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Elemental Magick

July 2013
Issue 12
Directions to the Shop
313 W Davidson is located in a residential area between Lincoln and Government Way just south the Kootenai Medical Center.
Davidson is the second left turn off Lincoln after you cross Ironwood. Then a left turn on Pansy.
Gensha Publishing

Maxine Byers

Lazy Witch
Ingrid Jeffries
Emily Brown
Don Michael Kraig
Gertrude Moon
The Pagan's Path, Pagan Spoonie, and
Willow Grove Magick
Patti Wigington
Lady Ti-Eagle
Kathryn Crafton
Alena Orrison

Crafty Witch

Maxine Byers

Janie Bass


Questions? Comments? Ideas?
If you have something to say, we want to hear
Letters to the editor can be sent to

Im delighted to welcome you to the one year Isnt that what The Craft is all about? Looking
anniversary issue of Elemental Magick EZine! It has at things in a new, different, and unique way?
been an exciting adventure bringing you a whole year Realizing that using your imagination doesnt mean
of great articles, poetry and more. making something up, it means seeing something that
We hope youve enjoyed reading our magazine hasnt been recognized yet. Most adults had their
throughout the past year as much as weve enjoyed imagination removed years ago by parents, teachers,
putting it together. I personally want to thank to all and other kids. We as Witches and Pagans recognize
the friends, contributors and behind-the-scenes that imagination is the key to making our lives the
helpers who have made it possible for us to keep way we want it to be.
producing Elemental Magick. As always we are looking for people to provide
Here we are the start of the 2nd year of what good, solid content for the magazine. Most people
began as a simple newsletter. It seems like just a tend to be shy about their writing, even if they are
couple of months ago and we had a total of 20 or 30 good at it. I am always looking for people who are
readers. I just checked and we now reach over 5000 willing to send regular, or even one-of articles.
people in 13 different countries. WOW! Not bad This month we welcome Kathryn Crafton as
growth for a years work, and it has been a lot of she takes us on a journey within, Kathryn is a Pagan
work. Its also a labor of love. I couldnt do it Author, Spiritualist, and Artisan, who spends her
otherwise. And I could not do it without our talented days as often as not out in nature, usually with her
writers and contributors who grace our pages each son and husband-to-be. When at home she can be
month. I LOVE you guys. found writing, maintaining her websites, painting,
Im finding that in the last few months Im sculpting, or crafting with the company of her four
getting all sorts of new ideas about things to add to cats. Kathryn has been Pagan for 20 years and
the magazine. If theres something youd especially currently lives in Northeast Pennsylvania, but her
like to see, or learn about, let me know. We can home is the Pacific Northwest, specifically,
create content all day long, but its not very useful if Washington State.
no one wants to read it. The best stuff is what you Kathryn can be reached through her website,
want to read and learn about, not what I think you or her Facebook page.
By providing unique and diverse articles, I
believe we can offer you information that you just Thank you to all of our Elemental Magick
cant get anywhere else. Even if youre not following a readers, the best is yet to come.
South American Shamanistic Path, reading Elemental
Magick can give you a new way of looking at things Love and Blessing
that you might never have thought of. You never Maxine Byers
know what might be in an article that sparks a Editor
completely new way of looking at things.

Annual CdA Bead Stampede, CdA, Id Fairgrounds, Bldg. #3.
Good time to get your Winter Beading supplies!!! Check the CdA Bead Stampede website
for times, entry fees more information.
Crone's Moon
~New Moon
~ Daytime Gathering, Q'emlin Park, 11am-3pm (approx.). Covered Dish
lunch from 11-1. Circle at 1pm. Stamping BoS/Grimoires/Journals. Bring yours down and
work on it. There will be some provided at cost. Stamps and inks will also be available.
Some Wiccan and other nature types will be available. If you have some you'd like to
bring, please do. Janie is looking to buy a "Pentacle" stamp if anyone wants to sell theirs.
~ Daytime Gathering, Q'emlin Park, 11am-3pm (approx.). Covered Dish
lunch from 11-1. Circle at 1pm. Writing Spells/Spell Swap. Bring your BoS/Grimoires or
notebook, a pen, and spells you'd like to offer to group. Also bring your questions
concerning "How to Write Spells" or a particular spell.
~ Full Moon. We are planning a "Full Moon" ceremony this month. Keep
an eye on our Facebook Wall to see where and when!!
~ Daytime Gatherings, Q'emlin Park, 11am-3pm (approx.). Covered Dish
lunch from 11-1. Circle at 1pm. Activity yet to be determined. Watch for this
information on our Facebook Wall.
~ "JULYAMISH" CdA Tribe Summer POWWOW at the Post Falls
Greyhound Park. Native American Tribal Dances, Handed Crafted Native Items (including
drums, jewelry, and recorded music), and FOOD! Parking is usually $5 per car; entrance to
the POWWOW activities is usually free. For a time schedule of dancing, please check
"Julyamish POWWOW" on the web. Usually on Friday evenings, the audience is invited out
to dance the Opening Circle with the Native Dancers. Evenings are usually the cooler times
to go if you have trouble with the heat. Children LOVE going to this!!
~ Daytime Gathering, Q'emlin Park, 11am-3pm (approx.). Covered Dish
lunch from 11-1. Circle at 1 pm. We're drumming!! Bring along your new drums for a trial
run or your old ones!! I will have some "drum substitutes". Also if you have dance rattles,
bells or other percussion-type instruments, bring them along!
NOTE: ~ "45th Annual Art on the Green", "A Taste of CdA" and "Street
Fair" in CdA, Id. Art on the Green takes place on the Campus of North Idaho College (the
Old Fort Sherman area). The Street Fair and Taste of CdA are on Downtown Sherman
Ave and into the Park area. Check the "Art on the Green" website for more information.


Some of us forget about the Revolutionary War and why Even that next year in 1777, no government official had
it was fought, and most assume that the first big July 4th yet thought about celebrating or commemorating the
Party was held on July 4th, 1776. But there was no party Declaration of Independence - until July 3rd.
or celebration on that first July 4th in 1776. July 4th Rushing to save face, a celebration was thrown together
eventually came to be named a national holiday, but not for July 4, 1777 in Philadelphia, then the Nations capital.
until a year later in 1777. Ships in the harbor were gallantly decorated in red,
Historically, the Continental Congress of the United white and blue. 13-gun salutes were shot in honor the 13
States of America adopted the Declaration of Colonies.
Independence on July 2, 1776. In a letter to his wife Thus it was declared July 4 to be a national holiday in
Abigail, John Adams predicted that July 2 would soon 1777.
become a national holiday. But there were no fireworks.
But, on July 2 the Declaration was still only a draft, At the time the resources to manufacture fireworks were
signed by just two men: Secretary of Congress Charles not yet available, and fireworks would have had to been
Thompson and Congressional Leader John Hancock. imported from England. During July 1777, US residents
Although a revision was written by July 4, 1776, it was began to light celebratory bonfires, fired rifles, rang
printed, and then the new version was sent to each of church bells, but scrapped was any symbol of England
the US States and all military officers. Still having just and the King that they could find. It wasn't until 1816,
two official signatures. that the US started domestic manufacturing of their own
People generally ignored the Declaration of fireworks, so that they no longer had to buy them form
Independence as old news. The Declaration was initially England.
disrespected and ignored, even by leaders of the July 4th today is now an official and recognized American
country. John Adams thought it was frivolous and holiday. Today in Phoenix, Arizona and across the nation
boring. In his words, he stated, "...dress and ornament there are festivities, parades, celebrations, and of course
rather than Body, Soul, or Substance." fireworks. Being American is part of our Pagan roots,
The Declaration was read aloud from the Philadelphia because it was Pagans who were running from
State House, but not until July 8. Later on the same date, persecution from England. So July 4th is an important
the Declaration was also read aloud as a proclamation in Pagan holiday to share with all our fellow Americans.
Easton, PA, Trenton, NJ, and to some militiamen around
those areas. On July 6 and 8, there were some instances Have a Happy July 4th everyone.
of shouting for joy and some rifles fired, but not much of
No actual celebration occurred in America for her
Independence that first year until after mid-July. The
first celebration was like a small corner of the August
Buckeye Lake Corn Fest in Ohio, rather than a national
holiday. But there was no national celebration of any
kind in 1776.
July was named after the great leader Julius
Caesar, who was born in this summer month. Because
the warm weather continues, activity levels are high,
even though the days are beginning to shorten.
Consequently, numerous festivals during this month
focus on family, friends, and social interaction.
For magical purposes, July directs our attention
to personal growth and improvements. This includes
increasing your knowledge, continuing efforts for
prosperity, creating new ideas and works of art, and
also taking time out periodically to really enjoy yourself.
Our society sometimes mistakes much-needed leisure
time for laziness but this months's energies know
better. Go and have fun, carrying the Goddess with you
for a little extra energy.

Color: Purple
Elements: Fire and Water
Altar: On a purple cloth set a vase of many flags, a
plate of offering cakes, and a great chalice of wine
for the libation.
Offerings: Offering cakes made with honey and olive
oil. Aid in the freedom of another being.
Daily Meal: Anything the community wants.

Note: This ritual is appropriate for any day that celebrates liberation and
freedom, as well as the Roman holiday of Liberalia.

Papa Liber Has not strayed from her wedding vows,

Mama Libera Because in order to know
We honor you! What it is to be truly free,
You who are liberty and freedom, One must have had the choice of many chains
Yet whose priestesses are elder women And freely chosen those bonds
Because in order to know In which one wishes to spend one's days.
What it is to be truly free, Liberty in all its contradictions,
One must have had experience Freedom in all its ambiguities,
And understood the many prisons The state which we can never quite define
In which life will try to trap us. Your country which we can never find on a map
You who are in the spirit Yet we always know
Of the great phallus borne into When we have touched its shores.
The marketplace for all to see and touch
Yet whose wreath is laid upon it (The libation is passed around, and blessed, and then poured
By a virtuous matron whose body out. )
Animals in
Since time began animals have been revered and
worshiped as spirits of nature, known to the ancients as power
animals or the animal guides of the Gods. Many animals therefore
became associated with various deities, such like: Diana and the
Hound, Heqet (or Heket) and the Toad, Proserpina and the Raven,
Pan with the Goat and Athena with the Owl. Most other deities in
one way or another became associated with animals. The ancients
believed animals were closer to nature than humans, and would
perform rituals and make offerings to their spirits in attempts to
communicate with them.
Old shamans believed that all things and beings,
particularly animals, were possessed of a spirit or soul, and that to Matthew Hopkins, the infamous Witch Finder
one could attract parts of their soul, thus their spirit and powers General (see Matthew Hopkins).
with mimicry. To achieve this they dressed in appropriate animal According to the ancient Witchcraft Act of 1604,
furs and feathers or wore horns and fierce looking masks while it was a felony to: consult, covenant with, entertain,
performing dance and imitating their antics. The novice shaman employ, feed or reward any evil or wicked spirit to or for
would acquire his animal spirits on completion of his initiation. any intent or purpose, an act that Hopkins used with zeal
These he would send out on errands or to do battle on his behalf, when extracting confessions. He also used the Malleus
however if they failed or died, then so too did the shaman. The Malificarum the so-called Inquisitors Handbook.
shaman would keep and use the same animal spirits until his Though it offers no instruction concerning familiars in the
death, upon which time they would disappear or be passed on to interrogation and trial of witches, it does acknowledge
aid his apprentice. that an animal familiar always works with the witch in
Given the animal kingdoms intimate relationship with everything. As such it advises the inquisitor never to
nature, its not surprising that witches as they evolved should adopt leave a witch prisoner alone, or the devil will cause him
certain animals as their own link to nature, spirits and deities. or her to kill themselves, accomplished through a
Wise men and women commonly used animals, while wizards, familiar. This in mind Hopkins would tie the witch up in
magicians and village healers used them to diagnose illnesses, a cell and leave them alone, while watching secretly for
sources of bewitchment, divination and to find lost property or their arrival. If so much of as a fly or beetle approached
treasure. them, it was deemed proof enough that they were indeed
It was not until the Middle Ages and the rise of Christianity witches.
that the witches pets and animals became thought of as agents of Today in contemporary witchcraft any thoughts
evil. As the persecution of witches began, so the church started of animals as demonic spirits of evil has been left by the
teaching the concept that the Witches familiar was an associate of way side, though many modern witches still use animals
the Christian devil. They became demons and evil spirits in animal when working with magick utilizing their primordial
form, sent out by the witch to do their nasty bidding. They also instincts and psychic abilities to attune with nature and
believed witches possessed the power to transform themselves deities. Animals are sensitive to psychic power and
into animals, in which guise they committed any number of vibrations, and are welcomed into the magick circle when
diabolical deeds. Later they were believed to use animal products power is being raised or spells are being cast. They are
in spells, making potions and concoctions to aid transformation, also used to aid scrying, divination and spirit contact.
gain power over nature, or even to harm and kill. When working with magick animals act as a guard in
The most common animals associated with witchcraft were the: psychic defence for they react visibly to negative forces
Frog, Owl, Serpent, Pig, Raven, Stag, Goat, Wolf, Dog, Horse, Bat, and harmful energy.
Mouse and of course the Cat, though virtually any animal, reptile
or insect would be suspect. Obsession with the witches familiar
was most prevalent in England and Scotland and was mentioned in
numerous trial records of the period, particularly those related
As the story goes, Molly was born in 1685 and lived in a
cottage on the edge of the moors at Burslem near Stoke-on-
Trent. Molly was a solitary character who never married; she
talked to the animals and kept a pet Jackdaw. She made her
living selling milk from a herd of cows to travelers and passers-
by. An eccentric person, the Jackdaw was often seen perched
on her shoulder as she delivered milk to the dairy in Burslem.
Molly was known for her quick temper and the people
of Burslem were suspicious and frightened of her. This was not
uncommon in those times, for throughout the country women
and particularly elderly women who lived on their own in
remote places, were labeled as witches.
In Mollys case it was the local vicar the Rev. Spencer
who made witchcraft accusations against her. He claimed that
Molly sent her Jackdaw to sit on the sign of the Turks Head
pub, a pub that the vicar frequently visited, and when it did the The second type of familiar is an imaginative creature,
beer turned sour. She was also blamed for other ailments one you can closely identify with but never hope to own such
suffered by numerous townsfolk. like a lion, tiger or leopard. This is an animal whose
Molly died in 1746 and was buried in the Burslem characteristics you admire, and you may collect and hang
churchyard, but then many claimed that her ghost haunted the pictures of it in your home. It resided in the astral plane and
town. A short time after her burial, the Rev. Spencer along with because of your intense liking for it; you consciously or
clerics from Stoke, Wolstanton and Newcastle went to open her unconsciously attract its aid. Its said that deceased pets with
cottage and retrieve her pet Jackdaw. When they arrived they which you had an affinity return in this capacity.
were shocked to see Molly (or an apparition of her), sitting in a The third type of familiar is magickal, an elemental
favourite armchair knitting with her pet Jackdaw perched on spirit. Witches and Magicians often call upon elemental spirits
her shoulders (just as she had often been seen in real life). for aid when working with magick. When making talismans or
Frightened, the vicar and others returned to the graveyard and amulets for specific purposes, they may call upon a particular
reopened her grave. They drove a stake through her heart and familiar elemental to inhabit an object to enhance its effect. It
threw the living Jackdaw into the coffin. The vicar then decreed is believed the Paracelsus; a medical academic (14931541)
that as she was a witch, she would not rest easy until her body instilled such a familiar into a large precious stone on the
was buried lying North to South. To this day, Molly's tomb is pommel of his ritual sword.
the only one that lies at right angles to all the other graves in The fourth familiar is the spirit of a human being,
the churchyard. someone who has died. Many adept magicians will command
Many believe that an animal familiar is not acquired the appearance of a human spirit but such spirits are hard to
through personal choice, more that an animal will choose you control, for instance, a spirit who has been commanded
as its guardian and companion. One cannot go down to the against his or her desires can be troublesome, in which case
local pet-shop and choose a familiar simply on its symbolic you need to be sure of your ability to get rid of them and this
significances: I shall take an Owl for Wisdom, a Dove for Peace can be much more difficult than the original calling. Those
and a Spider for Imagination and Creativity. Sorry, but that spirits willing to act as our astral guides or teachers are
wont work. Animals have their own in-built wisdom and commonly called Guardian Angels.
intelligence, their own spirit and skills, and a bond needs to be The most effective familiars tend not to be our
made with them if they are to volunteer to work as your domesticated pets, for due to their life expectancy our pets
familiar. Most often the animal itself will let you know when come and go, though the spirit of a deceased pet can still be
this has been achieved. used. The use of our domestic animals as familiars is merely a
Generally there are four different kinds of animal stepping-stone to the raw power and energy of wild animals
familiar. The first is our physical everyday live-in pets, most that are much closer to nature; for instance, a domestic dog is
commonly the cat or dog. As with all our other family members a softened version of its wild counterpart the fox, wolf, coyote
an instinctive bond and psychic link is created over time. Silent and other wild canine creatures. Similarly a domestic cat can
communication of their needs exists and instinctively we know be linked to other wild felines such like lions, tigers and
if they are happy or sad, hungry, hurting or in need of attention. leopards. Many witches and magicians start with a
They in turn reciprocate and adapt themselves to our life styles, domesticated animal as a familiar in the hope that one day
intuitively they attune to our mood swings and circumstantial they will be able to handle and work more effectively with its
changes. true power form, the wild animals of nature. 11
The Blessing Moon
The Pagan's Path, Pagan Spoonie, and
Willow Grove Magick

The old-timers knew Julys Full Moon as the Blessing Because the moon is in Capricorn, it is an excellent
Moon, because this is the time when Mother Earth begins to time to work on self-discipline, stamina, career advancement
bless us with her richness. The monarda and tall garden phlox and achieving personal goals and ambitions. Do magick that
fill the flower bed with a heavenly fragrance. Tomatoes fatten works for advancement, self-discipline, reaching goals
and the corn tassels out. By day the hummingbird dashes (especially career goals), developing structure, and getting
from flower to flower; by night the mysterious sphinx moth finances in order, starting a diet and/or fitness program or
haunts the garden border sipping nectar. At night above the anything else that requires hard work and discipline or that has
ripening fields, the Blessing Moon of July rises. She glows like seemed out of reach.
a copper disk, shining with a warmth like no other Full Moon. This is also the esbat where magical workings are well
The July Full Moon has several different names suited to take inventory of the good things you have in your
including Blessing Moon, Maedmonat (Meadow Moon), Herb life, workings related to dreams and divination, taking strolls
Moon, Wort Moon, Thunder Moon, Lightning Moon, Buck and relaxing in meadows (hence the name Meadow Moon),
Moon, Raspberry Moon, Moon of Claiming, Moon of Blood and weather magick for or involving storms (hence the names
(because of mosquitoes), Hewimanoth (Hay Month), and Thunder Moon and Lightening Moon). Because so many places
Fallow Moon. are still experiencing severe drought and three digit
July is a very masculine moon, so it's a good time to temperatures doing some weather magick to bring storms is a
work on the physical things in your life. Either physical in body very good thing!
or things that need some physical attention, like fixing things
around the house. The name Buck Moon comes from the
male deer that grow their antlers during this month. The
names Thunder Moon and Lightening Moon came from the
fact that thunderstorms are usually most frequent during this
summer month.
As we breathe deeply in and out.
It is not just air we take in
Correspondences It is the soft silver light of the Moon
So we breathe in and out.
Herbs: Mugwort, hyssop, lemon balm, honeysuckle, agrimony And so does this circle become a fitting place
Colors: Green, silver, blue-gray
Element: Water For our Lady's presence.
Flowers: Lotus, water lily, jasmine We are the children of the Moon.
Scents: Orris, frankincense We are born of shining light.
Stones: Opal, white agate, pearls, and moonstones
Trees: Ash and oak
When the Moon shoots forth a ray,
Nature spirits: hobgoblins, faeries of harvest crops We see within it the Goddess
Animals: crab, turtle, dolphin, whale and ourselves.
Birds: starling, ibis, swallow What we call in our hearts
Goddesses: Venus, Cerridwen, Isis, Juno, Venus, Cerridwen,
Athena, Nephthys, Hel, Holda Goes forth everywhere
Gods: Osiris, Lugh, Khepera echoing
Power Flow: Relaxing, preparing, and succeeding. Dream- Beyond the stars themselves.
work, divination, and meditation on goals and plans, And we have no doubt
especially spiritual ones.
That we are heard.
How To Celebrate a Summer
Full Moon Group Ceremony
By Patti Wigington, Guide

In addition to -- or instead of -- holding a monthly Esbat rite, 4. The person to the east should light her yellow candle, hold it to
some Wiccan and Pagan groups prefer to have a season- the sky, and say:
specific full moon ceremony. During the warmer months, the We call upon the powers of Air,
summer season begins with the Strong Sun Moon in June, and and welcome you to this circle.
continues through July's Blessing Moon and ends with the May the wind bring us fruitfulness
Corn Moon of August. If you'd like to celebrate one or more of and togetherness of family and friends,
these moon phases with a ritual specific to the summer, it's in this season of growth and light.
not hard. This rite is written for a group of four people or Place the candle on the altar.
more, but if you needed to, you could easily adapt it for a 5. Moving to the south, light the red candle and hold it to the sky,
solitary practitioner or a family coven. saying:
We call upon the powers of Fire,
What You Need and welcome you to this circle.
Candles for each of the four quarters May the shining light of this season's moon
A cup of wine, fruit juice or water illuminate our way at night,
Symbols of summer to decorate your altar as the sun has brightened our lives by day.
Place the candle on the altar.
1. Summer nights are usually pretty warm, though, so after 6. Finally, the person to the west lights the blue candle, holds it
dark is the best time for an outdoor rituals (be sure to to the sky, and says:
remember the Magical Bug Spray!). Ask each member of the We call upon the powers of Water,
group to bring an item to place on the altar that represents and welcome you to this circle.
the warmth of the summer growing season. Some ideas Although the earth may become dry and parched
would be: during the long hot weeks of summer,
Fresh herbs or flowers we know that again the rains will come
Summer fruits such as strawberries, raspberries and bring with them life.
Solar symbols Place the candle on the altar.
Sea water, sand or shells 7. Have everyone in the circle join hands and say:
You'll want to include quarter candles*, as well as a cup of We gather tonight by the light of the moon,
wine, fruit juice or water. If you're including Cakes and Ale as to celebrate the season, and rejoice.
part of your celebration, place your cakes on the altar as well. May the next turn of the Wheel bring us love
2. Assign a member of the group to call each quarter. Each and compassion, abundance and prosperity,
person should stand at their assigned quarter holding their fertility and life.
unlit candle (and a lighter or matches), and facing the altar. If As the moon above, so the earth below.
there are more than four of you present, form a circle. Go around the circle, passing the wine, fruit juice or water. As
3. The person in the north quarter lights their green candle, each person takes a sip, they should share one thing they are
holds it to the sky, and says: looking forward to. Summer is a time of growth and
We call upon the powers of Earth, development before the harvest arrives. What do you plan to
and welcome you to this circle. manifest for yourself in the coming month? Now is the time to
The sun's heat has warmed the earth state your intent.
and will bring us the bounty of the soil, 8. Take a moment to reflect on the growth you've seen since
when the harvest time comes. Spring. When everyone is ready, either move on to your next
Place the candle on the altar. ceremony -- Cakes and Ale, Drawing Down the Moon, healing
rites, etc. -- or end the ritual.

A few words of caution about weather magick in general.
1. Don't work to control the weather, but rather to influence it.
2. Use the movement of weather systems and air masses your advantage so
that you have to use as little effort to alter the movement or development of
such systems. If you work against normal weather patterns your magic isn't
likely to succeed. (This may take some research to learn basic weather
patterns on your part.)
3. When interfering with long-term weather patterns, such as suppressing a drought, great care must be taken in
considering natural climatic patterns and fluctuations. Deviating from these too much for too long can cause disastrous
consequences. (Again learning what the ideal patterns for your area are will take some research on your part.)
4. Most people tend to think of how the weather affects the area they live in, limiting their concern for their own town
or county to a portion of their state. Storm systems can cover thousands of square miles, so adjusting the impact on one
area could effects areas hundreds of miles away. This means you must consider where the rain will continue and what
conditions there are in its path. Basically, a few days could mean the difference between a good rain and severe flooding
in the next state over, especially if the storm gains strength as it moves on. Also, you don't want to try to make your
target area too small. A heavy rain ending the drought in one small town really doesn't benefit many if the drought
affects a number of states.
5. This article was clearly written by a non-Wiccan. If you are Wiccan, simply adding "And it harm none" will likely solve
the problem of causing unwanted damage from the spell. You may also add my favorite from the non-Wiccan Shatki
Gawain: "This or something better now manifests for the good of all." I'm certainly not saying these simple phrases will
substitute for doing research on natural weather patterns, but they will add a safety net so to speak to your weather
6. While this article does warn of potentially causing a flood or drought, I have to respectfully say "Get over yourself."
Most of us are not likely powerful enough to bring such extreme weather changes. Maybe this could happen if there is
an entire coven doing the magick but IMHO, one lil' witch is not going to affect the weather that much. In the end,
God/dess will do what God/dess will do when it comes to nature.

Spell to Bring Rain:

Broom Spell for Rain

The broom end is splashed in freshwater (a river, spring, stream, or basin filled with water from such a natural source) and
the drops are flung into the air over your head, face the direction of East and give the wet bristle a shake then say:
Clouds of the East
Now head my call,
Bring thy rain
And let it fall!
Turn to the direction of South. Give the broom another shake and call upon the clouds of the South:
Clouds of the South
Now head my call,
Bring thy rain
And let it fall!
Turn to the direction of the West. Give the broom another shake and call upon
the clouds of the West:
Clouds of the West
Now head my call,
Bring thy rain
And let it fall!
Turn to the direction of North. Give the broom another shake and call upon the
clouds of the North:
Clouds of the North
Now head my call,
Bring thy rain
And let it fall!
Turn full circle back to the direction of East. Hold the broomstick horizontally in
both hand, raise your arms to the sky and repeat the following:
Rain come hither
I decree!
As it is willed,
So mote it be!

Ending a Drought Spell;

Look at the sky, and chant:

God of thy sun,
you've dried up the earth,
now it is time for rain's rebirth.
Nourish the crops,
Give them life,
Let them grow,
without strife.
Cool the air,
Release the warm,
Give the earth care,
Let rain swarm!

Rain Chant
Goddess bring the rain down,
giving life to the ground,
energy to feed the seed, mother
nature gifts to me.
God bring the rain down, giving
life to the ground,
energy to feed the seed, and a
healthy harvest bring.
So Mote It Be!!"

MaMa Em
I am a medium. Not in the Theresa Caputo, John Edward, TV life, glorified
kind of way but in a way that I have to make work amidst being a mother with
two young children, a wife, having a 9-5 job, taking care of a home, and trying to
get a fledgling business off the ground while also talking to dead people kind of
I have been able to see, sense, talk to, and feel the emotions of the dead
since I was very young. As a small child, I had imaginary friends I knew their
entire backstories. I could tell you what kind of cars they drove, who their
families were, their favorite foods, etc. My parents chalked it up to an overactive
and creative imagination, as most parents do. As I got older and started school,
the adults in my life encouraged me to let my imaginary friends go, and I was
taught that these things were considered fantasy, and not real. At some point
during first grade, I stopped all communication with my imaginary friends.

Life went fairly normally for a while, but as I entered middle school, I started seeing and feeling things again. I
could hear whispers when rooms were silent, and I often saw shadows or flashes of light. Scared and feeling like I had
no one to talk to, I followed my friends to various churches over the course of the next three years, seeking answers.
Each time Id muster the courage to ask a youth group leader or pastor/deacon/priest about the paranormal activity I
was experiencing, theyd shush me and tell me that such things were The Devils Work and that I must not talk about
them or acknowledge them in any way. I started feeling like perhaps the Christian faith was not for me, because it
seemed like every question I asked about anything related to contradictions or dead ends in the bible (which every
leader had suggested I read to find my way away from the Devils business) I was angrily told that Christianity was
about blind faith, and that I should just believe so that I could save my soul. By my Freshman year of high school, I
had given up.
I had chosen a photography course as my elective that year in school, and one of the assignments we were given
was to make a contact sheet of a foreign object. The idea was to put an object onto a piece of photo paper, then expose
it to the light and develop it normally. The end result should be a black background and white masses wherever the
objects had been. I was having trouble figuring out what to do, and while trying to kill time in class, I put my hand on
the photo paper and exposed that. Haphazardly, I ran the paper through the developing chemicals, and then as the bell
ring, shook it dry and threw it into my backpack.
That afternoon at lunch, I was digging through my things looking for a pen, and out fell the photo. A friend
picked it up and complimented me on my artwork. I laughed at what I thought was a wisecrack, and grabbed the photo
to shove it back into my bag. I glanced at the handprint on the paper and stopped in my tracks. Very clearly, as if
someone had taken hours to draw it out, was a woman in a turban, sitting at a round table, gazing into a large crystal
ball. She was grinning, and her eyes seemed to draw you into her world. The tablecloth beneath the ball was intricately
designed, with patterns of swirls and shapes. In my finger areas were smaller, equally detailed images. There was one of
a shadow walking through an open doorway, and another that looked like an eye. The photo was mesmerizing, yet
terrifying. I knew it meant something, but I wasnt sure what.
I took it home and showed it to my parents, both of whom again complimented me on my artwork. I explained
that I had not drawn this, that it had appeared this way on its own. Fascinated, yet confused and a little worried, we
burned the photo in our fireplace.
I took it home and showed it to my parents, both of whom again complimented me on my artwork. I explained
that I had not drawn this, that it had appeared this way on its own. Fascinated, yet confused and a little worried, we
burned the photo in our fireplace.

However, the activity in my life had skyrocketed by that point, and there was no turning it off. It was a daily struggle to
tune it out just so I could deal with normal high school problems. In a last act of sheer desperation, I found myself on
the floor of the religious section of the public library, surrounded by piles of books on everything from Hinduism to
Buddhism to Islam and beyond. I needed answers, and I was determined to find them. Just when I was about to give up
hope, a book on Paganism literally fell off of the shelf and into my hands. Three pages in, I was home.
I am blessed and lucky to have a family who asks questions, educates themselves, and encourages each other in
their individual paths, so telling my folks that I was studying Paganism wasnt a huge ordeal. Telling them I could talk to
the dead, was a little scarier. Through Paganism, I learned to meditate, how to open my spiritual self to figure out what
exactly was going on with these paranormal experiences, and not to fear them. Soon I was able to listen, and relay
messages fairly easily.
Each spirit is different. Some pop up and start chatting away, telling me exactly who they want to talk to and
what they want to say. Some are silent, spending days at a time just sitting on my couch or wandering in and out of my
house, never really saying anything. As a Pagan, I dont believe in negative entities, demons, or harmful spirits. Some
spirits, like some humans, can be jerks. So I surround myself and my home in white light, and smudge with white sage
often to clear spirit buildup.
By the time I turned 28, I realized I was also empathic. So nowadays, its common for me to feel the symptoms
of cause of death before I even see the spirits themselves. Just the other day, I was unloading groceries in my kitchen,
and I got very hot, felt sick and dizzy, and started coughing uncontrollably. Within minutes, I turned to my husband and
said someone died in a fire, from smoke inhalation. After some digging, I found out that a friend of mine had lost her
best friend years ago in just such a manner. Then the messages started flowing, my friend gave me a tearful thank you,
and the symptoms I was feeling subsided.
All of the experiences and challenges Ive faced in my life have led me to make it my mission to help others in
my shoes fine tune their abilities, and feel accepted and normal. Im about a month away from completing a book
about a year in my life what its really like to be medium and try to balance that amongst the everyday challenges of
being a mom, a Pagan in a small town, a wife, etc. I am vocal and very public about my story so that others may not be
afraid to be themselves as well. With the encouragement of my family and the spirits who hang out with me often, Ive
started a metaphysical store (online for now, brick & mortar store to come!) and can now offer supplies, jewelry &
dcor to my fellow Pagans and also the curious non-Pagans at prices that dont break the bank. This is my life, and its
something I am proud of!

-Emily Brown- Psychic Medium for over 16 years, and lives in Minden, Nevada.

To stay in contact and keep informed of whats going on in my world, check out or follow my Facebook
page at

She stood on the platform taking time to prepare Her path is certainly no easy course
For the messages she recieved must be passed on with care It's rather like riding a wild prairie horse
Loved ones in the audiance looked up with delight Challenging but some how magical and right
As she picked from the congregation, guided by Spirit light. But only if guided by Spirit Angels ,in their powerful light.

Visitors from across the veil All that she says is not for her glory and fame
Spoke of times on earth with accurate detail All must be dedicated in the Great Spirits' name
'Yes that's my Uncle Douglas, he always wore blue For Father, Mother, God, has given this gift
He so loved that hymn and his allotment too'. To mend broken hearts and seal family rifts.

Love travells all space and time If it's proof you need beyond a shadow of doubt
Those in the Spirit world are now well and fine Perhaps your faith is weak and you'll leave with nowt
They often appear to the Medium with passing ails If you are happy for others to recieve messages true
To prove to the living she's not telling tales Love will come back ten fold to you.

Her once hidden gift she now happily shares Our Spirit friends and family are just a breath away
No more the outcast, here everyone cares As you too will find on your final day
She has opened her heart for love to pour in In the Summerland you will be a welcome guest
She has blended with Spirit from deep within Reunited with loved ones to start a new quest. 17
The Crab
June 22 to July 22
Traditional Cancer Traits On the dark side....
Emotional and loving Changeable and moody
Intuitive and imaginative Overemotional and touchy
Shrewd and cautious Clinging and unable to let go
Protective and sympathetic
Cancer! About your sign... more open to psychic influence than the floating with majority opinions, outlooks
average. If they can reconcile the and fashions of the day. As a result they
The Cancerian character is the least clear-
personal conflict of their urge to be often change their opinions and loyalties
cut of all those associated with the signs
outgoing with the reserve that causes and, indeed, their occupations, and lack
of the zodiac. It can range from the timid,
them to withdraw into themselves, then stability. They are easily corrupted and,
dull, shy and withdrawn to the most
at best they can inspire a generation, because they are convincing
brilliant, and famous Cancerians are to be
especially the youthful part of it, by their romanticizers, can make successful
found through the whole range of human
idealism. A job in which they can express confidence tricksters. Their romanticism
activity. It is a fundamentally conservative
this, and in which they can do well, in another sense make them ardent
and home-loving nature, appreciating the
would be as a leader in a youth supporters of causes, for example a
nest like quality of a secure base to which
organization. football team with whose heroes they
the male can retire when he needs a
In their personal relationships they are can identify in a world of fantasy.
respite from the stresses of life, and in
mentally a mixture of toughness and Their abilities fit the Cancerian for a
which the Cancerian woman can exercise
softness, often emotional and romantic wide range of occupations. As they are
her strong maternal instincts. The latter
to the point of sentimentality in their interested in what people are thinking
tends to like and to have a large family.
fantasies; but in real life and in marriage, and able to judge what they can safely
`Nest like' is an appropriate adjective for
their loving is not so sentimental but be told, they can be good journalists,
the Cancerian home, for its inhabitants
tenaciously loyal. Even if they have writers or politicians, though in this last
tend to favor the dark, mysterious but
affairs (and they may do so, for the male capacity they are more likely to remain
comfortable type of house which has
in particular is open to sensual in the background rather than attain
something of the air of a den about it, a
stimulation), their first loyalty remains prominent positions of power. They
place which belongs to the family rather
to spouse and family, of whom they may, indeed, change their party
than existing as a showcase to impress
regard themselves as the protector. affiliations. They can serve in other
Both the departments of public affairs, especially
That is not to say that the Cancerian is
Cancerian man and woman love those which involve looking after others,
unsociable, just that for them there is a
unreservedly, giving much and asking for example in any kind of service from
time to socialize and a time to be solitary,
little in return - in fact, one of the most welfare and nursing to catering - their
and this is part of the apparent
important lessons they have to learn is own love of comfort and good living
contradiction in their nature. Outwardly
how to receive gracefully. They are too makes the Cancerian an excellent chef
they can appear formidable - thick-
easily influenced by those they love and or housekeeper. They sometimes have a
skinned, unemotional, uncompromising,
admire, and swayed by the emotion of penchant for trade or business and are
obstinately tenacious, purposeful,
the moment. They are also loyal friends, often successful as a captain of industry.
energetic, shrewd, intuitive and wise,
the negative side of their faithfulness This is because they are excellent
sometimes with a philosophical profundity
being clannishness, the narrow organizers with a good sense of value
of thought verging on inspiration. Their
patriotism of "my country right or and economy which they may combine
intimates, however, may see a very
wrong"; and closing ranks in suspicion with a flair for inventiveness and
different character, one with a
and coldness toward outsiders. originality. The romantic side of their
sympathetic and kindly sensitivity to other
Cancerians have a retentive memory, natures make them enjoy grubbing
people, especially those they love. They
particularly for emotionally laden events about in places where exciting
are able to identify with the situations of
which they can recall in detail for years discoveries may be made (old stamp
others because of the keenness of their
afterwards. they are strongly governed collections in attics, etc.), and if they can
imaginations. They are often over-
by childhood memories and since they do this professionally as a secondhand
imaginative and prone to fantasy,
live intensely in the past in memory and dealer or specialist in antiques, they will
sometimes trying to shape their lives to fit
in the future in imagination, a chance be happy. More common occupations
some romantic ideal. They are
meeting with someone for whom they which suit some subjects of Cancer are
appreciative of art and literature, and
had an unrequited love, even if they real estate broker, gardener and sailor.
especially of drama, where the spectacle
thought they had conquered the feeling, Physically they are average to below
and ebb and flow of action and feeling
will easily rouse the emotion all over average in height, with a fleshy body and
particularly excite them. They may
again. short legs in comparison with the rest of
themselves possess considerable literary,
The Cancerian has many potential faults. them. Their hair is usually brown, their
artistic or oratorical talent.
They can be untidy, sulky, devious, faces round, their complexions pale,
Their sharp ears and talent for mimicry
moody, inclined to self-pity because of their foreheads prominent, their eyes
can sometimes give them success on the
an inferiority complex, brood on insults small and blue or gray in color, their
stage, though their tendency to be
(very often imagined), yet are easily noses short, perhaps upturned, and
emotional may make them overact.
flattered. They can be tactless and their mouths full. They sometimes walk
Interestingly - because they give the
difficult yet, because they are normally clumsily.
impression of being down-to-earth - they
ambitious, they will curry favor by
are often fascinated by the occult and are
Leo is the fifth Sign of the Zodiac. Moving past the The Element associated with Leo is Fire. Fire Signs are
exploration of the world and the need to nurture of the physical: they tend to respond to the world through action,
first four Signs, Leo's great need is to create. Creativity is rather than practicality, intellect, or emotion. Leos jump
one of Leo's keywords, and people born under this Sign headfirst into life, without worrying whether their latest
have the vitality and ambition to be successful in their goal is realistic or practical. For them, everything about life
creative endeavors. Leos are especially prominent on is Big with a capital B, and if drama and courage is required
stage and in Hollywood, as their natural ability to act and to do what they want to do, they have both in abundance.
their flamboyance and love of attention make them Like Fire, Leos are always moving and quick, and their
naturals at fame. Additionally, Leos love romance, and warm-hearted and outgoing personalities are similarly
take pride in their warm hospitality. As the fifth Sign, Leo fiery. They tend to seek power more than other Signs, and
also rules the fifth House: the House of Pleasure. because of this people sometimes feel they are obnoxious,
The Astrological Symbol of Leo is the Lion. The Lion is the boastful, self-centered, or rude. But despite their
King of Beasts, and Leos enjoy being treated as the kings sometimes hotheaded or cutting response, Leos are
and queens of the Zodiac. Like the Lion, Leos have great cheerful and self-assured, sometimes to the point of living
physical strength and stamina. They tend to be in a fantasy world. They are always happy as long as
opinionated, but they have a strong ability to see their someone is paying attention to them!
projects through to the end. In this way, Leo exemplifies Leo rules the fifth House, which besides romance and
the Fixed Quality assigned to it. Leos may be arrogant or children also involves gambling. Many Leos love to gamble,
egotistical, but they are good organizers and tend to be and may be brash and extravagant at the gaming table.
popular and even inspiring. Within the Zodiac, Leo is They see it as their natural due when casinos treat them as
opposite Aquarius, the Sign of Friends. Leo tends to be royalty! Pleasure is important to people born under Leo,
about self and personal popularity rather than group and they like to spend money to feel good. At their
goals and sharing of ideas. Despite their tendency to extreme, some Leos can be vain and childish or overbearing
patronizingly interfere in others' plans, they are leaders, in their reactions, but generally they're happy so long as
confident and dignified. they are comfortable.
Leo is ruled by the Sun. In ancient times, the Sun was In their leisure time, Leos prefer to play in groups rather
believed to be the center of the Universe, the core of than solo. They are too gregarious to enjoy solitary running
existence, the Father. Today, the Sun is important or weight lifting, and they much prefer team sports or
because it generates warmth and keeps life on Earth group exercise. In love relationships, Leo tops the charts in
moving. Leos, too, sometimes feel they are the center of almost every area, from devotion to romance.
the universe, and sometimes they are! They are
gregarious and social, fun-loving, and live life with
enthusiasm. Despite their tendency toward bossiness
and pretention, the natural leadership of people born
under Leo and their administrative prowess helps ensure
that their projects are successful. As leaders, Leos are
decisive and direct, optimistic that they will succeed.
Sometimes they exaggerate problems and overreact to
stumbling blocks, but generally they are positive and
their natural pride and stubborn streak keep them from
giving up. They can be demanding leaders, but they are
also generous.

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July God of the Month ~ by Lazy Witch

The Almighty, The All Powerful

"RA, the Almighty, the All Powerful, God of Light, "Eye of Ra" is a very complex
God of the Sun! All praise Ra, the Great and Powerful!" . on, suggesting several things
. . I'm not certain what movie that comes from, including, in essence, his power
something I say in my childhood no doubt or perhaps and perfection.
something in my long distant past but it has always stuck All forms of life were
with me. It sounds like such a wonderful way to greet a believed to have been created
god. I'm sure I didn't know at the time what a force Ra by Ra, who called each of them
was to the ancient Egyptians or what a stinker he could into existence by speaking their
be. And, I must admit, I've never taken much time to secret names. Alternatively
delve into him. humans were created from Ra's
Ra (or Re, as he is also known) was the Egyptian tears and sweat, hence the
God of Creation and the God of the Sun (often depicted Egyptians calling themselves
at high noon with the head of a falcon and the sun-disk the "Cattle of Ra." In the myth
resting on his head, surrounded by the serpentine form of the Celestial Cow it is
of the cobra-goddess Wadjet.) though he is also recounted how mankind
depected in other forms. Other Greek and Roman names plotted against Ra and how he
for him were Re-Atum, Re-Khepri, and Amun-Re. His cult sent his eye to Goddess Sekhmet to punish them. When she
was found in Heliopolis (Iunu or "Place of Pillars" in became bloodthirsty she was pacified by mixing beer with red
Egyptian), and elsewhere through the Nile Valley region dye. Ra was highly feared and his cult reached its height during the
from circa 3000BC until the end of Egyptian Pharonich 5th Dynasty when the Rulers considered themselves a direct
History, circa 400AD. Ra was also seen as the first being descendants from the sweat and drops of blood coming from his
and the originator of the Ennead, a group of god-like penis (I guess you can't get much holier than that!).
beings, which consisting of Shu and Tefnut, Geb and Nut, To the Egyptians, the sun represented light, warmth and
Osiris (God of the Dead), Set, Isis (Goddess of the growth. This made the sun deity very important, as the sun was
Moon) and Nehthys. seen as the ruler of all that he created. The sun disk was either seen
I could find no female/goddess counterpart to as the body or the eye of Ra.
Ra, though he was often at odds with daughters Isis, In the Underworld, Ra was thought to travel on two solar
Bastet (sometimes known as the "Cat of Ra"), Sekhmet boats call the Mandjet (the Boat of Millions of Years), or morning
(also known as the "Cat of Ra" as well as Ra's boat and the Mesektet, or evening boat. These boats took him on
Vengeance") and Hathor (again used as the "Eye of his journey through the sky and the Duat, the Underworld of
Ra"). Isis is often considered his opposite as she is the Egypt. While Ra was on the Mesektet, he was in his ram-headed
Goddess of the Moon and capable of using all her power form. When Ra traveled in his sun boat he was accompanied by
against him, making her nearly as powerful as Ra. various other deities including Sia (Perception) and Hu (Command)
He has been depicted in art thru sculpture, stone reliefs, as well as Heka (Magic Power). Sometimes members of the Ennead
carvings, wall paintings and papyrus illustrations. His helped him on his journey, including Set who overcame the serpent
power laid out in pyramid texts, coffin texts. Two of the Apophis (the God of Chaos also known at Apep) and Mehen who
best known of these are the Westcar Papyrus and the defended against the monsters of the Underworld. When Ra was in
Egyptian Book of the Dead. According to legend, Ra the Underworld, he would visit all of his various forms. It was
created himself out of a mound that emerged from the believed that the Mesektet (Night Boat) carried Ra through the
primeval ocean. Underworld and back towards the East in preparation for his rebirth
In other depictions, he arose as a child from the every morning.
primeval lotus blossom. As well as a representation of We honor Ra and his light and warmth this July. May he
the Sun, Ra is also perceived as the God of the forever shine his love and approval upon us!
Underworld. He is known in some inscriptions as "Re in
Osiris, Osiris in Re," in which case he often rides in his "Encyclopedia of Gods: Over 2,500 Deities of the World" by Michael
boat as a human figure with a ram's head surmounted by Jordan. Published by Fact on File, Inc.
a sun disc and accompanied by Wadjet. The notion of the "Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead", translated by Raymond O.
Faulkner. Published by Fall River Press
22 "Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia" reference "Ra"
In Praise of Ra

Llewellyn Worldwide:
Is the Wiccan Rede Ethical?
In his latest blog post, Don Michael
Kraig asks whether it's truly possible to
live by the Wiccan Rede: An it harm
none, do what ye will. What do you
think? While most of you saw this Don
Michael Kraig post last month on
Facebook and Llewellyn Worldwide, I
felt it was worth a second read.
Mr. Kraig indicates that unless you live
by yourself and completely off the grid
using no public services of any kind,
actually following the Rede is not only
impossible, its Unethical.

This post was written by Donald Michael Kraig

On June 14, 2013

Modern Paganism embraces a wide variety of spiritual traditions. One of the challenges of these traditions is that in
some instances they are not thoroughly considered. An individual tradition may leave out large swathes of concepts and limit
themselves to small sections of reality. There is often the worship of deities, the practice of magick, divination, and healing, the
celebration of festivals and holidays, but little else. As a result, for many people their spiritual tradition is merely a part-time
practice rather than a way of living. (I wouldnt limit this to Pagans, either.)
In fact, for many Pagans, when asked how their spirituality flavors their lives, they have little to say, often responding
not based on their spiritual paths but according to their sociopolitical beliefs. Some other Paganseven those who do not
identify themselves as Wiccansfall back upon the Wiccan Rede:
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill,
An it harm none do what ye will.
The source of the rede (rede is a Middle English term meaning counsel or suggestion) is highly questionable. Some
date it back to Bible (Romans 13:10 can be interpreted as similar to the rede in concept), Saint Augustine of Hippo (Love, and
do what you will), John Stuart Mills Harm Principle, French author Pierre Lous 1901 book, The Adventures of King Pausolus
(Do not harm your neighbor; this being well understood, do that which pleases you.), or Aleister Crowleys famous Do what
thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Perhaps it was derived directly from one of these, perhaps indirectly, or perhaps it was just the founders of modern
Wicca expressing their libertarian views. Whatever the source, as related to Wicca it first appears in a speech by Doreen
Valiente in 1964. Various versions of it, including ones that are much longer, have appeared over the past half century, but the
essence remains those eight words: An (Middle English for If) it harm none, do what ye will.
This seems like a magickal mantra for modern-day Objectivists and libertarians: As long as you leave me alone and dont
affect me in any way, do whatever you want.
The Practical Impact of the Rede
Unfortunately, unless you live by yourself and completely off the grid using no public services of any kind, actually
following the Rede is not only impossible, its unethical.
If you buy clothes of any kind, chances are they were made in third-world countries by people in terrible conditions. Youre
hurting them.
If you buy food in a grocery store, chances are the fruits and vegetables were planted, raised, and harvested by underpaid
and overworked temporary workers. Youre hurting them.
If you see a person such as a child or someone who is Really?
elderly being attacked or abused, you cant use force to So if you break someones arm, does that mean youre
stop the attacker or abuser. That would be hurting them. going to get your arm broken three times? If you trip someone
To completely follow the rede requires you to either does that mean someone is going to trip you three times? If you
raise your own foods or know where it came from during kill someone does that mean youre going to be murdered three
every step of its production, not buy any clothes that might times? How could that work? It would have to imply a belief in
have been made by workers who are laboring under horrible reincarnation and multiple lives. So isnt it great, then, that you
conditions, and certainly not use force to defend the health, have your own murder to look forward to? I dont think so.
safety, and well-being of the weak or powerless. Some people refer to this as the Law of Return and state
If you have a pet that is suffering intense pain from age that the concept is valid, but it may not necessarily have a three-
or disease, the rede requires you to let them suffer until fold return. So does that mean if you murder someone youre only
they die on their own. You could not euthanize them to going to be murdered 2 1/3 times? How does that work?
prevent further suffering. And since the rede is usually And if we follow the Law of Return, do we need the
associated with treating yourself well, if youre suffering Wiccan Rede at all? Others have different versions of this law.
intense pain from some disease or other ailment, and there One older version is usually presented, As you sow, so shall ye
is no possible cure or way to alleviate your pain, making the reap. That comes from Galatians in the Bible. So are the ethics of
conscious decision to end your own misery is not allowed. Wiccans, Pagans, and magickal people who follow the rede
Silver RavenWolf clearly understands the problem of ultimately based on the Bible or is there another alternative?
actually following the letter of the rede. In Solitary Witch she The Reluctant Messiah
writes that if you lived by the an it harm none rule to the In Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah,
letter, you couldnt even work against disease! Her author Richard Bach confronts the situation. A movie Dracula-like
workaround is to acknowledge that by not acting to stop vampire asks to feed on the storys protagonist. The protagonist
someone from doing evil, you are allowing greater harm to refuses. His mentor points out that hes hurting the vampire by
manifest. Your goal should be to minimize harm to everyone. not letting him feed. He leads the protagonist to understand that
Okay. Thats a way of working around the rede. But we are all free to do whatever we want. Period. But wouldnt this
thats what it is: working around the rede. The rede doesnt ultimate freedom lead to pure narcissism and anarchy and not
say act to limit harm to all; it is an instruction to you not to caring about anyone other than ourselves? Possibly. But there is
do harm. Period. You can choose not to follow the rede and an even older Pagan solution.
work to limit harm to all. That might be a good solution. The Tantric Solution
However it should be made clear that you have abandoned Most people think of Tantra as being that sex stuff. In
following the rede and are replacing it with something that actuality, Tantra is one of the worlds oldest Pagan spiritual
allows for what I would consider to be a more ethical traditions. Tantra is the source of such concepts as the chakras,
response to the real world. kundalini, acupuncture, the Tattvic Tides, a God and Goddess, etc.
Fully following the rede in our current culture is simply Some authorities (see, for example, Ann Mouras book on the
not possible. You would have to act like those who follow history of Witchcraft) even believe that it was people from early
the Jain religion in India, living a life where they even avoid India who came West into Europe where they became known as
stepping on an insect. Some Pagans simply add a clause to (or influenced) the Druids.
the eight-word rede to cover modern reality: An it cause The ancient Tantrics also discovered the concept of karma.
harm, do as you must. This basically negates the rede and Most people reading this will have some idea of karma, and I
changes the context to following RavenWolfs interpretation describe it more fully here. Basically put, karma has nothing to do
of limiting harm to all. with intent. It only has to do with actions. If you do something,
The Missing Part of the Rede there will be a result. Your intent is irrelevant.*
There is also something important missing from the rede Contrary to popular belief, the purpose of karma is not to
that makes it irrelevant: the result of not following it. If you punish or reward; it is to educate. Once you learn the results of
harm someone, what happens as a result? As written, there what you do, enlightened self-interest will encourage you to do
is no negative impact on you. You may as well say, try to good so that the response from the universe back to you will be
live a harmless life, but if you harm someone, well, YOLO. good. This process will help you on your personal spiritual
Thats the way it goes. evolution. This traditional concept of karma makes clear that:
So what is it thats missing? Although not originally You are free to do whatever you want in life,
directly associated with the rede, Gerald Gardner first wrote but you are responsible for whatever you do.
about it in his Wiccan novel (1949) entitled HIgh Magics Aid. A karmic response to any action may come through the
Its later described as a law by Monique Wilson and was actions of friends and family, governmental organizations, or from
popularized as a law by Raymond Buckland. This is the Law the universe itself with new opportunities or a removal of positive
of Three or Three-fold Law. things in your life. It may take several lifetimes for you to learn
Simply put, this law states, whatever energy a what you need to do to make your life the wonderful thing you
person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will want it to be.
be returned to that person three times (Wikipedia). Continued on page 46
Dear Gertrude, This is a good time to bring up your
Can you help us!! A bunch of us want to form a very own "Book of Shadows" (BoS)
coven during summer break. We want to do all or "Grimoire". This is YOUR book
kinds of magic and study the old ways. How do we if information in which you write
start and where can we go for good down anything and everything you
find important or necessary for you
information? Who can we turn to since none of us to be a Wiccan. This doesn't have to
can find covens in our area? What tools are best and be anything fancy. An old notebook
what herbs should we use? We have a few people we will do nicely to start. I do not
need to work on with magic but just don't know suggest looking for a coven at this
what to do. Will you help us, please? We found you time OR forming one of your own as there is much to be learned
on face book and you said you could. and each individual needs to learn and understand their own abilities.
Sincerely, BEWARE of covens or individuals that say you "must" do
Needing Help something or you "can't" do something else. Always look to what
you feel in your "gut" is right or wrong. Some covens or groups like
My Dear "Needing Help" and Friends, to practice their ceremonies "Skyclad" or nude. I would strongly
Thank you for writing. And thank you for asking for help. I'll suggest avoiding these groups until you are at least 21 years old if not
do my best to be constructive and as helpful as I dare but I'll older as these can be very dangerous for younger individuals. Very
warn you all now that you may not like everything you are few covens or groups will allow any members or participants under
about to read. What I will tell you WILL help you to begin the age of 21.
your studies as well as understand better the "Olde Ways" but What I would suggest is forming a reading or study and discussion
I suggest you do not attempt any magick against anyone or group, getting together once a week or whenever you can at a park or
anything, at least until you have a much better some nice outdoor place to discuss what you've learned and read on
understanding of magick, what it is and what it can do to not your own. This would allow you, as a group, to exchange
do. Also, what you will be reading IS NOT stage magic, slight information, question what you've read, discuss it at length and to
of hand or the "magic" you see in films. This is Natures' share any books you may have come across (there are many used
Magick, the Olde magick. The magick and the path of the bookstores that carry Wiccan, Metaphysical and/or Occult books
Ancients. which are much less expensive than new ones. You might also find
I will not give you any spells or direct instruction here as. This some in Thrift Stores). This would also allow you to share the books
is something you will need to find out for yourself. I do not you do locate. WORD OF CAUTION: Be sure you take the name
wish to place this e-zine or myself in any situation of direct of the individual who borrows your book(s) so you don't "loose"
conflict where we could be charged as attempting to draw an it. Also, make certain that anyone borrowing you book understands
under aged child away from or interfering with parental that if they lose it, misplace it, or have it confiscated that they are
rights. As a minor, if you are one, you are under the direction, responsible for replacing it!!! This is very important and makes each
care and educational guidelines of your parent(s) or individual RESPONSIBLE for their actions ~ an extremely
guardian(s). Please do not go against your parents or important lesson to learn before beginning any magickal practices.
guardians. You will have plenty of time when you are older. I DO strongly encourage learning about other religions. I
PLEASE, PLEASE keep in mind that Wiccans, most Witches understand that organized religion is not for everyone but it does
and Pagans DO NOT believe in Satan or any form of Satanic have things to teach us. Modern Wicca (developed in England in the
beings. To us Satan is considered a 1930-40s, has a basis in Buddhism, Judaism, Islam and Christianity
Judaic/Islamic/Catholic/Christian being and has nothing to (little of Modern Wicca is based on the Olde Wisdoms), so knowing
do with our worship of Nature and the workings of the and having some kind of understanding of these four religions
Universe. will help when learning the responsibilities involved in Wicca.
I understand your curiosity and desire to find out more about You may know or have read the "Wiccan Rede". It is a personal
Wicca, the Craft and magick. Though there are many, many chant/promise to the Great Goddess or Deity, to the Universe and
books out there to read, Scott Cunningham (wrote specifically to all living things that you will not harm another living thing. In
for Beginning Wiccans) comes to mind right off the fact the opening of the Rede states, "Bide the Wiccan Law you must,
bat, as does Silver RavenWolf's book, "Teen Witch: Wicca for In perfect love and perfect trust. Eight words the Wiccan Rede
a New Generation". There are many others but these a really fulfill: An' ye harm none, do what ye will." In other words, you are
good for starters. There are also some good websites; to harm no one and nothing. Many believe that Wicca forbids using
however, I'm afraid many repeat what you'll find on other sites magick AGAINST anyone or anything as you are pressing YOUR
as well as from some very well written books. It's hard to tell will on someone else. This can be a very dangerous thing to do and I
their differences and similarities until you begin to read so do not advise it for most Wiccans, Witches or Pagans until they fully
study and see what you find out. understand how to write a proper spell and what might happen to
the spellcaster who presses their will upon someone else.
I also advise against trying to do "Love Spells" as you are dealing Altar tools and magick items you will gather slowly and, I hope,
with someone else's life, which is not advantageous for the you will make yourself. As you read from authors on beginning
spellcaster. Wicca you will probably be encouraged to make your own to use
Study and learn the ways to write spells so they will perform the items. Making your own tools and altar items increases their
best action you wish to achieve. I prefer simple and straight energy as well as your own. Using items you already have gives
forward spells but many Wiccans like or prefer to make spells you an instant connection with your tools that would take time to
in rhyme (though this isn't necessary). The best way to start build up if you purchased them.
writing spells is to FIRST READ lots and lots and lots of What I will suggest is to read "Elemental Magick" e-zine each
spells. This will give you an idea how others put words month. It's free, it can be shared with your friends and there is
together. BEWARE!! Many spells you read on-line (and even lots and lots of really good information in it each month. Some
in many books) have never been tested. I would say this is true of things will make sense to you and others won't. That's okay. The
most spells found on blogs as well. Also, the "spells" that were same goes for the books you read. Take with you what makes
used in movies like "Practical Magick", "Hocus Pocus" and some sense and what you are comfortable with. Leave the rest
television shows like "Charmed" are written to sound good but are behind. Wicca is a path that is always changing, always
not necessarily written to function as real spells. improving, always enlightening.
Surprisingly, many Old English Nursery Rhymes are old Enjoy your path and if you find it isn't for you, that's okay. You
spells. Think of something like "Rain, rain, go away. Come again may not be ready for Wicca yet. Go where you need to and,
another day." I've used this often when needing fine weather for should you decide to return to this path, know that you can.
an important activity being held outdoors. We usually still have
clouds but when I release the spell (which is something only the Many Blessings to you all and may the Goddess guide you.
really good books will tell you to do) we usually receive our rain or Yours fondly,
snow. Gertrude Moon, CC

With empathy and solace,

with magick and with care,
with foresight and with harmony,
The witch her soul will share.
With charity and knowledge,
With nature and with song,
With healing and with harvest
The witch will do no wrong.
With laughter and with pleasure,
with comfort and with hope,
with gentle words of wisdom,
The witch will help you cope.
~Kathryn, The Not Quite Wicked Witch
The use of Lavender has been documented for Dried lavender stalks burn like incense sticks, and can be
thousands of years. Pliny the Elder says that its blossom, included in spells and rituals aimed attracting money, love,
called Asarum, sold for a hundred Roman denarii. The protection, and success. Individual flowers can also be dried and
Greeks called it Nardus, after a city in Syria on the banks of burned similarly for the same purposes.
the Euphrates. It was used by the ancients in perfuming For sleep divination, place lavender sprigs under the pillow
bathwater, and for strewing on the floors of temples and before bed while thinking about your desire. If you dream about
houses. It was cultivated in England for the first time around anything related, you will get what you desire.
1560, and is mentioned in the writings of William
Shakespeare. Other Names: Nardus, Elf-leaf
Medicinally, lavender has many uses. Noted Gender: Masculine
herbalist Nicolas Culpeper recommends "a decoction made Element: Air
with the flowers of Lavender, Horehound, Fennel and Planetary Connection: Mercury
Asparagus root, and a little Cinnamon" to help with epilepsy
and other disorders of the brain. Tincture of lavender has
been officially recognized as a treatment in the British
Pharmacopceia for two centuries. Judith Benn Hurley writes
in The Good Herb that during the sixteenth century, English
herbalists used lavender tucked into a cap as a cure for
headaches, and advocated the use of its oils as a method of
keeping wounds clean and avoiding infection.
Magically speaking, lavender is often included in
love spells and rituals because of its attractive scent, and is
used as an ingredient in spells for attracting money.. To
bring love your way, carry lavender flowers in a sachet on
your person, or hang stalks of it in your home. Lavender is
bound to Mercury and Air. Because of its delightful
fragrance and its light, flowery taste, it has been used for
thousands of years magically for its calming, peaceful, and
sedating effects. To get a good night's sleep, with calming
dreams, stuff a pillow with sprigs of lavender. It can also be
used in a purifying bath or smudging ritual.
For love, peace and good health, place Lavender
flowers in a sachet to be carried on the person. Carrying a Ingredients:
sachet or amulet containing lavender is also said to attract
spirits or otherworldly entities. Fresh flowers can be rubbed
on clothing for attracting love. For peaceful sleep, use a
few drops of essential oil on the sheets or pillows before
bed. For relaxation, purification baths, or aromatherapy Method
purposes, run bathwater over fresh sprigs or place a few
drops of oil in the bath. If bathing is not convenient, simply
inhale the scent from a bottle of essential oil for the same
effects. Make a tea from fresh or dried lavender flowers for
relaxation, peace, health, longevity, protection, and love -
however, do not use a tea directly before a night of passion,
as due to its relaxant and sedative properties, it will decrease
sex drive.

I started speaking, "Do you know how hard it is to fix
a VW engine while sitting in the front seat and
WITHOUT getting dirty?" I couldn't believe I heard
those words coming out of MY mouth! but he looked
at me and said "What did you say????????" I
repeated, "Do you know how hard it is to fix a VW
engine while sitting in the front seat and WITHOUT
Stevan, a friend of mine approached me and getting dirty?" I looked around, thinking "Who said
said that he was taking a five week trip to Mexico that? Neither of us said anything more for a long
and wanted to know if I wanted to join him. My first time, and nothing at all was mentioned about my
reaction was, "I can't go! I have a job, I have an insane statement. I did, however, keep reassuring
apartment, I have stuff, and I have NO him that I would get him to the border. That was all I
MONEY". "No worries", he said, "quit your job, you would promise,,,,, to the border, not beyond. Again I
can find another one, leave your apartment, you can was thinking "where in the world did that come
find another one, put your stuff in storage and I'll pay from???? How can I promise that? I don't speak
all the expenses of the trip". "I still can't go. It's just Spanish, I have no money and I'm NOT a
irresponsible to just pack up and leave." This mechanic". However, there was no doubt in my
conversation had happened out in the desert at a mind that I could get him to the border. Great! Not
hot springs that was a popular get-away. When I got sure how I'm going to pull that one off!
home, I thought about the offer. He was right. I had About 100 miles from the border, the engine
actually turned in my notice at my job and my new started the same terrifying ruckus. He simply looked
job could be postponed until I returned, I could easily at me and said, "I don't know what you did before,
find another apartment, storage was no problem and but would you PLEASE do it again". I had no idea
I didn't have to worry about paying expenses. I what I'd done before, but said silently to whoever
called and left a message, hoping Stevan hadn't was helping us "PLEASE make that noise quit and
found another travel partner. get us to the border". Seconds later, the horrible
A few weeks later, our adventure began. We noise quit and the engine was once again running as
weren't traveling FAST, as we were enjoying the smoothly as it could, on only 3 cylinders. All Stevan
sights and talking to the locals. Three days and said was "You're a WITCH". At the time, I could
three hundred miles into Baja California, Mexico (as neither confirm nor deny the accusation
I said, NOT a FAST TRIP) we were starting out from (compliment), I just wanted to get to the border!
the hotel and the VW van engine started making a We made it safely to the border and passed
horrible commotion. Stevan pulled over and began through immigration. Just as I had promised, the
to investigate the cause. Evidently one of the VW van made it to the border and just had enough
pistons was self-destructing. He disabled it and energy to pull safely into the first parking lot we
explained that we could proceed on 3 cylinders. We came to. That is where it died.
could continue south to the next large town, about The idea of me actually being a Witch didn't
150 miles, or return to the States. I had no desire to totally sink in for a few more years but I never forgot
go further into unfamiliar territory, so voted that we the trip and still wonder who was working on the VW
return to the border. engine!
All seemed to be running smoothly, although VERY
slowly. I had been driving awhile, when I heard a
terrible racket coming from the engine Blessings, Lady Ti-Eagle
compartment. I pulled over immediately and turned
off the engine, not wanting to cause further
damage. He traded me places, started the engine
and pulled back onto the highway. What a terrible
commotion! Then, as suddenly as it had started, it Please write to me at
QUIT! We were both a bit dumb-founded, and he with any comments or feedback. I'd love to
said something like "I wonder what happened". hear from you.
One fundamental aspect of being Pagan is an businesses, and to boycott GMO plant foods and modified
affirmation of our symbiosis with Nature. Pagans co-exist livestock. This is not an easy task for those impoverished
with the planet Earth; we do not have dominion over it. by the corporate jungle; the monetary costs of health are
From our ancient beginnings Mankind has foraged the rising dramatically while the cost of simply obeying the
Earth to satisfy our three basic necessities of life: Food, law of the land is minuscule in comparison. An organic
Water, and Shelter. Without these things, we would perish. apple costs as much or more than a McDonald's
This is a basic fundamental truth we must never forget. cheeseburger. The corporations have engineered
Without Mother Nature we would not exist. We are a part agronomics this way to prevent us from leading healthy,
of Her, and She is a part of us. In order to survive and fulfilling lives. As Pagans, we must fight this biological
flourish we must appreciate and revere the bounty She tyranny, because the long-term cost to our collective soul
provides. We must not destroy that which we need to is far greater than any immediate monetary concern.
exist. Therefore, we must all strive to do whatever is in our
Paganism offers us the opportunity to recognize the powers to do to prevent the loss of our natural way of life.
very essence of our Being as it relates to our environment. Another Pagan fundamental is the merging of Science with
What we are today is a result of many millennia of Religion. The two do not have to be mutually exclusive.
symbiotic evolution with the plants and animals that we Understanding the science of the soul and the theology of
consume, utilize for our clothing and shelter, and then physics are part of most Pagans lives. For instance, all of
replenish with our advances in agriculture, farming, and our rituals are methodical and based on an elemental
the raising of livestock. That very word "livestock" science. The five elements known to exist by all Pagans
indicates our need for living creatures and our need to are Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Spirit. Applying the laws
keep them in supply. When we mistreat those creatures, of physics to our daily Pagan lives is a matter of course,
we are essentially mistreating ourselves. Currently, the because we are simply obeying the laws of Nature.
non-organic farming culture that has developed in Speaking of matter, what we define as "Matter" is
America and elsewhere piles thousands of pounds of flesh anything that takes up space and has a measurable mass.
into meager accommodations, then injects dangerous Matter has three states of existence, solid, liquid, and gas.
chemicals into every flank in order to mass produce Earth, Water, and Air. All matter is made up of energy,
dubiously nutritious meat for our consumption. We also which also comes in many states of existence. Kinetic
have Monsanto creating new and frightening breeds of energy and Potential energy. Reactions that give off energy
hybridized plant life for that same mass consumption. This are called exothermic, and our fourth element, Fire, is an
is all due to an overly large population that relies not on exothermic chemical reaction among compatible elements.
themselves and their communities for sustenance, but The law of conservation of energy states that energy
instead on multinational corporations protected by a cannot be created, or destroyed. So the final element we
corrupt government, whose sole consideration is the have yet to discuss, Spirit, or the human Soul, can be
accumulation of wealth. This malignant hoarding has scientifically defined as a potential energy, called stored
caused a huge diversity in economic status among human mechanical energy, which is energy stored in an object by
beings, where many live in abject poverty while those who the application of force. The force is our kinetic energy,
ravage the planet live comfortably in draconian castles of the electrical impulses of our brains and endocrine
their own design. The true wealth on this planet is Her systems, our ability to make motion and sound waves, our
resources, which are being raped and squandered by this internal thermal core. The force that binds us all together is
desire for paper money that intrinsically has no value at the other forms of energy combined to make up our
all. physical corporeal being. Therefore it begs to reason that
The Pagan way of life and an honest, healthy response to when the trappings of that physicality are no more, our
this pillaging of resources is to always buy Organic stored mechanical energy is released, yet still held together
whenever possible, support your local farmers and local by the shared electrons, protons, and neutrons, free to seek
out another vessel within which it can be stored order of mankind, to be communal, to be symbiotic with
again. each other and our environment. Love is the binding force
To put it another way, humans exist by way of a in all of Nature.
complex neuronetwork of electrical impulses and stored Evil is created by an imbalance in that natural
mechanical energy, our molecules held together by an order. A person who perpetrates evil does so because they
unseen force which keeps our heart pumping and our become the responding force to correct an imbalance in
brain activating. Schrdinger used the term "negative their own environment. The imbalance occurs in thought,
entropy" to describe the physics behind this integrated word, and deed. More and more evil exists because this
energy. Negative entropy states that in an open system, imbalance on our planet has been increasing exponentially
energy can be drawn from outside that system, like the for centuries. The human brain is made up of billions of
Earth drawing energy from the Sun, and will form matter interconnected neurons, and every interaction between
that integrates into increasingly complex arrangements. these neurons creates a miniscule electrical discharge.
Essentially, all life on Earth evolved from this integration Electrical energy is a kinetic energy, meaning it is not
of matter, energy drawn from the Sun; therefore our stored, it is released. Brain waves can be measured by their
every molecule is infused with the energy of the Earth, frequency or their amplitude. If you picture thought as
and the energy of all things in our Universe. Our bodies having mass, (it can be measured, and it takes up space,)
are also "open systems." The energy we incorporate from you can allow for the possibility that evil thoughts are
outside that system forms the complex interplay between released into our atmosphere, accumulating in frequency
brain neurons and inspires the release of chemical and amplitude, and being reabsorbed by vessels which are
impulses in our endocrine systems. open to those frequencies.
This all leads into our next fundamental truth, Duality. Much of our planet is afflicted with a buildup of
Balance. The masculine and feminine in Nature and in this negative energy, which accounts for a lot of the evil
Deity. We are borne into a world where there are two perpetrated in this latest century. It is a fact that all
separate and distinct aspects of Creation. The Male, the electronic devices emit a certain level of ambient "noise,"
giver of life, personified by the Sun, and the Female, the which has the distinct ability to interrupt brain waves. As
receiver of the seed, which is the Earth. Life forms have more technology is created and more electronic devices in
evolved on this planet due to the interactions between use - and not just cell phones and computers, but the
those two forces, exemplifying this fundamental law of thousands of satellites that orbit our planet - the more that
Duality. Hence why there are two sexes in most all living our brain waves are interrupted and scrambled. Our ability
creatures. Wherever asexual reproduction has occurred, to interpret the good from the bad is vastly diminished by
as in some lizards, sharks, snails, a few insects, and the advents in technology in recent history. Not only have
various single-celled organisms, an imbalance transpired our ancient instincts been virtually snuffed out, but our
long ago during their evolution which prompted the ability for creative sentient thought has also fallen victim to
organisms to adapt themselves to survive. Balance was technological progress. For eons mankind has done evil to
still achieved, albeit in a unique way. Survival is an itself, and to its Creator, the Goddess Earth. This lengthy
instinct all living creatures share in abundance, and every trail of darkness has its consequences. We cannot correct
living organism spends its entire lifetime in the attempt to this imbalance of evil in this world without a profundity of
insure its continued existence. goodness, love, compassion, and empathy, and a reduction
We know also that physics decrees "for every in the electrical impulses we are currently subjected to.
action there is an equal and opposite reaction," which This may mean a return to more simple practices, or it may
indicates that both kinetic and potential energy is mean even more advances in technology which prevent our
somehow always in balance. This balance of minds being affected by the electrically charged
action/reaction can be found evidenced in every life form, atmosphere.
every shape, every element, and every interaction among To review, the Fundamentals of Paganism are as
them. When an imbalance occurs, there is a responding follows: respect for Mother Nature, a scientific spiritual
force aimed at correcting it. Achieving that balance is understanding, duality of all things, and a perception of the
crucial to the success of any species. balance or imbalance present in our world. If we start from
This brings us to the final and most controversial of these basic tenets of our consciousness, we can reestablish
fundamental beliefs. When we try to define "Good" and our symbiosis with our environment, and perhaps heal the
"Evil" we come into a lot of theology. Take a step back vast rift that has developed between us.
and look at this objectively. Someone is "good" when
they do good things, when they empathize with their ~ by Kathryn Crafton
fellow beings, and show compassion and composure in
their interactions. Someone is "evil" when they do evil
things, when they are unscrupulous, are bereft of feeling,
and show no mercy. Goodness is intrinsic to the natural
~ By Alena Orrison

Authors Note: Weve been focusing a lot on what to do Let her know where the
as a family or with smaller children. This month and contraceptives are, and tell her
next, I wanted to include the pre-teens and younger know how you feel about sex and
teens. This month we will focus on the young women, what your rules are (if she is
and next will be about the young men. allowed to have sex in your home
if you are okay with her having
Menarche Ritual sex before marriage, etc.). Talk to
her about the dangers of
Menarche (pronounced MEN-ar-kee) is when a unprotected sex, including
girl has her first menstrual period. It can be a scary time, pregnancy and remind her
but it is also a time to be celebrated as the young that she's not old enough to drive, vote or leave home, but
woman is going from a child to a Maiden. A ritual can she is old enough to have a baby.
make the young woman feel special and also carry Now that she is a woman, she will have new, adult
connotations of her responsibilities as a potential privileges, but she will also have new and very serious
mother. However you choose to recognize your responsibilities such as not getting pregnant until she's
daughters (or granddaughters or nieces) menarche, wants to and she's ready. Let her know that you're there for
remember to make it a celebration of change. her, that she can come to you about anything.
The focus is the girl - she must be the center of After that, the girl might like to meditate till the ritual,
attention - and she must be consulted on what and who or go through a self-cleaning ritual. You can help her as she
she wants for this ritual. Emphasis should be placed on wants, or allow her to be alone and focus on her inner self.
her being a woman, women's mysteries, women's After the circle is cast, placing emphasis on the Maiden
responsibilities. Chose the first full moon after the girl's aspect of the Goddess, each woman, one by one, should
first period for the ritual (that or quarter moon)--or when welcome the girl into womanhood and hand her their little
the girl wants it. gift. Each gift should be opened and talked about.
You want to invite any adult women the girl After the gift-giving, the girl's new pendant should be
wants, the girl's Goddess-Mother, and any friends of passed round, and each woman should talk about her
hers that are also of age. Decorate depending on the Menarche, offer advice, a secret, or a funny story. Words
girl's taste, with an emphasis on moon decorations/party short and sweet, upbeat and then they should bless the
decorations. Get a cake and make it festive and special! pendant. Once the pendant has been passed round, Mom,
Red or white candles are the traditional colors but again, who should be last, tells her story, and then hangs it round
make it the girls choice. the girl's neck.
To give the men something to do, you can have The HPS should then question the girl if she
them help in decorating, and making up the pot-luck understands the responsibilities of Womanhood. After the
dinner, tea, or picnic lunch for after the ritual. I like this girl answers, the HPS should then present the girl to the
idea because it allows Dad and friends to give the girl a Goddess as a new woman, a reflection of the goddess.
gift even though they're not going to be there. Otherwise, Other things you can do: A Tarot reading for the girl
the male relatives and friends need to make themselves or a scrying, dancing, singing, storytelling. End with a very
scarce as this is a time to celebrate womans mysteries. positive cone of power--celebrating the girl's womanhood
All the women invited should bring gifts - gifts (and then have that picnic).
related to womanhood, not menstruation. The mother or
other close relative could buy the girl a moon, crystal, Unknown original source, modified by Alena Orrison
goddess or pentagram pendent for herself. Place that on Gift Ideas
the altar. A new dress, ritual robe, etc., might be in order Pentacle necklace
for the occasion as well. Book of Shadows
The ritual can take place wherever the girl likes Candles & holders
as it's her show. One menarche I heard about was a hot
Fairy Cards or Tarot Deck
tub party, another occurred on the beach, another up
along a hiking trail in the woods. Near water is a good Altar cloth
idea. Stones and Crystals
The night or that morning before, it's time to have Spells, rituals or magical inforamtion for her new Book of
that mother-daughter chat. I know she already knows it Shadows
all, but tell her again just the same. Scrying mirror or bowl
Cauldron 35
When You Leave a
Pagan Group
By Patti Wigington, Guide

Lammas, Lughnasadh, Summer Fest, First Harvest Celebration

The grain to harvests cutting falls

to make the bread for banquet halls.
Well save some seeds where lifes waiting,
and plant a new field come next Spring.
We shared the work we needed to do,
and now well share the eating too!
Thank you, fruit, and thank you bread,
for making sure that we are fed.
- Asleen OGaea, Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Beltane to Mabon
The Astrological Moon
North Star Astrology
By: Ingrid Jeffries AAFA

Ingrid Jeffries is a counseling

astrologer, writer, teacher, and retreat
working in the Denver, Colorado
metropolitan area.
She's provided individual, relationship
and career counseling for over 20 years.
She teaches classes on Astrology, Tarot,
Dream Interpretation and Carolyn
Myss Sacred Contracts. She offers
phone and in office sessions. For more
information on her classes or sessions
go to:
"Once more the Wheel of the Year does turn,
the spirits and people now dance and yearn, to
the sounds of natures music once more,
celebrate now! I do implore."
Yes, it's that time once more, fellow Pagans and
curious minds; it's time to celebrate another
turn of the wheel as the year moves on. For
those that wonder what this means, read The
Wheel of the Year. For those who are akin to
our customs, continue reading! One never stops
Lughnasadh, pronounced loo-nas-ah, is a
traditional time of the year that was dedicated It is said that Lugh dedicated his Celebration
to the Irish Sun God Lugh. During this time, the of the Harvest to his mother Tailtiu, the last
people of Ireland joined together for the queen of the Fir Bolg, who had died in order to
Celebration of the Harvest, during which Lugh clear a forest for more crops in Ireland.
was said to rain down a golden light upon the According to legend, she asked the men at her
year's crops, blessing them for harvest. In deathbed to always host funeral games in her
honor, the Irish played many games and sports honor; thus naming the celebration
for Lugh and his well-received blessings; this "Lughnasadh," or "Funeral Games."
acted as a way to send the participants' energies Over time, Lughnasadh became known as
and wishes up to the Gods, as well as give Lammas, or Loaf-Mass by many other countries
themselves a well-needed break before the and Neo-Christians of the time, and the act of
upcoming toil of harvesting and surviving the placing fresh-baked bread upon the altar
cold, harsh winter ahead. Essentially, this is the became a popular thing to do. Currently, both
Thanksgiving of ancient Ireland. games and bread are a part of the tradition
each year, so this holiday may be called
Lughnasadh or Lammas.
Depending on what tradition you follow,
Lugnasadh/Lammas is celebrated on any day
between July 31 and August 5. Wiccans and
most Pagans tend to celebrate this day on
August 1; however, some covens/groups like to
celebrate it on Old Lammas day which is the
day when the sun reaches 15 degrees Leo.

Naturally, youll want to put candles on your altar to
celebrate this Sabbat. Why not use vegetables and fruits
symbolic of the season to make a candleholder? These easy
candleholders are perfect for holding a taper-style candle.
First, youll want to select some firm fruits. Red apples,
early acorn squash, even eggplants work well -- apples seem
to last the longest. Rinse and dry the fruit or vegetable
thoroughly. Polish the outside with a soft cloth until the
apple is shiny. Stand the apple up on its bottom, and use a
knife or a corer to make a hole in the top where the stem is
located. Go about halfway down into the apple so that the
candle will have a sturdy base. Widen the hole until its the
same diameter as your candle.

Smudging is a great way to cleanse a sacred space, and

most people use smudge sticks made of sweetgrass or
sage for this purpose. Although they are available
commercially -- and are fairly inexpensive -- it's easy to
make your own if you've got herbs growing in your
garden, or if there's a place nearby where you can go

You'll need:
Scissors or garden clippers
Cotton string
Plants such as sage, mugwort, rosemary, lavender, or

Cut off pieces of the plants in lengths about 6 - 10 inches

long. For more leafy plants, you can make the pieces
shorter, but you may want to use a longer piece for a
plant that has fewer leaves.

Our Familys Faery Houses
By Alena Orrison

I thought after last

month that you all might
like to see what we did
for our faery houses.

During the summer we go on our

faery houses earlier this year than
normal because the area we were in on this particular day
reeked of faeries.

There was a plethora of flowers and butterflies, the

birds would sing back to us when we whistled, and my
youngest son said the creek sounded like drums. Plus we
had a rubber boa snake pay us a visit. It was definitely a
place filled with magic!

The terrain was rocky, and while there were

trees there werent many usable branches on
the ground. So we ended up building our
houses out of rocks. The kids really got into
it and I had to tell them to quit building
because we were still up on the mountain at
6pm. I think total we left behind twelve
faery houses.
Our main house we built along
the stream up against a fallen
tree. I dont know if you can see
inside but we made a little bed
of moss and a stone table. The
stick across the top is a landing
perch the boys thought would be
helpful for the faeries

(Helianthus species)

If you start sunflower seeds in containers, never let them

get even slightly root bound. Transplant them, either into a
larger pot or outside into the ground, as soon as the roots
touch the walls of the container. Keep them well watered;
they use a lot of water when small and wilt easily.
Outdoors, sunflowers can be direct seeded two weeks
before the predicted last frost. Plant them deep. As they
come in all sizes these days, follow the packet directions
The common annual sunflower, Helianthus annuus, is a on how far apart to plant them. They do best in a deep,
very useful plant. The seeds are edible- and very high fertile soil. They prefer a neutral to slightly alkaline soil
protein!- by people, birds and animals. The smaller rather than acidic. The fact that they grow in so many
flowered varieties make good cut flowers. The yellow places in the world, however, shows that they arent
petals make a nice fabric dye. The stems, when treated like terribly picky; they will grow in most soils except for
flax, yield a soft fiber. The dried leaves have been used as a standing water- youd want the perennial swamp
tobacco substitute. The flower petals are edible, and are sunflower, Helianthus angustifolia, for that. Fertilize using
pretty in salads. And they have several garden uses, beyond a balanced fertilizer; too much nitrogen and youll get a
just what they yield to us. This can be a use it all plant if big, leafy plant but few flowers. As they mature, the large
youre determined enough. And they are not just useful to headed types will need support, but they in turn can
humans; they are beloved of bees, both honeybees and support pole beans- Scarlet Runner beans are particularly
native pollinators. attractive growing on them.
The sunflower is in the daisy family; the Russian The multi-headed, branching types make a good
Mammoth type may well be the worlds largest daisy! temporary hedge or windbreak when planted close
One look at the flower and there is no doubt where the together. The tall varieties planted close in a circle grows
common name came from. This plant originated in Mexico into a natural hiding place for children- or an adult who
, and spread north and south into the Americas . Later, in wants a quiet place to read!
the 1500s, it was taken to Europe by the Spaniards and it How you treat the plants after they start flowering depends
spread from there, becoming very common in Russia . on what you are growing them for. If you are growing
These days, there are many varieties of sunflower them just for the birds, allow all the flowers to go to seed.
available. If you want the seeds for humans to eat, you If you are growing them for garden color, the flowers need
want the large headed types that have striped seeds, like to be cut off (dead headed) after the petals fall to
Russian Mammoth. If you want to feed the birds, choose encourage more blooms to form. I compromise and dead
one of the types with small black seeds, which yield far head the early blooms, then stop around the first of
more oil than the striped ones and hence more energy for September to allow seed to form for fall and winter bird
the birds. Most of the multi-stemmed, smaller flowered seed. Used this way, as bird feeders left where they stand,
types have these seeds- and they are very decorative. These you will frequently get volunteers coming up the next year.
multi-stemmed types come in yellow, cream, terra cotta, If you want to collect the seed for human eating (or to save
orangey, dark burgundy, and bicolors with rings of color. seed for planting next year), you will have to beat the birds
They also come in many heights, from the 18 Teddy to them. After the petals fall, wrap the flower head in a
Bear to the towering Sunzilla that can get to be 17 tall. nylon stocking or cheese cloth. When the back of the
The flower shapes vary, too, from the traditional single, to sunflower is brown and dry, cut the head off and bring it
doubles, to ones that have a ring of regular petals around inside for harvest. If wet weather is coming, wait as long
the outside and a fluffy center, to the super full Teddy as possible, then cut the flowers with a foot or two of stem
Bear which is nothing but tightly packed petals. attached and hang them upside down in a well-ventilated
Sunflowers need 120 to 140 growing days to produce area until dry. As with all my plants, I thank them when I
mature seeds. While sunflowers do best when direct seeded cut them for use. Sunflower meats are very high in protein;
into the ground, in some cold areas with short summers they are great ground into baked goods or even used whole
(like my zone 4 garden), it helps to start some inside. in bread or as a bread topping.
Sunflowers are great plants for beginning gardeners and
children as they grow so big and fast. They are great
decorations for solar festivals. If you have a circle in your
garden, they are a good marker for Fire in the South (but
in the vegetable garden, plant them on the north side so
they dont shade the other plants). In some areas, this
flower was used as the symbol of the sun god. Its also a
symbol of protection and success. Those tall varieties are
like sentinels in the garden while the multi-stemmed type
can create a wall of spiritual protection; plant them with
intent when you wish to use them this way, visualizing
them as wards. To internalize their success aspect, eat Take a good look at the flower; the true flowers are those
them while meditating on the way they grow exuberantly thousand little things in the center that will fall off to reveal
and create so many seeds, and apply that image to seeds. They are arranged in a Fibonacci spiral, which math
yourself in whatever area you want success in: lots of has shown to be the most efficient way to get the most items
money, lots of creativity, and lots of love. into a round space- the sunflower can give so much, and its
efficient, too! And who can look at a sunflower and not

~ by Laurie Brown

Herb and Root, Seed and Flower,

Bring to me your Ancient Power.
Growing deep from moon to moon,
Mother hear m ancient tune.
A pinch of this, a pinch of that,
Make magic in my witch's vat!"
Barbara Morris, 2002

Is the Wicca Rede Ethical ~ Continued

However, you are free to do whatever you want. The Harmony Hearth Brooms
ancient Tantric term for this is svecchacharya (pronounced And
svek-cha-car-ee-ya), Sanskrit for The path of doing ones
Will. You are free to do whatever you want, but you are Faancy Hats
responsible for whatever you do.
If I see a child being abused, someone weak or frail
being abused, a woman being raped, someone being bullied,
etc., Im going to stand up to the bully, the abuser or the
rapist. Ill try to stop them without hurting them. However, if I
must, I will use force. That will have a negative impact on my
karma. But Im aware of that and its my choice. In my opinion,
freedom without the awareness of the results of that freedom
is ethically worthless.
So what do you think? Is it time to abandon the
Wiccan Rede and Three-Fold Law as unobtainable and
unrealistic goals? Would moving to the concepts of
svecchacharya make more sense?

* Some New Age writers disagree and claim that there are
Lords of Karma who determine the degree of reward or
punishment for an action based on some sort of mystical or
clairsentient interpretation of your intent. There is no
traditional source that holds this position, nor is there any
traditional understanding of karma indicating that intent
affects the karmic process.

For more information and
pricing please contact Anne
Fairy Incense
The Fairy Folks are also
Incense to attract fairies: particularly fond of
1 part violet flowers rosemary and the incense
1 part rosemary leaves attracts them. Simply burn
1 part rose petals a few dried rosemary
1 part lavender flowers leaves on charcoal.
1 part bluebell flowers ~ by Alena Orrison
3 parts oak bark (information from Anna
3 parts frankincense Franklin/Working with
1 part acacia Fairies)
Few drops of lavender oil
Method: Blend together and burn on
Use when meditating on fairy contact.

Candle Magic for Fairies

Magenta- This is a good candle to burn with other candles when you
need a speedier result.
Yellow- Good for working with the air elemental Fae- bringing quick
changes, mental creativity and developing your mind.
White- calm and peace, spirit guidance, direction
Red- Use with Fire elementals, courage, sexual relations
Gold -Solar Fae, money and prosperity, good luck
Black -good for binding spells.
Blue-ending depression, changes in your spiritual dealings light, use when
working with water faerie and elementals, peace, healing.
Green- good luck, good when working with earth faerie such as
leprechauns, gnomes and elves bringing balance, fertility, quick money
Orange- renewing confidence, changing your luck for the better
Pink- love, healing, emotional matters
(from efairies)
Art: Fairy_Magic_by_Evenstar87
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