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Circuit Analysis II (B) HW 1 Solutions

(25 p.) Q1. A factory has an electrical load of 1600 kW at a lagging power factor of 0.8. An
additional variable load is to be added to the factory. The new load will add 320 kW to the
real power to the factory. The power factor of the added load is to be adjusted so that the
overall power factor of the factory is 0.96 lagging.
a) Specify the reactive power associated with the added load.
b) Does the added load absorb or deliver magnetizing VARs?
c) What is the power factor of the additional load?
d) Assume that the voltage at the input to the factory is 2400 V (rms). What is the rms
magnitude of the current into the factory before the variable load is added?
e) What is the rms magnitude of the current into the factory after the variable load has been

(25 p.) Q2. The variable resistor RL in the circuit shown in Figure is adjusted for maximum
average power transfer to RL.
a) Find the maximum average power.
b) What percentage of the average power developed by the ideal voltage source is delivered to
RL when RL is absorbing maximum average power?
c) Test your solution by showing that the power developed by the ideal voltage source equals
the power dissipated in the circuit.

(25 p.) Q3. A balanced -connected load has an impedance of (864-j252) /. The load is
fed through a line having an impedance of (0.5+j4)/ . The phase voltage at the terminals of
the load is 69 kV. The phase sequence is positive. Use a-phase as the reference phase.

a) Calculate the three phase currents of the load.

b) Calculate the three line currents.
c) Calculate the three line voltages at the sending end (generator side) of the line.

(25 p.) Q4.
a) Find the rms magnitude and the phase angle of ICA in the circuit shown in Figure.
b) What percent of the average power delivered by the three-phase source is dissipated in the
three-phase load?


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