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Dama poetry is the type of poetry that was created during the time of the Lost

Generation. Dama poems were made by picking random words from a hat and that would be the
poem; this was created because people believed poetry is no longer magnificent in such a way
that mixing words together would be good enough for a poem during the time after World War I.
The Lost Generation was the time after World War I where there were a lot of people who
believed nothing is beautiful in the world, there is no purpose to paint glamorous paintings
because everything is ugly, no point in writing about stunning women because there is no reason
to write about anything that would make you happy in that tragic time. Many authors wrote
about the hopelessness in love and everything that is beautiful which is would be one of the Lost
Generation trait.
In Dulce et Decorum Est, written in 1917, by Wilfred Owen, the story is about World
War I where a man was fighting for his country when someone throws gas and someone is
warning the soldiers to put on their masks and that soldier dies. The author specifically writes
about how, in his dreams, the man warning the other soldiers about the gas lunges at him
choking from the gas. As one of the lines reads, Gas! GAS! Quick, boys!An ecstasy of
fumbling fitting the clumsy helmets just in time, but someone still was yelling out and stumbling
and floundring like a man in fire or lime (Owen). The quote I took from the reading says that a
man was telling everyone to put on their masks but did not put on his own. The soldier was
choking from the gas and the author saw him die. This quote relates to the Lost Generation trait
because it was hopeless for the man to put on the mask because he was going to die from being
exposed to it for too long.
A Very Short Story by Ernest Hemingway, written in 1924, was about a soldier and a
woman who fall in love at the hospital in which the woman worked in as a nurse. They acted as
if they were married but werent in reality; although, they did want to get married. At the end of
the story, the woman falls in love with someone else and breaks up with him, the soldier,
through a letter saying that she was going to marry the other man. Hemingway wrote at the end
of the story, A short time after, he contracted gonorrhea from a sales girl in a loop department
store while riding in a taxicab through Lincoln Park (Hemingway). At this point of the story the
man from the story realized he and Luz, the heartbreaker, were not going to get married which
relates to the Lost Generation Trait because the man realized it was hopeless to be in love if it
would just result in grief and sorrow.
In another story by Ernest Hemingway, The Killers, written in 1927, there were two
men ordering food and amusing the workers of the diner by telling them that they were going to
kill Ole Anderson, a regular at the diner, as soon as he walked through the door but he never did
so they left. Afterwards, the staff at the restaurant decided to warn the soon-to-be victim. As Ole
Anderson said once the waiter from the diner went to warn him, There aint anything to do
now (Hemingway), relates to the Lost Generation trait because it shows how it is hopeless to
get the police or leave town because, no matter what, he was going to get killed for something he
The theme for the Lost Generation is loss of hope because everyone in that time was
hopeless about anything good happening again. This trait relates to the modern world because a
lot of people still think that way for their lives and believe things wont get better so they decide
to end their lives, like Ernest Hemingway did, but things do get better in general. Like we
learned in the first quarter of the school year, our Founding Fathers would be happy about
todays society because African-Americans are now free and treated with more equality than
before, women can now vote and are treated almost as equal to men, members of the LGBTQ+
community can legally marry other members of the community, and so much more. Overall,
people might think things are bad now but life will get better in the long run.

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