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The marketing manager of reynolds wants to know how the customer values the various tangible and

features level of this attribute are

price price(rs)
color of ink in refill color of ink in refill
diameter of tip of refill diameter of tip of refill(mm)

Conjoint analysis using Regression

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square

1 .371a .137 -.121

a. Predictors: (Constant), Dia of tip, Color, Price, Dia of tip, Color, Price
b. Dependent Variable: Ranking

R square shows the power of regression that is influence of independent variables on dependent varia

Sum of
Model Squares df
1 Regression 225.111 6

Residual 1412.889 20
Total 1638.000 26
a. Dependent Variable: Ranking
b. Predictors: (Constant), Dia of tip, Color, Price, Dia of tip, Color, Price

Since the anova sig is more than 0.05 (0.778) the independent variables do not have strong influence

Unstandardized Coefficients
Model B Std. Error
1 (Constant) 14.000 1.618

Price -1.667 2.288

Price -1.556 2.288
Color -.111 2.288
Color -1.778 2.288
Dia of tip -.556 2.288
Dia of tip 1.333 2.288
a. Dependent Variable: Ranking

The values shown in red above are called as part worths

The sum of part worths for a feature hs to be 0
From the table above -1.667 corresponds to rs.5, -1.556 corresponds to rs.7
so the value for rs.10 will be 0-(-1.667+(-1.556))
3.223 4.88966666666667

From the table above -0.111 corresponds to blue, -1.778 corresponds to black
so the value for red will be 0-(-0.111+(-1.778))
1.889 3.66677777777778

From the table above -0.556 corresponds to 0.25, 1.333 corresponds to 0.45
so the value for 0.5 will be 0-(-0.556+(1.333))
-0.777 2.11033333333333

conjoint is use for finding out te most prefered combination and relative importance of each feature s
customer values the various tangible and intangible features offered by its micro tip pen he identifies the attrib

5 7 10
blue black red
0.25 0.45 0.5

Model Summaryb
Change Statistics
R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2
8.405 .137 .531 6 20

ndependent variables on dependent variables (The higher the value stronger is the influence, generally more th


Mean Square F Sig.

37.519 .531 .778b

nt variables do not have strong influence on the dependent variable

Standardized Coefficients
Beta t Sig.
8.655 .000

-.175 -.729 .475

-.163 -.680 .504
-.012 -.049 .962
-.186 -.777 .446
-.058 -.243 .811
.140 .583 .566

responds to rs.7
0.458401475 45.840147

responds to black

0.3437568359 34.375684

esponds to 0.45

0.1978416891 19.784169

and relative importance of each feature so that the company can focus its resources only on the necessary feat
tip pen he identifies the attributes of the product which are important to the customer, level of each attribute th

Sig. F Change

e influence, generally more than 0.6)

es only on the necessary features
omer, level of each attribute that the company is willing to design and offer to the customer.
e customer.
rank x1 x2 x3
5 blue 0.25 12 1 0 1
blue 0.45 7 1 0 1
blue 0.5 27 1 0 1
5 black 0.25 9 1 0 0
black 0.45 13 1 0 0
black 0.5 2 1 0 0
5 red 0.25 21 1 0 -1
red 0.45 6 1 0 -1
red 0.5 14 1 0 -1
7 blue 0.25 1 0 1 1
blue 0.45 22 0 1 1
blue 0.5 5 0 1 1
7 black 0.25 26 0 1 0
black 0.45 11 0 1 0
black 0.5 4 0 1 0
7 red 0.25 18 0 1 -1
red 0.45 15 0 1 -1
red 0.5 10 0 1 -1
10 blue 0.25 8 -1 -1 1
blue 0.45 19 -1 -1 1
blue 0.5 24 -1 -1 1
10 black 0.25 3 -1 -1 0
black 0.45 25 -1 -1 0
black 0.5 17 -1 -1 0
10 red 0.25 23 -1 -1 -1
red 0.45 20 -1 -1 -1
red 0.5 16 -1 -1 -1
x4 x5 x6
0 1 0 5
0 0 1 7
0 -1 -1 10
1 1 0
1 0 1
1 -1 -1 blue
-1 1 0 black
-1 0 1 red
-1 -1 -1
0 1 0
0 0 1 0.25
0 -1 -1 0.45
1 1 0 0.5
1 0 1
1 -1 -1
-1 1 0
-1 0 1
-1 -1 -1
0 1 0
0 0 1
0 -1 -1
1 1 0
1 0 1
1 -1 -1
-1 1 0
-1 0 1
-1 -1 -1
x1 x2
1 0
0 1
-1 -1

x3 x4
1 0
0 1
-1 -1

x5 x6
1 0
0 1
-1 -1

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