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Child Abuse: is any act that You have a responsibility

endangers or impairs a child's physical by law to report any

or emotional health of development child abuse to your local
law enforcement agency
Statistics on or to the nearest Social Recognizing
Child Abuse and Rehabilita tion
Child Abuse
Services office.
1 in 16 children suffer from sexual
Nearly 1 in 10 children are
witnesses to family violence.
The youngest children are the
most vulnerable to maltreatment.
Over 25% of abused
children are under the age
of three
while over 45% of abused
children are under the age
Texas Numbers: Abused children are helpless
of five.
711 or 1-800-735-2989. -- unless you help
1,593 children died in 2012 due to
The Abuse Hotline is
abuse or neglect 1-800-252-5400
There are 2.9 million reports of
child abuse a year
Of child abuse cases in 2012, in Abby McClellan
over 80% of the cases the parent IPET
was the perpetrator. Period #6
Children who experience child 05,06,2016
abuse and neglect are 59% more
likely to be arrested as a juvenile,
28% more likely to be arrested as
an adult, and 30% more likely to
commit violence crime.
Warning signs of
Warning Signs sexual abuse in
Types of Child children
Warning signs of Difficulty walking or sitting
Abuse physical abuse in Pain or itching in the genital area
Physical: involves physical children Frequent complaints of stomachaches or
harm or injury to the child. It may be headaches
Frequent injuries or unexplained bruises, Bruises or bleeding in the external genitalia
the result of a deliberate attempt to welts, or cuts. Feeling threatened by physical contact
hurt the child. It can also result from Is always watchful and on alert, as if Inappro[riate sex play or pre-mature
waiting for something bad to happen. understanding of sex
severe discipline, such as using a Injuries appear to have a pattern such as
belt on a child, or physical marks from a hand or belt.
Warning signs of
punishment that is inappropriate to Shies away from touch, flinches at sudden
the childs age or physical condition. movements, or seems afraid to go home. sexual abuse in
Wears inappropriate clothing to cover up children
injuries, such as long-sleeved shirts on hot
Emotional: emotional days. Trouble walking or sitting.
Displays knowledge or interest in sexual
abuse can severely damage a acts inappropriate to his or her age, or even
childs mental health or social Warning signs of seductive behavior.
development, leaving lifelong emotional abuse in Makes strong efforts to avoid a specific
children person, without an obvious reason.
psychological scars. Doesnt want to change clothes in front of
Excessively withdrawn, fearful, or anxious
about doing something wrong. others or participate in physical activities.
Sexual: results in any act of Shows extremes in behavior (extremely An STD or pregnancy, especially under the
compliant or extremely demanding; age of 14.
sexual nature upon or with a child. Runs away from home.
extremely passive or extremely
Incest and other indecent sexual aggressive).
activity in the family. Doesnt seem to be attached to the parent
or caregiver. How to Report
Acts either inappropriately adult (taking
Neglect: is a pattern of failing care of other children) or inappropriately Child Abuse
to provide for a child's basic needs, infantile (rocking, thumb-sucking, throwing
whether it be adequate food, tantrums). If you suspect a child is being abused or
clothing, hygiene, or supervision. neglected it is your responsibility as an
educator to contact your local child
protective services or law enforcement
agencies so that professionals can
assess the situation

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