Multiliteracy Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Incorporating

Multiliteracy Theories

Inductive Lesson: Creating phrases using si + imparfait + conditionnel

Grade 9: Extended French

B1.3 Speaking with Fluency: speak with a smooth pace, appropriate

intonation, and accuracy in communications in French (prepared and
spontaneous) about familiar and academic topics, including literary topics.

B2.1 Using speaking interaction strategies: demonstrate an understanding

of appropriate speaking behaviour when interacting with others in a variety of
formal and informal situations

B2.2 Interacting: engage in spoken interactions in French (prepared and

spontaneous), in academic and social contexts, about familiar and academic
topics, including literary topics

Learning Goals: Speaking B1 and B2 categories:

Students can correctly conjugate imparfait verbs.
Students can correctly conjugate conditionnel prsent verbs.
Students can correctly choose between the imparfait and the conditionnel
prsent in a sentence.
Students can form basic hypothetical sentences using si.

Success Criteria: Students will be able to orally construct phrases using si

while correctly using and conjugating imparfait, conditionnel and prsent in the
correct order.

Differentiated Instruction: ELLs

French class provides a unique opportunity for English Language Learners.
Research confirms that any prior language learning experience accelerates
further language learning. While in most classes, the success of ELLs
depends on their knowledge of English, FSL allows ELLs to perform at the
same level as their English-speaking peers. Thus, the differentiated instruction
included in this lesson focuses on learners with IEPs and multi-modal learners.
Hook: Jeopardy! (10-15min)
- Students will conduct a review by playing jeopardy, which consist of an
interactive PowerPoint file. The content of the interactive Jeopardy game on
PowerPoint will consist of review of imparfait and conditionnel prsent verbs.
This game will activate students prior knowledge of the verb content
- The aim of this activity is to practice verb conjugation in imparfait and
conditionnel to enhance proficiency

Conduct of hook:
1. Class divided in groups (size and number at teacher discretion)
2. Every student will have a turn to answer a Jeopardy question.
3. Student will choose a category which are the subject pronouns. The hint will
be in the form of the verb tense and the verb to conjugate.
4. The student is allowed to seek advice from members of their team.

Differentiated Instruction:
This hook is constructed around the ideas of DI since it is both visual and oral,
thereby catering to different learner needs. When answering, students can
work collaboratively with their group or answer individually; this allows them the
freedom of choice in completing the task in association with their individual
preferences and needs. The team size can also be adjusted in accordance to
classroom needs, student ability, and teacher discretion.

Assessment for learning:

The Jeopardy game for the hook is also used to be an assessment for learning.
The hook is to get the students minds ready for learning the new material,
however the lesson is based on the students have the prior knowledge on the
conjugations of the conditional and imperfect verb tenses. Based on the
students performance on the game, the instructor can tailor the lesson to get
the students where they need to be and determine what they need in order to
meet the success criteria.


Phase 1: Examples

After the review, the students will be shown a series of conditional sentences
consisting of si + imparfait + conditionnel prsent. The teacher will ask the
students what do they notice in the following sentences posted in the
PowerPoint. Students will discuss with their class partner to identify the
characteristics of the sentences.

Conditional sentences:
1. Si je gagnais au loto, je ferais le tour du monde.
2. Si nous tions en vacances, nous irions la plage
3. Si jtudiais, jobtiendrais les bonnes notes.
4. Si on faisait de lexercice, on serait en bonne forme.
5. Si nous avions du temps, nous voyagerions beaucoup.
To assist the students use focus question to guide student learning :
quel classe de mots sont les mots souligns? (what type of words are
quel temps de verbes sont les mots en gras? (what are the verb tense
written in bold?)
quel temps de verbes est toujours le premier dans chaque phrase? (What
verb tense is always used first in every sentence?)
quel mot commence chaque phrase? (what word is used at the beginning
of every sentence?)

Phase 2: Examples with blanks

The next PowerPoint slides will show conditional phrases with blanks where
the conjugated verb should be. (either imperfect or conditional). This will be
conducted with the class.

Conditional sentences:
1. Si elle te ___________ argent, achterais-tu une voiture? (donner)
Si elle te donnait argent, achterais-tu une voiture?
2. Si vous faisiez les vaisselles, j_______ au supermarch. (aller)
Si vous faisiez les vaisselles, jirais au supermarch.
3. Si les filles ________ du pain, elles me diraient. (vouloir)
Si les filles voulaient du pain, elles me diraient
On utilise si pour faire une hypothse. Pour exprimer les vnements qui
ne vont pas tre ralis, on utilise limparfait puis le conditionnel prsent pour
dire ce que vous feriez si lvnement tait possible.

Phase 3: Student assessment

Students will be required to complete independently or in pairs a student

worksheet. They are required to conjugate imperfect and conditional present

Compltez les phrases avec limparfait ou conditionnel.

1. Sil ________ content, il ______toute la journe. (tre, rire)
2. Si vous __________ la camera, vous _________une photo. (Avoir,
3. Si tu ____________ ton travail, quest-ce que tu ___________? (perdre,
4. Si je __________ lexamen, nous __________ au restaurant. (Russir,
6. Sil ________ chaud, je ne _________pas. (Faire, dormir)
7. Si vous __________ faim, vous _________ votre sandwich. (Avoir,
8. Sil se ___________, il _________ content. (Se marier, tre)

Differentiated Instruction
Students have the option of working in pairs or individually on this assignment.
Some students might prefer to talk it out with a partner while others are more
comfortable working alone. Students can also seek help with the teacher in
order to receive catered instructions and verbal cues.

Assessment As and For Learning:

In this activity the students will be completing a worksheet either independently
or with their seat partner. This activity is used as a tool for the students to
assess and reflect on their knowledge and understanding. At the end of the
worksheet there will be a self evaluation check-bric that lists the learning goals.
The students will complete this part independently; they will select oui, non,
or un peu (yes, no, or kind of) for each of the learning goals and submit it to
the teacher. The teacher will then use this information to see where each
student is on the understanding, and the students can use this to practice self-
reflection and be aware of their learning.

Students will work in pairs. They will create a conversation consisting of 8
questions and answers. The discussion is based on what are their plans for the
summer. They are required to use the correct sequence using (conjunction +
imperfect verb + conditional verb)

1. Si tu avais une vie idale, quest-ce qui serait diffrent?

Si javais une vie idale, jaurais un petit chien.

2. Sil faisait beau, quest-ce que tu ferais?

Sil faisait beau, jirais au parc.

Differentiated Instruction:
If students have difficulties with oral communication, they will be allowed to
write down their sentences instead of producing them orally. Students that also
have trouble with oral comprehension can work individually with the teacher: he
or she will repeat each question slowly a few times in order to optimize

Assessment of Learning:
This activity is designed so that the students can formulate their own phrases
using what they have learned. The teacher will use this presentation and the
success criteria to determine if the curriculum expectations have been met.

The lesson that our group created involves many different aspects of

multiliteracies while being immersed in overt instruction. Our goal was to make the

lesson as engaging and interesting for the students while incorporating different forms of

literacy as opposed to just reading and writing. Overt instruction is used as in the lesson

as there are examples, and supports used to help the students make sense about what they

are learning. These supports and activities can also be referred to as modes of literacy.

Throughout the lesson the students will be practicing three forms of literacy in

particular; audio, linguistic oral, and linguistic written, thus making it a multimodal

lesson. To hook the students and begin, the whole class will participate in a jeopardy

game. The jeopardy game will be played using the PowerPoint program and will give

students the opportunity to practice their digital literacy skills while using the audio mode

of literacy. Following this activity, the students will read the sentences that are on the

board introducing a new grammar concept and they will have the opportunity to discuss

with their seat partner the various characteristics of the sentences before going over some

as a class. In this case, the mode of literacy and the element for meaning-making is

linguistic as the students will be able to share their thoughts orally. After examples have

been completed, the students will be assessed using the worksheet. The worksheet is an

example of another linguistic mode of literacy however, this time the students will be

able to practice their written skills.

In French classes it is crucial that multi modes of literacy are used so students can

gain proficiency in the listening, speaking, reading, and writing components of the
language. If only one mode of literacy were used, it would hinder the educational

experience of the students and may negatively affect their development of the French

language. For these reasons, a multiliteracies approach is very important.

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