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The impact of Benedict Arnold Bibliography Benedict Arnold.

The outcomes were that he helped the By:Moralyn lake

British get intel and he was one of the
biggest traitors in the history of the United n_revolution/benedict_arnold.php Benedict Arnold was a traitor. He
States. He switched sides because the British said if
also he switched they would
became give him 20,000
the pounds. He was
general of considered one of the
the British biggest traitors in the
army. In history of the United
1776 he States.
played a
crucial part in slowing down a british
invasion from canada to new york in Definitions
autumn. He correctly predicted that British pounds=british money
General Guy Carleton would sail invading
troops down Lake Champlain Arnold
effigy=statue of someone made to be
supervised the hasty construction of an
american flotilla on that lake to meet destroyed
Carletons fleet. On October 11,1776 the
american fleet surprised its foe near
Valcour Bay. although Carletons flotilla
drove the americans away it delayed the
british invasion for long enough that the
british got to new york it was too late and
Arnolds action at Lake Champlain
rescued the patriots from disaster.
Life What Benedict Arnold did to become After the war
Benedict Arnold was born January 14, famous After the war he became merchant and
1771 in Norwich Connecticut. He had five Benedict Arnold became famous for he traded with the West Indies. At one
brothers and sisters but all but one sister betraying the patriots and becoming part point he moved to Canada. After some
of the British army. He switched sides shady business deals a mob burned an
died from Yellow Fever when they were
because the British said they would give effigy of him in front of his house so he
young. His mother died in 1759 and his
him 20,000 pounds if he did. He also was moved back to
dad died in famous London.
1761. He was for when
an apothecary he led the
and a attack on the
bookseller. At British
the start of the and
wounded his leg at the Battle of Saratoga.
War, Benedict
Arnold was elected as the captain of the
Connecticut militia. He led the militia north
to Boston after the battle of Lexington and
the battle of Concord to help with the
siege of Boston. Then he received a
colonels commision to attack Fort
Ticonderoga. With Ethan Allen and the
Green Mountain Boys he took
Ticonderoga in one of the first major
victories for the colonies.

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