface, fanning out with distance (Fig. 2). cantly less (P < 0.01) than that in posi
unsmeared soil. The width of the fan was greatest for the D tions 3, 4 and 5.
Visible fracturing of the soil above the water treatment and least for the F2 treat The bulk density varied along the radi
drains, more evident in the field than in the ment. The angle of the fan, from the ver als, depending on the radial position and
photographs, was affected by depth of tical, was larger on the left side, number 7 the depth of the drain. According to the
installation as well as by water treatment. position, than on the right, number 1posi bulk densities at 335 mm, the bulk density


Flooded cant, appeared to be unimportant. The re
None duction in porosity of the soil relative to
1wk before that of the undisturbed soil was minimal,
1d before especially around the bottom portion of the
moles, where most of the water sup
posedly enters the drains. The lower bulk
densities at the perimeters of the drains are
attributed to rebound of the soil after the
c mole was installed.
1.55- Water entry into the moles should not be
a problem in this soil, regardless of depth
of installation or water content of the soil
m during installation, as long as the soil is
1.50- sufficiently wet to be cohesive. The drag
between the bullet and the soil is sufficient
to pull away segments of the smeared skin,
leaving areas of unsmeared soil through
which water can easily enter the drains.
i r
10 60 110 160 210 260 310
Distance (mm) CHILDS, E. C. 1942. The mechanics of mole-
Figure 5. Mean bulk density of the soil as affected by water treatment prior to installing the draining. Emp. J. Exp. Agric. 10: 169-181.
mole drains. (D, noflooding, Fl, flooded (with 20cm water) l wkbefore installing DAY, P. R. 1965. Particle fractionation and
the drains, and F2, flooded 1 day before drains were installed.) particle size analysis. Pages 545-567 in
CA. Black, ed. Methods of soil analysis.
Part 1. Agronomy No. 9. Am. Soc. Agron.,
of the undisturbed soil at 50-cm depth was and 70 cm and the thrust from the bullet Madison, Wis.
about 1.48, whereas at 70 and 90 cm it was was primarily upward. At the 50- and 70- GILL, W. R. and G. E. VANDEN BERG.
about 1.55. At all depths, most radials had cm depths, the overburden was suffi 1968. Soil dynamics in tillage and traction.
ARS, U.S. Dept. Agric. Washington, D.C.
a zone of compaction at 35-mm distance ciently thin that the drag between the soil Handb. 316.
from the edge of the mole (Fig. 4). For the immediately above the bullet and that GODWIN, R. J., G. SPOOR, and P. LEEDS-
50- and 70-cm-deep moles, the mean bulk adjacent to this vertical plane were suffi HARRISON. 1981. An experimental inves
density along radial positions 1 and 7 cient to allow lateral fracturing of the soil, tigation into the force mechanics and result
decreased with distance from the 35-mm which fanned upward to the surface. With ing soil disturbance of mole ploughs.
point and there was a trend for the soil bulk the mole at 70-cm depth, some of this J. Agric. Eng. Res. 26: 477-497.
density in the 2 and 6 positions to decrease upward thrust appears to have dissipated at KIRKHAM, D, S. TOKSOZ, and R. R. VAN
with distance also. However, in positions the mole, as fracturing began above the DER PLOEG. 1974. Steady flow to drains
2 and 6, for the 50-cm-deep moles, the mole and the width of the fan was not as and wells. Pages 203-244 in J. van
bulk density reached a minimum in the great as it was where the mole was Schilfgaarde, ed. Drainage of agricultural
110- to 210-mm range and with the 70-cm- soils. Agronomy No. 17. Am. Soc. Agron.,
installed at 50-cm depth. At 90-cm depth Madison, Wis.
deep moles it was minimum in the 110- to there was sufficient overburden to further LEEDS-HARRISON, P., G. SPOOR, and
160-mm range, whereas in positions 3, 4 limit lateral fracturing; no fracturing was R. J. GODWIN. 1982. Water flow to mole
and 5 the soil bulk density increased with apparent in some locations. drains. J. Agric. Eng. 27: 81-91.
distance for the 50-cm-deep moles but The data indicate that the soil around the NAARDING, W. H. 1977. A review on inter
tended to be relatively constant for the 70- moles installed at 50-cm depth had been national experience with trenchless versus
cm-deep moles, with a small increase in disturbed during installation of the drains trenching drainage-machines. Govt, of the
the 135-to 210-mm region. For the 90-cm- in such a way that the bulk density to the Netherlands, Ministry of Agriculture and
deep moles, there was a trend for the bulk side of the mole was lessened, although Fisheries. Aasen, The Netherlands.
density to reach a minimum at 185- to 210- SOMMERFELDT, T. G. 1984. Performance
this effect was not observed during exam
of unlined and lined mole drains in a saline
mm distance. Also, the bulk densities in ination of the soil. There is also evidence
clay loam field. Can. Agric. Eng. 26: 1-5.
radial positions 3, 4 and 5 tended to be of lateral disturbance at the 70- and 90-cm
greater than those in the other positions. depths. The minimums along radials 2 and 1986. Desalinization of an irrigated, mole-
The smallest bulk densities, as affected 6 at 10-cm depth in the range of 110- to drained, saline clay loam soil. Can. J. Soil
by water treatment, were generally in the 225-mm distance suggest a reaction to the Sci. 67:263-269.
soil that had been flooded 1 wk before the mole. At 90-cm depth there is a general WINGATE-HILL, R. 1978. Tillage require
drains were installed (Fl) (Fig. 5), while minimum around the 185-mm distance. ments for cereal crop production on their
the largest was in the soil that had not been These values are all less than those at 335 relationship to their development of new
flooded (D). The rate of reduction of the mm. Neither these differences nor signs of tillage machinery. Pages 363-370 in W.W.
bulk density with distance was greatest Emerson, R. D. Bond and A.R. Dexter, eds.
effects were apparent while observing the
with the D treatment and least with the F2. Modification of soil structure. John Wiley
cutaway. Evidently there were compac and Sons, New York.
tion actions and rebound counteractions YOUNGS, E.G. 1985. An analysis of the
DISCUSSION while installing the moles. effect of the vertical Assuring in mole-
The critical depth for this soil and Compaction of the soil around the mole drained soils on drain performances. Agric.
implement combination was between 50 by the bullet, although statistically signifi Water Manage. 9: 301-311.



N. A. Nemon1, B. von Hoyningen Huene2, J. Gailichand2, and R. S. Broughton2

'Sind Agricultural University, Sind, Pakistan; 2Macdonald College of McGill University, Box 950, SteAnne de
Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO

Received 26 July 1985, accepted 23 January 1987

Nemon, N. A., B. Von Hoyningen Huene, J. Gailichand, and R. S. Broughton. 1987. Subsurface irrigation and
drainage on sandy soil in southern Quebec. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 137-142.

An experiment was conducted in 1982 and 1983 on flat sandy soil in southern Quebec to study the feasibility of
subsurface irrigation inthis region. The field experiment was designed on 10 hawith two treatments and eight replicates.
These treatments consisted of irrigated andnonirrigated maize plots. Itwas found that thesubsurface irrigation raised the
water table satisfactorily toa predefined water table position. This resulted inadequate water supply to thecroproot zone.
Subsurface irrigation treatment produced grain maize yields twice as high as the nonirrigated treatment.

INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS ment was designed to use an existing sub
Drainage involves removal of excess A field experiment was conducted in the surface drainage system, which had laterals
surface and subsurface water by means of 1982 and 1983 growing seasons on the 29 m apart and 1.05 m deep. This system
ditches and subsurface drain pipes to farm of Mr. Leandre Charbonneau, St. was modified to give a randomized com
provide sufficient aeration in the root zone Louis Parish, Richelieu county, Quebec. plete block design with two treatments and
in a humid climate and control of salinity The soil is a St. Samuel sand. The experi eight replicates. The treatments consisted
in soils in irrigated semi-arid areas.
In some humid areas where water sur
pluses and deficits occur, drainage alone \ 1 \
> 29m
may not be able to provide suitable moisture TYP.
conditions for optimum crop growth. Sup
plementary irrigation is needed to provide
water during periods of drought to achieve
<D A-2
<S> B-2

adequate plant growth.

Climatically, the southern Quebec farm o
t - *- -

ing region is suitable for subsurface irriga O

tion because there is excess precipitation

in winter and early spring, and often short
age of rainfall in summer. In the flat sandy
<?> B-3 B-4
<$> A-4

soil in this region, water can be removed

from the root zone in early spring by sub t 3CV *
surface drainage and in summer, irrigation
can be economically provided by adding
water to the drain pipes.
Subsurface irrigation systems must
<J> A-5 A-6 <t> B-6

meet two main requirements. That is, the

system must be capable of removing
excess water after periods of heavy rain t
fall, and supply the evapotranspirational
demand during dry periods.
B-7 A-7 A-8 B-8
Subsurface irrigation is practiced in
some parts of the Netherlands (Kalisvaart 0 4

1958)and the United States (Renfro 1955).
The design procedure for drainage is more
established than for subsurface irrigation.
t > I -

In recent years subsurface irrigation has
begun to be used on field scale in North
and South Carolina and Florida in the LEGEND^ fy NUMBER OF THE REPLICATION
U.S.A. (Kriz and Skaggs 1973; Skaggs et DIVISION BETWEEN REPLICATIONS ^ _ _ ^ _ ^
al. 1972; Doty et al. 1975;Doty and Chris- -e- CONTROL CHAMBER EEEE3ZZZEE 3
tenbury 1979; Doering et al. 1982). D DRAIN OUTLETS 0 25 50 100m
This paper describes the first series of B PLOTS SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE ONLY
experiments to determine the feasibility of
subsurface irrigation in southern Quebec. Figure 1. Drainage system after modification and location of the plots.


I 7 10 13 16 22 25 26 28 of irrigated and nonirrigated grain corn.
H ' <> <><>
Each plot contained two subsurface drains.
There were buffer zones between irrigated
and nonirrigated plots. Four water table
< ' !><> <) control chambers were installed in such a
t ^G- t way that water could be added at those
chambers and flow up the subsurface
10 13 14 16 17 20 26
drains to provide subsurface irrigation to
F<< i <> the eight irrigated plots. Water was pumped
into the control chambers from a reservoir
established in a nearby water course.
Unfortunately the reservoir was not large
t t enough and did not receive sufficient sup
plemental inflow to supply the complete
3 7 13 15 21 24 25 27 water needs of the irrigated plots for the

dry summers. A well was drilled in late

I I August 1983 about 1.5 km to the west of
the experimental field and water was
pumped to the control chambers at the end
t t of growing season.
Sf B HI <><) (> (I o
During the subsurface irrigation in
1982, the water table responded satisfac
torily in the plot which had a new drain
A ' <<> << i <>
lateral added and in one other plot, (A-2
and A-4, Fig. 1). The water table did not
t t rise properly in the other six plots. Those
six plots did not absorb water as quickly as

expected when water was added to the
water level control chambers. It was found
LEGEND--0-CONTROL CHAMBER that some of the drain pipes were blocked
I 1 I- with sand. They had been installed in 1972
TENSIOMETERS 0 25 50 100m without being wrapped with an envelope
SUBSURFACE DRAIN material. New subsurface drain laterals,
enrobed with a knitted polyester envelope,
Figure 2. Location of water table pipes and tensiometers.
were installed in October 1982 on those six
field plots.
During irrigation in 1983, all plots
J L-
TT accepted water adequately from the sub
120 . surface irrigation system approximately as
10 might be expected.
100 Water table observation pipes were
s installed in each of the irrigated and non-
irrigated plots. Four tensiometers were
E 80 installed at 15-, 30-, 45-, 60-cm depths in
30 each of the 16 plots (Fig. 2).
60 cm While irrigation was underway, mea
surements were made of the depth to the
30 water table. The soil moisture content was
-j 40 measured gravimetrically for samples
taken at 7-, 22-, 37-, 52-, 67-cm depths to
| 20 45
NON-IRRIGATED 10 E represent the depth ranges of 0-15, 15-
E 30, 30-45, 45-60, and 60-75 cm,
respectively. The bulk density was mea

1 cr
sured at 5-, 20-, 35-, 50- and 65-cm depths
to convert moisture content by weight
basis to a volume basis. The soil moisture
o tension was measured with tensiometers.
r"-1"i 1 1 1 1 1 The amount of water added to the cham
10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 bers was measured with water meters. The
yield of maize was measured in Octoberof
Figure 3. Average remaining available water in 30- and 40-cm soil depths in irrigated and each year following the methodof Raghavan
nonirrigated plots, 1982. and McKyes (1977).


time during the field experiments of 1982.
120 While the 30- to 45-cm soil layer stayed
above field capacity in the subirrigated
10 plots. The soil moisture content in the non-
100 irrigated plots was found to be below field
2 capacity in all four layers during the field
E experiments of 1982. Similar results were
E 80
obtained for the 1983 experiment (see
of cm 30 Table II).
60 IRRIGATED Referring to Fig. 4, it is seen that the
i 30
remaining available water decreased when
the subsurface irrigation stopped after 19
-j 40
IRRIGATED July and 10Aug. The water table dropped
NON-IRRIGATED- due to evapotranspiration. This shows that
< 20 10 the upward flow from the water table was
not sufficient to supply ET demands. This
resulted in a loss of soil moisture and a
reduction of the available water in the soil
5 5 o
Crop Yield
r t 1 r
o s During the 1982 growing season, yields
10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 of maize were obtained from two irrigated
JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER and two nonirrigated plots. The results are
Figure 4. Average remaining available water in 30- and 40-cm soil depths in irrigated and presented in Table III.
nonirrigated plots, 1983. The analysis of variance of the 1982
grain yield results was not carried out
because there were no observations col
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION remaining available water in the 0- to 45- lected from the six other replicates of irri
Soil Water Response to Subsurface cm soil profile. The remaining available gated treatment due to blockage of the
Irrigation water in the 0- to 30-cm soil profile drain lines. However, the magnitudes of
In order to observe the response of sub remained nearly constant during the sup yields are given in Table III. On the aver
surface irrigation during the 1982 and 1983 ply of subsurface irrigation water. There age the irrigated treatment produced 40%
field experiments, the remaining available was approximately twice as much avail more grain yield than the nonirrigated
water within 30- and 45-cm soil columns able water for the irrigated as for the non- treatment. Table III shows a considerable
was plotted in Figs. 3 and 4 along with the irrigated treatment. For the subsurface variation in yield of maize within the irri
recorded subsurface irrigation volumes irrigation treatment, as shown in Table I, gated plots. A similar situation was observed
and the rainfall data. Remaining available the soil moisture in the 15- to 30-cm soil in nonirrigated plots. The lower yields in
water is defined as the difference between layer stayed near field capacity most of the the A-2 plot might be due to the water table
the observed soil moisture content and the
Figures 3 and 4 show the results of the
Average soi 1 moisture content in percent by volume for 15-
soil moisture content at various depths Water table
cm soil layers at the following depths (cm)
during the growing seasons of 1982 and depth
Date (cm) 0-15 15-30 30-45 45-60
1983, respectively, for irrigated and non-
irrigated treatments. Soil moisture content Irrigated
is presented in the form of remaining 20 July 58.0 15.0 16.0 34.7 36.0
available water for the 0- to 30-cm and 0- 21 July 70.0 14.0 24.4 29.0 37.1
22 July 78.0 13.6 21.0 29.0 36.0
to 45-cm soil profiles. For the nonirrigated
23 July 70.2 7.4 29.0 29.0 35.0
treatment, there was little remaining avail 04 Aug. 77.0 7.5 27.4 35.0 38.0
able water during both the 1982 and 1983 05 Aug. 72.0 7.4 29.8 35.0 38.0
growing seasons. During the field experi 13 Aug. 90.6 18.0 27.4 34.7 37.1
ments of 1982, the remaining available 20 Aug. 102.5 14.0 19.7 27.4 34.7
24 Aug. 110.0 15.2 17.9 26.0 32.0
water for the irrigated treatment in the 0- to Nonirrigated
30-cm and 0- to 45-cm soil profiles was 20 July 127.2 9.5 9.9 18.5 20.5
never less than 38 mm and 75 mm, respec 21 July 128.6 9.0 9.7 16.7 18.5
tively. On the other hand, remaining avail 22 July 129.0 8.6 10.2 15.7 16.8
23 July 130.1 8.8 9.2 17.7 18.5
able water for the nonirrigated treatment
04 Aug. 134.0 9.0 9.0 16.7 18.5
was below 20 mm and 40 mm for the 0- to 05 Aug. 135.4 9.0 9.8 16.7 17.7
30-cm and 0- to 45-cm soil profiles, 13 Aug. 131.0 16.5 11.9 20.5 21.8
respectively. It can be seen in Fig. 3 that 20 Aug. 132.0 14.1 11.0 17.8 20.0
the upward flow from the water table 24 Aug. 135.4 15.1 9.2 17.8 23.0

increased the soil moisture content in the Field capacity is equal to 25.7% by volumebased on a fieldcondition with approximately 600-mm suction in
30- to 45-cm soil layer, thus increasing the the pore water. Permanent wilting point is 3.1% by volume at 15 bars suction.


Average so il moisture content in percent by volume for 15-cm soil water from subsurface drain pipes satisfac
Water table
layers at the following depths (cm) torily due to improvements made to the
Date (cm) 0-15 15-30 30-45 45-60 60-75 subsurface irrigation system in 1982 and
1983. Grain and ear yields were measured
Irrigated in the 1983 growing season to examine the
20 July 86.2 23.5 22.1 35.1 33.0 42.2
22 July 96.8 18.8 19.4 32.2 33.9 41.2
effects of subsurface irrigation. Table IV
26 July 111.9 15.7 20.7 28.7 30.0 39.8 gives the analysis of variance on the
27 July 109.7 17.2 19.1 28.3 30.6 38.4 results of maize yields. This table indi
28 July 111.7 16.7 18.8 28.1 30.3 37.5 cates that the increases in grain yield and
29 July 117.6 18.6 20.9 28.0 27.3 37.5
02 Aug. 118.0 17.2 20.5 22.0 25.6 34.0
ear yield of maize are significant at the
05 Aug. 129.7 13.6 16.7 19.6 17.0 25.2 0.01 probability level. Duncan's new mul
31 Aug. 99.6 23.0 21.9 25.9 30.0 37.2 tiple range test was used to compare the
02 Sept. 95.4 19.3 22.6 26.3 29.0 33.9 mean yields of irrigated and nonirrigated
05 Sept. 88.4 18.8 22.0 29.5 34.2 42.2
treatments, the results of which are pre
08 Sept. 72.8 16.1 20.5 31.4 37.2 42.2
Nonirrigated sented in Table V. The results indicate that
20 July 131.2 14.0 14.7 19.7 24.5 33.6 the mean yields of the irrigated treatment
22 July 132.6 12.3 13.4 20.4 25.7 35.0 are significantly different than the mean
26 July 131.0 10.1 12.5 19.0 29.5 34.9
yields of the nonirrigated treatment at 0.05
29 July 132.0 10.3 11.5 17.6 24.8 34.5
02 Aug. 133.8 10.9 12.5 19.0 25.4 35.1
probability level. The table also shows that
05 Aug. 134.8 8.5 12.9 19.3 25.1 36.8 the mean yields of the irrigated treatment
10 Aug. f 10.7 12.5 17.3 23.6 31.1 are double those of the nonirrigated treat
23 Aug. t 7.8 7.8 11.6 17.0 t ment.
08 Sept. t 7.5 7.8 14.6 26.4 29.4
Table VI gives the results of maize
t Indicates that the water table was below the observation pipe. yields obtained from individual plots of
^Indicates that the moisture content was not realized in the field. irrigated and nonirrigated treatments in
Field capacity is equal to 25.7% by volume. Permanent wilting point is 3.1% by volume at 15 bars suction.
1983. It was observed from the yield mea
surements that the cobs were healthier and
better filled in irrigated plots than in nonir
TABLE III. AVERAGE YIELD OF MAIZE being closer to the soil surface over the rigated plots. For example, the A-6 and
FROM SUBSURFACE IRRIGATED AND NON- drain. During field observations, the water B-2 plots produced an equal number of
table depth at the G-22 pipe was found to cobs but the ear yield and grain yield were
be 18-22 cm below the soil surface for 7 higher in plot A-6 than in plot B-2. Similar
Grain yield Average consecutive days at the time of tasseling results were obtained from A-7 and B-5.
on dry basis grain yield and silking. The yield reduction in the B-2
Plots (kg/ha) (kg/ha) Although one irrigated plot (A-4) has the
plot may be due to the deep water tables. same number of cobs as that of A-6, it
Irrigated The water table in this plot was found to be produced a lower grain yield as compared
A-2 4413
5-6 cm deeper than the B-4 plot during to plot A-6. This may be due to delayed
A-4 6215
the field observations. Also in the B-2 tasseling and silking in this plot and also
B-2 3259
plot, the soil at 30-cm depth below the soil many cobs from plot A-6 were affected by
3788 surface was quite dry from 20 July through
B-4 4316 white smut.
4 Aug. and the soil suction readings were One factor which might have caused the
lower yield of nonirrigated plots was stunt
ing of the plants due to soil moisture defi
cit. In addition to the observed stunting,
Source DF Sum of sq. Mean sq. F Pr>F R CV the moisture deficit also delayed tasseling
A. Grain yield
and silking on nonirrigated plots by about
Model 15 160 081 205 10 672 080 9.46 0.0001 0.689 28.65
4 to 5 days. Table VI indicates that the soil
Error 64 72 165 114 1 127 579 Root MSE Grain yield Mean moisture deficit stunted the size of the cobs,
Corr.Tot 79 232 246 319 1061 3705 thus reducing the ear yield. There is also
evidence that some of the nonirrigated plots
F Pr>F
did not yield as many cobs due to a severe
Block 7 28420836 0.90 0.5539 soil moisture deficit. The last column in
Treatment 1 100054301 22.16 0.0022**
Table VI gives the grain yield of maize
B. Ear yield obtained by the combine harvester. Ap
Model 15 214 451 160 14 296 744 9.22 0.0001 0.684 28.35 proximately the same yield was obtained
Error 64 99 226 863 1 550 419 Root MSE Ear yield Mean by hand sampling.
Corr.Tot 79 313 678 023 1245 4392 Crop yield response to subsurface irri
gation draws attention to the results of soil
moisture data discussed above. These results
Block 7 38049104 0.89 0.5598
reveal that the available water in the irri
Treatment 1 133595389 22.85 0.0023**
gated treatment was never limiting in the
**Yields from irrigated plots were greater than from nonirrigated plots at the 0.002 level of significance. uppermost layers during the time when


PLOTS ON AN OVEN-DRY BASIS FROM 1983 MAIZE CROP was adequate before and after the tasseling
period. For that reason, tasseling began 4
Hand sampli ng harvest or 5 days earlier in irrigated plots than in
No. of Ear yield Grain yield Grain yield nonirrigated plots. In addition to the
Plots ears (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) observed tasseling, the plants in the irri
gated plots were found to be taller than in
Irrigated 425644 56854 48244 4445
Nonirrigated 347975 31005 25875
the nonirrigated plots. The difference was
approximately 40-50 cm at maturity.
All the figures are average of eight plots. The weather data in Table VII show that
4,5Duncan's new multiple range test was used for comparing means. Means with the same letter are not the 1983 growing season was relatively
significantly different at the 5% probability level.
drier than 1982 (from 15 May to 10 Sept.).
The total rainfall in 1982 was lower than
the 40-yr average at the St. Hyacinthe sta
tion. The monthly rainfall for 1982 and
Machine 1983 was also lower than the 40-yr average
Hand sampling harvest
monthly rainfall at the above station. It
No. of Ear yield Grain yield Grain yield appears that both experimental years were
cobs on dry on dry on dry
relatively dry years indicating the need for
basis basis basis
Plot no. hectare (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) irrigation water for better crop production.
The relatively low yields of maize in non-
Irrigated irrigated plots may be attributed to low
A-l 45981 5700 4815 4206
A-2 42253
rainfall in those years. Total amounts of
5059 5260 3882
A-3 45981 6922 5861 4673
subsurface irrigation supplied in 1982 and
A-4 39768 3503 2936 2955 1983 were 60.3 and 167.6 mm, respec
A-5 43496 5980 5131 4625 tively. Total rainfall and the subsurface
A-6 39768 5334 4521 3943 water applied raised the 1982 water supply
A-7 42253 6560 5610 5814
A-8 41010 6423 5457 5465
in irrigated plots to 440.3 mm and the 1983
Mean 42564 5685 4824 4445 total to 548.1 mm. May 1983 rainfall was
Nonirrigated higher than that of May 1982; therefore,
B-l 34379 3138 2611 2301 the planting in 1983 was delayed for 15
B-2 39768 3967 3332 2118
B-3 37382 3860
days. Comparatively lower yields obtained
3222 3128
B-4 34797 2785 2301 2278
in 1983 than 1982 might be due to delayed
B-5 42253 4722 3085 3490 planting. Also, the maize matured very
B-6 34797 2829 2371 2828 rapidly and dried due to hot dry windy
B-7 27340 2058 1715 1722 weather at the end of August and the first
B-8 27340 1443 1159 1583
Mean 34797 3100 2587 2431
days of September 1983.
From the above results and discussion,
subsurface irrigation appears to be bene
TABLE VII. MONTHLY RAINFALL, PE AND SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION VOLUME FOR 1982 ficial in flat sandy soil in southern Quebec.
AND 1983
Controlling the subsurface drain outflow
Monthly Monthly conserves soil moisture and provides more
average subsurface water for dry periods resulting in better
rain irrigation
Rainfall PE 40-yr
plant growth and increased yields.
Month (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
15-31 May DOERING, E. G., L. C. BENZ, and G. A.
25.1 37.9 84.3 0.0
June 97.5 118.8
REICHMAN. 1982. Shallow-watertable
102.1 0.0
July 25.0 157.8 109.7 44.2
concept for drainage design in semi-arid and
August 120.9 117.4 109.0 16.1 subhumid regions. In Advances in drainage.
1-10 Sept. 64.8 26.4 110.6 0.0 Proceedings of the Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.,
Total 333.3 458.3
Fourth National Drainage Symposium, St.
515.7 60.3
Joseph, Mich.
1983 DOTY, C. W. and G. D. CHRISTENBURY.
15-31 May 89.6 66.2 84.3 0.0 1979. Controlled and reversible drainage,
June 24.9 119.2 102.1 0.0 past, present, and future. Paper No.
July 38.6 125.0 109.7 68.8 79-2545, Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., St. Joseph,
August 69.2 111.2 109.0 55.8 Mich.
1-10 Sept. 7.4 44.3 110.6 43.0 DOTY, C. W., S. T. CURRIN, and R. E.
Total 229.7 465.9 515.7 167.6 McLIN. 1975. Controlled subsurface drain
age for southern coastal plains soil. J. Soil
Water Conserv. 30: 84-85.
subsurface irrigation was applied. When most layers supplied the ET needs as KALISVAART, I. C. 1958. Subirrigation in
the water table receded below 100 cm from evidenced by soil moisture depletion in the Zuiderzee polders. Int. Inst, for Land
the soil surface, the upward flux was lim Figs. 3 and 4. Although subsurface irriga Reclam. and Improv. Wageningen, The
ited and the available water in the upper tion was not uniform throughout the grow Netherlands. Publ. 2.


KRIZ,G. J. and R.W. SKAGGS. 1973. Water soils. Report presented to Agriculture Can- of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. pp.
management using subsurface drains. J. Soil ada Engineering Research Services. Mac- 273-278.
Water Conserv. 28: 216-218. donald College of McGill University, Ste SKAGGS, R. W., G. J. KRIZ, and R. BER-
RAGHAVAN, G. S. V. and E. McKYES. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, pp. 63-64. NAL. 1972. Irrigation through subsurface
1977. Study of traction and compaction RENFRO, G. 1955. Applying water under the drains. J. Irrig. Drain. Div,. (Am. Soc. Civil
problems on Eastern Canadian agricultural surface of the ground. USDA Year Book Eng.), 90(IR3): 363-373.



K. P. Thooyamani and D. I. Norum

Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, S7N 0W0

Received 19 November 1986, accepted 23 January 1987

Thooyamani, K. P. and D. I. Norum. 1987. Performance of low-pressure center-pivot sprinkler irrigation systems in
Saskatchewan. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 143-148.

Uniformity of water distributions under six low-pressure center-pivot sprinkler irrigation systems was measured to
evaluate the systems. For a uniform overlapped spray pattern, uniformity of water distribution as per design was estimated
from sprinkler charts for each system. This design uniformity was compared to uniformities measured under field
conditions to find the suitability of design and/or management of the systems for field conditions. It was concluded that the
low-pressure center-pivot systems were properly designed for sprinkler discharge rates, but the resulting uniformity of
overlapped spray pattern was not properly considered. Thus, there is room for improvement in the design of low-pressure
center-pivot systems.

INTRODUCTION ate towers. Thooyamani (1982) conducted application and energy consumption. The
Center-pivot irrigation systems are clas 16 field trials to measure the circular uni performance was compared to that of an
sified as low-pressure or high-pressure formity, and reported that the circular uni automated surface irrigation system. They
systems based on the operating pressure at formities were above the acceptable level reported that energy requirements of high-
the pivot. Although there is no definite of 0.8. Thus, radial uniformity was pressure and low-pressure center pivots
boundary between low and high pressure, selected to evaluate the systems. were approximately 100 and 6.50 per
in general, a system is classified as low The objectives of this research were: ha-mm of water, respectively, based on
pressure if the pivot pressure is less than (a) To evaluate the performance of 1980electrical power rates (approximately
350 kPa. center-pivot sprinkler irrigation systems 4.20 kWh). It was concluded that an effi
In spite of high capital investment, under field conditions, in terms of water cient automated surface irrigation system
sprinkler irrigation systems are replacing application uniformity. can be designed to distribute water as
surface irrigation systems because of auto (b) To evaluate the design of the center- uniformly as low-pressure center-pivot
mation and flexibility of management. Out pivot systems in terms of the uniformity. systems.
of 76 890 ha of total irrigated area in Sas (c) To compare the design uniformity Norum et al. (1983) studied the perfor
katchewan, 37% was irrigated by sprinkler to the observed uniformity to find the suit mance of low-pressure center-pivot sprin
systems in 1978. It was 3% in 1950 and 8% ability of design and/or management for kler irrigation systems in the Outlook
in 1960 and 1970 as shown in Fig. 1 field conditions. Irrigation District, Saskatchewan. Unifor
(Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administra mity of application in both the circular and
tion (PFRA), 1982). In 1985, 70% of total radial directions was evaluated under eight
irrigated area was serviced by sprinkler REVIEW OF LITERATURE different systems. It was concluded that all
irrigation systems (Hill 1985). Murray et al. (1982) studied the perfor the systems were distributing water above
To avoid runoff and erosion a center- mance of low-pressure and high-pressure the generally accepted level of uniformity
pivot system is usually designed and oper center pivots in terms of uniformity of (0.8).
ated to apply water at an application rate
equal to or less than the infiltration rate of 110

the soil. The speed of rotation around the 100

field, and to some extent the operating /98
pressure, can be regulated to avoid runoff 90

and erosion. Average depth of application

can also be regulated by speed of rotation. b
The main problem under center-pivot irri o 70 Z11

gation systems is the nonuniform applica
tion of water. Thus, uniformity of applica 60 .
/ 70%
tion was selected to evaluate the systems. 50
Uniformity of application in circular as
well as radial directions should be consid 40

V &/
ered for a complete evaluation of a sprin V
30 -

kler system. Circular uniformity depends /37%

on radius of throw of the sprinklers and the 20 .

maximum allowable offset for intermedi- 20

10 J5
3% 8% /8% 1978 1985

This paper was presentedat the annual meetingof the 1950 I960 1970 1980 1990
Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineers, 6-10 YEAR
July 1986, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Paper no
Figure 1. Growth of sprinkler irrigation in Saskatchewan.


Ucc = 1
% [di-d]S-lRi (1)
Pressure (kPa) Data
System Flow rate Length'!" spacing where Ucc = the Christiansen uniformity
ID (L/sec) (m) (m) Pivot End* Year Trials
coefficient, dx = the depth of application
A 46.00 377 2.53 260 138 1980 6 at the /th station (mm), d = the average
1981 4
depth of application (mm), S{ = the radial
B 49.07 409 2.49 240 133 1980 5
1981 3
increment represented by the /th station
CH 55.20 476 Variable 355 205 1982 2 (m), Rx = the radial location of the /th
DH 55.20 415 Variable 265 140 1982 3 station (m), and A = total area of irriga
El 79.73 554 Mixed 380 170 1982 2 tion (m2).
Fl 46.00 418 3.05 240 150 1982 2
Depths of water applied in radial direc
t Includes effective end gun radius. tions were measured under the six systems
$ Before booster pump, if any. during the summers of 1980-1982.
Data from Murray et al. (1982).
11 Data from Norum et al. (1983).
System identification and descriptions are
given in Table I.

Estimation of Design Uniformities

It is usually assumed that there is equal
tradeoff of water between adjacent sprin
kler heads. In this paper, thus, it was as
sumed that
(a) The radius of throw touches the
bases of adjacent sprinklers.
(b) An individual sprinkler sprays
water in a triangular (conical) spray pat
tern shape.
From the sprinkler specifications for a
system, the location of each sprinkler and
its discharge rate can be obtained. But the
o. o
discharge volume (or depth of application)
from each sprinkler is required to estimate
o. o 100.0 200.0 300.0 400. O
Ucc, not the discharge rate. Since unifor
RADIAL DISTANCE FROM PIVOT, m mity of application is independent of rota
tion speed of a system (Thooyamani 1982),
any reasonable duration of application per
0.0 25. 0 50. 0 75. 0 100.0 revolution can be assumed. In this paper, a
1 , 1 1ii j 1 i r - | -r t ii i^
0.0 1 1 1 r
duration of 50 h per revolution was chosen.
Based on the triangular pattern, the depth
/ " LOW of application at each sprinkler location
QUARTER was estimated as
1.0- Qt
--^""""'average di- (2)

a. f where dx = depth of application at the

< 2 base of the /th sprinkler (mm), Q = the
discharge rate from /th sprinkler (L/sec),

-/ and t = the duration of application per

revolution (sec). Ucc was then estimated
from Eq. 1.

Figure 2. (a) An example of a poor distribution of water in radial direction. (System A, average RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
application = 10.2mm, Ucc = 0.54); (b) Infiltration profile under System A.
Radial Uniformity for Field Conditions
The average depths of application in the
PROCEDURE operating under normal field conditions, 27 trials ranged from 7.5 to 24.2 mm, with
except that the test periods were chosen so an overall average of 15.0 mm. Figures 2
Estimation of Uniformities under Field that the wind was relatively light. One- and 3 show examples of two radial dis
Conditions liter cans of 100 mm diameter were posi tributions.
All field tests were carried out on far tioned on stands approximately 0.90 m From Fig. 2(a), (b), it can be seen that
mer-operated center-pivot machines in the above ground level, and were spaced System A performed poorly. Only 43% of
vicinity of the Outlook Irrigation District mostly at 5.0 m, but in some instances at the area received an irrigation of average
in Saskatchewan (Murray et al. 1982; 10.0 or 15.0 m. depth or greater. Another parameter to
Norum et al. 1983). Water distributions For each trial, a weighted Christiansen evaluate the water distribution is the aver
were measured while each machine was uniformity coefficient was estimated from age depth of application in the least irri-

Figure 3(a), (b) shows the performance
20. 0 of a well-designed and operated center-
Q pivot system. Even though only 45% of
the land received a greater-than-average
5 15.
depth of irrigation, the low quarter average
< was about 90% of the average depth. Max
cc imum depth of application was only one
10.0 and one-half times the average depth.
Thus, for System F, most of the land was
u. adequately and efficiently irrigated.
5. 0 Radial uniformity of application, as
observed under field conditions for the 27
trials under the six systems is given in
_L _L _J_
_i i i_
Fig. 4. Taking 0.8 as the acceptable uni
0. 0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 formity level, the uniformities for 17trials
were below the acceptable level. Thus, out
of 27 random samples, only 37% of the
PERCENTAGE OF IRRIGATION AREA time did the low-pressure systems perform
0.0 25. 0 50. 0 75. 0 100.0
adequately under field conditions.
0. 0| 1 r -j 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 r- -r-ii r-

Radial Design Uniformities
Radial design uniformity of a system is
> the uniformity that can be obtained under
< 0.5
ideal field conditions such as no wind,
level ground surface, etc., provided the
overlapped spray pattern is uniform. Thus,
~ 1.0-
the design uniformity is the theoretical
maximum possible uniformity of applica
AVERAGE tion that can be expected under a system.
Examples of radial distributions that could
be expected according to the designs for
two systems, namely System A and Sys
2. 0L tem F, are given in Figs. 5 and 6.
Figure 3. (a) An example of good distribution of water in radial direction. (System F, average Figures 5(a), (b) and 6(a), (b) show that
application = 12.0mm, Ucc = 0.87); (b) Infiltration profile under System F. efficient and adequately uniform distribu
tion of water can be achieved under the
system if a uniform overlapped spray pat
1. 0 tern can be produced. Under System A
more than 50% of the area can be expected
z 0. 9 to receive an irrigation greater than the
s average depth, while the maximum depth
(J 4

0. 8
_ _ _ ^_ _ of irrigation is only 1.25 times the average,
u_ m and the low quarter average is 90% of the
0. 7
average. Under System F, more than 55%
of the area can be irrigated with at least the
average depth, while the maximum and low
0. 6 "*

quarter average depths are only 1.25 and
0.9 times the average depth, respectively.
0. 5
Ll Design uniformities for the six systems,
1 1 1
as operated on the Outlook Irrigation Dis
n a 1 1 1
trict area, are given in Fig. 7. The design
A B C D uniformity for the systems ranged from
0.90 to 0.95. Apparently all six systems
had the capability to distribute water well
Figure 4. Radial uniformities under low-pressure sprinklers.
above the acceptable level of uniformity
(0.8). Thus, a low-pressure center-pivot
gated 25% of area, known as the low the average. Thus, some areas had a sprinkler irrigation system can be designed
quarter average (Hart and Heermann severe moisture deficiency while other to distribute adequate water uniformity, if
1976). Essentially, the low quarter average areas had heavy deep percolation losses. a uniform overlapped spray pattern can be
indicates the severity of moisture defi Crop yields may be reduced in both areas produced under the system.
ciency in the least irrigated area. The low resulting in a double loss to the farmer. A
quarter average for System A was less than well-designed and operated surface irriga Comparison of Uniformities
one-half of the average. Maximum depth tion system can distribute water better than Design uniformity and uniformities
of application was two and one-half times the infiltration profile for System A. under field conditions were compared by


30. 0
Distance Water jet Equivalent
from pivot velocity wind speed
(m) (m/s) (km/h)
2: 20.
5.0 19.5 70.2
UJ 63.0 18.5 66.6
124.0 17.6 63.4
185.1 16.7 60.1
u. io. 243.1 16.1 58.0
o 304.0 15.7 56.5
365.0 15.5 55.8
395.7 15.4 55.4
Q _L _L J_
0. 0
water jet from System A was 27 km/h.
0. 0 100. 0 200. O 300. 0 400. 0
Under System A, a wind of 30 km/h can
RADIAL DISTANCE FROM PIVOT, m effectively reduce the windward radius of
throw to zero and can elongate the leeward
radius of throw to more than double. A
0.0 25. 0 50. 0 75. 0 100.0 light wind with a speed of 10-15 km/h can
0. Qiii.>p -i 1 1 r-
T TT 1 1
"T considerably distort the spray pattern

< under System A and can cause low unifor

UJ mity of application. Since the initial vel
< 0.5 ocity of the water droplets from System F
was much greater than the speed of the
a light wind, the light wind had little effect
~ 1.0- on spray patterns under System F. Thus, a
_j LOW
wind of 10 km/h is negligible wind for
< QUARTER System F, but detrimental for System A.
UJ 1.5 AVERAGE System A was made vulnerable to wind by
installing flow regulators, even though the
flow regulators solved the problem of
2. 01- unevenness of the field. Flow regulators,
of course, should not reduce nozzle pres
Figure 5. (a) Expected radial distribution under System A. (average application = 18.9 mm, sures more than necessary. This could
Ucc = 0.93); (b) Expected infiltration profile under System A. explain the poor performance of System A
compared with System F, even though
both systems were operated at 240-260
calculating the ratio tion. Wind continuously distorts the spray kPa with the same flow rate, 46 L/sec.
Ucc field conditions
pattern shape of the sprinklers before Irrigation during unfavorable wind condi
(3) water droplets reach the ground surface or tions can be avoided but the wind speed
Ucc design capability
crop canopy. When a center-pivot system and direction cannot be controlled. Thus,
The ratio UR indicates the effects of field is operated during a windy period, the wind and excessive reduction of water jet
topography, history of wind speed and leeward radius of throw is elongated and velocity could be one of the reasons for the
direction, management of the systems, the windward radius of throw is reduced. center-pivot systems performing below
and the design procedures. If field topog Because of the distortion, water is applied their expected level of uniformity.
raphy was uneven and the factor was con in a pattern different from that of the de
sidered during design to produce a uniform sign, resulting in a nonuniform overlapped Nonuniform Overlapped Spray Pattern
overlapped spray pattern, UR will be close spray pattern and low uniformity of appli When estimating design uniformity of a
to 1 under no wind or negligible wind cation. system, a uniform overlapped spray pat
conditions. Figure 8 compares the perfor The magnitude of the distortion depends tern was assumed. An ideal design should
mance of the low-pressure systems. on the height of the sprinklers, the wind produce a uniform overlapped spray pat
Hart (1961) reported that depths of speed and the velocity of water droplets as tern, regardless of individual spray pattern
application under sprinklers can be charac they leave the sprinklers. For all six sys shapes. Due to a lack of knowledge about
terized by a normal distribution. Based on tems, the height of the sprinkler could not the effects of spray pattern shapes on uni
the normal distribution, possible varia be adjusted. For some field tests, the wind formity of application, this is often
tions in the uniformity coefficient at 95% was relatively calm but, in some tests, the ignored during design. The ill-effects due
confidence are shown as vertical lines in wind speed was as great as 30 km/h. The to high application rate can be seen during
Fig. 8. Note that all six systems consis velocity of the water jet and the equivalent irrigation as surface runoff, thus it gets
tently distributed water below their ex wind speed at various points along the higher priority. The ill-effects of non
pected (design) level. lateral of System F are given in Table II. uniform application of water can only be
In the case of System A, the flow rates seen after the damage has been done, that
Wind Speed and Direction were controlled by regulators and the pres is as an uneven crop stand.
Wind speed and direction during irriga sure was maintained at 138 kPa at all sprin Under low-pressure sprinklers, spray
tion influence the uniformity of applica klers. The equivalent wind speed for the pattern shapes are usually "donut" shaped


30. 0
spacings, based on average application
rate only, but not on uniformity of over
UJ lapped spray pattern, could be the other

_i cause for the poor performances of the

a. systems.
< 20. 0
The topography of the land can affect
LU line pressure causing uneven discharge
< from sprinklers. However, the effects can
be taken into consideration during design,
u_ 10. 0
a and pressure regulators can be used if
Management practices such as main
Q -j i i L J i L_ J i 1 _j L_J
taining pivot pressure, keeping nozzles
0. 0
free from clogging, etc., help the system
0-0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500. 0 to perform according to design. Failure to
RADIAL DISTANCE FROM PIVOT, m maintain the system may result in low uni
formity of application of water.
PERCENTAGE OF IRRIGATION AREA The uniformities of application under
0.0 25.0 50.0 75.0 100.0
the center-pivot systems may be improved
0. 0|iiii| r- ~i 1 1 n1~
considerably if the redistribution within
T" inir-
CD the soil profile is taken into consideration.
cr Hart (1972) showed examples of a unifor
> mity coefficient of 0.60 for the water dis
< 0.5
tribution at the ground surface, becoming
0.76 and 0.86 after redistribution in the
soil for 1 and 2 days, respectively. The
- 1.0
effect of redistribution within the soil is,
AVERAGE of course, much dependent upon the spa
tial distance between above-average and
UJ AVERAGE below-average applications.

Seasonal Uniformity
2. O1- Crop yield is not determined by a one
time distribution of water under a pivot
Figure 6. (a) Expected radial distribution under System F. (average application = 14.8 mm,
Ucc = 0.96); (b) Expected infiltration profile under System F.
system. Seasonal uniformity of applica
tion and overall spatial distribution of
water should be considered. Such exten
1. 0 |- sive data were not collected due to time
and cost constraints. Nevertheless, one
z 0. 9 time distribution of water does influence
yield potential. For example, for System
0. 8
A, an area may be repetitively under-irri
gated or another area may be under-irri
o 0. 7
gated at different times. In any case, crops
are subjected to moisture stress, and yield
0. 6
may be reduced. Thus, repetitive good
z water distributions help to realize full
potential yield.
0. 5

A B O D E Distributions of water in radial direc
tions under six low-pressure center-pivot
sprinkler irrigation systems were mea
Figure 7. Radial design uniformities for six low-pressure systems. sured to evaluate the systems. Twenty
seven trials were conducted under the sys
tems as operated by the farmers. The
(Thooyamani 1982). If the sprinkler spac- with the high peak application rate, farm expected distributions of water under the
ings were designed based on only average ers operated the systems at high rotational systems were estimated from sprinkler
application rate, and not spray pattern speeds, resulting in shallow depths of specification charts. To evaluate the sys
shape, the resulting overlapped spray pat application. This could explain the reason tems for their suitability, the observed and
tern may be quite nonuniform. The ulti for the average depth of application to be the design distributions of water were
mate result is nonuniform application of below 10 mm in six field tests and the compared.
water with very high peak application overall average depth of application to be It was found that the low-pressure sys
rates. To avoid surface runoff associated at 15 mm. Thus, the design of sprinkler tems distributed water at or above the gen-


u 1. 2 Colorado State University Expt. Station,
Fort Collins, Co.
HILL, H. M. 1985. Irrigation the option

o for economic development. Proceedings
1. 0
X Fourth Annual West Prov. Conf., Ration
a Q * * A mm alization of Water and Soil Research and
Management. Saskatchewan Water Corp.,
0. 8 Moose Jaw, Sask. pp. 233-245.
+vtfft MURRAY, J. M., D. I. NORUM, and G. E.

f 'i
DYCK. 1982. Development and evaluation
of automated surface irrigation system.
0. 6
> Final Report on DSS Contract No. OSZ79-
UJ 00061 to Canada Department of Agriculture.
CD 61pp.
o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
0. 4 NORUM, D. I., J. M. MURRAY, and
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 S. DUBETZ. 1983. Evaluation of, and rec
ommendations for, operation of low pres
TRIAL NUMBERS sure center pivot sprinklers. Prairie Regional
HQ, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ont.
Figure 8. Performance of six low-pressure systems. Publ. no. 1-4791. 136 pp.
erally acceptable level of uniformity co ciated with high peak application rates MINISTRATION. 1982. History of irriga
efficient (0.8) only 37% of the time. It was which, in turn, were due to the noncon- tion in Western Canada. PFRA, Regina,
also found that the six systems distributed sideration of spray pattern shapes during Sask.
water consistently below their design design. This is an additional factor causing THOOYAMANI, K. P. 1982. Efficiency of
(expected) uniformity level. poor uniformity. low-pressure sprinkler irrigation systems.
During the field tests, wind speeds were The potential detrimental factors caus M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Agricultural
ing the poor uniformity of the systems can Engineering, University of Saskatchewan,
in the range of 0-30 km/h. Installation of
Saskatoon, Sask.
flow regulators and excessive reduction of be controlled by design. Thus, there is
nozzle pressure (from line pressure) can room for improvement in the design of
make the systems more vulnerable to center-pivot sprinkler irrigation machines. LIST OF SYMBOLS
wind, resulting in nonuniform overlapped A = total area of irrigation (m2).
spray patterns and low uniformity of dx = depth of applicationat/th station, or at
application. Thus, wind and excessive REFERENCES base of /th sprinkler (mm).
reduction of nozzle pressure were identi HART, W. E. 1961. Overhead irrigation d = average depth of application (mm).
fied as potential factors causing the poor pattern parameters. Agric. Eng. 42(7): Q = discharge rate from /th sprinkler
354-355. (L/sec).
HART, W. E. 1972. Subsurface distribution /?j = radial location of /th station (m).
For the 27 field tests, overall average of nonuniformly applied surface waters. 5j = radial incrementrepresented by the/th
depth of application was 15 mm. The low Trans. ASAE (Am Soc. Agric. Eng.) 15(4): station (m).
average depths of application were the 656-661,666. / = duration of application per revolution
result of high rotational speed of the sys HART, W. E. and D. F. HEERMANN. 1976. (sec).
tems. The high rotational speed was due to Evaluating water distribution of sprinkler Ucc = Christiansen uniformity coefficient.
the attempt to avoid surface runoff asso irrigation systems. Technical Bulletin 128. UR = uniformity ratio.



K. P. Thooyamani1, D. I. Norum1, and S. Dubetz2

'Departmentof Agricultural Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 0W0, and
2Soil Science Section, Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Lethbridge, Alberta TIJ4BI
Received 19 November 1986, accepted 18 February 1987

Thooyamani, K. P., D. I. Norum, and S. Dubetz. 1987. Application rates and uniformity under center-pivot
sprinkler irrigation systems using spray nozzles. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 149-154.

Uniformity of water application in circular and radial directions under various center-pivot irrigation systems using
spray nozzles was recorded inthefield onfarmer-operated systems. Forthe eight systems studied, theaverage application
was 15.2 mm and the Christiansen uniformity coefficient values were all above 80%. Acomputer model was developed to
simulate field water application distributions using single sprinkler distributions that had been determined in the
laboratory. These distributions were used to predict potential runoff rates under various operating conditions. Simulation
showed that it is possible to obtain a high uniformity coefficient with any spray pattern provided the nozzles are spaced
properly; however, the result may be an application rate that is great enough to produce runoff.

INTRODUCTION FIELD TESTS cans of 100 mm diameter were positioned

As the cost of energy increased, many All field tests were carried out on on stands approximately 0.90 m above
sprinkler irrigation farmers purchased farmer-operated center-pivot machines on ground level. When determining the dis
low-pressure (under 300 kPa) center-pivot or in the vicinity of the Outlook Irrigation tributions along circular arcs, the cans
systems that use spray nozzles. The radius District in Saskatchewan. Eight elec were spaced 0.30 m apart, while the spac
of throw for these nozzles is only 25-35% trically driven machines were tested. No ing for most radial line tests was 5.0 m;
of that for conventional high-pressure hydraulically driven machines were avail however, in some instances spacings of
sprinklers, and the pumping rate for either able for testing. 10.0 and 15.0 m were used. Depending
a low-pressure or high-pressure system, Water application distributions were upon the length of arc that was required
covering the same area, must be approx measured while each machine was operat to obtain a representative distribution,
imately the same. Therefore, the instan ing under normal field conditions, except 20-50 cans were used to obtain each cir
taneous application rate is much greater that the test periods were chosen so that the cular arc distribution.
for the low-pressure system than for the wind was relatively light. One-litre catch Thirty-two field tests were made, eight
high-pressure system. This high applica
tion rate can often lead to runoff and ineffi 40r
cient irrigation. In addition, for electri
cally driven machines, the distance trav
eled between stops by any tower of the e
center pivot system can be a significant E
fraction of the radius of throw of the spray
o 30
nozzles. This may also contribute to non UJ
uniform application of water. -j
The objectives of the work described CL
here were: <
(a) To determine, in the field, water
application distributions and uniformities 20 -
along radial and circular lines from low-
pressure center-pivot systems using spray <
(b) To simulate, by means of computer
modeling, field application distributions O
by numerically overlapping single nozzle X
distribution patterns obtained from labora r-

tory tests. Q_
(c) To use simulated distributions to cal Q
culateuniformityof applicationand poten
tial runoff. 0
IOO 200 300 400

Thispaper waspresented at the1984 Annual Meeting DISTANCE ALONG A RADIAL LINE, m

oftheCanadian Society of Agricultural Engineering,
19-23 August, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Paper no. Figure 1. Example of water application distribution taken along a radial line for a center-pivot
84-307. irrigation system.


E Single-nozzle distribution tests were
E carried out in the laboratory to determine
the water distributions from four types of
UJ spray nozzles operating at various pres
sures and heights above the ground sur
0^20 face. Type 1 nozzles were Nelson nozzles
with a flat spray plate; Type 2 were Rain-
bird with a flat spray plate; Type 3 were
rr Nelson with a convex spray plate; and
Type 4 were Nelson with a concave spray
plate. Details of these tests are given by
Thooyamani (1982). Field application dis
tributions were then simulated numeri
cally by overlapping patterns from the
laboratory tests.
x Chu and Moe (1972) have shown that
for a well-designed center-pivot system
UJ with a large number of nozzles, the flow
Q rate, Q, and the pressure, P, at any point in
the lateral can be defined by
0 4 8 12 16
Q = <2oO -x2) (1)
Figure 2. Example of water application distribution taken along a circular line for a center-pivot I5r
l - M -X3 + -X5 (2)
irrigation system. Po - Pe 8 L 3 5

where Q0 = flow rate at the pivot, P0 =

25 pressure at the pivot, Pe = pressure at the
E end of the lateral, L = length of the lat
E eral, s = distance along the lateral from
the pivot, andX = s/L. Equations 1 and 2
20 are valid only for a horizontal lateral of
uniform pipe diameter.
To simulate the movement of the center
Ol pivot lateral, it was assumed that the posi
< 15 COMPUTED tion of the lateral line could be modeled by
moving the end tower for a certain per
rr centage of a minute and that the maximum
UJ "out-of-alignment" for any intermediate
< tower was 1.0 m.
A computer program was developed to
calculate the time rate of application of
O water at any point in the field using the
nozzle sizes, lateral line pressure, and lat
X 5- eral line position. In addition to using the
Ql single sprinkler distributions obtained in
UJ the laboratory, simulations were carried
out using single sprinkler triangular and
JL elliptical distributions with the same areal
0 4 8 12 16 coverage and average application rate.
Distribution and Uniformity
Figure 3. Observed and computed application distributions along a circular line with a nozzle
Simulations were carried out for a
height of 3.7 m, a speed of rotation 40% of full speed and a distance from the pivot of
487 m.
number of systems using pivot rotational
speeds of 10-100% of maximum speed in
steps of 10%. Distributions were obtained
along radial lines and 24 along circular (UCC) for radial lines ranged from 82 to for radial lines and for circular arcs at 30,
lines. The average depths of application 88%, and for circular lines ranged from 81 60 and 90% of the lateral length from the
for the 32 tests ranged from 9.6 to 27.9 to 94%. Figures 1 and 2 show examples of pivot. Figure 3 is an example of the sim
mm, with an overall average of 15.2 mm. the distributions obtained from radial lines ulation for a circular arc. Figure 4 shows
The Christiansen uniformity coefficients and circular lines, respectively. the simulation for a radial line.


125 erally were about the same magnitude as
produced by the flatter elliptical pattern.
The shape of the application rate pattern at
a point is, for practical purposes, indepen
dent of the speed of rotation of the lateral.
It is only the time scale that changes with
speed. Figures 6 and 7 show average
application rates along the lateral when the
nozzles were assumed to be at two dif
ferent heights, 1.2 and 3.7 m. In these
cases, increasing the nozzle height from
1.2 to 3.7 m decreased the average appli
cation rates by approximately 40%.

Potential Runoff
Potential runoff is defined as the per
centage of total depth of water applied,
that is, applied when the application rate is
greater than the soil intake rate. For sim
ulation purposes, it was assumed that the
ponded water infiltration rate for the soil
could be described by the Kostiakov equa
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 tion


Figure 4. Predicted application distribution with nozzles operating at 3.7 m height (28.8 h per where / = infiltration rate under ponded
revolution at 100% speed). conditions, (mm/h), t = time since water
was first applied (h), and K and n are
coefficients dependent on the soil type. As
for much of the time (preferably all the
TRIANGULAR time) the application rate from the sprin
V PATTERN kler system is less than the infiltration rate,
Eq. 3 must be modified to take that into
account. The method used was that of
Cook (1946) and Kincaid et al. (1969) in
PATTERN which for nonponded conditions

/, - /

where /, = modified infiltration rate,

p = depth of water infiltrated under
ponded conditions, and Da = depth of
water actually infiltrated. Once ponding
reoccurs, the infiltration rate reverts to the
regular Kostiakov equation except that the
time is offset by a value Ar so that
/ = Kit - A0n (5)

satisfies the current infiltration rate, /m.

The rate equation that was assumed for
simulation purposes was
5 10 15 25 / = 14.3 f--46 (6)

TIME DURATION , min which corresponds to a medium textured

Figure 5. Predicted application rates using actual, triangular and elliptical spray patterns with a soil (sandy clay loam).
nozzle height of 3.7 m, a speed of rotation 30% of full speed and a distance from the Potential runoffs were calculated for a
pivot of 523 m. number of systems and operating speeds,
for various distances from the pivot. Table
I is an example for one system showing the
Application Rates In most cases the peak application rate for potential runoff as a percentage of the
Figure 5 shows an example of the actual patterns was less than that for the applied depth at various points away from
application rate at a fixed point as simu triangular pattern because the actual pat the pivot, and as a function of the speed of
lated using actual sprinkler patterns and tern generally had a doughnut shape. The rotation of the system. The bottom line of
assumed triangular and elliptical patterns. double peaks from the actual pattern gen Table I gives the percentage runoff for the


I25r off. The main factors that affect this objec
tive are:
(a) system pipe size, nozzle sizes, spac
ing and height, and operating pressure;
(b) distribution pattern from individual
(c) speed of rotation of machine around
the field;
(d) wind;
(e) crop canopy;
(0 infiltration rate characteristics of the
(g) topography; and
(h) ground surface condition (ability to
pond water).
Factors (a), (b), and (c) are essentially
' 'hardware" factors which can be charac
terized in sufficient detail by testing, so
that the water application from the system
can be described accurately. In some
cases, topography may have an effect on
this distribution if there are sufficient dif
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 ferences in field elevations that the pres
sure distribution in the lateral line is
DISTANCE ALONG A RADIAL LINE , m affected. However, if the topography is
known, it is still possible to take that into
Figure 6. Predicted average application rates along radial lines for four sprinkler types with consideration when simulating the distri
nozzles at 1.2 m height (28.8 h per revolution at 100% speed). bution from the system.
Wind is the one factor that distorts the
distribution pattern as it comes from the
system, and before it reaches the crop can
opy or the ground surface. Although wind
has a major effect on the ground distribu
tion it is extremely difficult to characterize
the effect as the distortion depends not
only on the wind speed and direction, but
also on the droplet size, nozzle height and
trajectory of the droplets as they leave the
Distortion of the distribution pattern by
wind can have a very marked effect on the
uniformity coefficient for the distribution.
This is especially so under prairie condi
tions. Although field tests and simulations
may indicate high uniformity, it is possible
that on an entire field basis, say a 60-ha
circle, the uniformity will be considerably
less, because of the distribution pattern
being distorted and shifted as the wind
changes speed and direction during the
time the system is making one revolution
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 of the field. Under these conditions there

DISTANCE ALONG A RADIAL LINE ,m may be some advantage in using small

depths of application as the irrigations
Figure 7. Predicted average application rates along radial lines for four sprinkler types with must be frequent and there is a reasonable
nozzles at 3.7 m height (28.8 h per revolution at 100% speed). probability that each time the machine is
situated at a particular point in the field,
the wind speed and direction will be dif
entire system. Figures 8 and 9 show the DISCUSSION ferent. Therefore, the accumulated dis
potential runoff at points away from the As with most irrigation systems, the tribution for a number of irrigations will be
pivot for nozzles at 1.2 and 3.7 m height, prime objective of operating a low-pres more uniform than for a distribution result
respectively. It is clear that increasing the sure center pivot system is to apply an ing from one equivalent depth irrigation.
nozzle height reduces the potential runoff adequate depth of water uniformly over The irrigation efficiency may be relatively
considerably. the field with a minimum amount of run poor, but the overall uniformity may be


Speed ofrevolution (b) becomes ponded at that point and
(m) 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
infiltrates at some later time;
(c) flows to some other point in the field
37 22.8 5.9 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
64 18.5 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
and infiltrates at some later time;
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
91 30.6 12.5 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
(d) flows off the field entirely and is lost
118 25.3 8.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 to drainage; or
145 18.5 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (e) evaporates after becoming ponded
172 21.4 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 somewhere in the field.
199 34.7 17.1 6.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
226 43.2 26.6 16.2 7.9 3.5 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
In most situations (e) can be neglected as it
253 44.2 28.3 16.8 9.2 4.7 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 has little effect on the distribution. Con
280 41.6 23.9 12.6 5.6 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 dition (d) is generally not significant for
307 42.6 25.4 14.9 8.3 4.7 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 most sprinkler systems. If it is significant,
334 42.1 23.3 13.1 6.2 2.9 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
361 44.0 25.6 13.5 8.1 3.9 0.9 0.0 0.0
there is something radically wrong with
0.0 0.0
388 49.4 34.9 23.4 14.4 9.5 5.9 3.3 1.1 0.0 0.0
the system and major changes must be
415 56.1 43.8 35.7 28.2 20.5 14.2 10.0 7.5 4.8 3.0 made in its design and/or operation. Con
442 54.4 40.8 32.8 24.9 18.4 12.4 8.3 4.4 1.5 0.1 ditions (b) and (c) are first of all dependent
469 52.8 38.4 29.4 21.0 13.3 8.2 5.3 2.8
496 52.0
0.9 0.0 upon the application rate and the infiltra
35.8 24.7 15.4 11.0 7.5 4.5 2.2 0.9 0.0
523 53.0 38.3 26.6 17.4 11.8 8.3 4.8 2.1 0.4
tion rate characteristics, but then become
550 56.0 42.8 31.4 23.7 16.7 11.5 7.6 4.0 1.7 0.0 very much dependent upon the topography
and the surface condition.
System 46.0 30.5 20.6 13.7 9.0 5.6 3.4 1.9 0.8 0.2 Hart (1972) has shown that the unifor
mity of water infiltrating at the ground
60 surface may be improved considerably if
the redistribution within the soil profile is
TYPE-2 taken into consideration. He shows exam
/ ples of a uniformity coefficient of 60% for
50 the water distribution at the ground surface
becoming 76 and 86% after redistribution
in the soil for 1 and 2 days, respectively.
The effect of redistribution within the soil
is, of course, much dependent upon the
. 40
spatial distance between above average
and below average applications.
O The results of the simulated tests show
O that good uniformity can be obtained by
30- proper spacing of the nozzles on the lat
eral, but the resulting application rate may
produce runoff. The application rate can
be reduced by increasing the height of the
z 20 nozzles but this may lead to greater wind
111 drift losses and reduced uniformity. From
o the simulations it would appear that it is
Q. feasible to calculate potential runoff for a
10 system if the infiltration characteristics of
the soil are known. However, potential
runoff does not take into consideration the
topography and surface conditions, which
are entirely site specific. Potential runoff is
only a measure of the amount of water that
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
is applied that may either pond or redis
DISTANCE ALONG A RADIAL LINE , m tribute on the surface due to the applica
tion rate being greater than the intake rate.
Figure 8. Potential runoff along radial lines for four sprinkler types with nozzles at 1.2 m height
and 30% speed of rotation (28.8 h per revolution at 100% speed).
improved by small applications. that it never reaches the ground surface. The water application distributions
Once the water reaches the crop canopy Although this interception is only of the along both radial and circular lines were
there may be some additional distortion of order of a few millimeters of water, it may determined for eight low-pressure center-
the distribution pattern; however, from a be quite significant when only small pivot sprinkler systems that were operat
practical standpoint, the main effect of the depths of water are being applied. ing under normal field conditions. The
canopy is to intercept some of the water so Water that reaches the ground surface at average application was 15.2 mm and all


CHU, S. T. and D. L. MOE. 1972. Hydraulics
of a center pivot system. Trans. ASAE (Am.
Soc. Agric. Eng.) 15(5): 894-896.
COOK, H. L. 1946. The infiltration approach
to calculation of surface runoff. Trans. Am.
Geophys. Union 27: 726-747.
HART, W. E. 1972. Subsurface distribution of
nonuniformly applied surface waters. Trans.
ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 15(4): 656-
661, 666.
E. G. KRUSE. 1969. Application rates and
runoff in center pivot sprinkler irrigation.
ASAE Trans. (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng) 12(6):
790-794, 797.
THOOYAMANI, K. P. 1982. Efficiency of
low pressure sprinkler irrigation systems.
M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Agricultural
Engineering, University of Saskatchewan,
Saskatoon, Sask.

= depth of water actually infiltrated
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 (mm).
Dn = depth of water infiltrated under
DISTANCE ALONG A RADIAL LINE f m ponded conditions (mm).
= infiltration rate under ponded condi
Figure 9. Potential runoff along radial lines for four sprinklertypes with nozzlesat 3.7 m height tions (mm/h).
and 30% speed of rotation (28.8 h per revolution at 100% speed). = modified infiltration rate (mm/h).
K = infiltration coefficient dependent on
the soil type (mm/hn).
UCC values were above 80%. to produce runoff. The application rate can L = length of the lateral (m).
A computer program was developed to be reduced by increasing the height of the n = infiltration coefficient dependent on
simulate the distribution from a center- nozzles but this may result in increased the soil type.
pivot system using single-nozzle distribu losses due to wind drift. Results from the = pressure at point s (kPa).
tions that had been determined in the labo simulations showed that the application = pressure at the pivot (kPa).
ratory. By assuming a particular infiltra rate was essentially independent of the = pressure at the end of the lateral
tion function for the soil, it was possible to rotational speed of the system. (kPa).
Q = flow rate at point s (L/sec).
use the program to determine potential
ACKNOWLEDGMENT = flow rate at the pivot (L/sec).
runoff for various operating conditions.
Financial aid by the Government of India to S = distance along the lateral from the
Simulation showed that it is possible to the first author is hereby acknowledged. This pivot (m).
obtain a high uniformity coefficient with work was supported by funds provided by the t = time since water was first applied (h).
any spray pattern provided the nozzles are Department of Supply and Services, Govern X = s/L.
spaced properly; however, the result may ment of Canada under contract OSU81-00005 At = time offset to make / equal to /m (h).
be an application rate that is great enough to the University of Saskatchewan.



R. W. Tossell1, W. T. Dickinson2, R. P. Rudra2, and G. J. Wall3

'Land Resource Science Department, and2School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2WI;
and 3Agriculture Canada, Ontario Institute of Pedology, Guelph, OntarioNIG 2WI
Received 2 September, 1986, accepted 27 January 1987

Tossell, R. W., W. T. Dickinson, R. P. Rudra, andG. J. Wall. 1987. A portable rainfall simulator. Can. Agric. Eng.
29: 155-162.

Anew portable rainfall simulator has been developed for both field and laboratory soil erosion research attheUniversity
of Guelph. Employing several low- to medium-flow-rate, full-jet nozzles in a continuous-spray design, the simulator is
capable of reproducing storm intensities ranging from 17.5 mm/h to inexcess of 200mm/h. Simulated rainfall intensity
varies with nozzle size, water pressure atthenozzle, and height ofthe nozzle above theplot surface. Uniformity of rainfall
intensity overa 1-m by 1-m plot averages 88.33% overallnozzles andsettings, with many nozzles producing averages over
90%. The simulator and support equipment are portable to the extent that they can be loaded onto a half-ton truck for
transport to the field.

INTRODUCTION downward flow spray simulators (Lyles number of new features to provide an
Rainfall simulation has become a very etal. 1969). improvement over the rotadisk system.
effective technique for assessing soil ero A number of rainfall and operational The GRS 11 is completely portable and can
sion, particle detachment, overland flow, characteristics, identified to be important be assembled at field locations with a mini
and chemical runoff (Meyer and Harmon for rainfall simulation for soil detachment mum of site disturbance. The continuous
1979; Bubenzer and Jones 1971; Turner and transport studies, have been docu spray generated by the small nozzle design
1965; Beasley et al. 1985). The benefits of mented by Bubenzer (1979), Meyer (1965, is also more physically realistic than the
using a rainfall simulation approach to soil 1979), and Mutchler and McGregor intermittent spray produced by the rotadisk
erosion research are well documented by (1979). These include: and some other simulator systems.
Meyer (1965), Neff (1979), and Molden- 1. Drop-size distribution similar to natu As noted briefly above, each rainfall
hauer (1979), with versatility being the ral rainfall given comparable rainfall simulator type meets only a subset of the
foremost advantage. Rainfall simulation intensities. desired criteria. Drop formers have a nar
provides control of precipitation charac 2. Drop impact velocity approximating row range of drop sizes, and a nonrandom,
teristics such as intensity, and spatial and terminal velocity of natural raindrops. biased, drop-size distribution. F-type
temporal frequency and duration in both 3. Rainfall intensity representing the designs are usually nonportable and are
field and laboratory studies (Pall et al. geographical region where studies are to susceptible to wind-sorting effects. Porta
1983). be conducted. bility is also a problem with many rotating
Several types and designs of rainfall 4. Uniform rainfall over the study area. and oscillating simulators. A noncon-
simulators have been proposed to meet the 5. Energy characteristics correspond tinuous spray, combined with a narrow
objectives of researchers. These objectives ing to natural rainfall for comparable range of drop sizes at all intensities are the
in turn have often dictated the type or intensities. major drawbacks of the rotating disk
design of simulator appropriate to the 6. Rainfall intensity continuous over the design. On the other hand, the continuous-
research studies. For example drop-former storm event. spray, single-nozzle simulators have not
simulators (Ellison and Pomerene 1944; 7. Storm pattern reproduction. been very useful for reproducing low
Adams et al. 1957; Chow and Harbaugh 8. Sufficient area of coverage. intensity storms, and do not readily allow
1965; Langford 1970; Black 1972) produce 9. Drop impact angle near vertical. the changing of intensity over the duration
a relatively uniform, narrow, drop-size 10. Site to site portability. of a simulated storm. However, a wide
distribution. These simulators are there ftill et al. (1983) have added that a sim range of nozzles are now available to re
fore suitable for studies of rainsplash or ulator should be efficient and simple to produce a variety of storm intensities.
particle detachment, where known homo operate to facilitate reliability. The purpose of this paper is to provide a
geneous drop-size characteristics are The Guelph Rainfall Simulator I (GRS I) summary of the design and development of
desired. Recent design improvements in was developed on the basis ofthe above list the GRS II rainfall simulator, including
sprinkler nozzles have greatly improved of criteria for both laboratory and field preliminary calibration results regarding
the drop characteristics produced by erosion research (Pall et al. 1983). It em simulated intensities and spatial unifor
nozzle-type simulators. A wide range of ploys a large-capacity wide-angle spray, mity. A thorough analysis of drop-size,
randomly-distributed drops are produced rotadisk system. The GRS I has proven to drop velocity, and energy and momentum
by such simulators, rendering the simu be very useful for laboratory studies; how characteristics will be presented in a sub
lated rainfall more comparable to natural ever, the system has not been sufficiently sequent paper.
rainfall. Devices employing nozzles portable to be readily used at various field
include: F-type simulators producing con locations. DEVELOPMENT AND
tinuous spray upward (Hart 1984; Meeu- A second rainfall simulator, desig DESCRIPTION OF THE GUELPH
wig 1969), rotating-boom and oscillating nated as the Guelph Rainfall Simulator II RAINFALL SIMULATOR II
simulators (Luk and Morgan 1981; Meyer (GRS II), has been developed. This sim In light of the merits and shortcomings
1979), rotadisk simulators (Morin et al. ulator incorporates many of the good of the various simulator types, a new con
1967; Pall et al. 1983), and continuous qualities of the original simulator, with a tinuous-spray simulator design has been


1 Water barrel
2 Pump system
3 Plot boundary
4 Nozzle
5 On-off valve
6 Pressure gauge
7 Pipe
8 Ingoing hose
9 Return line hose
10 Support poles
11 Clamps
12 Support cables
13 Clips

Figure 1. Rainfall simulator assembly.

selected and developed for both field and TABLE I. SPECIFICATIONS FOR NOZZLES EMPLOYED IN GRS II DESIGN
laboratory soil erosion studies at the Uni
Flowrate capacity at
versity of Guelph. Special attention has
specific pressure (kPa) Spray angle

been given to the portability ofthe system, (L/min) (degrees)

Nozzle Orifice diam.
simple operational features, and cost. A
number (mm) (inches) 34.5 48.3 69.0 103.4 137.9 275.8 34.5 69.0 275.8
schematic ofthe GRS II system is shown in
1/8GG 2.8W 1.588 1/16 NAt NA 1.06 1.25 1.44
Fig. 1, and a photograph of the field set-up 2.32 NA 120 120
1/8GG 4.3W 1.984 5/64 NA NA 1.63 1.93 2.20 3.59 NA 120 120
is given in Fig. 2. 1/4GG 10W 2.778 7/64 2.80 3.26 3.79 4.54 5.30 8.18 112 120 120
The GRS II has a downward-oriented, 1/4GG 14W 3.572 9/64 3.79 4.54 5.30 6.44 7.19 11.82 114 120 120
single-nozzle, continuous-spray design, 3/8GG 20W 4.366 11/64 5.68 6.44 7.57 9.09 10.22 16.82 114 120 121
employing a selection of low- to medium- 1/2HH 30W 5.556 7/32 8.33 9.84 11.36 13.63 15.52 25.00 114 120 121

flow-rate, fulljet nozzles (Spraying Sys

tems Co., Wheaton, 111.). Six nozzles with tNot available.
Note: Nozzle specifications are supplied by the manufacturer.
a full-cone spray angle of 120 (at 70 kPa),
including the 1/8GG 2.8W, 1/8GG 4.3W,
1/4GG 10W, 1/4GG 14W, 3/8GG 20W and Pressure in the system can be adjusted ulator and back to a 210 L water storage
the 1/2HH 30W nozzles (Spraying Sys by a pressure regulator, and by applying barrel.
tems Industrial Catalog 27), have been back pressure on the outflow end of the The unique, light-weight support sys
selected to provide a range of rainfall simulator system by means of a Janesbury tem consists of two 2.54-cm- (1-inch)
intensities. Table I illustrates the nozzle clincher "shut-off" valve (Type: 1.9 cm diameter galvanized pipes, 2.25 m in
specifications. Water is supplied through a 21-1136-TT-O supplied by Janesbury Cor length (divided into two sections for porta
1.25-cm (1/2-inch) galvanized pipe, by a poration, Worcester, Mass. Another Janes bility), supported by vinyl-coated, gal-
1475 L/h rotary gear pump. bury clincher valve has been used adjacent vanized-steel guide lines, producing a
A high-pressure gauge (1400 kPa) mea to the nozzle to facilitate accurate control tent-like structure. Steel stakes are used to
sures water pressure originating at the of spray timing and to eliminate nozzle anchor the guide lines. Dual, adjustable
pump, while a second gauge (200 kPa) drip problems. For more convenient con clamps are employed to facilitate adjust
monitors the pressure at the nozzle. The trol of spray timing, a solenoid valve can ment of the simulator height (Fig. 1).
pump is driven by a 0.75 kW, 220-V, 1725- be employed in place ofthe manual control Under field conditions, simulation is
rpm motor, which, in turn, is driven by a valve. Rubberized garden hose distributes conducted over a 1-m by 1-m plot. Three,
3000-W gasoline-powered generator. water from the pump system to the sim 1-m by 0.1-m, 16-gauge, galvanized,


thus greatly speeding up the calibration
process. The only drawback to decreasing
the number of containers is the accuracy of
the estimate for overall plot average rain
fall intensity. Covering the entire plot area
with gauges would yield the most accurate
estimate of rainfall intensity; however,
time efficiency necessitated reducing the
number to a manageable figure. The
1 jM '%k
reduction in the number of gauges from 49
to 17 represented a difference in measure
ments of 1and 3% for intensity and unifor
mity, respectively.
Uniformity of rainfall application was
determined using a procedure developed
by Christiansen (1942). The Christiansen
method is somewhat of a unwritten stan
dard procedure for determining the overall
uniformity of rainfall application over the
study area (plot area). As is the case with
the intensity measurements, the number
and also the size of the gauges will ulti
mately affect the results of the uniformity
trials. An in-depth look at uniformity of
application would involve several small
gauges covering the entire plot area. This
can be extremely time consuming, and the
amount of information obtained is offset
by the time involved. Conversely, a few
large gauges covering the entire plot area
may lead to misleading results. Therefore,
it is more informative to use small gauges
equally spaced throughout the plot area,
than it is to use the same number of large
gauges covering the whole plot. Unifor
mity of rainfall application, often referred
Figure 2. Photograph of the Guelph Rainfall Simulator II in the field. to as uniformity coefficient, was deter
mined by the following Christiansen
(1942) equation:
sheet-metal strips are used to delineate the placed throughoutthe plotarea as shownin
plot boundary and to provide adequate pro Fig. 4. The volume of simulated rainfall
tection against any rainsplash entering the collected in each gauge was recorded
UC = 100 (1.0 - X \x,\/mn) (2l

study area from outside the plot. At the according to its position within the plot
base of the plot, a galvanized steel trough area (recorded by gauge number). Average where UC is the uniformity coefficient as a
(with cover) channels runoff water and rainfall intensity over the plot was deter percentage; jc, is the deviation from the
sediment through a sieve system into a mined by the following equation: mean value m; and n is the number of
collection apparatus (Fig. 3). observations or gauges employed. Two
The simulator, water supply system, / =10 [(2 VjAf)/n) x60/rj (I) replications were conducted for each inten
generator, and all related facilities are suf sity/uniformity trial, and a third replicate
ficiently portable to be loaded onto a half- where /p is the plot-average intensity was added when observations from the first
ton truck and transported from the labora (mm/h); Vt is the volume in the ith gauge two replicates were dissimilar. Simulated
tory to field sites. (cm3); Ag is the gauge collection area rainfall intensity and uniformity measure
(cm2); / is the time of each run in (min); ments were determined for simulation runs
AREAL UNIFORMITY AND and n is the number of gauges; the coeffi of 20-min duration.
INTENSITY CALIBRATION cient 10 converts measurements from cm/h
Performance tests regarding rainfall to mm/h. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
intensity and areal rainfall uniformity over Collection containers of the same size Rainfall intensity and uniformity were
the plot area were conducted as described were used (i.e., 108-mm-diameterby 178- observed to be dependent upon nozzle
by Pall et al. (1983). The procedure mm-high cylindrical cans); however, the size, water pressure at the nozzle, and the
involved placing collection apparatus or number of cans was reduced to 17 from 49, height of the nozzle above the plot surface.
gauges throughout the target area of and they were placed in strategic positions Each nozzle was tested using operating
application, and taking a representative within the calibration area, as shown in pressures of 48.3, 69.0 and 96.5 kPa;
sample of simulated rainfall. In the case of Fig. 4. The reduced number of containers while the distance from the nozzle to the
the GRS II, the 1-m by 1-m plot was the helped to decrease the time needed for plot was varied from 0.8 m to 1.7 m in
target area. The collection gauges were calibration by a factor of 6 for each run, increments of 0.1 m or 0.2 m. The 1/8






Plot boundary
U 1\ Plot surface
interface or 'lip'
4 Collection trough
5 Collection trough cover
6 Collection pit
7 Collection system
8 Sieves
SIDE VIEW 9 Sieve support
Collection bucket

Figure 3. Field plot system for rainfall simulator.

2.8-W nozzle was not tested at the 48.3 The larger nozzles (i.e. the 3/8-, 1/2-inch With the exception of a few anomalies
kPa pressure because the specified mini nozzles) provided the largest range of (i.e. the 1/8 2.8-W nozzle and 1/8 4.3-W
mum operating pressure was 69.0 kPa. The intensity with changes in height. This nozzle at 48.3 kPa), an increase in water
1/2 30-W nozzle was not tested at 96.5 kPa effect was more evident at the lower pressure at the nozzle increased rainfall
because rainfall intensities were consid heights with the rate of change in intensity intensity. The smaller 1/8-inch nozzles,
ered to be unrealistically high for Ontario decreasing with increasing height. Inten however, showed a small change in inten
conditions. Not all heights were tested for sity tended to level off with nozzle heights sity with pressure. In fact, the 1/8 2.8-W
every nozzle type because of several over above 1.7 m for the 1/8 2.8-W and 1/8 4.3- nozzle at 96.5 kft* and the 1/8 4.3-W
lapping rainfall intensities. In such cases a W nozzles, while the intensities generated nozzle at 69.0 kPa produced lower inten
coarser increment of nozzle height (i.e. by the larger nozzles leveled out at greater sities than the corresponding lower pres
0.2 m) was used. Results ofthe intensity/ heights. Results were not presented for sures. Originally it was hoped that the 1/8
uniformity trials are shown in Table II. nozzle settings above 1.7 m in height 2.8-W nozzle would produce intensities
With the exception of the 1/8 2.8-W because of the leveling out of intensities down to 10.0 mm/h, but the lowest inten
nozzle, the rainfall intensity increased with some nozzles. Furthermore, opera sity attained was 20.7 mm/h. The 1/8
with increasing nozzle size. The smaller tion of the simulator above the 2.0-m 4.3-W nozzle produced the lowest inten
flow-rate nozzles (i.e. the 1/8-inch height becomes functionally more diffi sity of 17.5 mm/h.
nozzles) showed the smallest range in cult, and the spray distribution becomes The various combinations of nozzle
intensity as a function of nozzle height. more susceptible to wind-sorting effects. size, nozzle height, and water pressure


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'5 3 'S 3 ai 3 Z
4 - -H- &00
provide a broad range of simulated rainfall
intensities. Figure 5 summarizes the
range: the 1/8 4.3-W, 1/4 10-W, 1/4 14-W
and 3/8 20-W nozzles provide a range of
intensities from 17.0 mm/h to 110.0 mm/h;
and the 1/2 30-W nozzle produces higher
rainfall intensities, ranging from approx
imately 140.0 mm/h to 215.0 mm/h. A gap
exists between 110.0 mm/h and 140.0
mm/h, where the production of rainfall
intensities for the 3/8 20-W and 1/2 30-W
nozzles did not overlap. However, this gap
is not a major concern with this simulator
design, because new nozzles with inter
mediate flow rates are available (e.g.
3/8GG 24-W and 3/8GG 27-W nozzles)
1 m and can be calibrated quickly. The wide
range of rainfall intensities possible with
the GRS II provides a great deal of flex
ibility in the development stages of erosion
research employing rainfall simulation.
Uniformity of simulated rainfall appli
cation revealed no distinct relationship
with either nozzle water pressure or nozzle
size, as shown in Fig. 6. This result is in
contrast to the observations found by Pall
et al. (1983) which revealed that pressure
was the primary factor in determining the
uniformity coefficient for the GRS I. On
an individual nozzle basis, only the 3/8
Diameter of rainfall gauge 0.108 m 20-W nozzle indicated any increased uni
Figure 4. Distribution of rainfall gauges for intensity and uniformity calibration. formity with an increase in pressure. The
Nozzle Water
220 H
Size Pressure

200 X " 1/2 30W 48.3 kPa

A - 3/8 20W 96.5 kPa
0 - 1/4 14W 96.5 kPa
+ - 1/4 10W 48.3 kPa
n - 1/8 43W 96.5 kPa
\ 160
140 X


c 80


20 4

0 T T~ I I I 1 1 1
0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70
Height (m)
Figure 5. Range of rainfall intensities produced by the GRS II.


91 -

90 ~

89 -

c 88 -

87 -

86 -

85 - Nozzle \\
c Water \\
Pressure \\
84 -

D - 48.3 kPa \\
83 - -F - 69.0 kPa Ml
0 - 96.5 kPa ^
Ave V
82 -

81 - I 1 I I I i '

1/8 2,8W 1/8 4,3W 1/4 10W 1/4 14W 3/8 20W 1/2 30W
Nozzle Size

Figure 6. Average uniformity coefficients for all nozzles used with the GRS II.

larger nozzles (i.e. the 1/2 30-W and 3/8 research needs. Toprovidea wide range of distribution which is too narrow to be con
20-W)exhibited a slight increase in unifor rainfall intensities, three nozzles will sidered as a representation of natural rain
mity with nozzle height, whereas the re cover many research requirements. The fall for the same given intensity based on
maining nozzles showed no distinct rela 1/8 4.3-W nozzle will provide relatively preliminary investigations into drop size
tionship between rainfall uniformity and low rainfall intensities, while giving rea measurements. Even with an increase in
height. sonably consistent uniformity coeffi dropvelocities associated with an increase
The 1/4 14-W nozzle had the highest cients. Intermediate intensities can be in nozzle water pressure, the increased
average uniformity coefficient of 90.78%, covered with nozzles such as the 1/4 14-W velocity effect is offset by a reduction in
and the 1/2 30-W nozzle produced the or 3/8 20-W. Higher rainfall rates, such as theproportion of larger drops which make
lowest at 81.49% (averaged over all thunderstorms, can be produced with the up a large percentage of the rainfalls ero
heights andpressures). Otheraverage uni 1/2 30-W nozzle. If there is an option, sive characteristics.
formity coefficients were 89.93, 89.47, choosing between one of two nozzles, the
89.34 and 85.47% for the 1/8 4.3-W, 1/4 larger nozzle is recommended because of
10-W, 3/8 20-W, and the 1/8 2.8-W the widerdrop sizedistributions produced. The Guelph Rainfall Simulator II em
nozzles, respectively. The most inconsis The simulators nozzle height above the ploys a continuous, downward-flow wide-
tent nozzle proved to be the 1/8 2.8-W at study area, should be kept within func angle full-jet nozzle spray system which is
69.0 kPa, producing uniformities which tional limits, such as 1.0-2.0 m. It is suitable for both field and laboratory
ranged from 80.45 to 92.80% (Table II). suggested, however, that if drop velocities research. A selection of low- to medium-
All other nozzles had uniformity coeffi are of importance, the greater heights are flow-rate nozzles provides a goodrange of
cientranges of less than 7%. Average uni recommended. The increase in fall height, rainfall intensities and uniformity charac
formity for all nozzles and settings was will increase individual drop velocities. teristics. The simulator is completely por
88.33%. Operational nozzle water pressure table for field experimentation, and can be
In terms of uniformity of rainfall should also be kept within certain limits. transported in a half-ton truck. Thecontin
application, the GRS II outperformed its Pressures ranging from 45 to 100 kP& are uous-spray, random-drop distribution pat
predecessor, the GRS I, by approximately recommended. The smaller nozzles (1/8 tern is superior to the intermittent spray
4% on average. The uniformities of ap 2.8-W and 1/8 4.3-W) will not provide a pattern providing a closer representation of
proximately 90%are among the highest of full 120 spray angle and may yield low the natural rainfall phenomenon.
any presented in the literature. uniformity coefficients if nozzle pressures The simulator design provides a flex
The GRS II rainfall simulator has the are below 45 kPa. Conversely, pressures in ibility that renders it suitable for a wide
potential to accommodate a wide range of excess of 100 kPa will produce a drop size variety of research applications. To sup-

plement the great range of nozzle sizes, 309-329. in northern Utah. J. Range Manage. 23:
combinations of nozzle heights above the BUBENZER, G. D. 1979. Inventory of rainfall 185-188.

study surface and nozzle water pressures simulators. Rainfall Simulator Workshop MEYER, L. D. 1965. Simulation of rainfall for
Tucson, Arizona., Agric. Review Manual soil erosion research. Trans. ASAE (Am.
will provide other desirable rainfall
ARM-W-10. pp. 120-130. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 8: 63-65.
characteristics. However, the combination
BUBENZER, G. D. and B. A. JONES, Jr. MEYER, L. D. and W. C. HARMON. 1979.
of such variables will ultimately depend on 1971. Drop size and impact velocity effects Multiple intensity rainfall simulation for ero
the objectives of individual research on the detachment of soils under rainfall sim sion research on row sideslopes. Trans.
projects. ulation. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 22:100-103.
Eng.) 14: 625-628. MEYER, L. D. 1979. Methods of attaining
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CHOW, V. R. and T. E. HARBAUGH. 1965. desired characteristics in rainfall simulation.
The authors would like to thank D. Beals for Raindrop production for laboratory water Rainfall Simulator Workshop Tucson, Ari
his constructive suggestions with the initial shed experimentation. J. Geophys. Res. 70: zona. Agric. Review Manual ARM-W-10.
simulator design. Special appreciation is 6111-6119. pp. 35-44.
extended to B. K. Hohner, I. J. Shelton, CHRISTIANSEN, J. E. 1942. Irrigation by MOLDENHAUER, W. C. 1979. Rainfall simu
E. E. Vaughan and B. G. Johnson for their sprinkling. University of California Agric. lation as a research tool. Rainfall Simulator
helpful suggestions regarding the development Exp. Sta. Bull. 670. Workshop Tucson, Arizona. Agric. Review
of the simulator and the calibration procedure. ELLISON, W. D. and W. H. POMERENE Manual ARM-W-10. pp. 90-95.
Development funds were provided by the 1944. A rainfall applicator. Agric. Eng. 25: MORIN, J., D. GOl DBERG, and I. SEGINER.
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the 220. 1967. A rainfall simulator with a rotating
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research HART, G. E. 1984. Erosion from simulated disk. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.)
Council and Agriculture Canada (Great Lakes rainfall on mountain rangeland in Utah. J. 10: 74-79.
Working Group). Soil Water Conserv. 39: 330-334. MUTCHLER, C. K. and K. C. McGREGOR.
LANGFORD, K. J. 1970. A review of designs 1979. Geographical differences in rainfall.
REFERENCES for simulators. University of Melbourne. Rainfall Simulator Workshop Tucson, Ari
ADAMS, J. E., D. KIRKHAM, and P. P. Agric. Eng. Rep. 17. zona Agric. ReviewManual ARM-W-10. pp
NEILSEN. 1957. A portable infiltrometer LUK, S. andC. MORGAN. 1981. Spatial vari 8-16.
and physical assessment of soil in place. Soil ations of rainwash and runoff within appar NEFF, E. L. 1979. Why rainfall simulation?
Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 21: 473-477. ently homogeneous areas. Catena 8: Rainfall Simulator Workshop Tucson, Ari
BEASLEY, D. B., E. J. MONKE, E. R. MIL 383-402. zona.,- Agric. Review Manual ARM-W-10.
LER, and L. F. HUGGINS. 1985. Using LYLES, L., A. DISRUD, and W. P. WOOD pp. 3-7.
simulation to assess the impacts of con RUFF. 1969. Effectsof soil physical proper PALL, R., W. T. DICKINSON, D. BEALS,
servation tillage on movement of sediment ties, rainfall characteristics and wind and R. McGIRR. 1983. Development and
and phosphorus into Lake Erie. J. Soil Water velocity on clod disintegration by rainfall calibration of a rainfall simulator. Can.
Conserv. 40: 233-237. simulation. Soil Sci. Am. Proc. 33: Agric. Eng. 25: 181-187.
BLACK, P. E. 1972. Hydrograph responses to 195-205. TURNER, A. K. 1965. The simulation of rain
geomorphic model watershed characteristics MEEUWIG, R. O. 1969. Infiltration and soil fallsfor studiesin overland flow. J. Inst. Eng.
and precipitation variables. J. Hydrol. 17: erosion as influenced by vegetation and soil Austr. 37:9-15.



A. Rousseau1, W. T. Dickinson2, and R. P. Rudra2

'Department ofAgricultural Engineering,Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-5701; and 2School of
Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1
Received 12 August 1986, accepted 4 February 1987

Rousseau, A., W. T. Dickinson, and R. P. Rudra. 1987. Evaluation of best management practices to control
phosphorus nonpoint sourcepollution. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 163-168.

The Guelph model for evaluating the effects of Agricultural Management Systems on Erosion, Sedimentation and
Phosphorus yields (GAMESP) has been used toevaluate potential reductions in downstream sediment and phosphorus
loadings from agricultural land when best management practices are applied on problem areas of a small Ontario
agricultural watershed. This paper introduces a brief overview of different means of controlling phosphorus nonpoint
source pollution, and reveals that best management practices using a crop residue cover such as no-till and spring
moldboard plowing can potentially reduce downstream phosphorus loadings, attributed tosheet and rill erosion during the
hydrologically active spring period byas much as 83 and 74%, respectively, when compared to fall moldboard plowing
without a crop residue cover.

INTRODUCTION pollution is to select and use a deter load by the amount of soil-derived particu
In 1970, the International Joint Com ministic watershed model. GAMESP, the late phosphorus in overland runoff, using
mission reported to the Governments of Guelph model for evaluating the effects of the average total phosphorus con
Canada and the United States that 72% of agricultural management systems on ero centration ofthe surface soil (10 mm), the
the phosphorus inputs to Lakes Erie and sion, sedimentation and phosphorus yields potential soil loss, the sediment delivery
Ontario was from municipal sources, 7% was developed by Rousseau et al. (1985) ratio, and the phosphorus enrichment
from industrial sources, and 21% from and has been used for the delineation of ratio. This concept is based on the hypoth
agricultural sources. In the past 15 yr, seasonal source areas of sediment and esis that most, if not all, ofthe phosphorus
since phosphorus inputs from municipal phosphorus attributed to sheet and rill ero carried in overland runoff is derived from
and industrial sources have been reduced sion in small agricultural watersheds. The soil particles detached from the land sur
by advanced waste water treatments, model is easy to use and makes use of face by sheet and rill erosion. The result
phosphorus from agricultural sources limited amounts of readily available data ing seasonal phosphorus load at the outlet
(nonpoint sources) have received a great bases and of easily quantifiable physical ofthe watershed is calculated by summing
deal of attention. Phosphorus is recog and hydrological watershed charac up all predicted cell-to-stream phosphorus
nized to be the nutrient limiting the pro teristics. The model is based on the dis loads.
duction of plant biomass in surface waters cretization of a watershed into land and This paper introduces a brief overview
(Lee 1973; Lee et al. 1978); hence, non- stream cells of various shapes. Each land of different means of controlling phos
point sources of phosphorus have been cell is a field-sized cell with homogeneous phorus nonpoint source pollution, and
identified to be the main cause of surface characteristics of land use, soil type and presents an application of GAMESP to
water pollution (Myers 1986). Inputs of class of slope. This modelling approach evaluate the potential reductions in down
phosphorus from agricultural sources have offers an excellent means to define and stream sediment and phosphorus loadings
been observed to be mainly associated evaluate the implementation of different from cropland areas when selected best
with sediments (Miller et al. 1982; Nelson environmental management strategies on management practices (i.e. a combination
and Logan 1983) carried by cropland specific sites of an agricultural watershed. of land management practices) are applied
runoff during the spring period (Coote et The GAMESP model consists of two on problem areas of a small Ontario agri
al. 1982), consequently, it is expected that major components: the potential soil loss/ cultural watershed.
land management practices prescribed to sedimentation component and the phos
reduce sediment loadings to surface waters phorus component. The potential soil loss/ BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES
would reduce phosphorus nonpoint source sedimentation component estimates for Land management practices that can be
pollution (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers each land cell the seasonal potential soil used to control phosphorus nonpoint
1982). However, since sediment loadings loss, using a seasonal application of the source pollution and that are socially and
are spatially and temporarily variable, it universal soil loss equation, and the subse economically acceptable are termed "best
becomes a major task to identify which quent seasonal amount of sediment deliv management practices" (BMP). The types
erodible land in an agricultural watershed ered to the adjacent downstream land cell of best management practices that are
requires alternative land management and to the downstream stream cell, using a technically feasible and socially and eco
practices from the perspective of down seasonal sediment delivery ratio function. nomically acceptable are limited. Best
stream water quality impacts (Ogg and Based on the assumption that no instream management practices have been grouped
Pionke 1986). sedimentation processes occur, the sea by Baker and Johnson (1983) into those
One cost-effective approach to identify sonal sediment load at the outlet of the which reduce: (i) the volume ofthe carrier
seasonal source areas of sediment-associ watershed is estimated by summing up all (amount of sediments or runoff volume),
ated phosphorus and to investigate the predicted cell-to-stream sediment loads. (ii) the phosphorus concentration in the
impact of alternative land management The phosphorus component predicts for carrier, or (iii) the delivery from the field
practices on phosphorus nonpoint source each land cell the seasonal phosphorus to surface waters.


The volume of the carrier from the field strip tillage, (ii) winter cover crops, (iii) 1986) have observed that extractable-
can be reduced by use of conservation conservation cropping systems (rotations) phosphorus soil test values are generally
tillage practices, contouring practices, and (iv) critical area planting. much higher with conservation tillage (no-
close-grown crops and tile drainage. The The erosion control provided by con till) than with plowing. With plowing,
phosphorus concentration in the carrier servation tillage nearly always results in a concentrations of extractable phosphorus
can be decreased by the incorporation of reduction of total losses of phosphorus rel are approximately uniform to the max
chemical fertilizer in the soil surface, the ative to losses with conventional tillage imum depth of cultivation (20 cm). Drew
application of chemical fertilizer during (fall moldboard plowingfollowed by seed and Saker (1978) have also observed that
the spring period and the application of bed preparation). Decreases in total phos with no-till, the concentration of extracta
chemical fertilizer during a dry period. phorus loss are less than the decreases in ble phosphorus in the first 2.5 cm of soil is
The delivery from the field to surface soil erosion because phosphorus enrich more than 50% greater than with plowing,
waters can be diminished by the imple ment ratios associated with conservation but the degree of increase is highly vari
mentation of terraces, grassed waterways tillage systems are greater than phos able. Further, they pointed out that below
and vegetative filter strips. phorus enrichment ratios associated with 10 cm, the concentration falls to about
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conventional tillage systems (Logan and 25% of that in the plowed soil.
(1982), in its final report on The Lake Erie Adams 1981; Logan and Forster 1982). The aforementioned overview of best
Wastewater Management Study, focussed Logan and Adams (1981) have defined a management practices has focussed on the
on cultural and land management practices coefficient of phosphorus reduction effi use of conservation tillage systems as
as cost-effective means of reducing Lake ciency as the ratio of the actual reduction means of reducing phosphorus loadings
Erie phosphorus nonpoint source pollu in total particulate phosphorus to the actual from erosional or cropland sources.
tion. The practices in this category deal reduction in sediment delivered. In their Results of conservation tillage studies
principally with cultural and land manage study, they have indicated that on average (Romkens et al. 1973; McDowell and
ment decisions made by land owner, oper the coefficient of phosphorus reduction McGregor 1984; Mueller et al. 1983;
ator and user. The land management efficiency is in the order of 0.89. The Angle et al. 1984) have suggested that: (i)
practices are most suitable when phos coefficient of phosphorus reduction effi conservation tillage systems are expected
phorus losses from a watershed are domi ciency is less than 1, since reductions in to greatly decrease sediment and phos
nated by cropland or erosional sources. sediment and particulate phosphorus phorus losses to surface waters, (ii) the
These practices primarily affect the soil losses resulted in greater phosphorus concentrations of extractable phosphorus
surface and its protection from the impact enrichment ratios. of the surface soil are likely to increase
of falling raindrops. The practices have Several authors (Shear and Moschler with the implementation of conservation
been classified by the U.S. Army Corps of 1969; Triplett and Van Doran 1969; Drew tillage systems and (iii) the main effect of
Engineers as follows: (i) conservation and Saker 1978, 1980; Oloya and Logan conservation tillage systems on phos
tillage, i.e. no-till, reduced tillage, and 1980; Ketcheson 1980; O'Halloran et al. phorus loadings to surface waters is to


Water Survey (
of Canada Downie Township \
Station 02GD01& '' . Demonstration
South Easthope TownshipL_-Watershecj

0 1 2 3 4 5 km.

Figure 1. Location of the Stratford/Avon Demonstration Watershed in the Avon River Basin.
(After Stratford Avon River Environmental Management Project 1983.)


significantly decrease the phosphorus outlet 163 t of sediment and 257 kg of applied to problem areas of the study
yield from agricultural land with a coeffi phosphorus (i.e., 1.6 g of phosphorus per watershed, a variety of sets of input data
cient of phosphorus reduction efficiency 1000g of sediment) have been estimated to have been developed in accordance with
close to one. bedelivered at the watershed outlet during selected land management scenarios. The
the February through May period (Rous selected land management scenarios
STUDY AREA AND FARMING seau 1985). This initial application of included: (i) fall moldboard plowing with
PRACTICES GAMESP has revealed that: (i)the spatial maximum or without crop residues left on
The Stratford/Avon Demonstration variability of cell-to-stream phosphorus the field, (ii) spring moldboard plowing
Watershed has been selected as the study yield reflected the spatial variability of with maximum or without crop residues
area. This study watershed of 5.37 km2 is cell-to-stream sediment yield(Figs. 2 and left on the field, (iii) conservation tillage,
located in North Easthope Township, 3), and (ii) mostofthe phosphorus load to i.e. planting the crop with a minimum of
Perth County, within the 165-km2 Avon stream emanated from steeply sloped corn seedbed disturbance in the remaining resi
River Basin (Fig. 1),a subwatershed ofthe and small grain fields located near the dues of the previous crop by a coulter,
North Thames Basin in Southwestern drainage channel. single chisel, or similar tool with seed
Ontario. The land is distinctlyrolling. The In this study, to illustrate the potential placement at the same time and (iv) cross-
predominant soil in the watershed is silt reductions in downstream sediment and slope farming with fall moldboard plow
loam (79% ofthe area); some clay loams, phosphorus loadings from agricultural ing without crop residues left on the field.
loams, and sandy loams are also present. land when best management practices are Each land management scenario has been
The agricultural activities ofthe area are
mostly livestock based, including swine,
beef and dairy operations. Cropping prac STRATFORD/AVON
tices reflect the emphasis on livestock DEMONSTRATION WATERSHED
operations, with rotations of hay/grain/ - SEDIMENT LOAD FROM CELL TO STREAM
corn or hay/grain being preferred. Contin 1983 spring conditions
uous row cropping with corn is the next
most frequent system. For the 1983 crop
year the percentages of the watershed in
corn fields, hay/pasture fields, small grain
fields, and woodlot were 48, 23, 15 and
14%, respectively.
An almost universal tillage practice in
the watershed is fall plowing with a mold- 1 km
board plow. Another popular practice in
the fall involves either discing or cultivat
ing prior to or following plowing. Second
ary tillage in the spring usually involves
two or three passes with a cultivator. The
use of fertilizers in the spring season is
another universal practice throughout the
watershed. The average drainage density
of the watershed is 6.5 m ha- {.

To explore the potential impact of best
management practices during the hydro-
logically active spring period in South
western Ontario, GAMESP was first used
to identify the source areas of sediment INTERVALS C t ]
and phosphorus delivery to surface waters
of the Stratford/Avon Demonstration
Watershed for the 1983 spring season 0.50-1.24
(Rousseau et al. 1985). The application of 1.25-2.49
GAMESP involved: (i) the discretization 2.50 -4.99
of the study watershed into land and >5.00
stream cells, (ii) the determination of the
drainage network of each cell to the water
shed outlet, (iii) the quantification for each
cell ofthe input parameters required by the
model, and (iv) the estimation of sediment
and phosphorus loads at the watershed out
let (attributed to sheet and rill erosion from
cropland for the season under considera
tion). From water discharge, sediment and Figure 2. Spatial variability of cell-to-stream sedimentyield in the Stratford/Avon Demonstra
phosphorus data collected at the watershed tion Watershed for the 1983 spring conditions.


applied on corn and small grain fields, and
has required adjustments in the following
seasonal parameters: crop and manage
DEMONSTRATION WATERSHED ment factor Cs, manningroughness coeffi
PHOSPHORUS LOAD FROM CELL TO STREAM- cient ns, and NaHC03-extractable phos
1983 spring conditions phorus concentration of the surface soil
APS (Table 1). The crop and management
factor Cs was computed according to pro
cedures proposed by Cook et al. (1985)
and Wischmeier and Smith (1978). For
corn fields (silage corn and grain corn) and
small grain fields a good productivity level
was assumed when the crop and manage
ment factor was estimated. Hence, for
1 Urn
corn fields the crop residue cover was
assumed to be the same for silage corn and
grain corn fields. The Manning roughness
coefficient, ns, was modified according to
Cook et al. (1985). When conservation
tillage practices were simulated, the
NaHC03-extractable phosphorus of the
surface soil APS was increased by 30% to
account for surface applied fertilizer
(Drew and Saker 1978, 1980). A support
practice factor (Ps) was used to represent
cross-slope farming and was taken into
account by multiplying the crop and man
agement factor Cs by a value of 0.6
(Wischmeier and Smith 1978).
INTERVALS Ckg] The selected land management sce
narios were applied in a first series of
0.00 - 0.49 simulation runs on all corn and small grain
0.50-1.24 fields found in the watershed. In a second
1.25 - Z49 series of simulation runs, the selected land
management scenarios were applied on
2.50 - 4.99
corn and small grain fields located in prob
^5.00 lem areas of the watershed. The problem
areas were defined according to van Vliet
et al. (1978)and Dickinson et al. (1983) by
cells having a gross spring erosion rate
greater than 2.5 t ha-' or a cell-to-stream
spring sediment delivery rate greater than
1 t ha ~'. The problem areas represented
45% of the watershed area. Since fall
Figure3. Spatial variability of cell-to-stream phosphorus yieldintheStratford/Avon Demonstra moldboard plowing with crop residues
tion Watershed for the 1983 spring conditions.
removed was the universal tillage practice
GRAIN FIELDS year, it was taken as the basic reference
level for the determination of potential
Land management Silage corn fields Small grain fields
reductions in downstream sediment and
scenarios cst nsX APJ cs "s APS phosphorus loadings.
Fall moldboard plowing
Without crop residues 0.503 0.07 21.0 0.335 0.04 21.0
residues 0.341 0.15 21.0 0.284 0.15 21.0 Table II presents the potential reduc
Spring moldboard plowing tions in dowstream sediment and
Without crop residues 0.420 0.07 21.0 0.268 0.04 21.0 phosphorus yields during the hydro-
With maximum crop
residues 0.234 0.15 21.0
logically active spring period (February
0.196 0.15 21.0
Conservation tillage through May), when best management
No-till 0.111 0.15 27.3 0.153 0.15 27.3
practices are applied on the Stratford/
Cross-slope farming Avon Demonstration Watershed. These
Without crop residues 0.302 0.10 21.0 0.201 0.10 21.0 results have prompted the following obser
tCs = seasonal crop and management factor (dimensionless). vations, (i) The estimated potential reduc
$ns = seasonal Manning roughness coefficient (s m-1/3). tions in potential soil loss, downstream
APS = seasonal NaHC03-extractable phosphorus ofthe surface soil (u>g g_l). sediment load, and downstream phos-


DOWNSTREAM SEDIMENT AND PHOSPHORUS LOADS, AND THE A^vSaGE CELL TO fall moldboard plowing without a crop res
observed that best management practices
Reductions in applied only on areas of high sediment
Potential Sediment Phosphorus Average
Land management soil loss load
Potential Sediment Phosphorus yields achieve almost the same potential
load cell-to-stream soil loss
scenarios (0 (t) (kg) PERf
load load reductions in downstream phosphorus
(%) (%) (%)
loads as if they were applied on the entire
Fall moldboard plowing watershed.
Without crop residues
Entire watershed 2582$ 163$ 257$ 2.4 0 0 o
Withmaximum crop residues CONCLUSIONS
Entire watershed 1830 43 90 3.2 29 This paper has introduced a brief over
74 65
Problem areas 1890 51 107 3.1 27 69 58 view of best management practices and
Spring moldboard plowing
Without crop residues
has emphasized the use of conservation
Entire watershed 2154 123 221 2.5
tillage systemsas meansof reducing phos
17 18 14
Problem areas 2213 137 227 2.5 14 16 12
phorus nonpoint source pollution.
With maximum crop residues GAMESP, the Guelph model for evaluat
Entire watershed 1278 30 67 3.4 50 82 ing the effects of agricultural management
Problem areas 1890 37 83 3.4 48 78 68 systems on erosion, sedimentation, and
Conservation tillage no-till
Entire watershed 703 17
phosphorus yields has been used to evalu
45 3.9 73 90 83
Problem areas 790 23 60 3.7 70 86 77
ate the impacts of best management prac
Cross-slope farming tices on specific sites of a small Ontario
Without crop residues agricultural watershed. This specific
Entire watershed 1576 56 111 3.0 39 67 56 investigation has revealed that best man
Problem areas 1648 63 126 3.0 36 61 51 agement practices using a maximum crop
tPhosphorus enrichment ratio. residue cover such as conservation tillage
$ Basic reference level. (no-till) and spring moldboad plowing
could potentially reduce downstream
PHOSPHORUS REDUCTION EFFICIENCY period by as much as 83 and 74%, respec
tively. Further, reductions in downstream
Land management scenarios Entire watershed Problem areas
sediment and phosphorus loadings are
Fall moldboard plowing likely to be accompanied with greater
With maximum crop residues 0.88 0.84
increases in the average cell-to-stream
Spring moldboard plowing
Without crop residues 0.78
phosphorus enrichment ratio than the one
With maximum crop residues 0.90 0.87
reported for fall moldboard plowing on
Conservation tillage fields left without a crop residue cover. It
No-till 0.92 0.90 has also been observed that best manage
Cross-slope farming ment practices applied only on areas of
Without crop residues 0.85 0.84
high sediment yields located near the
drainage channel would achieve almost
phorus loads reveal that the best manage to-stream phosphorus enrichment ratio. the same potential reductions in down
ment practices considered have moderate Consequently, when best management stream phosphorus loads as if they were
to significant impacts, (ii) For spring and practices are applied, the number of grams applied on the entire watershed.
fall moldboard plowing on fields left with of phosphorus transported by 1000 g of
out a residue cover, reductions in down sediment is greater than the one reported
Sincere appreciation is expressed to D. J.
stream sediment load are similar to for fall moldboard plowing on fields left
Cook former research associate in Water
reductions in potential soil loss. For other without a residue cover, (v) For all the best Resources Engineering, University of Guelph,
land management scenarios involving a management practices considered, the for providing his computer expertise. In addi
crop residue cover on fields, reductions in coefficient of phosphorus reduction effi tion to the funds of Environment Canada and
downstream sediment load are larger than ciency varies between 0.75 and 0.92 Agriculture Canada through the Department of
reductions in potential soil loss. This non- (Table III), a range similar to that reported Supply and Services, the financial support of
linearity results from the fact that potential by Logan and Adams (1981). The coeffi the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
soil loss is altered by changes in land use, cient of phosphorus reduction efficiency is Council of Canada and the Ontario Ministry of
i.e. the seasonal crop and management greater for land managment scenarios that Agriculture and Food is gratefully acknowl
factor Cs, while the sediment load is use a crop residue cover than for those that edged.
affected by the seasonal crop and manage do not use one. (vi) Conservation tillage,
ment factor Cs and the seasonal manning spring moldboard plowing on fields with a REFERENCES
roughness coefficient ns. (iii) Reductions crop residue cover, fall moldboard plow
Mcintosh, p. m. thomas, and d. c.
in downstream phosphorus load are correl- ing on fields with a maximum crop residue WOLF. 1984. Nutrient losses in runoff from
lated with reductions in downstream sedi cover, and cross-slope farming on fields conventional and no-till corn watersheds.
ment load, (iv) Reductions in downstream without a crop residue cover can poten J. Environ. Qual. 13: 431-435.
sediment and phosphorus loads are accom tially reduce the spring load of phosphorus BAKER, J. L. and H. P. JOHNSON. 1983.
panied with increases in the average cell- attributed to field erosion by 83, 74, 65, Evaluating the effectiveness of BMPs from


field studies. Chapter 15 inF.W. Shaller and LOGAN, T. J. and J. R. ADAMS. 1981. The withvarying levelsof extractable phosphate.
G.W. Bailey, eds. Agricultural manage effects of reducedtillage on phosphatetrans J. Environ. Qual. 9: 526-531.
port from agricultural land. LEWMS, Tech ROMKENS, M. J. M., D. W. NELSON, and
ment and water quality. Iowa State Univer
nical Report, U.S. Army Corps of J. V. MANNERING. 1973. Nitrogen and
sity Press, Ames, Iowa.
COOK, D. J., W. T. DICKINSON, and R. P. Engineers, Buffalo, N.Y. phosphorus composition of surface runoff as
RUDRA. 1985. GAMES, Guelph model for LOGAN, T. J. and D. L. FORSTER. 1982. affectedby tillage method.J. Environ. Qual.
evaluating the effects of agricultural man Alternative managementoptions forthe con 2: 292-295.

agement systemson erosion andsedimenta trol of diffuse phosphorus loads to Lake ROUSSEAU, A. 1985. Development of a
tion, user's manual. School of Engineering, Erie. LEWMS Technical Report, U.S. phosphorus transport model for small agri
Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo, N.Y. cultural watersheds. M.Sc. Thesis. Univer
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont.
COOTE, D. R., E. M. MacDONALD, W. T. McDOWELL, L. L. and K. C. McGREGOR. sity of Guelph, Guelph, Ont.
DICKINSON, R. C. OSTRY, and R. 1984. Plant nutrient losses in runoff from ROUSSEAU, A., W. T. DICKINSON, and
FRANK. 1982. Agriculture and water conservation tillage corn. Soil Tillage Res. R. P. RUDRA. 1985. A phosphorus trans
quality in the Canadian Great Lakes Basin. 4:79-91. port model for small agricultural watersheds.
I. representative agricultural watersheds. MILLER, M. H., J. B. ROBINSON, D. R. ASAE Paper No. 85-2526.
J. Environ. Qual. 11:473-481. COOTE, A. C. SPIRES, and D. W. STRATFORD AVON RIVER ENVIRON
DICKINSON, W. T., R. PALL, and G. J. DRAPER. 1982. Agriculture and water MENTAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT.
WALL. 1983. Identification of soil erosion quality in the Canadian Great Lakes Basin. 1983. Physical characteristics and land uses
and fluvial sediment problem. ASAE Paper III. phosphorus. J. Environ. Qual. 11: of the Avon River drainage basin. Technical
NAR 83-204. 487-493. Report R-9. Upper Thames River Con
DREW, M. C. and L. R. SAKER. 1978. MUELLER, D. H., B. J. ANDRASKI, T. C. servation Authority, London, Ont.
Effects of direct drilling and ploughing on DANIEL, and B. LOWERY. 1983. Effect of SHEAR, G. M. and W. W. MOSCHLER.
root distribution in spring barley, and on the conservation tillage on runoff water quality: 1969. Continuous corn by the no-tillage and
concentrations of extractable phosphorus total, dissolved and algae-available phos conventional tillage methods: a six year
and potassium in the upper horizons of aclay phorus losses. ASAE Paper No. 83-2535. comparison. Agron. J. 61: 524-526.
soil. J. Sci. Food Agric. 29: 201-206. MYERS, P. C. 1986. Nonpoint source pollu TRIPLETT, G. B. Jr. and D. M. VAN
DREW, M. C. and L. R. SAKER. 1980. Direct tion control: the USDA position. J. Soil and DORAN Jr. 1969. Nitrogen, phosphorus and
drilling and ploughing: their effects on the Water Cons. 41(3): 156-158. potassium fertilization of non-tilled maize.
distribution of extractable phosphorus and NELSON. D. W. and T. J. LOGAN. 1983. Agron. J. 61: 637-639.
potassium, and of roots, in the upper hori Chemical processes and phosphorus trans U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, BUF
zons of two clay soils under winter wheat port. Chapter 5 in F. W. Shaller and G. W. FALO DISTRICT. 1982. Lake Erie Man
and spring barley. J. Agric. Sci. 94: Bailey, eds. Agricultural management and agement Study, Final Report, Buffalo, N.Y.
411-423. water quality. Iowa State University Press, VAN VLIET, L. J. P., G. J. WALL, and W. T.
KETCHESON, J. W. 1980. Effect of tillage on Ames, Iowa. DICKINSON. 1978. Erosion losses and sed
fertilizer requirements for corn on a silt loam OGG, C. W. and H. B. PIONKE. 1986. Water iment delivery ratios for agricultural water
soil. Agron. J. 72: 540-542. quality and the new farm policy initiatives. sheds. I.J.C. Tech. Rep. re: Great Lakes
LEE, G. F. 1973. Role of phosphorus in J. Soil Water Cons. 41(2): 85-88. Pollution from Land Use Activities, Wind
eutrophication and diffuse source control. O'HALLORAN, I. P., M. H. MILLER, and sor, Ont.
Water Res. 7: 111-128. G. ARNOLD. 1986. Absorption of Pby corn WISCHMEIER, W. H. and D. D. SMITH.
LEE G. F., W. ROST, and R. A. JONES. (Zea mays L.) as influenced by soil distur 1978. Predicting rainfall erosion lossesA
1978. Eutrophication of water bodies: bance. Can. J. Soil Sci. 66: 287-302. guide to conservation planning. Agricultural
Insight for an age-old problem. Environ. OLOYA, T. O. andT. J. LOGAN. 1980. Phos Handbook No. 537, USDA, Washington,
Sci. Techcl. 12: 900-908. phate desorption from soils and sediments D.C.


G. C. Misener and C. D. McLeod

Research Station, Agriculture Canada, P.O. Box 20280, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 4Z7
Received 28 August, 1986, accepted 16 March, 1987

M^on^QG;^'and C*D'McLeod- mi- Evaluation ofpotato-stone-clod separation mechanisms. Can. Agric. Eng.
^v: lo" l/I.

Methods of separating potatoes from stones and soil clods in storage were evaluated and factors affecting performance
were determined. The three methods ofseparation included a rotating brush separator, an electronic separator and an
impact roller separator. All separators effectively sorted the stones from the potatoes but the brush separator failed to
differentiate between the soil clods and potatoes. Parameters affecting the performance ofthe brush separator were the
feed rate and the brush gap while the performance of the electronic and impact roller separators was affected by the feed
rate and the stone/potato ratio, respectively.

INTRODUCTION ejected from the flow by means of high The objective of the study described in
Thedevelopment of mechanisms to sep speed pneumatic hammers. The basic pro this paper was to quantify the performance
arate potatoes from stones and clods has cess is similar to the roller with the advan of the three types of in-storage separators
been directed towards mechanical devices tage that the impact differences are in terms of their capability to separate
located on the harvesters. These devices amplified electronically as opposed to potatoes from stones and soil clods.
have been designed to separate potatoes on creating larger differences by changing the
the basis of physical differences between contact angle on the roller. Larger dif TEST PROCEDURES
the potato and the associated material. The ferences increase separating sensitivity. The laboratory arrangement included a
differences include rolling resistance, One disadvantage is having to align the feeding conveyor on which the products
elasticity, specific gravity, terminal product in order to optimize the perfor were placed and fed at controlled rates
velocity, resistance to X-ray penetration, mance of the electronic and impact ham onto each of the three separators. The
optical reflectance, and vibrational fre mer systems. A third method of separation three separators are shown schematically
quency response. Sides and Smith (1970) which is less expensive is presently at the in Figs. 1, 2 and 3. Russet Burbank
describe the mechanisms available for sep experimental stage. This method utilizes a potatoes were distributed evenly at a
arating potatoes and stones. Methods transaxial rotary brush separator in which known weight on the conveyor and then
which have been used or investigated over the material flow is across the brush axis. either stones or clods were uniformly
the past several years have also been Separation is achieved by a differential mixed with the potatoes. The conveyor
described by Story and Raghavan (1976). deflection of the bristles caused by the speed was constant during the tests while
More recently several mechanisms have difference in specific gravities of the the weight of material per unit length on
been developed to operate in storages dur potatoes, stones and soil clods as the conveyor was varied to deliver various
ing postharvest potato handling. The described by Eaton and Hansen (1969). loading rates to the separators. Prelimi-
advantage of doing a portion ofthe separa
tion at storage rather than on the harvester
is to reduce the number of people working
on the harvester under unfavorable condi
tions. Often in Eastern Canada from two to
four people are required to sort the ma
terial on the harvester. Two approaches
for in-storage use appear promising and
have been developed into commercial ma
chines. A commercial separator developed
by Feller et al. (1984) is based on the Figure 1. Cross-sectional view of brush separator.
difference between the coefficient of res
titution of the products being separated.
The device involves bouncing the objects DISTRIBUTION

on a revolving roller and separating them BRUSH

according to their trajectories. A second -SENSOR PLATE

type of separator available differentiates DISTRIBUTION | -REJECTION CYLINDERS

between potatoes, stones and soil clods
electronically. This separator has a series
Srfr fifcfl ffftQQvof (TV/
of sensors each consisting of a membrane
and an electromagnetic transducer. The

magnetic field is influenced by the vibra 1

tion of the membrane due to impact and %
the magnetic-field-influencing property of J

the products being separated. Using these

differences, the items not desired are Figure 2. Cross-sectional view of electronic separator.


two moisture levels were included in a
Feed Conveyor
second test. The tests were randomly con
ducted at four feed rates of 9.0, 18.0, 27.0
and 36.0 t/h, two soil clod moisture levels
of 3.5% WB and 19.0% WB, and one
clod/potato ratio of 0.05.
A Roller Separator
Potatoes & Clods
Feller et al. (1984) have done an exten
sive evaluation of the roller separator sort
ing onion-clod mixtures. They found that
the separator was very effective when sep
arating the clods from the onions. Gan-
Mor et al. (1985) suggested that a machine
A similar to the roller separator will not
effectively separate the stones from the
potatoes due to the small difference in the
Figure 3. Cross-sectional view of roller separator. coefficient of restitution between potatoes
and stones. However, in order for the
machine to be useful in Eastern Canada it
nary tests were conducted to determine the low separation efficiency was achieved
must be capable of handling stones as well
range of machine settings for each with the brushes when separating these
as clods. The initial tests indicated that
machine when operating with various products. Consequently, only one set of
separation of stones from potatoes was
stone/potato and clod/potato ratios. tests was undertaken with soil clods mixed
possible; consequently, a complete series
The stones used in the tests had an aver with potatoes. The ratio of clods/potatoes
age weight of 79.4 g with standard devia
of tests was performed. The tests included
was 0.05 with feed rates of 9.0,18.0, 27.0
four feed rates of 9.0, 18.0, 27.0 and 36.0
tion of 55.7 g. Clods were gathered in and 36.0 t/h at a brush gap setting of
the fall and stored either in opened barrels 13.0 mm.
t/h and three stone/potato ratios of 0.01,
0.055 and 0.1.
or in plastic bags in order to obtain two soil
moisture levels of 3.5 and 19.0% WB. The Electronic Separator Separation effectiveness, E, was deter
average tuber weight was 154.6 g with a Preliminary tests were conducted with mined as the product of recovery and
standard deviation of 89.8 g. the electronic separator in order that the rejection (Brown et al. 1951). Feller et al.
The stone/potato ratios and clod/potato sensitivity (amplification) adjustments for (1984) also used this method of measuring
ratios were selected on a weight basis and clods and stones could be selected. When
separation effectiveness:
represent ratios often found under New the optimum setting was reached, tests p s

Brunswick conditions. The field stone/ were conducted at four feed rates of 9.0, Pp + Pr sr +
potato ratio depends on the soil type as 18.0, 27.0 and 36.0 t/h over a 1.3 m width pr
well as to the extent of the stone removal with three stone/potato ratios of 0.01, (l -z)d
Pp + Pr sr + SD (1)
operation. The clod/potato ratio has a 0.055 and 0.1. In order to measure the
higher variability depending on soil type effect that moisture content of soil clods where Pp = potatoes in the product exit;
and moisture as well as tillage practices. going into storage in early fall and leaving = potatoes rejected with the stones;
The feed rate selected during the evalua during winter has on the performance of = stones in the reject exit; and
tion of the separator represents sufficient the electronic separator, soil clods with s = stones remaining with the product.
capacity to handle the output from two
harvesters under New Brunswick condi
tions. A large percentage of growers oper Brush Gap

ate two harvesters in order to meet the

requirements of a short harvest period. . . . . 10 . 0 mm 1 fi fl mm

Brush Separator L
"' ^^^><^_
The critical parameter affecting ma -H
. 9
"^^^ -
chine performance is the gap between CD
adjacent pairs of brushes. Eaton and en

Hansen (1969) found that the separating CO

CD . 7
efficiency was independent of brush c
"^-^ . "
speed, loading rate or separator slope. .6
- "

Tests consisting of three replications were H

O "--
randomly conducted with ratios of stones/ CD
. 5

potatoes of 0.01, 0.055 and 0.1 over a 0-

LJ . 4
range of feed rates of 9.0, 18.0, 27.0 and
36.0 t/h over 1.3 m of brush width. The I I I
. 3 I
tests included brush gap settings of 7.0, 9 18

10.0, 13.0 and 16.0 mm. Due to the small Feed Rate t/h

difference in specific gravities of soil clods

and potatoes initial tests indicated that a Figure 4. Effectiveness of the brush separator as effected by feed rate and brush gap.


1 .0
O -_ ELECTRONIC SEPERATOR for separating stones from potatoes,
although Gan-Mor et al. (1985) indicate
CD otherwise.
The performance ofthe three separators
0. 9
when separating a mixture of potatoes and
CO stones is shown in Fig. 5. Overall, the
C performance of the brush separator ap
CD pears superior.
r-i 0.8
CD From the results of the study, it can be
Q- concluded that separating stones from
LU 0. 7 potatoes with any of the three separators is
0 18 27 36 effective. The feed rate and the width of
Feed Rate t/h the gap between brushes are factors that
affect the performance of the brush sepa
Figure 5. Comparison of the performance of the three separators over a range of feed rates.
rator with stones and potatoes. However,
this separator has limited capability to sep
arate soil clods from potatoes. The elec
tronic separator is sensitive to the feed rate
Brush separator Electronic separator Roller separator when separating mixtures of stones and
Feed rate Brush gap Feed rate Stone/potato potatoes. Moisture of soil clods multiplied
(t/h) E (mm) E (t/h) E ratio E by feed rate is a significant factor when
9.0 0.81a 7.0 0.46a 9.0 0.89a 0.01 0.77a separating clods from potatoes. The stone/
18.0 0.77a 10.0 0.72b 18.0 0.88a 0.055 0.88/7 potato ratio becomes a significant factor
27.0 0.70b 13.0 0.90c 27.0 0.87a 0.1 0.86/7
for the roller separator when separating
36.0 0.70b 16.0 0.91c 36.0
stones from potatoes.
a-c Means notfollowed by same letter are significantly different at the 5% level of probability as judged
by Duncan's multiple range test.
Analysis of variance was carried out on the mean effectiveness was only 0.15 BROWN, G. G., O. KATZ, and A. S.
the data using the program Genstat when attempting to separate the clods and FOUST. 1951. Unit operations. John Wiley
ANOVA 1982. Significant differences of potatoes. The small difference in specific and Sons, New York. p. 15.
means were examined utilizing Duncan's gravities of the two products probably EATON, F. F. and R. W. HANSEN. 1969.
multiple range test. accounts for the low performance. Mechanical separation of stones from
With the electronic grader, feed rate potatoes by means of rotary brushes. Am.
was found to be the only significant factor Soc. Agric. Eng. Paper No. 69-108.
ASAE, St. Joseph, Mich.
The width of the gap between the affecting performance with a mixture of FELLER, R., O. NAHIS, and C. G. COBLE.
brushes was found to be an important stones and potatoes. Feed rates above27.0 1984. Separation of soil clods from onions
parameter for determining the separation t/h began having a negative effect on the using impact. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc.
effectiveness of the brush separator. The effectiveness of the separator. Again, as Agric. Eng.) 27(2): 353-357.
analysis ofvariance ofthe data which were with the brush separator, the stone/potato GAN-MOR, S., A. ZACHARIN, R. FEL
accumulated in the process of evaluating ratio did not significantly affect perfor LER, and E. MAROGOLIN. 1985. Reduc
the sensitivity of the brushes to gap and mance. Although the moisture level ofthe tion ofthe restitution coefficient for stones to
feed rate with mixtures of potato and clods was found not to be a significant enable separation from potatoes. Am. Soc.
Agric. Eng. Paper No. 85-1569. ASAE,
stones indicated that both factors, brush factor on the performanceofthe electronic
St. Joseph, Mich.
gapand feedrate, werehighlystatistically separator,the interaction of moisture level SIDES, S. E. and N. SMITH. 1970. Analysis
significant. Their effects on the effec and feed rate was highly significant. and design of potato-stone separation mech
tiveness are shown graphically in Fig. 4. The test results with the roller separator anisms. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng. Paper No.
In Table I, the analysis indicates that a indicate that the stone/potato ratio was a 70-673. ASAE, St. Joseph, Mich.
brushgap ofat least 13.0mm is required to significant factor affecting performance. STORY, A. G. and G. S. V. RAGHAVAN.
maximize the effectiveness of the sepa The overall mean of the effectiveness fac 1976. Sorting potatoes from stones and soil
rator. As indicated by Eaton and Hansen tor of the roller separator for tests con clods by infrared reflectance. Quality detec
(1969), soil clods could not be separated ducted was 0.84. This value suggests that tion in foods. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., St.
from potatoes using brushes. In our tests, the separatorcan be an effective machine Joseph, Mich. pp. 177-182.


K. C. Watts1, W. K. Bilanski2, and D. R. Menzies3

'Department of Agricultural Engineering, Technical University of Nova Scotia, Box 1000, Halifax, N.S.
B3J 2X4; 2School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1; and ^Agriculture
Canada, Research Branch, Research Station, Vine Iand Station, Ontario LOR 2E0

Received 25 April 1986, accepted 10 October 1986

Watts, K. C. and W. K. Bilanski. 1987. Simulationof adsorptiondrying of corn, wheat, barley and oats using sodium
bentonite. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 173-178.

Bentonite is an abundant clay mineral that is suitable for the drying of various grains by adsorption. The absorbency
characteristics are a function of the composition of the clay and the adsorbed ions. This paper presents a mathematical
model for adsorption drying of various grains using existing equations for drying individual kernels at low temperatures.
The equilibrium moisture content ofthe grain was derived from accepted data in the literature. It was necessary to obtain
the adsorption characteristics of the specific sodium bentonite being utilized using clay /grain mixtures. Comparison of
simulation results with experimental data showed satisfactory agreement when a mass ratio of grain to clay, which was
derived by imposing a moisture balance on the experimental data, was used in the simulation.

INTRODUCTION mixed. This mixture can be analyzed as a bentonite would rapidly adsorb any
One major source of energy consump three-stage process: moisture that was on the surface of the
tion on the farm is the drying of grains by (1) The moisture movement out of the grain. Cereal grains are normally consid
conventional systems which force natural grain into the air which is assumed to ered to dry during the falling-rate period.
or heated air through the bed of material to surround the grain. This is due to the reasonably low moisture
be dried. In the search for alternate meth (2) The moisture adsorption by the clay content at which grains are harvested for
ods of drying, three requirements were from the air. optimal operation of machinery and mini
determined: (1) low conventional energy (3) The resultant relative humidity ofthe mal seed damage. Hence, all moisture
usage; (2) the material should not be sub air due to the resultant moisture content of relationships noted assume that only fall
jected to high temperatures; (3) the dryer the clay. ing-rate drying is occurring where
must be available at all times, independent When the clay is dry, the resultant rela moisture diffusion in the grain is the limit
of weather or season. tive humidity will be low causing a greater ing moisture transfer mechanism.
The only method of drying that meets potential for extracting moisture from the The diffusion process has been model
all three requirements is that of desiccant grain. As the clay adsorbs more moisture, led by various workers (Ficks second law
drying in which the moisture which is the relative humidity increases and it is of diffusion; Graham et al. 1983; Keey
removed from the grains is temporarily less able to extract moisture from the 1972) and may be written, on simplifica
adsorbed onto the surface ofthe desiccant. grain. Since the relative humidity sur tion for constant diffusion coefficient, D,
Low-grade forms of energy, e.g. solar, rounding the grain particles changes with as

could be used to dry the desiccant when time, it is not possible to directly apply
= DV2M (1)
they are available so that the dryer is avail conventional drying equations that assume dt
able at any time throughout the year. a drying medium which has a constant
where / is time and M is the decimal
The desiccant that was identified by relative humidity on entering. On the con
trary, it is necessary to analyze this process moisture content (db) ofthe individual par
Sturton et al. (1981) and Graham et al.
(1983) as having the most potential is ben with time as outlined below.
ticle. Equation 1can be solved for different
tonite, a widely distributed clay mineral shapes (Crank 1975) or as an infinite series
that is relatively inexpensive and yet has a which is claimed to be independent of the
Grain Moisture Relationships
relatively high adsorption rate and capac size and shape of the drying object:
Conventional drying of grain is gener
ity. A comparison of drying corn using ally accomplished using deep-bed drying MR = 2 Ate1^ (2)
sodium and calcium bentonite was re which is somewhat different than if the n = I

ported by Watts et al. (1986). kernels were dried separately. In this paper
The objectives of this study are to pre or for spherical coordinates
each kernel is envisaged as being isolated
sent the mathematical models used in cal from all others and surrounded by the dry b V 1
culating the simultaneous drying curve of ing medium. MR 2, e
tt" ., = . n~
the grain and the moisture adsorption A general drying process is considered
curve ofthe clay and to compare the results to comprise a constant-rate drying period and
to experimental data (from the literature) and a falling-rate drying period. The con MR = (M - Mcq)/(A/0 - Mcq) (4)
obtained when using sodium bentonite to stant-rate drying period occurs when the
dry four different types of grain. internal resistance to moisture transport is where D = diffusion coefficient (m2 s~'
much less than the external resistance to or m2 h ~ l),M = volume average decimal
MATHEMATICAL MODEL water vapor removal from the grain sur moisture content (db), t = drying time
Throughout this paper, it is assumed face. This does not occur in the drying (hours or seconds), M0 = original
that the clay and grain are intimately process under consideration here since the moisture content (db), Meq = equilibrium


moisture content (db),Aj = dimensionless Little information was found in the liter potential are also changing. The equi
characteristics of the drying object, Bx = ature on the drying of oats. Van Rest and librium moisture contents are calculated at
constants characteristic of the drying Isaacs (1966) proposed several forms of each time using the following equations.
object (m~2), k = a "drying constant" drying equations and fit them to experi
Meqcorn = 0.33872 - 0.05897 x
(s-1 orh"1). mental data. They did not obtain an excel ln[-(T + 30.205) In (RH)] (16)
The conditions imposed on the above lent fit for all forms of equations. For oats,
equations are that M(r,o) = M0 and the best form of equation was found to be (ASAE Yearbook, Chung equation.)
M(ro,0= Meq; that is, that there is an Plage's where M = moisture (db), decimal, T =
infinite rate of mass transfer from the sur MR = 10-u,b. (13) temperature (C), RH = relative humidity,
face of the seed to the drying medium. decimal.
The constants Ax and Bx are chosen to fit Van Rest and Isaacs (1966) presented data
The Chung equation did not accurately
experimental data. The number of terms in of a and b for the best fit of several experi represent the data given in the ASAE Year
the series is adjusted for best fit of the data mental runs at several temperatures, the book for barley or soft wheat at 25C.
normally 2 or 3. Researchers often lowest being 80F. We averaged these 80F
Hence, the following equations were
argue (Brooker et al. 1974) that drying is data and obtained the coefficients a and b.
derived from data (ASAE Yearbook 1982)
analogous to Newton's law to cooling and For consistency, Eq. 13 can be written as
at 25C.
use only one term of Eq. 2 with A set at 1, MR = exp (- 2.303 atb) Meqsol(wheat = -0.0106 +
or one term of Eq. 3 with A set at 6/tt. = txp(-kt) (14) 0.5923 RH - 1.0438 RH2 + 0.7708 RH1 (17)
These equations are written as:
where and
k = 2.303 a/b-'
MR = ^xp(-Kt) (5)
a = 0.2083 Meqbarlcy = 0.0429 + 0.2344 RH -
b = 0.6002 (15) 0.3481 RH2 + 0.3646 RH3 (18)

MR = exp(-fo) An equation for the equilibrium moisture

(6) Equilibrium Moisture Content
content for oats has been approximated
The driving potential for moisture
where K and k are both termed drying extraction from grain is a function of the from data (ASAE Yearbook) at T = 25C
constants (h ~x or s ~ ') The value of K for ratio of difference between the grain

corn has been experimentally determined moisture and the equilibrium moisture to Meqoa(s = 0.0022 + 0.5548 RH -
(Brooker et al. 1974) as 1.0911 RH2 + 0.8481 RH3 (19)
the difference between the initial moisture
Kam =0.54 exp (- 5023\
and the equilibrium moisture (Eq. 3). It might be argued that, due to the tran
Thus, the value of the equilibrium sient process, a varying equilibrium
where 0 is in R and K has units of s~ K moisture content must be evaluated to use moisture content is unrealistic. It should
Values of the drying constant k for wheat the above equation. However, the equi be noted, however, that at the start of the
and barley are (O'Callaghan et al. 1971) librium moisture content is itself a func process the final equilibrium moisture con
tion of the relative humidity of the air tent of either the grain, clay or air is
surrounding the grain. Since the relative unknown. Also, because the kernels are
*whea, =2000 exp (-^2) (8) humidity ofthe air changes throughout the separated from one another by the clay,
drying period as the clay adsorbs moisture, equilibrium moisture contents are estab
. lloo the equilibrium moisture and drying lished quickly.
^barley = 139.2 CXp /\~ ~Z
) (9)

These equations, as well as ones noted
below, will be used in predicting data for rs
the grains studied. The assumption inher
ent in using these equations, as well as
ones noted below, is that the predominant
mechanism is diffusion within the kernel, 2SP . 1
independent of what mechanism is being l-
used to dry the air surrounding the grain Q
(e.g. moving air or desiccant). .08 * *
Because the above equations have UJ
sometimes been found to be unsatisfactory 3
for conventional drying, workers have
proposed empirical drying equations for -*
cereal grains. For example, Becker (1959) .04
proposed the following drying rate equa
tion for wheat:

MR = 1 - 24.82 (Dt)W2 + 142.29D;

for(D0,/2 < 0.034 (,U)

or MR = 0.509 exp (-629.68Dt) 0 SO 100 ISO 200 250 300 350 400
for (D/),/2 > 0.034 (ID
u D
where r = 76.8
n^o exp II H080A1. (12) Figure 1. Wetting curve for sodium bentonite derived by placing the clay above a standard salt
V 6abs ' solution.


300 time delay) occurs, the moisture pick-up
can be considered reasonably instan
taneous, at least much faster than the
moisture diffusion from the grain. When
the grain and clay are mixed together, there
is very little distance for the moisture to
travel within the clay. Hence, there are not
extensive gradients in moisture content
throughout the clay. Data on moisture
diffusivity in clay as a function of moisture
content, temperature and compaction has
not been found in the literature.
Sturton and Bilanski (1980) noted con
siderable time-lag for full moisture
adsorption (Fig. 1). If the moisture adsorp
tion curve is approximated by a curve of
the form of Eqs. 5 or 6, an adsorption
constant is obtained that is larger than the
drying constant ofthe grains. However, the
size of the sample used by Sturton and
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 Bilanski (1980) gave a path length of diffu
RELATIVE PRESSURE (P/Po) sion (0.5-2.0 cm) much greater than that
required for the low mass ratios of grain to
Figure 2. Moisture adsorption curves for sodium bentonite (sodium-montmorillonite). 1. Thix- clay used for the grains.
otron Montmorillonite (Grim 1968)); 2. Orchiston, homoionic sodium montmorillonite
Montmorillonite clays exhibit quite a
(Orchiston (1955)); 3. Mooney, sodium montmorillonite (Mooney et al. (1952));
4. Mooney, Thesis (Mooney (1951)); 5. Mooney, natural montmorillonite (Mooney
significant hysteresis in the adsorption-
etal. (1952)); 6. Keren, sodium montmorillonite (Keren and Shainberg (1979)); desorption curves. Since this paper is con
7. Johansen and Dunning (Grim(1968)); 8. Derived fromgraindrying dataof Sturton sidering only the drying of grain, only the
and Bilanski (1980) and Graham et al. (1983); 9. Illite, Johansen and Dunning (Grim adsorption characterisitics of the clays are
(1968)); 10. Kaolinite, Johansen and Dunning (Grim(1968)); X, Adsorption data from of interest; hence, only these data are used.
Sturton (Sturton and Bilanski (1980)). According to Keren and Shainberg
(1979) the clay adsorbs water on its surface
TABLE I. NOMINAL AND COMPUTED MASS RATIOS (GRAIN:CLAY) in multiple monolayers. Hence, one con
Nominal Nominal Computed tinuous fourth order curve of relative
mass ratio mass ratio mass ratio humidity (RH) vs. moisture (db) was fitted
Runt (wb) (db) (db)
to the experimental data of Keren and
SWHEAT1 1:1 1:1.146 1:1.02*
Shainberg (1979) for sodium bentonite.
1:2.3 1:1.40
SWHEAT3 1 0.5 1:0.57 1:0.48 RH = 11.12086* - 83.7160A:2 +
SWHEAT4 1 1 1:1.074 1:0.955
SWHEAT5 1 0.5 351.4836X3 - 564.1115A:4 (20)
1:0.578 1:0.615
G WHEAT 1 1 0.5
1:0.578 1:0.455 Moisture adsorption data from other
1:1.146 1:0.935
GWHEAT3 12 1:1.292 1:1.28
workers, including Sturton and Bilanski
SCORN1 1 1 1:1.191 1:1.52$ (1980) were compared to data of Keren and
SCORN2 12 1:1.238 1:2.47 Shainberg (1979) and are shown in Fig. 2.
SCORN3 13 1:1.357 1:5.67
SCORN4 1 1 Considerable variation can be seen to exist
1:1.30 1:1.95
SCORN5 12 1:2.6 1:4.21 among the results of the various workers,
GCORN1 1 1
1:3.9 1:5.60 and it is most likely that this variation is
1:1.382 1:1.61
SBARL1 1 1 1:1.076
due to the different composition of the
SBARL2 1 0.5 1:0.598 1:0.77*
clays, even though they are all termed
GBARL1 1 1 1:1.151 1:0.811 sodium bentonite or sodium mont
SOAT1 1 1
SOAT2 1:2
1:1.227 1:1.64* morillonite. Also noted in Fig. 2 are one
1:1.533 1:2.20
SOAT3 1:0.5 1:0.619 1:0.704
investigator's values for moisture adsorp
tRunsstarting with "S" refer towork bySturton etal. (1981). Runs starting with 'G' refer to work by Graham tion isotherms for illite and kaolinite clays,
et al. (1983). which sometimes are "impurities" in ben-
Runs for which predictionbecame unstable. tonites. It can be deduced that the greater
tRuns plotted in Figs. 4-7.
the component of illite and kaolinite, the
less moisture adsorption capability the
Moisture Adsorption by Bentonite exchangeable cation (Watts et al. 1986). clay has. The effect of adjusting the ions of
Bentonite is a naturally-occurring The time for saturation of the mont a given clay can also be seen from Fig. 3.
montmorillonite clay mineral that has morillonite clays is a function of its Curve 3 represents the moisture adsorption
excellent hygroscopic properties. The exchangeable cation but, in general, it isotherms for a natural montmorillonite
wateradsorption capabilities are a function occurs reasonably rapidly (Fig. 1, Watts et whereas curve 5 represents the same clay
ofthe purity ofthe montmorillonite (often al. 1986). Certainly over the small that has been saturated with sodium ions.
considerable kaolinite is present) and a moisture pick-up encountered here, where Curve 8 on Fig. 2 is discussed in the next
function ofthe type (calcium or sodium) of very little swelling(the processcausingthe section.


.2 tal data obtained are used in this section to
/ ^ evaluate the performance ofthe simulation
EXPERIMENTAL DATA / ? model being presented.
_ B = BARLEY /c On examining the data of Sturton and
.18 Bilanski (1980), or Graham et al. (1983) it
. 0 - OATS was found that the moisture transferred
W - WHEAT between the grain and the clay was not

/ I balanced. The reason for this discrepancy

/ c/ is unknown. However, because the com
puter simulation assumes a moisture bal
77 A /
/^ '
ance, a mass ratio of grain to clay was
computed such that the moisture balance
/^ c C/ 0 '

condition was valid (see Table I). It was


/4? 7 */ this computed mass ratio that was used as

imput to the computer program.

Q) V /
N /

/ / Clay Moisture Adsorption Isotherm

/ / / Deduced from the Experiments
All experiments were carried out for
/ /

, <*. / /
about 180 h, well beyond the time when
equilibria of the grains and clay were
A0/ /
established. It was thought that the
/ hygroscopicity characteristics of the
/ wV M
grains were better established than those of
the clay because of the variation of the
/ /
.06 - chemical make-up and adsorbed ions of
the clay. With this assumption, it is possi
PURITY = .78-. 11 RH +. 28 RH2 ble to determine the equilbrium relative
humidity of the air surrounding both the
.04 1 i 1 i 1 . 1 i, 1 i
clay and the grain by substituting the final
.4 5 .6 7 8 9 experimental moisture content ofthe grain
RELATIVE HUMIDITY into the appropriate equation (Eqs. 16-19).
Knowing the equilibrium moisture content
Figure 3. Moisture isothermdatafor sodium bentonite determinedfrom grain drying experiments
of Sturton and Bilanski (1980) and Graham et al. (1983).
of the clay, it is then possible to derive a
moisture adsorption isotherm for the clay
(Fig. 3). The individual data points are
noted for the different grains by their first
letter. A fairly consistent moisture iso
therm is obtained, although some scatter is
J.25 evident. Also plotted on the graph are lines
of constant "purity", where purity is
2.2 defined as the ratio ofthe relative humidity
predicted from the data of Keren and
O # * # * Shainberg (1979) and a given relative
".IS humidity at the same moisture content. It
UJ can be seen that the grains that equilibrated
x "
| at higher relative humidity (>0.7) follow a
o> . 1 X 0.85 purity line, and those that equili
brated at lower relative humidities (<0.7)
follow a 0.78 purity line. However, since
only one clay was being used, one continu
ous curve as noted on the graph was deter
i 1 i 1 i_ 1 , 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . mined for use in computing the drying
10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 curves for all grains. The equation for that
curve was
Purity = 0.78 - 0.11 RH + 0.28 RH2 (21)
Figure 4. Comparison of experimental and predicted results of drying corn using sodium ben
tonite. Data from Sturton and Bilanski (1980). Run SCORNI. It is evident that this equation is valid only
for the sodium bentonite that was used in
SIMULATION AND PREDICTION reported in Sturton et al. (1981) and the work of Sturton and Graham. Further
Drying trials with freshly harvested Graham et al. (1983) in which the authors work at the University of Guelph using
wheat, corn, oats and barley were carried fitted their experimental data with expo nominally the same clay of a different
out at the University of Guelph. The nential equations but did not actually mesh size found a slightly lower purity.
experimental method and results are model the drying process. The experimen Thus, it is evident that to use Black Hills


ticles does occur as moisture is adsorbed
.2 (Grim 1968). Greater confidence is placed
DRYING BARLEY WITH SODIUM BENTONITE on moisture isotherms characterized by
mixtures of grain and clay than by using
clay in isolation above a standard salt

Prediction Results
Twenty-one experimental drying
u .1 curves were predicted with the initial
moisture contents of grain and clay and
OC their mass ratios as the only inputs. The
r- data represented a variation of initial
S . OS
moisture contents of grain and clay and
EXPERIMENTAL BARLEY DRYING DATA mass ratios of grain to clay. As space did
x EXPERIMENTAL CLAY WETTING DATA not premit inclusion of all, one example of
- THEORETICAL PREDICTIONS the prediction curves of wheat, corn, oats
I I and barley are shown in Figs. 47, respec
10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 tively. The drying curves for the wheat
were virtually identical whether Eqs. 6 and
TINE (HOURS) 8 or Eqs. 10-12 were used. The predic
tions for barley used Eqs. 6 and 9. The
Figure 5. Comparison of experimental and predicted results of drying wheat using sodium corn drying curves were obtained using
bentonite. Data from Sturton and Bilanski (1980). SWHEAT1.
Eqs. 5 and 7. The equations used by Flood
et al. (1972) were empirically derived for
.2 air drying, hence, apparently do not apply
DRYING WHEAT WITH SODIUM BENTONITE to adsorption drying, as they predicted a
curve which did not reach equilibrium
moisture content even after 180 h. The
IS prediction of those runs which had a low
clay content relative to the grain became
UJ unstable, probably due to the inaccuracy of
the clay moisture isotherms at high
.1 moisture contents.
One interesting and fairly consistent
observation that can be seen in the experi
mental data (e.g. oats data) and that could
r: .05 not be predicted, is the interim plateau that
is reached in the clay adsorption curve
between 4 and 30 h. The wetting process of
bentonites is quite complex. The initial
i. moisture adsorption for single-layer wet
ting of the clay particles follows the BET
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 equation. As more water molecules are
TIME (HOURS) added, there is some reorientation of the
clay particles, a process which takes time
Figure 6. Comparison of experimental and predicted results of drying barley using sodium (Grim 1968). This reorganizing ofthe clay
bentonite. Data from Sturton and Bilanski (1980). Run SBARL2.
particles is thought to be responsible for
the hysteresis in the adsorption-desorption
Wyoming bentonite clay will not neces curves. It is postulated that this is what is
workers. This may indicate that there is
sarily yield consistent moisture adsorption more illite (curve 9) or kaolinite (curve 10) happening during this plateau. For the pre
isotherms for the clay. dictions of the grains it is assumed that the
present in the clay used by Sturton and
Instead of using only the moisture iso moisture adsorption is instantaneous;
Bilanski (1980) and Graham et al. (1983)
therms found experimentally, we thought hence, the plateau is not predicted.
than in those of other workers.
it wise to relate all moisture isotherms to a Also noted on Fig. 2 are two points
standard. Since Keren and Shainberg's which were experimentally derived CONCLUSIONS
data satisfies the BET theory at low relative moisture contents at known relative (1) Using the conventional single-ker
humidities, it was felt that these data would humidities for the clay used in the experi nel drying equations and the given
make a reasonable standard. ments. Both differ somewhat from the equilibrium moisture isotherms noted in
The experimentally derived moisture curve derived above. This discrepancy this paper, drying curves for wheat, corn,
adsorption isotherm is plotted as curve 8 may be due to the fact that clay mixed with barley and oats were predicted for one type
on Fig. 2. It is noted that this isotherm is grain cannot expand readily. Even though of sodium bentonite.
somewhat below most curves for sodium expansion is minimal at low moisture con (2) The interim plateau reached in the
montmorillonite determined by other tents, some reorganization ofthe clay par clay adsorption curve between 4 and 30 h


.25 KEREN, R. and I. SHAINBERG. 1979. Water
vapour isotherms and heat of immersion of
DRYING OATS WITH SODIUM BENTONITE Na +/Ca+ montmorillonite systems. II.
Mixed systems. Clay Clay Miner. 27(2):
MOONEY, R. W. 1951. The adsorption of
water vapour by the clay minerals, kaolinite
and montmorillonite. Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell
MOONEY, R. W., A. G. KEENAN, andL. A.
WOOD. 1952. Adsorption of water vapour
by montmorillonite. I. Heat of desorption
ui * -
and application of BET theory. J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 74(6): 1367-1370.
EXPERIMENTAL OATS DRYING DATA P. M. BAILEY. 1971. Digital simulation of
1.05 x EXPERIMENTAL CLAY VETTING DATA agricultural dryer performance. J. Agric.
- THEORETICAL PREDICTIONS Eng. Res. 16: 223-244.
ORCHISTON, H. D. 1955. Adsorption of
i 1 1 I i I i water vapour. III. Homoionic mont-
20 40 60 80 100 120 morillonites at 25F. Soil Sci. 79: 71-78.
TIME (HOURS) PAGE, G. E. 1949. Factors influencing the
maximum rates of air-drying shelled corn in
Figure 7. Comparison of experimental and predicted results of drying oats using sodium ben thin layers. M.Sc. Thesis, Purdue Univer
tonite. Data from Sturton and Bilanski (1980). Run SOAT1. sity, Lafayette, Ind.
1980. Indirect drying of cereal grains and
is due to the time needed for a reorientation ARKEMA, andC. W. HALL. 1974. Drying peanuts using a combination of osmotic
of the clay particles following their initial cereal grains, AVI Publishing Co., West- dehydration and a dehydrating medium
single-layer wetting. port, Conn. which is solar dried. Research Report
(3) For studies on grain drying the CRANK, J. 1975. The mathematics of diffu for Agriculture Canada, Contract
hygroscopicity ofthe clay should be deter sion. Clarendon Press, Oxford, U.K. 065Z.01843-9-1918, Ottawa, Ont.
mined using grains rather than in the loose
MEEKER, and R. M. PEART. 1972. Sim D. R. MENZIES. 1981. Drying of cereal
state above standard chemical solutions.
ulation of a natural air corn-drying system. grains with the desiccant bentonite. Can.
Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 15: Agric. Eng. 23: 109-112.
REFERENCES 156-159, 162. VAN REST, D. and G. W. ISAACS. 1966.
ASAE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRI GRAHAM, V. A, W. K BILANSKI, and Exposed layer drying rates of small grains.
CULTURAL ENGINEERS. 1982. ASAE D. R. MENZIES. 1983. Adsorption grain ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 47:
Yearbook. ASAE, St. Joseph, Mich. drying using bentonite. Trans. ASAE 688-689.
BECKER, H. A. 1959. A study of diffusion in (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 26(5): 1512-1515. WATTS, K. C, W. K. BILANSKI, and D. R.
solids ofarbitrary shape, with application to GRIM, R. E. 1968. Clay Mineralogy. MENZIES. 1986. Comparison of drying
the drying of the wheat kernel. J. Appl. McGraw-Hill, New York. corn using sodium and calcium bentonite.
Polymer Sci. 1:212-226. KEEY, R. B. 1972. Drying principles and prac Can. Agric. Eng. 28: 35-41.
BROOKER, D. B., F. W. BAKKER- tice. Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford, U.K.



R. B. Brown1, L. Otten1, and J. E. Brubaker2

'School ofEngineering, University ofGuelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1; and 2Ontario Ministry ofAgriculture and
Food, Energy Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
Received 24 April 1986, accepted 11 February 1987

Brown, R. B., L. Otten, and J. E. Brubaker. 1987. Automatic timer control for a batch-in-bin dryer. Can. Agric
Eng. 29: 179-182.

Acomputer-based control system for abatch-in-bin grain dryer was developed and tested with afarm-scale grain dryer
in 1985. Nine drying tests were conducted with wet corn harvested at about 30% initial moisture content (wet basis). The
control system utilized an inexpensive personal computer (Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100) and an A/D interface unit
designed tocommunicate with the computer through the RS232 port. The control algorithm was based upon simulation of
the drying process, with known initial conditions and parameters. Control to within 0.3 percentage points ofthe target final
moisture content of the corn dried was realized in three of the tests.

INTRODUCTION resulting from uneven stirring or pockets units. Since batch-in-bin drying uses air
Batch-in-bin dryers are commonly used of fines make it necessaryto obtain a large temperatures above 60C, equilibrium is
to dry corn on farmswherethe annualcrop number of samples from the grain bulk. attained for only a small fraction of the
does not exceed about 500 t. This system These samples must be blended and cooled bed, and the method is inappropriate.
requires a relatively low initial investment, before a moisture tester can be used to A set of four partial differential equa
is flexible and with careful management measure average moisture content. The tions can be derived to define the changes
can produce high-quality grain. In addi procedure must be repeated until the batch in grain moisture and temperature and air
tion, energyefficiency is potentially excel is finished. In practice, dryer operators do specific humidity and temperature for a
lent especially with exhaust heat recovery not test the grain but rely upon experience bed of grain (Meiering et al. 1977; Bakker-
(Otten 1985). to time the batch. This approach is satisfac Arkema et al. 1974). These may be solved
A typical drying bin is about 7000 mm tory when variations in grain moisture, numerically, but very small increments of
in diameter and has a fully perforated dry depth and ambient conditions are slight. time and depth are necessary for solution
ing floor. A fan and burner unit delivers More typically, the operator acts in such a stability. For a deep bed and a high initial
heated drying air, usually at 60-100C, to way that the corn is always overdried by moisture content simulation time can
an underfloor plenum. This drying air 2-3 percentage points to be on the safe become excessive.
picks up moisture as it passes through a side. A similar approach is to perform heat
1000- to 2000-mm depth of wet corn in the Apart from a reduction in grain quality, and mass balances around a thin section of
bin, and is exhaustedthrough roof vents. A deliberate overdrying costs at least $5.00 the bed, and then treat the bed as a stack of
level fill of wet grain is dried to an accept per tonne of grain marketed at present adjacent layers (Thompson et al. 1968).
able moisture content and then cooled in prices. The cost is due to additional fuel The thin-layer drying rate is calculated
the bin and unloaded to storage. The time costs for drying and to weight loss from from an appropriate empirical equation.
required for one cycle varies from about 12 unnecessary moisture removal. The resulting system of equations can be
to 20 h depending upon initial moisture A control system to regulate final aver solved quickly if several simplifying
content, grain depth and drying tem age moisture content for a batch-in-bin assumptions are made. For example, ker
perature. dryer is desirable. A closed-loopfeedback nel temperature is assumed to be in equi
The deep bed of grain in the dryer cre control system for moisture content is not librium with the drying air. It was also
ates two problems with the system. First, a possible because average moisture content assumed that although condensation
steep gradient of moisture content exists is not readily measured. An alternative occurs in the upper grain layers, rewetting
from the bottom to the top of the grain bed approach is to use a predictor, or a calcu does not occur due to the relatively short
at the end of drying. Although grain is lated estimate of the moisture content, to drying time. This assumption greatly
mixed as the dryer is unloading, the dif control the dryer. The objective of this reduced the computation time for the first
ference in moisture content among indi study was to develop and field-test such a half of the drying period whengraincondi
vidual kernels may be as great as 20 control system. tionsabove the drying front areessentially
percentage points. Various schemes to stir constant.
or mix the grain as it dries have been SIMULATION MODELS The model used wasdevelopedfrom the
introduced to eliminate the gradient, and Three approaches to the mathematical concepts presented by Thompson (1970).
dryer manufacturers supply either auger modelling of deep-bed corn drying were A time increment of 300 s (5 min) and a
stirring machines or grain recirculating investigated. The logarithmic model (Sab- layer thickness of 50 mm (2 inches) was
devices. bah et al. 1979; Barre et al. 1971) is the used for simulation. Psychrometric rela
The second operational problem is one simplest and fastest to use. It is suited to tionships given by Wilhelm (1976) and
of control. It is very difficult to monitor the near-equilibrium drying since it neglects published by the American Society of
moisture content of grain in the dryer in sensible heating of grain by the drying air. Agricultural Engineers (1983, D271.2)
order to determine when to shut off the Moisture and temperature gradients in the were used to calculatemoist air properties.
burner. The axial moisture gradients men grain bed are assumed to be logarithmic The Zeroin search technique reported by
tioned earlier and also radial fluctuations functions of timeanddimensionless depth Bakker-Arkema et al. (1974) was used


with the equation of the wet bulb line to for simulation and a new moisture ratio is exchange would be required. The model
determine the wet bulb temperature when calculated to determine the final moisture approach would also require a measure
condensation occurred in the grain bed. content after that time step. The water ment of ambient temperature at the initia
The specific heat of corn was deter removed is found from the change in tion of cooling since this temperature
mined by the relationship published by moisture content, and the absolute humid would almost certainly differ from the
Otten and Samaan (1980): ity of the drying air is increased by the measurement taken at the start of drying
same amount. some 12-20 h earlier. Due to these diffi
Cp = 1.178 + 0.0627 Mw -
The final drying air temperature was culties it was decided that rather than com
8.7 x 10-4MW2 (1) then calculated from a heat balance for the plicate the control system, a constant
air, grain and water as: cooling interval would be used. The expe-
Equilibrium moisture content of corn
was calculated using the Chung-Pfost (1.006 + 1.775 Ho + Cp/?k)7c - A//(2501 + L- 4.1868 Te)
equation for desorption and the coeffi 1.006 + 1.775//, + Cp/?k
cients developed by Gustafson and Hall
The relative humidity of the air after rience of the previous year indicated that
ln[-/?7rln(RH)] = ln(A) - BMC (2) drying was checked for feasibility of the 2-4 h were required to cool the grain,
Dry matter bulk density of corn was final air state conditions. If the relative depending upon grain depth, final
assumed to be 620 kg/m3. This value, humidity was greater than 100% a con moisture content and drying temperature.
along with airflow rate and incremental densation subroutine was called. A new The operator would be free to change this
bed depth, was used to calculate a dry final temperature and absolute humidity of parameter, and often did, depending upon
grain-to-air mass ratio (Rk) which was nec the exhaust air at saturation was found the aeration capabilities ofthe final storage
essary for a heat balance. The ratio was using the Zeroin algorithm. The difference bin.
used to convert specific heat of grain to an in water removed between the two air Data from the previous tests were com
equivalent value expressed on the basis of states was assigned to the corn by adjusting pared with simulated drying runs for the
air mass rather than grain mass (i.e., kJ/kg the moisture content. same conditions. The mean difference
dry air). Several additions were necessary to between simulated and actual drying time
Latent heat of vaporization for water in complete the drying control program. The was 1.5 h, or about 7% ofthe actual drying
corn was determined from an expression airflow rate-pressure drop relationship of time. Since some moisture removal occurs
developed by Thompson et al. (1968) and Haque et al. (1982) was used to calculate with cooling, drying must stop and cool
converted to SI units the airflow rate from plenum static pres ingcommencebeforethe average moisture
sure and grain depth. A grain stirring sub content is at the target level. It was initially
L = (2502.22 - 2.3867) x
(1 + 4.35 exp (28.25M)) (3)
routine was developed assuming complete assumed that 1.5 percentage points of
mixing and instantaneous stirring at the moisture were removed in cooling, but
The drying temperature for each grain end of each stirring interval. The grain subsequent field tests in 1985 demon
layer was calculated by performing a sen temperature and moisture content of each strated that the actual reduction was about
sible heat balance of the air and grain level in the bed were replaced by the over 3%. In view of inaccuracies in the source
before and after thermal equilibrium. This all average value for the entire bed at the data and assumptions a mean error of 7%
was an intermediate estimate only since it end of each stirring cycle. was considered acceptable for the simula
does not account for moisture evaporation. The dryer used for field trials had been tion model.
The solution for the estimated equilibrium used in the previous year for an investiga
temperature is: tion of exhaust air heat recovery. Since the DRYER CONTROL SYSTEM
heat exchanger was also used in these The simulation model was the basis for a
(1.006 + 1.775 Ho) + Cp/?kG very simplecontrol programto operate the
T = (4) trials, the control program had to accom
(1.006 + 1.775//o) + Cp/?k modate any effects it had on the system. dryer. The control steps were as follows:
During the drying stage, the only signifi 1. Input grain and air parameters
The relative humidity ofthe drying air at
cant effects would be a slight reduction in moisture content, depth, target moisture
the new equilibrium temperature was then
airflow rate and lower fuel consumption content, grain temperature, plenum pres
calculated. If the air was saturated at that
for a given drying temperature. These sure, ambient temperature and humidity,
temperature then no drying waspossiblein drying temperature and duration of
effects would be accounted for in the
that layer. For an unsaturatedair condition,
parameters determined as inputs to the cooling.
the water removal for drying for the spe 2. Read start-up time and energize gas
control program.
cific time increment was calculated from solenoid and drying fan relay.
The effects during the cooling stage
the following thin-layer equation de 3. Simulate drying for input conditions
could not be compensated for easily.
veloped by Thompson et al. (1968) for a
Ideally, time for cooling and the amount of and store required drying time.
temperature range of 60-150C and an moisture removal during cooling would be 4. Monitor clock until elapsed real time
average drying air velocity of 0.10 m/s.
calculated by the simulation model. This equals required time and then close gas
t = a \n(MR) + b[\n(MR)]2 (5) would require knowledge or an assump solenoid to shut off burner.
A new drying curve is required for each tion of inlet air temperature to the dryer. 5. Monitor clock until cooling time has
layer as the drying air temperature Without the heat exchanger, this would elapsed, then open fan relay to stop air
increases. Therefore, an equivalent drying simply be ambient temperature plus a flow.
time for the new curve must be calculated small temperature increase due to the fan. The computer selected for the trials was
to account for the drying that occurred at However, with the exchanger in place, a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100. Advan
the lower temperature. This equivalent either real time measurements of inlet tem tagesof this machine were: RS-232-C port
time is then incremented by the time step perature or a very good model for heat for I/O, addressablesystemclock withcal-

TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS FOR 1985 CONTROL SYSTEM TESTS 2.45 MJ/kg of water removed for the dryer
with the heat exchanger. Without the heat
Ambient conditions
Initial Wet Bed Drying Grain Duration Final exchanger, specific energy consumption
moisture weight depth Temp. RH temperature temperature of cooling moisture
(% WB)
was 2.98 MJ/kg water removed, an
Test (tonnes) (m) (C) (%) (C) (C) (h) (% WB)
increase of almost 22%.
1 29.9 28.1 1.0 6 80 90 10 2.0 11.9
2 31.4 29.0 0.9 16 85 no 22 2.5 12.2 DISCUSSION
3 27.3 37.5 1.3 11 85 108 11 2.5 12.6 Once the amount of drying that occurred
4 28.0 37.2 1.3 16 50 103 12 3.5 15.2
5 30.4 35.8 1.2 10
with cooling was known, the control sys
45 109 4 3.5 15.8
6 31.5 33.2 1.2 8 55 88 5 3.5 11.9
tem worked very well. A target moisture
7 28.9 32.8 1.6 6 60 107 5 3.5 16.4 set 3 percentage points above the desired
8 27.5 43.5 1.5 8 80 108 6 3.5 15.3 final value (i.e., 18.5% for 15.5% final
9 27.0 40.0 1.3 5 85 92 4 3.0 16.5 average) gave good results. For other dry
ers this parameter may vary, but it would
be determined as part of the tuning pro
endar, battery back-up power pack in case first three tests was severely overdried cedure. Final moisture content of cool
of power fluctuations, small size, built in (Table I). It was impossible to determine
grain was controlled to within 0.3 per
display for data input prompts, and low the average moisture content at the time
centage points for three of the test runs. If
cost. the burner was shut off because there were
the initial moisture content of tests 7 and 9
A controller and interface unit was built radially distributed zones of wet and dry
had been more accurately determined, it is
to set the gas solenoid valve and dryer fan corn created by the stirring auger paths.
probable that the final moisture contents
relay. Two solid state relays were ad Therefore the third test was unstirred, and
would have been within the same range. It
dressed by setting the two bottom bits of a the average moisture content was 17.3%
is doubtful that greater accuracy could be
control byte and writing the result to the wet basis compared to a simulated value of
maintained consistently because commer
controller via the RS-232-C port. 17.0%, a difference of less than 2%. After
cial moisture testers have an error range of
cooling the average moisture content was
the same magnitude.
FIELD TESTING 12.6% indicating that more than 4 percent
The dryer used for the field tests was
Level filling and uniform mixing by the
age points of moisture were removed with
stirring device was assumed in the model
located near Ayr, Ontario. It was 7300 mm cooling.
in diameter and 6100 mm to the eave with a
and should be realized in the actual sys
The control program was altered assum
full perforated drying floor. A 660-mm tem. An implicit assumption in the control
ing a conservative value of 3 percentage scheme is that the ambient absolute
diameter, 7.5-kW axial fan and a natural points moisture removal with cooling. The
gas burner provided heated drying air. humidity is constant throughout drying.
subsequent two tests yielded a final
Grain was distributed by a centrifugal Although ambient temperature and relative
moisture content within 0.3 percentage
spreader as it was loaded into the bin, and a humidity can vary significantly in any 10-
points of the target level of 15.5% wet
six-auger stirring machine traversed the to 20-h period, it is unlikely that the
basis. Test 6 indicated that the moisture
bin once every 4 h during drying. humidity ratio will deviate greatly over the
removal during cooling was the same with
An exhaust air heat recovery system was same period. This drying method is quite
or without the heat exchanger. The seventh
installed on the dryer utilizing a crossflow insensitive to ambient conditions in any
and ninth tests both produced corn wetter
flat plate heat exchanger which was tested event due to the large temperature increase
than desired. In both cases there was a
with the burner.
the previous year (Otten 1985). discrepancy of about 1 percentage point
The first dryer test commenced 16Oct., The drying temperatures used in the
between the moisture tester readings at the
tests were higher than normal for deep-bed
and nine tests were conducted between that farm and the oven-dry moisture deter
date and 9 Nov. A poor field drydown rate batch drying because the dryer was oper
mination in the laboratory for initial grain
coupled with persistent rainy weather ated for maximum throughput. For a tem
conditions. The tester results were used to
made for sporadic testing. The conditions perature range of 60-70C moisture
control the dryer, and these had been in
for the tests are summarized in Table I.
gradients within the bed would be reduced
good agreement with the oven-dry method
The grain stirrer drive reduction ratio and a more uniform product moisture
in the earlier tests. Test 8 produced good
could be maintained.
was changed prior to test 4 since the oper results, and the moisture tester determina
ator felt that better mixing and more uni tion of initial moisture content was again CONCLUSIONS
form drying would result from a 2.5-h close to the oven-dry method. The main conclusions drawn from the
stirring cycle. The stirrer was not started The grain stirring augers did not do an study are as follows:
until 6 h of drying time had elapsed, in adequatejob of mixingthe grain, although 1. The simulation model allowed an
order to establish a uniform drying zone there was some reduction of moisture gra accurate prediction of the time required to
before stirring activity disrupted the air dient in the dried grain. The delayed stir dry corn to a specific average moisture
flow pattern in the bed. Three tests (3, 6 ring scheme (Test 4 and subsequent tests) content.
and 9) were conducted without stirring. improved the situation, but radial zones of 2. With accurate determination of grain
The heat exchanger was disconnected for wet grain were encountered between adja and system operating conditions, the cal
two tests to evaluate its effect on dryer cent auger paths. The solution to this prob culated drying time can be used to control
performance. lem would be more augers, or variable- a batch-in-bin dryer and regulate the final
path stirring augers. The overall energy grain moisture.
RESULTS efficiencyof drying and the accuracyofthe 3. Moisture removal during the cooling
Moisture removal during cooling was simulation model did not appear to be stage averaged 3 percentage points for the
greater than the 1.5 percentage points affected by stirring strategy. particular combinations of temperature
anticipated, consequently the corn of the Specific energy consumption averaged and airflow rates in this study.


4. The small personal computer and Wellington Engineering Ltd., Guelph, specific heat of grain (KJ/kg K).
interface controller comprised an inexpen Ontario, 31 January. G0 = initial grain temperature in grain
sive and effective control unit. OTTEN, L. and G. SAMAAN. 1980. Deter layer (C).
mination of the specific heat of agricultural Ho = initial absolute humidity of air for
materials: Part II experimental results. Can.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS grain layer (kg water/kg dry air).
The research project was jointly funded by Agric. Eng. 22(1): 25-27.
Hf = final absolute humidity of air for
the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food SABBAH, M. A., H. M. KEENER, and G. E.
MEYER. 1979. Simulation of solar drying of grain layer (kg water/kg dry air).
and the Ontario Ministry of Energy. We are
shelled corn using the logarithmic model. AH = H f //o.
grateful to Robert and Jeff Hall and to Bruce
Ford for their cooperation and assistance during Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 22: L = latent heat of vaporization for corn
the drying tests. 637-643. (kJ/kg water).
THOMPSON, T. L. 1970. Simulation for M grain moisture content, decimal
optimal grain dryer design. Trans. ASAE dry basis.
(Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 13: 844-848. Mc = equilibrium moisture content,
THOMPSON, T. L., R. M. PEART, andG. H. decimal dry basis.
FOSTER. 1968. Mathematical simulation of
cultural Engineers Yearbook. ASAE, St. Mo = initial moisture content, decimal
corn drying a new model. Trans. ASAE
Joseph, Mich. dry basis.
(Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 11: 582-586.
BAKKER-ARKEMA, F. W., L. E. LEREW, Mw = grain moisture content, percent
WILHELM, L. R. 1976. Numerical calculation
5. F. DeBOER, and M. G. ROTH. 1974. wet basis.
of psychrometric properties in SI units.
Grain dryer simulation. Mich. State Univ.
Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 19: M - Mc
Agric. Exp. Sta., Res. Rep. 224. MR =
BARRE, J. H., C. R. BAUGHMAN, and Mo ~ Mc'
M. Y. HAMDY. 1971. Application of the R = gas constant 1.987 Btu/lb mole
logarithmic model to cross-flow deep-bed LIST OF SYMBOLS R.
grain drying. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc.
a, b, coefficients in thin layer drying RH relative humidity of air, decimal,
Agric. Eng.) 14: 1061-1064.
GUSTAFSON, R. J. and G. E. HALL. 1974. equation *k dry grain to air mass ratio (kg dry
Equilibrium moisture content of shelled corn a = -1.706 + 0.008787 grain/kg air).
from 50 to 155F. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. b = 148.6 exp(-0.05947). T air or grain temperature (C).
Agric. Eng.) 17: 120-124. A,BfC,D}E,F, constants used in Tc intermediate equilibrium tempera
HAQUE, E., Y. N. AHMED, and C. W. Chung-Pfost equation for equi ture (C)
DEYOE. 1982. Static pressure drop in a fixed librium moisture content (devel Tf final equilibrium temperature for
bed of grain as affected by grain moisture oped in British Engineering grain layer (C)
content. Trans ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Units). To initial air temperature for grain
Eng.) 24: 1095-1098. layer (C)
A = exp[(C + DTT)(RTr)].
B = (E + FTr)(RTr). Tr grain temperature used in Chung-
BROWN, and L. OTTEN. 1977. Drier per
formance and energy use in corn drying. C = 1.544 x 10-2. Pfost equation (R)
Can. Agric. Eng. 19: 49-54. D = -1.383 x 105. t time (h)
OTTEN, L. 1985. Exhaust heat recovery in a E = 3.211 x 10"3.
batch-in-bin dryer. Report to OMAF by F = 2.069 x 10"5.



D. S. Jayas1, S. Sokhansanj2, E. B. Moysey2, and E. M. Barber2

'Department ofAgricultural Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. R3T2N2; and department of
Agricultural Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 0W0
Received 28 August 1986, accepted 16March 1987

Jayas, D. S., S. Sokhansanj, E. B. Moysey,and E. M. Barber. 1987. Distribution of foreign material in canola bins
filled using a spreaderor spout. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 183-188.

The distribution offoreign material (chaff and fines) was studied in a4.6-m-diameter bin filled with Tobin canola. The
bin was filled twice using a central spout and once using a conical spreader. The distribution ofchaff and fines can be
described using a quadratic equation with radial coordinates. The use ofa conical spreader to fill the bin with canola
increased the uniformity of chaff and fines distribution only slightly. Contrary to general belief, fines were not highly
concentrated in the center of the bin for either ofthe fill methods. The variation ofchaff and fines with height was

INTRODUCTION 3.2 million tonnes of canola worth 1.2 tors such as moisture content ofthe plants,
The drying of farm crops is an integral billion dollars were produced in Canada combine setting, presence of weeds and
part of agricultural production systems. (Anonymous 1984). Depending on the atmospheric conditions at the time of com
The current trend is to dry farm crops, weather conditions during harvest, drying bining. The amount of foreign material in
including canola, using near-ambient tem of canola may be a necessity. High- tem the harvested canola was difficult to con
perature air. Aeration is the most com perature air drying is undesirable for can trol. Therefore, instead of keeping con
monly used method for cooling stored ola because of the fear of contamination stant foreign material at harvest, it was
grains and oilseeds. In both the near- from burnt kernels, and nonuniform air decided to sample each truck load for for
ambient drying and the aeration systems, flow distribution in near-ambient drying eign material. Trucks were sampledat the
air in varying quantities, 10-30 L/(s m3) systems can result in localized regions of time of unloading. The dropping streamof
for near-ambient drying and 1-2 L/(s m3) wet seeds causing mouldy or heated ker canola from the truck was collected every
for aeration systems (Friesen et al. 1984), nels. Both the burnt and heated kernels 120 sec. The canola stream was cut by
is forced through a perforated area and is complicate refining ofthe canola oil. As a moving a container in one direction per
then distributed throughout the grain first step in an attempt to predict the uni pendicularto the falling stream.The speed
mass. The success ofthe systems is highly formity of airflow within stored canola, of the container was controlled manually
dependent on uniformity of the airflow this study was undertaken to investigate and was assumed to be nearly constant.
within the stored mass. The uniformity of the distribution patterns of foreign mate The time to empty the truck ranged from
airflow is affected by the configuration of rial (chaff and fines) in canola bins as 20 to 30 min depending on the setting of
the perforated area used for introduction of affected by the method used to fill the bin. the unloading gate. The samples collected
the air; bin geometry; resistance to airflow Based on average particle diameter of for an individualtruck were mixed to give
of the product; and the amount, size and Tobin canola, chaff was defined as over a representative sample for that truck.
distribution of foreign material in the flow of No. 12 mesh US Standard sieve The bin was filled on two occasions
stored bulk. If a clean product at known and fines as underflow of No. 16 mesh US using a central spout with a drop heightof
moisture content is used to fill the storage Standard sieve. 7.0 m (measured from the perforated floor
bins, then theeffectofthe configuration of to the outlet of the unloading screw con
the perforated area and the bin geometry MATERIALS AND METHODS
veyor). Additional canolawasaddedusing
can be predicted reasonably well using the Sampling for Foreign Material a conical spreader to the partially filled
mathematical models of several inves Distribution bin. The dropping height for the conical
tigators (Brooker 1969; Marchant 1976; The amount, size and distribution of spreader filled bin was 3.0 m (measured
Segerlind 1982; Singh(Jayas)and Sokhan foreign material was studied in a farm bin, from apex of the inverted bottom cone to
sanj 1985; Miketinac et al. 1986). 4.6 m in diameter and 6.89 m in overall the leveled canola surface). Since the bin
The effect of the amount, size and dis height. The bin was erected on a farm near was being monitored for another experi
tribution offoreign material onuniformity Saskatoon. The perforated floor was 0.48 ment, the canola was added on top of the
of airflow can also be incorporated in the m above the concrete floor and the bin roof canola already present in the bin when
mathematical models if the distribution of had a 26.7 slope. The effective vertical using the conical spreader. The arrange
foreign materials in storage bins can be height for storage of canola was 5.26 m. ment of various components ofthe unload
estimated. Chang etal. (1981, 1983, 1984) Canola, variety Tobin {Brassica camp- ing system is shown in Fig. 1.
studied the distribution of foreign material estris), harvested during the fall of 1984 Stephens and Foster (1976, 1978) and
incorn and wheat bins. Toourknowledge, was used to fill the bin. Canola was first Chang et al. (1981,1983,1984) studied the
studies on thedistribution of foreign mate swathed and then combined at moisture distribution of fines in corn, wheat and
rials in other stored crops have not been contents of about 6-10%. The low sorghum. They used a multicompartment
reported in the literature. moisture contents were due to hot dry probe to sample the bin at grid points
Canola is an economically important weather at harvest. The amount of foreign spaced 300 mm radially and 280 mm ver
oilseed crop for Canada. In 1984, about material in canola depends on many fac tically. This method of sampling was not


Figure 1. The schematic ofthe arrangement ofvarious components used to fill the bins.

used in the present study for several rea sampling and was reintroduced after
sons. First, it was decided that the opening unloading the next truck. Four truck loads
through which the sample enters the probe were used for the first bin fill and five truck
is small and could prevent entering of the loads were used for the second bin fill.
chaff due to bridging. Second, if a probe The profile after filling the bin usingthe
with a large opening and diameter is used conical spreaderwas not a conebuthadthe
it disturbs the sampling area during inser shape of a doughnut. The sampling grid
tion; also, the difficulty in inserting the for the spreader-filled bin is shown in Fig.
probe increases significantly with probe 3. In preliminary tests, filling with the
diameter. From studies of Stephens and conical spreader did not give an axisym-
Foster (1976,1978) and Chang etal. (1981, metric fill, rather canola sloped in a heap
1983, 1984) it can be assumed that the from one side ofthe bin wall. The problem
distribution of foreign material is sym was in the design of the spreader. The
metrical about the vertical axis of the bin opening between the two cones was too
when bins are filled using spreaders or a wide. Therefore, a slight angle from the
centralspout. Therefore, sampling of a bin vertical ofthe dropping canola guided it to
alongone radiuswas considered sufficient one side. The spreader was modified so
instead of along the bin diameter. The that the top cone was nearly full during
method of sampling a bin along its radius emptying. Also, thehanging portion ofthe
is described below. This method could be dropping-spout was tied so that it dis
extendedto samplealong the bin diameter. charged vertically downward. The modi
The first truck load (about 81) of canola fications resulted in axisymmetric dis
was transferred into the bin using the tribution of foreign material. Many
unloading system shown in Fig. 1. A farmers may not notice this problem and
plywood platform (250mmwide and2500 the conical spreader would result in bins
mm long) was hung from an inside ladder having all the chaff accumulated on one
in the bin. The platform was parallel and side.
close to the canola profile in the bin but
was not touching the canola surface. This Analysis of Samples for Foreign
arrangement allowed easy sampling of Material
canola at all sampling locations spaced Collected samples were subdivided
372 mm apart along the bin radius. The using a Boerner divider into samples of
Radius (r),m 250 g each. The 250-g sample was frac
samples were collected using a circular
sampler 100 mm in diameter and 145 mm Figure 2. Sampling points for spout-filled tionated into three components using two
long.The sampler wasinserted atthepoint bins. Tylerwoven wiremesh sieves (No. 12 and
of samplingand then wascoveredusingan 16). The opening of No. 12 sieve was 1.70
aluminum sheet at the bottom and lifted. 600 g. The samples near the bin wall mm and of No. 16 was 1.18 mm. The
The disturbance caused by sampling at one weighed less because of the presence of sieves were 51mm in depth and 203 mm in
point was not transferred to the adjacent higheramounts of lighter chaff. As shown diameter. The samples were shaken for 5
sampling point. The amount of sample in Fig. 2, the grid of sampling points in min using a Ro-Tap shaker. The shaking
collected at each point was about 800 g this method followed the profile of the time was determined based on preliminary
except nearthebinwall where itwas about canola. The platform was removed after tests in which material on sieves was


0-5 10 1-5 20 2-5
Radial Distance, (r), m
Figure 4. Distribution ofchaff along the radius ofabin which was filled axisymmetrically using a
central spout. The radial distances were measured from the bin center. The numbers 1to
4 are for first bin fill and 5 to 9 are for second bin fill.

2-5 -1 -5
-2 -6
3 -7
20 4
0 I
Radius (r), m II 1-5
Figure 3. Sampling points for a conical
spreader-filled bin.
recorded at 2-min intervals. The dif e
ference between amounts of material
retained on the various sieves after 4 and 6 !o-5
min was negligible. Hence, 5 min was
arbitrarily chosen as the shaking time.
The material retained on the No. 12
sieve was defined as chaff, the underflow
of No. 12 and overflow of No. 16 was
00 0-5 10 I-5 20 2-5
defined as canola and the material that Radial Distance, (r), m
passed through No. 16and was retained on Figure 5. Distribution offines along the radius ofabin which was filled axisymmetrically using a
the pan was defined as fines. Canola at this central spout. The radial distances were measured from the bin center. The numbers 1to
point contained a small amount of needle 4 are for first bin fill and 5 to 9 are for second bin fill.
likeparticles of plantresidue. Theseparti
cles wereseparated as overflow using rid of the bin were used to estimate the fines in the mass of canola for spout-filled
dle screen No. 000 with a feed rate set at 3 weighted average of chaff and fines for bins are shown in Figs. 4 and 5, respec
on a Carter Dockage Tester (Simon Day each truck load. The volumes of canola in tively. The lines were drawn through the
Ltd., Winnipeg, Man.). This small frac the bin represented by each sample were mean values of chaff and fines. The means
tion was added to the chaff because it taken into account when means of chaff were calculated from triplicate samples
looked similar. The masses of fines, can and fines were estimated. collected 372 mm apart (radially), except
ola and chaff were recorded and were used The individual amounts of chaff and for the sampling location, farthest from the
to give the distribution of foreign material fines were divided by the mean values of center, where only duplicates were used.
in thebin as affectedby the method used to chaff and fines to determine the nor The quantity of chaff and fines were nor
fill the bin. malized chaff and fines. malized by dividing the measured value at
each point by the mass averagequantity at
Normalization of Foreign Materials RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the same level. The plottedlinesrepresent
The amounts of fines and chaff deter Distribution in Spout-filled Bins two bin fills. The lines numbered 1 to 4 are
mined at seven locations along the radius The radial distributions of chaff and for first bin fill and 5 to 9 are for second bin


to 0.6-0.8 m away from the center. The
distribution of chaff in spout-filled canola
a-Spreader fill
bins can be described by a quadratic equa

ormalized P-bai
| 1.5
2.0 -

a-Spout fill tion:

Cs/Cs = 0.722 - 0.740 r + 0.535 r2

(correlation coefficient = 0.98)

where Cs = mean chaff content for spout-


filled bin; Cs = chaff at radius r for spout-
filled bin; and r = location along bin
v radius measured from central axis (m).
k ^
Chang et al. (1981, 1983) have reported
very high concentrations of fines around
the center of the bins filled with corn and
wheat. We did not observe very high con
centration of fines near the center of the
o.qL X J_ bin. Rather, we observed that the con
centration of fines in canola bins near the
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
bin center was almost equal to that near the
Radial Distance,(r) , m sides ofthe bin. The minimum fines were
Figure 6. Distribution ofaverage chaff and best fit curves for spout- and spreader-filled bins. The found about midway between the center
radial distances were measured from the bin center. and the bin wall. The canola particles are
very small, and hence distinction between
canola and fines is not as markedly defined
2.5r- as in the studies of Chang et al. (1981,
a-Spreader fill 1983) with corn and wheat. The distribu
a-Spout fill tion of fines in spout-filled canola bins can
2.0 mathematically be given by:
FJFS = 1.093 - 0.474 r + 0.241 r2 (2)
(correlation coefficient = 0.88)
where Fs = mean fines for spout-filled
0) bins; and Fs = fines at radius r for spout-
=5 ,0 w^r-^-T--^irr: filled bins.

o Distribution in Spreader-filled Bins
z 0.5 Normalized distribution of chaff and
fines for spreader fill are given in Figs. 8
and 9, respectively. The lines were drawn
o.oL through the mean values of chaff and
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 fines. The means were calculated from
triplicate samples collected 372 mm apart
Radial Distance ,(r), m
(radially), except for the sampling loca
Figure 7. Distribution ofaverage fines and best fit curves for spout- and spreader-filled bins. The tion, farthest from the center, where only
radial distances were measured from the bin center. duplicateswere used. Linesnumbered 1,2
and 3 represent the samples taken after
fill. The variation among replicates for fill can be given. Most of the chaff was transferring first, second and third truck
each location was less than 5% for 80% of concentrated near the wall ofthe bin (Fig. loads of canola. The detailed data are
the samplesof chaff, and for all samplesof 6), and minimum chaff occurred between given elsewhere (Jayas 1987). The varia
fines. The detailed experimental data are 0.6 and 0.8 m from the center of the bin. tion among subsamples was less than 5%
givenin Jayas(1987). Asadditional canola This trend was also confirmed by visually for most samples of chaff and for all sam
was added in each filling, the drop height observing the canola profileafter the addi ples of fines. In the case of spreader fill, a
decreased for successive additions. The tion of each load. The cleanest spot was change in drop height had no significant
effect of drop height on radial distribution not the center of the bin but rather it was effect on radial distribution of chaff and
of either chaff or fines is negligible. the annular area between 1.2 and 1.6 m fines. The mean radial distributions of
Hence, the chaff and fines were averaged diameter of the bin. It was expected that chaff and fines for spreader fill are shown
for all samples at each sampling point minimum chaff should occur in the center in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. The radial
along the bin radius. of the bin. During filling using the central distribution of chaff in spreader-filled bins
The mean values for chaff and fines are spout, particles larger than canola have a is described by:
shown in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. In tendency to slide along the slope, but some CJCC = 0.960 - 0.866 r + 0.520 r2 (3)
calculating mean values, data points of these particlesdid not have enough time (correlation coefficient = 0.94)
marked "5" were not used. No explana and were trapped in the falling stream.
tion for such a distinct behavior in trans This trapping was probably the main rea where Cc = mean chaff content for
ferring the first loadduring the second bin son for higherchaff at the centercompared spreader-filled bins; and Cc = chaffcon-


more uniform distribution of fines in other
crops (Chang et al. 1981, 1983).

_ 2 Utility of the Results

20 3 To use Eqs. 1-4 for predicting radial
/ distribution of chaff and fines a represen
/ , tative sample from a bin must be frac


if tionated to find chaff and fines means for
that bin. By substituting values for radial

/? coordinates, mean chaff and mean fines in

^ 10 " ><
/'' an appropriate equation, the distribution of
-'/'' foreign material in the bins can be pre
dicted. In the event a representative sam
"^* "~ "* ** ** -. ^v ^Z ../ ple cannot be obtained and analyzed, an
estimate of total foreign material in canola
can be used. The estimated foreign mate
rial can be divided by 2 to obtain chaff and
I 1 1 i 1 . 1 . 1 fines means.
Equations 1, 2, 3 and 4 are developed
00 0-5 10 1-5 20 2-5
from experimental data for 4.6-m-diame-
Radial Distance, (r), m ter bins. The use ofthe equations to predict
distribution of foreign material should be
Figure8. Distribution of chaffalongthe radiusof a bin whichwas filled axisymmetrically using a
limited to the bins having diameters of
grain spreader. The radial distances were measured from the bin center.
about 4.6 m. The main reason to limit this
study to a 4.6-m-diameter bin was its
2-5 availability and its commonness on most
farms in western Canada. An extensive
study with different diameter bins would
2 require substantial cooperation from the
20- 3 farmers and a significant amount of finan
cial resources. If funds become available a
general equation should be developed for
1-5 prediction of chaff and fines not only in
canola bins but also in bins filled with
other cereals and oilseeds.

| 10
The distribution of chaff and fines in a
0-5 4.6-m-diameter bin can be modelled using
quadratic equations relating the fraction of
chaff or fines to the radial coordinate.
Contrary to general belief, fines were not
00 1
highly concentrated in the center of the bin
00 0-5 10 1-5 20 2-5 for either of the fill methods. The use of a

Radial Distance, (r), m grain spreader concentrated more fines

near the center and resulted in only slightly
Figure 9. Distribution of fines along radius of a bin which was filled axisymmetrically using a more uniform distribution of fines than use
grain spreader. The radial distances were measured from the bin center. of spout fill. We experienced that unsuper
vised use ofthe spreader may cause filling
of the bin towards one side and result in
tent at radius r for spreader-filled bins and shift is the doughnut-shaped profile which most of the chaff being concentrated
radial distribution of fines in spreader- resulted during bin filling using the conical towards the opposite side.
filled bins is given by spreader. The chaff did not have enough
energy to cross the ridge formed and was REFERENCES
FJFK = 1.269 - 0.466 r + 0.166 r2 (4)
trapped in the center portion of the bin. ANONYMOUS. 1984. Canadian grain indus
(correlation coefficient = 0.78)
The fines are more concentrated in the try statistical handbook - 1984. Can. Grains
where Fc = mean fines content for center when a conical spreader is used to Council, Winnipeg, Man.
spreader-filled bins; and Fc = fines con fill the bins (Fig. 7). This also happens BROOKER, D. B. 1969. Computing air pres
sures and velocity distribution when air
tent at radius r for spreader-filled bins. because of trapping of fines in the central
flows through a porous medium and non
The effect ofthe conical spreader on the portion of the doughnut-shaped profile. linear velocity pressure relationships exist.
distribution of chaff is to increase chaff These observations contradict the man Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 12(1):
concentration at the center and reduce it ufacturers claim that use of their spreader 118-120.
near the bin wall (Fig. 6), as compared to will result in better distribution of fines CHANG, C. S., L. E. SHACKELFORD, F. S.
spout-filled bins. The main reason for this than spout fill. Some spreaders do result in LAI, C. R. MARTIN, and B. S. MILLER.


1981. Bulk properties of corn as affected by air through grain. Publ. No. Agdex 732-1. linear airflow equation. ASAE Paper No.
multiple-point grain spreaders. Trans. Manitoba Agriculture, Winnipeg, Man. 82-3017. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., St. Joseph,
ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 24(6): JAYAS, D. S. 1987. Resistance of bulk canola Mich.
1632-1636. oilseed to airflow. Unpublished Ph.D. The- SINGH (JAYAS), D. and S. SOKHANSANJ.
CHANG, C. S., H. H. CONVERSE, andC. R. sis. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, 1985. Transient field problems: finite ele-
MARTIN. 1983. Bulk properties of grains as Sask. ment formulation. Proc. Can. Soc. of Civil
affected by self-propelled rotational type MARCHANT, J. A. 1976. The prediction of Eng., Saskatoon, Sask. pp. 425-441.
grain spreaders. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. airflows in crop drying systems by the finite STEPHENS, L. E. and G. H. FOSTER. 1976.
Agric. Eng.) 26(5): 1543-1550. element method. J. Agric. Eng. Res. 21: Grain bulk properties as affected by mechan-
CHANG,C. S., H.H.CONVERSE, and F.S. 417-429. ical grain spreaders. Trans. ASAE (Am.
LAI. 1984. Distribution of fines and bulk MIKETINAC, M. J., S. SOKHANSANJ, and Soc. Agric. Eng.) 19(2): 354-358, 363.
density of corn as affected by choke-flow D. S. JAYAS. 1986. Graphical analysis of STEPHENS, L. E. andG. H. FOSTER. 1978.
and dropping height. ASAE Paper No. airflow distribution in grain bins using finite Bulk properties of wheat and grain sorghum
84-3531. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., St. Joseph, element method. Can. Agric. Eng. 28(1): as affected by mechanical grain spreaders.
Mich. 23-30. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 21(2):
FRIESEN, O. H., H. P. HARMS, and D. N. SEGERLIND, L. J. 1982. Solving the non- 1217-1218, 1221.
HUMINICKI. 1984. Movement of natural



D. S. Jayas1, S. Sokhansanj2, E. B. Moysey2 and E. M. Barber2

'Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2N2; and 2Department of
Agricultural Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 0W0
Received 28 August 1986, accepted 6 March 1987

Jayas, D. S., S. Sokhansanj, E. B. Moysey, and E. M. Barber. 1987. The effect of airflow direction on the
resistance of canola (rapeseed) to airflow. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 189-192.

The resistances to airflow of Tobin and Westar canola, of foreign material usually found in harvested canola, and of
several mixtures of Tobin and foreign material were measured experimentally for two airflow directions. The resistance to
airflow of individual samples for the horizontal airflow direction was 0.5-0.7 the resistance to airflow for the vertical
direction. From a practical point of view, the resistance for horizontal airflow direction can be estimated as 0.6 the
resistance for vertical airflow direction.

INTRODUCTION of mixtures of canola and foreign mate of 720 mm. A square (230 mm x 230
Resistance to airflow of various agri rials. mm) airflow straightener made from steel
cultural products has been studied for at wool was installed in the pyramidical sec
least 55 yr by many investigators including MATERIALS AND METHODS tion to diffuse the air uniformly. The air
Stirniman et al. (1931), Shedd (1951), Bar- Experimental Method was then forced through the canola col
rowman and Boyce (1966), Bakker- The effect of the direction of airflow on umn. Two possible directions of airflow
Arkema et al. (1969), Agrawal and Chand resistance to airflow was studied in a cubic (horizontal and vertical) were used. The
(1974), Bern and Charity (1975) and box (Fig. 1). Compressed air from a cen box was always filled from the top as
Abrams and Fish (1978). (An extensive list tral compressor was regulated by a ball would be the case in bins filled on the
of these studies is given in Jayas (1987).) valve and a pressure regulator. The air was farm. The direction of airflow was
In most of these studies on resistance to filtered before entering the pressure reg changed by rotating the air delivery sys
airflow of agricultural products it has been ulator. The air was then forced through a tem. The pressure drop, to an accuracy of
assumed that resistance to airflow is equal calibrated orifice plate. The measured vol 0.25 Pa (0.025 mm of H20), was mea
in all directions. Therefore, the reported ume of air was introduced into a pyra- sured across 250 mm of a canola column in
results were measured only for the vertical midical air plenum having an apex height both directions. The study was conducted
airflow direction. Many mathematical
models (Brooker 1969; Marchant 1976;
Haque et al. 1981) have been developed to
predict pressure patterns in grain bins.
These models are also based on isotropic
behavior of agricultural products. Lamond
and Smith (1982) pointed out the pos 250
sibility of different resistances to airflow
based on airflow direction since most ker
nels (such as wheat and barley) lie with
their major axes horizontal. Recent inves
tigations by Kumar and Muir (1986) con
firmed the variability of resistance to
airflow with airflow direction for wheat
and barley. Canola seeds are spherical in
shape, hence the effect of direction of air
flow on resistance to airflow of clean can
ola seeds might be expected to be
negligible. The resistance to airflow of
foreign material usually found in har
vested canola is expected to be different
for different airflow directions. To our
knowledge, no study has been reported on
the effect of direction of airflow on resis
tance to airflow of canola, of foreign mate
rial usually found in canola and of
mixtures of canola and foreign materials.
The objectives of this study were to deter
mine the effect of direction of airflow on AIR
resistance to airflow of canola, of foreign Figure 1. Elevation view of the apparatus used to study the effect of direction of airflow on
material usually harvested with canola and resistance of various samples. The apparatus was supported on a light metal frame.


0.0158-0.1709 m3/(secm2)

Method of Filling Sample composition Physical properties Coefficients of Eq. 1

The cubic box in these tests was filled Bulk

using two methods (spout and sprinkle). In Method Direction density

Canola Chaff Fines of of (kg/ Porosity A
spout fill, which produces a very loose fill, variety fill airflow m-1) xlO6 B R2
(%) (%) (%)
canola was dropped into a funnel and then
Tobint 0 0 Spout Horizontal 694.4 38.9 494.9 0.8072 0.999
allowed to flow with nearly zero height of Tobin 0 0 Spout Vertical 694.4 38.9 283.6 0.8563 0.998
fall. Tobin 0 0 Sprinkle Horizontal 747.9 34.2 249.5 0.8326 0.997
In sprinkle fill, samples were dropped Tobin 0 0 Sprinkle Vertical 747.9 34.2 171.7 0.8616 0.999
about 200 mm into a U.S. standard sieve Westar 0 0 Spout Horizontal 677.4 38.7 604.8 0.8101 0.997
with9.5-mm x 9.5-mm square apertures. Westar 0 0 Spout Vertical 677.4 38.7 380.0 0.8491 0.998

The material then was dropped approx Westar 0 0 Sprinkle Horizontal 725.0 34.4 344.6 0.8151 0.998

imately another 800 mm in a rain-like Westar 0 0 Sprinkle Vertical 725.0 34.4 221.8 0.8608 0.997

manner resulting in a packed fill. The 0 100 0 Spout Horizontal 406.6 68.8 2071.3 0.8643 0.995
0 100 0 Spout Vertical 406.6 68.8 2089.8 0.7788 0.997
sprinkle-fill method was used to simulate
0 100 0 Sprinkle Horizontal 481.9 63.0 1037.9 0.8809 0.996
grain spreaders used in farm bins. The 0 100 0 Sprinkle Vertical 481.9 63.0 986.0 0.7811 0.998
design of a scale-model grain spreader was 15 0 Spout Horizontal 638.0 44.9 505.2 0.8431 0.994
not considered a viable option. Tobin 15 0 Spout Vertical 638.0 44.9 271.8 0.8821 0.997

Tobin 25 0 Spout Horizontal 604.5 48.5 846.1 0.7788 0.999

Canola Samples Tobin 25 0 Spout Vertical 604.5 48.5 384.2 0.8521 0.997

0 0 100 Spout Horizontal 569.8 54.0 205.4 0.8661 0.997

Canola varieties can be classified in two
0 0 100 Spout Vertical 569.8 54.0 83.6 0.9090 0.998
groups: Brassica campestrisand/?, napus.
Tobin 0 15 Spout Horizontal 677.2 41.2 345.1 0.8284 0.999
Brassica campestris seeds are about 17% Spout Vertical 677.2 41.2 209.6 0.8659 0.997
Tobin 0 15
smaller in diameter than B. napus seeds. Spout Horizontal 666.8 42.5 296.9 0.8417 0.999
Tobin 0 25
Brassica campestris was represented by Tobin 0 25 Spout Vertical 666.8 42.5 174.3 0.8804 0.996
the variety Tobin, which was harvested at tThe equivalent particle diameter of Tobin seeds was 1.50 0.025 mm and of Westar seeds was 1.80
an initial moisture content of 6.5% in the 0.008 mm.
fall of 1984. The Tobin canola was cleaned
by a commercial cleaning plant in Saska and their physical properties are given in comparison pycnometer. The averagevol
toon, Saskatchewan. Brassica napus was Table I. ume of one kernel was then calculated.
represented by the variety Westar. The estimated volume of a single kernel
Cleaned Westar with an initial moisture Moisture Measurements was set equal to the volume of an equiv
content of 7.0% was purchased from a All tests were conducted at a moisture alent sphere having a diameter of d which
local seed company. content of 7.0 0.5% (wet basis). The was then determined. This method could
Foreign material usually found in can moisture contents of all samples were not be used for the estimation ofthe equiv
ola can be divided into two groupschaff determined according to American alent diameter of fines and mixtures of
and fines. Both these fractions were pur Society of Agricultural Engineers Stan Tobin, chaff and fines because of diffi
chased from a seed-cleaning plant. The dard S352.1 (ASAE 1984). Samples were culties in counting the fine particles. Chaff
chaff, which represents the fraction of for dried in an air convection oven at 130C particles were more close to needles and
eign material larger than average canola for 4 h. The decision to use this standard long cylinders in shape and were not repre
seeds, was overflow from the cylinder for chaff and fines was based on the fact sented as equivalent spheres.
machine in a commercial cleaning opera that these components were derived from
tion. The fines, which represents particles canola. AIRFLOW-PRESSURE DROP
smaller than average canola seeds, were RELATIONSHIPS
underflow of number 21 sieve in a com Bulk Density and Porosity Measure Several equations are available in the
mercial cleaning operation. Size analysis ment literature to represent airflow-pressure
on these samples was not done because of The mass of sample required to fill the drop data. A comprehensivediscussionon
lack of any standards available for this box divided by the volume ofthe box gave the use of these equations in mathematical
purpose but these fractions were defined in situ measurements of bulk density for modelling of airflow distribution in bins is
qualitatively. Chaff consisted mainly of all experiments. The particle volumes of given by Segerlind (1983). Based on his
wild oats and broken stems of canola small samples (about 15 g each) were recommendation, data were analyzed
plants. Fines consisted mainly of broken determined using an air comparison pyc- using Shedd's (1953) equation:
canola kernels, whole small canola ker nometer (Beckman Model 930, Beckman
v = A(AP)B 0)
nels, weed seeds and fine soil particles. Instruments Inc., Fullerton, Calif.).
Resistance to airflow for both airflow Porosities were then calculated according where V = airflow rate (m3/(sec-m2)), AP
directions was determined for clean to Mohsenin (1970). = pressure drop per unit bed depth (Pa),
Tobin, clean Westar, chaff, fines and vari and A and B = experimental constants for
ous combinations of chaff, fines and Determination of Equivalent Particle each test. The equation was fitted in linear
Tobin. Mixtures were manually prepared Diameter form to log-transformed data using GLM
using known masses of components. In To determine the equivalent particle procedure of the Statistical Analysis Sys
total, 22 experiments with triplicate runs diameter of clean canola, the volume of tem, Inc. (1982) and the constants A and B
were conducted. The sample compositions 1000 kernels was determined using the air were estimated for each test.

ACROSS 1 m OF 6.5% MOISTURE CONTENT TOBIN CANOLA FOR TWO AIRFLOW DIREC factors, a variation of 5-10% in experi
mental data is justifiable, and data with
Pressure drop (Pa/m) such variability have an excellent practical
Horizontal Vertical value.
Spout Sprinkle Spout Sprink e
Sprinkle fill gave consistently higher
(m3/(sec-m2)) Mean SDt Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
bulk densities by approximately 7%, as
can be seen from Table I. Resistance to
0.0158 80.0 10.6 166.8 10.3 120.0 10.1 200.0 0.0
0.0217 105.2 6.1 210.0 11.0 158.8 7.9 280.0 0.0 airflow was also significantly affected by
0.0298 158.8 8.3 303.2 19.7 225.2 6.0 400.0 0.0 fill method. In Fig. 2, difference in airflow
0.0454 258.8 9.2 480.0 17.9 352.0 11.3 613.2 20.6 resistance due to fill method appears to be
0.0624 382.8 10.1 713.2 30.1 514.8 4.1 893.2 20.6
small, because it is drawn to a log scale; in
0.0857 573.2 16.6 1063.2 38.8 757.2 6.5 1300.0 17.9
733.2 24.4 1353.2 30.1 954.8 4.1 1653.2 20.6
fact it is a two to one ratio.
0.1178 880.0 36.7 1613.2 30.1 1133.2 8.3 1926.8 16.3
0.1305 1000.0 28.8 1853.2 20.6 1288.0 7.2 2206.8 16.3
0.1419 1110.8 53.6 2070.0 32.9 1437.2 10.9 2456.8 15.0
Analysis of Data
0.1523 1240.0 55.2 2273.2 37.2 1576.0 13.4 2700.0 17.9 Equation 1 in its linear form was fitted to
0.1619 1336.0 41.6 2480.0 31.0 1716.0 9.8 2910.0 11.0 mean data for each of the 22 test condi
0.1709 1442.8 46.2 2666.8 41.3 1840.0 7.2 3140.0 17.9 tions shown in Table I. The estimated
tSD is standard deviation and is based on sample size of six. coefficients A and B along with correlation
coefficients for each sample are given in
00 Table I. The correlation coefficients for all

H Spout samples are greater than 0.99. Except for

* H Sprinkle 100% chaff, the B exponents are larger for
o V Spout the vertical than the horizontal direction of
E -

in airflow. The exponents for spout-filled

\ o V Sprinkle
ro "

chaff and fines are larger than other sam

ples. From a practical point of view, sam
D0 AOi0
Do ples of only chaff and fines can be
n r\
eliminated. Considering the remaining
samples it will be reasonable to assume
o DO A 0

that B exponents are nearly constant at

Do a O

0.82 0.02 for horizontal flow direction

- O A O
and at 0.86 0.01 for vertical flow direc

D O a O
tion. Statistically, the mean values of the B

exponents are significantly different

(P<0.01) but again from a practical point
I l 1
.Ll._l.u_ i i i 1 i i i i 1 ,1 .i L.L.LJJL of view exponent B can be assumed con
100 1000 10000 stant at 0.84. This assumption will intro
duce an error of 2% in the predicted
Pressure Drop, (AP), Pa/m
exponent B. As is also demonstrated in
Figure 2. The effect of method offill and of direction of airflow on resistance to airflow of Westar Fig. 2, the plotted points form reasonably
canola at 7.0% moisture content. H indicates the horizontal airflow direction and V parallel lines.
indicates the vertical airflow direction. The intercepts A can be used to compare
the effect of direction of airflow on resis
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION nificantly affect the resistance of a product tance to airflow of canola. The ratios ofthe
Resistance Data to airflow. Consider a hypothetical prod intercepts for vertical to horizontal direc
Resistance data for the sample of Tobin uct with cylindrical particles. If all the tion varied from 0.5 to 0.7 with a mean
are shown in Table II and for the sample of particles are oriented in a cubic box with and standard deviation of 0.570.09.
Westar are shown in Fig. 2. For other their major axes being horizontal, then Resistance to airflow in the horizontal
samples, data have also been tabulated and resistance to airflow will be less in the direction is about 0.6 the resistance to air
graphed (Jayas 1987). The mean values horizontal direction compared to the ver flow in the vertical direction. This ratio of
given in Table II are based on a sample tical direction. The quantitative assess the horizontal to vertical resistances to air
size of six. For each replicate, data were ment of orientation of particles was flow is very similar to the value of 0.63
recorded for both increasing and decreas impossible and might have contributed to reported for wheat at an airflow value of
ing airflows. For 80% of the measure the variation among triplicates. Another 0.077 m3/(sec*m2) but is higher than the
ments, the coefficient of variation was less factor which might contribute to the resis 0.47 value reported for barley (Kumar and
than 5%, and for only 4% of the measure tance to airflow will be the weather condi Muir 1986).
ments it was greater than 10%. The varia tions during harvest. These conditions In mathematical models used to predict
tion in bulk density and porosity among may change the particle sizes of canola pressure patterns in bins filled with canola
triplicates was less than 0.5% for most and the amount and size distribution of the coefficient A for the horizontal direc
samples. The moisture contents of sam foreign material within the canola. (As an tion can be found by multiplying the
ples were within 0.5 percentage points example, in a dry year stems of plants may coefficient A for the vertical direction by
among triplicates. be ground to small pieces.) The artificially 1.7. This should be incorporated in future
The orientation of particles can also sig prepared mixtures may simulate, to some prediction models.


Future Research St. Joseph, Mich. sis, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
A substantial amount of energy is spent AGRAWAL, K. K. and P. CHAND. 1974. Sask.
in drying grains and oilseeds on farms. A Pressure drop across fixed beds of rough KUMAR, A. and W. E. MUIR. 1986. Airflow
growing trend is to dry grains and oilseeds rice. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) resistance of wheat and barley affected by
by forcing near-ambient-temperature air 17(3): 560-563. airflow direction, filling method and dock
AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRI age. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.)
through the stored mass. This study leads
CULTURAL ENGINEERS. 1984. Stan 29(5): 1423-1426.
to the hypothesis that the bins which will dards 1984. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., St. LAMOND, W. J. and E. A. SMITH. 1982.
allow horizontal airflow through a stored Joseph, Mich. Modeling low temperature drying of grain in
mass will reduce energy consumption in BAKKER-ARKEMA, F. W., R. J. PATTER anisotropic beds. Third International Drying
drying by 40%. The major problem which SON and W. G. BICKERT. 1969. Static Symposium, Birmingham, U.K.
we foresee in the design of such bins will pressure-airflow relationships in packed MARCH ANT, J. A. 1976. The prediction of
be to eliminate short circuiting of air cur beds of granular biological materials such as airflows in crop drying systems by the finite
rents. Studies must also be conducted to cherry pits. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. element method. J. Agric. Eng. Res. 21:
determine the effective heat and mass Eng.) 12(1): 134-136, 140. 417-429.

transfer properties due to direction of air BARROWMAN, R. and D. S. BOYCE. 1966. MOHSENIN, N. N. 1970. Physical properties
Air distribution from lateral ducts in barley. of plant and animal materials. Vol. I. struc
flow. If properties either encourage faster
J. Agric. Eng. Res. 11(4): 243-247. ture, physical characteristics and mechan
removal of moisture or maintain the same
BERN, C. J. and L. F. CHARITY. 1975. Air ical properties. Gordon and Breach Science
level of moisture removal for horizontal flow resistance characteristics of corn as Publishers, New York.
airflow direction compared to vertical air influenced by bulk density. ASAE Paper no. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM INC.
flow direction, then development of new 75-3510. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., St. Joseph, 1982. SAS users guide: Statistics. SAS,
aeration systems will be worth pursuing. Mich. Inc., Raleigh, N.C.
BROOKER, D. B. 1969. Computing air pres SEGERLIND, L. J. 1983. Presenting velocity-
CONCLUSIONS sures and velocity distribution when air pressure gradient data for use in mathe
Based on this study it can be concluded flows through a porous medium and non matical models. Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc.
that resistance to airflow of canola and of
linear velocity pressure relationships exist. Agric. Eng.) 26(4): 1245-1248.
Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 12(1): SHEDD, C. K. 1951. Some new data on resis
mixtures of canola and foreign materials
118-120. tance of grains for airflow. Agric. Eng.
for the horizontal airflow direction is 0.6
HAQUE, E., D. S. CHUNG and G. H. FOS 32(9): 493-495, 520.
the resistance to airflow for the vertical TER. 1981. Pressure and velocity field in SHEDD, C. K. 1953. Resistance of grains and
airflow direction. airflow through packed bed of corn mixed seeds to airflow. Agric. Eng. 34(9):
with fines under non-Darcy flow conditions. 616-619.
REFERENCES Trans. ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.) 24(6): STIRNIMAN, E. J., G. P. BODNAR, and E.
ABRAMS, C. F. and J. D. FISH. 1978. Resis 1595-1599, 1604. N. BATES. 1931. Tests on resistance to pas
tance of sweet potatoes to airflow. ASAE JAYAS, D. S. 1987. Resistance of bulk canola sage of air through rough rice in a deep bed.
Paper no. 78-4523. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., oilseed to airflow. Ph.D. Unpublished The Agric. Eng. 12: 145-148.



P. A. Phillips1 and D. Fraser2

'Engineering and Statistical Research Centre; and 2Animal Research Centre, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada,
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6

Contribution no. I-8241 and no. 14012, received 30 May 1986, accepted 10 October 1986

Phillips, P. A. and D. Fraser. 1987. Design, cost and performance of a free-access, two-level pen for growing-
finishing pigs. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 193-195.

Precast concrete panels and a ramp were installed on a steel support frame in a conventional 2.6 x 4.9-m slotted-floor
pen to produce a free-access two-level pen for growing-finishing pigs. The area ofthe two-level pen was about 1.7 times
that ofthe single level pen at an added material cost of approximately $70 per m2of upper level. Daily gain, feed conversion
efficiency and carcass grade index of pigs reared from 25 kg to market weight in the two-level pen compared favorably with
pigs reared in a one-level pen of similar total floor area.

INTRODUCTION to market weight in two-level and con Canadian standards for pigs of 75 - 100 kg
Two-level pig housing is sometimes ventional pens. per pig (Anonymous 1984). Uniform
adopted as an economical method of using groups were selected from the Animal
barn space. Two-level "decks" are nor METHODS AND MATERIALS Research Centre's specific-pathogen-free
mally used for pigs only at the weaner Pen Description Yorkshire herd. Each group was drawn
stage, and they offer few advantages A two-level pen (Fig. 1)was constructed from approximately six litters maintain
beyond the economy of housing more ani to fit into an existing pen measuring 2.6 x ing, as closely as possible, a balanced sex
mals per unit of floor space. 4.9 m. The 0.84-m high upper platform ratio. The pigs weighed about 25 kg aver
The use of a ramp providing free access consisted of solid panels of precast rein age body weight.
to both levels creates some new pos forced concrete 1.83 m long, with a 2.6-m For the trials, a fortified pelleted corn-
sibilities in pig housing and makes it feas slotted panel (16% porous) along the back barley-soybean meal diet was provided ad
ible to house heavier growing-finishing ofthe pen. The panels were supported by a libitum from two, two-hole feeders on the
pigs in two-level pens. In such pens, the frame of 76 x 76 x 8-mm steel angle. upper level. Water was available from
two levels provide a choice of thermal Other important features of the pen, three nipple drinkers on the lower level and
environment, and the exercise gained in detailed in Fig. 1, include the extended one on the upper level located over the
using the ramp could be beneficial to pig partitions, the protective barrier on the porous floor near the top of the ramp. On
health and condition. The upper level platform, and the ramp. The ramp frame of the day after the pigs were put into the pen,
might be used to increase the proportion of 25-mm square tubing was covered with a an attendant scattered feed on the ramp to
solid floor area available to the pigs, and double layer of expanded metal and cross- attract any pigs that had not yet climbed to
the choice of levels could provide avenues laid with 18xl8x3-mm angle steps the upper level. Out of 96 pigs, four such
of escape from aggressive pen-mates. spaced at 100 mm. The ramp was hinged at animals were identified; after these were
Hence, such designs could provide a the top end so it could be lifted out of the chased up the ramp once, they appeared to
means of addressing concerns over the way. If ceiling height is sufficient, a one adapt to the system.
welfare of intensively housed pigs. piece ramp is used; otherwise the ramp can Body weights of the pigs were recorded
A previous study (Fraser et al. 1986) be made to fold by adding another hinge at at the start of the trial, on day 7, and on
used small prototype pens, 2.4 x 2.4 m, its center with adequate support provided shipping day when a market weight of
to test the principle of free-access, two- under the hinge. 90-105 kg was reached. Total feed con
level housing for pigs. The animals were The total area provided in the two-level sumption was recorded for each group.
studied for relatively short periods (8 wk) pen was about 21 m2, the bottom level Mean carcass grade index for each group
over a weight range of about 20-60 kg at a being totally slotted and 12 m2 (allowing (based on weight and thickness of backfat)
stockingdensity of 0.53-0.63 m2per pig. for space lost because ofthe ramp), and the was computed from packing house
The results showed that pig weight gain, mainly solid top area 9 m2. Manure col receipts. The work extended from June
health and feed conversion efficiency were lected under the slotted floor where it was 1984 to December 1985, each group
at least equal to that of similar pigs housed aerated and circulated by means of an requiring approximately 3 mo to attain
in conventional, single-level pens offering oxidation ditch. Methods of moving pigs market weight.
the same total floor space. into and out of the two-tiered pens are Comparative data were available from
The work reported here tested a modi described by Fraser et al. (1986). four similar groups of 24 pigs each, housed
fied design intended to suit more normal in an adjoining room in a conventional
commercial requirements. The new pen Experimental Methods single-level pen measuring 1.83 x 11m.
was designed to accommodate the entire The two-level pen was tested with four This pen gave about 20 m2 (0.84 m2/pig)
growing-finishing phase and to fit the com consecutive groups of 24 pigs each in a of floor space, with 60% slotted, similar to
mon 11-m-wide hog barn. This paper heated, insulated barn. This stocking rate the two-level pen in total area and solid-to-
describes the design, discusses costs, and provided about 0.88 m2 of floor space per slotted ratio.
compares performance of pigs housed up pig, in accordance with recommended To determine how pigs used the two-


2.6 m

.^a%^^ 0fcf
. _ ' *
T$y\i TrrrrrrrrrrTPrripnprpnnr1"
mi 111II11111111111111! ij
W\ W
/"'' iS^^^Pl'
By 1 LLi
S s s 13a a 3 oatfaMiiejsssoi'S
n O)
> t
> B 0.76 m |- B
; .;
A_ 1" "1-

z C c

c fV
> ii

c c
m ! II I I


1.83 m t-
< A

c Figure 1. The design and dimensions of the free-access, two-level pen.
SD) OF 96 GROWING-FINISHING PIGS IN ACTIVE AND RESTING IN THE TWO- level under farm economic conditions is
difficult to estimate, but certainly must
CONVENTIONAL PEN Time (%)t include labor, transportation, and extra
costs for small tools and fasteners and a
Level Active Resting Total
Pen design profit for the installer. As a first approxima
Upper 12.6(10.4-14.3) 31.4(12.2-46.3) 44
Variablet Two-level Conventional tion, these latter items can reasonably be
Lower 9.4 (5.5-14.0) 46.6(37.8-59.4) 56
Total 22 (15.9-28.3) 78 (71.0-84.4) 100
expected to result in an installed cost
Days to market 153.3 154.6
Initial weight (kg) 25.64.35 24.43.01
which is double the materials cost (i.e.
tMean of four groups, and range of group means.
Final weight (kg) 99.25.74 96.75.84 $140 per m2). This compares favorably to
Gain (g/day) 878 82.2 849 94.4 $230 per m2 for purchasing new swine
0- to 7-day gain extrapolated to a 12-h period of daytime building space (Bunn and Kains 1986).
(kg) 5.461.56 5.090.84 activity, suggest an average of five to six Where stocking density of a barn is
Feed conversion
ramp uses per pig per day. However, some increased by installation of two-level pens,
efficiency 2.70 0.095 2.72 0.054
Carcass index 100.7 3.82 100.63.11
pigs use the ramp more than others, while design ventilation rate would have to be
a few did not use the ramp at all until forced increased, and the air inlet configuration
tStandard deviations with n = 96 pigs (except feed
to do so. Ramp design features need to be might have to be altered to suit the two-
conversion efficiency, where n = 4 pens) are shown
to illustrate individual variability in performance in improved so that all pigs will use the ramp level system. Studies of ventilation
the two pen types. spontaneously. Work is underway to deter requirements are needed under full-scale
mine pig preference for ramp design fea conditions and with a variety of manure-
level pen, observations were made tures such as slope, width, step spacing handling systems.
between 0730 and 1000h for 1day approx and illumination.
imately every 2 wk during each trial. The Pigs dunged only occasionally on the
number of pigs active and resting and num upper level, and the dung did not accumu CONCLUSIONS
bers on each level were recorded at 10-min late because it was usually pushed off the Performance results indicate that two-
intervals. The number of trips up or down platform by normal pig traffic. level housing has no adverse effects on
the ramp was counted throughout the 2.5-h In this study, the pigs rested on the average daily gain, feed conversion effi
observation period. upper level much more than in our pre ciency and grade index of pigs grown from
vious study (Fraser et al. 1986) which 25 kg to market weight (100 kg) at a stock
RESULTS tested the smaller 2.4 x 2.4-m, two-level ing density of approximately 0.88 m2/pig.
Pigs performed very well in both the pen. The nearly twofold difference proba The cost of new floor space provided by
two-level and the conventional pens bly can be attributed to the much larger adding a second level is about 60% of the
(Table I). Days to market were similar for undisturbed area available for resting in cost of new building floor space. Further
both groups, averaging 153.3 for the two- the longer pen. This larger space seemed studies are needed on the ventilation of
level and 154.6 for the conventional pen. better suited to the pigs' resting habits as two-level housing systems, and to identify
Final market weights averaged slightly the animals appeared to prefer huddling in and quantify possible improvements in the
lowerfor the conventional group (96.7 kg) groups of six to ten rather than in groups of welfare of pigs housed in free-access, two-
as compared to the two-level group (99.2 two or three as required by the smaller pen. level pens.
kg). The two-level group had slightly bet The cost of adding the upper level was
ter average daily gain, feed conversion approximately $70/m2 for materials. The ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
efficiency and 7-d weights, but the dif precast concrete panels are the main com We wish to acknowledge the helpful cooper
ferences were small and not statistically ponent and account for 70% ofthe material ation of the staff at the Animal Research Centre
significant. Seven-day weights indicate cost. Next, and about equal to each other in pig unit, and the Engineering and Statistical
how well pigs adapted initially to the two- cost, are the support structure for the plat Research Centre Shop staff for constructing the
level system. Carcass grade index was the form and the extra material required to two-level pen.
same for both pen systems. expand the partition to 1.55 m in height. In
Pigs distributed their time fairly evenly certain cases, the pen partitions could REFERENCES
between the upper and lower levels serve to support the platform. For exam ANONYMOUS. 1984. Recommended code of
(Table II). Because the feeder was on the ple, concrete pen partitions to a height of practice for the care and handling of pigs.
upper level, there was proportionally more 0.76 m could support the concrete panels, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ont. Publ.
activity there than below. The lower level with spindle partitions on top. 1771/E.
was used mainly for resting, drinking and The barrier and ramp must each be BUNN, A. J. and F. A. KAINS. 1986. Sum
dunging. During the interval from 0730 to costed against the second level and, mary of pork production and costs, February
1986. Pork News and Views. Ontario Minis
1000 h the ramp was used an averageof 31 together, they account for 10% ofthe mate
try of Agriculture and Food, London, Ont.
rial cost. A small area of the lower level is
Mar.-Apr. issue, p. 3.
required for the ramp and support posts FRASER, D., P. A. PHILLIPS, and B. K.
DISCUSSION and, strictly, the cost of this lost space THOMPSON. 1986. A test of a free-access
Pigs used the ramp willingly at all stages should also be assessed against the upper two-level pen for fattening pigs. Anim. Prod.
of growth. The behavioral observations, level. 42: 269-274.



P. A. Thacker1 and E. M. Barber2

'Department ofAnimal and Poultry Science and 2Department ofAgricultural Engineering,

University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0W0
Received 17 July 1986, accepted 8 December 1986

Thacker, P. A. and E. M. Barber. 1987 Use ofplanned drafts inanattempt toreduce preweaning mortality inbaby
pigs. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 197-200.

A total of 69 litters from crossbred sows (Large White x Landrace) of mixed parity was used to evaluate the
effectiveness ofafarrowing crate attachment (Medata Blowaway Unit) designed to reduce baby pig mortality by directing
an air stream directly under the standing sow. Use ofthis attachment was hypothesized tocondition piglets toavoid the
areaunder the standing sowandthereby reduce theirchances of being crushed if the sow moved. All sows received the
same treatment during the experiment except that a Blowaway Unit was attached tohalf ofthe farrowing crates a minimum
of3days before parturition and remained there until 10 days postpartum. Sows farrowing in crates fitted with a Blowaway
Unit crushed significantly (P < 0.05) fewer of the total number of piglets born alive than did sows farrowing incrates
without a Blowaway Unit (5.3 vs. 2.3%). However, mortality occurring as a result of starvation andother miscellaneous
causes was slightly higher for sows farrowing in crates fitted with a Blowaway Unit than without (11.5 vs. 10.6%).
Therefore, under the conditions of this experiment, preweaning mortality was not significantly reduced by using the
Blowaway attachment.

INTRODUCTION mine its effectiveness in reducing pre away Unit was attached to their farrowing
Preweaning mortality is a source of weaning mortality. crates a minimum of 3 days before parturi
majoreconomic loss to the swine industry. tion and remained there until 10 days
It is estimated that an average of 15-25% MATERIALS AND METHODS postpartum. Two Blowaway Units were
of all pigs farrowed die before weaning This experiment was conducted from utilized during the experiment and were
(Fahmy et al. 1978). Most of these deaths April to October, on a 60-sow, farrow to moved from crate to crate as required.
result from crushing by the sow, chilling, finish operation located near Vilna, The Blowaway Unit (Fig. 1) comprised
starvation, weakness or disease (Bille etal. Alberta. The farrowing facilities consisted a small squirrel cage fan (76 mm diameter,
1974; English and Smith 1975). In con of two 4.6 x 12.2-m farrowing rooms 64-mm-wide blade) powered by a 115-V
trast, some production units have a pre located on either side of a 1.8-m hallway. motor rated at 0.7 amps. The fan directed
weaning mortality below 10% (English et Each farrowing room contained seven air into a 0.9-m downpipe constructed
al. 1982). Therefore, it may be possible to 1.5 x 2.1-m wire-floored farrowing crates from rigid plastic tubing with outside and
save as many as one pig per litter through (Faromor Inc., Waterloo, Ont.) located inside diameters of 60.4 and 51.7 mm, re
improved facilities and management. over a sloped gutter (280-480 mm deep) spectively. The downpipe was joined to
Preweaning mortality can be reduced by which was flushed with fresh water twice a the center of a horizontal 1.4-m length of
providing a heated creep area for the baby day to remove fecal material. The farrow plastic tubing which had 13 equispaced
pig (Adams et al. 1980). This supplemen ing crates were equipped with heated front 20-mm-diameter holes drilled in it at 15
tary source of heat encourages the piglets creeps maintained at 27C with heat and 30 angles off a horizontal plane.
to lie away from the sow and therefore provided from hot water pipes located in The horizontal tube of the Blowaway
reduces their chances of being crushed the concrete floor of the creep. Unit was mounted on the lowest bar of a
when the sow moves (Titterinton and Incoming air was drawn from the attic farrowing crate. The unit was secured to
Fraser 1975). Unfortunately, the newborn of the swine barn and entered the farrow the crate by means of an aluminum box-
pig tends to lie against the sow's udder for ing room through an adjustable styrofoam section bracket and two clamping screws
the first 2 or 3 days of life even when baffle located on the interior wall. Air was fitted with thumb screws. This mounting
heated creep areas are provided (Petherick exhausted through two 305-mm-diameter, system enabled a Blowaway Unit to be
1983) and it is during these first 3 days that variable-speed fans located on the exterior installed on a farrowing crate in less than
the majority of mortalities occur (English wall. Hot water heating was utilized to 5 min.
and Smith 1975). maintain the temperature of the farrowing An infrared sensing device was situated
A farrowing crate attachment (Medata room at222C. on the top of the downpipe. The infrared
Blowaway Unit, Medata Sales, Elmira, A total of 69 litters, obtained from beam of the Blowaway Unit was adjusted
Ont.) has been developed recently which crossbred sows (Large White x Land- so that it passed just above the sow's back
is designed to reduce baby pig mortality by race) of mixed parity, were tested during when it was lying down. A 7.6-cm reflec
creating a draft directly under the standing this experiment. Sows were moved into tor disc, mounted on the top bar of the
sow. It was hypothesized that this draft the farrowing room on day 109 of gestation opposite side of the farrowing crate, re
would condition the piglets to avoid the at which time they were alternately turned the beam of light to the receiver.
area under the sow and to utilize the creep assigned to either the control or the experi Whenever the sow stood, the beam of light
as their sleeping/resting area. The purpose mental group. Sows in the experimental was broken, which activated the blower
of this experiment was to evaluate the group received the same treatment as those and directed a 12.45 m/s air stream (range
blowaway attachment in order to deter in the control group except that a Blow 9.5-15.0 m/s) under the sow's body.



1NFA-RED BEAM (switch)


(in creep area)

Figure 1. The Blowaway Unit.

When the sow lay down, the air stream TABLE I. PERFORMANCE OF SOWS AND LITTERS
was automatically switched off. Use of a Blowaway SEt
solid partition between farrowing crates
prevented piglets in adjacent crates from Number of litters 35 34
Average sow parity 4.42 5.02 0.51
coming in contact with the airstream. 0.15
Pigs born dead per litter 0.91 1.05
Air temperature at the Blowaway inlet Pigs born alive per litter 11.25 11.26 0.43
and at the discharge holes was measured Birth weight (kg) 1.40 1.41 0.03
using a Fluke multimeter and temperature Pigs weaned per litter 9.45 9.71 0.30
Weaning weight (kg) 7.30 0.18
sensing attachment and was the same at 7.35
Mortality (%) 15.97 13.76 2.47
both locations (22C). Total air flow, esti
mated using an aspect ratio of 0.6, 13 t Standard error of the mean.
outlet holes 20 mm in diameter and an
average air velocity of 12.45 m/s, was treatment as necessary. Heat lamps were and immersing them into water.
30.5 1/s. provided in the creep area for the first The experimental data were tested for
During gestation, all sows were housed week following parturition. Fresh creep normality by measuring skewness and kur-
individually and received between 1.8 and feed (18% crude protein) and water were tosis following which it was subjected to
2.7 kg of feed per day depending on con provided after the piglets reached 10 days analysis of variance according to the pro
dition. During lactation, the sows were fed of age. cedures outlined by Snedecor and Cochran
ad libitum the same ration as they received Records were kept of the number of pigs (1967). The incidence of specific causes of
during gestation. Chemical analysis ofthe born alive, born dead and weaned. Birth mortality were analyzed by Fisher's exact
gestation-lactation diet (Association of weight and weaning weight were also method (Keeping 1962).
Official Analytical Chemists 1975) indi recorded. In addition, mortality from birth
cated that the ration met or exceeded to weaning was tabulated. Piglet mortali RESULTS
National Academy of Sciences-National ties were subjectively grouped into pre- There were no significant differences
Research Council (1979) recommenda agreed categories by the barn manager. (P> 0.05) in the number of pigs born alive
tions for all nutrients. Causes of piglet mortality included overly or weaned between sows farrowing in
Pigletswere individually weighed with ing (piglets which were obviously crushed crates fitted with or without a Blowaway
in 24 h of birth and at weaning (average by the sow), starvation (showing signs of Unit (Table II). Sows on both treatments
weaning age 26 days). Routine herd man emaciation), genetic defects (ruptures, farrowed an average of 11.3 piglets born
agement procedures were followed, in spraddle legs and other deformities), born alive per litter. Control sows weaned 9.4
cluding clipping teeth and tails and ear weak (low piglet vigor at birth) and other piglets per litter while sows farrowing in
notching at day 1,administering ironinjec miscellaneous causes. Stillbirths were crates fitted with a Blowaway Unit weaned
tions and castrating at day 3 and antibiotic confirmed by removing the piglets lungs 9.7 piglets per litter. Total preweaning

TABLE II. INCIDENCE OF PREWEANING different between the Blowaway and the crushing losses accounted for only 33% of
MORTALITY DUE TO SPECIFIC CAUSES t control group. Brabbs and Hogberg (1985) piglet mortality. Therefore, with a poorer
Control Blowaway also found a reduction in crushing losses environment and a lower level of manage
but no significant difference in total pre ment, it is possible that more pigs would
5.32a 2.34b
Starvation 2.53 3.39
weaning mortality in an experiment have been saved as a result of using the
Genetic defect 0.76 1.04 designed to test the effectiveness of the Blowaway attachment. However, under
Born weak 4.82 3.65 "Portable Pig Sitter", an apparatus based the conditions of this experiment, pre
Miscellaneous 2.54 3.39 on a principle similar to that of the Blow weaning mortality was not significantly
t Percentage of totalpigsbornalive(394bornalivein away Unit. reduced.
the control group and 383 in the blowaway group). The fact that there was an increase in
a,b Means followed by different letters differ preweaning mortality due to starvation and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
other miscellaneous causes for piglets far This study was supported by the Farming for
mortality averaged 15.97% for control sows rowed in crates fitted with a Blowaway the Future Program of Alberta. The authors
and 13.76% for sows farrowing in crates Unit suggests that at least some of the wish to thank Mr. Richard Scoffom for his
fitted with a Blowaway Unit (P > 0.05; piglets that were saved from crushing by excellent work in the care and management of
Table I). the Blowaway Unit later died due to other the experimental animals.
There were no significant differences causes. Therefore, if the full potential of
(P > 0.05) in the birth weight or weaning the Blowaway Unit is to be realized, addi REFERENCES
weight of piglets farrowed in crates fitted tional attention must be given to under ADAMS, K. L., T. H. BAKER, and A. H.
JENSEN. 1980. Effect of supplemental
withor without a Blowaway Unit (Table I). privileged pigs to ensure that they do in
heat for nursing piglets. J. Anim. Sci. 50:
The average birthweight of piglets for both fact survive until weaning and are not sim 779-782.
treatments was 1.4 kg while the average ply saved from crushing so that they can be ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANA
weaning weight of piglets was 7.3 kg. lost at a later date from other causes. Man LYTICAL CHEMISTS. 1975. Official
Sows farrowing in crates fitted with agement techniques that would appear to methods of analysis. 12th ed. AOAC, Wash
a Blowaway Unit crushed significantly have potential for use in combination with ington, D.C.
(P < 0.05) fewer piglets than sows far the Blowaway Unit would include cross- BILLE, N., N. C. NIELSEN, J. L. LARSON,
rowingin crates without a Blowaway Unit fostering (transferring piglets to another and J.SVENDSEN. 1974. Preweaning
(Table II). Sows farrowing in standard sow (Gadd 1985)), supplementing diets mortality in pigs. 2. The perinatal period.
Nord. Vet. Med. 26: 294-313.
crates crushed 5.3% ofthe total number of with commercial milk replacer (Hogberg
BRABBS, E. K. and M. G. HOGBERG. 1985.
piglets born alive compared with 2.3% in 1979) and creching (use of a supplemen
Effectiveness of the portable pig sitter on
crates fitted with a Blowaway Unit. tary rearing box (Gadd 1984)). baby pig loss. Michigan State University
However, mortality as a result of starva Piglets farrowed in crates fitted with a Report of Swine Research. 469: 26-28.
tion, genetic defects and other miscel Blowaway Unit became conditioned to ENGLISH, P. R. and W. J. SMITH. 1975.
laneous causes was slightly higher in avoid the air stream within the first 12 h of Some causes of death in neonatal piglets.
farrowing crates equipped with a Blow life and, thereafter, they moved to the Vet. Annu. 15: 95.
away Unit compared with the control creep area as soon as the Blowaway Unit ENGLISH, P. R., W. J. SMITH, and A. Mac-
(Table II). was activated. Even after the Blowaway LEAN. 1982. The sow Improving her
There were no problems with the Blow Unit was removed, the piglets continued to efficiency. Farming Press Ltd., Wharfedale
away Unit during the experiment. Care move away from the sow's body whenever Road, Ipswich, Suffolk.
was taken to ensure that dust did not it stood. Since the majority of piglet losses MacINTYRE, and J. E. MOXLEY. 1978.
accumulate on the infrared reflector as this occur during the first 3 days of life Evaluation of piglet mortality in 28 two-
would have caused the fan to blow contin (English et al. 1982), it is likely that the breed crosses among eight breeds of pigs.
uously. Under normal use, it is unlikely Blowaway Unit could be removed from Anim. Prod. 26: 277-285.
that a build-up of dust would occur, since the farrowing crate approximately 4 days GADD, J. 1984. Creching is coming. Pig
most commercial farrowing rooms are not after parturition without reducing its effec Farming (Dec.) pp. 38-39.
excessively dusty and the Blowaway Unit tiveness. Therefore, one Blowaway Unit GADD, J. 1985. Fostering saves you piglets.
would be cleaned prior to installing on a could be used for about six farrowings a Pigs 1(3): 10-13.
clean farrowing crate. month which means that one unit would be HOGBERG, MG. 1979. Reducing baby pig
required for every 30 sows in the herd. losses through supplementation of sow's
milk with a milk replacer. Michigan State
DISCUSSION In assessing the potential of the Blow
University Report of Swine Research. 386:
The overall results of this experiment away Unit as a means of reducing pre 5-7.
indicatethat use ofthe Blowaway Unit can weaning mortality, it is important to point KEEPING, E. S. 1962. Introduction to statis
result in a significant (P < 0.05) reduction out that this experiment was conducted tical inference. Van Nostrod Co., Toronto,
inpreweaning mortality due to crushingby under excellent management and environ Ont.
the sow. Crushing accounted for 33% of mental conditions with the result that even NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES
piglet mortality for litters farrowed in the control sows had a preweaning mor NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL.
crateswithouta Blowaway Unit compared tality significantly below the level found in 1979. Nutrient requirements of domestic
with only 17% of piglet losses in crates most commercial operations. In a recent animals. No. 2. Nutrient requirements of
fitted with a Blowaway Unit. However, survey of eight commercial swine units swine. 8th rev. ed. NAS-NRC, Washington,
more piglets were lost due to starvation located throughout the Canadian Prairies
PETHERICK, J. C. 1983. A note on nursing
and other miscellaneous causes in crates (VIDO Swine Technical Group 1985), termination and resting behaviour of suck
equipped with a Blowaway Unit than in crushing losses accounted for an average ling piglets. Appl. Anim. Ethol. 9:
the control. As a consequence, total pre of 42.2% of all piglet mortality whereas in 359-365.
weaning mortality was not significantly the control group of this experiment, SNEDECOR, G. W. and W. G. COCHRAN.


1967.Statistical methods. 6th ed. Iowa State piglets during early lactation in relation to Farrowing barn design and management.
University Press, Ames, Iowa. the positionofthe creepheater.Appl. Anim. VeterinaryInfectiousDiseaseOrganization,
TITTERINGTON, R. W. and D. FRASER. Ethol. 2:47-53. Saskatoon, Sask.
1975. The lying behaviour of sows and VIDO SWINE TECHNICAL GROUP. 1985.



Douglas S. McGinnis

Engineering andStatistical Research Centre, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6
Contribution no. 1-875, received 16 September 1986, accepted 9 March 1987

McGinnis, Douglas S. 1987. Automated line-heat source system for the measurement ofthermal conductivity and
diffusivity. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 201-207.

A system was developed for the rapid, automatic, and simultaneous measurement of thermal conductivity and
diffusivity of food materials and, with knowledge of the food density, for determination of its specific heat. The system
utilizes the line-heat source method for conductivity and diffusivity determination, and operates under the control ofa
microcomputer which is interfaced with a data logger for temperature and voltage measurements, and with external
electronics linked to a line-heat source apparatus. Experimental measurements are made automatically after the user has
entered the necessary experimental conditions and desired experimental precision to the microcomputer. The system was
found to be extremely simple to use, and capable of providing accurate measurements, together with statistical precision
statements, in 6 min orless for agar-water gel. The system software was programmed in IBM-BASIC (version 3.0). The
software was written to provide maximum user flexibility, and contains an optional algorithm (subroutine) for automatic
calibration of the diffusivity measurement apparatus.

INTRODUCTION nent must be identified on the basis of tem with these attributes and to demon
Thermal diffusivity values of foods are largest size and/or lowest thermal strate its usefulness in making precise
used in a variety of food engineering diffusivity. measurements of thermal conductivity and
applications involving heat and mass A number of methods for thermal diffusivity automatically and rapidly.
transfercalculations for freezing, cooling, diffusivity determination have been
or other thermal processing operations. reported in the literature. These methods THEORY
The thermaldiffusivity (a) of a food mate generally require solving equations The history and development of a math
rial depends upon its composition and describing a transient temperature field ematical basis for the line-heat source
physical properties and is related to con resulting from an applied constant or con method of conductivity and diffusivity
ductivity (k), specific heat (c), and density trolled heat source or sink. Most of the determination is presented extensively in
(p) by the relationship methods are indirect in that the thermal the literature (Chang et al. 1980;Mohsenin
a = k/(p-c)
conductivity, specificheat, and density are 1980; Nix et al. 1967). The essential ele
measured separately, sometimes under dif ments of this theory are given here for
Thermal property values are reported in ferent experimental conditions, and a is discussion purposes.
the literature for a number of selected food calculated. A popular method for food Considering only radial conduction heat
materials, but for an ever increasing inven materials involves using a thermal con flux in an infinite cylinder, the tem
tory of processed and/or manufactured ductivity probe (line heat source) in con perature-rise at any point within that cylin
food products, thermal property data are junction with one or more temperature der following a suddenly initiated,
not available or are simply not reported. sensing probes at fixed radial distance(s) constant heating rate, line-heat source is
For foods undergoing thermal steriliza from it, as described by Mohsenin (1980) given by the following equation (Lowan
tion or pasteurization processes, the for and others. This technique has the advan 1940):
mulation of the product and the thermal tages of reasonably short test duration,
properties of its components comprise a small temperature change of the product, 7X6) = -ln0
set of critical factors which determine the and the ability to obtain the conductivity
2ttR 2 (2/i)(!)J (1)
thermal response characteristics of the and specific heat under the same test con For points close to the line-heat source
product under the applied heating condi ditions. The technique is well suited to such that p ^ 0.16, it has been found that
tions. Singh (1982) and others have dis biological materials, especially those Eq. 1 can be expressed to better than 1%
cussed the importance of using the which are significantly altered by changes error by using the first two terms (Hooper
component thermal diffusivity values in in temperature. and Lepper 1950), hence:
numerical or analytical solutions to heat Despite the short test times for this
transfer in composite foods, as opposed to method, extensive computations for the
the potentially erroneous use of "effec determination of the thermal diffusivity
7X6) = JL\zK
2-jtA'l 2
-Inp] (2)

tive" or "apparent" thermal diffusivity must be carried out using a trial and error The change in temperature for this point
values. It is therefore important that the method on a digital computer, and transfer between times 0, and 62 is, therefore:
thermal processing specialist know the ring data to the computer can be time con
thermal properties of each component suming. It was recognized that a 7(0.) - 7Xe2) = (fi/(4ir*)) ln(0,/e2) (3)
when applying that knowledge in the significant time saving could be realized if The conductivity may then be deter
design of processes to ensure food safety control of the experimental apparatus, mined from Eq. 3 knowing the heat source
and optimum quality. This is particularly gathering of the data, and subsequent data strength and the temperature versus time
true in the practical development of ther analysis could all be performed by a single relationship. Use of a time correction fac
mal processes for heat-sterilizable foods desktop computer. The objective of the tor has been widely accepted as a means of
wherein the slowest heating food compo work presented here was to develop a sys compensating for the finite diameter and


1 cm apart: a heating probe (probe no. 1)
and a passive probe (probe no. 2). Both
probes contain a grounded thermocouple,
with its sensing junction at the mid-length
location. A constantan heating element is
packed inside the hollow probe together
with a thermal joint compound (Type 120,
Wakefield) to permit rapid heat transfer
from the heating element to the surround
ing food sample. Because pressure is an
OIL OUT important variable in many thermal pro
cesses for foods, such as retort processes
for foods packaged in flexible retortable
containers, the sample cylinder was fitted
witha port for controlled application of an
overpressure during diffusivity measure
ments. A third thermocouple is installedin
the outer cylinder to monitor the tem
perature of the circulating fluid.
A miniature thermal diffusivity probe
(i.e. pair of probes), similar in con
struction to the miniature thermal con
ductivity probe described by Timbers and
Robertson (1977), would be well suited for
the measurement of small and/or solid par
ticulate food materials.
The system configuration (Fig. 2)
provides for the measurement of probe
temperatures and DC voltage across the
probe heating element. A microcomputer
(PC/XT, IBM) connected to an intelligent
analog/digital signal converter (Isaac-911,
Cyborg) is used for control. A digital data
logger (Digistrip-4C, Kaye Instruments) is
used for logging, conversion, and scaling
of the thermocouple and voltage signals.
In this configuration, digital informa
tion is taken directly from the logger
through an asynchronous communications
port (RS-232) on the microcomputer, at
LEGEND: intervals specified by the user. Communi
1. HEATING PROBE 4. SAMPLE CYLINDER cation software is combined with a timer
routineto requestreportsfromthe monitor
( OPTIONAL ) and to download each report to the micro
computer. These reports are stored as raw
Figure 1. Temperature-controlled line-heat source apparatus for the measurement of thermal data in array form, and broken down into
conductivity and diffusivity.
time, temperature, and voltage arrays fol
unique thermal properties of the line-heat in combination with the known con lowing each test for subsequent analysis.
source. The time correction factor (60) is ductivity and density inEq. 1. To dothis,P The data aquisition interval of the system
subtracted from each time value and the is found by nonlinear regression analysis is limited to a minimum of 2 sec by the
slope(5) ofthe time-correctedtemperature using a finite and sufficient number of intrinsic sampling rate of the data logger.
rise versus ln(0 - 60) plot can be used in terms in that expression (e.g. 50 terms). During preliminary work, it was dem
the calculation of k, giving:
onstrated that a faster logging rate is possi
MATERIALS AND METHODS ble in a configuration in which the analog
k = Q/{4ttS) (4)
A thermal diffusivity measurement temperature signals are supplied by a ther
where apparatus, described byMcGinnis (1986), mocouple signal conditioner connected
was modified and used for the purposes of directly to an A/D converter which itself
T(9,) - T(92) is connected to the microcomputer. Scal
5 = this work. This apparatus (Fig. 1) consists
/e, - e\
of two sealed concentric cylinders. The ingand interpretation ofthe analog signals
outer cylinder was designed to allow a can then be accomplished after the test
To determine the thermal diffusivity, constant temperature fluid (e.g. oil) to cir period, resulting in an increased potential
and hence specific heat, the temperature- culate in a spiral fashion around the inner for high rate data acquisition (i.e. up to a
rise versus time values for a point a known sample cylinder. Thesample cylinder con possible 10 000 readings per second per
tains two parallel (1.7 mm o.d.) probes channel for four channels). Such a system
distance from the line heat source are used









Figure 2. Schematic layout of automated system for conductivity and diffusivity measurement.

can give accurate thermal conductivity put to a relay (SPDT, R10S-E1Y1-J10K, temperature pairs used in the regression
measurements in the shortest possible time Potter and Brumfield) which closes the may be specified by the user to better esti
(e.g. =^10 sec), with the advantage of mini heating circuit. The circuit and software mate the straight-line portion ofthe curve.
mizing temperature changes in the product were designed to permit setting of the In the final phase of the program, the user
near the heating probe, yielding a closer probe voltage prior to probe energization. is requested to provide values of param
estimate of the k value associated with the A simplified logic flow chart ofthe com eters by which the diffusivity can be deter
mean sample temperature during the test. puter program is presented in Fig. 3. Ini mined by nonlinear least squares re
A shorter test time may also be advan tially the user is prompted to input the gression, fitting Eq. 1 to the observed pas
tageous for some products which undergo desired experimental conditions. The pro sive probe temperature rise values. The
irreversible changes in thermal properties gram next monitors temperature condi sample density, number of regression data
at the prescribed test temperature. tions until a state of thermal equilibrium, points to use, the acceptable resolution
However, to obtain a sufficient temperature as defined by the user, is achieved between (maximum estimation bracket size) of the
rise at the passive probe location in such a the two probes and between the probes and best fit solution (a1), and a starting esti
short time for accurate thermal diffusivity the constant temperature fluid. Once equi mate of the specific heat for the iterative
determinations, considering temperature librium is attained, the user is prompted to solution, are supplied by the user. The
measurement precision (resolution initiate probe heating through key entry. "Golden Section method" as described by
0.1C) and error, would require that the The heating probe element is energized, Himmelblau (1972) is used for the uni-
probes be located very close together (e.g. and data are logged until the user-specified dimensional search algorithm for a1.
r ^ 1cm), and/ or that the heating power be test duration is completed, at which time Confidence limits for the experimental
increased substantially (e.g. Q 2^ 30 the probe is de-energized. The raw data are curve fit of Eq. 1are developed by a second
W/m). The finite diameter ofthe two pro then transferred to temperature, time, and Golden Section search algorithm. This
bes (e.g. 1.7 mm), and their combined voltage arrays. The resistance ofthe heat algorithm finds a value of a such that:
influenceon heat flow in the vicinity ofthe ing probe is calculated for each probe tem
probes imposes a limitation on the probe perature and used with the known voltage (T(a) =a(a')-(V 1+'(F(l,
m \
m- 1, 1 7))
spacing. In addition to this, the probe to calculate the average probe heat strength (5)
spacing is limited by the particle size and (Q) for the test (the constantan heating
uniformity of the product. For these rea element resistance varies slightly with where
sons, the potentially high rate of tem temperature, in a linear fashion). The slope
o-(a) = X (T -/(&, a))2,
perature data acquisition possible using of the probe temperature rise versus
this configuration was considered to yield ln(6 60) curve is determined by linear and
no significant advantage for this applica least squares regression, and the thermal
tion. conductivity is calculated (Eq. 4). Since a1 = value of a such that a is minimized.
Heating of the conductivity probe is ini heating probe temperature rise values dur The probability level (7) in Eq. 5 is only
tiated by the user from the computer key ing the first few seconds following the start approximate where/is nonlinear (Draper
board. This operates by way of a of probe energization can be dramatically and Smith 1981). However, Eq. 1 was
LABSOFT command to the A/D, D/A affected by the initial temperature found to be highly linear (linear/?2 = 0.95
converter producing a latched binary out response of the probe, the range of time- 0.99) for extended segments of the





















Figure 3. Logic flow diagram ofprogram used to control the thermal property measurement system and to analyze the experimental results.

curve following the first 60-120 sec for the
Variable Definition Units selected range of experimentaldesign con
E Euler's constant = 0.5772157 ditions (i.e. probe spacing, heat source
F Frequency statistic of the F-distribution strength, etc.).
f Predicted temperature-rise using Eq. 1 C The confidence limits so developed
k Thermal conductivity W/(mC)
m Sample size provide the user with a measure of the
n Positive integers uncertainty in the results owing mainly to
Q Heat source strength (W/m) the imprecision of the temperature mea
r Distance from line heat source m surements. In order for the user to resolve
R2 Coefficient of determination (0-1)
S Slopeof temperature-rise vs. In (0 - 60) and correct for systematic errors, however,
for heating probe C
the user must first calibrate the apparatus
T Temperature rise C using a substance of known thermal con
Observed (/th) temperature-rise C ductivity and diffusivity. In this regard an
f Sample arithmetic mean temperature-rise C optional part of the computer program
Thermal diffusivity m2/s allows the user to automatically determine
Bestfit solution of thermal diffusivity using
Eq. 1 the time correction factor for the probe
P r/(2(a0),/2) apparatus. In this operation the user
7 Probability level for null hypothesis provides the true (known) thermal con
(0.05 for 95% confidence limits) ductivity of a test material such as 0.5%
e Time from initiationof line heating
e0 Time correction factor
agar-water gel and the program finds, by
a Sum of squares oc2 trial and error, the time correction factor
for the probes that permits a match, to a
user-specified precision (0.01%, say) of
the measured and true thermal con
Equation 1 is highly sensitive to probe
separation distance, and it will be neces
THERMAL PROPERTY REPORT DATE: 86-08-20 sary to either correct or check for minor
Test sample: 0.5% AGAR Calibration run
Datafile: A:TEST1.DAT
disturbances from true parallel alignment
Applied pressure (kPa) = 0.00
of the probes, or for off-center position of
RAW DATA: the thermocouples within each probe. The
Heating Passive corrected probe separation distance can be
Data set Time Voltage Heat Bath probe 1 probe 2 7-Rise obtained by trial-and-error calibration
No. (sec) (V) (W/m) (C) (C) (C) (C) using a homogeneous substance of known
0 0. 0.000 0.000 28.1 28.2 28.2 0.0 thermal diffusivity. Systematic or random
6 30. 9.990 28.920 28.1 40.7 28.2 0.0
12 60. 9.980 28.868 28.1 42.9
errors which cannot be corrected directly
28.3 0.1
18 90. 9.970 28.813 28.1 44.3 28.4 0.2
through calibration must be estimated by
24 120. 9.960 28.758 28.1 45.2 28.6 0.4 the usual experimental replication and sub
30 150. 9.950 28.702 28.1 45.9 28.9 0.7 sequent calculation of a mean and standard
36 180. 9.950 28.703 28.1 46.4 29.1 0.9 error for a and k.
42 210. 9.940 28.646 28.1 46.9 29.4 1.2
48 240. 9.930 28.590 28.1 47.3 29.6 1.4
As a means of assessing the relative
54 270. 9.930 28.591 28.1 47.7 29.8 1.6 degree to which the experimental passive
60 300. 9.920 28.534 28.1 48.0 30.0 1.8 probe data fits Eq. 1(for a), and the degree
66 330. 9.920 28.535 28.1 48.3 30.2 2.0 to which the heating probe data fits Eq. 4
(for k\ a coefficient of determination (R2)
Averages 9.949 28.695 28.1
value is calculated for the nonlinear and
Conductivity (W/mC) = 0.6115
linear regressions. Of the eight alternative
Density (kg/m3) = 996.49 and uniquely different expressions for R2
Specific heat (J/(kg C) = 4161.84 identified by Kvalseth (1985), the follow
(4137.80-4186.17) 95% CL* ing recommended form was selected for
Diffusivity (m2/sec) = 0.1474E-06
both regressions:
(0.1466E-06 - 0.1483E-06) 95% CL*
* CL = Confidence limits
Conductivity parameters
i - X if, - Tf-/Z (t - T)2 (6)

Slope of T vs. log (t) curve (C) = 3.73

Temperature intercept (C) =27.1
Time correction factor (s) = - 9.0417 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
First and last points used 5 & 26 Typical program output is presented in
Coefficient of determination = 0.99845 Table II. Using 0.5% agar-water gel as a
Diffusivity parameters test substance, it was found that a suffi
Total test duration (s) = 360.0
cient passive probe temperature rise (e.g.
Distance between probes (m) = .009998
No. data points used = 25 2C) could be obtained to enable accurate
No. terms used in series solution = 45 thermal diffusivity measurements in from
Temperature rise error sum of squares = 0.207E-01 5 to 6 min using a heating strength of
Coefficient of determination = 0.98795 26 W/m and 1 cm probe separation.






5 1.7H






m ri 111TtiniM i ii m 11 m i rnii 1111 ii i rji 11 m 11111 fi m int 1111111 riij 1111111 ii j11111111111 ii 11 m ii 11 n mi 11 j11111 m 11 j11 ni 111 i j11111 n 11 j111111 n 11 n 11 n 1111

200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360

TIME (s)

Figure 4. Experimental and predicted temperature rise of the passive probe as a function of heating time.

However, the optimum heating time could predicted temperature rise curve. Figure 4 damental electronic components into a sin
vary significantly depending upon the pro shows the two temperature rise profiles gle package, with the attendent advantages
bes used, their separation distance, the (dashed lines) for the upper and lower 95% of lower system cost and portability.
heating power applied, and the substance confidence limits of a. These curves are However, the system can be easily
being measured. Table II reports all rele not to be confused with 95% confidence assembled from components which may
vant information pertaining to the calcula contours for the temperature-rise versus already exist in many well-equipped ther
tion of the thermal conductivity and time data. The approximately uniform pat mal process development laboratories.
diffusivity respectively. The R2 value for tern of the temperature-rise error residual
the heating probe temperature versus loge (measured-predicted) indicates that Eq. 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
(time) curve was found to be no less than provides a good fit to the data, and The author is grateful for technical support
0.998 for the tests on 0.5% agar water gel provides evidence of good equipment per provided by Dave Dow of the Engineering and
Statistical Research Centre (E.S.R.C), and for
using 20 data points. Because the tem formance.
assistance provided by associates and staff of
perature rise for the passive probe is low It was found that approximately 12itera E.S.R.C. on this project.
compared to that of the heating probe, and tions are required to obtain a to within
because ofthe limited precision ofthe tem 0.1% of the "best-fit" solution using 50
perature measurements (0.1C), the terms of Eq. 1 and 20 temperature-rise vs. REFERENCES
number of data points required for accurate time data pairs. CHANG, C. S., F. S. LAI, and B. S. MILLER.
diffusivity determination was found to 1980. Thermal conductivity and specific heat
increase with decreasing test time or with SUMMARY
of grain dust. Trans ASAE (Am. Soc. Agric.
Eng.) 23: 1303-1306, 1312.
decreasing overall temperature rise of the An automatic system for the measure
DRAPER, N. R. and H. SMITH. 1981.
passive probe. Table II provides the ment of thermal conductivity and dif Applied regression analysis. 2nd ed. John
residual sum of squares value and 95% fusivity has been successfully developed. Wiley and Sons, Inc., Toronto, Ont.
confidence limits for this regression. Fig The development system reported here HIMMELBLAU, D. M. 1972. Applied non
ure 4 shows the last 25 measured tem could be further refined and redesigned linear programming. McGraw-Hill Book
perature rise values from the data towards production of a more compact Co., Toronto, Ont.
presented in Table II, together with the commercial system by combining the fun HOOPER, F. S. and A. R. LEPPER. 1950.


Transient heat flow apparatus for the deter- of foods and agricultural materials. Gordon nautics. Thermophysics of Spacecraft and
mination of thermal conductivity. Am. Soc. and Breach Science Publishers, New York. Planetary Bodies 20: 865-878, Academic
Heat. Vent. Eng. Trans. 56: 309-324. McGINNIS, D. S. 1986. Prediction of transient Press, New York.
KVALSETH, T. O. 1985. Cautionary note conduction heat transfer in foods packaged in SINGH, R.P. 1982. Thermal diffusivity in food
about R2. The American Statistician 39(4): flexible retort pouches. Can. Inst. Food Sci. processing. Food Technol. 36(2): 87-91.
279-285. Technol. J. 19(4): 148-157. TIMBERS, G. E. and G. D. ROBERTSON.
LOWAN, A. N. 1940. Tables of sine, cosine NIX, G. H., G. W. LOWERY, R. I. VACHON, 1977. An inexpensive thermal conductivity
and exponential integrals. Vol. 2. New York and G. E. TANGER. 1967. Direct deter- probe for in-situ measurements with foods.
Math Project, National Bureau ofStandards, mination of thermal diffusivity and con- Report No. 7404-614 ofthe Engineering and
Washington, D.C. ductivity with a refined line-source tech- Statistical Research Centre, Research
MOHSENIN, N. N. 1980. Thermal properties nique. Progress in aeronautics and astro- Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ont.




R. P. Rudra

School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1

Received 18 December 1985, accepted 10 October 1986

Rudra, R. P. 1987. A curve-fitting program to stress relaxation data. Can. Agric. Eng. 29: 209-211.

A computer program has been developed for the analysis of stress relaxation data using the method of successive
residuals. This technique eliminates the use of graph paper and eyejudgement for developing a multi-term exponential
stress relaxation equation. This program hasthepotential to select best fit multi-term exponential equations to exponential
decay data.

INTRODUCTION terms of exponential functions. The most stress values for equal time intervals. The
Viscoelastic materials show a stress commonly used method is that of suc spline function is also available in a sub
relaxation phenomenon which is one ofthe cessive residuals. This method, however, routine form in the International, Mathe
most important parameters in characteriz is rather time consuming, and the accuracy matical and Statistical Library (IMSL)
ing materials (Ferry 1961). In stress relaxa using graphical technique depends upon package. The incremental slope or change
tion the test specimen is suddenly brought personal judgement. It is the purpose of in stress values and time arrays are scan
to a given strain, and the stress required to this study to develop a suitable computer ned backward to arrange them in a
hold the deformation constant is measured program to be used to analyze the stress decreasing order of time. Equal incremen
as a function of time. The results are ex relaxation data by the method of suc tal slope or change in stress values for
pressed in terms of a time-dependent mod cessive residuals. constant time intervals will detect the
ulus^/) in tension or compression, G(t) in straight line portion ofthe stress relaxation
shear, or K{t) in bulk compression. These DESCRIPTION OF THE curve. The computer, however, performs
parameters can be used either in direct COMPUTER PROGRAM very accurate analysis resulting in very
form or in their reciprocal form called If the stress relaxation is expressed in large numbers of a and t. Since, for most
compliance in viscoelastic analyses. the general form of practical purposes, three exponential func
One rheological model representing tions are adequate for representing stress
stress relaxation is the generalized Max a(r) 0\. + 2/ 0~n
(3) relaxation data, the problem is solved by
well model as illustrated in Fig. 1. If this taking the difference in the adjacent incre
model is subjected to constant strain e0 at then the computer program begins by mental slopes or change in stress values
time t = 0, the total stress a in the model is looking at either slope or change in stress and comparing them with a very small
given by values corresponding to equal time inter value of tolerance. After obtaining the
<T = CT| + 0"2 + O3 + + CTn + (Tc (1)
vals in order to obtain the straight line points for the straight line portion of the
portion of the log-stress versus time curve log-stress versus time curve, the data
where ae is equilibrium stress. to compute an and Tn of Eq. 3 from the points are arranged in an increasing order
The decrease in stress with time can be slope and ordinate intercept, respectively. of time, and the equation of the straight
represented by The program takes the stress relaxation line portion is obtained by simple linear
v(t) = e0 [Edl e_,/T| + Ed2 e",/T2 + ... data and converts the stress or stress relax regression. The slope of the straight line
ation modulus into a logarithmic form. portion gives time constant t, and the
+ dn e",/Tn + Ec] (2) The semi-log curve is then divided into a intercept on the ordinate gives the coeffi
where t,, t2, ... Tn are relaxation times, large number of equal time segments. The cient of the exponential term a,. The first
TreI, corresponding to various elements in cubic spline function (Erh 1972) is used to residual is obtained by taking the dif
the model; E0 is the initial modulus; Ed is look at the incremental slopes or change in ference between the original stress versus
thedecaymodulus (E0 - e); and Eeis the
equilibrium modulus.
To predict stress at any time, /, the stress
relaxation curve must be represented by a
mathematical expression depicting the
behavior of the material under constant
strain. The plot of the logarithm of stress
versus time is generally nonlinear. It has
been found that a three-term exponential
equation is usually a reasonably good fit
for practical purposes (Mohsenin 1978). mi1?, igg^ igi^ nig
Various graphical techniques outlined by
Mohsenin (1978) and numerical analysis
methods given by Moore (1974) can be
used to express the relaxation curve in Figure 1. Generalized Maxwell model representation.


Time Tension
(S) (g)
700 4 >
0.0 710.0
1.0 560.0
600 -
2.0 487.0 _____ Experimental
4.0 420.0
6.0 383.0 500 - \# Fitted Values

8.0 355.0
10.0 334.0
321.0 00
12.0 400 -
14.0 309.0
16.0 298.0 o

18.0 288.0 CO

300 _
20.0 280.0

time curve and the straight line portion

extrapolated to the ordinate. This pro
cedure was repeated two more times to
a(t) - 385.82e-t/65-469 + 262.29e"t/3-4464 + 82. 2ISe"^1'4186
obtain a2 and cr3, and t2 and t3. The
following steps describe the procedure in
(1) Read the data of stress relaxation.
(2) Compute the natural logarithm of
stress or stress relaxation modulus values.
(3) Set the index value equal to the
number of exponential terms required. i r i

(4) Set the values for tolerance. 12 16 20

(5) Divide the time data into about 50
equal segments. TIME, s
(6) Use the spline procedure to com Figure 2. Comparison of experimental andcomputed values for stress relaxation v(t) for wheat
pute the incremental slopes (DS) or change dough. (Data from Cunningham et al. 1953).)
in stress values (DY) for equal time inter
(7) Compute the difference between THE FIRST AND SECOND RESIDUAL AS
The application of the method
incremental slope (DIF) or change in stress PREDICTED BY THE COMPUTER
developed has been described by an illus
values (DIFF) for equal time interval I and PROGRAM
trated example for wheat dough. The data
I + 1 as: First residual Second residual
for this example, given in Table I, were
DIF = DS (I + 1) - DS(I) taken from Cunningham et al. (1953). The Time Tension Time Tension
DIFF = DY (I + 1) - DY(I) (S) (S) (g)
analysis was performed by assuming a (g)

where DS = incremental slope, and zero value of equilibrium stress. The data 0.0 344.20 0.0 81.89

DY = stress value. representing the stress versus time rela 0.41 275.60 0.36 46.99
0.82 219.50 0.72 18.85
(8) Compare the difference (DIFF) tionship were divided into 50 equal time
1.63 149.80 2.15 16.32
with tolerance. segments. With a tolerance value of 0.005, 2.86 99.26 2.87 15.19
(9) Take the points of log-stress and the program generated values of 385.82 3.67 79.45 3.22 13.49

time for which DIFF or DIF is less than and -65.469 for a, and t,, respectively. 4.90 65.02 3.94 9.30
tolerance to obtain the points for the The corresponding stress values for the 5.71 48.62 4.30
6.53 39.70 4.66 5.45
straight line portion of the log-stress ver first residual are given in Table II. The 7.35 31.85 5.02 3.83
sus time curve. repetition of the procedure resulted in 8.57 21.94 5.37 2.44

(10) Compute the values of a and t by values of 262.29, 82.218, -3.4464 and 9.39 16.81 5.73 1.30

simple linear regression. -1.4166 for a2, a3, t2 and t3, respec 10.20 13.22 6.09 0.43
11.43 10.36 6.45 0.17
(11) Compute the differences (STMD) tively. The stresses associated with the sec
12.65 8.19
between the original stress and the stress ond residual are also shown in Table II. 13.47 6.60
Na obtained from the straight line to The curve and equations developed from 14.69 4.48

obtain the first residual. this analysis are shown in Fig. 2. Com 15.51 3.29
parison with the experimental data yielded 16.73 1.68
STMD(I) = a (I) - Na (I) 17.55 0.76
very good agreement with the fitted
(12) If STMD is less than or equal to values, with a determination coefficient
zero, then omit that value. (r2) or 0.991. Statistical analysis indicated was used by manipulating the equilibrium
(13) Compute the natural logarithm of no significant difference between the fitted stress or modulus (ae or Ee) in a(0 or E(t).
the STDM values. values and experimental curve at the 0.05 Analysis performed on wheatdough witha
(14) Repeat steps 4-11 two more times level. value of 40 g for ae and a value of 0.005 for
to obtain terms for the second and third Some food materials do exhibit equi tolerance predicted the following equa
exponentials. librium stresses. In such cases this method tion.

the technique of fitting the computer curve
to the stress relaxation data, based on the
method of successive residuals developed
in this study, is an easy and reliable
method for determining the exponential
functions representing given stress-relaxa
tion data. This method can handle any
number of exponential terms depending
upon the precision and accuracy required.
This method can also be used to obtain the
best exponential curve fit by calculating
the linear determination coefficient
between the values obtained for a different
number of exponential terms and the
experimental data, comparing the fitted
values with the experimental data, taking
the one with the highest determination
coefficient and not significantly different
from the experimental data as the best fit
curve. The method is simple, accurate and
less time consuming.


ANDERSON. 1953. An improved relax-
ometer for viscoelastic substances applied to
1000 2000 3000 4000 the study of wheat dough. Can. J. Technol.
EXPERIMENTAL VALUES, kPa ERH, K. T. 1952. Application of spline func
tion to soil science. Soil Sci. 114(5):
Figure 3. Comparison between the experimental and computer fitted values for stress relaxation 333-336.
for food materials. FERRY, J. 1961. Viscoelastic properties of
polymers. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
MOHSENIN, N. N. 1978. Physical properties
a(t) = 327.74e* + 258.86e~ tion coefficient of 0.984 between the fitted of plant and animal materials; structural,
and experimental values was obtained for physical characteristics and mechanical
+ 8l.56eT407 + 40.0 (4) properties. Gordon and Breach Science Pub
bovine muscle. To test the overall perfor
lishers, New York.
Comparison of this equation with the mance of this method the comparison was
MOORE, E. 1974. Experimental fitting using
experimental curve yields a determination made between the pooled fitted and experi integral equations. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng.
coefficient of 0.991. In this case, also, mental values for all food materials 8: 271-276.
there was no significant difference reported earlier. The results presented in MORROW, C. T. and N. N. MOHSENIN.
between the fitted and experimental values Fig. 3 show an excellent agreement with a 1969. Transient mechanical response in
at the 0.05 level. determination coefficient of 0.996. This bovine muscle. ASAE Paper no. 69-562.
To check the application further, this line was not significantly different from American Society of Agricultural Engineers,
method was applied to stress relaxation the equal value line at the 0.05 level. Com St. Joseph, Mich.
parison of this method with the graphical MORROW, C. T, D. D. HAMANN, N. N.
data for bovine muscle, apple flesh and
MOHSENIN, and E. E. FINNEY, Jr. 1971.
cheese. The experimental data reported by technique of stress relaxation given by
Mechanical properties of Red Delicious
Morrow and Mohsenin (1969) for bovine Mohsenin (1978) also did not show any apple. ASAE Paper no. 71-32. American
muscle, Morrow et al. (1971) for apple significant difference at the 0.05 level. Society of Agricultural Engineers, St.
flesh and Shama and Sherman (1973) for Joseph, Mich.
cheese were used. In all cases the fitted CONCLUSIONS SHAMA, F. and P. SHERMAN. 1973. Stress
equation compared very well with the On the basis ofthe comparison made for relaxation during forced compression studies
experimental data. The lowest determina different food materials, it was found that on foods. J. Text. Stud. 4(3): 353-362.




GREENHOUSES An intelligent greenhouse was conceived,
defined and partly designed to comprise
R. Kok, Dept. Agric, Eng., Macdonald College physical and virtual machines organized
of McGill University, Ste, Anne de Bellevue, heir ar chially to mimick biological
Quebec H9X ICO. arrangements. To deal with the complexity of
the biological machine, its control structure
87-102 HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM LIGHTING was analyzed in terms of three types of
EFFECTS ON GREENHOUSE HEATING functions; prevention, assurance and task
REQUIREMENTS execution; and four major levels of control;
physical, instinctive, Pavlovian and intelligent.
D. Brault, R. Boily, Dept. Agric. Eng., The greenhouse control subsystem was then
A. Gosselin, Dept. Plant Sci., and C. created by defining the goals, the functions
Gueymard, Centre de Specialisation en and the mechanisms, and incorporating these
Cultures abritees, Laval University, Ste. Foy, into the various virtual and physical
Quebec G1K 7P4. components. The virtual components are
resident in three linked computers which can
Greenhouse crops grown with high levels of be instructed to evoke a number of control
supplementary lighting require lighting systems modes of behaviour patterns of different
with electrical loads of up to 150 W/m2 of intelligence levels. The physical and virtual
floor area. The energy consumed by these components are described as well as the
systems is converted to heat and light which structure of the control system.
can provide a significant part of the
greenhouse heating requirements. A 6 by 30 m 87-104 SOLAR ENERGY STORAGE IN WET
bay of a gutter connected greenhouse, SOIL FOR GREENHOUSE
equipped with a high pressure sodium lighting APPLICATION
system (60 400 W lamps) for the year-round
production of tomatoes, was monitored H. Bernier, Inst. Tech. agr.alim., La Pocatiere,
throughout a complete heating season. The Quebec, G.S.V. Raghavan, Dept. Agric. Eng.,
lighting system had an electrical load of Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste.
2 7.8 kW and was operated during off-peak Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X 1C0, and
hours in order to take advantage of lower J. Paris, Dept. Chem. Eng., Ecole
rates. Heating requirements were met with a polytechnique, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3A7.
72 kW electrical furnace also operating during
off-peak hours, and a 72 kW oil-fired furnace By increasing the surface between air and
was used the rest of the time. Off-peak hours greenhouse soil, the latter can become a
were between 0:00 and 6:30 and between 6:30 relatively low cost heat storage material, and
to 24:00 when the outdoor temperature was temperatures can be increased in the plant
above -17C. root zone. A Nordic greenhouse (Harnois
The heat balance of the greenhouse was Industries, St. Thomas, Quebec) was built in
established in order to determine the an east-west orientation at La Pocatiere in
contribution of the lamps to the heating order to evaluate the thermal efficiency of a
requirement of the building. The heat soil heat exchanger and storage system. The
generated by the lighting system was found to system was made of 26 102 mm unperforated
supply a significant part of the structure's corrugated plastic drain tubes of 12 m length
heating requirements, while off-peak utility and buried half each at depths of 450 and
rates reduced total heating costs. 7 50 mm along the greenhouse length at a
450 mm spacing. A 0.75 kW blower circulated
87-103 CONCEPTION AND DEVELOPMENT hot air collected in the greenhouse through
OF AN INTELLIGENT GREENHOUSE the tubes at a rate of 0.9 m3/s. The soil
CONTROL - OPERATING SYSTEM storage had a seasonal temperature fluctuation
of 10 to 12C and the average soil
R. Kok, G. Desmarais and J. Larouche, Dept.
temperature correlated very closely with the
Agric. Eng., Macdonald College of McGill
average greenhouse air temperature. The
University, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec performance of the system appeared to be
H9X 1C0.
more influenced by greenhouse air temperature


rather than by incident solar radiation, and J.C. Jofriet, School of Eng., University of
improvements were observed in crop growth Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1.
and yields. Results indicate that solar energy
contributed 58% of total heating requirements 87-107 LAMELLAR BIN GRAIN PRESSURE
from February to June and from September to RESEARCH DEVICE
December, thus representing approximately a
33% energy conservation. The system payback M.G. Britton, Dept. Agric. Eng., University of
period might be as low as two years, Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2.
depending on operating conditions and initial
cost. Model lamellar bins have been used in grain
pressure research at the University of
87-105 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR AN Manitoba for a number of years. The grain
mass within this unique construction system
reacts to changes in the state of stress during
R. Kok and L. Gauthier, Dept. Agric. Eng., emptying by permitting grain flow through the
Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste. slatted sides of the bin. Studies have been
Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO. conducted to consider the effect of bin
emptying rate, filling rate, emptying port
The term cyborg is usually applied to a location, bin size, fraction on the bin slats
machine which has both biological and and variation with height above the bin floor.
mechanical or electrical components. An A summary of the results to date is
eco-cyborg is an ecological system consisting presented, together with a speculation on their
of biological, mechanical, electronic and implications for the design of grain storage
virtual components. The design of a food bins.
producing eco-cyborg will be necessary to
support life in regions of the planet or 87-108 STRUCTURAL RELIABILITY OF
universe normally inhospitable to humans. NAILED CONNECTIONS FOR
In order to have a dynamically stable, CANADA PLAN SERVICE TRUSSES
compact and efficient eco-cyborg, it will be
necessary to rely on a number of machines or D.J. Masse, Eng. and Stat. Res. Centre,
species. In many instances it may not be Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6,
possible to accomodate a large number of and J.J. Salinas, Carleton University, Ottawa,
species, especially if the system is to be Ontario K1S 5B6.
production oriented. A small number of
species will produce an unstable system, Results of load tests on nailed joints carried
however the eco-cyborg can be stabilized by out previously by the Canada Plan Service
the creation or addition of virtual species design center were analyzed with a new
which are resident on a computer, but of technique to better establish the safety
which the effects are real. Data or knowledge (probability of failure) and serviceability of
bases and artificial intelligence technologies nailed connections. This technique considered
will be required to support such functions as the different failure modes that a nailed joint
cognition, memory, strategy generation and can experience. It also considered the
assessment, pattern recognition and adaptive uncertainties relating to the strength of
behaviour. The system will also rely heavily materials (plywood, lumber, nails) and to the
on sensors, robotics, simulation, modelling and maximum lifetime applied load.
the understanding of interrelations between
biological organisms and their environment. 87-109 TESTING OF FIVE SYNTHETIC
The paper attempts to lay out a FLEXIBLE BIOGAS STORAGE BAGS
conceptual framework in which to define and
describe this technology. It also examines a M. Cournoyer, R. Racine Urgel Delisle Assoc,
number of design concepts applicable to St. Charles sur Richelieu, Quebec J0H 2GO,
system implementation, and the possible and R. Chagnon, Agriculture Canada, St. Jean,
evolutionary value for humans of the Quebec J3B 6Z8.
agricultural eco-cyborg.
Five biogas storage bags of 50 m3 capacity
87-106 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR and made of CPE, XR5, PVC-Vintex,
WATERPROOF CONCRETE PVC-Sarnafil and Hypalon were tested over a
CYLINDRICAL TANKS AND SILOS 14 month period. The PVC-Vintex and 0.91 mm


Hypalon did not prove to be suitable materials presented. Losses were minimal from intact
as they required many major repairs at very bags, but increased considerably from
low gas storage pressures. However, their punctured or broken bags. A theoretical silage
performance could be greatly improved by loss model is proposed to take account of film
using a thicker membrane, thus increasing the thickness, silage density, duration of storage
cost. Hypalon was the most problematic and the risk of film breakage.
material, and required a special cement for Recommendations are made with respect to
gluing the repair material. PVC-Vintrex had a the optimum film thickness according to the
multitude of pinholes at the end of the test, silo type, the expected duration of storage
while CPE was more reliable and could sustain and the relative value of plastic and silage.
higher pressures. Hypalon tended to tear into
long holes and the seams tended to be weak 87-111 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL FOR
XR5 and PVC-Sarnafil provided the best
results. They sustained pressures over 22 cm E.M. Barber, Dept. Agric. Eng., Univ. of
water, showed very few holes and did not Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 0W0.
develop tears. They were easily repairable
with rubber or PVC patches. Although the 87-112 THE PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE OF
XR5 material was half the price of the GROWING PIGS TO HIGH CYCLIC
Sarnafil, the finished bags had the same cost AND CONSTANT TEMPERATURES
due to fabrication techniques. Ice inside, or
snow outside the bags did not affect their J.J.R. Feddes, Dept. Agric. Eng., University of
performance for storing biogas. Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G6.
With an adequate selection of materials,
this type of gas storage is practical and cost The physiological response of growing pigs to
competitive for a farm digester. However, it high temperature conditions was investigated
does require a minimum of protection against with indirect calorimetry. One calorimeter was
heavy winds and some anchorage, or repairs maintained at a constant 33C air temperature
will be required each year no matter what the with an average dewpoint of 23C. The other
material. The ease of repair techniques and was varied sinusoidally between 26C at 0530h
availability of repair material rank high in the and 40C at 1400h, for an average daily
material selection criteria. temperature of 33C. Feed and water
consumption, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water
87-110 OPTIMIZATION OF SILAGE PLASTIC vapor concentrations, temperatures and air
FILM mass flow rates were measured every four
minutes during the latter nine days of each of
P. Savoie, Agriculture Canada, Laval the 12 day replicates. Animal physiological
University, Ste. Foy, Quebec G1K 7P4. parameters were observed also using a
portable data logger.
Because of the high cost of tower silos, a Differences were seen in pig respiratory
number of alternate silage storage methods rates, rates of heat production, forehead
have been developed, such as bunker silos, temperatures and other physiological
unwalled stack silos, bagged chopped silage indicators.
and bagged round bale silage. The alternate
methods all use polyethylene film to ensure a 87-113 COMPARISON OF MODULATED
proper seal and the anaerobic conditions VERSUS NON MODULATED CONTROL
necessary for good fermentation and SYSTEMS FOR SIDEWALL AIR INLETS
preservation. However, the plastic film is IN A NATURALLY VENTILATED
vulnerable to weather conditions such as hail, SWINE BARN
wind, frost and sunlight, as well as accidental
damage caused by rodents, birds or improper Y. Choiniere, F. Blais, Alfred College of Agr.
handling. A low-cost film may be the cause of and Food Tech., Alfred, Ontario K0B 1A0, and
important silage losses, whereas an expensive J.A. Munroe, Eng. and Stat. Res. Centre,
high quality film is expected to minimize Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6.
losses. The objective is to minimize the total
costs of the plastic film and the silage losses. Two inlet control systems for a naturally
Silage loss data from small 20 kg capacity ventilated swine finishing barn were compared
bags of 100, 150 and 200 />tm thicknesses is on the basis of temperature regulation, C O2


and NH4 concentrations and electrical being critical to the design of a heat transfer
consumption. The barn was fitted with optimizing controller; the rate at which the
continuous above-centre pivot rotating doors in supply airflow is changed, the amount of heat
the sidewalls, and a continuous ridge opening. transfer degradation permitted before
The non modulated system used themrostats, triggering defrost and the maximum rate of
compressed air and air cylinders to open or heat transfer permitted immediately following
close the air inlets. During the winter, barn a defrost. Further development is warranted
temperature fluctuations of 8C were observed and needed to establish the critical control
within a 6 to 8 min period. C 02 parameters, as well as the installation and
concentrations fluctuated between 1500 and operation procedures.
3500 ppm depending on whether the inlets
were open or closed. NH4 remained rather 87-115 TEMPERING AIR USING AN AIR-SOIL
constant at 6 to 8 ppm. Electricity EXCHANGE SYSTEM
consumption was 157 kWh over a one year
period. The modulated control system used M.G. Britton, T.V. Murray, M.T. Burns, Dept.
thermostats, a gear motor and a time delay Agric. Eng., University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
to step the inlets open or closed. During the Manitoba R3T 2N2, and M.A. Stumborg,
winter, barn temperature fluctuations of about Agriculture Canada Research Station, Swift
IC were noted at the level of the animals. Current, Saskatchewan S9H 3X2
C 0 2 concentrations varied between 2800 to
3200 ppm, while NH4 was 5 to 7 ppm. Research into the technical and economic
Electricity consumption was less than 1 kWh feasibility of tempering ventilation air for
during one year. controlled environment structures using soil at
shallow depths as an energy storage medium
87-114 OPTIMIZING HEAT RECOVERY IN AN has been underway since 1985. The research
AIR TO AIR HEAT EXCHANGER facility and experimental results are
OPERATING UNDER FROSTING summarized. The demonstrated air temperature
CONDITIONS tempering potential is outlined, and the
application to an energy intensive animal
M.R. Bantie and E.M. Barber, Dept. Agric. production building in both summer and winter
Eng., Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask. operation is discussed, along with a
S7N 0W0. preliminary design approach.

Air to air heat exchangers can be used to 87-116 HIGH PRESSURE VENTILATION
preheat ventilating air and hence reduce INLETS FOR ANIMAL HOUSING
heating costs for livestock barns. However,
frost accumulation is a major problem in this J.J. Leonard and F. Kloster, Dept. Agric.
application. Currently available frost control Eng., University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
systems are based on some combination of T6G 2G6.
time, pressure loss, core temperature or
exhaust air temperature. They do not result in In order to obtain suitable trajectories of cold
an optimal rate of heat transfer, independent air jets for minimum ventilation during winter,
of barn temperature and relative humidity. high air velocities are required. Generally
The development and testing of a frost these velocities cannot be achieved using
control strategy is presented, based on a conventional exhaust fans and inlet designs.
measured instantaneous rate of heat transfer. One possible alternative is to use a high
The temperature rise of the supply air is pressure centrifugal fan to provide minimum
measured and the rate of heat transfer is ventilation during cold weather. Laboratory
controlled by positioning a damper to regulate measurements of air flows and distribution
the flow rate of cold supply air. Experiments using such a fan and a radially discharging
were conducted using a 470 1/s counterflow ceiling inlet are described. The results of
metal plate heat exchanger. Tests were these measurements are used to assess the
performed for a cold air temperature of -25C, feasibility of practical systems, and to suggest
and for return temperatures and relative possible designs.
humidities of 13 and 25C, and 40 and 75%,
respectively. The prototype controller was 87-117 PRODUCTION OF BIOGAS IN A 50 m3
confirmed to operate properly as predicted. DOWNFLOW FIXED FILM DIGESTOR
Three control parameters were identified as


R. Chagnon, Agriculture Canada, St. Jean, Laboratory studies were conducted on a
Quebec J3B 6Z8, D. Morrissette, P. Toupin and sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for the
S. AUard, Centre de Recherche industrielle du treatment of screened liquid swine manure.
Quebec, Quebec. The dry matter concentration in the raw
manure was in the order of 4%, and the SBR
Since 1982, Agriculture Canada has contracted was operated on a 24 h cycle. The influence
to le Centre de Recherche industrielle du of various parameters such as hydraulic
Quebec the design, construction and testing of retention time, solid biological retention time
a 50 m digestor for swine manure. It is an and anoxic/aerobic sequencing was tested. The
anaerobic downflow fixed film reactor located results showed that the SBR can treat swine
on a 1400 hog farm at St. Henri de Levis manure adequately under proper operating
near Quebec City. A new fixed film support conditions. The reduction of total suspended
called 'digestubes1 was developed, made from solids and COD ranged between 90 and 98%,
recycled plastic, and it provides a surface of and removal of NH4 was over 95%.
102 m2/m3 of digester. After 18 months of Furthermore, an alternating anoxic/aerobic
operation, the digester was opened and a sequence during the fill and react phases
digester bundle pulled out. The digestubes permitted a high rate of denitrification.
were completely covered with a 2.3 mm thick
bio film, the interior of which comprised 87-119 SEQUENCING BATCH REACTOR
mainly minerals, but the outside of which was TREATMENT FOR DAIRY MANURE
filled with bacteria.
The following average results were K.V. Lo and P.H. Liao, Dept. Bio-Resource
obtained: retention time was 5 days, COD Eng., University of British Columbia,
(inlet) 60,000 mg/1, COD removed between 45 Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5.
and 50%, total solids 2.5%, biogas production
50m3/d and methane content in the biogas Two 5 1 bench scale sequencing batch reactors
70%. The results were similar to those (SBR) were used to treat dairy manure at
obtained in a previous experiment using a room temperature. The effect of the fillrreact
616 1 fixed film digester, except for COD time ratio was studied with feed
removal which was 5 to 10% higher in the concentrations maintained between 2000 and
smaller digester. Since sampling errors may 3000 ppm of COD. Three operating cycles of
have caused the difference, the results 4, 3 and 2 h and three levels of feeding (3, 2
obtained from the larger digester could have and 1 1) were tested. The best operating mode
been used to design the smaller one. was obtained in an operating cycle of 4 h
The biogas produced was utilised for both with a 2 1 fill, and over 90% B0D5 and 80%
electricity and heat generation after being COD removal were observed. The cycle of 2
cooled to remove excess moisture and stored h with a l l fill gave comparable results as
in an 80 m3 hypalon bag. The hot water well, and both these modes could treat 12
produced was used to preheat incoming 1/day of wastewater. 24 1/day could be
manure, and some of the electricity was handled by the 3 h cycle with 3 1 feed, or
returned to the utility grid. Some work on the 2 h cycle with 2 1 feed, but the
hydrogen sulfide removal was also carried out. treatment efficiency was lower. The results
The results indicated that anaerobic digestion indicate that the SBR can be an efficient and
of swine manure in a bioreactor is a useful reliable treatment method for dairy manure.
tool for saving energy, while at the same
time reducing the manure pollutants. However,
this digester did not produce sufficient biogas 87-120 THE APPLICATIONS OF MEMBRANE
or electricity to render its operation cost FILTRATION TO SILAGE EFFLUENT
effective with respect to energy.
A.P. Dunlea and V.A. Dodd, Dept. Agric. &
87-118 AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR Food Eng., University College Dublin, Dublin,
BATCH REACTOR The range of silage effluent produced by grass
fermentation is 10 1 to 100 1 per tonne of
L. Fernandes and E. McKyes, Dept. Agric. grass at 25 to 16% dry matter, including up
Eng., Macdonald College of McGill University, to 90,000 mg/1 BOD 5 and considerable
Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X 1C0. quantities of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, lactic acid and


carbohydrates. Current disposal methods are farming in the area. A greenhouse experiment
normally land spreading or storage and was conducted using columns of this soil with
subsequent feeding. Neither of these is application rates of 0, 33 and 100 t/ha of
practised widely in Ireland, thus causing silage composted sewage sludge. The soil columns
effluent to be the Country's largest were subjected to periodic 24 hour simulated
agricultural pollutant of surface and ground ponding events. It was found that sewage
waters. sludge increased the ponding tolerance of the
Membrane filtration can be applied to soil as reflected by significant differences in
fractionate effluents into concentrates for hydraulic conductivities of the columns. Fifty
feeding, requiring less storage, and a permeate days following the last ponding, the percent
of lower polluting danger. A rig was built to stable aggregates averaged 13.7, 26.9 and
accomodate cellulose acetate and aromatic 48.1% for the three sewage treatments,
polymer membranes using a DDS Lab 20 unit respectively, and there wass a slight decrease
and an operating pressure of 28-32 kPa. in soil bulk density with sludge application.
Preliminary results indicate that the cellulose The effects of sewage sludge on essential
acetate membrane gives a superior nutrient and heavy metal uptake by bermuda
performance, with an increase in dry matter grass were examined also, and there were no
of 3.5 to 9.9% and better retention of the differences in the foliage concentrations of P,
components analysed. K, Cu, Ni or Pb. At the highest sledge rate,
however, N, Cd and Zn concentrations were
R. Lagace, R. Adam, Dept. Agric. Eng., Laval AND FERTILIZER TYPE ON CORN
University, Ste. Foy, Quebec G1K 7P4, and YIELD
M. Vallieres, Min. de l'Env. du Quebec, Ste.
Foy, Quebec. A. Weill and E. McKyes, Dept. Agric. Eng.,
Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste.
This paper describes the experimental site and Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X 1C0.
method for evaluation of beef feedlot runoff
treatment in the Quebec cold climate. A A project was undertaken to evaluate the
settling basin and a vegetative filter were feasibility of growing grain corn in Quebec
designed for the treatment of a feedlot for 75 under reduced or zero tillage, together with
head. The pollution loads were measured at an organic source of fertilizer. Large plots
the exits of the pen, the settling basin and were established on sandy loam and clay soils
the vegetative filter. All input data such as with conventional moldboard, reduced chisel
precipitation and flows, and the sampling and zero tillage, and inorganic or dairy
equipment were controlled by a microcomputer manure fertilizer. The results obtained in 1985
and a data acquisition system. The results of and 1986 show that comparable yields can be
the fall of 1985 and 1986 show a removal of produced with reduced or zero tillage. The use
more than 99% of most pollutants from the of manure reduced yields slightly compared to
feedlot runoff by this system. those obtained with inorganic fertilizer.
Manure on zero tillage also caused difficult
87-122 INFLUENCE OF SEWAGE SLUDGE weed control problems, seed toxicity and a
APPLICATION ON HYDRAULIC AND greater plant sensitivity to late spring frosts.
E. Kodsi, S.T. Chieng and J. de Vries, Dept.
Bio-Resource Eng., University of British H.P. Harrison and Z.J. Licsko, Dept. Agric.
Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5. Eng., University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2G6.
The Ladner soil is a lowland soil which suffers
from a lack of hydrologic responsiveness, as is Using a six cell dynamometer, the soil
reflected by ponding conditions in the fall and reaction forces in the longitudinal, lateral and
winter. The possible improvement of the vertical directions were determined for three
structure of this poorly drained soil through half scale models of a bentleg plow rilling a
sewage sludge application could benefit remolded laboratory soil. Two of the models


had a 45 degree bentleg, with one having a H. Thibault, E. McKyes, Dept. Agric. Eng.,
rake angle at the rilling interface and the Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste.
other not. The third model had a 30 degree Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X 1C0, and
bentleg angle and an interface rake angle. The R. Theriault, Dept. Agric. Eng., Laval
design of the models was based on the University, Ste. Foy, Quebec G1K 7P4.
necessity of achieving considerable torsional
strength, and the models were subjected to a The Ben Bucket loader attachment for
static load test prior to use. The laboratory agricultural purposes was evaluated, after
experiment was conducted using a split plot some design modifications, in its functions of
factorial design, the factors including two excavation, ditch digging, material spreading
depths and three spacings for each plow. In and levelling and solid manure handling,
addition to conducting several analyses of compared to other conventional machines. The
variance of the data, the wrenches and power attache raent performed well, consistently
spectral densities were determined and are better than the backhoe, normal front end
discussed. The penetration of the bentleg plow loader or back blade depending on the task.
was improved greatly by including a 15 degree The modifications and evaluation of the Ben
rake angle, and yet there was very little Bucket included a design analysis of the
change in the draft. One of the predominant mechanical and hydraulic elements from the
power spectral density frequencies was static and dynamic points of view, the time
attributed to the cyclic failure of the soil and energy efficiency during some common
ahead of the plow. The results were operations compared to other machines and
sufficiently encouraging to recommend that the soil cutting abilities in different soil types
field tests should be conducted with full scale and consistencies.


R.P. Hoemsen, Inst, for Technological
J.C. Chang and M. Green, Eng. Services Br., Development, University of Manitoba,
Alberta Agriculture, Edmonton, Alberta Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2, and
T6H 5T6. R.P. Zentner, Agriculture Canada Research
Station, Swift Current, Saskatchewan S9H 3X2.
A Case-International 2394 farm tractor and a
25 ft field cultivator were instrumented with An experiment in whole crop harvesting was
sensors and an onboard data acquisition conducted on a farm scale in 1985, following
system, including a computer and printer, in two prior trials on a commercial scale in 1983
order to determine drawbar power, fuel and 1984. Whole crop harvesting appeared to
efficiency and other variables during draft be more technically feasible when practised on
test runs in the field. The unit was used to the farm scale, but capacity was limited by
demonstrate to farmers the savings in fuel the drying of grain. If the whole grain and
possible through gearing up - throttling down straw crop is dried, economics become a
on light loads, and proper tractor ballasting. major concern. Successful application to
Improvements in energy output per unit of western Canada will therefore depend upon
fuel were an average 24% and up to 73%, and the availability of a low cost crop residue
savings in fuel per unit field area were an burner to take advantage of the available
average of 18% and a maximum of 44% by straw as a fuel source, and the development
gearing up. Ballsting up to 2200 kg resulted in of applications for utilising the straw and
an average saving in fuel per field area of chaff for food and fibre as well as for fuel.
17%, and up to 40 %. These de monstrations The 'thresh and dry' approach is most
have proved to be a very effective extension technically and economically feasible. This will
method, and they will be used in the future require further development work in selecting
also to develop a data base of power and modifying existing farm machinery.
consumption and fuel consumption for tillage
operations at different locations across 87-206 EVALUATING THE TECHNICAL AND


E.M. Lauro, Horticultural Res. Inst, of measure the torque required by PTO driven
Ontario, Vineland Station, Ontario LOR 2E0, implements. A trailer was built with a three
and G.B. Hergert, Eng. and Stat. Res. Centre, point hitch to provide support for the
Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6. torque meter and to enable any three point
hitch implement to be monitored in situ. Tests
The performance of a prototype self propelled were conducted to compare the torque meter
combine style harvester was evaluated when data with that from two different
used to harvest strawberries. The harvester dynamometers and to calibrate the
was tested over a period of three years in torque meter. The system was designed to
both a solid bed system and conventional gather data in the field using a digital
matted strawberry rows, each planted with cassette recorder. This data can then be
varieties Midway and V.6747R-6. Information transferred to a computer in the laboratory.
was collected to determine the pickup Programs were developed to analyse, graph
efficiency, harvest losses, effective field and present the data.
capacity and pickup yield. This information
was used for an economic assessment of the 87-209 ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE:
harvester. A comparison of costs for the MORE PROBLEMS AND MORE
prototype harvester, a harvest aid and PRODUCTION
conventional hand harvest methods was made
to determine potential economic benefits of M. Potter, Varity Corp., Mississauga, Ontario.
using the mechanized harvest system.
M. Zellerer, D.J. Hebb and KJ. Wilkie, Dept.
CD. McLeod and G.C. Misener, Agriculture Agric. Eng., Technical University of Nova
Canada Research Station, Fredericton, N.B. Scotia, Halifax, N.S. B3J 2M3.
E3B 4Z7.
Strawberries are a high value cash crop which
The concept of elevating potatoes, and currently require intensive and expensive
associated material such as soil, directly manual labour to harvest. A system is under
behind the digging share improves the chances development which employs robotic and
of simplifying present day potato harvesters. machine vision technologies to pick
A prototype unit was built and evaluated, and strawberries, with the system operated by a
has proven to be successful for harvesting microcomputer having dual processing
potatoes damage free. The key component for capability. A digital camera vision system
elevating potatoes at a 60 degree angle is a performs the initial berry identification and
weighted belt that operates on top of the selection, and a special purpose manipulator is
digger bed for the full height required to used to harvest the berries. Digital control on
convey potatoes into a bulk truck. The weight the manipulator positions the picking assembly
of the belt holds the potatoes in place on the which orients berries and removes them from
digger bed while aiding soil separation from the plant with minimum damage. Tests of the
the potatoes. The paper describes the vertical system in the laboratory confirm the potential
lift digger, giving design criteria and for an intelligent strawberry harvesting system
performance details of the machine.
J.G. Davies, W.B. Reed and G.C. Zoerb, Dept.
C. Vigneault, G. St. Amour, D.J. Buckley, Agric. Eng., Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
Eng. and Stat. Res. Centre, Agriculture Sask. S7N 0W0.
Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6, P. Savoie,
Agriculture Canada, and D. Tremblay, Dept. A control system for dual fuel, using propane
Agric. Eng., Laval University, Ste. Foy, or compressed natural gas was developed for
Quebec G1K 7P4. any four cycle diesel engine. A number of
engines have been converted to the system
A tractor PTO torque meter was developed to and tested with a dynamometer to develop the


fuel control strategy, verify the control For both types of water flow, significant
system operation and in some cases by field differences were found between the size
or highway teating. A map of maximum distribution of available and transported
gaseous fuel substitution over the operating sediment in the cases of smaller slopes and
speed and load ranges was compiled for each water flow rate. For the higher flows and
engine to develop the dual fuel control slopes the differences became insignificant.
strategies. Further development work is For the uniform flow runs, a method was
required before this technology is proven and developed to determine the flow competance
ready for commercial use in diesel engines, (diameter of the largest particle transported),
but it is important considering the number of and these results compared favourably with
diesel engines which exist today. the Shields criterion. For the rainfall
simulations, the Shields criterion
87-301 PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS IN underestimated the flow competance, and
WATER QUALITY MODELLING alternate methods were examined.

W.T. Dickinson, School of Engineering, 87-303 NUMERICAL ESTIMATES OF THE

University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario RAINFALL EROSIVITY FACTOR
NIG 2W1.

CA. Madramootoo, Dept. Agric. Eng.,

This review paper addresses nonpoint source Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste.
models which have been developed and used as Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X 1C0.
loading models for agricultural watersheds.
The following questions are explored with The rainfall erosivity factor is a key element
reference to a number of specific models. in the universal soil loss equation. Estimates
What is their stated purpose? What are the of this index are very scanty in eastern
input requirements? What outputs do they Canada. There are several empirical methods
provide? Of what use have they been to date? for predicting the erosivity factor, but they
The perspective of the group of models is were developed in other climatic regions,
then presented including the identification of primarily in the United States. Thus there is
achievements, gaps and possible new a need to test these methods locally in order
directions. that recommendations on their reliability may
be made. Such results could lead to a better
87-302 HYDRAULIC CONSTRAINTS ON SIZE prediction of rainfall erosivity factors for
DISTRIBUTIONS OF SOIL different climatic locations, and eventually
TRANSPORTED IN INTERRILL FLOW produce the benefit of a more reliable use of
the universal soil loss equation.
B.T. Guy, W.T. Dickinson, G.J. Wall and
R.P. Rudra, School of Engineering, University 87-304 LABORATORY VERIFICATION OF
of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1. GREEN-AMPT EQUATION

Two groups of interrill sediment transport K.A. Tan, R.P. Rudra, W.T. Dickinson,
capacity experiments were conducted using a D.E. Elrick and G.J. Wall, School of
0.7 by 1.5 m long laboratory flume, artificially Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph,
roughened with a loamy sand soil glued onto Ontario NIG 2W1.
the inner surface. In the first group, uniform
laminar flows were produced from a constant Rainfall infiltration experiments into a three
head tank, while in the second group, flows layer soil system were conducted in the
were produced by a single nozzle rainfall laboratory under simulated rainfall conditions.
simulator centered over the flume. Three A low permeability layer was simulated using
slopes of 2, 9 and 20% and three discharges a metal sheet having a known number of holes
or rainfall intensities of 0.5, 3.0 and 10.0 to transmit water at a low rate. Tests were
1/min were used in a three by three factorial performed using two rainfall rates of 16 and
complete block design with two replications. 39 mm/h, three depths to the low permeability
The loamy sand soil was injected into the layer of 20, 50 and 100 mm and two types of
flow from an overhead hopper, and flow low permeability layers having conductivities
velocity, water and sediment discharge and of 0.015 and 0.008 of the conductivity of the
transported sediment size distribution were overlying layer. A Green-Ampt infiltration
measured. model was applied to this system, with the


hydraulic conductivity of the soil layers 87-308 SUBIRRIGATION AND S OIL
represented by their harmonic mean. Using the HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES
laboratory parameters, rainfall rate, wetting
front suction, thicknesses of layers, S.T. Chieng, Dept. Bio-Resource Eng.,
conductivity of layers and initial and University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
saturation water contents of layers as input B.C. V6T 1W5.
parameters to the model, the results compared
well to the experimental measurements. Subirrigation was conducted by using an
existing subsurface drainage system in a clay
87-305 SOIL CONSERVATION IN NEW having silty clay loam soil. Water table
BRUNSWICK fluctuations throughout the experimental
period were recorded by using automatic
J.L. Daigle, New Brunswick Dept. Agr. water table recorders. Soil hydraulic
properties, including hydraulic conductivity,
87-306 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR DRAINAGE drainable porosity, water retention and
OF IRRIGATED LANDS infiltration rate were measured in situ
periodically and in the laboratory. Results
R.S. Broughton, Dept. Agric. Eng., Macdonald from three years of field trials between 1983
College of McGill University, Ste. Anne de and 1985 indicate that subirrigation can be
Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO. successfully practised through a subsurface
drainage system, but subirrigation may
Drainage facilities may be needed on irrigated adversely affect the hydraulic properties of
lands for one or more of the following the soil.
purposes. 1. To intercept leakage from
irrigation canals. 2. To leach excess salts 87-309 MOLE DRAINAGE IN EASTERN
from the soil. 3. To prevent waterlogging due CANADA
to non-uniform irrigation or excess rainfall
during a part of the year. 4. To drain excess C. Weill and S. Natho-Jina, Alfred College of
water from depressed areas, from the Agr. and Food Tech., Alfred, Ontario
downstream edges of surface irrigated fields KOB 1A0.
or from irrigation canals. Sample boundary
conditions and design criteria will be A study on mole drainage was conducted at
presented for each of these situations. Alfred College in 1986. A plow was used to
install mole drains at three sites having
87-307 COMBINED SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION different soil physical properties and
AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS topographies. Hydro metric measurements taken
at one of the sites showed that the mole
B. von Hoyningen-Huene, R.S. Broughton, drainage system responded quickly to rainfall
S. Prasher, Dept. Agric. Eng., Macdonald events, maintaining the water table levels at
College of McGill University, Ste. Anne de approximately 60 cm below the soil surface.
Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO, and R. Asselin, Repeated inspections of the mole channels
Ministere de 1'Agriculture, de 1'Alimentation et using a borescope permitted checks on the
des Pecheries du Quebec, Nicolet, Quebec stability of the drains after installation. Most
JOJ 1E0. of the mole channels retained their original
shape, but some of them were partly
An experiment was conducted on flat sandy destroyed after heavy rainfalls during the
soil in southern Quebec to study the fesibility sum mer of 1986.
of subirrigation in this region. The field
experiment was designed on 10 ha with eight 87-310 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CLOGGING
replicates of two treatments consisting of OF DRAINAGE SYSTEMS BY IRON
irrigated and non-irrigated maize plots. It was OXIDE
found that the subsurface irrigation raised the
water table satisfactorily to a predefined R. Asselin, Ministere de 1'Agriculture, de
depth, resulting in adequate water supply to 1'Alimentation et des Pcheries du Quebec,
the crop root zone. The subsurface irrigation Nicolet, Quebec JO J 1E0.
treatment resulted in grain maize yields which
were double those of the non-irrigated plots. Observations were made on 14 drainage
systems from one to ten years old in order to


evaluate (a) the magnitude of the clogging by Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2,
iron oxide as a function of time after S. Sokhansanj, E.B. Moysey and E.M. Barber,
installation, and (b) a field method for Dept. Agric. Eng., University of Saskatchewan,
measuring the concentration of ferrous ions in Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 0W0.
the water. The field method was found precise
and easy to use, and therefore can be a Drying of farm crops is an integral part of
practical tool for engineers involved in the agricultural production systems. The current
design of drainage systems. The observations trend is to dry farm crops, including canola,
showed that drainage systems were in a using near ambient temperature air. Aeration
relatively advanced state of clogging six years is the most commonly used method for cooling
after installation. Clogging by iron oxide was stored grains and oilseeds. In both near
observed in sandy soils and was greatly ambient drying and aeration systems, air in
influenced by iron bacteria. quantities varying from 10-30 1/s-m3 for near
ambient drying and 1-2 1/s-m3 for aeration is
87-401 KINETICS OF MOISTURE forced through a perforated area, and is then
ADSORPTION BY SILICA GEL distributed throughout the grain mass. The
DURING GRAIN DRYING success of the systems is highly dependent on
the uniformity of airflow within the stored
A.S. Mujumdar, Dept. Chem. Eng, G.S.V. mass. The uniformity of airflow is affected by
Raghavan and Z. Alikhani, Dept. Agric. Eng., the configuration of the perforated area used
Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste. for introduction of the air, bin geometry,
Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO. resistance to airflow of the product and the
amount, size and distribution of foreign
The use of various solid dessicant materials material in the stored bulk.
for grain drying has been reported in the A simulation model which accounts for
literature. The dessicant is mixed with the anisotropy of canola properties and foreign
grain and separated when the drying period is material, in addition to the factors considered
over. Silica gel, due to its desirable physical in earlier models, has been developed to
and chemical properties, is one of the best predict pressure patterns in bins filled with
dessicant materials for this purpose. Silica gel canola. The predicted pressures have been
is an inert material (about 99.7% Si02) which validated against measurements in a farm bin
is very easy to handle and regenerates at with a 4.6 m diameter. Along with the details
relatively low temperatures (as low as 70C). of the model, a discussion of its utility is
Because an air temperature of about 80C can presented.
be obtained easily with a flate plate solar
collector, silica gel can be a good material 87-403 PRESSURE DROP CHARACTERISTICS
for the storage of solar energy. OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL SPOUTED
The main objective of this study was to BEDS OF GRAIN
investigate the kinetics of grain drying by
silica gel. The dessicant material and the MX Kalwar, G.S.V. Raghavan and E.R. Norris,
grain were kept in an intimate contact by Dept. Agric Eng., Macdonald College of
placing them in layers in air-tight jars. The McGill University, Ste. Anne de Bellevue,
initial mass of grain for each experimental Quebec H9X 1C0, and A.S. Mujumdar, Dept.
unit was 400 g. Three dessicant to grain mass Chem. Eng., McGill University.
ratios (DGMR) of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4 as well as
four residence times of 1, 2, 4 and 8 hours Two dimensional spouted beds for the drying
were used. The silica gel was regenerated in of grains offer a number of advantages over
an electric oven at 85C. conventional tubular spouted beds, the
The results of these drying tests are principal one being the ease of scale-up from
presented and discussed. Both freshly laboratory to commercial size units. In the
harvested and re wetted corn were used in the design and operation of such a device, it is
study. The difference between the drying essential to know the bed pressure drop
kinetics of the grains is discussed also. characteristics for various grains, and how
they are affected by the aspect ratio (length
87-402 PREDICTING PRESSURE PATTERNS over width) of the bed cross section, and the
IN CANOLA BINS presence of vertical partitions. The latter
provide control over the solids circulation rate
D.S. Jayas, Dept. Agric. Eng., University of and eliminate the restriction of maximum


spoutable bed height. Experimental data are In 1982 an air-to-air heat exchanger was
presented for various grains and are compared designed, constructed and installed in a
with the results of existing pressure drop continuous cross flow farm scale dryer. It was
models of conventional round spouted beds designed to transfer heat from the hot wet
exhaust air to the cooler replacement air, and
87-^404 DRYING OF LEUCAENA the details of the design are presented. Tests
were run with approximately 25% of the warm
C.K. Sankat, Dept. Mech. Eng., and D.R. air leaving the bottom of the drying section
McGaw, Dept. Chem. Eng., The University of being recycled with the incoming cool air. The
the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and test results showed average energy savings of
Tobago. 18.8% due to the heat exchanger. In addition,
the average temperature rise at the upper
Leucaena leucocephala, commonly called dryer fan was 27.9C with the heat exchanger
leucaena or ipil-ipil, is a leguminous plant operating, compared to 16.2C with exhaust air
with considerable practical potential for the recycling only.
tropics. Giant leucaena varieties are grown in Some operational problems related to
densely populated stands principally for lumber accumulations of red-dog, dust and water are
production. However, for many tropical described, together with steps which were
countries deficient in proteinaceous feed taken to eliminate them in a modified design
resources, leucaena holds great promise. Dwarf in 1985. The new design performed well in
varieties that are regularly mowed can yield 1985, and based on costs of approximately
large quantities of forage, up to 20 tonnes of $3000 in material and $3000 labour, the
dry matter per hectare per annum with crude investment should be recoverable in between
protein contents of 25-30%. Leucaena is 985 and 1240 hours of operation (which is
sometimes called the 'alfalfa' of the tropics. about the single harvest operation for a
For leucaena forage to be more widely used 400 ha corn farm in Ontario).
in the feed production industry, its moisture
content should be reduced from the initially 87-406 AN INTEGRATED GAS CONTROL
high 80% (wet basis) to a suitably low level AND TEMPERATURE MONITORING
of 12-14%, which will allow for its storage SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLED
and subsequent processing. ATMOSPHERE STORAGE
Using a thin layer drying apparatus, the
rate of drying of leucaena leaves was E.M. Lauro, CL. Chu and J.D. Wismer,
investigated. Drying temperatures ranged from Horticultural Res. Inst, of Ontario, Vineland
35-90C, and air velocities from 0.05-0.30 m/s. Station, Ontario LOR 2E0.
The methodology and results of these
experiments are presented, together with the An automatic system has been developed at
drying behaviour of leucaena compared to that the Horticultural Research Institute of Ontario
of alfalfa. A limitation to the extensive use to monitor temperatures and to control C02
of leucaena, particularly in non-ruminant and O2 levels in 23 controlled atmosphere
rations, has been attributed to the toxic storage rooms and in 30 portable unit storage
nature of mimosine which is present largely in containers. A microcomputer and data
the water soluble fractions of the leaves and acquisition and control unit are used to
seeds. Reports indicate that mimosine may be operate the system continuously. Software has
realtively unstable at elevated temperatures. been developed also to allow the user to
The effect of drying temperatures on the interact directly with the system. The system
mimosine levels of the leucaena forage is regularly records controlled atmosphere room
reported. temperatures and gas levels, and compares
them with set points. Gas levels are adjusted
87-405 DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, automatically as required. A remote alarm
INSTALLATION, MODIFICATION AND system is activated when excessive deviations
EVALUATION OF A HEAT from the set points occur.
M. Levesque, Eng. and Stat. Res. Centre,
Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6. F. Forder, G.S.V. Raghavan and Y. Gariepy,


Dept. Agric. Eng., Macdonald College of carrots and potatoes, two major stored
McGill University, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, products in Quebec, were monitored in order
Quebec H9X ICO. to investigate their possible use in a storage
disease detection system. The experiments
The respiratory activity is the essential were conducted using carrot and potato
parameter in the design and development of diseases caused by fungi and bacteria. For
techniques for harvesting, handling, storing and carrots, the diseases were watery soft rot
transporting perishable commodities. There are (Sclerotina scelerotiorum) and gray mold
many methods available to measure respiration (Botrytis cinerea). Bacterial soft rot (Erwinia
rate (RR). However, most of them present caro to vora) and bacterial ring rot
numerous disadvantages which justifies the (Corynebacterium sepedoniecum) were selected
need' for an accurate, simple and inexpensive for the potato disease trials. The experimental
apparatus which could accomodate a wide setup was designed to simulate ventilated
range of fruit and vegetable sizes. storage bins. For that purpose, a strip-trap
An instrument was designed and developed headspace analysis technique was adopted with
to measure the RR of various plant materials, purified air as the purge gas to
following a pressure variation (PV) method. A preconcentrate the volatiles. Traps of
sensitive and reliable pressure transducer was adsorbent (Chromasorb 105) were located at
used to monitor pressure changes resulting air outlets of the small 8 1 containers in
from respiratory activity of plant products. which samples were placed. The trapped
Tests were conducted at room temperature on volatiles were extracted subsequently by a
four fruits (bananas, tomatoes, strawberries thermal desorptiLon method involving cryogenic
and apples) and five vegetables (asparagus, focussing. Gas chromatographic analyses were
brussel sprouts, potatoes, carrots and celery) performed by a modified Hewlett Packard
covering a wide range of respiration rate. The model 5890 A instrument fitted with a
values of RR in terras of CO2 production and wide-bore capillary glass column. The main
O2 consumed were determined simultaneously purpose of the study was to determine the
by gas chromatography. potential of volatile monitoring as a storage
The results obtained showed good management tool.
agreement between the two test methods,
since the values determined by the PV method 87-409 PERFORMANCE OF AN AIR
were not significantly different from those CONDITIONING HEAT PUMP USED IN
obtained by gas chromatography. The POTATO STORAGE
respiratometer is easy to fabricate, simple to
use and inexpensive. D. Lord, R. Boily, Dept. Agric. Eng., Laval
University, Quebec, Quebec G1K 7P4,
87-408 VOLATILE PROFILES FOR DISEASE C. Vigneault and D. Leblanc, Eng. and Stat.
DETECTION IN STORED CARROT Res. Centre, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa,

E. Ouellette, G.S.V. Raghavan, Dept. Agric. The technical feasibility and economics of a
Eng., and R. Reeleder, Dept. Plant Sci., ground water heat pump system for a
Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste. temperature controlled potato storage facility
Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO. was studied. A prototype heat pump system
was installed and tested. A mathematical
Given favorable conditions, some vegetable model was then developed and used to
storage diseases have the potential of simulate the proposed system, to obtain the
producing extensive losses in both the quality optimum performance parameters. The
and quantity of products, if they are not optimum economic heat pump power, defined
detected on time. Today, disease detection in terms of total cost to own and operate the
still relies on mostly visual and olefactory system, was determined using climatic and
signs, and on the ability of the storage economic data.
manager to recognize them. Monitoring
techniques that could identify and measure 87-410 C 0 M P A RIS 0 N BETWEEN A
abnormal crop stresses are needed so that CONVENTIONAL COOLING SOURCE
corrective measures can be applied to AND STORED WINTER COLDNESS
The volatile profiles emanating from stored PROCESSING


C. Vigneault, Eng. and Stat. Res. Centre, work done during cutting, yield force per
Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6, blade area and maximum force per cross
L. Blouin and G. Jacob, Roche Associes Ltee., sectional area were affected by the type of
Ste. Foy, Quebec G1Z 4M3. storage. The cut performed approximately five
cm from the plant base showed the greatest
A 250 tonne block of ice was made from differences in mechanical properties among
winter coldness using the layer by layer the storage conditions.
technology developed by Agriculture Canada.
The block was stored in an insulated building 87-501 COOLING OF STRAWBERRIES WITH
and used to precool vegetables. The results LIQUID CARBON DIOXIDE
obtained were compared with those of a
conventional water based precooling system F. Gamache and D. DesHets, Dept. Agric.
utilizing a compressor. The water quality, Eng., Laval University, Ste. Foy, Quebec
energy efficiency and economics of both G1K 7P4.
systems were evaluated and compared. The
water recirculation system was optimized, and Strawberries were cooled with liquid carbon
the results demonstrated that the system using dioxide. The cooling rate and convective heat
the ice block as a heat sink had the transfer coefficient were measured, and design
advantages of greater energy efficiency and data suggested.
increased cooling capacity.
APPARATUS D. Leblanc, R. Kok, Dept. Agric. Eng.,
Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste.
J.M. Scazzosi, G.S.V. Raghavan, Y. Gariepy, Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO, and.
E.R. N orris, Dept. Agric. Eng., Macdonald G.E. Timbers, Eng. and Stat. Res. Centre,
College of McGill University, Ste. Anne de Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6.
Bellevue, Quebec H9X ICO, and J. Munroe,
Eng. and Stat. Res. Centre, Agriculture The freezing time of a parallelepiped shaped
Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6. food product was determined and compared to
results obtained by calculation with various
The quality assessment of food materials using existing analytical models. French fried
mechanical means is an area of study which potatoes were chosen as the food product.
lacks standardization. The need for practical Temperature distributions in the french fry as
and easily obtainable quality indices is great, a function of time were obtained by
notably in the vegetable storage area. The measuring temperatures at 1 ram intervals
problem is that of finding a measurable from the surface to the centre under constant
parameter related to some textural or other freezing conditions. The therm ophysical
sensory measure which is readily detected by properties of french fries at approximately
the consumer. A Warner-Bratzler shear 20C and -20C were determined for use in the
apparatus was used to measure the mechanical analytical models. The average moisture
properties of leeks (cultLvar Alaska) which content of the fries was 73.72%, the average
were stored for a period of 90 days in a density at 20C and -20C was 1069 and 1012
controlled atmosphere, regular atmosphere or kg/m3, the thermal conductivities were 0.50
high humidity atmosphere, and duplicate and 1.0 W/m-C, respectively, and the heat
samples were sprayed with a fungicide. capacities, using Siebel's formulae, 3310 and
Measurements of moisture content, work 1760 J/kg - K. The surface heat transfer
done per cross sectional area, yield stress coefficient under the freezing conditions was
over the cross section, yield force per unit measured to be 21 W/m2-K.
blade projected area, maximum forces, work
done to the yield point and the slope of the 87-503 COMBINED ULTRAFILTRATION AND
force displacement curve were conducted on ULTRAVIOLET TREATMENT FOR THE
leeks trimmed to market quality. RECOVERY OF CHILLING BRINE
Compensation for size differences was
introduced into the calculations to allow D. McGinnis, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa,
comparisons. The sample moisture content, H. Black, Diversified Research Lab, Toronto,


G.W. Whitby, Trojan Technologies Inc., London, unsaturated triglycerides in supercritical
B. Walczack, Zenon Environmental Inc., carbon dioxide was carried out. Extraction
Burlington, and L. Norrie, Knud Sim onsen experiments were performed on mixtures of
Industries Inc., Toronto, Ontario. pairs of pure triglycerides to investigate the
interactive behaviour on oil solubilities in CO2.
A prototype recovery and treatment system The solubilities of the simple triglycerides
for sodium chloride brine, used as a chilling were found to be strongly dependent on
medium in the processed meat industry, was extraction temperature and pressure. For a
designed, developed and tested. The system series of saturated triglycerides, their
uses ultrafiltration (UF) to remove particles solubilities were found to be directly
such as fat and protein fibre from proportional to the negative logarithm of their
contaminated brine, and ultraviolet radiation molecular weights. The addition of one double
(UV) to destroy microorganisms of public bond to each of the fatty acid chains for a
health significance. Initial pilot scale studies C18 triglyceride caused a significant increase
were used as a basis for further development in its solubility in C02. However, the addition
and construction of a prototype brine recovery of a second double bond to each of the fatty
system that was subsequently installed in a acid chains did not result in any additional
meat processing plant for testing and increase in solubility under the conditions
evaluation. The ability of various UF studied.
membranes to operate on a sustained basis
was evaluated in conjunction with 87-505 HOLDING TIME CALCULATION FOR
measurements to determine their operational STERILIZATION OF LOW ACID
characteristics, including particle and FOODS DURING ASCEPTIC
microorganism rejection capabilities. The PACKAGING
effectiveness of varied levels of UV
illumination to destroy bacteria in UF treated F. Castaigne and C. Lacroix, Dept. Food Sci.
brine permeate was investigated also. An & Tech., Laval University, Ste. Foy, Quebec
economic evaluation of various design G1K 7P4.
alternatives was carried out to determine a
cost-effective system which will allow meat A method of calculating holding times is
processors to recycle at least 90% of the presented for sterilizing low acid foods
brine which is presently discarded frequently containing particles during an asceptic
or daily. Results of this project indicate that packaging process. The method is based on the
the use of a brine recovery system is a viable estimation of heating parameters f and j,
alternative to frequent brine disposal, which are used in strerilization calculations
particularly in view of the environmental and following Ball's method. When this method is
waste handling considerations. not applicable, equations are provided which
allow the construction of the heating curve
87-504 EFFECTS OF MOLECULAR for the particles, and holding times are
STRUCTURE ON THE SOLUBILITY OF calculated by integration.
N.R. Bulley, Dept. Agric. Eng., University of CONDUCTIVITY OF FOODS
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2, and
N.T. Cheok, Kuantan, Pahang, West Malaysia. D.J. Jayas and D. Griffin, Dept. Agric. Eng.,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Supercritical fluids are being investigated for R3T 2N2.
their potential use as solvents in the oil and
fats industry. In order to predict extraction Most foods are either warmed, cooked,
efficiencies and oil behaviour under different pasteurized, sterilized, cooled, chilled or
extraction conditions, it is necessary to know frozen at some point in their development for
how the solubilities of the oils having human consumption. To predict the rate at
different molecular structure respond to which these processes can be accomplished
changes in extraction temperature and requires the knowledge of the thermal
pressure. Research on the effects of conductivity, k, of foods. Changing
temperature and pressure on the equilibrium temperature within food products, which will
solubilities of pure simple saturated and affect food quality, can be predicted if k is


known. But the thermal conductivity of all group. There are many advantages to insects
foods has not yet been standardized due to an as compared with conventional agricultural
infinite variety. A transient method of species. For example, high conversion
estimating k for foods is suggested. The efficiencies may be obtained on very low
method has been tested in an application to quality feedstocks, and high nutritional
potatoes, and tests with other products is upgrades can be achieved due to symbiotic
planned for the near future. The details of relationships between insects and protists. The
the method and its verification are presented. aim of this research project has been to
develop an insect farm technology which
87-507 AUTOMATED LINE HEAT SOURCE allows routine production of tonnes per day.
SYSTEM FOR THE MEASUREMENT The technology contains many elements from
OF THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY AND conventional agriculture as well as bio-process
DIFFUSIVITY engineering. Many reactor design concepts are
also applicable to this type of 'farm'. To test
D. McGinnis, Eng. and Stat. Res. Centre, the developments, a process incorporating a
Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6. semicontinuous reactor was designed and
operated for a number of months. The process
A system was developed for the rapid, flow chart, reactor design and overall system
automatic and simultaneous measurement of performance are presented.
thermal conductivity and diffusivity of food
materials and, with a knowledge of the food 87-509 OPTIMIZATION OF THE NUT

density, the determination of its specific heat. ROASTING PROCESS

The system utilizes the line-heat source
method for conductivity and diffusivity J. Moss, Research Centre, Canada Packers
determination, and operates under control Inc., Toronto, Ontario M6N IK4.
from a microcomputer which is interfaced
with a data logger for temperature and In the manufacture of peanut butter the
voltage measurements. Components which exist roasting process is one of the most difficult
in many well equipped thermal process to control, and yet is one of the most critical
laboratories were used. Experimental in flavour development. The Proctor and
measurements are made automatically after Schwartz roaster presently being used is a
the user has entered the necessary continuous through circulation model with an
experimental conditions and desired inherently long dead time, and there is a lack
experimental precision to the microcomputer. of sensors capable of accurate measurement
The system was found to be simple to use, of moisture content and nut colour in real
and capable of providing accurate time. In addition, there is a large number of
measurements, together with statistical variables such as input temperature and
precision statements in less than 15 minutes moisture, type and size of nuts, air flow
for common food materials. The system rates, bed depth, roaster dry and wet bulb
software was programmed in advanced temperatures, nut residence time and the like.
IBM-BASIC (compiled, version 3.0). The Furthermore, there is a lack of research on
software was written to provide maximum the roasting of nuts, especially with respect
user flexibility, and to permit automatic to the engineering aspects.
calibration of the diffusivity measurement The objective of this project is to
apparatus using standard substances. determine the analytical model which best fits
the drying curves that occur during the
87-508 DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE OF AN roasting process. Variable residence times,
INSECT FARM CHEMICAL REACTOR temperatures, relative humidity and input nut
FOR HUMAN FOOD PRODUCTION temperature and moisture content are
considered in the analysis.
R. Kok, K. Lomaliza and U.S. Shivhare, Dept.
Agric. Eng., Macdonald College of McGill 87-510 THE ROLE OF ENGINEERS IN THE
University, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec CANADIAN FOOD PROCESSING

Insects can be grown as livestock to produce P. Gitelman, President, U.F.L. Foods Inc.,
animal protein for human food. More than a Toronto, 0 ntario.
million species are available in this taxonomic



Events at the Annual CSAE Meeting together with the Engineering Institute of Canada
Canadian Engineering Centennial convention, May 18 - 22,1987,
le Palais de Congres, Montreal, Quebec

CSAE affiliates officially with the ASAE. CSAE and ASAE Eric Norris is Master of Ceremonies at the CSAE Annual
Presidents, Don Allen and Bill Johnson sign a letter of agree Banquet, McGill University Faculty Club, May 20.
ment at the CSAE Council meeting, May 19, 1987.

Ron Britton is the incoming President of CSAE. He also was Walter Bilanski of the University of Guelph was presented the
presented with the Canadian Sheet Metal Building Institute Maple Leaf Award.

Dennis Hodgkinson is named the CSAE Canadian Agricultural

Engineer of the Year.


Len Staley is presented as a CSAE Fellow by Don Allen. Luc Choiniere was given the Glen Downing CSAE Award for
his contributions in the agricultural machinery field.

ASAE President, Bill Johnson, gives a thorough speech on the Phillipe Savoie, formerly the Quebec Regional Director, be
needs and challenges for agricultural engineers in the future. comes Vice-President (Technical).


Call for papers

31st Canadian
Organised by the
Canadian Society of Engineering
Agricultural Engineering
as part of the
Agricultural Institute of
Calgary, Alberta
Canada Annual Conference
August 21 -24, 1988
Sessions are planned in the following areas
Soil and Water Structures and Environment
Coordinator: Dr. D. Chanasyk Coordinator: Mr. R. Borg
University of Alberta Alberta Agriculture
Department of Soil Science 4920 - 51 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G6 Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6K8

Food Engineering Power and Machinery

Coordinator: Dr. K. V. Lo Coordinator: Dr. K. Domier
University of British Columbia University of Alberta
Bio.-Res. Eng. Dept. Agr. Eng. Dept.
Vancouver, B.C. V6T1W5 Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H1

Energy and Processing Non-Divisional

Coordinator: Dr. R. J. Ford Coordinator: Dr. P. Savoie
University of Saskatchewan Agriculture Canada
Agr. Eng. Dept. Departement de genie rural
Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 0W0 Sainte-Foy, Quebec G1K 7P4

Papers presented by graduate students are eligible for the graduate student paper competition (if eligible, please
indicate specifically in a covering letter).
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of papers by March 1988.
Send abstracts of approximately 250 words of the proposed papers, before November 1, 1987

to : Dr. P. Savoie
C.S.A.E. Vice-President, Technical
Agriculture Canada
Departement de genie rural
Universite Laval
Sainte-Foy, Quebec G1K7P4
Editor: D. J. White
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, London, U.K.

The Journal ofAgricultural Engineering Research reflectsthe broad spectrum of interdisciplinary interests
inherent in this field. It publishes mainly original research papers but also includes in-depth review
articles and short research notes.

Research Areas Include

Crop production, harvesting, and storage loading factors; environmental control in
including establishment, drilling, trans livestock housing
planting, and thinning; crop protection; Livestock feeding, housing, monitoring,
design, performance, and use of spraying handling, and transport
equipment; fertilizer application and hydro Soil drainage and irrigation
ponics; harvesting methods, monitoring crops
Tractor and vehicle design, performance, and
for harvest, treatment, cleaning, drying, and
use including power units, fuels, trans
storage of produce; physical and biological
missions, tyres, brakes, accessories, and power
properties of crops and their monitoring and
take-off systems; vehicle-soil interaction,
tractive performance, handling, and soil com
Cultivation systems and implementation paction; ergonomics, ride and cab design; use
including soil mechanics, implement-soil in different field conditions and around
interaction, and wear of soil-working parts buildings
Farm buildings including design, materials, Waste engineering, handling, and treatment

Published for The British Society for Research in Agricultural Engineering by Academic Press London

Recent Contents: Ventilation of Livestock Buildings by Natural Convection, M.P. Foster, MJ. Down. A
Resistive Probe Moisture Sensor for Tropical Root Crops and Vegetables, G.O.I. Ezieke. The Thermodynamic
Performance of a Continuous-flow Fluidized Bed Grain Disinfestor and Drier, G.R. Thorpe. Modelling the
Performance of a Cross-flow Grain Drier, M.E. Nellist. Physical Changes in Stored Bulk Rice, M.C. Gough,
H.S. Cheigh, S.K. Kim, T.W. Kwon. The Compaction of a Partially Dried Lucerne, D. Nason.

Volumes 36-38 (1987), 12 issues (including subject indexes)

Annual Subscription Rates: UK: 105.00, Overseas: $204.00

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The Editorial Board will assess suitability table, graph, chart or photograph. In general, illustration or group of them should be planned
and essential detail of papers submitted for pub follow the Council of Biological Editors Style to fit, after reduction, onto a space 58 mm wide
lication in Canadian Agricultural Engineering. Manual, 5th ed., published by the Council of (one column) or 122 mm wide (two columns).
One or more reviewers will be used. Their Biology Editors, Inc., Bethesda, MD 20814. The original should be not more than three
comments and suggestions will be compiled times the size of final figure. The number of
and submitted to the author. The review will References engravings required, and therefore the cost to
ensure that: List references alphabetically by authors at the author, can be reduced if two or more draw
the end. Include year of publication, title in ings can be grouped together. For identifica
1. A research paper presents a piece of re
lower case except first letter of first word, and tion, the figure number and author's name
search carried to a well-defined stage of
source, with volume and page numbers where should be written on the lower left corner with
advancement and the conclusions are ade
applicable. Names of periodicals should be soft pencil.
quately supported by the experimental
results. abbreviated in the form given in BIOSISList of Line drawings should be carefully made in
Serials with Title Abbreviations (Bioscience India ink on white drawing paper or tracing
2. A technicalpaper presents a clear, concise,
Information for Service of Biological linen. Letters, numerals, labels and axis cap
and factual outline and interpretation ofthe
Abstracts, 211 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa, tions should be made in capital size with a
development, design, test, or analysis under
19102). Material in press, with the name ofthe stencil or lettering set, not typewritten. Letters
consideration and that it is a contribution in
journal, may be used as a reference. Private and numerals must be at least V/2 mm high and
the field of agricultural engineering.
communications and unpublished reports preferably 2 mm high in final form. Curves on
3. A general paper on education, research, or should be referred to in parentheses in the text. graphs must be 0.3 mm wide after reduction.
extension is pertinent to major changes in Avoid the use of footnotes. Use the author-date Axes and grid lines should be clearly visible but
curriculum, research, or extension or to for system in the manuscript when referring to arti inconspicuous; a width of 0.2 mm after reduc
ward-looking developments in these areas. cles in the Reference section. tion is suggested. Figure numbers and captions
4. A technical note, of one journal page or should be typed on a separate page, not on the
Tables original illustrations. When a paper is sub
less, on equipment development, technique
of measurement, or method of analysis will Designate tables at the top by table number mitted for publication, the original illustrations
have an application for other workers in the (Roman numerals) and title, all in capital let need not be provided so long as the copies are of
field of agricultural engineering. ters. All headings and other information in such quality that reviewers can understand
tables are to be in lower case except first letter them. Original drawings must be provided
of first word. Keep the table compact and place when the paper is accepted for publication.
The manuscript should be typed double- it across the page wherever possible. Do not use
vertical lines.
spaced on paper 8Vi x 11 inches (21.6 x 27.9 DISCUSSIONS
cm) with margins not less than Wa inches (3.3 Discussions may be submitted on any paper
cm). The first page should contain only the or technical note published in the Journal for a
title, authors' names, addresses (including Use the metric system (SI) in the text.
Tables, charts and graphs should be given only period of not more than four months following
postal codes), and contribution number where publication. Discussion of a paper or technical
in metric units.
applicable. Tables and captions for illustrations note is open to anyone who has significant
should be on separate pages, placed after the comments or questions about the content of the
text. Manuscript paper with numbered lines is Equations
Equations and formulas must be set up paper/technical note. A discussion will not be
preferred. The original and two copies are accepted for publication if it contains material
required. clearly. Use capitals for symbols as much as
possible and lower case for superscripts and readily found elsewhere, is purely speculative,
The title of the paper should be capitalized subscripts. Greek and other characters should introduces personalities or otherwise falls be
and centered on the page; it should give an be identified clearly. Equations should be num low the standards of a technical paper in a
accurate description of the article, using key bered on the right-hand margin in large num professional journal. Authors will be given an
words that can be used for computer-indexing. bers and in line with the center ofthe equation. opportunity to reply to discussions.
The format for discussions differs from those
ORGANIZATION Abbreviations of papers in that figures are to be identified by
This paper should be organized to conform For commonly used terms, consult the CBE capital letters to avoid confusion with the orig
with present Journal practice. Research and Style Manual. Abbreviate units of measure inal paper. The discusser should refer to him
Technical papers must include a short abstract only when used with numerals. Do not use self as "the writer" or "I" and to the author of
section of about 200 words. abbreviations in the title. Normally, numbers the original paper as "the author." The first
Major headings Center on the page with less than 10 should be spelled out, e.g. six. page shows the title of the original paper with a
all words in capital letters. footnote to identify the author, volume, page
Paragraphs and date. Name and address ofthe writer ofthe
Subheadings Start at left-hand margin, If paragraphs are to be numbered, designate discussion follow the title.
capitalize first letter of major words. by Arabic numerals. Designate sub-paragraphs Discussions will be reviewed by the Editorial
Sub-subheadings Start at left-hand mar by lower case letters in parentheses. Board and possibly the reviewers ofthe original
gin, in lower case except first letter of first paper. The length of a discussion is restricted to
word, and underline.
ILLUSTRATIONS one journal page. Lengthy discussions will be
Technical and detailed information should Either original drawings or clean, glossy returned for shortening, or the writer may be
be included only in the form of description, photographs are acceptable for illustrations. An encouraged to submit a paper or technical note.
Electrical Power and Processing

K.C. Watts, W.K. Bilanski, and D.R. Menzies 173


R.B. Brown, L. Otten, and J.E. Brubaker 179


D.S. Jayas, S. Sokhansanj, E.B. Moysey, and E.M. Barber 183
D.S. Jayas, S, Sokhansanj, E.B. Moysey, and E.M. Barber 189

Structures and Environment


P.A. Phillips and D. Fraser 193


P.A. Thacker and E.M. Barber 197

Food Engineering


D.S. McGinnis 201


R.P. Rudra 209



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