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REE181756 DOI: 10.

2118/181756-PA Date: 23-June-16 Stage: Page: 1 Total Pages: 12

Experimental Analysis of Optimal

Thermodynamic Conditions for
Heavy-Oil/Bitumen Recovery
Considering Effective Solvent Retrieval
Laura Moreno-Arciniegas and Tayfun Babadagli, University of Alberta

Summary compared with coinjection with propane. The results revealed that
Light-hydrocarbon solvent injection is an effective process to the oil recovery was 97 and 86% at the operational conditions of
improve heavy-oil/bitumen recovery from oil sands. In this pro- 3647 C and 1034.211378.95 kPa, respectively; solvent begins
cess, oil production is achieved by gravity drive, which is enhanced the vapor phase. However, experiments performed as a liquid
through the dilution of oil by injected solvent. However, solvent re- phase closer to the dewpoint showed lower oil recovery (84%)
trieval is one of the major economic concerns in defining the viabil- (Butler and Mokrys 1991). They also concluded that liquid pro-
ity of this technique. In this research, a sandpack experimental pane in the solvent chamber is undesirable in terms of solvent re-
study was conducted, and the solvent retrieval was determined on trieval and oil recovery. They also estimated that the propane
the basis of thermodynamic conditions and fluid characterization. retrieval when the experiment was conducted at the vapor phase
Two heavy-oil samples (8.6 API and 10.28 API) from different was 99% whereas the remaining propane was dissolved in the oil.
fields in Alberta, Canada, and four light-hydrocarbon solvents (pro- Later, Haghighat and Maini (2008) studied the effect of the pro-
pane, n-hexane, n-decane, and distillate hydrocarbon) were used in pane solubility in oil recovery at different pressure conditions
this experimental scheme. Results showed that solvent retrieval (750, 814, and 850 kPa). They found that oil-production rate
increases when light-hydrocarbon solvents (propane and distillate declined (from 1.2312 cm3/h to 1.0737 cm3/h) because of the low
hydrocarbon) are used compared with solvent with high molecular solubility of the propane to dilute the oil, and formation damage
weight (n-hexane and n-decane). Temperature and pressure highly caused by asphaltene deposition (Haghighat and Maini 2008).
influenced the solvent retrieval. The percentage of solvent retrieval More recently, Pathak et al. (2012) conducted hot solvent-injection
increased when the hydrocarbon solvent was closer to the vapor experiments with propane and butane as solvents at the operational
phase (dewpoint). However, oil recovery showed significant reduc- conditions of 70 to 112 C and 1030 to 1470 kPa. They concluded
tion when propane and n-hexane were injected because of high as- that operational condition higher than the saturation point
phaltene deposition on the sandpack. The maximum solvent decreases the oil recovery (from 72.1 to 45% in the butane case
retrieval was calculated to be nearly 98% at 120 C and 698.47 kPa and from 83.8 to 53.3% in the propane case) caused by the small
when propane-and-distillate hydrocarbon was used as solvent. For- amount of solvent present in the liquid phase (Pathak et al. 2012).
mation damage, on the other hand, may increase when propane is Solvent retrieval is affected by operational conditions and
used as solvent because of the high asphaltene deposition. crude-oil type. Edmunds et al. (2009) conducted an SC-SAGD
(solvent-cyclic SAGD) genome modeling with propane and
pentane as solvents. They observed that solvent-retention percent-
Introduction age mass is higher with propane (3.9%) than with pentane
Oil recovery from large deposits of heavy oil and bitumen resour- (1.00%), and the oil recovery is approximately 79.3% of oil in
ces is quite challenging because of the high viscosity and low place (OIP). Their study did not include an efficient solvent-scav-
mobility. Conventional primary, secondary, and chemically enging step, and consequently, the final propane retention could
enhanced tertiary methods have been inefficient to recover depos- be reduced by at least half. Peterson et al. (2010) used an opti-
its with higher viscosity and with complex reservoir properties mized genome SC-SAGD model with alkanes (propane and pen-
(Butler and Mokrys 1991). There are generally two types of tech- tane) in a reservoir with basal water. They concluded that the
niques to increase oil mobility by viscosity reduction: first, solvent-retention mass after 7 years is lower with propane (reten-
increase reservoir temperature by injecting hot fluids such as tion mass of 0.4%) than with pentane (retention mass of 2.5%),
steam or by in-situ combustion; second, increase the oil mobility with an approximately 74% of OIP (Peterson et al. 2010).
by diluting the crude oil with a light-hydrocarbon solvent. Solvent Recently, Leyva-Gomez and Babadagli (2014) investigated the
techniques such as SAP (solvent-aided process) and Vapex (vapor temperature effect on solvent retrieval with heptane in core
extraction) have been studied at the laboratory scale, with limited dynamic experiments. They concluded that when the temperature
pilot trials at the field scale (Das and Butler 1994; Edmunds et al. increased from 70 to 100 C at 34.5 kPa, the cumulative solvent
2009). These processes showed an important increment in oil re- retrieval went from 70 to 99% at 100 C, and oil recovery went
covery compared with steam injection alone and additional sup- from 45% of OIP to 50% (Leyva-Gomez and Babadagli 2014).
port of solvent to the reduction of viscosity (Butler and Mokrys As seen through this literature review, the solvent-injection
1991; Butler and Jiang 2000; Edmunds et al. 2009). In any SAPs, process is a complex process because of the high number of pa-
however, solvent retrieval or extraction is a complex process rameters involved (pressure, temperature, solvent type, flow rates,
because of reservoir characteristics, operational conditions, and and reservoir properties). These parameters should be optimally
oil composition, which can have an influence on the final solvent determined to maximize recovery of oil and retrieval of solvent. In
retrieval (Das 2005; Civan 2007; Edmunds et al. 2009). this paper, an experimental methodology that is based on solvent
Butler and Mokrys (1991) implemented heated water and pro- type, oil type, and thermodynamic conditions (pressure and tem-
pane injection into a packet cell. They concluded that water injec- perature) was implemented to determine these optimal conditions.
tion alone did not show significant oil recovery (2124%)

Copyright V
C 2016 Society of Petroleum Engineers Experimental Methodology
Original SPE manuscript received for review 9 May 2015. Revised manuscript received for
This study focused on solvent-retrieval (solvent recovery) analy-
review 25 April 2016. Paper (SPE 181756) peer approved 4 May 2016. sis during solvent injection at variable temperature and pressure

2016 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 1

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REE181756 DOI: 10.2118/181756-PA Date: 23-June-16 Stage: Page: 2 Total Pages: 12

Oil Properties Heavy OilField A Heavy OilField B

S (Saturates, wt%) 14.24 19.45
A (Aromatics, wt%) 38.6 45.6
R (Resins, wt%) 32.66 25.34
A (Asphaltene, wt%) 11.5 9.6
API Gravity at 15C 8.67 10.28
Density at 25C (g/cm ) 1.003 0.9919
Viscosity at 25C (cp) 87,651 20,918

Table 1Heavy-oil properties.

conditions. Two heavy-oil samples from the Alberta, Canada, oil- used for heavy-oil upgrading to transport was provided by a com-
sand fields were selected as representative oil phase (Table 1 and pany in Alberta.
Fig. 1). Propane, n-hexane, n-decane, and a distillate hydrocarbon
(Appendix A, Table A-1) were used as solvents. Solvent injection Equipment. Solvent retrieval and oil-recovery experiments were
was performed with a constant flow-rate syringe pump at a con- performed with a sandpack system combined with a solvent-sepa-
stant rate of 12 cm3/h. Variable temperatures between 25 and ration system (Fig. 2). The sandpack system consists of a core
120 C and pressures between 689.47 and 2068.43 kPa were holder containing homogenized porous medium (glass beads)
tested. During these tests, the solvent-injection temperature was with dimensions of a 13.5-cm length and a 5-cm diameter. The
kept at the same value as in the sandpack. Images of sandpacks glass-bead particle sizes were in the range of 595841 mm (Fig.
were obtained through high-quality photography to review the sat- 2), and the porosity was calculated to be 3840%. This yielded a
uration distribution of oil at the end of experiments, which lasted permeability of approximately 210220 darcies. The core holder
approximately 6 (Field B) to 8 hours (Field A). Moreover, the ini- had one injection and one production point. The solvent injection
tial and final oil compositions as well as formation damage caused was performed with a syringe pump at a constant flow rate. The
by asphaltene deposition were studied for each experiment. pressure and temperature were monitored with a data-acquisition
system, and the backpressure was controlled by a backpressure
Materials valve. At the production point, a separation system was used. This
Heavy-Oil Sample. The properties of two heavy-oil samples system included an asphaltene-precipitation filter, cold-down re-
named Field A and Field B are presented in Table 1 and Fig. 1. frigeration system at 78.5 C (dry ice), and a vacuum-distillation
The saturates, aromatics, resins, and asphaltenes (SARA) analysis apparatus (Compositional Rotary-Evaporator and vacuum pump).
was conducted with the ASTM 2007D, ASTM D2549 and IP 143 After each solvent-injection experiment, the remaining oil and
standards. In addition, the boiling-point distribution was con- asphaltene deposition in the sandpack was determined by cleaning
ducted with the ASTM D7169. The oil properties showed heavy with n-heptane and toluene with a Soxhlet-extraction apparatus.
crude-oil characteristics for Field A compared with the oil Field
B. However, both crude-oil samples had significant amounts of Experimental Procedure
heavy-end oil components. The experimental procedure starts with the sandpack preparation.
The sandpack was prepared in a vertical-position stainless-steel
Solvent Type. Solvent type critically affects the recovery of screen (15 mesh) with an internal diameter of 5 cm and a height
heavy oil (Moreno and Babadagli 2014b). For economic viability, of 13.5 cm. After the screen was ready, the oil sample (40 g) was
the retrieval of solvent is also crucial and should be considered in mixed with the glass beads (160 g) for 10 minutes at 40 C to ho-
the selection of proper solvent type when given operational condi- mogenize the mixture. Next, the mixture [glass beads and oil
tions are selected (Table 2 and Table 3). Therefore, a wide range (200) g] was filled into the stainless-steel screen in a vertical posi-
of solvents is considered in this study. The solvent types and their tion. Then, the sandpack physical model was placed into the core
densities at 25 C are given in Table 2. The purities of the alkanes holder. The injection and production ends were closed, and the
were 99.5 wt% (propane), 99.9 wt% (n-hexane), and 99.6 wt% (n- data-acquisition system was installed. The temperature and pres-
decane). The distillate hydrocarbon (Appendix A, Table A-1) sure were set to the reservoir experimental conditions. After the

80 Oil sample A Oil sample B

Distillate Mass Percentage (wt%)

Components Compositions (wt%)

70 Heavy Oil - Field A
C10 0 0.599
60 Heavy Oil - Field B C11 0.83 0.732
C20 13.48 20.014
50 C25 7.21 10.495
C30 6.48 9.271
C35 5.03 7.038
30 C40 4.21 5.684
C50 5.76 8.062
20 C60 4.18 5.693
C70 2.87 3.887
C80 1.82 2.596
0 C90 1.01 1.477
0 200 400 600 800 C120 7.22 0.686
C120+ 39.9 23.766
Temperature (C) Total mass (wt%) 100 100

Fig. 1Carbon-number distribution and boiling-point distribution of crude oil and vacuum residues (ASTM D7169).

2 2016 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

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REE181756 DOI: 10.2118/181756-PA Date: 23-June-16 Stage: Page: 3 Total Pages: 12

Oven T


Delta P

Production System [Oil and Solvent
Backpressure Dry Ice
[Oil and Solvent C3
Asphaltene in Solvent Distillation by
120 cm3
Solution Solvent-Composition Type
5 cm3
Flow Filtration

Nitrogen Solvent Vacuum


[Oil and Solvent Mixture]

Fig. 2Experimental developed setup: solvent injection, sandpack, and separation system.

3 Solvent-Injection Experimental Results

Solvent Density (g/cm )
Two heavy-oil samples (Table 1 and Fig. 1) and four types of light
Propane 0.00183
hydrocarbon solvents were used during these experiments, as men-
n-Hexane 0.655 tioned earlier. The three types of the solvent are pure alkanes (pro-
n-Decane 0.730 pane, n-hexane, and n-decane), and the other solvent is a mixture
Distillate Hydrocarbon 0.721 of alkanes and aromatic components (distillate hydrocarbon). The
graph given in Appendix A and Table A-1 show the compositional
Table 2Solvent-type density at 25 C at 101.359 kPa. structure of this solvent. To determine the oil recovery and sol-
vent-retrieval percentage at different operating conditions, an ex-
perimental design of 12 experiments was conducted. The
operational conditions were stable, the solvent injection was operational temperatures were from 25 to 120 C and pressures
started at 12 cm3/h [pore volume (PV) of 00.96 cm3/cm3] and from 689.47 ton 2068.43 kPa. These pressure and temperature
continued for 6 to 8 hours. The backpressure valve was set at the ranges were determined on the basis of the operational conditions
reservoir pressure. Oil, asphaltene, and solvent separation system at the particular fields. Field A solvent injection was injected 2
were ready to process fluids during the experiment. The composi- hours longer than Field B because the former has higher crude-oil
tional rotary-evaporator was set, depending on the type of fluid to molecular components than Field B (Table 1 and Fig. 1).
be distillated; the system was controlled by solvent composition
to prevent additional components from evaporating from the
crude oil. Solvent Retrieval. The solvent-retrieval (solvent recovery)
After the experiments, a visual qualitative inspection of glass measurements were performed at different operational conditions
beads was conducted immediately to prevent or reduce the solvent and heavy-oil samples. The mixture of produced fluids was cooled
evaporation or sandpack-compactness changes. However, for the down from 4 to 78.5 C to condense all the produced gas to
propane case, solvent evaporation was present because the vapor avoid solvent evaporation, especially when the experiments were
phase was present at room conditions. In this case, the sample conducted at elevated temperatures. The propane-retrieval calcu-
compactness was taken into consideration to visualize the solvent lation through laboratory testing was challenging because of gas
retrieval. In addition, a visualization of the final propane and dis- phase at atmospheric conditions. For the propane case, the pro-
tillate hydrocarbon sandpack samples was performed with a scan- duced fluid was cooled down with dry ice at 78.5 C.
ning-electron-microscopy (S-3000N-SEM) dual beam system Figs. 3 and 4 show an increment of solvent retrieval when
(NB5000-FIB/SEM). temperature increases from 25 C to 120 C at 689.472068.43

Solvent-Type Density (g/cm ) by Operational Conditions
Propane n-Hexane n-Decane Distillate Hydrocarbon
689.47 kPa 2068.43 kPa 689.47 kPa 2068.43 kPa 689.47 kPa 2068.43 kPa 689.47 kPa 2068.43kPa
25C 0.016 0.496 0.658 0.659 0.728 0.729 0.713 0.715
50C 0.014 0.446 0.632 0.634 0.706 0.708 0.688 0.690
120C 0.011 0.036 0.560 0.564 0.652 0.654 0.623 0.626
()78.5C at 0.5814
101.3529 kPa

Table 3Density by solvent type at each experimental operational condition, calculated with Aspen Hysys (2015) 8.8 software.

2016 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 3

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REE181756 DOI: 10.2118/181756-PA Date: 23-June-16 Stage: Page: 4 Total Pages: 12

100 100
95 95
90 90
% Solvent Retrieval (g/g)

% Solvent Retrieval (g/g)

85 85
80 80
75 75
70 70
65 65
Field A_Propane at 689.47 kPa Field B_Propane at 689.47 kPa
60 60
55 Field A_Propane at 2068.43 kPa Field B_Propane at 2068.43 kPa
50 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

100 100
95 95

% Solvent Retrieval (g/g)

% Solvent Retrieval (g/g)

85 85
80 80
75 75
70 70
65 65
Field A_n-Hexane at 689.47 kPa Field B_n-Hexane at 689.47 kPa
60 60
Field A_n-Hexane at 2068.43 kPa 55 Field B_n-Hexane at 2068.43 kPa
50 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

100 100
95 95
% Solvent Retrieval (g/g)
% Solvent Retrieval (g/g)

90 90
85 85
80 80
75 75
70 70
65 65 Field B_n-Decane at 689.47 kPa
60 Field A_n-Decane at 689.47 kPa 60
Field B_n-Decane at 2068.43 kPa
55 Field A_n-Decane at 2068.43 kPa 55
50 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

100 100
95 95
90 90
% Solvent Retrieval (g/g)

% Solvent Retrieval (g/g)

85 85
80 80
75 75
70 70
65 65 Field B_Distillate Hydrocarbon at 689.47 kPa
Field A_Distillate Hydrocarbon at 689.47 kPa
60 60
Field B_Distillate Hydrocarbon at 2068.43 kPa
55 Field A_Distillate Hydrocarbon at 2068.43 kPa 55
50 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

Fig. 3Field A and Field B: solvent-retrieval mass (g/g) percentage.

kPa. In the propane case, the solvent-retrieval increment was 4.3 explain the solvent-retrieval increment when the temperature is
wt% at 689.476 kPa and 17 wt% at 2068.43 kPa for both samples. elevated.
As shown in Table 3, the density of the propane decreases when In terms of pressure, the propane case showed that the solvent
the experimental temperature increases from 0.016 g/cm3 at 25 C retrieval was decreased at higher pressures. This may be an effect
to 0.011 g/cm3 at 120 C and at 689.47 kPa, and from 0.496 g/cm3 of the higher density values (Table 3) at 25 C and 50 C at
at 25 C to 0.036 g/cm3 at 120 C and at 2068.43 kPa. These results 2068.43 kPa, which decreases the solvent-free pathway caused by

4 2016 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

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4200 4200
Field A Oil Recovery Dewpoint, Propane Field B Oil Recovery Dewpoint, Propane
3900 3900
Field A Solvent Retrieval Field B Solvent Retrieval
3600 3600

3300 3300


Liquid Phase

3000 Liquid Phase 3000

2700 79.69% 2700 63.97%
Pressure (Kpa)

Pressure (Kpa)
93.75% 81.14%
2400 87.5% 2400 94.79%
2100 82.15% 85.89%
1800 1800 78.12%
1500 Vapor Phase Vapor Phase
1200 1200
900 900
600 75.15% 73.97% 65.19% 74.43% 61.27%
600 82.16%
91.6% 93.75% 95.83% 93.75%
300 300 92.70% 97.91%
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

4200 4200
Dewpoint-PT-n-Hexane Dewpoint-PT-n-Hexane
3900 Field A Oil Recovery 3900 Field B Oil Recovery
3600 Field A Solvent Retrieval 3600 Field B Solvent Retrieval
3300 3300
Liquid Phase Liquid Phase
3000 3000
2700 2700
Pressure (Kpa)

Pressure (Kpa)
2400 91.92%



89.24% 90.58%

2100 2100 81.25%

90.04% 82.29%

1800 1800


1500 1500 66.67%


1200 1200 89.56%
89.08% 83.33% Vapor Phase 88.23%
900 900 85.41%
79.16% 76.09%
600 600 Vapor Phase
81.8% 85.30%
300 71.87% 300
0 0
20 50 80 110 140 170 200 230 260 290 320 350 20 50 80 110 140 170 200 230 260 290 320 350
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

4200 4200
3900 Dewpoint-PT-n-Decane Dewpoint-PT-n-Decane Field B Oil Recovery
Field B Solvent Retrieval
3600 Field A Oil Recovery 3600
3300 Field A Solvent Retrieval 3300
3000 3000
Pressure (Kpa)

Pressure (Kpa)

85.81% 85.79%
2400 2400
62.5% 66.66%
2100 90.62% 93.43% 2100 90.75% 90.56%


1800 75.94% 76.04% 70.83% 77.05%



1500 1500 Liquid Phase
Liquid Phase 85.79%
1200 92.76% 1200
90.38% 71.87%
900 78.12% 900
600 600 90.56%
84.82% 88.54% Vapor Phase
300 Vapor Phase 300 82.29%
67.7% 75.00%
0 0
20 50 80 110 140 170 200 230 260 290 320 350 20 50 80 110 140 170 200 230 260 290 320 350
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

4000 Dewpoint Boiling point 4000 Dewpoint Boiling point

Critical point
Critical point Field B Oil Recovery
3500 Field A Oil Recovery 3500
Field B Solvent Retrieval
Field A Solvent Retrieval
3000 3000

Pressure (Kpa)

Pressure (Kpa)

2500 95.87% 2500 95.83%
95.83% 88.54%
82.29% 90.63%
2000 2000
92.51% 93.91%
77.08% 81.25%
1500 1500
95.38% 94.92% 1000 97.91%
1000 91.66%
500 Distillate
500 92.69%
91.01% Distillate
85.79% 85.41%
20 50 80 110 140 170 200 230 260 290 320 350 20 50 80 110 140 170 200 230 260 290 320 350

Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

Fig. 4Phase envelope, oil recovery wt%, and solvent-retrieval wt% for Field A and Field B with propane, n-hexane, n-decane
(pure components), and distillate hydrocarbon (mixture hydrocarbons).

the propane-phase changes from vapor to liquid. In addition, obtained compared with propane cases. In the n-hexane case of
crude oil and solvent solubility may decrease because of higher Oil Field A, the solvent retrieval increased 12 wt% from 25 to
asphaltene flocculation at lower temperatures (Hilderbrand and 120 C at 689.47 kPa and 16 wt% at 2068.43 kPa. For Oil Field B,
Scott 1964; Hirschberg et al. 1984; Andersen and Speight 1999). the solvent retrieval increased 10 wt% when temperature was
In the cases of n-hexane, n-decane, and distillate solvents, sol- increased from 25 to 120 C at 689.47 kPa and 16 wt% at 2068.43
vent-retrieval results showed that lower solvent retrieval is kPa. In the n-decane case, in Oil Field A, the solvent retrieval

2016 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 5

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Distillate Mass Percentage (wt%)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature (C)
Oil Recovery after Propane Injection Oil Recovery after n-Hexane Injection
Oil Recovery after n-Decane Injection Oil Recovery after Distillate Hydrocarbon Injection
Heavy Oil - Field A

Distillate Mass Percentage (wt%)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature (C)

Oil Recovery after Propane Injection Oil Recovery after n-Hexane Injection
Oil Recovery after n-Decane Injection Oil Recovery after Distillate Hydrocarbon Injection
Heavy Oil - Field B

Fig. 5Higher-temperature simulated distillation (ASTM D7169) from the oil recovery at 508C and 2068.43 kPa.

increased 10 wt% from 25 to 120 C at 689.47 kPa and 14 wt% at lighter oil. In Figs. 3 and 4, a higher solvent retrieval took place
2068.43 kPa; in Oil Field B , the solvent retrieval increased 12 when the crude oil (Field B) has lower viscosity caused by the in-
wt% from 25 to 120 C at 689.47 kPa and 11 wt% at 2068.43 kPa. crement of the diffusion coefficient at lower viscosity and to the
Overall, the n-hexane and n-decane results show that tempera- higher solubility in the mixture because lower asphaltenes were
ture increments increase the solvent retrieval, but pressure incre- presented in the solution. Table 1 and Fig. 1 show that Oil Com-
ments have less effect on the final solvent retrieval compared with position A has lower distillate mass percentage (60 wt% at
the propane case. This effect can be explained by less-density 730 C), lower API gravity (8.67 API), higher oil viscosity
changes present on the n-hexane and n-decane compared to the (8,761cp at 25 C), and higher asphaltene (11.5 wt%) and resin
propane case (Table 3). In addition, as the degree of conversion in (32.66 wt%) compositions compared with Oil Composition B,
a thermal process increases, the solubility power of the medium which has distillate mass percentage of 76 wt% at 710 C, gravity
toward the heavy and polar molecules decreases because of the of 10.28 API, viscosity of 20,918 cp and, asphaltene and resins
formation of saturated products (Speight 1999). percentages of 9.6 wt% and 25.34 wt%, respectively.
In the distillate hydrocarbon case, in Oil Field A, the solvent Figs. 3 and 4 display that Field Sample A has lower solvent-re-
retrieval increases 3 wt% from 25 to 120 C at 689.47 kPa and trieval values compared to the Field B. The previous analysis
13.63 wt% at 2068.43 kPa; in Oil Field B , the solvent retrieval explains the difference between the oil composition and the im-
increases 12.5 wt% from 25 to 120 C at 689.47 kPa and 14% at portance of viscosity in the oil mobility caused by molecular dif-
2068.43 kPa. The higher increment of the solvent retrieval from fusion and gravity drainage, which are the two physicochemical
Oil Field A and Oil Field B can be attributed to the oil composi- mechanisms that take place during this process (Butler and
tions of the samples and particular solvent composition of the dis- Mokrys 1989; Butler and Jiang 2000; Das 2005). In the Vapex
tillate solvent (Appendix A), which contains aromatics and n- process, solvent dilutes the oil, and then the upgraded oil drains
alkanes components, which increase the solubility of the oil sam- down to production well by gravity. Das and Butler (1994) sug-
ple. The aromatic components in the solvent also reduce the as- gested that the use of vaporized solvent yields a higher driving
phaltene deposition on the sandpack sample. force in gravity drainage caused by a higher density change
In terms of the four solvent types, propane and distillate hydro- between heavy oil bitumen and solvent vapor, and also guarantees
carbon show higher solvent retrieval at lower pressure and higher that the remaining amount of solvent in the extracted reservoir
temperature values. The reason why distillate hydrocarbon shows will be less than with liquid solvents.
higher solvent retrieval compared with n-hexane and n-decane is Oil composition also influences the final oil recovery, and oil
caused by the high-solubility influence of the toluene, p-xylene, recovery can also influence the solvent retrieval caused by oil
and benzene on the distillate components. trapping in the porous medium. Crude-oil upgrading with a
lighter-hydrocarbon solvent increases the oil-viscosity reduction
Influence of the Oil Composition on Solvent Retrieval. caused by the asphaltene precipitation and oil dilution. In Fig. 5,
Solvent retrieval was affected by oil composition, which shows the simulated distillation of the four fluid types after solvent injec-
higher solvent retrieval when the crude oil was deasphalted with tions shows that oil deasphalted with propane showed higher
light-hydrocarbon components. Consequently, crude-oil quality distillation mass percentage (77 wt%, Field A) compared with
and mobility improved because of sample upgrading for the n-decane (70 wt%, Field A). In addition, the upgrading oil with

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Oil RecoverySARAAfter Solvent Injection (ASTM D2007, IP-143, and D2549) at 50C and 2068.43 kPa
SARA (wt%) Propane n-Hexane n-Decane Distillate Hydrocarbon
Saturates 50.19 34.25 34.98 37.12
Aromatics 29.47 40.72 40.1 36.19
Resin 13.34 16.53 15.72 15.69
Asphaltene 7 8.5 9.2 11
Total 100 100 100 100
Oil RecoveryViscosityAfter Solvent Injection at 50C and 2068.43 kPa
Field A -Viscosity (cp at 25C) 2,598 7,005 7,862 Not measured
Field B -Viscosity (cp at 25C) 1,399 1,428 1,505 3,174

Table 4Oil Field A quality after deasphalting process (Moreno and Babadagli 2014a, b).

propane showed lower asphaltene mass percentage and viscosity type, solvent-injection ratio, and operational conditions (Speight
reduction compared with the other solvents (Table 4). However, 1999). Asphaltene deposition may increase when light-hydrocar-
asphaltene can be deposited in the porous medium. Earlier studies bon solvents with lower density and molecular weight are used
concluded that there are two main critical zones where asphaltene (Speight 1999; Salama and Kantzas 2005; Moreno and Babadagli
can significantly reduce the oil recovery: near the injection and 2014a, b). Moreno and Babadagli (2014a, b; 2015) confirmed that
production wells (Papadimitriou et al. 2007; James et al. 2007; higher formation damage occurs with propane and n-hexane com-
Moghadam et al. 2007; Haghighat and Maini 2008; Moreno and pared with distillate hydrocarbon and n-decane. They also added
Babadagli 2015) (Fig. 6). Moreno and Babadagli (2015) investi- that the organic deposition by solvent injection (propane) is one
gated, under the FIB/SEM, the surface roughness of the glass of the main variables to decrease oil production.
beads after organic deposition. They concluded that the roughness/ In the preceding section, the results showed that solvent re-
thickness upper limits for the injection, middle, and production trieval will be higher in case of propane than with n-hexane or n-
points are 4.167, 0.898, and 0.167 mm for the propane case and decane. Moreover, propane is an excellent upgrader solvent
0.554, 0.367, and 0.103 mm for the distillate hydrocarbon case. because the viscosity reduction caused by asphaltene precipitation
Fig. 4 shows the effect of these four solvents on heavy-oil Re- is considerably high. Thus, the increment in the oil production is
covery A and B. They concluded that, for the propane case of significant. But, asphaltene deposition is a big problem with pro-
Field A at lower temperature (2550 C), oil recovery reaches pane (Figs. 6 and 7). Consequently, oil production starts to
82.15%. The recovery is 69.01% at a higher temperature (120 C). decrease gradually (Moreno and Babadagli 2014a, b). Formation
This is because the solubility of propane decreases at elevated damage with propane may not be observed in the beginning stage,
temperatures (Hilderband and Scott 1964; Moreno and Babadagli but asphaltene precipitation depends on the contact time. Conse-
2014a, b, 2015). Similarly, Pathak et al. (2012) showed that the quently, remaining solvent may increase the possibility of precipi-
recovery decreases when temperature is much higher than the sat- tation and deposition of asphaltenes in the reservoir.
uration temperature of the solvent. They attributed this to smaller On the other hand, n-decane and distillate hydrocarbon showed
amount of solvent present in the liquid (oil) (Pathak et al. 2012). significant oil recovery. However, only distillate hydrocarbon
Fig. 4 shows the oil-recovery percentage at different pressure increased the oil recovery and solvent retrieval. In previous stud-
and temperature with four types of light-hydrocarbon solvents. ies, Moreno and Babadagli (2014a, b; 2015) concluded that distil-
The higher recovery values (95%) were obtained with distillate late hydrocarbon increased the solubility of the asphaltenes in the
hydrocarbon as solvent compared with propane, n-hexane, and n- produced fluid. Consequently, most of the asphaltenes are in the
decane. However, n-hexane and n-decane showed significant oil production fluid, and the amount of asphaltenes left in the core
recovery at elevated temperatures. Propane also showed signifi- (sandpack) is less than 1%. Thus, formation damage is not signifi-
cant oil recovery but at lower temperatures; however, the forma- cant when distillate hydrocarbon is used as solvent (Moreno and
tion damage would be higher with propane than with the other Babadagli 2014a, b).
solvents because of more-severe asphaltene deposition (Moreno
and Babadagli 2014a, b; 2015). Quantitative Physical Visualization After Solvent Injection.
In comparing solvent retrieval and oil recovery for all the The physical visualization of the four solvents was performed after
cases, the ideal condition to inject solvent can be suggested as each experiment (Fig. 8). This information provided insight into
50 C and 2068.43 kPa for the propane and distillate cases and the dryness or humidity of the sandpack at different temperature
120 C and 2068.43 kPa for n-hexane and n-decane cases (Figs. 3 and pressure conditions. The experimental calculations given in
and 4). On the other hand, in considering the other factors affect- Figs. 1 through 4 can be cross checked with this visual data. Paper
ing the selection process such as formation damage caused by as- towels were used to review the solvent and live-oil adsorption. A
phaltene precipitation and operation cost, low temperature and light-brown color on the paper towel was considered to indicate a
pressure case (50 C and 689.41 kPa) can be an initial considera- considerable presence of solvent and maltenes.
tion for a specific project while starting an optimization work. In addition, an uncompacted glass-bead sample was observed
to have high humidity. This type of sample contained a con-
Solvent Retrieval and Formation Damage. Solvent retrieval is siderable amount of remaining solvent, particularly n-hexane
extremely important for the economic viability of any solvent- and n-decane, at low experimental temperatures and low pres-
injection process. Solvent selection, however, may not only sures. However, a compacted glass-bead pack was mostly dry,
depend on solvent retrieval but also on the formation damage (as- especially for propane and distillate hydrocarbon solvents at
phaltene deposition). By definition, asphaltenes are a solubility higher experimental temperatures and lower pressures. This
class that precipitated from petroleum by addition of paraffinic indicates that the solvent retention was lower. In other words, sol-
hydrocarbon (Speight 1999). Asphaltene composition is complex; vent in vapor phase or closer to the dewpoint showed lower sol-
the asphaltene precipitation depends on contact time, solvent vent retention.

2016 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 7

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Field A_Deasphalted with Propane
Field A_Deasphalted with n-Hexane
35 Field A_Deasphalted with n-Decane

Cumulative Oil Recovery (cm3/hr)

Field A_Deasphalted with Distillate Hydrocarbon





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pore Volume Injected (cm3/cm3)

Fig. 6Organic deposition studied for the sandpack Field A after injecting propane and distillate hydrocarbon as solvents at 508C
and 2068.43 kPa.The pictures were conducted in the SEM dual beam system (S-300N-SEM, NB5000-FIB/SEM) and focused-ion
beam (FIB).

Conclusions from vapor to liquid. In the cases of n-hexane, n-decane, and dis-
This study evaluated the solvent-retrieval effect when oil compo- tillate hydrocarbon at the higher experimental temperatures and
sition, solvent types, and operational conditions were altered. On pressure change, the vapor phase was never reached; hence, the
the basis of the studies, the present investigation suggests using density changes were minimal compared with the propane cases.
distillate hydrocarbon at lower pressure and high temperatures for Solvent type also affects the solvent-retrieval percentage. The
crude-oil reservoirs with high-viscosity and high-asphaltene per- experimental results showed that when a light-hydrocarbon sol-
centages. The observations confirm the following conclusions: vent (propane) was injected, the solvent-retrieval percentage
Propane and distillation hydrocarbon show significant solvent- increased more than in the n-hexane and n-decane cases. How-
retrieval percentage of up to nearly 98% at 50120 C at ever, in the distillate-hydrocarbon case, the solvent retrieval
689.472068.43 kPa, compared with n-hexane and n-decane, was observed to be comparable to that of the propane case
which only achieved 8085% at the highest temperatures. because of the strong effect of the distillate-hydrocarbon com-
Solvent retrieval was observed to increase when temperature position (aromatics and n-alkanes). In this case, the distillate-
was increased from 25 to 120 C at 689.472068.43 kPa. This hydrocarbon solubility will always be higher than in the pro-
could be attributed to the viscosity and density reduction when pane case.
the temperature increases. In addition, on the basis of composi- Formation damage has always been a concern when a light-
tional (and phase) changes when temperature increases, oil mo- hydrocarbon solvent is injected. This study and our previous
bility might change and mass transfer could occur caused by studies have shown that propane increases the risk to have
this change in composition. higher asphaltene deposition in the injection, middle, and pro-
Solvent-retrieval pressure was observed to be critical. This is duction points compared with the other three solvents. How-
especially true for the propane cases; the solvent retrieval was ever, this research concluded that a mixture of hydrocarbons
affected by the solvent phases changes; higher pressure change may reduce the risk of asphaltene deposition into the reservoir
showed lower solvent extraction caused by the phase changes by keeping asphaltene in the solution.

deposition after
propane injection Injection point Middle point Production point

Asphaltene precipitated
From the SARA (Table 4)

Organic deposition
after distillate
injection Injection point Middle point Production point

Fig. 7Cumulative oil recovery by solvent PV injected at 508C and 2068.43 kPa.

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Field A Propane Field A n-Hexane Field A n-Decane Field A Distillate Hydrocarbon

25C 689.47 kPa 120C 689.47 kPa 50C 689.47 kPa 120C 689.47 kPa 25C 689.47 kPa 120C 689.47 kPa 25C 689.47 kPa 120C 689.47 kPa



25C 2068.43 kPa 120C 2068.43 kPa 50C 2068.43 kPa 120C 2068.43 kPa 25C 2068.43 kPa 120C 2068.43 kPa 25C 2068.43 kPa 120C 2068.43 kPa


Field B Propane Field B n-Hexane Field B n-Decane Field B Distillate Hydrocarbon

25C 689.47 kPa 120C 689.47 kPa 25C 689.47 kPa 120C 689.47 kPa 25C 689.47 kPa 120C 689.47 kPa 25C 689.47 kPa 120C 689.47 kPa


25C 2068.43 kPa 120C 2068.43 kPa 25C 2068.43 kPa 20C 2068.43 kPa 25C 2068.43 kPa 120C 2068.43 kPa 25C 2068.43 kPa 120C 2068.43 kPa



Fig. 8Sandpack Field A and Field B at 251208C and 689.472068.43 kPa.

Acknowledgments Butler, R. and Mokrys, I. J. 1989. Solvent Analog Model of Steam-

This research was conducted under the second authors NSERC Assisted Gravity Drainage. AOSTRA J. Res. 5: 1732.
Industrial Research Chair in Unconventional Oil Recovery (indus- Butler, R. and Mokrys, I. 1991. A New Process (VAPEX) for Recovering
trial partners are CNRL, Suncor, Touchstone Exploration, Sherritt Heavy Oils Using Hot Water and Hydrocarbon Vapour. J Can Pet
Oil, Pemex, Husky Energy, and Apex Engineering) and an Technol 30 (1): 97106. SPE-91-01-09-PA.
NSERC Discovery Grant (No: RES0011227). 91-01-09-PA.
Butler, R. and Jiang, Q. 2000. Improved Recovery of Heavy Oil by Vapex
With Widely Spaced Horizontal Injectors and Producers. J Can Pet
References Technol 39 (1): 4856. SPE-00-01-04-PA.
Aspen Hysys. 2015. Assay management software, version 8.8. http:// 01-04-PA. Civan, F. 2007. Formation Damage by Organic Deposition. In Reservoir
Andersen, S. I. and Speight, J. G. 1999. Thermodynamic Models for As- Formation Damage, second edition, 468521. Oxford, USA: Gulf Pro-
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and Engineering 22: 5366. Das, S. and Butler, R. 1994. Effect of Asphaltene Deposition on the Vapex
00057-6. Process: A Preliminary Investigation Using a Hele-Shaw Cell. J Can

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10.2118/94-06-06-PA. cjce.v93.4/issuetoc.
Das, S. 2005. Diffusion and Dispersion in the Simulation of Vapex Pro- Papadimitriou, N., Romanos, G., Charalambopoulou, G. et al. 2007. Ex-
cess. Presented at the SPE/PS-CIM/CHOA, Calgary, 13 November. perimental Investigation of Asphaltene Deposition Mechanism During
SPE-97924-MS. Oil Flow in Core Samples. J. Petr. Sci. and Eng. 57: 281293. http://
Edmunds, N., Moini, B., and Peterson, J. 2009. Advanced Solvent-Addi-
tive processes Via Genetic Optimization. Presented at the Canadian Pathak, V., Babadagli, T., and Edmunds, N. R. 2012. Mechanics of Heavy Oil
International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, 1618 June. SPE-2009- and Bitumen Recovery by Hot Solvent Injection. SPE Res Eval & Eng 15
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Temperature and Pressure on Asphaltene Flocculation. SPE J. 24 (3): 13 November. SPE-97854-MS.
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Heavy Oils in Canada. Presented at the Canadian International Petro-
leum Conference, Calgary, 1214 June. SPE-2007-200-MS. http://
Appendix A
Leyva-Gomez, H. and Babadagli, T. 2014. Optimal Application Condi- Distillate-hydrocarbon composition analysis (Figs. A-1 and A-2).
tions of Steam-Solvent Injection for Heavy Oil/Bitumen Recovery
From Fractured Reservoirs: An Experimental Approach. Presented at
the SPE International Heavy Oil Conference and Exhibition, Mangaf,
Kuwait, 810 December. SPE-172901-MS. y = 0.0099x + 0.0032
Relative Molar Response

172901-MS. 2 R = 0.999
Moghadam, S., Nobakht, M., and Gu, Y. 2007. Permeability Effects in a
Vapor Extraction (VAPEX) Heavy Oil Recovery Process. Presented at
the Petroleum Society 8th Canadian Petroleum Conference, Calgary,
1214 June. CIPC 2007-095.
Moreno, L. and Babadagli, T. 2014a. Asphaltene Precipitation, Floccula- 1
tion and Deposition During Solvent Injection at Elevated Tempera-
tures for Heavy Oil Recovery. Fuel 124 (202). 0.5
Moreno, L. and Babadagli, T. 2014b. Quantitative and Visual Characteri-
zation of Asphaltenic Components of Heavy-Oil After Solvent Interac- 0
tion at Different Temperatures and Pressures. Fluid Phase Equilibria 0 50 100 150 200 250
366 (74). Molecular Weight
Moreno, L. and Babadagli, T. 2015. Multilayer Organic Deposition on the
Rock Surface With Different Wettabilities During Solvent Injection Fig. A-1Composition ASTM D3710 quantitative-calibration
for Heavy-Oil Recovery. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engi- mix.

Distillate Hydrocarbon Solvent
Distillated Volumen Percentage (% vol)


Cut-Point Report ASTM D7096 -10
60 Cn TBP (C) % Vol
C5 36 20.53
50 C6 69 14.18
C7 98 16.18
C8 126 14.51
40 C9 151 9.71
C10 174 7.66
30 C11 196 8.25
C12 216 5.68
C13 235 2.72
20 C13+ > 235 0.57


10 40 90 140 190 240
Temperature (C)

Fig. A-2Distillate-volume percentage of a distillate hydrocarbon with ASTM D7096-10.

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Propane i-Butane n-Butane









STH 1.00


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Index Name Time (minutes) Area (V.Min) Quantity (%)

1 Propane 0.9 148.9 0
2 i-Butane 0.97 27352.7 0.24
3 n-Butane 1.03 170397.1 1.49
4 i-Pentane 1.26 857039.2 7.52
5 n-Pentane 1.39 932757.9 8.28
10 2-methylpentane 1.88 537681.2 4.89
12 n-Hexane 2.17 590454.3 5.44
13 24-dimethylpentane 2.41 320599.1 2.85
20 n-Heptane 3.21 350841.8 3.12
26 Toluene 3.82 271307.6 2.01
33 n-Octane 4.32 250516.6 2.22
41 p-Xylene 4.95 218105.5 1.62
52 n-Propylbenzene 5.91 89154.8 0.7
58 n-Decane 6.42 165541.8 1.45
64 n-Butylbenzene 6.94 110830.7 0.88
84 n-Dodecane 8.33 32686.7 0.29
95 n-Tridecane 9.18 18749.6 0.17
106 n-Tetradecane 9.93 3759.4 0.03
111 n-Pentadecane 10.65 1747.3 0.02

Table A-1Quantitative-response factor for the distillate-hydrocarbon solvent with ASTM D709610.

Appendix BMaterial Balance % solvent retrieval

1. Crude oil: produced volume  qoperational condition =

% oil recovery injected oil g  produced oil g= injected volume  qoperational condition   100

injected oilg  100      B-1                    B-3

*Produced oil without solvent. Solvent left in the oil sample

was distillated. where q density, produced volume cm3, injected
2. Residual oil (maltenes and asphaltenes): volume cm3.

% Sor residual oil into the sandpak g=

injected oil g  100          B-2 Laura Moreno-Arciniegas is a steam-assisted-gravity-drainage
facilities engineer with Cenovus Energy in Calgary, Canada.
The residual oil saturation (Sor) was obtained after cleaning Previously, she worked for Ecopetrol Colombia as a reservoir
the sandpack in a Soxhlet extraction system with pure tolu- engineer and process engineer, and for the University of
Alberta. Arciniegas current main area of interest is enhanced
ene to dissolve the residual oil (maltenes and asphaltenes). oil recovery that is based on thermal methods for the improve-
The sample obtained in the flask, which is the mixture of ment of unconventional oil recovery. She holds a BSc degree
toluene and residual oil, was distillated with the rotary- in chemical engineering from the Industrial University of
evaporator equipment. The residual oil was calculated on Santander in Bucaramanga, Colombia, and an MSc degree
the basis of the final amount left in the flask. in petroleum engineering with specialization in reservoir engi-
3. Solvent retrieval by density correction (Table 2): neering from the University of Alberta, Canada.

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Tayfun Babadagli is a professor in the Civil and Environmental tration. Babadagli holds BS and MS degrees from Istanbul
Engineering Department, School of Mining and Petroleum En- Technical University and MS and PhD degrees from the Univer-
gineering, at the University of Alberta, where he holds an sity of Southern California, all in petroleum engineering. He
NSERC-Industrial Research Chair in Unconventional Oil Recov- was an executive editor for SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engi-
ery. Babadagli previously served on the faculty at Istanbul neering (Formation Evaluation part) between 2010 and 2013
Technical University, Turkey, and Sultan Qaboos University, and an associate editor of ASME J. of Energy Resources Tech-
Oman. His areas of interest include modeling fluid and nology between 2011 and 2014. Babadagli received SPEs A
heat flow in heterogeneous and fractured reservoirs, reservoir Peer Apart Award in 2013, was elected an SPE Distinguished
characterization through stochastic and fractal methods, Member in 2013, and was an SPE Distinguished Lecturer in
optimization of oil/heavy-oil recovery by conventional/uncon- 20132014. He is currently a member of the JPT Editorial
ventional enhanced-oil-recovery methods, and CO2 seques- Committee.

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