Existing and Proposed Algorithms - Sound

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Existing Algorithms:

Proximal Point Algorithms The problem of minimizing the sum of nonsmooth, convex
objective functions defined on a real Hilbert space over the intersection of fixed point sets of
nonexpansive mappings, onto which the projections cannot be efficiently computed, is

Disadvantages of Existing Algorithm:

The use of proximal point algorithms that use the proximity operators of the objective
functions and incremental optimization techniques is proposed for solving the problem.

Proposed Algorithms:

A convex optimization based object-level rate control algorithm for JPEG object coding. By
modifying the existing rate-distortion models, an improved empirical rate-distortion model
with more flexibility is proposed to explain the experimental observations.

Advantages of Proposed Algorithm:

1. There are fast algorithms designed specifically for convex problems.

2. Convex problems run fast regardless of the algorithm.

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