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Developing Leadership Skills and Strategic Management

Apple Inc,
Developing Leadership Skills and Strategic
Management | 2

Executive Summary
Strategic Management can be characterized as a discipline & science of detailing, actualizing and
assessing cross-utilitarian choices that empowers an association to achieve its hierarchical or corporate
objectives adequately and effectively. Strategic Management and Leadership have the most significant
linkages and note that procedure of an association is created through its Leadership vision and
hierarchical philosophy. Leadership and overseeing are diverse methodologies as overseeing just takes
after requests while leaders rouse others to complete the undertaking and produce requests and orders
for figuring out how to take after.
In this paper, Apple Inc has been chosen for concentrate the critical linkages between Strategic
Management and Leadership . The paper is isolated in four primary assignments. The 1st task requires
(a) Explain the connection between Strategic Management and Leadership , (b) an assessment of the
effect of managing and Leadership styles on Strategic decisions and (c) an assessment of how
Leadership styles can be adjusted to various circumstances. The second assignment is to (a) assess
the effect which chosen theories of Leadership and management have on strategy of the organization
(b) make a Leadership strategy that backs direction of the company. The third task talks about how to
(a) assess existing requirements of Leadership and (b) plot for the development of future
circumstances demanding Leadership . The last task requires to (a) design the development of
Leadership skills for a particular necessity, and (b) investigate the value of methods used to design the
development of Leadership skills. At last, conclusion is made to compress the dialog and study.


Executive Summary 2

Task 1 3
1.1 Linkage between Strategic Management and Leadership 3

1.2 Impact of Management and Leadership style on Strategic decisions 3

1.2.1 Autocratic or authoritarian style 4

1.2.2 Laissez-faire or free rein style 4

1.2.3 Participative or democratic style 4

1.2.4 Impact of Leadership style on managing and Strategic decisions 4

Task 2 5
2.1 Review of selected theories of Management and Leadership and their impact on Apple Inc
organizational strategy 5

2.1.1 Vision, Mission and Value Statement 5

2.1.2 Operating Philosophy or organizational philosophy 5

Developing Leadership Skills and Strategic
Management | 3

2.1.3 Apple Inc Managing Incentives and Bonus Plan 7

2.2 Leadership strategy - Strategic issues driving the success of Apple Inc 7

Task 3 9
3.1 Current Leadership requirements 9

3.2 Development of future situation for requiring Leadership 9

Task 4 10
4.1 Leadership skills for a specific situation 10

4.1 Usefulness of Methods 10

5. Conclusion 10

Heading 2 11
Developing Leadership Skills and Strategic
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Task 1
1.1 Linkage between Strategic Management and Leadership
It is vital to note that Leadership plays the most prevailing part in helping the company to achieve its
objectives and targets. It is because Leadership plays the key part in concocting a viable and effective
system that empowers a company to achieve its objectives and targets.
Leaders of the company create authoritative rationality or working theory of the company that how it
works. Authoritative rationality builds up its way of life and structure. It is intriguing to note that the
vision and mission are essential for formulating a successful procedure and this vision and mission of
company is exceedingly reliant on company's way of life and structure. Hence, vision and mission
(grew eventually by Leadership ) offers ascend to the methodology of a company to achieve its
company objectives and targets i.e. to pick up a feasible upper hand in the commercial center in
respect to rivalry or to suspect development through mergers or acquisitions. In this manner, there is a
vital linkage between Strategic Management and Leadership of an association as Leadership ultimately
sets the Strategic direction of an association through the above procedure that is talked about above. A
similar linkage of Strategic Management and Leadership is exhibit on account of Apple Inc and it will be
talked about in task two.
A portion of the essential linkages between Strategic Management and Leadership are:
Leadership is connected about the vision while Strategic Management is centered around
execution of the vision recognized by the Leadership .
The focus of Leadership is towards managing change and foresight of changes in
environment. Then again, Strategic Management is focused towards adjustment to change
recognized by the Leadership .
Leadership deals with the dynamics of a circumstance. Besides, it is connected with
changing the way of life to meet the difficulties of outer environment. Then again, Strategic
Management is related to the system and it takes after the requests of the Leadership .
Leadership is engaging while Strategic Management is being enabled.
It is intriguing to note that Leadership is connected with positive potential outcomes while
Strategic Management is connected about negative results.
The essential duty of leaders is to assemble and reshape the association while Strategic
Management is connected with following Leadership vision to help with building and
reshaping the association.
Leadership is about going for risks in light of the fact that leaders comprehend their qualities
and shortcomings and have a tendency to gain from their errors. While the Strategic
Management is more related to staying away from risk and implementing risk reaction
Leadership set objectives while managing concentrate generally on objectives set by
Leadership .

1.2 Impact of Management and Leadership style on Strategic decisions

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Leadership styles and managing plays a critical part in the Strategic decision of an association. As
talked about earlier, Leadership inspires managing to meet Strategic objectives and accordingly affect
of Leadership on Strategic decisions is more predominant that managing and Leadership styles are
critical in taking Strategic decisions for an association. Different Leadership styles are talked about
beneath which are:

1.2.1 Autocratic or authoritarian style

In the imperious or tyrant style, basic Leadership power is unified to the leader and the leader holds
the fundamental basic Leadership control. The most noticeable case of tyrant leaders is the fascism. It
is imperative to note that Autocratic or tyrant style don't consider or engage the proposal, conference or
recommendation from subordinates yet rather they might want to execute their own particular specialist
on them. It is intriguing to note that the Autocratic or tyrant style Leadership style is a valuable
motivational instrument for a supervisor or leader as it inspires the leader or administrator to perform.
Likewise, the basic Leadership prepare in Autocratic or tyrant style is brisk and clear on the grounds
that just a single individual is chooses for the entire gathering. In addition, Autocratic or dictator style
leaders keep the basic Leadership control with them generally and choose exclusively on their own
feelings unless or until they feel that they ought to impart it to whatever is left of the gathering.

1.2.2 Laissez-faire or free rein style

In Laissez-faire or free rein style, the leader does not lead the gathering yet rather it leaves the
gathering altogether to itself. In straightforward words, the leader permits most extreme opportunity to
its subordinates. For instance, the subordinates are allowed to settle on their own arrangements and
choice autonomously and unreservedly.

1.2.3 Participative or democratic style

The participative or law based leaders depend intensely on the agreement of the managing and
subordinates to take Strategic decisions or to set Strategic directions. They depend vigorously on the
counseling of the representatives and managing to devise methodologies for achieving hierarchical
objectives. Group and Managing of the company in this style of Leadership is viable yet it is a moderate
procedure. It is intriguing to note that leaders for this situation are chosen by the agreement of
subordinates or managing unlike in tyrant style of Leadership .

1.2.4 Impact of Leadership style on managing and Strategic decisions

Different Leadership styles are successful and proficient in view of various circumstances and settings.
For instance, infrequently the associations need to set aside a few minutes is next to no to meet on an
understanding. For this situation an Autocratic or tyrant style is more powerful in light of the fact that an
assigned specialist who have more understanding and skill than whatever is left of the group could
settle on and execute choice quickly and rapidly to react to the given situation.
On the opposite side, if there should be an occurrence of an exceptionally energetic and adjusted group
to a homogenous level of ability and experience, Laissez-faire or free rein style would be more powerful
and effective. It relies on upon situation and goals that which Leadership style ought to be picked.

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Task 2
2.1 Review of selected theories of Management and Leadership and their impact on Apple Inc
organizational strategy

2.1.1 Vision, Mission and Value Statement

Leadership is the most pivotal explanation behind the achievement of an organization. Leadership
enables the association to pick up a feasible upper hand in the commercial center. It is because
Leadership develops working and hierarchical logic which shapes vision, mission, and authoritative
culture of the association. Vision, Mission and hierarchical culture play the most vital to devise and
compelling and productive technique to pick up a reasonable upper hand in the commercial center.
Therefore, Leadership is the most vital component in putting forth vision, mission and esteem
expressions and these announcements reflects the Leadership traits and identities and their dreams.
The vision, mission and esteem explanations can be inferred from their official site which reflects the
Leadership and hierarchical theory of Apple Inc. Vision explanation can be detailed as "To be the
worldwide producer and market pioneer of the most elevated quality welding, cutting and joining items".
The Mission proclamation for Apple Inc can be expressed as" To persevere energy for advancement
and application market Leadership and worldwide maker vision by giving complete arrangements that
make their clients more beneficial and fruitful". At long last, the esteem articulation can be portrayed as
"the client esteem would be given to clients by reinforcing and expanding the fulfillment of
representatives and client esteem would create shareholders' an incentive consequently with the most
extreme worker inspiration and fulfillment". (Apple Inc, 2010)

2.1.2 Operating Philosophy or organizational philosophy

It is fascinating to take note of the organization working reasoning is profoundly described by the
Christian morals and it was Leadership vision of James F. Apple Inc which then turned into the
hierarchical and working rationality of Apple Inc. The above inferred vision, mission and esteem
proclamations mirror the Christian morals that are picked up from the working rationality of Apple Inc.
Most elevated quality items are given to the clients by distinguishing client needs and needs with a
feeling of compassion. The esteem is given to clients as far as item proficiency instead of value rebates
and client appreciates long haul advantages and general cost diminishment as less repairing, upkeep,
substitution and overhauling. The hierarchical theory of Christian morals had six center qualities which
are: Respond to our clients needs and desires with quality, trustworthiness, and esteem, Recognize
individuals as our most important resource, keep up and extend the Apple Inc Incentive Managing
Philosophy, hone reasonable and mindful monetary administration, endeavor consistently to be
naturally dependable, and bolster groups where we work and ventures in which we take part. The six
qualities characterize completely the working reasoning of Apple Inc with respect to clients,
stockholders, unionism and representatives. (Buller and Schuler, 2006)
The representatives are taking a shot at a piece rate premise with an execution score which spurs the
representatives to buckle down. On the off chance that a representative is not performing great then it
would hit the piece rate premise and the worker would miss the money related motivating forces.
Professional stability is high at Apple Inc as the representatives are not rebuffed but rather inspired if
there should be an occurrence of disappointments. The representatives are not terminated due to the
Christian compassion working rationality yet representatives understand that on the off chance that
they would not perform well then they would miss their budgetary motivating forces which drives
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representatives' states of mind to work proficiently under high employer stability for picking up the
greatest rewards and impetuses. (Buller and Schuler, 2006)
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2.1.3 Apple Inc Managing Incentives and Bonus Plan

The managing incentives and reward plan of Apple Inc are exceptionally motivational and appealing.
The Apple Inc reward plan is deliberately adjusted to the piece rate pay arrange for which was talked
about in above. Apple Inc managing incentives and extra arranges are the sums worth the greater part
of the representative ordinary pay or wage. Managing incentives and rewards depend on execution
based reward/point framework. The managing incentive and extra arranges are considered as a money
related helper in Apple Inc. Managing incentives and rewards are thought to be the share and
acknowledgment of representatives for their commitment in the money related and focused execution
of the Apple Inc. Focuses are distributed by the commitment of every worker or supervisor to the money
related execution and managing incentives and rewards are remunerated by the focuses scored by the
representatives. The managing incentives and extra arranges depend on fortification hypothesis which
expresses that conduct is a component of its results. (Robbins, 2005).

2.2 Leadership strategy - Strategic issues driving the success of Apple Inc
A reasonable examination of Apple Inc demonstrates that Apple Inc has no Strategic issues as it is
misusing its center skills and abilities to pick up a practical upper hand in the commercial center. It is
performing uniquely in contrast to rivals. As indicated by Michael Porter (1996), Strategic Positioning
and operational adequacy are two completely extraordinary methodologies and ideas. Operational
Effectiveness is vital for a business achievement however not adequate for it. An association needs to
build up a solid Strategic positioning to be comprehensively aggressive and to pick up a feasible upper
hand which is not imitable by rivalry. Strategic Positioning is a totally unique approach and it is
"performing diverse exercises from contenders or performing comparative exercises in various ways".
Then again, operational viability is simply performing comparable exercises from adversaries in a
superior yet not distinctive way. Consequently, the upper hand picked up from operational adequacy is
effectively imitable in light of the fact that the contenders may likewise receive the same or better
practices to think of the same or a superior preferred standpoint. In any case, if there should arise an
occurrence of Strategic positioning, contenders couldn't impersonate on the grounds that the
organization receiving Strategic positioning is totally not quite the same as opponents and a contender
needs to duplicate the entire movement frameworks to emulate that upper hand which is practically
outlandish on the grounds that the claim Strategic positioning of that specific contender would be lost in
the wake of doing this. Japanese organizations were notable for best-practices and Total Quality
Management. Their worldwide intensity depended on operational viability in the 1980s. In the race of
operational adequacy, the Japanese organizations couldn't create Strategic positioning and fell under
the trap of focused joining. The concentration of Japanese partnerships was to mirror contenders and
just to perform better. Japanese delighted in achievement in light of the fact that the world economies
were developing. In any case, when the business sectors got to be distinctly immersed; the Japanese
firms were stuck in their own traps lastly rubbed out of business sectors. (Doorman, What is Strategy,
Apple Inc has built up a Strategic positioning as opposed to operational adequacy. The most pivotal
explanation behind Apple Inc's survival is its solid human asset managing in the most union fixated a
portion of US. Apple Inc movement frameworks bolstered each other to have a supportable focused
edge. The concentration of Apple Inc was to build up a "Strategic position" while the adversaries were
more worried about operational adequacy which was important however not adequate.
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Management | 9

Task 3
3.1 Current Leadership requirements
Note that associations devise productive business level and corporate techniques to pick up a feasible
upper hand in the commercial center with respect to rivalry. The Leadership plays the most
predominant part in contriving methodologies for enterprise to support a focused advantage.
Leadership develops hierarchical reasoning and authoritative rationality offers ascend to vision and
mission for the association. The Strategic objectives of an association are determined to the premise of
its dreams and missions.
Consequently, comprehension and information of Leadership philosophy and its suggestions is the best
expertise for efficient Leadership . The people working in the Apple Inc must know about hierarchical
rationality and its way of life and individual objectives of people must be adjusted to the authoritative
theory for effective Leadership . Individual abilities of the people must be perfect with the authoritative
rationality to develop Leadership in them.
The individual aptitudes which are required for efficient Leadership are:
Capability to handle events
Capability to assimilate the viewpoints of others
All the above individual aptitudes of people must be perfect with the expert expertise of
"comprehension of authoritative rationality" to achieve hierarchical Strategic goals.

3.2 Development of future situation for requiring Leadership

As we have as of now talked about that each association makes proficient business level and corporate
methodologies to pick up a supportable upper hand in the commercial center in respect to rivalry. The
Leadership plays the most overwhelming part in conceiving methodologies for enterprise to manage an
aggressive advantage. Leadership develops hierarchical reasoning and authoritative theory offers
ascend to vision and mission for the association. The Strategic objectives of an association are
determined to the premise of its dreams and missions.
Professionally, comprehension of hierarchical reasoning, adjusts the individual objectives of a person
with authoritative objectives and the individual understands that, to be fruitful, he should achieve
hierarchical Strategic goals for achieving his very own objectives on the grounds that a motivator or pay
and inspiration is included with this comprehension of hierarchical logic. Consequently, inspiration
(profession improvement, individual objectives) and remuneration (rewards, advancements) give
intends to both sorts of objectives or target achievement.
Expressly, having interpersonal abilities and capacities, makes mindfulness among the people that
corporate culture and logic is vital for the accomplishment of the people and association. The
advancement of self-inspiration with the above idea builds up a main thrust that aides the person to
meet their own objectives by proceeding onward the method for achieving Strategic goals of the
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Management | 10

Task 4
4.1 Leadership skills for a specific situation
The changing business sector patterns spur the Apple Inc to devise more environment and easy to use
instruments for its clients. For this situation, association must devise action frameworks and procedure
as indicated by its Leadership philosophy and working theory since it is the center competency of the
association. It must look for courses for blending individual objectives of people with the Leadership
goals by remunerating them effectively. Leadership must be produced by showing people hierarchical
rationality which comes from Leadership .

4.1 Usefulness of Methods

The Apple Inc must outline a one year managing trainee program in which people must be prepared
both expert and by and by for Strategic goals accomplishment. There ought to be four modules. The
main module must incorporate the expert writing, for example, "aggressive system by Michael
doorman", distinctive scholarly articles identified with procedure and Leadership , finish portrayal of
authoritative and Leadership philosophy to create individual abilities for Strategic goals
accomplishment. The second module must include motivational methodologies and procedure for
characterizing approaches to fit individual with expert objectives, remuneration and advantages as
motivators to incorporate individual objectives with expert objectives and a review of association. The
third module must incorporate pivot of people among the distinctive offices and limits and last module
must require the people to deal with some pilot tasks to achieve hierarchical Strategic goals. It is vital
that hierarchical and Leadership philosophy must be fortified in every last module by the coaches. The
last two modules are intended to build association of people at the diverse Strategic levels. The
preparation must led and directed by the genuine pioneers of the association.

5. Conclusion
In this paper, critical linkages between Strategic Management and Leadership of an association were
considered and broke down. The initially presented the connections between Strategic Management
and Leadership . The second part connected managing and Leadership philosophies to concentrate the
Apple Inc which is one of the fruitful associations of the world. The last part prescribed a few
procedures to create and boost Leadership across the association. It can be finished up that
Leadership plays the key part in the Strategic Management and accomplishment of an association.

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