Haley Meredith Humanbodysystemsproject

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Compare the Major Systems

of the Human Body

By Meredith & Haley
Digestive System
Function of the system necessary for life:

The job of this system is to breaks down food you eat and
help give you energy and nutrients to your body.

Organs in the system:

Mouth & esophagus

Small intestine & large intestine

Interesting fact:

Your digestive tract can be 30 feet long.

Circulatory System
Function of the system necessary for life:

The job of this system is to carries oxygen,food and wastes

throughout the body.

Organs in the system:

Blood vessels

Interesting fact: The average persons heart beats 3 billion times

during their life.
Respiratory System
Function of the system necessary for life:

The job of this system is take oxygen in from the air that you breathe.

Organs in the system:

Nose and Mouth


Interesting fact: the surface area of the lungs is roughly the same size as a
tennis court.
Nervous System
Function of the system necessary for life:

The job of this system is to control all the other body systems.

Organs in the system:

The spinal cord

Interesting fact:The human brain alone consists of about a 100 billion neurons
Skeletal System
Function of the system necessary for life:

The job of this system is to give our body its shape.

Organs in the system:


Interesting fact: the smallest bones in the body are found in the ear.
Muscular System
Function of the system necessary for life:

The job of this system is pull the bones to produce movement.

Organs in the system:


Interesting fact: the smallest muscles are found in the ear.

How do the systems work together to maintain the
health and fitness of the human body?
Provide at least 3 detailed examples of how the body systems work together.

1. The muscular system works with the bones to produce movement.

2. After food is broken down by the intestines the nutrients go to the red blood
cells which carry the nutrients throughout your body.

3. The nervous system tells the lungs to breath which carries oxygen throughout
the body.
Body System Organs Answer Key
Circulatory System (heart, blood, vessels)

Respiratory System (nose, trachea, lungs)

Skeletal System (bones)

Muscular System (muscles)

Digestive System (mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines)

Nervous System (brain, spinal cord, nerves)

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