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Faculty- FtA

Semester- Fall 2013



1. What was the purpose of the article?
2. What studies did the researchers conduct and what information did they collect to
provide evidence about the topics being studied?
3. What conclusions did the article reach about the current hiring practices of major
global companies?
4. Imagine you are advising an organization that is trying to close the deal with a
candidate (i.e., Step 5 in the article). Based on the evidence presented in the article,
briefly describe what actions you would recommend to the company in order to close
the deal.

Guideline to write the solutions

1. You have to answer all the questions in your case study solutions.
2. Maintain 1.5 line spacing, Font- Times new roman, Size- 12
3. Your case study solutions should not be more than 4 pages in total (excluding cover page)
4. Include a separate cover page, mentioning course details, and most importantly all group
members names, NSU Ids, section.
5. Your group will be marked based on how specifically and accurately you respond to each
question, and how clearly you communicate your responses.
6. Note that it is important that you answer the questions in your own words rather than using
phrases from the article.
7. Total Marks- 10.00 (2.5x 4 questions)

Submission date for Case Study:
o Section 10: Tuesday, 5th Nov, 2013
o Section 4 & 5: Wednesday, 6th Nov, 2013

In addition to hard copy, you have to email your case study.

In case the university remains close due to strikes or other reason in these submission
dates, you will have to submit the case study by email in this due date.
Late submission of case study would be penalized.

Summary: The Definitive Guide to Recruiting in Good Times and Bad

Filed under: Academic, Human Resources ifireball @ 21:09

Summary of The Definitive Guide to Recruiting in Good Times and Bad by Caludio Fernandes-Araoz, Boris Groysberg, and Nitin Nohria published on
Mayy, 2009, Harvard Business Review, page 87 (5)
Faculty- FtA
Semester- Fall 2013

Time of economic crisis provide a company with an opportunity to that advantage of the buyers market and fill in what is missing from their talent
pools. That way they are well-prepared when the recession lifts.

Problems with hiring processes

Many companies hire very poorly from several reasons :
Relying heavily onsubjective personal preferences or on largely unquestioned organizational traditions, often based on false assumptions.
Not defining clear criteria as to which candidate skills and attributes are needed for a particular position
Using inconsistent assessment practices

Steps of the hiring process

Anticipating the need for new hires
Specifying the job
Developing a pool of candidates,
Assessing the candidates
Closing the deal
Integrating the newcomer
Reviewing the effectiveness of the hiring process

Anticipating the need for new hires

Review high-level leadership requirements every two to three years
How many people are needed in what positions?
What qualities are required from those people?
How to look for those people?
What will the organizational structure look like?

Specify the job

Answer the following questions:
What specific capabilities will the job require? do you need an entrepreneur a manage or a leader?
What team-based competencies are needed?
What is needed to fit the organizational culture?

Develop the Pool

Consider the following groups:
inside-outsiders employees that are not bound by the corporate tradition and ideology
outside-insiders someone from the outside who nevertheless knows the organization well

Utilize social network to search for candidates

Assess the Candidates

Three conflicting objectives:
Evaluate the candidate
Sell the position and the organization (to the candidate)
Build organizational consensus WRT the candidates` suitability

Required elements:
The right interviewers (confident, high emotional intelligence)
The right number of interviewers (three is enough)
The right techniques
o Behavioral event interview
o Rigorous, disciplined conversation between the interviewers following the interviews
o Conduct formal reference checks
The right organizational support expose the candidate to key stake holders, the direct boss should make the final call

Close the Deal

Factors that determine candidates acceptance of the job:
The organizational commitment
The job (realistic presentation)
The boss

Integrate the Newcomer

The recruitment process does not end after the deal is closed.
Do at lease one of the following:
Make sure the boss and HR manager check in regularly with each new recruit, just to see if everything is going well
Develop detailed integration plans
Faculty- FtA
Semester- Fall 2013

Assign a mentor

Audit and Review

Evaluate new hires
Find out what happened to other candidates
Find and reward (or hold accountable) those who are best at assessing talent

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