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Waterloo Region District School Board



Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology

HSP3CI 2017

Course Type: College Grade Level: 11

Teacher: Ms. C. Kraft Department: Social
Course Description:

This course introduces students to theories, questions, and issues related to

anthropology, psychology, and sociology. Students learn about approaches and research
methods used by social scientists. Students will be given opportunities to apply theories
from a variety of perspectives, to conduct social science research, and to become
familiar with current issues within the three disciplines.

Theories, Perspectives and Methodologies
Explaining Human Behaviour and Culture

ESSENTIAL COURSE COMPONENTS To be successful in this course you must be able

to demonstrate all of the following skills:
Exploring: explore topics related to anthropology, psychology, and
sociology, and formulate questions appropriate for each discipline to guide their
Investigating: create research plans, and locate and select information
relevant to their chosen topics, using appropriate social science research and
inquiry methods;
Processing Information: assess, record, analyse, and synthesize
information gathered through research and inquiry;
Communicating and Reflecting: communicate the results of their
research and inquiry clearly and effectively, and reflect on and evaluate their
research, inquiry, and communication skills.


A variety of assessment tasks will be used to evaluate student progress.
Late and Missed Assignments To achieve success in this
course, all essential course components must be demonstrated.
Incomplete work is NOT an option.
Cheating and Plagiarism It is important for students to do
their own best work. If a student is suspected of cheating or plagiarizing,
the teacher in consultation with administration, will determine the next
steps and/or consequences.
Learning Skills and Work Habits The areas of
Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Collaboration, Initiative,
and Self-regulation are important and will be assessed and reflected on the
provincial report card.
Attendance Attendance and punctuality in classes are
important parts of learning and an expectation of student behaviour. Lates
are to be avoided to benefit from full instructional time and not disrupt
others learning time. When a student is absent, a parent/guardian must
call the schools attendance line on the date of absence, or provide a note
explaining the absence for the student to submit the following day.
Students are responsible for missed work during their absence.

Classroom/Course Expectations
Be willing to listen to thoughts of your classmates and
share your opinions. Involvement in class discussion is important in
the learning of us all
Be present and on time. Walking into class late is very
disruptive to the lesson and other students. It is inconsiderate.
I will not lend out videos so be here. If you miss a
class do NOT ask me to catch you up once the bell rings. Meet with
me at least 10 minutes before class or after class.
Use of smartphones is not permitted in class. If you
have it in the hall it needs to be put away before you enter the room and
remain away until you leave the room.
Music players are permitted in the room but may ONLY be
used during seat work.

The final mark will be determined as follows:

Unit Tests 30
Application of Theory - small and large assignments 30
Major Project - summative 10
Major Presentation 10
Final Exam- summative 20

It is easy to stay on top of things in this course :) Assignments, slide

presentations, worksheets, test review and important dates will all be
available in google classroom and on the course website. Parents are
strongly encouraged to check in on the website :)
For Students - Google Classroom Code is bm564m5
For Student and Parents - Class website is
Email -

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _cut here _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

By signing this course outline, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the
expectations and requirements for successful completion of this course.

________________________/____________________________ ______________
Students Name Signature
______________________/ ____________________________ ______________

Parent/Guardian Name Signature


Parent email __________________________________________________

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