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Gratitude is not a thing of expression it is move a matter of

feeling. It is and has been my feeling since long. But I shall be shirking
my duty it. I do not extend my thanks to my esteemed guide and
revered guide Dr. K.C. Arora, Professor & Head, Department of
Mechanical Engg., M.I.T.S., Gwalior (M.P.). I have no words of
expressions, and do not know how adequately to express my deep
veneration and profound gratitude to him for his kind academic
discussion. He has trimmed and adorned every line of this work. The
completion of my thesis could not have been possible without his
inspiration and guidance.
I am deeply grateful to Prof. Vikas V. Shinde, Co-Guide &
Lecturer Deptt. of Mechanical Engg. M.I.T.S. Gwalior, for valuable
guidance and inspirational advice at the appropriate moments.
I also extend deep thanks to All the Faculty Members of
Department of Mechanical Engineering, M.I.T.S., Gwalior for helping me
academically and for all the support and help they gave me.
I owe special gratitude to Mr. K.D. Arora, (AGM T & D, Bokaro
Steel Plant) Mr. M.K.Sinha (DGM ,T & D, Bokaro Steel Plant) & Mr.
J.P. Singh (AGM Plant Design, Bokaro Steel Plant) for providing the
necessary help during the Training at Bokaro.
I am deeply grateful to Mr. Ranjan Banik (Manager T & D,
Bokaro Steel Plant) and Mr. S.K. Jha (Asstt. Manager,T & D, Bokaro
Steel Plant), for providing the necessary facilities for carrying out this
work and inspirational advice at the appropriate moments.
My special thanks to Dr. D.D. Agarwal (Director, Institute of
Engineering, Jiwaji University, Gwalior) for moral support and all the
facilities and help gave me for completing this work.

I shall be failing in my duty, if don’t express my heartfelt gratitude

to Lt. Col. R.K. Saxena for his continual interest in the project
and also for his helpful suggestions, guidance and Inspiration
throughout work.
I also extend deep thanks to my friend Mr. Shatrughan
Shrivastava (Assistant Manager, Bokaro Steel Plant)
being stay in Bokaro and helping me academically and for all the moral
support and facilities he gave me.
Time and work alone are not the only parts of research; its
completion needs spiritual support. For this I thank my family
members for their support, encouragement & co-operation during the
time of working throughout dissertation.
To my Mamma and Papa, my debt is already large. They stood
by me unconditionally, support me in every way they could. The only
way in which I can express my gratitude, however inadequately, is by
dedicating this dissertation to them.
Now, at this time I had never imagined when I will express my
gratitude, one who was the constant source of inspiration in my life
would be no more.
Last but not least, I also thanks to all who supports me directly or
indirectly for completing this work.


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