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Creating Texture Using Water Colour Pigment - the colour seeps into the scarred area, and stains it

Salt - fine lines
Procedure: - deep colour surrounded by a lighter one
- First wet the paper, then apply the pigment
- the wetter the paper, the greater the the lifting of
- shake salt, or toss salt onto the surface of the
- be sure not to add to much, or you lose the effect
- great for creating the effect of snow
- crystal effects
- sky, snow falling

Scarring and Scraping

- take different tools, such as the tip of your paint
brush, scissors, sand paper, knife, comb, etc. and Spatter
scrape them along your paper Procedure:
- this will create a design - using wet or dry paper, use a toothbrush, paint
- wash on the desired pigment brush, etc. and load it with pigment
- tap it lightly to eliminate excess Blowing and Rolling
- turn the brush towards the paper, and drag your Procedure:
thumbs across the bristles - apply pigment to dry paper
- place the straw close to the paper and blow lightly
Uses: - the force of the blow determines the kind of line
- creates spots easily way to use small amounts of produced
pigment Uses:
- fine lines
- delicate fiber-like shapes

Plastic Wrap
- apply pigment to wet paper
- crumple up a piece of plastic wrap
- apply it to the surface
- allow it to dry
- remove the plastic wrap
great for creating fabric textures, crumpled paper
Wax, Wax Paper, and Crayons
Procedure for using wax:
- melt wax
- apply wax figures to the paper as desired
- apply pigment
- allow to dry
- add more wax as desired
- repeat as many times as is desired
- after the wax and paint has dried peal the wax off

Procedure for using wax paper:

- put a piece of wax paper over your paper
- take the edge of your paint brush, or other blunt
object, and draw the desired image
- remove the wax paper Sponging
- apply the desired pigment Procedure on wet paper:
- apply pigment to wet paper
Procedure for using wax crayon: - take a dry sponge and dab it on the surface of the
- draw your design with the crayon paper
- apply pigment
Uses: Procedure on dry paper:
- repels the paint - create a pigment wash
- great for spaces that need to be left white - dab the sponge into the pigment
- dab the sponge onto the dry paper

- creating subtle texture
- creating a more dramatic texture on the dry paper
- good for textured sky, field

Dry Brush
- apply pigment to wet paper
- take a dry brush and move it in the desired shape
- can also use tissue, paper towel, etc. to create this

- it lifts out access pigment wash

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