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_________moralyn_____________ Period_____2_______

Frog Dissection Pre-lab

Directions: Search American Bullfrog and find the answers to help us prepare for dissection on

1. Kingdom __animalia_____________________________
2. Phylum__chordata_______________________________
3. SubPhylum __vertebrata____________________________
4. Classification__amphibia__________________________

5. Why are frogs said to have two lives? because they live in the water and then on land.

6. How are amphibians different from reptiles? Amphibians live in water at first and reptiles
dont live in water.

7. What are 3 adaptations that frogs have that make them amphibians? They grow legs, they grow
lungs, and they loose their tail.

8. List the ways in which tadpoles (immature frogs) and frogs differ from each other? Tadpoles
dont have lung and frogs do. Frogs live on land tadpoles dont.

External Anatomy
9. Dorsal means? Relating to the back or upper side of an animal.

10. V
entral means? Relating to the underside of an animal.

11. A
nterior means? Near the front.

12. P
osterior means? Near the back.

13. H
ead means? Front or upper part of a body.

14. T
orso means? The trunk of a body.

15. Frog lungs are poorly developed. How does this relate to their skin being thin and moist? It
relates to their skin being thin and moist because most amphibians have the same trait.

16. Name 2 ways forelimbs are different than hind limbs. The hind limbs are more sturdy. The hind
limbs are more firmly attached to the spine.

Critical Thinking Questions

17. Frogs produce a huge number of babies at one time WHY do you think this is (HINT: Finding
Nemo)? Because they are at the bottom of the food chain so they get more nutrients.
18. The frogs tongue is anchored in the very front opposite to the orientation and anchoring of
humans. Why do you think this is so? I think there tounges are like that so they can catch flys

Instructions for Internal Anatomy

Please label these parts. (NOT B, E, F, or G as they are not relevant to our studies)

A. esophagus
C. stomach
D. pancreas
H. lung
I. heart
J. liver
K. gallbladder
L. small intestine
M. large intestine

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