FCC Reactor Vap Line Coking

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FCC Reactor Vapor Line Coking

Identifying the causes, penalties and possible solutions to coking in the FCC
reactor vapor line, particularly with regard to inlet nozzle coking affecting
unit capacity, conversion, reliability and pressure and heat balance

Christopher Dean
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Scott Golden
Process Consulting Services Inc., Houston, Texas

oking in the FCC reactor vapor line feedstocks, coking problems in vapor lines review causes, penalties, and possible
(VPL) increases pressure drop have begun to reappear (Photo 1). solutions to inlet nozzle coking.
between the air blower discharge In one documented case, vapor line cok-
and the wet gas compressor (Figure 1) suc- ing increased VPL pressure drop by 6 psi Why Coke Forms
tion. As pressure drop increases, wet gas [Mauleon, J.L., Reactor and Vapor Line Heavier feeds, cold spots along the VPL
compressor suction pressure must be low- Coking Problems in Fluid Catalytic low VPL velocity, line configuration near
ered or regenerator pressure increased to Cracking Unit, Grace Seminar on FCCU, the main column inlet, and main column
maintain pressure balance. Moreover, June 28, 1989, Paris, France] when the bottoms liquid being sucked into the VPL
when it occurs at the main column inlet it main column inlet nozzle became partially all have caused coke to form. Higher boil-
has caused coke to accumulate in the bot- blocked with coke. Because many FCCs ing point reactor products can condense
tom of the main column, increased main already operate against the air blower or where there are cold spots or some reac-
column bottoms (MCB) system fouling, wet gas compressor volume or driver limit, tion products can polymerize to form large
higher rates of erosion of the MCB pumps, feed rate or conversion must be reduced to molecules that are non-volatile at VPL
and premature flooding of the main col- stay within compressor constraints. But temperatures. Cold spots attributable to
umn slurry PA section internals when col- when it forms in the main column inlet inadequate insulation or high heat loss
umn loading was high. With heavier feeds nozzle there are many adverse conse- near fitting such as flanges facilitate con-
containing more aromatic species and quences that reduce unit profitability. densation. If these liquids have sufficient
higher reactor operating temperatures to Mauleon and others have previously cov- residence time in the VPL, coke begins to
produce light olefins as petrochemical ered VPL coking; however, the authors will accumulate on the inside of the line.


Regenerator Reactor
Wet gas

Air column

Air blower Oil feed

Figure 1. Pressure profile influenced by reactor vapor line coke Photo 1. Reactor vapor transfer line coke

Reprinted from PTQ Revamps & Operations, Autumn 2003


Long vapor transfer lines, horizontal drop by 2 psi, thereby reducing wet gas
runs, and lines that are not free draining to compressor inlet suction pressure to 1 psig.
the column are also factors. Once coke is With some feeds lower compressor inlet
formed, additional coke has a surface pressure was possible because dry gas and
where it grows more easily. In several hydrogen yields were low. However, many
instances coke has blocked more than 50% times higher pressure drop forced feed rate
of the cross sectional area of the line to be reduced to stay within the wet gas
(Photo 1), thereby increasing pressure compressor capacity. Reducing wet gas
drop up to 6 psi (0.41 bar) or more. In one Long horizontal Elbow in suction pressure from 4 to 1 psig requires
example, main column inlet velocity inlet horizontal plane more than 20% additional volume capaci-
increased to over 90 m/s through the open ty and significant driver power increase.
portion of the inlet nozzle donut of coke. Sometime regenerator pressure had to be
VPL configuration plays a central role increased to maintain adequate slide valve
in nozzle coking. Long horizontal runs into differential which reduced air blower
the main column create a vena contrac- capacity.
tor near the inlet nozzle as vapor rapidly
expands into the main column. Liquid Uniform coking Coking inside Main Column
becomes trapped in these low-pressure radius of elbow Bottoms System Fouling
regions where residence time becomes When coke forms in the main column inlet
very high. Flow is always from high to low Figure 2. Vapor line orientation nozzle, it increases the rate of fouling in
influences coking
pressure; therefore liquid can flow from the main column bottoms (MCB) system,
inside the main column into the VPL. dense in the VPL they easily form coke. causes higher rates of erosion in the MCB
When this happens a donut of coke with a Some catalyst formulations, such as higher pumps, and raises the vapor velocity into
hole in the middle is created (Figure 2). matrix activity better cracks some of the the main column. As coke continuously
Additionally, many lines have a 90 elbow very heavy hydrocarbons. This has forms and erodes it accumulates in the
oriented horizontally before entering the reduced coking when unconverted liquid bottom of the main column where some of
main column. This creates a low-pressure was being carried into the VPL from the it is pumped through the MCB system.
zone in the inside radius as high velocity reactor. In other examples, high matrix Because the MCB system removes approx-
vapor flows faster along the outer radius. activity has raised the rate of coking imately 30-40% of the reactor effluent
Liquid becomes trapped along the inside because the heavy cracked species were heat, often reactor temperature must be
radius causing coke to form (Figure 2). more inclined to polymerize to form non- reduced or feed rate lowered to stay within
This coking pattern is very distinct. Any volatile compounds in the VPL that also degraded total main column heat removal.
piping configuration that creates low-pres- leads to coke. As exchanger heat removal decreases,
sure regions and is not free draining pro- Moreover, reactor feed mixing, riser dis- reactor temperature or feed rate has to be
duces areas that trap liquid. engagement, and higher reactor tempera- reduced.
tures can increase di-olefin formation Furthermore, because typical MCB heat
Feedstock, Catalyst and thereby producing more reactive species sinks include FCC feed, steam generation,
Reactor Hardware that form non-volatile compounds. Also and gas plant reboilers, fouling influences
Feedstock, catalyst, and reactor hardware reactor conditions that produce higher more than main column heat balance.
all play a role in coke formation. This was boiling point products lead to higher VPL Since fouling generates higher exchanger
well documented by L.J. McPherson coking rates. Because the VPL closest to pressure drop, MCB pump speed must be
[Causes of FCC Reactor Coke Deposits the main column is the coldest portion of increased to compensate for the increased
Identified. O&G Journal, Sept. 10,1984] the line due to heat loss along the line and head requirements. As pump speed
among others. Feedstock properties influ- the large inlet flanges or valves, this area increases, pump life is reduced. As
ence the specific reactor species (aromatic, creates the most favorable conditions for exchangers foul the MCB pumps must cir-
olefins, etc.) formed. High endpoint com- coke to form. culate more MCB, thus pump speed must
pounds more easily condense and di- be further increased. Pump erosion by
olefins can react to form non-volatile com- Increased Pressure Drop coke fines can reduce pump flow and dis-
pounds. Catalyst formulations in recent When wet gas compressor or air blower is charge pressure further decreasing heat
years have resulted in greater usage of high limiting, higher system pressure drop low- removal. Therefore, reactor line coking
hydrogen transfer reaction catalysts ers unit profitability because conversion or reduces MCB system reliability.
because low gasoline boiling range olefins feed rate must be lowered. Understanding Historically MCB exchangers have been
are desirable and gasoline octane has not each component of system pressure drop designed with tube-side velocities of 4 - 8
been a driving force. These high hydrogen and its magnitude is essential when opti- ft/sec (1.2 - 2.4 m/sec). The small coke par-
transfer catalysts, in conjunction with the mizing or revamping. In one case, a low- ticles created as chunks of coke are ground
heavier aromatic feeds tend to produce pressure unit operated at 3-4 psig in the up as they pass through the MCB pumps
higher boiling point polynuclear aromatics main column overhead receiver, while the easily drop out in the exchanger channel
which are more likely to condense in the regenerator ran at approximately 14 psig. heads and inside the tubes. Larger chunks
VPL. Once these heavy aromatics con- Coke formation in the VPL raised pressure of coke can block the exchanger tube

Reprinted from PTQ Revamps & Operations, Autumn 2003


Low High
vapor vapor
flow flow

Photo 2. Debutanizer reboiler shell-side fouling Figure 3. Localized flooding from coke

sheet. As fouling increases, the layer on feed rate. In several instances, MCB steam the MCB/fresh feed exchangers decrease.
the inside of the tubes progressively generator heat transfer coefficients have In some instances feed rate must be
increases the resistance to heat transfer. dropped from 150-240 btu/hr-ft2-F (732- reduced because targeted riser tempera-
For a fouled MCB exchanger, the fouling is 1171 kcal/hr-m2-C) to 75 btu/hr-ft2-F ture cannot be met.
between 50-85 percent of the total resis- (366 kcal/hr-m2-C) or lower in less than 4
tance to heat transfer. A heavily fouled weeks. When main column bottoms is Main Column Flooding
steam generator heat transfer coefficient is used for debutanizer heat, further penal- Reactor effluent entering the main column
75 btu/hr-ft2-F (366 kcal/hr-m2-C), while ties for fouling (Photo 2) include reduced is cooled through direct contact with cold
a clean one is 150-220 btu/hr-ft2-F (733- debutanizer reboiler duty, which raises slurry pumparound. Many columns use
1075 kcal/hr-m2-C). When exchanger gasoline RVP and LPG C5 content. Often shed (baffle) or disc and donut trays to
fouls it limits slurry pump-around heat slurry is used for feed preheat, as these contact the two streams. These trays
removal, reactor temperature, and unit exchangers foul the temperature leaving (Photo 3) work by creating a sheet of liquid
that the hot vapor must pass through.
Ideally the vapor and liquid are uniformly
distributed. However, in practice this uni-
form vapor and liquid distribution does not
occur. Liquid and vapor distribution is gen-
erally poor, hence the shed or disc and
donut trays flood below their rated capaci-
ty. It is common to over-predict capacity
which ultimately reduces unit capacity.
In some instances more than 50% of the
main column inlet nozzle is blocked with
coke raising vapor velocity to well over 70
m/sec. Therefore more vapor flows up the
column 180 from the inlet nozzle which
causes localized flooding of the shed trays
(Figure 3). Columns fitted with thermo-
couples located directly above the main
column inlet nozzle and 180 from the
inlet nozzle have temperature differences
of more than 50C. Once the shed tray
flood, cold slurry is entrained into the
wash trays located directly above the shed
trays. Once flooding begins the wash tray
pressure drop increases and system pres-
Photo 3. Slurry PA shed trays sure drop goes up.

Reprinted from PTQ Revamps & Operations, Autumn 2003


er air blower discharge pressure. Lower remaining coke free throughout the run.
System pressure drop
wet gas compressor suction pressure Figure 4 shows design velocity, expan-
Components P, psi (bar) increases wet gas production because sion near the column, and the vapor dis-
condensation decreases at lower pressure tributor used to both help maintain turbu-
VPL 2 (0.21) as overhead receiver pressure drops. lent flow in the horizontal line and dis-
Main column 4 (0.41) Furthermore it increases wet gas density tribute vapor into the main column to avoid
and raises compressor polytropic head. All localized flooding of shed and disc and
Condenser 4 (0.41)
these factors require extra wet gas com- donut trays. If a vapor distributor is not uti-
Miscellaneous piping 2 (0.21) pressor volume and driver capacity. lized, the horizontal vapor line could be
Total 12 (0.82) Conversely, wet gas compressor inlet expanded and free draining starting
pressure can be held constant while the approximately 20 to 30 feet before the main
Table 1. regenerator pressure is increased. Higher column inlet in order to reduce the velocity.
regenerator pressure raises air blower adi-
Reactor-Regenerator abatic head requirements. At minimum THE AUTHORS
Pressure Balance this increases driver horsepower, but it Christopher Dean is a refin-
Reactor-regenerator pressure balance is a also requires more speed to maintain air ing specialist with the downstream
process engineering division of
critical operating variable in an FCC. flow on a variable speed compressor or Saudi Aramco, with over 28 years
Differential pressure allows catalyst to cir- higher vane opening in the case of a fixed experience in the refining business.
He is in his eighth year with Saudi
culate between the two vessels and pro- speed variable stator vane axial blower. Aramco. Before joining Saudi
Aramco, he was a senior technical
vides a portion of the slide valve pressure service engineer with a major cata-
drop needed to control catalyst circulation Avoid Inlet Nozzle Coking lyst supplier of FCC catalysts. His
refining background includes pro-
rate. Because coke restricts the VPL, it VPL length, configuration, vapor velocity, cess engineering, process design
increases the pressure drop requiring and stagnant zones are all factors in coking. and operations on a variety of refinery units, with an
emphasis on the FCC. Prior to his employment with
adjustment in one or both of the vessels When VPL length is long due to plot space Saudi Aramco, he has worked in Europe and with sever-
al refineries in the US, the Caribbean and the Middle
operating pressure to maintain differential then vapor velocity must be increased to East. He is a 1977 graduate of West Virginia University
pressure. Wet gas inlet pressure must be minimize liquid residence. Mauleon and with a BSChE and has completed graduate course work
in business management, finance and marketing.
lowered or air blower discharge pressure others recommend 30m to 35 m/s as a min-
must be increased which can reduce either imum range when the line is short, but, as
Scott W. Golden is a chemical
compressors capacity, and it raises total line length increases velocity may need to engineer with Process Consulting
Services in Houston, TX. The com-
compressor driver horsepower. be increased to 45 m/s to keep liquid mov- pany specializes in refinery unit
Table 1 shows reactor-to-wet gas com- ing in a horizontal portion of the line. While revamps. His previous experience
includes refinery process engineer-
pressor inlet pressure drop components. A this increases line pressure loss it helps ing and distillation troubleshooting
well-designed unit will have only 12 psi avoid coke formation that can dramatically and design. Golden has authored
more than 80 technical papers on
(0.82 bar) pressure drop. VPL coking can increase pressure loss. Furthermore, Mau- revamping, troubleshooting, and
distillation. He holds a BS degree
easily raise total system pressure drop by leon recommends maintaining turbulent in Chemical Engineering from the
10-50%. flow throughout the nozzle cross-section to University of Maine and is a registered professional
engineer in Texas.
Higher VPL pressure drop requires lower eliminate low-pressure areas that allow liq-
wet gas compressor inlet pressure or high- uid to stagnate and form coke. A 90 elbow
oriented horizontally should never be
used so that stagnant zones along the
inside radius are eliminated. Ideally the
VPL should be designed with a short
radius elbow oriented vertically so that
gravity will settle any liquid that may be
Larger inlet
aspirated into the nozzle.
nozzle When VPL line velocity exceeds 40
m/s, often it is necessary to use a vapor Process Consulting Services, Inc.
distributor to ensure localized flooding 3400 Bissonnet
of the main column does not occur. The Suite 130
authors recommend increasing the VPL Houston, Texas 77005
size entering the main column so that U.S.A.
Vapor velocity is maintained at approximately Phone: [1]-(713)-665-7046
distribution 35 m/s. Furthermore, Mauleon and the
more uniform Fax: [1]-(713)-665-7246
Lower inlet authors recommend using a vapor dis-
velocity Vapor E-mail: info@revamps.com
tributor to allow the vapor to expand
distributor Website: www.revamps.com
35 m/s more slowly eliminating these low-pres-
sure regions. However, only one vapor
distributor has proven effective to
Figure 4. Main column vapor distributor roughly distribute the vapor while

Reprinted from PTQ Revamps & Operations, Autumn 2003

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