Brain Death in Imaging

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Letters to Editor

Samuele Ceruti, Marco Previsdomini DSA is considered as the gold standard; however, CTA is equally
efficient and noninvasive in determining brain death.
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Ospedale Regionale di
Bellinzona e Valli, Intensive Care Unit, Via Ospedale 12, 6500 In the setting of trauma, brain death is not an uncommon
Bellinzona, Switzerland occurrence; however, many cases of brain death are left
E-mail: unrecognized thus providing unnecessary treatment and
indiscriminate use of life-supporting devices. We came across four
REFERENCES patients with polytrauma who were diagnosed brain dead with
DSA and/or CTA done for a different purpose in our department.
1. Velmahos GC, Degiannis E, Hart K, Souter I, Saadia R. Changing profiles
in spinal cord injuries and risk factors influencing recovery after penetrating
injuries. J Trauma 1995;38:334-7. Two patients had severe orofacial injuries with uncontrollable
2. Peacock WJ, Shrosbree RD, Key AG. A review of 450 stab wounds of the
bleeding, and were taken for emergency DSA. Both of them
spinal cord. S Afr Med J 1977;51:961-4. showed contrast extravasations from branches of the external
3. McCarron MO, Flynn PA, Pang KA, Hawkins SA. Traumatic Brown-
carotid artery which were embolized. Incidentally, nonopacification
Squard-plus syndrome. Arch Neurol 2001;58:1470-2. of the bilateral internal carotid artery (ICA) was noted in one
4. Bondurant FJ, Cotler HB, Kulkarni MV, McArdle CB, Harris JH Jr. Acute patient and nonclearance of the contrast with layering from
spinal cord injury. A study using physical examination and magnetic both ICAs in the other patient, which raised the suspicion of
resonance imaging. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 1990;15:161-8. brain death and was promptly conveyed to the treating surgeon.
5. Gray TL, Karagiannis A, Crompton JL, Selva D. Self-inflicted blindness A subsequent clinical examination showed a positive apnea test
and Brown-Squard syndrome. J Neuroophthalmol 2003;23:154-6. with unresponsiveness to any external stimuli. Brain stem reflexes
could not be reliably elicited in both patients as there were severe
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orofacial injuries. Despite the resuscitative measure, both patients
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died within 8 h of DSA. In the other two patients, CTA of the brain
Website: was performed for evaluation of intraventricular and subarachnoid hemorrhages as they presented in an unconscious state. CTA in
both these patients revealed the nonopacification of the bilateral
DOI: ICA, which raised the suspicion of brain death. A subsequent
10.4103/0974-2700.102421 clinical examination also showed a positive apnea test with absent
brain stem reflexes which confirmed brain death in both patients.
Both patients died within 7 h of CTA.

The summary of imaging findings of brain death in our case

series is follows:
Brain death: Diagnostic 1. Nonopacification of bilateral ICAs [Figure 1a and b]
2. Nonclearance and layering of the contrast from the bilateral
clues on imaging ICA on delayed frames indicating stasis

Brain death refers to the irreversible loss of cerebral and
brainstem functions with the cessation of intracerebral blood
flow. The recognition of brain death is important as once it
is ascertained, the life supports can be withdrawn and organ
harvesting can be planned.

Recommendations for the declaration of brain death proposed

by America Academy of Neurology[1] mandates fulfillment of
clinical criteria along with one ancillary test.

The ancillary techniques involve either measuring the a b

neurophysiological function of the brain or measuring the Figure 1: DSA of a 16-year-old male patient. (a) Selective left
cerebral blood flow. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA), common carotid artery (CCA) angiogram shows the opacification
of only the proximal part of the ICA with distal nonfilling (arrow).
computed tomography angiography (CTA), transcranial Doppler
(b) Selective right CCA angiogram shows nonfilling of the distal
(TCD), and radionuclide perfusion tests measure the cerebral ICA (white arrow) with an active leak from the internal maxillary
blood flow. artery (black arrow)

372 Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock I 5:4 I Oct - Dec 2012
Letters to Editor

a b c d
Figure 2: CTA of a 10-year-old male patient. (a) Coronal MIP image shows the nonopacification of the bilateral ICA and intracranial
arteries. (b) Axial section showing the nonopacification of intracranial arteries and left frontoparietal hematoma (arrow). (c) Axial section
at the level of orbits shows bilateral prominent superior ophthalmic veins (arrow). There is normal opacification of bilateral superficial
temporal arteries (arrowhead) suggestive of an adequate technique of CTA. (d) Volume rendered image showing the nonopacification
of distal parts of the bilateral ICA (arrows)

3. Stasis filling of horizontal segments of bilateral middle facilitates organ harvesting and termination of unnecessary
cerebral arteries.[2] treatment and life support.

1. Nonopacification of the bilateral ICA and intracerebral Aruna R. Patil, Atin Kumar,
branches [Figure 2a and b] Shivanand Gamanagati, Jeyaseelan
2. Normal opacification of extracranial vessels such as
superficial temporal arteries [Figure 2c] Department of Radiology, Jai Prakash Narayan Apex Trauma Centre,
3. Prominent bilateral superior ophthalmic vein enhancement All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
[Figure 2c]. E-mail:

The proposed cause of the nonfilling of the ICA in brain death REFERENCES
is increased intracranial tension. The development of high
1. Wijdicks EF, Varelas PN, Gronseth GS, Greer DM; American Academy
resistance to the flow leads to nonopacification and/or stasis. of Neurology. Evidence-based guideline update: Determining brain death
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of 100%. Being noninvasive and less time consuming, it could 4. Dupas B, Gayet-Delacroix M, Villers D, Antonioli D, Veccherini MF,
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comparison with DSA, the divergence rate was found to be 30% 5. Combes JC, Chomel A, Ricolfi F, dAthis P, Freysz M. Reliability of
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demonstration of the absence of cerebral perfusion due to raised
intracranial tension, false negative results can occur in conditions 6. Wijdicks EF. Determining brain death in adults. Neurology 1995;45:1003-11.
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mechanism like craniotomy, fracture, and ventriculoperitoneal brain death. Neurocrit Care 2009;11:272-5.
shunt, and in young infants, with open fontanalles and sutures.
Both these modalities also require the administration of the contrast
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which may provoke allergic reactions, or renal damage, and possibly
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increased transplant rejection.[6] Moreover, false positive cases have Website:
also been reported for CTA.[7]

We feel that in the setting of polytrauma with a low Glasgow DOI:

coma scale, the DSA/CTA when done must be carefully assessed 10.4103/0974-2700.102422
for signs of brain death. The early recognition of brain death
Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock I 5:4 I Oct - Dec 2012 373
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